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International Journal of Project Management 27 (2009) 649–656

Towards a conceptualisation of PMOs as agents and subjects

of change and renewal
Sergio Pellegrinelli a,*, Luciano Garagna b
SP Associates, 20 Templars Crescent, London N3 3QS, UK
Into Consulting, Verona, Italy

Received 22 July 2008; received in revised form 23 October 2008; accepted 8 December 2008


Many writers on Project and Programme Management Offices (PMOs), whose remit covers a range of projects and programmes
undertaken, suggest that they are valued by, and are enduring features of organisations. However, these descriptions neither resonate
well with the experiences of practising managers nor with the limited empirical research available [1]. This paper proposes a re-concep-
tualisation of a PMO as an organisational construct, created in response to a perceived need, and as that need is progressively addressed,
the relevance and value of the PMO decreases – the dissemination of tools, expertise and insights ultimately leads to its existence being
questioned. PMOs evolve or risk being disbanded. Leaders of PMOs can generate new value by redefining the purpose and activities of
the PMO.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Project and programme management offices (PMOs); Organisational construct; Project/programme management maturity; Agent of change
and renewal

1. Introduction: a forum to understand PMOs facilitator, the other contributing to the discussions by syn-
thesising the concepts and research in the project manage-
In October 2007, a forum was convened at which seven ment literature as well drawing upon personal experiences.
senior managers from large organisations participated. It The aim of the forum was to share experiences and
had taken over a year to come to fruition, but the breadth insights, and to reflect on implications for practice. In
and depth of experience of the participants boded well. The essence, the forum was a form of participatory inquiry
forum was hosted by Tetra Pak ( The [2], guided by the authors, with the purpose of co-produc-
other organisations represented were: GlaxoSmithKlein ing management knowledge [3] distilled from and grounded
(R&D) (pharmaceuticals:, ARM (processor in collective experience. The participating managers either
technology and IP:, two major European had responsibilities related to their organisation’s PMO,
financial services groups, a networked IT services provider, or were trying to understand whether their organisations
and a semi-conductors business. The latter four organisa- should create or re-create a PMO. All had considerable
tions asked to remain anonymous, and the networked IT experience in the field of project and programme manage-
services provider is referred to as Netprogram in this paper. ment. For most, the conventional wisdom and pre-pack-
In addition, the authors participated, one as the forum aged solution offered by some consultancies were
unappealing. Some had already questioned the implied per-
manence of PMOs in some texts. Others had raised ques-
Corresponding author.
tions about the future of their own PMOs. All had
E-mail addresses: (S. Pellegrinelli), insights to contribute and pressing managerial challenges (L. Garagna). to address with any new knowledge produced.

0263-7863/$34.00 Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.

