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Agriculture Handbook No. 309


Agricultural Research Service


From the collection of the

^ m
Pre jinger
V xJibrary

San Francisco, California

Weaning 39
SELECTING FOUNDATION Determining the sex of young
STOCK 4 rabbits 39
Marking for identification 40
Castration 40
THE RABBITRY AND ITS Care of herd during extreme
EQUIPMENT 8 temperatures 41
Buildings 8 F*r eventing injuries 43
Hutches 8 Preventing sore dewlaps 43
Feeding equipment 14 Sanitation and disease control. 43
Equipment for watering 17 Fur-eating habit 48
Nest boxes 18 Preventing fur block 48
FEEDS AND FEEDING 21 Gnawing wooden parts of the
21 hutch 49
Feed requirements
Disposal of rabbit manure 49
Hay 23
Earthworms in the rabbitry 49
Green feed and root crops 24
Grains and milled feeds 24 Records and recordkeeping 49
Protein supplements 24 TYPES OF PRODUCTION 52
Miscellaneous feeds 25 Fryer production 52
Pelleted rations 25 Roaster production 54
Salt 25
Preparing and storing feeds 26 PRODUCTION 55
Methods of feeding 26 Equipment for grooming and
Feeding dry does, herd bucks, shearing 56
and juniors 27 Grading, preparing, and mar-
Feeding pregnant and nvirsing keting wool 57
does 27
COPROPHAGY 28 Slaughtering and skinning 58
Cutting and packaging rabbit
meat 60
Germ cells and fertilization 28
Gestation period 29 Crating and shipping live
29 rabbits 60
Age to breed
Breeding schedule 30
Lactation 30
Curing 63
Factors that limit conception 31 Marketing 64
Artificial insemination 32 Grades 64
MANAGING THE HERD 33 Packing and shipping 65
Methods of handling rabbits 33
Making matings 34
Determining pregnancy 35
Records 66
Kindling 36
Labor 66
Complications at kindling time. 37
Investment 67
Care of young litter 38
Returns and expenses 67
Causes of losses in newborn
litters 39 LITERATURE CITED 69

Issued July 1966

Washington, D.C. Slightly revised October 1971

For sale by the Superintendentof Documents, U.S. Goverrunent Printing Office

Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 35 cents
Stock Number 0100-1376
R. B. Casady, p. B. Sawin, and J. Van Dam »

Americans eat 25 to 30 million volume is necessary to market them
pounds of domestic rabbit meat satisfactorily.
each year. The rabbits come from An increasing demand for rab-
small rabbitries with three or four bits for laboratory and biological
hutches and from large commercial purposes offers opportunities to
producers. Rabbit raising lends breeders living near medical
itself to both types of production. schools, hospitals, and laboratories.
Rabbit meat is pearly white, fine- Rabbits have made large contribu-
grained, palatable, and nutritious. tions to researcli in venereal dis-
It is a convenient source of high- ease, cardiac surgery, hypertension,
quality protein and is low in fat and virology, and are important
and caloric content. tools in pregnancy diagnosis, in-
Rabbitskins also have some com- fectious disease research, the devel-
mercial value. Better grades of opment of hyperimmune sera, de-
rabbitskins may be dressed, dyed, velopment of toxins and antitoxins,
sheared, and made into fur gar- and the teaching of anatomy and
ments and trimmings. Some skins physiology. A recent development
are used for slipper and glove lin- in the rabbit industry has been
ings, for toys, and in making felt. the increased use by scientific per-
Fine shreds of the flesh part of the sonnel of various rabbit organs and
dried skins, which are often left tissues in specialized research. The
after separating the fur for mak- availability of these byproducts
ing felt, are used for making glue. has greatly facilitated many basic
Because of the relatively low value research programs.
of skins from meat rabbits, a large
The recommendations in this
^ Dr. Casady was formerly with the bulletin are based largely on stud-
Sheep and Fur Animal Research ies at the U.S. Rabbit Experiment
Branch, Animal Science Research Di- Station formerly
maintained at
vision, Agricultural Research Service.
Dr. Sawin is responsible for the section
Fontana, by the Sheep and
on Systems of Breeding he was with the
; Fur Animal Research Branch,
Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory, Animal Science Research Di-
Hamilton Station, Bar Harbor, Maine,
and is now retired.
vision, Agricultural Research Serv-
Mr. Van Dam is responsible for the sec- ice. At this improved
tion on Economics of Rabbit Production ;
methods were developed for pro-
he is farm adviser, Los Angeles County,
University of California Agricultural Ex- ducing rabbits for meat, fur, and
tension Service. wool of fine quality, for insuring

sanitary surroundings, and for pre- the U.S.Department of Agriculture

venting outbreaks of parasitic and answer the many thousands of re-
other diseases. quests received each year from
This handbook is being issued commercial and professional rabbit
to help county agricuUural agents, producers for information about
State colleges of agriculture, and rabbits.

Whether you raise rabbits for 1 lists some common breeds of
meat and fur, wool, laboratory ani- rabbits.

mals, or show stock select the Mature animals of the smaller
breeds best adapted to the purpose. breeds weigh 3 to 4 pounds each;
The American Rabbit Breeders those of the medium breeds, 9 to
Association lists standards for 28 12 pounds; and those of the larger
different breeds, and approxi- breeds 14 to IG pounds. They also
mately 77 varieties of these breeds vary widely in color.
of rabbits, to cover characteristics Rabbits best suited in size and
such as type, color, and size; dis- conformation for producing meat
qualifications also are listed. Table and fur are such medium and large

Table 1
Some common breeds oj rabbits

Table 1. Some common breeds oj rabbits — Continued



When you use young rabbits for ditions underwhich their animals
foundation stock, you have an op- were produced. Reliable breeders
portunity to become acquainted stand behind the stock they offer
with them and with their habits be- and will give references. National,
fore they reach the production State, and local rabbit breeders'
stage. An inexperienced producer organizations can furnish names
should begin on a small scale, with and addresses of breeders from
2 or 3 bucks and 20 to 30 does, and whom you can buy stock.
expand operations as he gains ex- The requirements of
perience and as market demands good foundation stock are health
justify. and vigor, longevity, ability to re-
When buying breeding
stock, produce, and a body type consist-
deal directly with reliable breeders. ent with ability to produce market-
Brokers handling live rabbits sel- able offspring of the desired quality
dom are able to vouch for the con- and size.

In planning a breeding program in the production of eggs or sperm,
for rabbits, attention should be plus the ultimate union of ^gg and
given to the concepts winch have sperm at mating and conception,
been shown by long years of study provides the mechanism for trans-
to be relatively constant in do- mission of hereditary characteris-
mesticated mammals. These con- tics from one generation to the
cepts are described in a number of next. It also provides the mecha-
textbooks of genetics in greater nism which in nature insures suffi-
detail than space will permit here. cient variability for adaptation of
Such books are in college, univer- the species to minor changes in the
sity, and most of the large city environment and for its perpetua-
libraries. A breeder today, who tion.
attempts to develop a strain with- The gene pool of the rabbit has
out recourse to such material, would been modified in many ways dur-
be at a distinct disadvantage. It ing domestication and by selection
should be understood that this to establish the different breeds.
brief article can be only a sum- This pool, in the rabbits at hand,
mary of the sort of information is the breeder's capital stock, and
which a breeder needs. intelligent breeding depends on
The first concept is that of the knowing as much as possible about
gene pool. Any breed or other that iDool. How
well does it per-
foundation stock selected for breed- petuate itself? How
much varia-
ing constitutes a pool or group of tion does it transmit that is either
many, perhaps thousands, of hered- good, bad, or indifferent, particu-
itary units, commonly referred to larly with respect to reproductive
as genes. The genes are specifi- capacity? How much of it is ap-
cally located in the chromosomes, parent to the breeder, and how
very small thread-like bodies found much can be revealed onl^ by
in every cell of the body. In the breeding experience? In spite of
rabbit there are 22 pairs, and their all man knows about genetics and
segregation (one member of each reproduction, nature is still the
pair going to each egg or sperm) most successful breeder. If this

were not so, we would not have interrelations in the gene pool.
the infinite number and variety of Over a long period of time, a wild
species that exist in the world, population continually- mating in
many of which are known to have this way appears to achieve a rela-
existed for mau}^, many centuries. tively high degree of homeostasis,
But even nature slips. Species are or stability, in a variable environ-
known to have been lost as a result ment, Avith seemingly a minimum
of circumstances with which they of variation. "When man steps in
were unable to cope, and mal- with artificial selection under do-
formed offspring are known to oc- mestication, and an artificial small
cur sometimes in the wild. Na- environment the chances of un-
ture's success is essentially due to favorable recessive genes coming
the size of the gene pools of each together in any one mating are
species, plus the ruthless elimina- greatly increased. In standard-
tion of the unfit as they appear. bred strains, selection over a long
These combine to insure a high period of years by one breeder un-
proportion of successful individ- der one type of breeding may also
uals, and some individuals adapt- lead to homeostasis, but when such
able to any ordinary change which a strain is put in inexperienced
may occur in the environment in hands, or under a different system
which they live. Ability to adapt of breeding, it may not produce
to differing environments is the the same results. Selection, al-
feature which makes for survival though in itself something of a
and is the mechanism by which breeding system without the ruth-
species have evolved. less objectivity found in the wild,
When man steps in, success or becomes highly dependent upon
failure of his breeding system de- other factors only controllable by
pends on the genes maintained in the skill and understanding of the
the pool and his ability to select breeder. Two factors are of ma-
those genes intelligently. The jor importance. First is the quality
first task of the breeder becomes of the gene pool when selection is
one of devising methods of ascer- first started. It is obviously im-
taining the sort of genes his ani- possible to select for a characteris-
mals possess and the second is the tic, such as high performance, if
elimination of undesirables. To the genes for this characteristic
accomplish these objectives there are not there in the first place.
are tools at his disposal, the use Second is a good environment
of which must be clearly under- which will allow the results of the
stood. Such tools are: selection, genetic selection to be fully ex-
outbreeding or outcrossing, and pressed. Feed, housing, and man-
inbreeding. agerial practices are most impor-
Selection has been called the key- tant. Overfeeding and pampering,
stone of the arch of animal breed- however, may cover up poor genes
ing. It has been practiced in the and thus not lead to permanent
wild since the beginning of life on improvement or stability.
this earth. In free-roaming ani- The supports of the keystone at
mals, such as the rabbit, where the the two outer extremes of the
chances of uniting between closely breeding arch are outbreeding and
related animals are small, unfavor- inbreeding.
able recessive genes seemingly are Outbreeding, or the mating of
rare. Actually, there are many but unrelated rabbits, differs from na-
they tend to be covered up by domi- ture's usual procedure in no way
nant favorable genes and by their except in the degree of selection.

In the wild, natural selection oc- of both breeds. Some breeders

curs through the survival of the have capitalized on the advantages
fittest based upon function in the of outcrossing by involving three
environment available. Selection breeds, each of which contributes
b}' the rabbit l)reeder, if done in- especially desirable characteristics.
telligently, often proves superior in However, such crosses may be ex-
many ways. Outbreeding with pected to involve a longer period
careful selection is generally ac- of selection to arrive at the ulti-
cepted as a satisfactory procedure mate objectives.
for commercial purposes and, with Inbreeding in contrast to out-
due attention to reproductive ca- breeding, is the mating of closely
pacity, accounts for a moderate de- related individuals. The closest
gree of improvement of breeds, form is brother-sister or parent-
particularly when carried out ac- offspring mating. Carried on for
cording to the breed standards. It 20 generations or more it leads to
cannot produce permanently a high genetic uniformity. Opinion varies
degree of uniformity, even in the with regard to its use. In general,
hands of the most skilled breeder, it is in bad repute because it usu-
nor can it lead to establishment ally is initiated with a stock pre-
of an outstanding strain with viously outbred for many genera-
recognizably uniform dependable tions; such a stock is likely to carry
improvement. a large pool of undesirable reces-
Outcrossing, or hybridization, sive genes covered up by tlie proc-
consists of wide matings between ess of outbreeding. Some of these
unrelated rabbits. It is usually genes may be lethal, thus reducing
done between breeds for special viability and reproductive fitness
purposes. It is the initial step in as they are brought together by
the establishment of new breeds, successive generations of inbreed-
because by bringing together a ing. However, as these recessive
maximum number of unlike genes genes are observed and ruthlessly
of the two breeds (or gene pools), discarded, the strain in each gen-
a maximum range of variation eration tends to become more and
from which to select is provided. more uniform. Inbreeding in it-
Because of the extreme degree of self does not create harmful genes;
relationship, such matings in the it only exposes those that are al-
first one or two generations fre- ready present. At the same time,
quently manifest a maximum careful selection fixes favorable
amount of fertility, vigor, and and desirable dominant and reces-
growth, commonly referred to as sive characters so that uniformity
hybrid vigor or heterosis. The is progressively increased. In the
first generation is thus often a smaller laboratory animals which
highly desirable commercial ani- reproduce more rapidly than rab-
mal especially for meat production. bits, a number of successfully iso-
Later generations, however, be- genic (as alike as identical twins
cause or their great variation are in man) strains have been success-
of little value commercially. Their fully established for research pur-
breeding value lies only in the poses. This means lines which are
range of variation which they pro- so much alike that skin and other
vide in a selection program extend- tissues can be successfully grafted
ing over a number of generations or transplanted among them. The
in which the aim is selection for procedure followed is simple and
the most desirable characteristics straightforward if no complica-

tions arise. It consists of strict (the mating of animals of less close

brother-sister matings usually done relationship) may be desirable for
without selection (since successful a few generations. This will ac-
reproduction and uniformity are quaint the breeder with his un-
the major objectives) for at least known recessive gene pool and at
20 generations. This leads to the the same time, by selection, pro-
complete set of many genes of the vide some form of concentration
breed being alike, pair for pair, of the best genes. It can be done
except for that part which deter- most rapidly by keeping the rela-
mines sex. It will continue to be tionship to some one desirable an-
so as long as such breeding is con- cestor high. Because a prolific
tinued except for possible occa- male can affect many more off-
sional mutations which under nor- spring than a female in a given
mal environmental situations rarely time period, several generations of
occur. New genes must never be backcrosses to any exceptionally
introduced or the 20-generation vigorous and prolific male may do
procedure must be repeated and much to strengthen the initial gene
then the chances of having the pool before full brother-sister
identical gene pool are very small. mating is begun.
The major difficulty with in- It should be pointed out that a
breeding, and this the breeder must number of attempts have been
weigh carefully before undertaking made to inbreed the rabbit in this
such a program, is that during the country and abroad over the past
first 10 to 12 generations sterility, 25 years but thus far no completely
mortality, and undesirable abnor- isogenic strain exists. Achieve-
mal variations are certain to be ment of inbred lines is the onl^
high, rendering the undertaking means of securing genetic uni-
economically costly and even vul- formity and, although it is a hazard-
nerable to complete loss. Unless ous undertaking, the breeder who
sufficient offspring are produced in has obtained some degree of suc-
each generation to insure that only cess by any system of close breed-
the absolute best are retained (that ing will find inbreeding a chal-
is, some selection is exercised), the lenging approach to further breed
program may be hazardous. Where improvement. With the increas-
selection is practiced, inbreeding ing usefulness of the rabbit in
progresses more slowly from gen- medical and biological research,
eration to generation, but more the demand for truly isogenic
safely. Once deleterious genes are strains is almost certain to become
fixed in an inbred generation the greater and greater; and breeders
damage can be repaired only by who do undertake production of
some form of outbreeding. Once such might find it not only a pro-
the program is initiated, new genes fitable investment, but would ren-
cannot be added in any generation der a most valuable service to
without undoing all uniformity medical and biological science. In
previously achieved. It is there- such an undertaking the value and
fore most important that the ini- importance of some training in
tial stock be of the highest quality, genetics, nutrition, animal hus-
that is, contain the maximum num- bandry, and health cannot be over-
ber of favorable genes. Should emphasized. Young people who
there be any question as to this are interested in such efforts will
quality of foundation stock or its do well to seek such training as
ability to produce, line breeding early in their education as possible.

424-402 O - 71 - 2


Select rabbitry equipment that and that the rabbits receive the
is adapted to your local conditions benefit of prevailing breezes. In
and to your proposed operations areas where strong winds and
by reviewing the literature on the stormy weather prevail, you can
subject. // possible^ visit rahhitries put up hutches in a building that
and discuss problems with success- is open to the south and east; use

ful breeders. Have your equip- curtains or panels to close up the

ment ready when the first rabbits building during inclement weather.
arrive. Where you have extremely cold
weather, more protection will be
Buildings needed (figs. 4, 5).

