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IFlai:l! M,ower Range

Standard Flail mOW8, range

Spearhead Standc:lrd fl!olillmow,ers willl,Q,ive 'on ,enviable fin,is!h te parks and gardens" fo,oltpaths, and foolban fiel!ds end paddocks and pastures. 'Wet or dry~ I,ong or short, thestandlord flClli'l mower. wilill mew cleon,I, in alii of these 'tonaif'ions,. Tmctor matched to' 25 ttll 50 hp power units, the' S~andQfd flaill mowess are Cll'va,ilabl'e' in wo'rking widths. D,f 1.5m,1.,Bli'nr ICins 2.11 m. They con be front or reor mounted end can be: oiffsef to cut under Ilow 'trees, and over kerbs,

The toughened ,s'tleel Misted Hai'l revolves at 2,2S0 rpm on 10 dync'mi'cClUy bnlcrtced ra,'tor ,s,haft to give CIl dean cul'llnd ,g fhorougt, melch. The cuttings are d'ischflrged bDCk down info the 5w(ud where Hl,ey 'rapi:dIIV decompose end return the' inutrie·nts tOI the! plant roois for nn irnpreved appe,clronce of the mow:n crea. The' hJlrge diameter Qdiu5frab~esleell roller r'u:rt only Clcc'Urat,eiy c'onltro,is, the £ut1ing neight but a lso Q'.v,es, a :pieasling striped finlish to the cut area.

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, :

S'nilcO'tliil l"unll1,iill'l'g RlkI:r!liihaft rne. IOIf9lr"i! di (;I m-er'ilf i"Qlltlr !ShoTt, hes the Hail meunf nij IIiJQ;3' (!1ft!:! nged in C!! doub~e spiror for 'srrlooih Vibrnlion flfee fUrlf1 ing.

Tht;lFJails ho;,<e con:sidefCibl~' OYl<!rlop to en~ure II'! clecn c;yl' even when mowing pound tiQi-u turnS. Re~i'Clbj~iiy r;;!nd' !QW rl,;Jnr!!rlg ,r;o$h; {!IJ1El fl'ilo:!ures of 'Ihe 3pe.a(he~d roior :>ytlem.

IFII'e}l_ijlbll,& m,t'ii):!' dI!I'~ve A pg.warfu~ bell dri.,.-e, sy:;~em 1l;C1r1'!l!rni'ts the po-wer to the 'rotor [5hoft with iwo SFB ~dge beltiO 0<1i Ihe SI'Qndcl!~d modiOli I':i'nd f.our on th~, HO varslorr. ThE\! quist f1UF1!ilng bell cltrivr;l ~$iem 0ib:!';;Q r'b$ sho.c:k I =ds OJnd 9!liI'fllldslhe c:lu,r(l:bilily

and reliab~liiy of the d ri ~~ tyMem.

Fr,ont' Of' l:'!eClI:'

m:Glu,l'IIting The. HrJ mm:l!]lscW[ be eq uipped with 0 deuble n(todsl"Qdt to !!Ioolbl1l!th6

rnO'A'~, to befitted: to '!1i!!h!lrQ rf'QJ'l1 Of fG:c:r~ tl'!:lGior !inkdSlle w;lhout 'Ihoa' mOlad I@ rcoa!OCO!i9! .an'i'ihir1i!1l ofher ~han the! ptosonofl. Thi.s COIn inc:mosfl:ft!,~ fI~:>:ibmfiy of moufltif"'lll) wilhrn QI mixed tfador flm.

R.oIlier with double

ban lbellriiniJ,5 ti':!~lmg<: diamet'er sleel rQn~r~-e-VQhf;l~ Ol"! IWO h~[;l\')l' duly ~II Il;Ke~ wilh 01 jargoS' gr'oo~~ J~6fVOrr lbei'weer1l them for !'\'!a.;(imij m dILJfflobitiiy Th~ roller a:t.:c!l.irofe!y wrntno!s Ifuiclitling in"eig hii, ~iVffi CI levell!illg ·crncl CQI1'!pocti~~ . eff~tI Qlna I~YI'~~!;In a~radi¥e stri pe,di effect