650 S. Pellegrinelli, L. Garagna / International Journal of Project Management 27 (2009) 649–656

A further person was present, but did not actively partic- ment in other sectors, PMOs started to become more wide-
ipate in the forum discussions. His role was to take notes and spread in the mid 1990s and their numbers have grown
photographs which were used to create a photo-reportage significantly since. Their proponents have typically been
journal for the participants. The plenary presentations and practitioners and consultants. The prevailing argument
discussions were recorded and transcribed (group work dis- has been that projects are non-routine, transitory and insu-
cussions were omitted), and were subsequently re-analysed lar by nature, yet have become the principal method for
in the development of this paper. Extracts from these tran- effecting change in large organizations. The need for and
scripts appear in this paper as italicised quotes to give voice value offered by some form of coordination, presumed most
to the experiences and insights of those present at the forum. effectively provided by a dedicated, enduring organisational
The participants responded to a brief presentation of the entity, has been taken for granted by many advocates of
literature and research on PMOs, as summarised below, by PMOs. PMOs create value by facilitating control: e.g.
sharing their personal experiences and views. Individuals’ supervising funding submission; ensuring mandated pro-
comments combined into a richer collective narrative, cesses are followed; collating, summarising and reporting
through an iterative process of reflection, direction and syn- on the progress and status of projects and programmes,
thesis. The intent was to generate some meaning and and by extracting synergies: e.g. leveraging economies of
develop some practical constructs beyond individual scale and scope (e.g. deployment of specialist skills, shared
accounts or explanations. The authors, throughout the tools); transferring knowledge; facilitating re-use (e.g. tem-
unfolding of the forum and in subsequent analyses of the plates, software modules, development protocols).
individual accounts and collective narrative, adopted an The Project Management Institute (PMI) [12] defines a
abductive research strategy [4] to generate conceptions (the- PMO as:
ory). Our facilitation valued everyone’s experience while
promoting a process akin to disciplined imagination [5] to ‘‘An organizational body or entity assigned various
enable us to transcend specific instances and begin the jour- responsibilities related to the centralized and coordi-
ney to a more generalisable view of PMOs. Our facilitation nated management of those projects under its domain.
was also informed by the works of Fritz [6] and Bohm [7]. The responsibilities of the PMO can range from provid-
The shared view that emerged quickly was that PMOs ing project management support functions to actually
are organisational constructs, intimately embedded within being responsible for the direct management of a pro-
their organisations. They, as senior managers within their ject.” PMBOKÓ Guide, PMI, 2004, page 369
organisations, shaped (or had disbanded) their PMOs in According to Marsh [13], PMOs typically perform a
collaboration with others as part of ongoing organisational number of functions: project definition and planning;
adjustments and re-structuring. Rational technical consid- cost/benefit analysis of projects; risk management; moni-
erations informed the choices and outcomes, but were nei- toring and control; supply of experience and knowledge;
ther the only nor the dominant considerations. Rather the support in undertaking PM processes and procedures;
decision to establish a PMO, and in what form, or to dis- knowledge capture and dissemination; provision of special-
band it reflected the outcome of organisational commit- ist skills; maintenance of projects tools; standards and pro-
ments, agenda and tensions [8]. cesses. For most commentators, a PMO is an
This paper thus reflects a social constructionist ontology organisational entity comprising a group of people and
and interpretive epistemology [5,9] and its contribution is resources, though Marsh does acknowledge that the func-
in organisation theory building [10] as well as project man- tions of a PMO may be performed virtually. Various prac-
agement practices and organisational project management titioners and consultants [14,15] have offered PMO
[11]. The resulting synthesis and conceptualisation of categorisations, mainly based on their experiences, as sum-
PMOs has been reviewed by the forum participants, and marised in Table 1.
their comments have been incorporated. While these categorisations and the roles attributed to
The next sections of this paper provide a brief summary PMOs have rational underpinning and prima facie validity,
of the literature on PMOs followed by a synthesis of the actual PMOs exhibit considerable more variety in terms of
unfolding narrative from the forum, drawing on and quot- their roles and primary functions. Also, multi-project
ing extensively the experiences of the participants, and the PMOs, whose remit covers a range of projects and pro-
debates and views within their organisations. A re-concep- grammes undertaken by an organisation, appear to be tran-
tualisation of PMO is proposed and then discussed. sitory rather than permanent organisational entities. The
research by Hobbs and Aubry [1] suggests that the popula-
2. PMOs: normative descriptions and empirical research tion of (multi-project) PMOs shows considerable variation
of not just a few, but many characteristics, thus creating
PMOs, in the guise of departments consisting of sched- myriad possible forms that PMOs can and do take on:
ulers (planners), cost engineers and estimators providing
central services to projects, have existed for many decades ‘‘Organizations establish a great variety of different
in certain sectors, such as engineering, construction, and oil PMOs to deal with their reality. . .include some or all
and gas. Along with the increasing use of project manage- of their project managers or place them elsewhere in
S. Pellegrinelli, L. Garagna / International Journal of Project Management 27 (2009) 649–656 651

Table 1
Categorisation of PMOs
Single-Project Multi-Project Entities
Type Project Office Project Support Project Management Programme (Portfolio)
Office Centre of Excellence Management Office
Principal Focus Co-ordination and Operational ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ
ƒ ƒ! Strategic
of Activities support of project Process driven ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ! Business-driven
(programme) Narrow scope ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ! Enterprise-wide
Supportive ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ! Standards ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ! Direction