The type of building you need Hutches

for housing the hutches will be de-
termined by local building regula- Provide individual hutches for
tions, climatic conditions, and the mature rabbits. The hutches should
amount of money you can invest. be no more than 21/2 feet deep so
In planning your building and its you can easily reach the rabbits,
equipment, emphasize comfort of and 2 feet high. Make the
the rabbits and convenience of the hutches 3 feet long for small
caretaker. The building should breeds, 3 or 4 feet for medium-size
have a simple design, protect the breeds, and 4 to 6 feet for giant
rabbits from winds, rain, and breeds. All figures are for inside
bright sun, and provide light and measurement. Whether you ar-
fresh air (figs. 2, 3). Where mild range the hutches in single, dou-
climates prevail, hutches may be ble, or triple tiers depends upon
placed in the open but should have how much room is available. If
individual roofs and protection you have enough room, waist-high,
from the weather. single-tier hutches are preferable
Sunlight helps maintain a sani- as thev are most convenient for
tary condition in the rabbitry but observing the rabbits and will also
whether it actually helps the rab- save time and labor in feeding
bits themselves has not been deter- and management. The two- or
mined. Rabbits apparently enjoy three-tier hutches, necessary when
being in the sun where tempera- space is limited, are not entirely
tures are low or moderate but it is satisfactory for caring for and ob-
not necessary that they receive di- serving the animals in the bottom
rect sunlight. In fact, exposure and top tiers. The inconvenience
to direct hot sun may have serious of squatting or stooping to feed
deleterious effects on rabbits. and care for rabbits in the bottom
In mild climates, hutches may be tier and of having to use a stool
placed in the shade of trees or or ladder for the top row of a
buildings or under a lath super- three-tier arrangement results in
structure (fig. 2). additional labor and time as com-
In hot climates, some cooling pared to a single-tier arrangement.
measures must be provided in ad- Rabbits are more easily cared for
dition to shade. This can be ac- in well-builthutches than in poorly
complished by the use of overhead constructed temporary ones. Self-
sprinklers, or foggers placed within cleaning, all-wire hutches (fig. 6)
the building. Make sure that the need no bedding and you can easily
building is adequately ventilated keep them in good condition.

BN 26084

N 45961

Figure 2. —Typical buildings used in areas of mild climate.


Figure 3. —Typical rabbitry in areas where the climate is hot.

(Courtesy of Small Stock Magazine.)

(81331 B)
Figure 4. —Outdoor hutches used in Central States.

Metal Hutches. — Several designs adapted to fit any type of rabbitry

of wire hutches are available com- where hutches are protected. They
mercially or you can build your are most easily constructed in
own. Plans and specifications may —
units two hutches per unit.
be obtained from commercial firms
who advertise in the various rabbit TWO QUONSET-
journals. Ametal hutch that saves SHAPED HUTCHES IN ONE UNIT
labor in caring for animals and is
simply designed and economical to The following material will be
build is a combination two-compart- needed to build one unit containing
ment all- wire hutch. —
two hutches each hutch will be
An all-wirequonset-shaped hutch 3 feet long and 21/^ feet wide:
(fig. 6) has several advantages. It Floor
is easy to clean, neat in appearance, One piece of welded, 16-gage
and requires less wire than a stand- galvanized wire, 1- by l/^-
ard rectangular hutch. inch mesh, 3 feet wide by 6
The hutch features a door that feet long.
opens up over the top. When open, Top:
the door does not occupy aisle One piece of welded, 14-gage
space or interfere with feeding and galvanized wire, 1- by 2-
cleaning operations. In addition, inch mesh, 4 feet wide by 6
when this type of hutch is single- feet long.
tiered at waist height, you can Ends and partition:
reach all the corners without plac- Three pieces of welded, 14-
ing your head and shoulders inside gage galvanized wire, 1- by
the door opening. 2-inch mesh, IV^ feet wide
Quonset-shaped hutches can be by 21/2 feet long.

FIGURE 5. — Semienclosed hutches for use in cold climates.

Figure 6. — Quonset-shaped, wire hutches with counterset nest box
and hopper feeders.

Doors Two pieces, 2 feet long,

Two pieces of welded, 14- for feeder yokes.
gage galvanized wire, 1- by —
Wire. No. 9 galvanized, 7
2-inch mesh, li/^ feet wide by feet 4 inches.
1 foot 8 inches long. Two pieces, 1 foot 8
Miscellaneous inches long, for ad-

Steel rod. 5/16-inch round ditional support at
steel rod, 8 feet 11 inches. the ends of the hutch.
Two pieces, 2 feet 61/^ Two pieces, 2 feet long,
inches long for nest for reinforcing the
supports. door openings.
One piece, 3 feet 10 Fasteners
inches long, for rein- 100 hen -cage clips, small
forcing the front of size, for fastening the
the hutch. floor, top ends, and parti-

Wire. No. 12 galvanized, 21 tion.
feet 71/^ inches. 25 hen-cage clips, large size,
Three pieces, 4 feet long, for door hinges and for
for edging around fastening the No. 9 wire.
ends and partition. 30 hog rings. No. 101, for
Two pieces, 914 inches fastening the 5/16 inch
long, for vertical nest steel rod to the floor.
support. —
Door latches. Any standard
Two pieces, 1 foot 41^, latch, or fastener, may be
inches long, for hori- used.
zontal nest support. In constructing a unit of two

hutches, it is recommended that the unit built by using the following

floor be laid out first, 3 inches to procedure
be bent up on either side (the front 1. Cut the wire mesh for the
and rear of the hutches), and floor and top of the first unit 6
openings cut for the counterset feet, 1 inch long.
nest boxes. The 3 inches can be 2. On
the first unit, fasten the
bent up on the sides with a metal partition 3 feet from the left-end
brake or improvised homemade —
enclosure fasten the right-end en-
tooling. In cutting openings for closure 3 feet to the right of the
the nest boxes be sure to leave ap- partition. This will leave a 1-inch
proximately IV^ inches of flooring overhang to connect to the next
at the front of the hutch for unit.
suspension of the nest boxes. 3. On all additional units, cut
The partition and ends should the floor and top wire 6 feet long
then be shaped from 1-inch by 2- and fasten the partition 35 inches
inch wire by using a template. from the left end fasten the right-

Allow %-inch protrusion beyond end enclosure 3 feet to the right

the edge of the template and bend of the partition, leaving 1 inch of
these wires around the No. 12 edg- floor and top extending beyond the
ing wire. At this time, some No. right-end enclosure. These end en-
12 wire may be fastened to the closures become partitions when
bottom of the ends and partitions units are added.
for reinforcement. The ends and 4. Use hen-cage clips to fasten
partitions can then be laid in posi- the units into one continuous line.
tion on the floor, and fastened to The hutches can be installed in
the floor with hen-cage clips. several ways. Suspension from the
Next make the top from 1-inch rafters or ceiling of a shed is the
by 2-inch wire, cutting openings most practical method because it
for the doors and feeders. Lay the eliminates all supports beneath the
top over the floor, ends, and par- hutches. Heavy wire or light lum-
titions, and fasten at the rear with ber can be used to hang the hutches.
hen-cage clips spaced approxi- If a dewdrop water system is used in
mately every 5 inches. Raise the the rabbitry, the hutches can be
front edge of the top until it is fastened to the water pipe for rear
even with the 3-inch raised front support.
edge of the flooring and fasten If they are not placed within a
with hen-cage clips. Now, reach shed, the hutches can be supported
in one end and raise one end en- by a frame on legs. However, the
closure into position, fastening it hutches will require some type of
to the top with hen cage clips. Re- cover to protect the rabbits from
peat this process with the center rain, sun, and wind.
partition and other end enclosure. Wooden -Frame Wire Hutches.^
This will automatically form the Though not so durable as the all-
quonset-shape top over the ends wire hutch, the wooden hutch with
and partition. The raised front woven-wire sides and ends permits
edge can then be cut for installa- good circulation of air. It is more
tion of the feeders, the doors and sanitary than a solid hutch.
nest boxes can be installed, and Hutches may be supported in sev-
the hutch is ready for use. eral ways. If you use corner posts,
When two or more units (four make them long enough so that you
or more hutches) are built and can clean underneath and do other
placed end to end, a saving of one work around the hutch. You can
end enclosure can be made for each support a hutch by resting it on a

crosspiece nailed between the studs from the galvanizing process. Al-
that support the shed, or you can ways put the smooth surface on
hang it from the rafters or ceiling top. Solid floors should slope
of the shed with heavy wire or light slightly from the front of the hutch
lumber. to the rear to provide proper
Semienclosed Hutches. The — drainage. You can use hardwood
semienclosed hutch is constructed slats, 1-inch wide and spaced %-inch
with ends and back of wood (figs. 4, or %-inch apart. A combination of
5). An extended roof gives added solid floor at the front part of the
protection. You can use this hutch hutch and a strip of mesh wire or
in outdoor rabbitries in cold cUmates. slats at the back may be used.
Another satisfactory type of
hutch, which is light, movable, and Feedins Equipment
inexpensive, is shown in figure 7.
Rabbits kept in hutches made of It is desirable to use feed crocks,
wooden frames and wire need addi- troughs, hoppers, and hay mangers
tional protection in cold climates. that are large enough to hold

Hutch Floors. Several types of several feedings, to save time in
floors are used in hutches, and each filling. Use a type that will prevent
has its particular merit. waste and contamination of the
Wire mesh floors are used ex- feed.
tensively where a self-cleaning type —
Crocks. Crocks especially de-
is desired. They are a necessity signed for rabbit feeding, which are
in commercial herds, where it would not easily tipped over, have a lip
be impossible to provide enough that prevents the animals from
labor to keep solid floors in a sani- scratching out and wasting their
tary condition. In installing this feed. The chief objection to these
type of floor, examine the wire for is that the young rabbits get into

sharp points which result sometimes them and contaminate the feed.


Figure 7. — An economical hutch of light construction, which

can be moved from place to place.

Hay Mangers and Troughs. — be not more than 4 inches above

Hay mangers with troughs to pre- the hutch floor so that 3^oung rabbits
vent wastage may be incorporated can readily obtain feed. An in-
into hutches, where hays or green expensive feed hopper that will hold
feeds form a part of the diet. The about 15 pounds of pellets or grain
troughs also can be used for supple- can be made from a common square
mental grains or home-grown feeds. 5-gallon can (figs. 8, 9). First, cut
The troughs may be constructed off the top. Then cut holes in two
so that they can be pulled out of opposite sides. If the hopper is to
the hutch for cleaning, filling, and be hung on the side of the hutch,
disinfecting. Guards placed on the cut a hole on one side onlj^ The
feed troughs and spaced just far holes should be 4 inches high, 4
enough apart to allow mature inches from the bottom, and 1 inch
animals to feed, will help keep from each side. Bend the rough
young rabbits out of the troughs edges inward to give a smooth edge
and from contaminating the feed. all around and to add rigidity.

Hoppers. Feed hoppers of the Take a 1- by 4- by 13}2-inch board
proper design and size save con- and cut it diagonally into two equal
siderable time and labor. These triangular pieces. Use these as
can be constructed from metal, supports to the baffle boards, which
wood, masonite, or other readily are nailed to them.
available materials. They should The baffle boards, of l/2-ii^cli Ply-
hold at least several days' suppl}^ wood, should extend 1 inch below
of feed and be placed within the the bottom of the side openings of
hutch or suspended on the outside the can. The space between the
(fig. 6). The opening through lower ends of the baffle boards
which the rabbits obtain feed should permits the grain or pellets to flow

Figure 8. — Feed hopper (self-feeder) constructed from 5-gallon can.

424-402 O - 71 - 3

Metal \" Board ^ Gallon Can Cover

2 Sid(
Front & Reor


'/4" 3 Ply or
Metal Other Light
from Moterial

10 d V
r'x 4"
Board Cut
- 9'/4"-

Boffle Baffle

Figure 9. — Details of feed hopper made from 5-gallon can.

down as the rabbits eat. Make the will rest against the top edge of
baffleboards to fit snugly against the can.
the sides of the can so feed cannot Cover the exposed edges of
sHp by. Mount the top corners boards with tin to prevent gnaw-
of the baffles so that each baffle ing. Put a finishing nail in the

outer edge of the triangular piece w^ater crocks or coffee cans. They
supporting the baffle, and bend the eliminate the tedious and time-
nail to hook over the lower lip consuming chores of washing, dis-
of the opening to hold it and the infecting, rinsing, and filling. They
baffle in place. supply fresh, clean water for the
You can save hutch floor space rabbits at all times. When an auto-
by using a hopper with a feed matic watering system is properly
opening on one side only and by installed, dirt and fur will not collect
placing the hopper only part way in it and plug it up. In cold cli-
into the hutch. Cut an opening mates, an automatic watering sys-
large enough to accommodate the tem must be protected against
hopper in the side of the hutch. winter freezing unless the hutches
Then wire the top of the hopper are in a heated enclosure. Protec-
to the hutch for support. One tion may be obtained through the
short baffle on the side opposite the use of heating cables wrapped
hopper opening will keep feed out around, or running through the
of the rear corners. water pipe. If winter temperatures
A one-compartment feed hopper are not too severe, protection
is used when only one kind of feed against freezing can be obtained by
is given. When mixed feed that having valves at the ends of the
the rabbits can separate is offered water lines and allowing water to
in the hopper, the feed will be dribble throught the pipes during
selectively consumed. The rabbits short periods of subfreezing tem-
scratch out and waste the part they peratures.
prefer not to eat. You can prevent
this waste by using a hopper with
individual compartments for each

Equipment (or Waterins

Rabbits should have clean, fresh
water at all times.

Crocks.^ Half-gallon water crocks
are still used rather extensively.
Fasten them in the hutches so that
the rabbits will not tip them over.
If a part of the crock extends
through the front wall of the hutch,
you can refill it without opening
the hutch door. Clean and dis-
infect the crocks periodicall}^.

Coffee Cans. Coffee cans are es- Figure 10. — Young rabbit
drinking from
pecially useful for watering rabbits an automatic waterer.
during cold weather because you
can easily break and remove the ice. If you can cut and thread pipe,
Cans are, however, easily tipped you can install an automatic water-
over unless you fasten them to a ing system. Conventional systems
board. sold by rabbit and poultry supply
Automatic Watering System.— houses consist of a pressure-reduc-
Automatic watering systems are ing tank equipped with a float
widely used in commercial rabbit- valve, a lA-inch supply pipe, a
ries (fig. 10). They are better than watering unit for each hutch, and

valves. The valves are used to valve is 9 inches from the hutch
bleed out air bubbles, to drain the floor for medium and heavy breeds
system as needed, or to shut off the and 7 inches for the smaller breeds.
water. If the water contains sedi- The pipe may be hung on the out-
ment, a half -barrel can be advan- side and at the back of the hutch
tageously used instead of the stand- so no water drips on the rabbits
ard pressure-reducing tank. The and the hutch floor. An opening
outlet for the supply pipe can be in the back of the hutch will per-
installed several inches above the mit the rabbit to use the valve
bottom of the barrel. The sedi- (fig. 10).
ment will then collect below the When hutches are back to back
outlet pipe and will not get into use one pipe for supplying w^ater
the system and clog it. Other sedi- to both luitches. Use a four-way
ment traps, installed between the outlet and short nipples for in-
tank and the supply pipe to the stalling the valves.
hutches, can be used with any type You can install one drinking
of tank. valve for each hutch by drilling
One-gallon tanks or smaller and tapping the supply pipe and
tanks sometimes are used where the screwing the valve into it.
weather is warm. Such tanks are If you are not equipped to make
emptied more often. The constant the plumbing installation, substi-
flow of water in and out of the tute a 34-inch rubber hose for the
tank keeps fresh cool water before 1/2 -inch supply pipe. Cut a hole in
the rabbits at all times. tlie hose and screw in the valve.
Install the pressure tank 1 foot Plastic pipe may be used in a simi-
or more above the highest hutch. lar manner. If a rubber hose or
If the supply pipe is raised to clear plastic pipe is used it should be
the feeding alleys, then install the hung on the outside of the hutch
tank about 1 foot above this high- to minimize possibilities of dam-
est point. age due to chewing or gnawing.
Raised supply pipes may require Check the automatic watering
vent pipes to keep air bubbles out system periodically, especially
of the system. Install the vent when you put a rabbit in a hutch
pipe at the highest point in the that has been unoccupied for sev-
supply line. See that the open end eral days. When valves are not
is at least 1 foot above the water
level in the tank. If it is necessary
used —even for a few^ days min- —
erals in the water may cause them
to change the level of the supply to stick.
line from one row of hutches to Rabbits learn to use the system
another, use a piece of rubber hose readily, even young just out of the
to make the connection. nest box.
Determine the correct height for
the tank by fastening a rubber hose Nest Boxes
to the tank outlet and then to the
supply pipe. Raise or lower the No one type of nest box is best
tank until the valves, or dewdrops, suited for all conditions, but all
from which the rabbits drink have should provide seclusion for the
the proper tension. If there is too doe at kindling and comfort and
much tension or pressure on the protection for the young. Nest
valves, the rabbits will not be able boxes should be large enough to
to trip them. Under too little prevent crowding and small enough
tension, the valves will drip. to keep the young together. All
The proper height for the water types should provide good drainage

and proper ventilation. Two gen- but have the disadvahtage, in some
eral kinds have been used exten- climates, of being cold or collecting
sively—the box type and the nail- condensation of water vapor.
keg type. If a nail keg is used, Another type of nest box in-
nail a 1- by 6-inch board across creasing in popularity is the coun-
the open end of the keg, so that terset type, where the box is re-
it covers one-third to one-half of cessed below the hutch floor (figs.
the opening. To keep the keg from 6, 11). These may be placed at the
rolling, extend the board a few front of the cage and fitted with
inches beyond the sides of the open- drawers for access from the ex-
ing. Drill several 1-inch holes in terior of the hutch. They have
the closed end of the keg for venti- the advantages of providing a
lation, and some 14-inch holes in the more natural environment, since
bottom for drainage. rabbits are burrowing animals, and
Since nail kegs have become dif- of allowing the young easier ac-
ficult to obtain, apple and pear cess if they should be displaced
boxes are frequently used. These from the nest at an early age. The
may be fitted with tops or left young can jump out of the stand-
open. In either event, an opening ard nail-keg or apple-box nest, but
should be cut in one end at the they often cannot jump or climb
top, or a portion of one end re- back in. This means that some of
moved, to provide easy access for the young may go hungry when
the doe and young. As an alterna- the litter becomes divided. The
one end may be fitted with re-
tive, doe usually nurses her young at
movable boards, or slats, so that as night or in the early evening and
the young begin leaving the nest, morning hours. If the litter is
panels may be removed to allow the divided, the doe will either nurse
young to reenter the nest box. the young in the nest or those on
Metal nest boxes also are available the hutch floor. She will not nurse