Sp'ed~~deo~~ cutM09' fI~il; Hr:!ro 'I".'~oifing \OOrlXH" st~~l f!Qil$. Clnll fn]~I\5 pi .... O'f oockwcirds sn,o!Jld they strike ,1:1 n ob:>1irudion 'fo-r low rl.!ii'lln !IFlgJ co:>!:!': (:I I"Id sofe,iy, Wilh 0 lip 'speed of optc 57 metres perseeend, a d~lClrt iCu1 i:lJnd ~hCimugh mwlch is 'g:uofCn'lee~. rh~ CQrlI~kleh;!ble

I;J p "dmft rl;! i!l@~ lo~td ':;YQPs 'kir .:I dean cut· tlrnd e v. en~spfead ohut mCtletiol.

GearboJW;, ,dlriive. s.ysf<em

A s;pedallhmu.glh drr.."e @WfJr bo,:lI i~ fi-tled to

0110 ..... fron1' 'Or r8~r

rnou Illingl with.oUllhe Ileecl to pun;:;hose

spec.iOlI pti'!T.5. Ti'i e Sltlnclo~d fliGI1! l'I"Iow,er utillsoas OJ M h.p, g;e(Jrb.ox while the HD mOldels ore fillllcl with ~ pO!!.'o'@r1ll1l 85 h.p, :ay·:;tem.

Ofts<efting hittli1;e;s All Spoofhe~d mowe:1'S con ~ oHs,e;t by Lip to IlIO m m to' enable m-owi'l1l9' ~o b~ C:1':i'rri~d out tfl3h1 Clgt;! i n~ .f~I'lGe~, IJnde r olter" OI"Igir"lg bushes a,nd over lrerbs. The H D model h:;J:O ~h~ op1if an of fi nger.tT p ooll1rol usilJ;g the

opti 0JrfI:l1 h"d rcrw!k offs.'e"I.

I,Qlilllble ,rddn Cioli'lstrud~Qn

Dllirn:rbil iiy m'ldiN!lliCi bitih(oi the main b.ody Ii> lTi(J:ilfltaineo bYllle diotl We ski i'I COf),s,tror:hion. win') reinfo~me!lt of key mou[!tingpol !'lis. C.Qm~@r ~i;cled design mchni'1ll!'es ore 1FI11isedi0i gi\i'!! 1ihe optlfl,um·~tl\Ei Ilgth ~Q ...,-ejglill bglonoe ond to' ensu relhe rofo1'shafl Mounli1'1gs; reme In a:cc!:J1rotel,y posili Oiled,


Aveilable' in working wJcUnrs of 2m, JL5m . m·.o,dlellhJ' suit ·,h ose wiJ,th tfC]}ct:O rs b:etwfil9il'

pu shthe: m ,tnese Vlers'(di'le m ower'6 cJ~~ ~'¥:8-'1tlllll!lle

HD tangle lhasa Ihp. Ryl'!' the'm or , Upeor- oth~!

The HD mower lrange

'The HD range will eut €Jnd mull,ch the: heaviest growtns and a,JI,sfJ' .Ieave til nMi1~,h to be plrCl,udQ,f. IBrtJlmb~,esJ 'g'orser bE'1C11lckieln as, weU es .p,restig'e oh1eni:ty orens 100l'ie' alii yiithiiFl tbe' 5'00R~' of thevel"sal:iile HID moWers. The caiP'ab~lF!ty· oft~ese me·wems is rrH:dcJle· on1ly by their !'T"bUlstnes~,.

Theiir .5fFenglth Qnd Irugg'ed 'f·el iCl'bmly ,rna ~e thermr lhe fi rst' tcooicefor


,5 Q2000HID Q2:S00HD Q2800HD
_,,_ Working wiolh 1 . .!I5m 11.80m :t"lOm 1.'95m 2.45m 2A~tJm

Weighf 36Dkg 400kg 420kg J30ka S14kg 86O,kg

Ski p.Lo. speed 5AOrpm 5AOrpm 540rpm lOODrpm IO()Orpm IO{}Orpm NlUm~r of flails



FIO'OIting linlwge ,sd. Std, Std, Std. Std. Std.

Front rubber flap S1d. Std, Std. Std .. S1d. Std. 700mm hyd. OfF~tfij"l9





Spearh ad

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