their structure. . .mandate may cover all the organiza- agement processes. Relevant questions when examining a
tion’s projects or only a select few. . .number of possible PMO, or exploring its formation appear to be: what is
roles or functions. . . support role with little or no the nature of the business? What is the role of projects
authority. . . considerable decision-making power.” and programmes in the realisation of its business goals?
Hobbs & Aubry, 2007, page 85 How mature are the organisation’s people and processes?
What is the organisation trying to achieve in establishing
Hobbs and Aubry also found that PMOs are relatively or dissolving a PMO? There is unlikely to be easily
young, with over half (53%) being less than 2 years old, (unthinking) transferable ‘best practice’, and benchmark-
findings that they state are consistent with earlier research. ing comparisons need to take into consideration the partic-
PMOs emerge and are shut down, and then potentially re- ular purposes and contexts of the PMOs.
emerge. The relevance, or even the existence, of PMOs was The ARM experience reflects the view that PMOs are
seriously questioned (in the previous 12 months) in 42% of created for a specific purpose and then disbanded, poten-
the organisations in Hobbs’ and Aubry’s survey. As Hobbs tially being re-established to address a new requirement
and Aubry point out: ‘‘practitioners and organizations or make a step-change in the maturity of project or pro-
would be well advised not to implement a PMO under gramme management within the organisation:
the naı̈ve assumptions of value for money or because
PMOs are popular” (page 85). PMOs have to show, on a ‘‘We put a PMO in for one reason – nobody understood in
continual basis, that they are making a substantial contri- the company what project management was. So, we estab-
bution to organisational performance at a reasonable cost. lished a PMO and put in project management processes.
The principal themes from the Hobbs and Aubry Once they were established and everybody had gone
research are that PMOs: (1) are diverse; (2) are expected through that change, the question arose: What does the
to justify their value added; (3) are formed, disbanded PMO do? Part of the organisational development was that
and then potentially re-formed; and (4) should be expected projects aren’t unique entities – they are part of the oper-
to go through change. ations of the whole business. So, where we didn’t have pro-
As Hobbs and Aubry acknowledge, our knowledge of ject management, we needed to get everybody along into
PMOs is sketchy. The normative presumptions of longevity the concept project management. But, the problem with
and obvious value creation, and the descriptions of PMO centralising it was that we then had to make it standard
generic types appear at odds with actual practice, thus operating practice to use projects. That’s why we got rid
offering neither sound theory nor pragmatic guidance to of the PMO, because we wanted to force it into the oper-
managers investigating the merits of (re)establishing a ational business. We perform all the functions that are
PMO or leaders of PMOs wanting to add sustainable value typically associated with a PMO, but we do it as part of
to their organisations. our standard project management. Our project managers
do that as part of their job. It’s part of the process. It’s
3. Our narrative part of the procedures. We’ve got a lot of infrastructure
in place, we’ve got a lot of tools in place, we’ve got a lot
The forum participants were not surprised by the diver- of processes in place. But, what we’ve done is as much
sity of PMO forms, nor their emergence and disappearance as possible is to push it down, to make it the operational
from the organisational landscape. practice of the business so that everybody naturally works
in project management mode.”
3.1. PMO purpose and tensions
Now we’re faced with massive programmes and nobody
PMOs are organisations’ responses to their needs and knows really what programme management is about.
environments – unique structural arrangements designed We’re starting to ask: How are we going to educate the
to fulfil a specific purpose. As such, PMOs are unlikely whole company in programme management? We need to
to fall neatly into generic types and would tend to have less take it to another level of maturity within the operation
in common across organisations than might project man- of the business. I’ve got to move these guys a step forward.
652 S. Pellegrinelli, L. Garagna / International Journal of Project Management 27 (2009) 649–656