N 45948
Figure 11. —Counterset nest box and drawer as illustrated in figure 6.

both groups, nor will she pick up the wire bottom to the nest
the young and return them to the box.
nest. —
Protecting strips. To prevent
The counterset nest boxes are chewing and splintering, nail
easier to keep clean than the apple- 30-gage galvanized sheet metal,
box and nailkeg nest boxes because bent to form a I/2- by %-inch
the inner drawers of the counterset angle, to the exposed edges of
nest box can be slipped out for wash- the nest box and drawer.
ing and disinfecting. These draw-
ers also can be interchanged from

Hinges. T wo 1-inch strap
one hutch to another. When the hinges for the door.
young no longer need the inner In shaping the sides of the nest
drawer, it can be left out to provide box for the slanted roof, you can
more space in the hutch. use the piece of lumber cut from
the rear of each side to build up
BILL OF MATERIAL FOR NEST BOX AND the front. The completed sides
DRAWER should be 17 inches long, and
Nest box: should slant from 16 inches tall in
the front to 8 inches tall at the
Sides.—Two pieces of lumber,^ rear (fig. 6).
by 12 by 17 inches.
Suspend the completed nest box

End. One piece of lumber, by 1
in the hutch by the cradle of No. 12
8 by 1214 inches.
wire at the rear and the three re-
Door. —One piece of lumber, 1
maining strands of hutch flooring
by inches.
in the front. The cradle of No. 12
Winter enclosure. — One piece of wire can be made in three sections
lumber, by 8 by 12 14 inches.
to fit down each side of the box
Cover. — One piece of l^-inch and under the bottom, or in one
hardboard, 12 by inches. 121/4,
long piece. In either case it is
Bottom. — One piece of 16-gage merely hooked onto the hutch
galvanized wire, 1- by l/^-inch flooring next to the nest box on
mesh, 12 by 18 inches. one side, passed down and across
Nest drawer: beneath the box and up the other
Sides. —Two pieces of Vs'iiich side to a^ain hook on the hutch
floor. This provides adequate sup-
hardboard (tempered), 71/4
by 16% inches. port for the rear of the nest box.

Ends. Two pieces of lumber, 1 Slip the three strands of flooring
into notches cut into the front end
by 8 by 10 inches.

Bottom. One piece of i^-inch of the nest box just above the door.
To prevent the nest box from
hardboard (tempered), 81/^ by
16% inches. slipping to the rear so that the
floor wire at the front end no
Nails. —^Use sixpenny or eight-
longer acts as a support, the side
boards of the nest box can be cut
penny nails to fasten the end,
so as to extend a little above the
top, and sides of the nest box,
back board of the nest box. Then
eightpenny to fasten the nest
as the back board comes up under
drawer, and lV4-inch roofing
nails (large head) to fasten the hutch floor, these side boards
project a little above the floor and
prevent the nest from being pushed
*No. 2 construction knotty pine or
1-inch box lumber. to the rear.

To help keep the nest dry, cut holes, 1/^- to %-inch in diameter,
some 1/4, -inch drain holes on the in the lid at the end opposite the
bottom of the nest-box drawer. opening to the nest box, for venti-
Losses of young rabbits kindled lation and to prevent condensation
in winter can be largely prevented within the nest box. On the bot-
if you furnish proper nesting ac- tom of the inner box, put one or
commodations. If a doe reacts two layers of corrugated cardboard
normally to her newborn litter by or several thicknesses of paper to
pulling enough wool to make a keep the newborn litter from com-
warm nest and feeding her young, ing in contact with the cold boards.
and if the nest box is well insu- Fill the nest box so completely
lated, the young can survive tem- with new, clean straw that the doe
peratures as low as 15° to 20° be- will have to burrow into it to form
low zero. a cavity for a nest. Inspect the
You can make a good type of box daily for the first 3 or 4 days.
winter nest box by placing a stand- If the cardboard or paper becomes
ard size nest box inside a larger damp from accumulated moisture,
box. Pack straw into the space of remove it promptly. Replace it if
3 inches or so on all sides except cold weather continues. A
entrance and top. A
lid of ordi- nest box for use in winter consists
nary box wood covered on the of a single box lined completely
under side with two thicknesses of with one or two layers of corru-
paper will supply the necessary top gated cardboard and filled with
insulation. Make two or three straw.


Success in raising rabbits is im- Rations for pregnant does and
possible if you do not give enough does with litters should contain
attention to diets and provide more protein. Their rations should
wholesome feeds in adequate quan- include
tity each day. Percent
Feed is one of the biggest items of ration
of expense in raising rabbits and Crude protein 16 to 20
each herd presents an individual Fat 3 to 5.5
problem. Fiber 15 to 20
Select diets that are
Nitrogen-free extract 44 to 50
suited to the needs of your rabbits, Ash or mineral 4.5 to 6.5
whether you buy commercially
prepared mixtures or pellets, or Tlie nutrient contents of common
mix feeds rabbit feeds are shown in table 2,
and daily requirements for various
Feed Requirements weights of rabbits are shown in
table 3. Further information on
Rations for dry does, herd bucks, nutrient contents may be obtained
and developing young should pro- from Morrison's Feeds and Feed-
vide the following: ing {lOy and National Research
Percent Council Publication No. 1194 {12).
of ration The protein content of rations
Crude protein 12 to 15 is important in development of
Fat 2 to 3.5
Fiber 20 to 27
Nitrogen-free extract 43 to 47 ^ Italic numbers in parentheses refer
Ash or mineral 5 to 6.5 to the Literature Cited, p. 69.

Table 2. Digestible protein and total digestible nutrients of some

common rabbit feeds

[Dry roughages and concentrates on an air-dry basis]

Digestible Total
Feed Dry matter crude digestible
protein nutrient

DRY ROUGHAGES Percent Percent Percent

of ration of ration of ration
Alfalfa hay, common 90 11 40
Alfalfa hay, very leafy 90 16 58
Bluegrass hay 92 31
Clover hay, red 88 43
Lespedeza hay, annual 89 39
Sorghum fodder, milo 6 35
Oat hay 5 26
Peanut hay, without nuts. 91 6 46
Soj^bean hay 88 10 43
Sudangrass hay 89 6 43
Timothy hay 89 3 32
Vetch hay (common) 89 10 46


Alfalfa 21 15
Cabbage, aerial portion. 9 9
Carrots, roots 12 10
Clover 20 13
Rutabagas, roots 11 10
Sweet potatoes, roots 32 28
Turnips, roots 9 8


Barley grain 89 10 70
Beet pulp, dried 90 4 70
Bread, dried 64 8 65
Brewers' grains, dried. 93 23 58
Buckwheat grain 88 7 70
Corn, grain dent #2... 85 7 82
Cottonseed meal 92 32 66
Linseed meal 91 31 70
Milk, cows 13 3 16
Milk, dried 96 26 117
Oats, grain 90 9 65
Peanut meal 93 39 85
Sorghum grain, milo.. 89 8 84
Soybcan meal 91 40 82
Soybean seed 90 33 98
Wheat grain 89 11 79
Wheat bran 90 14 57

young, for maintaming the breed- hay increases the rate of growth of
ing herd, and for wool production. young rabbits 13 to 20 percent and
It also is a factor in the quantity effects asaving of 20 to 25 percent
of food required for a certain gain in the quantity of feed required
in live weight. Adding the proper for a unit of gain.
quantity of protein supplement to Protein is the most expensive
a ration composed of grains and part of the feed, but the propor-

Table 3. Daily nutrient requirements oj rabbits per animal

[All feeds or rations are based on air-dry weights]

Phase of production and body weight


feeding where legume hays are not desired. You can use them to
readily available. maintain mature animals that are
The grass hays ordinarily con- not in production.
tain only about half as much pro- Feed root crops and green feed
tein as legume hays. If you sparingly to rabbits that are un-
feed them, include more pro- accustomed to them. There is no
tein supplement in the diet. If danger in feeding fresh green feed
they are cut before the plants are that is wet with dew or rain. Do
in bloom, when the stems are fine not use feed that has been piled
and there is a high proportion of and become heated.
leaf, the grass hays are much more Place green feed in a hay man-
suitable for feeding. They have ger; never throw it on the floor of
a higher protein content at this the hutch. Contaminated feed
time but they never contain as may cause digestive disturbances
much protein as legume hays. or re-infect rabbits with internal
Hays furnish bulk or fiber in parasites. Remove any feed that
addition to nutrients. Rabbits fed is not readily consumed.
insufficient bulk have soft drop-
pings that mash on the hutch floor Grains and Milled Feeds
and cause increased labor in keep-
ing the hutch clean. They also may Use oats, wheat, barley, the grain
chew their fur. If you feed young sorghums, buckwheat, and rye as
rabbits too much bulk they will whole grains or as milled products.
not get enough nutrients for rapid You can feed the softer varieties
growth and market finish. of corn whole, but there will be
considerable waste of the flinty
varieties unlessyou feed them in
Green Feed and Root Crops meal or cracked form. The grains
are quite similar in their food
Rapid-growing plants, such as
values and you can substitute one
grasses, palatable weeds, cereal
for another on a pound-for-pound
grains, and leafy garden vegetables
basis without materially altering
free from insecticides, are high in
the nutritive value of the ration.
vitamins, minerals, and proteins,
Milled-wheat products such as
and make excellent feeds, espe-
bran, middlings, shorts, and red-
cially for the breeding herd. Use
dog flour, and byproducts from
them in the diet when they fit into
manufacturing foods from other
the management program. grains for human use may be in-
Root crops, such as carrots, cluded in mash mixtures and
sweetpotatoes, turnips, mangels, pellets.
beets, and Jerusalem- artichokes, Rabbits eat sunflower seeds read-
are desirable feeds throughout the
ily,but because they have a much
year, and are particularly good in
higher value for other uses they
winter when green feeds are not
seldom are included in rabbit diets.
Fresh green feeds and root crops
Protein Supplements
should be used as supplements to
the concentrate part of the diet. Soybean, peanut, sesame, cotton-
You will get best results when you seed, and linseed meals are rich in
use variety. Fresh feeds contain protein and desirable for balancing
90 percent or more of water. Use rabbit rations. These feeds in meal
them only as supplements to grain form are used in mashes and pel-
or pellets when choice carcasses are leted rations but are unsatisfactory

for mixing with grains. They will is not prohibitive, cow's or goat's
settle out of thegrain mixture and milk may be used in the diet. If
be largely wasted. The pea-size the milk is not sour or contami-
cake, the flake form, or the meals nated, it will not cause digestive
made into a pellet are satisfactory troubles. Dry bread mixed with
for use with whole grains. If their milk is a satisfactoiy feed for does
protein content is the same, the with young litters and for rabbits
meals in pea-size cake, flake, or being conditioned for shows.
pelleted form provide approxi-
mately the same nutritive value. Pelleted Rations
Make your selection on availability
and cost. Use fresh plant -protein Many
brands of pelleted rations
supplements. are on the market. Ingredients
Although soj^bean seeds contain and proportions vary but they are
usually made according to recom-
approximately 36 percent protein
and 18 percent fat, the meal from mended specifications of nutrient
or feed content. Follow the ad-
the seeds, with fat extracted, has
vice of the manufacturer.
as much as 4.5 percent protein and
Pelleted rations require little
1 to 5 percent fat. If there is an
storage space and are easily fed.
oil mill nearby, you may be able
to exchange homegrown soybeans
In some localities they are the only
rabbit feeds available.
for the meal. Rabbits do not eat

the seeds readily feed only about
There are two types of pelleted

diets the all-grain pellet to be fed
1 pound of them for each 10
pounds of grain. Using this pro- with hay and the complete pellet
(green pellet). The complete pel-
portion of soybeans in a whole-
let usually contains all the food
grain legume hay diet will improve
elements necessary for a balanced
the protein content slightly but not
enough for maximum growth.
The choice between a home-
Some caution should be observed
mixed feed or a pelleted feed will
in using cottonseed meal as a pro-
depend on the availability and
tein supplement. Untreated cot-
relative cost, and how much time
tonseed meal contains gossypol, a
you have for preparing the ration
substance which is toxic to rab-
and feeding the herd.
bits. Therefore, only degossypol-
Pellets should be. i/g- to %q-
ized meal should be used. Recent
inch in diameter and %- to I/4-
evidence from the U.S. Rabbit P]x-
inch long. If pellets are too large,
periment Station indicates that
small rabbits cannot get them in
degossypolized cottonseed meal is
their mouths. The rabbits bite off
a suitable replacement for soybean
a part of the pellet and drop the
meal at levels up to 7 percent of
rest. The discarded part is lost
the diet.
through the wire hutch floor or is
left to become contaminated on
Miscellaneous Feeds solid floors.
It is usually impractical for you
Dry breador other table and to pellet your own rations.
kitchen waste (except meat and
greasy or sour foods) are accept-
able to most rabbits. TVlien used
as supplements to grain and rough- Salt is necessary in the diet.
age or pelleted rations, they add Put small blocks or salt spools in
variety to the diet. When the cost the hutch so the animals can feed

at will, or add 0.5 to 1.0 percent ing a measured amount of feed in

salt to mixed feed or pellets. Salt feed crocks or troughs each day,
blocks or spools will cause corro- and is referred to as "hand feed-
sion of any metal with which they ing." The other utilizes a hopper,
are in contact, so it is not advis- or self-feeder, which holds several
able to use them in all-wire hutches. days' supply of feed, and is re-
In areas where the soil is deficient ferred to as "self-feeding" or "full-
in certain mineral elements, use feeding," since feed is available to
mineralized salts, as fed to other the rabbits at all times and they
farm animals, in rabbit rations. can feed at will. Crocks or troughs
may be used for full-feeding, but
Water will have to be filled more fre-
quently than hoppers and are more
Rabbits need ready access to susceptible to waste and contami-
fresh, pure water at all times. In nation. The hopper feeding sys-
summer, they require large quanti- tem saves time and labor and pre-
ties. A10- to 12-pound doe and \ents waste and contamination if
her 8-week old litter of seven will the hop])er is properly constructed.
drink about a gallon of water in Full-feeding in crocks or troughs
24 hours. produces about the same results as
hopper feeding, provided you feed
Preparins and Storing Feeds the animals all they will consume
each day without waste. If you
Wliole grains are satisfactory cannot give close attention, hopper
for feeding rabbits. Milled prod- feeding will give better results.
ucts, whether rolled, cracked, or
^Vliether, in hand feeding, a herd
ground, lose some of their food of rabbits should be fed 1, 2, or
value and apparently become less 3 times a day is largely a matter
palatable if stored for any length of personal preference and con-
of time, especially during the sum- venience. Regularity is more im-
mer. Coarse hay is more conveni- portant than the number of feed-
ent to feed and less wasteful if you
ings. Rabbits eat more at night
cut it into 3- or 4-inch lengths.
than during the day, especially in
Cutting the hay you feed to An-
gora rabbits helps keep the wool warm weather.
clean. Full feeding insures rapid
Sometimes you can save money growth and economical develop-
by storing home-grown feed or.
ment of young to weaning. Full-
feed purchased as it is harvested. fed rabbits generally require less
Store it in rodent- and insect-proof feed than hand-fed rabbits to
containers. produce each pound of live weight
Protect grains, pellets, hay, or because they eat frequently and
other feeds and bedding materials slowly and chew their food thor-
from contamination by cats or oughly.
dogs; otherwise the rabbits may
Occasionally a rabbit goes "off
become infested with a cat or dog
feed." "Wlien this happens, reduce
the quantity of the ration. The
offer of a tempting morsel of car-
Methods of Feeding
rot, bread and milk, or fresh green
Two methods of feeding are in feed may induce the rabbit to be-
general practice. One entails plac- gin eating again.

