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edi t or i a l s

Treating COPD — The TORCH Trial, P Values, and the Dodo

Klaus F. Rabe, M.D., Ph.D.

In the United States, the overall, age-standardized beta-adrenergic–receptor agonists. These drugs,
death rate decreased from 1242 deaths per 100,000 in principle, also reduce exacerbations, but there
population in 1970 to 845 deaths per 100,000 in is no convincing evidence so far to suggest that
2002. This good news must be viewed against the this therapy substantially changes the course of
doubling during the same interval of the age-stan- the disease or affects mortality.
dardized death rate among persons with chronic Although the mechanism linking COPD and
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),1 which coexisting diseases is uncertain, recent data sug-
makes COPD a major cause of death (Fig. 1). gest that it might be chronic inflammation, in the
COPD is the diagnostic term for a group of lung and systemically.6 Inhaled corticosteroids
disorders that are characterized by respiratory have been reported to affect the frequency of ex-
symptoms — dyspnea, cough, and sputum pro- acerbations,7 and, in retrospective analyses, to
duction; airflow limitation; and chronic inflam- reduce COPD-related mortality,8 although both
mation of the lung.2 Risk factors include expo- claims have been challenged in other statistical
sure to a wide variety of inhaled particles and analyses.9,10 Furthermore, database studies sug-
gases, but in the Western world, inhaled cigarette gest a beneficial effect of inhaled corticosteroids
smoke is the most important known causative on deaths from cardiovascular disease11 and lung
factor.3 COPD is more than a pulmonary disorder cancer.12
with a known effect on cardiovascular function In this issue of the Journal, Calverley and col-
and on the risks of lung cancer, the metabolic syn­ leagues report the results of the Towards a Revo-
drome, osteoporosis, cachexia, and depression.4 lution in COPD Health (TORCH) trial, a large ran­
(Information for health care professionals and domized, prospective study involving patients with
patients with COPD is available on the Web site COPD in which mortality was the primary end
of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, point and the intervention consisted of therapy
at with long-acting beta-agonists and inhaled corti-
Patients with COPD die mainly from extrapul- costeroids, alone or in combination.13 Deaths from
monary diseases, and COPD-related mortality is any cause were analyzed with the use of a Cox
probably underestimated because identifying the proportional-hazards model, and all efficacy
precise cause of death is difficult in elderly pa- analyses were performed in the intention-to-
tients with this disease, in whom cardiac arrhyth- treat population — probably the most rigorous
mias, ischemia and chronic pulmonary heart dis- approach that could have been taken. The study
ease (cor pulmonale) or pulmonary embolism, or was powered on the assumption of a mortality
both could be suspected. For example, 25% of rate in the placebo group equal to or greater than
patients with COPD who were hospitalized for 17% and a 25% reduction in mortality in the
severe exacerbations were shown to have pulmo- group receiving study treatments containing in-
nary embolisms.5 haled corticosteroids, as compared with place-
Treatment of COPD has been focused on im- bo.14 During the trial, the number of patients to
proving lung function and relieving symptoms be enrolled had to be increased because the over-
with the use of inhaled anticholinergic agents and all death rate was lower than expected.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Causes of death in COPD



Figure 1. Causes of Death in Patients with COPD.

Among patients with COPD, death can result from causes in a number of disease categories, in part, because of the strong association
between COPD and exposure to cigarette smoke. In the Towards a Revolution in COPD Health (TORCH) trial, 35% of deaths were adju-
dicated as due to pulmonary causes, 27% to cardiovascular disease, and 21% to cancer. Ten percent were attributed to other causes,
whereas the primary cause of death could not be determined 02/06/07
Draft 4 by the clinical end point committee in 7% of cases.
Author Rabe
Fig # 1
How are the findings
Titleof this trial to be inter- became intolerable (as might be expected in the
preted? The truly strong
ME part of the trial is the placebo group, for example) and left the study
meticulous recording DE of the causes of deaths. to obtain some relief. This weakness in the study
However, there are weaknesses
Artist in the study de- design probably could have been avoided if the
sign, namely the risk of skewed results
AUTHOR PLEASEdue NOTE:to primary comparison had been between patients
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset
differential withdrawal from the Please assigned treat- receiving the combination therapy and those re-
check carefully
ment. This risk turnedIssue
intodatereality: 40% or more ceiving long-acting beta-agonists alone. The pla-
of the subjects enrolled in the study dropped out. cebo-controlled design could also have affected
Since all patients in the study clearly had an indi- enrollment: recruiting patients who would take
cation for therapy, clinically, it is conceivable that the chance of receiving placebo for 3 years might
some patients found that their COPD symptoms have excluded those with more severe disease —