That’s why we’re starting to think - actually now it makes 3.2. Virtual PMOs
sense to create a PMO. We encourage our project manag-
ers to think global, act local. So, we’re trying to get all of As a physical reality, the PMO is a point of contact,
them to think about the implications of their project at the whether it is high profile or low profile, and a repository
divisional level but within their project to act within that for processes, tools and expertise. It is a powerful manifes-
entity. We’re struggling at the moment with the idea of tation of the importance attached to (aspects of) project
reinstating a PMO just to do what we’ve come to do rou- and programme management. Nonetheless, a virtual
tinely, but we’re struggling to take the operation to the PMO [13], namely the discharge of the functions associated
next level of maturity. with a PMO in the absence of an organisational entity, is a
viable option. ARM has created coordinating mechanisms
The rapid birth and death of PMOs – with an average to take on some of the roles previously undertaken by the
life span of 3–4 years – and the need to justify themselves PMO:
[1] was deemed to reflect inherent tensions within the orga-
nisation. PMOs are the fulcrum between forces for central- In terms of creating a virtual PMO, we’ve used the con-
isation – the tendency for decision and policy making, cept of Steering Groups to re-create the functions of the
executive powers and resources allocation to reside in a PMO. So, for example, we’ve transferred all the infra-
dedicated (line of) business unit or corporate function – structures to the IT guys, but the way we define specifica-
and decentralisation – the tendency for decision and policy tions across the Divisions is we have a Steering Group
making, executive powers and resources allocation to be made up of representatives of all the Divisions. They
devolved throughout the organisation to individuals or determine the specification of any changes in the underly-
operating unit. The PMO can be the battle ground between ing infrastructure. So, we’ve used Steering Groups as a
empowerments and control, between people and processes, physical representation of what we’re doing within the
and between political factions. As new forms of organising PMO at the end. We do it for the tools. We also do it
gain the ascendancy or the balance of power shifts, which for the underlying project lifecycle framework. In a sense
seems to happen periodically in most organisations, the that’s what we’ve used as a way to replace that PMO.
PMO falls under the spotlight. We’ve measured our success by how well has the PMO
Creating a PMO takes away a degree of autonomy from actually managed to transfer all its knowledge, basically
project managers and some power from the sponsors and how much has it made itself redundant.
line managers, by bringing some decisions to a centre. That
stirs up political debates. The experience of some forum The Steering Groups developed out of a need. We didn’t sit
participants was that project managers are individuals down and think how are we going to create a virtual PMO?
who typically value autonomy and dislike standardisation, We didn’t think that at all. It just evolved, because we sud-
and might well be expected to resist the discipline and denly realised we had thrown away something of value.
‘interference’ imposed by a PMO. Unless the PMO adds When we actually blew away the PMO, we went off in the
considerable value it may find itself under pressure from Divisions and we all did our own thing. The Operations guys
its own community, especially if the PMO is seen as an suddenly realised that they had actually thrown away some
‘ivory tower’, deciding upon things that it knows little value in this ‘practice stuff’. There was nobody who really
about or coming up with solutions and standards that ‘can- owned it. So, we got together and said: How do we do this,
not’ be used by project managers. PMOs can easily trans- how do we resolve this problem? And then the steering com-
gress into doing work that is considered by others, mittees came in. What we essentially did was delegate and
including project managers, as their role and so provoke certain project managers have got the responsibility of rep-
protectionist reactions and calls for their dissolution. If resenting Divisions across the company in those Steering
the costs associated with central control, which may Groups and sorting out priorities and so on.
include the loss of autonomy, creativity, entrepreneurship
and ownership, are too much to bear, then the PMO is The Steering Groups have been very good at evolving what
likely to be disbanded. exists. But like any committee it takes a long time to do
The disbanding of the PMO may, though, present the anything. Our thinking is that there is a value in a small
organisation with a challenge, one being grappled by Tetra but unique entity which is prepared to break the existing
Pak which is contemplating the future of its PMO: structures and create something. You need something to
break them and remake them again, which is where a
When we reach a state of really mature project managers PMO comes in. Three, four, five years down the road you
and get the community, then they can self-manage. But come back and you say; ‘Right I’ve got to move the whole
how do we manage the continuous improvement? How will organisation, not just simply add to it and therefore this
we ensure that we keep on fostering professionalism? Peo- evolutionary change doesn’t work’.
ple will be leaving and new people will be joining: Who will
ensure that project management will still be at the state of Virtual PMOs may be unable to bring about step-
the art? These are questions we haven’t answered yet. changes in the capabilities within the organisation, either
S. Pellegrinelli, L. Garagna / International Journal of Project Management 27 (2009) 649–656 653