Feeding Dry Does^ Herd Bucks, In the event that alfalfa pellets
are unavailable through local mills,
and Juniors a coarse crumble or turkey-grind
crumble, composed entirely of al-
You can maintain mature dry
falfa, may serve as a satisfactory
does and herd bucks not in service
feed for developing stock. If a
on hay alone if you freely feed a
crumble is used it might be ad-
Hue stemmed, leafy, green-colored,
visable to place a small salt block
legume hay. If you feed coarse
or spool in the hutch, though there
legume hays or carbonaceous hays,
is evidence from trials at the U.S.
feed each 8-pound animal 2 ounces
Rabbit Experiment Station that
(I/3 cup) of a grain-protein mix-
the animals may do without the
ture or an all-grain pellet several
extra salt for the few months be-
times each week. For rabbits of
fore they are placed in the breed-
other weights, adjust the quantity.
ing herd.
For example, feed 3 ounces to a
12-pound animal. Note: Nutritive value of diets,
Feed herd bucks in service the and daily feed requirements of in-
same quantity of concentrates and dividual rabbits, vary. Observe
give them free access to choice the condition of your individual
hay; or provide them with 4 to 6 rabbits and increase or decrease
ounces of a complete pellet daily. quantities of feed to obtain de-
RegiUate the amount to keep them sired physical condition.
in good condition and to assure
that they do not become too fat. Feeding Pregnant and Nursing
For developing junior does and Does
bucks, regulate the concentrate
portion of the diet so that the To feed a doe properly, it is nec-
animals will grow and be in good essary to know definitely whether
condition when they are ready for she has conceived. Palpating (feel-
breeding. With the medium- ing for the developing young in
weight breeds (9 to 12 pounds at the uteri) at 12 to 14 days follow-
maturity), hold the grain-protein ing breeding is a quick and accu-
mixture or the all-grain pellet on rate method of determining preg-
a daily level of 2 to 4 ounces and nancy (see p. 35).
allow free access to a good-quality After mating, you may maintain
hay. As the rabbits develop, they junior and mature does in breed-
will eat more hay to get the addi- ing condition on good-quality hay
tional nutrients required for or hay pellets until you have de-
growth. "When using a complete termined that they are pregnant.
pellet, -4 to 6 ounces daily should If your herd is receiving only com-
be sufficient. Take precautions to plete pellets, restrict the amount
prevent juniors from becoming too that bred does receive daily to that
fat when they are fed concentrates quantity which will keep them in
or a complete pellet. the desired physical condition un-
An alfalfa pellet, consisting of til pregnancy is determined. Full-
99 percent No. 2 leafy, or better feeding complete pellets to a bred
grade, alfalfa meal (15 to 16 per- doe will cause her to put on too
cent protein) and 1 percent salt, much flesh if she fails to conceive.
may be full fed to developing If a doe fails to conceive as deter-
junior does and bucks as the only min'3d by palpation, breed her
feed from weaning until they are again and feed only hay, or re-
to be placed in the breeding herd. stricted amounts of complete pel-

lets, until she is pregnant. Wlien then three-fourths new ration and
she diagnosed as pregnant, give
is one- fourth old ration for 3 to 4
her all the concentrates she will days.
eat plus good-quality hay, or all After the doe kindles, she can
the complete pellets she will eat be fed in the same manner as be-
for the remainder of the gestation fore, until the young are weaned
period. You can provide the con- when about 2 months old. From
centrates in the form of grain and the day of kindling feed her all
a protein pellet or all-grain pellets. she readily will consume without
All-grain pellets have the neces- waste, or a grain-protein mixture
sary amount of plant-protein sup- and hay, an all-grain pellet and
plement incorporated with grain hay, or a complete pelleted feed
and salt to make a complete feed until the litter leaves the nest box.
when fed with a good quality hay. As the litter develops, feed the doe
The general practice is to feed and litter greater quantities or full-
pelleted complete feed. feed them to insure maximum
Sudden changes in rations fed growth of the young. If you use
during the gestation period may a feed hopper and the hutch is
cause some does to go "otf feed." small (less than 10 square feet of
If they fail to eat necessary nu- floor space for a 10- to 12-pound
trients for too long a period of doe), placing a hopper in it with
time, abortion or young that are the nest box may make it too
dead at birth may result. Gradu- crowded. Full-feed the doe using
ally change over a new ration by a crock or trough until the nest
feeding one-fourth new ration and box is removed, then introduce the
three-fourths old ration for 3 to 4 hopper. Inspect the hopper occa-
days, one-half new ration and one- sionally to make sure that feed is
half old ration for 3 to 4 days, and always available.

Rabbits re-ingest part of their regurgitated and chewed again.
food, usuall}' in the early morning, Most rabbit breeders are unaware
when they are unobserved. They of this practice. Some who have
re-ingest only the soft matter that observed it believe it indicates a
has passed through the digestive nutritional deficiency. It is, how-
tract. Investigators have called ever, normal in rabbits and may
this trait "pseudo - rumination," actually enhance the nutritive
from the characteristic of rumi- value of the feed by virtue of a
nants (cows, sheep, and others) of second passage through the diges-
chewing the cud, which is food tive tract.

Germ Cells and Fertilization time. If she is not bred, the fol-
licles the ovary remain large
Rabbits do not show regular and active for a period of 12 to 16
estrous cycles, that is, recurrent days. After this time they begin
periods of sexual desire. During to regress. Meanwhile, new fol-
the breeding season the doe re- licles grow to replace them. As a
mains in heat for long periods of result, active follicles are present

at all times during the breeding does and bucks which are exces-
season. There may be a transi- sively fat have lowered reproduc-
tional period, while the new set of tive capacities due to decreased
folliclesis growing and the old sexual urge, or libido, or inter-
set retrogressing, when the doe
is ference with the passage of eggs
lacks interest in the male and i3 and sperm in the small reproduc-
temporarily sterile. tive tubules. Hereditary charac-
Ovulation usually does not occur ters that affect fertility in does are
in the female unless she is mated number of eggs shed and fetal mor-
to a male. Following mating, the tality. In highly fertile strains,
large follicles in the ovary begin the number of eggs shed averages
to grow rapidly. These break about 10, while in low strains, the
about 10 hours after mating. This number may only be 4 or 5. In
process of shedding the egg is some low-fertility strains, normal
called ovulation. In the meantime numbers of ova are shed but an
the sperm from the male move abnormally large number of em-
through the female tract to the bryos die during gestation. In
upper part of the tubes so that fertile strains, about 15 to 20 per-
when the eggs are shed from the cent of the fetuses die in the uterus
follicles, the sperm enter and fer- during gestation. In some low-
tilize them. These fertilized eggs fertility strains, 80 percent of the
then undergo a number of changes fetuses die during the gestation
and grow to become the develop- period.
ing fetuses. The young fetuses
grow and develop in the uterus Gestation Period
and this period of development
usually takes 30 to 32 days. After The gestation period, or the pe-
the eggs are shed, the cells that riod from mating to kindling, is
line the follicles begin to grow and
31 or 32 days. Some litters may
form small yellow bodies in the be kindled as early as the 28th or
ovary, called the corpora lutea. 29th day, or as late as the 35th, but
These bodies secrete a hormone 98 percent of the normal litters
called progesterone, which is nec- will be kindled between the 30th
essary to cause the uteri to grow and 33d day. If kindling is de-
and secrete substances that feed layed 2 or 3 days, generally one
the developing young. or more of the fetuses is unusually
The practical method for meas-
uring fertility in does is to deter-
mine the total number of live Age to Breed
young born from each gestation. The proper age of bucks and
The litter size varies with the does for the first mating depends
strain or breed, and the more fer- on breed and individual develop-
tile strains will produce an aver- ment. Smaller breeds develop
age of about eight young per preg- more rapidly and are sexually ma-
nancy. Many factors, such as nu- ture at a much younger age than
trition, heredity, and environment, medium-weight or giant breeds.
affect fertility. Does that are un- Does should be mated when they
derfed will not come in heat, and reach maturity; some difficulty
the quality of semen from starved may be experienced if mating is
bucks is lowered. Also, though too long delayed. On the average,
experimental proof is lacking, the smaller breeds may be bred
there is a widespread opinion that when the bucks and does are 4 to

5 months old, the medium-weight meat, mortality, and carcass

breeds at 5 to 6 months, and the quality.
giant breeds at 8 to 10 months. Wliere extreme temperatures
Some individual rabbits within a make undesirable to have litters
breed develop more rapidly than kindled during 2 or 3 months of
others, and does usually mature the year, does may be rebred 42
earlier than bucks. In commercial days after kindling and still pro-
production, it is the general prac- duce four litters.
tice -to hold bucks a month longer If a doe is full-fed a properly
than does before breeding for the balanced ration during the suckl-
first time, though there is no ex- ing period, she should be in con-
perimental proof that this is nec- dition for breeding before the lit-
essary. ter is weaned. If, however, the
doe is not in good physical condi-
Breeding Schedule tion at the scheduled breeding
time, she should not be bred until
The breeding schedule you should she is. If the litter is lost at kin-
follow is determined by the type
dling, or the size of the litter is
of production. It probably would
materially reduced for other rea-
be better not to attempt to produce
sons, and the doe is in good con-
more than two or three litters a dition, she may be rebred earlier
year in raising animals for show
than called for by the regular
purposes. Arrange time of mat- schedule, but not earlier than 3 or
ings so that the offspring will be
4 days after kindling.
of proper age and development for
the show classification desired. In
commercial production for meat
and fur, work breeding animals During the last week of preg-
throughout the year if possible. nancy the mammary glands de-
With a gestation period of 31 velop rapidly. Though milk may
or 32 days and a nursing period be produced before kindling, and
of 8 weeks, a doe can produce four actually leak from the glands of
litters in a 12-month period if no high-producing does, the actual let-
failures or "passes" occur. Does down and production is usually
of heavy producing strains can be delayed until kindling, and is initi-
mated 6 weeks after kindling, and, ated under hormonal and nervous
if no failures occur, will produce stimuli induced by the action of
five litters in a year. Many com- suckling. Maximum milk produc-
mercial breeders are using breeding tion is usually reached by the third
intervals of 21, 28, or 35 days after week, after which production grad-
kindling to further increase the ually declines. The duration of
meat production of their herds. lactation varies depending upon
The general feeling is that for diet, number of suckling young,
most efficient production, does and the leng-th of time the young
should be worked to the extent of are left with the doe. Ordinarily,
their genetic reproductive capaci- milk production is negligible after
ties. Experimental evidence is the sixth or seventh week, though
lacking as to what effect these in well-nourished, high-producing
rapid breeding schedules may have does with a litter of eight or nine,
on the reproductive life of the doe, milk production may last for 8
fryer development, feed conversion weeks or longer. Milk has been
as measured by the pounds of feed observed in the stomachs of young
necessary to produce a pound of weaned from the doe at 8 weeks of

age, and milk can be expressed may be caused by an infertile

from the glands for several days mating or sexual excitement when
thereafter. one doe rides, or is ridden by,
The amount of milk produced another. Does which become pseu-
depends upon several factors such dopregnant are unable to conceive
as breed, strain, diet, and genetic until the false-pregnancy period,
constitution. Various studies of which lasts 17 days, is over. After
milk production in the rabbit in- 18 to 22 days, the doe may give
dicate that during the height of evidence of the termination of false
lactation, milk yield may reach 35 pregnancy by pulling fur and at-
grams per kilogram of live weight. tempting to make a nest. When
On this 10-pound doe
basis, a false pregnancy has terminated,
would produce approximately 140 doe will resume normal reproduc-
grams (5 ounces) of milk per day. tive activity and may be bred.
Contrary to popular belief, the Separate does that are to be
doe does not nurse her young mated and put each in an individual
throughout the 24-hour period. hutch days before mating.
For the very young in the nest They willhave passed through any
box, nursing is usually performed false pregnancy period by mating
during the night or early morning. time.
It may consist of a single feeding Season.' —
Spring is the optimal
of only a few minutes. After the breeding season for the rabbit.
young leave the nest box and are The percentage of conceptions is
consuming solid food they will try higher at this time of year than at
to nurse several times during the others.
day. However, the doe will usu- Extreme temperatures, especially
ally push them aside and restrict sudden changes high tempera-
their nursing to the nighttime. tures, may cause the rabbits to go
Occasionally, does will allow the into a barren period that will con-
young to nurse during the day, as tinue for some time. Also, it is

most rabbit breeders will agree. not unusual for the percentage of
Students of animal behavior at- conceptions in a herd to show a
tribute the nursing habits of the marked decrease during the late
doe to the fact that rabbits in their summer and the fall. For example,
natural habitat are extensively at the U.S. Rabbit Experiment
preyed upon and rather helpless to Station conception rates varied
defend their young. Therefore, it from a high of about 85 percent in
is advantageous for the doe to stay
March and April to a low of 50 per-
away from the young as much as cent or less in September and Octo-
ber. This is commonly referred to
as the "fall breeding" problem in
Factors That Limit Conception
rabbits. The ovaries of the does
may become inactive during the
Among the causes of failure to barren period, fail to produce nor-
conceive, or low conception rates, mal egg cells, and occasionally
are false pregnancy (pseudopreg- shrivel. Where the bucks are not
nancy), season of the year, age, settling the does, the sperm cells
poor physical condition, sore hocks, may be inactive, low in vitality,
injuries,and disease. abnormal, or absent.
Pseudopregnancy. Does may be — Individual rabbits vary mark-
mated or stimulated sexually and edly as to duration of the barren
shed the egg cells, yet fail to become period. Some does and bucks are
pregnant. This false pregnancy fertile throughout the year for

424-402 O - 71 - 5

successive years. Others may go from the herd and hold them in
through periods of 4, 8, or 10 weeks quarantine until they recover.
when the does will not conceive or
the bucks are sterile. Extreme Artificial Insemination
cases in which no young are pro-
duced for 4 to 5 months may occur Artificial insemination has been
in herds where bucks and does are practiced with rabbits for experi-
out of condition because the ration mental purposes, but has not been
has been inadequate in quality or applied to commercial breeding to
quantity, or both. If the herd has any extent.
been properly cared for, most bucks The semen from bucks averages
and does should complete the bar- about 0.5 cc. in volume, with a
ren period in 4 to 6 weeks. range of 0.1 to 6 cc. It contains
Because does and bucks vary so about 700 million to 2 billion sperm
much with respect to breeding, you per cubic centimeter. The total
may well consider this factor care- number of sperm per ejaculate
fully. In selecting breeding stock, averages 250 million, which does not
make your choice from offspring mean a great deal, because of the
of parents that produce regularly. extreme variation. The total num-
Age. — Young does may not be ber of sperm per ejaculate may
sexually mature at the time of serv-
range from 10 million to 12 billion.
ice, and old does may have passed
Semen is collected from the
their period of usefulness and fail
bucks by means of an artificial
to conceive. Do not attempt the vagina. After the artificial vagina
first mating until the does are sexually
has been prepared, the collection
mature and properly developed;
is made by using a doe for a
the proper age is discussed on
mounting animal. The doe is taken
page 29.
to the buck's cage and when the
Does should reproduce satisfac-
buck mounts, the artificial vagina
torily as long as they maintain good
is placed between the buck and the
physical condition and properly
doe. "Wlien the buck locates the
nurse their litters. Retain them if
vagina, he will ejaculate
younger and better stock is not
into the open end with the same
available for replacements. In
commercial herds, does that are behavior as when breeding natu-
properly cared for should produce
rally. The operator must be alert
litters until they are 2K to 3 years
to prevent the buck from breeding
old. An occasional individual rab- the doe. After the buck has been
bit may reproduce satisfactorily 4 trained, a dummy made of a
to 6 years, or longer. stuffed rabbit skin may be sub-
Physical —
Condition. Rabbits stituted for the mounting doe. If
that go "off feed," go into a pro- the ejaculate contains a clear gela-
longed or heavy molt, become tinous plug, it should be removed
abnormally fat or thin, or become from the liquid portion of the
out of condition for any reason,
may have their reproductive powers A simple insemination tube has
impaired. The percentage that will
conceive will be low, since they may been described for insemination of
become temporarily sterile. the does. It consists of a glass

Disease. Never mate rabbits tube and rubber bulb similar to a
when they show any symptoms of medicine dropper, with the last
disease. Remove such animals half -inch bent at a 30° angle. The

bent end of the tube should have a tion is applicable to the rabbit in-
diameter of %-inch and the tube dustry, but not practical on a
should be 3 to 31/2 inches long. large-scale basis at the present
Droppers made from plastic tubes time. Costs and technical prob-
would be superior to glass because lems associated with the establish-
there is less danger from breakage. ment of studs, the processing and
The ends of the tubes should be storage of semen, training and
rounded to prevent damage to the maintaining technicians, and scarc-
vaginal walls. ity of concentrated areas of pro-
The number of does bred to a duction, tend to prohibit the use of
buck depends on many factors, so artificial insemination as a practi-
an extreme range is possible. For cal tool of the industry. In addi-
an average buck, collections can tion, better means of evaluating
be made at least twice weekly and bucks, and the development of
the number of does bred will de- more accurate selection indices, are
pend on the motility, density, and necessary before artificial insemi-
volume of the semen produced. nation in rabbits can be operated
In general, artificial insemina- on a practical and profitable basis.