852 n engl j med 356;8  february 22, 2007


that is, patients known to have frequent exacer- a long-acting bronchodilator appears to be safe,
bations, which are associated with a higher mor- and the combination therapy offers no statisti-
tality rate. cally significant additional survival benefit. In this
These factors may have led to the failure of context, the results of the Understanding Poten-
the trial to demonstrate the expected mortality tial Long-term Impacts on Function with Tiotro-
in the placebo group. Setting total mortality as the pium (UPLIFT) trial investigating the effect of an
end point was an ambitious target, and it raises anticholinergic drug over 4 years in patients with
the question of what the minimally clinically im- COPD, which should be available in 2008, will be
portant difference for this end point would be. of interest.16
One can only speculate that those designing the Combination therapy, as compared with mono-
study were (too) convinced of the effects of in- therapy with long-acting beta-agonists or inhaled
haled corticosteroids on the basis of their own corticosteroids, offers statistically significant ad-
retrospective data. These data might have per- vantages for health status, frequency of exacer-
tained to a different group of patients, such as bations, use of oral steroids, and — probably
those who may not have wanted either to enroll most important clinically — protection against a
or to stay in the trial. In the end, the trial failed decline in lung function. This finding confirms
to meet its goal: the P value for death from any the position of combination therapy in current
cause was 0.052, which was higher than the pre- guidelines for the treatment of patients with COPD
specified value of 0.05. All clinical trials are a that recommend its use for those with severe
gamble, and the TORCH investigators came close COPD with frequent exacerbations2 but not for
to winning but did not win. Thus, the results of patients with milder disease or without frequent
this trial are difficult to interpret. exacerbations. Caution in the use of combination
The real challenge, however, is what to make therapy is urged because of the finding in the
of the trial for clinical practice. Lewis Carroll, in TORCH trial of an increased rate of pneumonia
Alice in Wonderland, offers a wonderful conclusion among all patients receiving treatment contain-
that may be applicable here: ing inhaled corticosteroids. This finding urgently
requires further investigation, and I urge the
However, when they had been running half sponsor of this study to undertake a large trial
an hour or so, and were quite dry again, the to determine its importance.
Dodo suddenly called out “The race is over!” The TORCH trial is important, not only be-
and they all crowded round it, panting, and cause it provides data on the natural history of
asking “But who has won?” This question COPD but also because it clarifies, in part, the
the Dodo could not answer without a great role (and the shortcomings) of pharmacotherapy
deal of thought, and it stood for a long time for COPD in the overall mortality resulting from
with one finger pressed upon its forehead this disease and highlights some of the inherent
.  .  .  while the rest waited in silence. At last problems of retrospective analyses of treatment
the Dodo said “Everyone has won, and all trials. Believe it or not, we still need more data,
must have prizes.”15 from even larger trials.
Dr. Rabe is member of the Global Initiative for Obstructive
In the case of the TORCH trial, I am afraid Lung Disease and chair of the science committee. He reports re-
ceiving consulting or lecture fees from GlaxoSmithKline, Astra­
this conclusion is not an option. The interpreta- Zeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Chiesi, Pfizer, Novartis, Altana
tion of the data for the primary outcome as pub- Pharma, Merck, and Almirall and grants from Altana Pharma,
lished is conservative — and, in principle, it is AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Pfizer. No other potential
conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
correct: the reduction in mortality in the com-
bined-therapy group did not reach the predeter- From the Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Neth-
mined level of statistical significance. On further
weighing these results, however, I think the treat- 1. Jemal A, Ward E, Hao Y, Thun M. Trends in the leading
causes of death in the United States, 1970-2002. JAMA 2005;294:
ment with long-acting beta agonists was a win- 1255-9.
ner and that with inhaled corticosteroids was a 2. Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease home
clear loser. The clinical guidance is obvious: mono- page. (Accessed February 1, 2007, at
3. Pauwels RA, Rabe KF. Burden and clinical features of
therapy with corticosteroids should not be advo- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Lancet 2004;364:
cated for patients with COPD, monotherapy with 613-20.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