in response to organisational needs or developments within The PMO would not be limited to purely administrative
the wider project and programme management commu- tasks.
nity. The risk to the organisation of a virtual PMO is very
slow evolution or relative decline, as the organisation fails
3.4. Re-conceptualising PMOs
to keep up with and exploit the latest tools, techniques and/
or technology.
PMOs, as organisational entities appearing on formal
organisational charts and endowed with dedicated
3.3. PMO re-emergence as an organisational entity
resources, might better be conceived as agents and subjects
of change and renewal rather than stable, enduring entities.
The debates within GlaxoSmithKline, Research and
Their creation or re-configuration is a major symbolic
Development (GSK R&D) suggest that PMO may re-
act and it signals a prospective change to some aspects of
emerge with fundamentally different roles:
organisational life. It says that a scope of work or set of
responsibilities is important enough to be pulled out from
In GSK R&D project managers are working more or less
the existing routines and handled separately or differently.
in the same way. Standardization isn’t a major issue. But,
PMOs take on responsibilities and powers that might
GSK R&D needs a PMO, but a different form of PMO,
otherwise reside in other parts of the organisation. In some
one more focused on providing administrative support.
instances, they set themselves up on the organisation chart,
We started with a group of project planners. We gave
almost like a target to be shot at. From a senior manage-
up this as the organisation developed. Portfolio manage-
ment perspective, it must be worth the organisational
ment and project management are now established, in
debate, haggling and upheaval. Arguably, a PMO’s value
terms of the project manager’s role and project manage-
lies in fighting battles that make a major difference in the
ment tools and approaches. We have had a centralised
performance of the organisation, establishing core disci-
PMO function at different points in time, sometimes with,
plines or prioritising longer terms objectives over quarterly
sometimes without the PMs in it. Now, after several years
results. Wider organisational change processes play a key
we are discussing the potential benefit of again having a
part in determining the opportunities and timings for the
centralised PMO. In terms of the PMI definition of a
creation, disbanding or re-creation of PMOs. Advocates
PMO, our current PM organisation is a PMO, so we
or leaders of PMOs need to tap into these organisational
already have one, with the activities normally associated
shifts and tensions, and to (re)shape their PMOs’ roles
with a PMO distributed across the site directors, portfolio
and activities accordingly.
management and capabilities. What we don’t currently
PMOs bring about change in an organisation and in the
have in our PMO is the role described in the texts, i.e. a
process, if they are successful, can make themselves redun-
planner/planning specialist - this role could be part of a
dant, or at least unable to justify their continued existence
PMO, but is not the totality of it. Our vision of the
in the face of political pressures, strategic priorities or eco-
PMO is a group of planners or analysts working across
nomic cost/benefit analysis.
the project management organisation, supporting and
The process can be conceived as a transfer of value from
relieving the project managers, with some of the project
the PMO to the rest of the organisation. For instance, once
management skills but not necessarily all of them. A
the PMO puts methods, standards and tools in place, and
PMO person can come from a Masters programme in
these become embedded in the organisation’s routines
Project Management for example, not necessarily having
and processes, then the contribution is made. As the
a drug development or a scientific background, but this is
PMO fosters professionalism in project and programme
not true for the other roles.
management and establishes a thriving community, its
once unique expertise now permeates throughout the orga-
This shift is being driven by a need to do more with less.
nisation. The PMO ‘empties’ itself in ‘enlightening’ the rest
We have to decide what kind of professionalism we are
of the organisation. PMO managers and staff may feel they
looking for, how many people we need, how costly is it
have more to give. But, other members of the organisation
to have people in different roles. That’s the level of analy-
may feel they have learned (enough) and know how to suc-
sis. The other key question is who is the project owner?
ceed on their own. Influential individuals may feel that a
The project managers need to be the owner, and have to
PMO, at least in its existing configuration, is no longer
be supported in providing the necessary levels of quality.
needed. In some instances the process of emptying is accel-
Today project managers in GSK R&D can have from
erated or forced upon the PMO by other functions within
one to seven projects. A project manager has one project
the organisation, as illustrated by the Tetra Pak experience:
if it’s a very big project – for instance, when the product
is approaching commercial launch, which has a high
degree of complexity. But with seven projects, for exam- When we started, we implemented and hosted within
ple, at the early stages of development, a person cannot PMO some IT tools, solutions for planning and managing
manage without any support. That’s the level of support projects. At the early stage we owned the tools in PMO.
we envisage, as well as some form of career development. Now we plan to transfer the tools to IT from an ownership
654 S. Pellegrinelli, L. Garagna / International Journal of Project Management 27 (2009) 649–656