Success in raising rabbits de- toward the tail of the animal.
pends on efficient management. This method prevents bruising the
Become thoroughly acquainted carcass or damaging the pelt.

with your animals their charac-
teristics and behavior, their likes'
and dislikes.Consideration for the
welfare of animals is always neces-
sary for success in raising them.
Proper arrangement of equipment,
hutches, and buildings is also essen-
tial to efficient management . When
you enter the do it
quietly and make your presence
known by speaking in a low^ tone.
Caution others to do the same.
Otherwise, the rabbits may become
f riglitened, race around in the hutch
and injure themselves, or jump
into the nest boxes and injure the
N 45957

Methods of Hondlins Rabbits Figure 12. —Proper way to carry small

Never lift rabbits by the ears or
legs. Handling in this manner may To lift and carry a medium-
injure them. weight rabbit, let the right hand
You can lift and comfortably grasp the fold of skin over the rab-
carry small rabbits by grasping the bit's shoulder. Support the rabbit
loin region gently and firmly (fig. by placing the hand under its
12). Put the heel of the hand rump (fig. 13).

some bucks are slow in performing

service in a strange hutch. Mating
should occur almost immediately
on placing the doe in the buck's
hutch. After the buck mounts and
falls over on his side, the mating
is accomplished. Return the doe
to her own hutch.
It is difficult to get some does
to accept service. Such does may
be restrained for mating. To re-
strain the doe (fig. 14), use the
right hand to hold the ears and a
fold of the skin over the shoulders,
and place the left hand under the
body and between the hind legs.
Place the thumb on the right side
of the vulva, the index finger on
the left side (you may prefer to

Figure 13. Proper way to carry use the index and second finger),
medium-sized and large rabbits. and push the skin gently backward.
This procedure throws the tail up
Lift and carry heavier rabbits over the back. Support the weight
in a similar manner. If the rabbit of the body by the left hand, and
scratches and struggles, hold it elevate the hindquarters only to
snugly under the left arm. the normal height for service.

Making Matings
Does may give evidence of being
ready for mating by restlessness,
nervousness, efforts to join other
rabbits in nearby hutches, and by
rubbing their chin on feed man-
gers and water crocks. However,
it is not necessary to depend on
external signs to determine when a
doe is to be bred. Set up a definite
schedule and follow it, whether the
doe shows signs of being ready for
service or not.
Breed a large number of does
at one time to make fryers avail-
able at a certain season for the
trade, or utilize a breeding sched-
ule to produce a constant supply.
Always take the doe to the buck's
hutch for service. You may have
difficulty in service if you take the B S3066
buck to the doe. The doe is likely —
Figure 14. How to restrain a doe for
mating when service is not promptly
to object to having another rabbit Shows position of hands
in her hutch and may savagely at- for holding the doe and supporting
tack and injure the buck. Also, and elevating the hindquarters.

Bucks and does accustomed to You can quickly and accurately

being handled will not object to determine pregnancy by palpating,
such assistance. It is well to hold after 12 to 14 days from mating,
the doe in this way the first few but you must handle the doe
times a young buck is used. This gently. The method for restrain-
will expedite matings and insure ing the doe for palpating is illus-
service m difficult cases. trated in figure 15. The doe may
With a little patience and prac- be palpated in her own hutch or if
tice you can develop
this teclinique it is more convenient she may be

to procure nearly 100-percent mat- placed on a table covered with feed

ings. This does not necessarily sacks or carpeting to prevent slip-
mean that all of the restrained will ping. The ears and a fold of skm
kindle, but the technique will help over the shoulders are held in the
in increasing the number of kin- right or left hand; the other hand
dlings. is placed under the shoulder be-
Whether it is worthwhile to tween the hind legs and slightly
force-breed for increased preg- m front of the pelvis; the thumb
nancies depends largely upon the is placed on the right" side and
number oi does in production. the fingers on the left side of the
Owners of large commercial rab- two uteri for palpating the fetuses.
bitries generally do not force-mate At 12 to 14 days following mating,
their does due to the increased the fetuses have developed into
labor and time involved. For marble-shaped forms that are easy
small rabbitries a few extra litters to distinguish as they slip between
could be worth the effort, and for the thumb and fingers when the
breeders of pedigreed show stock, hand is gently moved forward and
where animals are removed from backward and a slight pressure is
production part of the year, forced exerted (fig. 16). Caution must be
breeding will help maintain a sup- used in this operation, because if
ply of replacements and stock for too much pressure is exerted, the
sale. tissues may be bruised or torn
Maintain 1 buck for approxi- loose from the walls of the uteri
mately each 10 breeding does. You and a toxic condition or abortion
can use mature, vigorous bucks may result.
several times a day for a short Thereis less danger of bruising
period. the tissues or causing the fetuses
Keep a breeding record showing to be torn loose from the walls of
date of mating and name or num- the uteri in palpating at 12 to 14
ber of buck and doe. days than at a later period. Also,
diagnosing pregnancy after the
Determining Pregnancy 16th day of the gestation period is
more complicated because the de-
It is not accurate to determine
veloping fetuses are so large that
pregnancy by "test mating" (plac-
they may be confused with diges-
ing the doe in the buck's hutch
tive organs. The inexperienced
periodically). Some does will ac-
rabbit owner should make exami-
cept service when pregnant and
others will refuse service when nations at 12 to 14 days and then
they are not pregnant. Diagnos- as he improves his technique and
ing pregnancy by noting the de- attains confidence in the operation,
velopment of the abdominal region he may be able to develop the abil-
and gain in flesh is not dependable ity for diagnosing pregnancy ac-
until late in pregnancy. curately as early as the 7th or 8th

N 45951
Figure 15. — How to restrain a doe for palpating.

day. The chief advantage to be found to be present, the doe has

derived from palpating as early as failed to conceive, in which case
the 7th or 8th day would be in the she should be rebred. The doe
case of the breeder selling bred that is pregnant can be placed im-
does. Wlien it is desirable to ship mediately on a diet that is best
bred does a considerable distance, suited for pregnant does.
diagnosing pregnancy at this early For the inexperienced person it
date makes it possible to have these would be good practice to repalp-
does arrive at their destination in ate a week later any does that have
sufficient time to become settled been diagnosed as nonpregnant.
and acquainted with their new en- If a mistake has been made at the
vironment, with the minimum risk first handling the doe may then be
of complications at kindling. given a nest box at the proper time
Figure 16 illustrates the con- before she is due to kindle.
tinual increase in size of the uterus
and the fetuses as pregnancy ad- Kindling
vances. The scale at the bottom
of the illustration gives a means Place a nest box in the hutch
for arriving at a comparative esti- about 27 days after the doe is
mate of the size of the fetuses. mated. This allows the doe to pre-
In each case, a fetus has been re- pare a nest in advance and assures
moved from the respective uterus. a proper place for birth of the
The 10-day fetus was so small that young.
it does not show in the cut. By Sometimes does fail to pull fur
comparing the 14- and 21-day to cover their litter, or they kindle
specimens it will be seen that the the litter on the hutch floor and
growth of the fetus is very rapid. let them become chilled. If you
If, on palpating, no fetuses are discover the young in time, you

B 79008
Figure 16. —Uteri
from three does showing embryonic development of 10-, 14-, and
21-day pregnancies. The 10-day embryo was so small that it did not show in the

may be able to save them by warm- her, but make her as comfortable
ing, even if they appear to be life- as possible. You may tempt her
less. Arrange the bedding mate- at that time with small quantities
rial to make a comfortable nest of green feed. This will have a
(fig. 17), and place the warmed beneficial effect on her digestive
young in it. The doe usually will system.
take over from there. The doe's Most litters are kindled at night.
fur is easily removed at kindling After kindling, the doe may be
time, and you can pull enough restless. Do not disturb her until
from the doe's body to cover the she has quieted down.
litter in the nest. It is advisable
to keep extra fur on hand for such Complications at Kindling Time
cases. Remove some fur from
nests where does have pulled an Anterior, or breech presentation
excessive amount and keep it of youn^ at birth is normal. If
handy in a bag or box so it will the doe is in proper condition for
remain clean. It is not necessary kindling, complications are rare.
to sterilize or to deodorize the fur, Pregnancy, however, makes a
or take any special measures to heavy demand on the doe and
prevent the doe from smelling the lowers her vitality, making her
strange fur. more susceptible to disease. A few
A day or two before kindling, days before or several days follow-
the doe usually consumes less food ing kindling, pnuemonia may de-
than normally. Do not disturb velop. If you are to treat pneu-

Causes of Losses in Newborn pounds in weight and be ready for

market. Some commercial pro-
Litters ducers leave the young with the
If the doe is disturbed, she may doe for 9 or 10 weeks to get a 4%-
kindle on the hutch floor and the to 5 V^ -pound fryer. Small litters

litter may die from exposure. (fewer than five young) can be
Even if predators cats, snakes, — weaned at an earlier age and the
doe rebred. Also, under acceler-
rats, weasels, minks, bobcats, coyo-
tes, strange dogs —
cannot gain ac- ated breeding programs where does
are bred less than 35 days follow-
cess to the rabbitry, they may be
close enough for the doe to detect ing kindling, it is advisable to
their presence, and she may be wean the young at 5, 6, or 7 weeks
frightened and kindle prematurely. of age to allow the doe to prepare
If she is disturbed after the litter for her next litter. It is best to
is born and jumps into the nest box
allow a few days between removal
she may stamp with her back feet of one litter and birth of the next.
and injure or kill the newborn For example: if a doe is bred 28
rabbits. days after kindling, it is possible
Occasionally a doe fails to pro- to leave the litter with her until
duce milk. In such cases the young they are 56 days of age, allowing
will starve within 2 or 3 days un- for kindling about 3 days later.
less the condition is noted and the It depends upon the condition of
young transferred to foster the doe and her ability to stand up
mothers. Keep a close check on under this type of program. You
newborn litters for several days may wish to remove the young at
after birth to make sure they are 7 weeks of age and give the doe 7
being fed and cared for properly. to 10 days to prepare for the next
Does sometimes eat their young. kindling.
This may result from a ration in-
adequate in either quantity or Determining the Sex of Young
quality, or from the nervousness Rabbits
of a doe disturbed after kindling.
It is also possible that the doe is Separate the sexes at weaning,
of a strain that exhibits poor ma- if you are saving junior replace-
ternal instincts. Does usually do ments, or breeding stock. It is
not kill and eat healthy young, but possible to determine accurately the
limit their cannibalism to young sex of baby rabbits less than a
born dead, or those that are in- week of age, but it is easier to do
jured and have died. Proper feed- so when they are weaned. To keep
ing and handling during preg- the rabbit ' from struggling, re-
nancy will do more than anything strain it firmly, yet gently. A
else to prevent this tendency. Give commonly used method is to hold
another chance to a valuable doe the rabbit on its back between your
that destroys her first litter; if she legs with the head up. With your
continues the practice, dispose of left hand restrain the rabbit
her. around the chest holding the front
legs forward alongside the head.
Wean Ins Using the right hand, place the
Under most management pro- thumb behind the right hind leg
grams the young are weaned at 8 and use the index and forefinger to
weeks of a^e. At that age young depress the tail backward and
meat rabbits should average 4 downward. The thumb is then used

424-402 O '1 - 4

to gently depress the area in front goras are to be kept in colonies

of the sex organs to expose the red- for wool production. In produc-
dish mucous membrane. In the ing domestic rabbit meat for mar-
buck, the organ will protrude as a ket, there are no advantages to be
rounded tip, while in the doe the derived from castrating bucks for
"membrane will protrude to form improving the rate of growth and
a slit with a depression at the end condition, reducing the quantity of
next to the anus. feed required to produce a pound
of gain in live weight, and improv-
Marking for IdentiRcation ing the carcass and pelt. Prob-
ably the only advantage to be de-
Mark each breeding rabbit for rived would be that it reduces
identification. Tattooing the ears fighting and makes possible the
is a satisfactory method. When maintaining of a number of cas-
properly done, it is permanent and trated bucks in one inclosure, there-
will not disfigure the ears. You by saving equipment, time, and
can obtain instruments for the labor. Castration is a simple oper-
purpose from biological and live- ation,most easily performed when
stock supply houses. Ear tags and bucks are 3 to 4 months old. You
clips are not satisfactory because also can perform it at weaning
they tear out and disfigure the ear. time.
Identification is then lost. An ad-
To restrain an animal for the
justable box is convenient for re-
operation, have an assistant hold
straining the rabbits for tattooing
the buck's left forefoot and left
(fig. 18). With this equipment,
hind foot with his left hand, and
one person can do the job.
the right forefoot and right hind
foot with his right hand, with the
animal's back held firmly, but
Castration of bucks may be de- gently, against his lap. Clip all the
sirable; for example, where An- wool from the scrotum. Disinfect a

Figure 18. —Vertical section of a box for restraining a rabbit for tattooing. The
spring-type holders tacked to the lower side of a movable floor compress the
rabbit toward the top of the box. A movable cross partition holds the rabbit
toward the front. Blocks of wood on each side hold the rabbit's head in the
center of the hole at the top.

sharp knife or razor blade. If you vanced in pregnancy are most

do not use a disinfecting agent on susceptible to high temperatures.
the rabbit, he will lick the wound Heat suffering in the young is
frequently, keeping it clean and characterized by exteme restless-
the tissues soft, thus promoting ness; in older animals, by rapid
healing. respiration, excessive moisture
Press one of the testicles out into around the mouth, and occasionally
the scrotum. Hold it firmly be- slight hemorrhages around the nos-
tween the thumb and forefinger of trils. Move rabbits that show
the left hand. Make an incision symptoms of suffering from the
parallel to the median line and heat to a quiet, well-ventilated
well toward the back end of the place. Give them a feed sack
scrotum to allow the wound to moistened with cold water to lie
drain readily. To keep the testi- on. Water crocks and large bot-
cle from being drawn up into the tles filled with cracked ice and
abdominal cavity, as soon as it placed in the hutch so that the rab-
comes from the incision pull it out bits can lie next to them contribute
far enough from the body for the to the rabbit's comfort.
cord to be severed just above it. In well-ventilated rabbitries,
To prevent excessive hemorrhage, wetting the tops of the hutches
sever the cord by scraping with a and the floors of the houses on
knife rather than by cutting. If a hot, dry day will reduce the
too much tension is put on the temperatures 6 to 10 degrees F.
cord and it is drawn too far from The tops of hutches should be
the body, injury may be brought waterproof, as rabbits should be
about by internal hemorrhage or kept dry. You can use overhead
other complication. sprinkling equipment in houses
After the second testicle has been with concrete or soil floors that
removed in the same manner, lift drain readily or sprinklers above
the scrotum to make sure that the the roof of rabbit sheds (fig. 2).
ends of the cord go back into the You can install a thermostatically
cavity. controlled sprinkler that will work
Handle the animal gently. After automatically.
the operation, place it in a clean The use of evaporative coolers
hutch where it can be quiet and on the roof or sides of the build-
comfortable. ings, whereby air is drawn over
wet pads and distributed through
the building, can be successfully
Care of Herd During Extreme used in hot, dry climates such as
Temperatures the southwest United States. This
type of cooler is widely used in

Heat. In almost all sections of the homes and can be adapted to use
United States high summer temper- in rabbitries which are partially, or
atures necessitate some changes in totally, enclosed.
the general care and management In areas of high humidity, the
of rabbits. Provide adequate shade use of sprinklers or extra water
to the animals during the hottest will aggravate the situation and
part of the day. Good circulation add to the rabbit's discomfort. Un-
of air throughout the rabbitry is der such conditions, it is advisable
necessary, but avoid strong drafts. to install fans, or place the build-
Provide an abundant supply of ings to take advantage of all
water at all times. breezes, in order to get maximum
Newborn litters and does ad- movement of air. The use of re-

f rigerant air conditioning is usually end boards about 2 inches from

uneconomical and impractical, due the top, so you can hang up the
to the high initial investment and basket. When the temperature is
operating costs. high enough to make the young
During the summer it sometimes restless,place them in the basket.
is difficultto regulate the quantity Hang up the basket inside the
of fur in the nest box to keep the hutch near the top and leave it
litter comfortable. A
cooling bas- for the day. In the evening, if it
ket (fig. 19) then will provide re- is cooler, return the litter to the
lief for the young. It is useful nest box. Where high tempera-
from the time the young are tures continue throughout the
kindled until their eyes are opened night, place the young in the nest
and tliey are able to care for them- box for a short time in the evening
selves. Make this basket 15 inches for nursing. Replace them in the
long, 6 inches wide, and 6 inches basket for the night and allow
deep. Use Vs-i^'i*^'^ mesh hardware them to nurse again in the morn-
cloth 15 by 18 inches; two boards ing.
% by 6 by 6 inches; two laths % Do not hang the basket in direct
by 11/2 by 15 inches; and 2i^-inch sunlight.
screwhooks. Tack the hardware Cold. — Mature rabbits, if kept
cloth to three edges of the two out of drafts, suffer little from
square boards. To keep the basket low temperatures. However, pre-
from bending, nail the laths length- cautions should be taken to protect
wise, in front and back of the rabbits from direct exposure to rain,
basket outside the wire. Nail the sleet, snow, and winds. If they
top edges of the laths flush with are enclosed in a building, care
the tops of the end boards. At the must be taken to provide adequate
back, insert two screwhooks in the ventilation and to prevent the


MHWiiiimiiiiiH i'-,

ir '

1 .'

]|iii|nii|fni!ii ]

Figure 19. —A cooling basket hung in the hutch to provide comfort for the young
during hot weather.

accumulation of moisture. Cold nails with side cutting pliers. Cut

weather, drafts, and high humidity below the tip of the cone in the
are conducive to the spread of toenail. The cone can be observed
respiratory infections. For young by holding the foot up to daylight.
litters, provide nest boxes and This will not cause hemorrhaging
sufficient bedding to keep them or injury to the sensitive portion.
warm as discussed previously.
Controlled Environments. The — Preventing Sore Dewlaps
use of controlled environment in
rabbitries, where rabbits are main- During warm weather the dew-
tained under more or less constant lap, or fold of skin under the rab-
environmental conditions, is re- bit's chin, may become sore. This
ceiving increased attention. Several is caused by drinking frequently
large commercial rabbitries in the from crocks and keeping the fur
western United States are changing on the dewlap wet so long that it
to or are constructing this type of becomes foul and turns green. The
housing. The advantages of con- skin on the dewlap and on the in-
trolled environment are the elimi- side of the front legs becomes
nation of extremes in weather and, rough and the fur may be shed.
perhaps, seasonal fluctuations in The animal scratches the irritated
production. area, causing abrasions and infec-

Preventing Injuries Remove the cause by placing a

board or brick under the water
Paralyzed hindquarters in rabbits crock to raise it so that the dewlap
usually result from improper han- will not get wet when the rabbit
dling or from injuries caused by drinks. If the skin becomes in-
slipping in the hutch while exer- fected, clip off the fur and treat
cising or attempting to escape the area with a medicated oint-
predators, especially around kind- ment until the irritation clears up.
ling time. Such slipping usually The best solution to the problem
occurs at night. Common injuries is to use an automatic dewdrop
are dislocated vertebras, damaged watering system which eliminates
nerve tissue, or strained muscles or the possibility of wet dewlaps.
tendons. If the injury is mild,
the animal may recover in a few
Make the injured animal Sanitation and Disease Control
comfortable and feed it a balanced To protect the herd's health,
diet. If it does not improve with- keep the rabbitry equipment sani-
in a week, destroy it to prevent tary. Remove manure and soiled
unnecessary suffering. It is im- bedding at frequent intervals and
portant, therefore, that your rab- contaminated feed daily. Inspect
bits be provided with quiet, com- water crocks and feed troughs
fortable surroundings and be pro- daily and wash them frequently in
tected from predators and unneces- hot, soapy water. Rinse them in
sary disturbances. clear water, allow them to drain
The toenails of rabbits confined well, and place them in the direct
in hutches do not wear normally. rays of the sun to dry. If it is
They may even become long impractical to sun the equipment
enough to foot deformity.
cause properly, rinse it first in water to
The nailsmay also catch in the which a disinfectant has been
wire mesh floor and cause injury added and then in clear water.
and suffering. Periodically cut the To prevent or control a disease

or parasitic infection, thoroughly wide variety of conditions such as

disinfect hutches and equipment pneumonia, snuffles (sinusitis), and
which have been occupied, or used, other respiratory infections; and
by sick animals, or where exces- septicemia, a generalized blood
sive mortality has occurred. One infection.
of the coal tar derivatives or house- Another serious problem in rab-
hold disinfectants may be used. bit health is enteritis, or bloat.
Allow hutches and equipment to Three types of enteritis are distin-
dry before returning rabbits to the guished :diarrhea, mucoid, and
hutches. A large blowtorch or hemorrhagic. The specific cause
weedburner may be used periodi- of enteritis is not known and there
cally to remove liair and cobwebs are no reliable measures for pre-
and to disinfect the hutches. Clean vention or treatment.
and disinfect nest boxes before Coccidiosis, both of the liver and
using them a second time. intestines, is a serious problem in
Maintaining sanitary conditions some areas but can be successfully
in the rabbitry is a preventive treated.
measure for controlling disease in The tapeworms which infest the
the herd. Re constantly on the rabbit are those which at a later
alert for the appearance of any stage infest dogs and cats, but the
sign that might indicate disease. rabbits seem to suffer little harm
Isolate animals suspected of having from them.
disease at least 2 weeks to deter- Tularemia, the disease that has
mine definitely whether they are in recent years killed off so many
dangerous to the health of the herd. wild rabbits, is spread by ticks and
Place newly acquired rabbits and fleas. If domestic rabbits are kept
those returned from shows in in clean conditions, free from ticks
quarantine at least 2 weeks for the and fleas, they will not contract it.
same reason. Burn or bury dead Domestic rabbits suffer from
animals. other ailments such as fungal in-
losing hutches with self -cleaning fections, mange, sore hocks, and
floors, guards on feed troughs, and spirochetosis or vent disease, but
feed hoppers, will aid greatly in these usually can be successfully
internal parasite control by pro- treated and do not present a major
tecting feed from contamination. problem.
The most serious disease of do- These and other ailments of do-
mestic rabbits is pasteurellosis. mestic rabbits are described in
This disease manifests itself in a table 4.

Table 4.-
Table 4. Common ailments oj domestic rabbits — Continued
Diseases and symptoms Treatment and control

Skin Mange: Reddened, Mites (Cheyletiella para- Dip entire animal in a 1.75
scaly skin, intense itch- sitivorax (rabbit fur percent lime-sulfur bath
ing and scratching, some mite) and Sarcoptes (prepared by mixing
loss of fur. scabiei (scabies or itch commercial 30 percent
mite) ,) lime-sulfur concentrate,
8 oz., laundry detergent,
1 tablespoonful, per gal-
lon tepid water) Repeat

in 2 weeks necessary.
Rubber gloves advisable.

Favus or Ringworm: Cir- Fungus (Trichophyton, Griseofulvin given orally at

cular patches of scaly and Microsporum) the rate of 10 milligrams
skin with red, elevated per pound body weight
crusts. Usually starts for 14 days. Combine
on head. Fur may this treatment with dust-
break ofif or fall out. ing nest boxes with in-
dustrial fungicidal sulfur.
Can also be treated with
a brand of hexetidine.
Apply to infected area
for 7 to 14 days.

Sore Hocks: Bruised, in- Bruised or chafed areas Small lesions may be helped
fected, or abscessed become infected. by placing animal on lath
areas on hocks. May Caused by wet floors, platform or on ground.
be found on front feet irritation from wire or Advanced cases are best
in severe cases. Animal nervous "stompers." culled. Medication is
shifts weight to front temporarily effective.
feet to help hocks.

Urine- Hutch Burn: In Bacterial mfection of the Keep hutch floors clean and
flammation of external membranes. dry. Pay particular
sex organs and anus. attention to corners where
Area may form crusts animals urinate. Daily
and bleed and, if severe- applications of lanolin
ly infected, pus will be mav be of benefit.

Spirochetosis or Vent Dis- Spirochete (Treponema Inject intramuscularly

ease: Similar lesions as cuniculi) 100,000 units of penicillin.
produced by urine or Do not breed until lesions
hutch burn. Raw le heal. If only a few
sions or scabs appear on animals infected, it is
sex organs; transmitted easier to cull than treat.
by mating. Do not loan bucks.
Conjunctivitis or Weepy Bacterial infection of the Early cases may be cleared
Eye: Inflammation of eyelids; also may be up with ej'e ointments,
the eyelids; discharge due to irritation from argyrol, yellow oxide of
may be thin and watery smoke, dust, sprays, mercury, or antibiotic.
or thickand purulent. or fumes. A combination of 400,000
Fur around the eye may units of penicillin com-
become wet and mat- bined with y2 gr. strepto-
ted. mycin to each 2 ml.
For eye infections drop
directly into eye. Pro-
tect animals from air-
borne irritants.
Table 4. Common ailments of domestic rabbits —Continued
Diseases and symptoms Treatment and control

Caked Breasts: Breasts Milk not drawn from Do not wean young abrupt-
become firm and con- glands as fast as formed, ly; if litter is lost, re-
gested, later hard knots because ot too few breed doe and protect
form at sides of nipples. young, or young not doe from disturbance so
Knots may break open, nursing sufficiently; youn^ can nurse properly.
showing dried milk. usually a management Correct faulty nest boxes
problem with high that injure breasts.
milk-producing does.
Mastitis or Blue Breasts: Bacterial infection of the Inject 100,000 units of
Breasts become feverish breasts (Staphylo- penicillin intramuscu-
and pink, nipples red coccus or Strepto- larly twice each day for
and dark. Temperature coccus). 3 to 5 days. Disinfect
above normal, appetite hutch and reduce feed
poor, breasts turn black concentrates. If severe
and purplish. case, destroy. NEVER
transfer young from
infected doe to another

Snuffles or Cold: Sneezing, Bacterial infection of the Individual animals may be

rubbing nose; nasal nasal sinuses {Pas- treated with a combina-
discharge may be thick teurella muUocida or tion of 400,000 units of
or thin. Mats fur on Bordetella bronchi- penicillin combined with
inside of front feet. septica). streptomycin to
y2 gr.
May develop into pneu- each 2 ml. Give intra-
monia, usually chronic muscularly 1 ml. for
type of infection. fryer size, 2 ml. for
mature. Repeat on 3d

Pneumonia: Labored Bacterial infection of the If the above treatment is

breathing with nose lungs. Organisms started early, it is effec-
held high, bluish color involved may be Pas- tive. For control in
to eyes and ears. Lungs teurella multocida, herds, add feed grade
show congestion, red, Bordetella bronchi- sulfaquinoxaline so that
mottled, moist, may be septica, and Staphylo- level will be 0.025 per-
filled with pus. Often coccus and Strepto- cent, feed 3 to 4 weeks.
secondary to enteritis. coccus sp. Water soluble sulfa-
quinoxaline can be added
at a level of 0.025 per-
cent and fed 2 to 3 weeks.

Heat Prostration: Rapid Extreme outside temper- Reduce temperature with

respiration, prostration, ature. Degree varies water sprays, foggers.
blood-tinged fluid from with location and Place wet burlap in
nose and mouth. Does humidity. hutch or wet the animal
that are due to kindle to help reduce body
are most susceptible. temperature.

Coccidiosis, Intestinal: Parasitic infection of the Keep floor clean, dry,

Mild cases, no symp- intestinal tract caused remove droppings fre-
toms; moderate cases, by coccidia. (Eimeria quently. Prevent fecal
diarrhea and no weight perforans, E. magna, contamination of feed
gain. Severe cases E. media, E. irrisidua.) and water. Add feed
have pot belly, diarrhea grade sulfaquinoxaline so
with mucus, and pneu- that level will be 0.025
monia is often percent, feed 3 to 4
secondary. weeks. Water soluble
sulfaquinoxaline can be
added at level of 0.025

Table 4. Common ailments of domestic rabbits — Continued

Diseases and symptoms Treatment and control

percent and fed 2 to 3

weeks. These treat-
ments, combined with
sanitation, •will greatly
reduce numbers of para-
sites and animals

Enteritis, Bloat, or Scours: Unknown; never has Add 50 gr. furazoladine per
Loss of appetite, little been shown to be in- ton of feed to give final
activity, eyes dull and fectious or transmitted concentration of 0.0055
squinted, fur rough, to other animals. percent. Feed inter-
and animals may appear mittently or continu-
bloated. Diarrhea or ously. Water soluble
mucus droppings; chlortetracycline or
animals may grind oxytetracycline at a
teeth. Stomach con- level of 1 pound to 100-
tents fluid, gaseous, or 150 gal. of water may be
filled with mucus. used for treating individ-
ual cases; too costly for
herd control.

Fur Block: Animals re- Lack of sufficient fiber, Increase fiber or roughage
duce feed intake or stop bulk, or roughage in in the ration. Feed dry
eating completely, fur the diet. Junior does alfalfa or timothy hay.
becomes rough, and or developing does
weight is lost. Stom- most susceptible.
ach filled with
undigested fur, block-
ing passage to intestinal
tract. Pneumonia may
become secondary.

Tapeworm Larvae: White Larval stage of the dog No treatment; keep dogs
streaks in li%er or small tapeworms {Taenia and cats away from feed,
white cj'sts attached to pisiformis) or of the water, and nest box ma-
membrane on stomach cat tapeworm {T. terial Eggs of tapeworm
or intestines. Usually taeniaeformis) occur in droppings of
cannot detect in live dogs and cats.

Pinworms: No specific Pinworms ( Passalurus None; infection not con-

symptoms in live ani- ambiquus). sidered one of economic
mals. White threadlike importance.
worms found in cecum
and large intestine
cause slight local irri-

Metritis or White Dis- Infection of the uterus Dispose of infected animals

charge: White sticky by a variety of bac- and disinfect hutches.
discharge from female teria, nonspecific. Infected area difficult
organs, often confused to medicate. When both
with sediment in urine. uteri are infected, ani-
Enlarged uterus de- mal is sterile.
tected on palpation.
One or both uteri filled
with white, purulent

Table 4. Common ailments oj domestic rabbits — Continued

Pasteurellosis: May be an Bacterial infection {Fas- Individual animals may be

acute or chronic infec- teurcUa multocida) treated with a combina-
tion. Nasal discharge, tion of 400,000 units of
watery eyes, weight penicillin combined with
loss, or mortality with- ],^ gr. streptomycin to

out symptoms. Inflam- each 2 ml. Give intra-

mation and consolida- muscularly 1 ml. for fryer
tion of lungs, inflamma- size, 2 ml. for mature.
tion of bronchi and Repeat on 3d day. For
nasal sinuses. herd control, add feed
grade sulfaquinoxaline at
level of 0.025 percent, feed
3 to 4 weeks. Save re-
placement stock from
clean animals and cull out
chronically infected ani-
mals. Use good sanitary
measures to reduce trans-
mission to new animals.

Paralyzed Hindquarters: Injury, resulting in brok- Protect animals from dis-

Found in mature does, en back, displaced disc, turbing factors, predators,
hind legs drag, cannot damage to spinal cord night prowlers, and visi-
support weight of pelvis or nerves. tors or noises that startle
or stand, tlrinary animals, especially preg-
bladder fills but does nant does.
not empty.

Wry Neck: Head twisted Infection of the organs None, eliminate ear canker
to one side, animals of balance in the inner from herd. Some cases
roll over, cannot main- ear. May be parasitic result from nest-box
tain equilibrium. or bacterial. injuries.