perspective, but we have still kept the functional responsi- embedded. Senior management and others in the organisa-
bilities. So we are still the ones ordering changes and tion understand the project and programme management
improvements to the tool. This is to ensure sustainability. intimately, and conduct the business through projects and
We are definitely transferring a big chunk of what we did programmes.
but we still maintain something to ensure this continues - Organisational change that increases the importance
expertise overview. The responsibilities change from deliv- and centrality of project and programme management
ery to strategic value added. may trigger the development of new roles and competen-
cies or the re-establishment of a PMO. Changes and stres-
And the same might happen in relationship to the profes- ses may also trigger the re-establishment of a PMO to
sionalism of project managers. Today, we are performing bolster or deepen existing (but possibly fading) competen-
the interviews directly, so we are involved heavily in the cies. Greater complexity within and/or surrounding pro-
recruitment of project managers. But, HR will soon be jects and programmes undertaken by the organisation
knocking at our door telling us: ‘OK, could you transfer may see a PMO (re)created to increase professionalism.
this knowledge because we are the ones performing inter- A radical shift in strategy may see a PMO (re)created to
views’. But we will not transfer it fully, we will keep a marshal resources and development efforts.
small piece. On the outside two PMOs may undertake similar activ-
ities, but may be performing quite different roles. One
The PMO may ‘empty’ itself, but a ‘shell’ may remain, PMO may be compiling status reports as a way of dissem-
maintaining coherence and providing strategic input. inating best practices through role modelling what should
One outcome is the virtual PMO, maintained and be done and how – a part of developing and introducing
evolved in the collective memory of people within the orga- systematic project management. Another PMO may be
nisation, or through more structured processes such as doing the same work because it is the cost effective solution
steering groups, or through sharing responsibilities across – a shared services role.
nominated individuals. There may be many arrangements In summary, PMOs are best conceived as agents and
that can sustain a necessary, continued ‘strategic’ overview subjects of change – formed, shaped, disbanded and re-
and gradual development of project and programme man- formed through the efforts of their leaders and wider
agement practices within an organisation. Another out- organisational undercurrents, strategic shifts and political
come is for the PMO to evolve, relinquishing many of tensions.
the operational tasks and generating novel forms of value
which it can transfer to the organisation. The oversight, 4. Discussion
coherence, development elements of the old roles are com-
bined with more operational tasks of a new role. The conceptualisation posited in this paper has much in
A PMO’s precise roles and emphasis, and scope to common with the concepts of Aubry, Hobbs and Thuillier
evolve, reflects the organisation’s unique needs and [16], who offer a contextual, historical approach to the
priorities. study of PMOs. Their work transcends the boundaries of
Organisations for whom projects and programmes sup- positivist project management theory in building theory
plement or are peripheral to their core business might find on PMOs, incorporating the dynamic relationships
that their PMOs do not take one roles beyond the develop- between organisational structure, strategy and organisa-
ment and introduction of systematic project management tional politics. By studying the development of PMOs in
(e.g. processes, methodologies, templates, support, exper- four organisations, they suggest that the changes to PMOs’
tise, tools) and the professionalisation of project manage- form and function ‘‘can fruitfully be seen as an historical
ment (e.g. creation of competence models and process of creative destruction and co-evolution. (page
frameworks for selecting, assessing, developing, appraising 43)” Their concept of ‘‘bi-directional” (page 42) influence
and promoting project managers, communities of practice, is echoed in the narrative of the forum participants, as is
knowledge generation and sharing). These activities are the need to ask: what purpose the PMO should serve? in
widely advocated and performed by PMOs [13,14]. In designing its roles and activities.
organisations that are more project-based there is a need The conceptualisation derived from the forum narrative
to co-ordinate and extract the most benefits from projects complements and builds upon the work of Aubry, Hobbs
and programmes since they represent a significant propor- and Thuillier. It reinforced the notion of the PMO
tion of the resources available. Senior management then responding to shifts in direction and supporting new strate-
wants to know: What is being done? What are the benefits? gic directions, priorities and policies. It emphasises the
Is the organisation getting value for money? Where is the dynamic nature of PMO. It also adds a number of dimen-
work taking the organisation from a strategic perspective? sions to theory building on PMOs in the literature.
These represent logical questions of corporate level control First, an explanation is offered on how PMOs might,
and governance, and hence create a role for the PMO. For through the diffusion of methods, tools or expertise, cease
some organisations projects and programmes are the busi- to generate sustainable value and be disbanded, even in
ness, and the project/programme management culture is the absence of significant evolution or shifts in their organ-
S. Pellegrinelli, L. Garagna / International Journal of Project Management 27 (2009) 649–656 655