Effective treatments are not soybean, peanut, sesame, or lin-

known for many rabbit diseases. seed meal may correct the
It is usually simpler and safer to deficiency.
destroy a few sick animals than The experienced breeder notes
it is to treat them and risk spread- the condition of each animal in the
ing infection to healthy stock. This herd and regulates the quantity of
is especially true of animals with feed to meet its individual require-
respiratory infections. ment. Providing good-quality hay
or feeding fresh, sound green feed
Fur-Eatins Habit or root crops as a supplement to
the grain or pelleted diet also
Rabbits that eat their own fur helps to correct an abnormal
or bedding material, or gnaw the appetite.
fur on other rabbits, usually do so
because the diet is inadequate in Preventing Fur Block
quality or quantity. A
cause is a diet low m
fiber or bulk. In cleaning themselves by lick-
Sometimes the protein content of ing their coats, or when eating fur
the diet is too low. Addinjr more from other animals, rabbits swal-

low some wool or fur which is not shrubbery, and trees. There is no
digested. The only noticeable re- danger in using it for fertilizing
sult may be droppings fastened soil on which crops are to be raised
together by fur fibers. However, for feeding rabbits.
if the rabbit swallows any appreci- The value of rabbit manure de-
able amount, it may collect in the pends on how it is cared for and
stomach and form a "fur block" used. There will be less loss of
that interferes with digestion. If fertilizing elements if the material
it becomes large enough, it blocks is immediately incorporated into
the alimentary tract and the animal the soil. "When manure is stored
starves. The most satisfactory in piles and exposed to the weather,
method of preventing this is to chemicals are lost through leaching
shear Angoras regularly, and try and heat. Much of this loss can
to prevent fur eating among your be prevented by keeping the ma-
rabbits by providing adequate nure in a compost heap or in a bin
roughage and protein in their diet. or pit.
A block of wood or other material
upon which the rabbit can chew
may be used to reduce fur chewing. Earthworms in the Rabbitry

Where earthworms are active

Gnawing Wooden Parts of the throughout the year as in warm
climates, they may be used to ad-
vantage under rabbit hutches to
Gnawing wood is natural for the
save labor in removing fertilizer.
rabbit. Protect wooden parts of Make bins for confining the worms
the hutch by placing wire mesh on the same length and width as the
the inside of the frame when con- hutch and 1 foot deep (fig. 20).
structing the hutch and by using Place bins on the ground, not on
strips of tin to protect exposed solid floors, and keep the fertilizer
wooden edges. Treating the wood moist to insure the worms working
with creosote protects it as long throughout the bin.
as the scent and taste last. Plac- Earthworms convert the rabbit
ing twigs or pieces of soft wood in —
droppings into casts a convenient
the hutch protect it to some extent form of fertilizer for use with
rabbits may chew these instead of flowere, lawns, shrubs, trees, and
the hutch. other foliage. If you keep a large
Rabbits that have access to good- population of worms, there will be
quality hay and are receiving some no objectionable odor. Very few
flies will breed in the bins. It is
fresh green feed or root crops are
less likely to gnaw on their hutches.
necessary to remove the manure
only at 5- to 6-month intervals.

Disposal of Rabbit Manure

Records and Recordkeeping
Rabbit manure has a high nitro-
gen content when the rabbits are A convenient and simple system
fed a well-balanced diet (<5). It of records is essential for keeping
will not burn lawns or plants and track of breeding, kindling, and
is easy to incorporate in the soil. weaning operations. You can use
It is satisfactory on gardens and the information in culling unpro-
lawns and about flowering plants, ductive animals and in selecting

breeding stock. The essential fea- ord cards. They may be obtained
tures of a simple record system are from firms deahng in supplies for
illustrated in the hutch card and the rabbitry or you may prepare
the buck breeding record card your own. Some feed mills also
shown in figures 21 and 22. furnish their customers with hutch
The USDA does not furnish rec- cards and record forms.

N 45949
Figure 20. —Worm bins installed beneath rabbit hutches.


tei..] No. W


Buck No

Breed Sire

Date born Dam

reach fryer weight even though
the pelts are not prime. In order
to yield a carcass weighing from
114 to 314 pounds, young rabbits
should have a live weight of ap-
proximately 3 to 6 pounds. Best
carcass yields are usually from
young rabbits weighing from 4 to
4% pounds, when weaned at 2
months of age (figs. 25 and 26).
These should yield a carcass (in-
cluding liver and heart) of 50 to
59 percent of the live weight, 78
to 80 percent of which is edible.
For fryer production, medium-
weight to heavyweight breeds are
pi'eferred. Their young are most
apt to develop to the desired weight
and finish by the time they are 2
months old.
A pound of marketable fryer
rabbit will require 2%
to 314
N 45952 pounds of feed, or a total of ap-
Figure 23. — Filling feed cart from bulk proximately 100 pounds for a doe
feeder tank. and litter of 8, from mating of the
doe to marketing of the young
when 2 months old. Good does
nurse their litters 6 to 8 weeks.
The young develop more rapidly
if they are in the hutch with their
mothers until they are 8 weeks of
age. By that time, the milk sup-
ply will have decreased, the young
will be accustomed to consuming
other feed, and weaning will be
less of a shock than if undertaken
at an earlier age. Young that are
weaned and held for several days
before market may either fail to
gain or actually lose weight.
Therefore, it is usually best to
leave the young with their mothers
until they go to market.
If you want to produce fryers
heavier than those weaned when 56
days old, keep young rabbits with
their mother an additional 8 or 9
days. These fryers should gain an
average of 0.6 to 1.0 pound during
N 45947
Figure 24. — Filling hopper (self-feeder)
this period, if full fed a balanced
from feed cart. diet. However, they will require
more pounds of feed per pound of

N 45953
Figure 25. — Young meat rabbits waiting shipment to market.

BN 26085
Figure 2(5. — Litter of fryer rabbits at marlcet age and weight.
increase in live weight than previ-
Roaster Production
ously, and the death of one rabbit
in a litter during: tlie extra holding According to the reg-ulations
period may eliminate any addi- governing the gradino; and inspec-
tional profit. tion of domestic rabbits, issued by
the Department of Agriculture cost of feed required to produce
(1^, Title 7, Part 54, section 54.- these gains must be assessed against
262), "A roaster or mature rabbit the value of the heavier rabbits.
is a mature or old domestic rabbit Unless a premium is paid for ma-
carcass of any weight, but usually ture rabbits for their meat or bet-
over 4 pounds processed from a ter fur quality, it is doubtful if
rabbit usually 8 months of age or such production would be more
older." profitable than that of rabbits of
You can fatten culls from the fryer weight.
breeding herd for roasters, if they Castrated bucks require less
are in good condition. In some time and about 5 percent less feed
areas you may find it profitable to than normal bucks to attain a
develop young rabbits to heavier given live weight. As indicated
weights primarily for the meat previously, one advantage of cas-
market. Such rabbits should yield tration is that a number of animals
a carcass that is 55 to 65 percent can be kept together with a saving
of the live weio:ht, with 87 to 90 of equipment, time, and labor. If
percent of it edible. However, the a buck is castrated when 2 months
quantity of feed required to pro- old, his skin at maturity will grade
duce a pound of gain, live weight, as a doe skin and sell for a higher
increases with each pound of gain, price. These factors, however,
and may amount to 12 to 14 pounds usually do not justify the extra
to increase the live weight from work and danger involved in
9 to 10 pounds. Therefore, the castration.


Angora rabbits are raised pri- English Angora rabbits from the
marily for wool production (fig. French when they are off type, and
27). Wool on Angoras grows to a the choice largely is a matter of
length of 21^ to 3i/^ inches each personal preference. The typical
3 months, or approximately 1 inch French Angora usually is larger
per month. You can shear 14 to 15 than the English. The wool fiber
ounces of wool a year from a ma- of the French is shorter and
ture Angora that is not nursing coarser than that of the English,
young. This wool is valued for its but wool yield is greater. Owing
softness, warmth, and strength. It to competition with other fibers,
is used in blends with other fibers both natural and synthetic, and
in the manufacture of children's competition with imported Angora
clothing, sport clothes, garment rabbit wool, the market price is
trimmings, and clothes for general generally low and it is advisable to
wear. Used alone it is usually too use the Angora as a dual purpose
light and fluffy, and blends create animal for both meat and wool
better tensile strength and dura- production. The commercial An-
bility. gora weighs at least 8 pounds and
There are two main types of An- is being bred more and more to

gora rabbits the English and the improve its quality for meat.
French. Present standards of the Keep herd bucks and does in in-
American Rabbit Breeders Associ- dividual hutches. Keep woollers—
ation, however, make English and does and castrated bucks main-
French types of wool synonymous. tained primarily for wool pro-
It is difficult to distinguish the —
duction in groups or colonies to

FicrRE 27. —Angora rabbit.

save labor. Castration of bucks carrying; determine the amount of

that are to be reserved for wool flesh by running the hand along
production may reduce fighting in the backbone. Reduce or increase
the herd, but wool production is the quantity of feed to keep the
not increased by castration. animals in condition,
To prevent infestation with in- A properly constructed manger
ternal parasites and to keep wool for hay and green feed, or the use
clean, install self-cleaning floors in of a hopper, protects the wool
the pens. from foreign matter and prevents
Wool should be harvested prior contamination of feed.
to breeding to prevent mauling,
and soiling of the wool.
Angoras are generally sheared Equipment for Groomins and
or plucked every 10 to 11 weeks Shearing
though some producers pluck their
animals monthly and some at in- You will need the following equip-
tervals beyond o months. ment for grooming and shearing:
Feed and care for Angoras in A tabled waist-high, with a 12- by
the same way as for other breeds. 24-inch top covered with carpet or
Because of their long wool, how- a feed sack to keep the rabbit from
ever, you must handle Angoras to slipping, and equipped with cas-
find out how much flesh thev are tors to allow easy turning. A

table equipped with straps or cords from one side. Turn the rabbit
for restraining the rabbit is ad- around and repeat the shearing
vantageous. operation on the other side, starting
A hairbrush %nth single steel at the neck and shearing toward the
bristles set in rubber, for brushing rump. For shearing the head,
and removing foreign material from front legs, belly, and hind legs,
wool. restrain the rabbit as for grooming.
A pair of barber's scissors or Separate small areas of wool and
electric clippers. shear the way you did the sides.
A ruler for measuring the length Do not injure the doe's teats. Do
of wool. not shear wool from the belly of a
Containers for storing wool. pregnant doe. After shearing,
Grooming. — Commercial woollers lightly brush the rabbit to
require if sltij, grooming be-
little, straighten out the wool fibers and
tween shearings provided the}' are prevent the formation of mats.
properly cared for and sheared During cold weather, newly
every 10 to 12 weeks. If you allow sheared rabbits need protection.
the coat to grow for a longer period, A nest box in the hutch affords ade-
the fibers may become webbed, quate protection during cool spells.
tangled, or matted. ^Yhen the temperature is as low as
For grooming, place the rabbit 30° to 40° F., keep the animals in
on the table. Part the wool down a building where you can maintain
the middle of the back. Brush one comfortable temperatures. In mu-
side,stroking downward. As you ter, leave a half inch of wool on the
reach the end of the wool, brush body for protection.
upward and outward to remove all
foreign material. Make another GradinS/ Preparing, and
part in the wool about half an inch
farther down the side. Repeat the Marketing Wool
operation until the job is com-
pleted. Groom the other side the Label a container for each grade
same way. of wool and place it near the shear-
For grooming the head, front ing table. Grade the wool as
sheared. Following are the usual
legs, and belly place the rabbit on
its back in your lap. Hold its commercial grades:
hindquarters gently but firmly be- Plucked wool
tween the knees. Separate small Super Scinches or longer
areas of wool and groom the way No. 1 3 inches or longer
you did the sides. No. 2 2 inches or longer
For grooming the hind legs, Sheared wool
No. 1 214 to 3 inches
place the rabbit on its back in your No. 2 1% to 2 inches
lap. Hold the head and front feet No. 3 1 to 1% inches
under the left arm. Use the left Shorts % to % inches
hand to hold the rabbit's hind (may be slightly
No. 4 Matted

Shearing. Before shearing, cut No. 5 Stained and unclean
off all stained ends of wool. Place
the back of the scissors against the While the above have been
rabbit's body to prevent cutting the usual accepted commercial
the skin. Begin at the rump and grades for Angora rabbit wool,
shear a strip about an inch wide to some grading systems have been
the neck. Repeat this operation simplified to the extent that only
until you have removed all the wool three grades ai-e considered: No.

1 —clean wool; No. 2—clean mats; put mothballs or crystals in a small

and No. 3 — other wool, includ-
all sack before placing this in the
ing; soiled wool. container with the wool.
Put each grade in a separate Some Angora breeders spin the
paper bag without packing too wool on an old-fashioned spinning
tightly. Tie the bags and place wheel and knit the yarn into gar-
them in burlap sacks or corrugated ments for home use or for sale.
boxes for shipment. Others sell wool to organizations
If the wool is to be stored, place or individuals who collect large
it in a tightly covered container. quantities and these organizations
To protect the wool from moths. or individuals in turn sell to mills.

Slaughtering and Skinning feet. Then cut the skin just below
the hock of the suspended right
Slaughter in clean, sanitary leg and open it on the inside of the
quarters. Obtain information on leg to the root of the tail, con-
regulations and restrictions from tinuing the incision to the hock of
local health authorities.
The preferred method of slaugh-
tering a rabbit is by dislocating
the neck. Hold the animal by its
hind legs with the left hand. Place
the thumb of the right hand on the
neck just back of the ears, with
the four fingers extended under the
chin (fig. 28). Push down on the
neck with the right hand, stretch-
ing the animal. Press down with
the thumb. Then raise the animal's
head by a quick movement and dis-
locate the neck. The animal be-
comes unconscious and ceases strug-
gling. This method is instantane-
ous and painless when done cor-
Another method is to hold the
animal with one hand at the small
of the back, with its head down,
and stun it by a heavy blow at the
base of the skull.
Suspend the carcass on a hook
inserted between the tendon and
the bone of the right hind leg just
above the hock (fig. 29). Remove
the head immediately to permit
thorough bleeding so the meat will
have a good color. Remove the 83078 B
tail and the free rear leg at the Figure 28. —How to hold a rabbit for
hock joint, and cut off the front disclocating neck in slaughtering.


Figure 29. Steps in skinning rabbits and removing internal organs. Small jets of
water from pipe beneath rack wash blood from back panel and trough.

the left leg. Carefully separate the tary. Rinsing the carcass in cold
edges of the skin from the carcass, water facilitates removal of hair
taking special pains to leave all fat and blood and also cleans the car-
on the carcass as the skin is pulled cass. Brush the rabbit's neck
down over the animal. This makes thoroughly in water to remove any
a more attractive meat product, fa- blood. Do not leave the carcass
cilities drying the skin, and pre- in water more than 30 minutes;
vents "fat burns" on the pelt in prolonged soaking causes it to ab-
drying. sorb water, and water in the meat
Even small cuts lessen the value is adulteration.
of a skin. As soon as you remove Chill the carcass in a refriger-
the skin, place it on a stretcher, ated cooler. Arrange the carcass
secure it and hang it up for drying. on a cooling rack so that moderate
(See section on "Rabbitskins.") air movements and a suitable tem-
After skinning the carcass, make perature within the cooler will re-
a slit along the median line of the duce the internal temperature of
belly and remove the entrails and the carcass to no less than 36° F.
gall bladder. Leave the liver and and to no more than 40° within
kidneys in place. Remove the 24 hours.
right hind foot by severing at the Hanging by the hind legs for
hock. Take particular care not to chilling may cause a carcass to be
get hairs on the carcass; they are drawn out of shape, so that the
difficult to remove, detract from pieces will not fit satisfactorily
the appearance, and are unsani- into a carton. Some processors

chillcarcasses in wire trays, ar- ment of Agriculture, Washington,

ranging them so the pieces will be D.C., 20250.
of a proper shape for packaging.
Cratins and Shippins Live
Cuttins and Packagins Rabbit Rabbits
Meat You can ship rabbits almost any
distance with safety, if they are in
Hotels, restaurants, hospitals,
clubs, andother establishments good condition, properly crated,
usually purchase the whole carcass. and provided with food and water.
Their chefs prefer to cut them to Do not ship them in extremely hot
meet their own requirements. or cold weather. Always use well-
ventilated crates that are long
Housewives usually prefer the cut-
up, packaged product. Cut up the enough to permit the rabbit to lie
fryer rabbit with a knife; using down. Use straw, not sawdust, for
bedding. Crates with slanting tops
a cleaver may splinter the bones.
Common cuts from fryer carcasses discourage stacking (fig. 32).
are illustrated in figures 30 and 31.
Put only one animal in a com-
In large commercial processing partment of a shipping crate. Ani-
plants, a handsaw is used. A
mals to be in transit 24 hours or
less need only a small quantity
affined box with a cellophane win-
dow makes a neat, sanitary package of feed and water. If the trip is
long, more feed and water are
for the chilled rabbit carcass (fig.
needed. It is wise to attach to
31). If the package is to be
handled considerably or the meat each crate a bag of feed and a
is to be frozen, use a box without
printed request to feed and water
the cellophane window, but wrap the animals once daily. Plenty of
fresh water and feed should be ac-
the meat or the box in a special
cessible to the rabbits at all time.
salable wrapping to prevent freezer
burns and loss in palatibility. For rabbits in transit use the type
of feed given in the rabbitry. As
A box 9 inches long, 4 inches an alternative, a bunch of fresh
wide, and 2i/^ inches deep is suit-
able for a fryer carcass weighing carrots placed in the crate will pro-
vide enough feed and moisture for
1% to 214 pounds. Arrange the several days' travel, and eliminates
cuts attractively. Include the
heart, kidneys, and liver.
the possibility of spilling feed and
If you sell to the home trade or water supplied in containers.
furnish butchers with meat that Label the crate clearly, advising
is to be consumed locally, you can
against exposing the animals to
make a neat, sanitary, and inex- sun or rain, and also against plac-
pensive package by arranging the ing the crates near steam pipes.
pieces of fryer and a sprig of pars- Notify the purchaser when rabbits
ley on a paper plate and covering
are shipped.
them with a piece of clear cello- You can make shipping crates
pliane or other wrapping material
from packing boxes. It is good
business, however, and effective ad-
(fig. 31).
vertising, to ship rabbits in dur-
For information on regulations able crates that are neatly built,
governing the grading and inspec- light in weight, and attractive.
tion of domestic rabbits and speci- Furnish ample space in each com-
fications for classes, standards, and partment and see to it that wire
grades, write to the Consumer and netting keeps the rabbits from
Marketing Service, U.S. Depart- ffnawins: the wood.

BN 26086
FiGTTBE 30. — Some common cuts obtained from a rabbit carcass.

83080 B
FiGUEE 31. — Some common cuts obtained from a rabbit carcass, and samples of
preparation for sale.

BN 26083
FiGUBE 32. —Homemade shipping crates for transporting rabbits

Curing jury to the fur of the back, which
is the most valuable. On the day
While still warm, place skins to after skinning, examine the pelts
be cured flesh side out on wire or to see that the edges are drying
board formers or shapers (with the flat, that the skin of the front legs
fore part over the narrow end). is straightened out, and that any
Take care to remove all wrinkles. patches of fat are removed.
You can make a satisfactory skin All skins must be thoroughly
shaper from 5 feet of No. 9 gal- dried before you pack them, but do
vanized wire. This equipment has not dry them in the sun or by arti-
been called a "stretcher," but th& ficial heat. Han^ them up so the
term may give a wrong impression. air can circulate ireely about them.
It is not desirable to stretch the If you will not ship the dried skins
skin unduly. Mount a skin on the for some time, hang them in loose
shaper, making sure both front bundles of 50 in a cool, dry place
feet casings are on the same side, away from rats and mice. In the
and fasten it with clothespins (fig. summer or in a warm climate,
33). This arrangement lessens in- sprinkle the stored skins with

(Left) N 45955 (Right) B 83081

Figure 33. —How to place a rabbit pelt on a shaper before hanging it up
to dry (left)
Two sizes of rabbit pelts properly placed on wire shapers (right). Front feet
casings (not shown in picture) are on other side of shaper.

naphtha flakes. Never use salt in White skins bring higher prices
curing rahhltskins. than colored skins because of the
adaptability to use in the lighter
Marketins shades of garments and hats.
If good and poor skins of differ-
Domestic rabbitskins vary ent sizes and colors are mixed in a
<rreatly density and quality,
shipment, the entire shipment is
depending on the degree of care usually accepted at the price of
that breeders take in breeding.
poor skins. Sort the skins (unless
Good fur can be produced on effi- you have too few) and offer them
cient meat-producing animals by
in separate shipments.
selective mating. Better skins
command higher prices. Grades
Because of the relative cheapness
of rabbitskins, volume is necessary All rabbitskins have some value
for the dealer to market them satis- in the fur trade. About 85 percent
factorily and since
; dressing of domestic rabbitskins are from
charges are so much per skin, the rabbits 8 to 10 weeks old. These
larger skins, other things being skins are known in the trade as
equal, will bring the better price "fryer skins." They are usually
even when they are sold by the sold by the pound as butcher run,
pound, "^^^lether it will pay to that is, ungraded. Five or six
grow or condition heavier rabbits fryer skins usually wei^^h a pound.
for the market depends on the rela- In full-fed rabbits weighing 4 to
tive cost of feed and the market 12 pounds, the poorest skins come
value of the finished product. In from animals up to 134 days old.
areas where similar skins are pro- Older animals produce a higher
duced in quantity, it might be percentage of better grade skins.
profitable for several rabbit raisers The better grade skins from older
to market their skins cooperatively. domestic rabbits are usually sold

by the piece, primarily because markings do not show on white

they are lar<jer than fryer skins. skins since pigment is lacking.
Raw-fur buyers usually grade Seconds also include pelts that are
rabbitskins as firsts, seconds, thirds, improperly shaped and dried, have
and hatters. Many buyers have been damaged in shipment, or show
their special grades. Firsts and poor spots where the skin has been
seconds may be divided into five pierced or the fur is short or
color classes —
white, red, blue, missing.
chinchilla, and mixed. Some fur- Thirds are pelts with short fur
riers also grade firsts and seconds and thin underfur and those from
as large, medium, and small. If animals too young or those that
you have enough skins, pack white, are shedding. Thirds are of no
red, blue, and chinchilla skins value to the furriers. They are
separately by colors. Put skins of used in the manufacture of toys,
all other colors together. specialty articles, and felt for hats.
Firsts are prime pelts that are All skins that do not meet re-
large, properly shaped, and prop- quirements of the other grades are
erly dried. All the hair is held "hatters.-' Pelts that are badly cut
firmly in the skin and the skin side or otherwise mutilated, or poorly
is free from fat, flesh, pigment stretched and dried, also are classed
spots, streaks, and cuts. The as hatters. The underfur of such
tliicker and denser the underfur, pelts is used in making felt. Since
the more valuable the pelt and the the denser skins yield more cut
better price it will bring. fur, the hat trade pays more for
Firsts are used for making gar- them.
ments. They may be sheared or The distribution of domestic rab-
used in the natural or "long- bitskins into these several grades
haired" condition. They also may depends on the demand for each
be used in the natural color or may kind. The market may be such
be dyed. A uniform, dense under- that practically all the rabbitskins
fur is necessary to make desirable at a given time will be sold as
rabbitskin garments. The coarse, "hatters." Under some conditions,
longer hairs should return to their there may be but little demand
natural position and present a even in the hat trade.
smooth appearance immediately
after the hand is passed through
and against the natural flow of the Packins and Shipping
hair coat.
Fryer skins contain only a small To avoid spoilage or damage in
percentage of fur usuable for gar- transit, take care in packing skins
ments primarily because of shed- for shipment.
ding or molting marks and second- So far as possible keep skins in
arily because of thin fur and the same shape as when removed
leather. Rabbitskins for fur gar- from the form. Carefully examine
ments have been in bad repute be- each one to make sure that it is
cause inferior grades were used in properly dried. Do not pack or
the past. ship a moist pelt or one that has
Seconds are pelts that have patches of oily fat on it. Make
shorter fur and less underfur than up large quantities of skins into
firsts. The unprime colored skin bales. Sprinkle naphthalene or
shows dark pigment spots or paradichlorobenzene on every two
streaks and, sometimes, large black or three layers of skins, as you
splotches on the leather side. These pack them. This will keep out

insects that might cause damage. ping them. Ship smaller quanti-
When a bale has been made up, ties in gunny or feed sacks. Do
cover with burlap, sew with strong not use wooden boxes for shipping
cord or binder twine, and mark. rabbitskins; the weight adds ma-
Always protect skins when ship- terially to shipping charges.


The commercial rabbitry is one the hutch record cards (fig. 21)
that isoperated for the "profit- and accumulated daily on a
able"' production of rabbit meat. A monthly summary form. The
great deal of progress has been monthly figures can then be ac-
made in the development of the cumulated on an annual summary
rabbit industry. It is a stable form, and an annual summary of
enterprise for an individual em- the rabbitry can be ascertained by
ploying sound management princi- posting the accumulated invest-
ples, but numbers alone do not spell ment, income, and expense figures
success. The rabbitry, as any busi- on a summary chart.
ness, cannot ajfford additional units
of production unless those added Labor
provide returns equal to, or greater
Close attention to the rabbits is
than, their costs. The determina-
essential to success. Although it is
tion of the point at which margin-
not practical to provide care 24
al costs of production equal mar-
ginal returns necessitates the pres-
hours a day, too little labor is dis-

ence of two factors important for astrous. Somewhere between no

the success of a commercial rab- care and constant care is an opti-
bitry: Concise, accurate and cur- mum amount of labor for a rab-
rent records, and close attention to bitry of a given size.
care and feeding of the rabbits. Rabbitry management studies
conducted in San Bernardino
County, Calif., in 1962 and 1963
Records revealed a range of 2.3 to 27.7
Records need not be extremely hours of labor per doe per year,
detailed, unless the personal de- with an average of 6.4 hours per
siresand time of the operator allow doe. Rabbitry sizes, based on the
for minute recordkeeping. What- average number of working does,
ever records are kept should per- ranged from a low of 31.4 to a high
mit the operator to calculate costs of 792.9, with an average of 247.5.
of production and evaluate the For all practical purposes, the la-
progress made over comparable bor source reported by participat-
periods of time. ing rabbitries was a husband-and-
Information basically desirable wife team. Using the averages of
is (1) the number of does bred, the management studies conducted,
(2) the number of conceptions, (3) an average daily requirement of
the number of does kindling, (4) 6.4 hours per doe per year for a
the number of does raising a lit- 247.5-doe rabbitry gives a total an-
ter, (5) total young left with doe, nual labor need of 1,584 hours.
and (6) total number of young This gives conjecture to the possi-
weaned or raised per breeding. bility of operating a rabbitry on
These facts will provide the neces- a 5 -day week. A
weekly work
sary permanent production factors. schedule of 40 hours totals 2,080
Information can be obtained from hours per year. Dividing 2,080
hours by the study average of 6.4 The reduction in land investment
hours oi labor per doe gives a total from 1962 to 1963 does not indicate
of 325 does required to use the lowering land values, but rather
hours of labor available. This is that rabbitries participating in the
77.5 more than the management study in 1963 were located on lower
study average. valued land than those participat-
Certainly, a progressive indus- ing in 1962.
try will keep in tune with the in- Costs for housing and equipment
novations continuously appearing vary considerably, but the 1962-
on the market. These available 63 quotation for an all-wire hutch
engineering ingenuities can be used indicated the retail charge was
to advantage by the rabbit indus- $5.07 per hole or per doe. Acces-
try. "Where needed, modifications sory equipment, such as nest boxes,
can be made for their adoption. feeders, medication tank, feed
Self-feeders, automatic watering tank, etc., cost $4.11, for a total cost
devices, built-in sunken nest boxes, of $9.18 per doe. Deducting this
and electric carts for feeding and amount from the 2-year average
carrying fryers or breeding stock building and equipment charge of
are but examples. Constant striv- $17.57, as shown in the tabulation,
ing for improved feeds and feeding leaves a cost of $8.39 per doe for
techniques, building designs, and the building and its related electri-
materials and for stock improve- cal and watering equipment. The
ment through breeding provides above costs reflect commercial re-
the progressive rabbitry operator tail prices for new equipment. Re-
with the means to reduce the hours ductions can be made by canvassing
of labor per animal. the market for used material avail-
Naturally, these innovations will able. The use of either semirigid
tend to increase investment costs or flexible plastic pipe in lieu of
of the rabbitry. However, if these galvanized pipe for water lines
innovations reduce the marginal should be explored. Frequently,
cost of production, there will be when salvage material is adequate,
justification for their use. it can substantially reduce build-
ing costs. Bargaining ability can
further reduce costs, but reductions
should not be made at the expense
of reliable, sound, and safe con-
The rabbit management studies
conducted in San Bernardino Returns and Expenses
County, Calif., during the years
1962 and 1963 showed the follow- The rabbit industry represents
ing investment costs per doe: * a relatively stable market. In the
management studies conducted in
Investment 1962 1963
1962 and 1963, the price received
Land $12.80 $10.07
per pound of fryer for the 2-year
Building and period ranged only 4 cents, and
equip- that received per pound of mature
ment 17.09 18.06 17.57 rabbits ranged only 2 cents. In
neous each case, the changes were ^adual
supplies. _ .01 .03 .02 and infrequent. Total receipts re-
Feed. .61 .48 .55 ported for the participating rab-
Stock 5.48 5.87 5.67 bitries averaged $29.59 per doe per
Total 36.07 34.51 35.29
year. On the average, sale of
" Although these figures are for 1962
and 1963, they can be converted to present

fryers represented 90 percent of sents a summary of the percentage

total receipts. distribution of costs in the San
The study averages of 6.4 hours Bernadino County management
of labor and of $29.59 income per studies for 1962 and 1963:
doe give a gross income return of Percent
$4.62 per hour. Feed 53.8
The management study i^yr 1962 Labor 30.5
reported that total production costs Miscellaneous 5.6
Depreciation 4.5
(feed, labor, stock purchased, mis-
Interest 5.6
cellaneous expense, depreciation,
and interest at 6 percent on invest- The distribution of income, by
ment) amounted to $22.54, for an source, was as follows:
average of 104.2 pounds of meat Percent
produced per doe. The costs re- Fryer rabbits sold 89.9
ported for 1963 totaled $23.55, for Miscellaneous income 1.7
the 115.9 pounds of meat produced Breeding stock sold . 4.0

per doe. Production costs for the Mature stock sold 2.7
Inventory change 1.7
2 years average $23.04 per doe, or
$3.60 per hour, based on 6.4 hours Although it is to be remembered
labor per doe. Subtracting this that conditions vary from year to
from a gross income return of year and from area to area, as well
$4.62 per hour leaves $1.02 per as from rabbitry to rabbitry, these
hour as net income. The average summary figures were substanti-
cost per pound of meat sold in 1962 ated by those of a 1964 survey con-
amounted to 21.6 cents, and in 1963, ducted in the Santa Clara-Ala-
20.0 cents. meda County area of northern
The following tabulation pre- California.
(1) American Rabbit Breeders Asso- CHOICE, AND COMMERCIAL
ciation, Inc. GRADES. U.S. Dept. Agr.,
1960. standard of perfection. Agr. Res. Serv. CA-'44-37.
Ill pp., illus. Pittsburgh, 6 pp.
Pa. (10) Morrison, F. B.
(2) Cassady, R. B. 1956. FEEDS and FEEDING. 22d
1962. malocclusion, or "buck ed. 1165 pp., illus. Ithaca,
TEETH," IN rabbits. U.S. N.Y.
Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (11) Sandford, J. C.
CA-44-48. 3 pp., illus. 1957. THE DOMESTIC RABBIT. 258
(3) pp., illus. London.
1962. VALUE AND USE OF RABBIT (12) Smith, S. E., Donefer, E., and
MANURE. U.S. Dept. Agr., Casady, R. B.
Agr. Res. Serv. CA-44-47. 1966. nutrient requirements
5 pp. OF RABBITS. Natl. Acad.
Sci. —
Res. Council
1963. RABBIT MEAT IS COMPETI- Pub. 1194, 17 pp., illus.
TIVE. U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. (13) Templeton, G. S.

Res. Serv. CA-44-38. 2 pp.

1962. domestic rabbit produc-
tion. 3d ed. 213 pp., illus.
PROBLEM IN RABBITS. U.S. (14) United States Consumer and
Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv.
Marketing Service.
1967. regulations governing
CA-44-34. (A rev. edition.)
the gr.^ding and inspec-
2 pp.
tion OF domestic rabbits
(6) Hagen, K. W., Jr.
and edible products
1962. tularemia, an animal-
thereof and united
states specifications for
Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. CA- classes, standards, and
44-49. 3 pp.
grades with respect
(7) and Lund, E. E. thereto. Title 7 Code of
1964. COMMON DISEASES OF DO- Federal Regulations, pt. 54,
MESTIC RABBITS. U.S. Dept. effective August 1966.
Agr. ARS-45-3-2 (Rev.) (15) United States Department of
8 pp. Agriculture.
(8) Hardy, T. M. P., and Dolnick, 1962. inheritance of "woolly"
E. H. IN RABBIT. U.S. Dept.
1948. ANGORA RABBIT WOOL PRO- Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. CA-
DUCTION. U.S. Dept. Agr. 44-36. 3 pp.
Cir. No. 785. 22 pp., illus. (16)
(9) HiNER, R. L. 1964. raising RABBITS. U.S.
1962. PHYSICAL COMPOSITION OF Dept. Agr. Farmers' Bui.
FRYER RABBITS OF PRIME, 2131. 24 pp., illus.

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