isational context. The notion of creative destruction implies ous nor declared. The oversight role, performed virtually
that one economic/organisational form is replaced by or alongside more tangible activities, warrants further
another, rather than disappearing or taking on a virtual research, especially its relationship with other managerial
existence. Moreover, organisational change is characterised functions and formal or implicit knowledge management
by periods of gradual or evolutionary change punctuated practices.
by occasional periods of rapid, discontinuous or revolu-
tionary change [17]. The intervals between revolutionary 5. Limitations
changes are generally much longer than the 3–4 years aver-
age life span of a PMO, even if we believe that the rate of The conceptualisation offered has been distilled from,
change is accelerating. In two of the case studies of Aubry, and grounded in, the experiences of a group of experienced
Hobbs and Thuillier [14] there were long periods of relative practitioners. It appears consistent with the limited empir-
stability. The transfer of expertise and value from the PMO ical findings and resonates with other work in the field. It
to the rest of the organisation may also shed light on find- offers some novel, and hopefully interesting, concepts on
ings of Dai and Wells [15]: ‘‘reported project performance an organisational phenomenon which is relatively under-
is higher in organizations that have a PMO in comparison researched and poorly understood.
with organizations that do not, but not high enough to However, it is only a step in the journey of building
merit statistical significance.” (page 531). The prevalence robust theory on PMOs. While the conception has plausi-
of PMOs being disbanded and taking on a virtual existence bility and consensual validity amongst the forum partici-
requires more empirical research, but the ARM case evi- pants, its generalisability and relevance have yet to be
dences this possibility, along with the debates surrounding determined. In particular the range, influence and manifes-
the possible re-forming of a PMO. The forum participant tations of contextual factors are under-explored. It is
from one of the financial services groups was, in essence, impossible to claim that the organisations represented at
acting as a virtual PMO leader and trying to understand the were representative of organisation that have or are
whether to recommend to senior management the forma- contemplating establishing a PMO, nor that the individuals
tion of a physical PMO. present know or shared the totality of the views, debates
Second, the narrative reflects that (these) leaders of and tensions within their respective organisations. Repre-
PMOs considered themselves part of the organisational sentatives of organisations in other sectors where project
debate on their PMOs and instigators of purposeful change management is the deeply rooted way of working might
and development. In essence, we propose that PMOs are have generated more or different insights.
not merely buffeted or dispersed by the winds of (exoge-
nous) organisational change. Rather an agency role is 6. Conclusion
ascribed to leaders and advocates of PMOs. Forum mem-
bers held and shared views on development, learning and The deliberations of the forum have led to a re-concep-
progression, and espoused their commitment to add value tualisation of the PMO. Rather than a static, enduring
to their organisations. They held, and were enacting, con- entity as portrayed in many texts, the PMO is re-conceived
ceptions on how to advance their organisation’s capability as an agent and subject of change or renewal. It transforms
and maturity in project and programme management. aspects of the organisations processes, routines and culture
PMOs, though, are shaped by the interaction of functional and in so doing may undermine its very reason for being.
considerations as well as contextual (from a PMO perspec- The fate of PMOs is determined through the interplay of
tive) factors, both internal and external to the organisation the intentions of its leaders and advocates and wider organ-
and the agendas and aspirations of their leaders and advo- isational changes and tensions. PMOs are simultaneously
cates. Whether there is a ‘rational’ development path that aspects of project and programme management practice
leaders of PMOs should, do or can pursue, as posited or and organisational constructions.
implied in some texts [13,14,18], is yet to be determined. Our aim in this paper has been to provide a richer
But, our re-conceptualisation provides another source of insight into a complex phenomenon, in part through the
influence on the changing configurations of PMOs. The narrative with its cameos of the deliberations, questions,
pattern of change reported by Aubry, Hobbs and Thuillier challenges and dilemmas experienced by various organisa-
[14] resembles more a series of collages of activities rather tions, and in part through the resulting conceptualisation
than a form of logical development. Our argument is that of PMOs. We hope the paper has stimulated your thinking.
the configurations of the PMO are better regarded as an We also hope it will inspire further research, more diverse
outcome shaped by debate between parties with different in terms of perspectives and more informed in terms of
knowledge, power and priorities. theory.
Third, the notion that PMOs may relinquish the direct
performance of some tasks while retaining a degree of over- References
sight for them is novel. It offers some insight into how
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