4. Sin DD, Anthonisen NR, Soriano JB, Agusti AG. Mortality 10. Idem. Inhaled steroids and mortality in COPD: bias from un-
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obstructive pulmonary disease: prevalence and risk factors. Ann 12. Parimon T, Chien JW, Bryson CL, McDonell MB, Udris EM,
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disease, inflammation and co-morbidity — a common inflam- 13. Calverley PMA, Anderson JA, Celli B, et al. Salmeterol and
matory phenotype? Respir Res 2006;7:70-8. fluticasone propionate and survival in chronic obstructive pulmo-
7. Calverley P, Pauwels R, Vestbo J, et al. Combined salmeterol nary disease. N Engl J Med 2007;356:775-89.
and fluticasone in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary 14. Vestbo J, TORCH Study Group. The TORCH (TOwards a
disease: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2003;361:449-56. Revolution in COPD Health) survival study protocol. Eur Respir J
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8. Sin DD, Wu L, Anderson JA, et al. Inhaled corticosteroids 15. Carroll L. Alice’s adventures in wonderland. London: Mac-
and mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thorax millan, 1865.
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9. Suissa S. Statistical treatment of exacerbations in therapeutic considerations in assessing long-term functional impacts of
trials of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir Crit tiotropium in COPD: the UPLIFT trial. COPD 2004;1:303-12.
Care Med 2006;173:842-6. Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society.

Synergistic Copathogens — HIV-1 and HSV-2

Lawrence Corey, M.D.

The variability in both the clinical progression ually acquired bacterial infections such as Neisse-
and transmission of human immunodeficiency ria gonorrhoeae and, to a lesser extent, Chlamydia
virus (HIV) infection has prompted a search for trachomatis are associated with higher amounts
cofactors influencing replication of the virus. Al- of HIV in genital secretions; treatment of these
though it is clear that host immune and genetic infections with antimicrobial agents is associated
factors, as well as the replication kinetics of par- with a lowering of the HIV load in these secre-
ticular viral strains, influence the progression of tions.2 Thus, the identification and treatment of
HIV disease, a variety of exogenously acquired such infections have been important parts of the
infectious agents also appear to influence the medical care of patients with HIV infection.
pace of HIV replication, the destruction of CD4+ The clinical management of herpes simplex
T cells, and HIV transmission to infants and sex- virus type 2 (HSV-2) in patients with HIV infec-
ual partners. Transient bursts of HIV replication tion has lagged seriously behind the large body
occur after vaccination and during episodes of of medical literature on the importance of the
acute systemic infection. More persistent eleva- interaction between these two pathogens.3 Per-
tions in plasma HIV levels have been seen in pa- sistent HSV-2 infection was one of the original
tients with chronic infections (such as those with opportunistic infections that resulted in the iden-
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and herpes and hepatitis tification of HIV. Since the initial reports in 1988
viruses), and such coinfected patients have a more studying men who have sex with men, many ad-
rapid loss of CD4+ T cells and an increased rate ditional studies have shown the association be-
of progression to AIDS and death.1 tween prevalent and incident HSV-2 infection and
HIV replication is compartmentalized in ana- the risk of HIV acquisition.4,5 In this issue of the
tomic sites of the body, and the interactions be- Journal, a study by Nagot et al.6 underlines the
tween HIV type 1 (HIV-1) and microbes occupy- association of HSV-2 with significantly higher
ing these anatomic sites influence the amount amounts of HIV-1 in plasma and in genital secre-
and strain of HIV-1 in these regions. Interactions tions in women with sexually acquired HIV-1. This
between the gut flora with HIV in gut lymphoid finding has direct clinical implications, suggest-
tissue and between sexually acquired pathogens ing that HIV-1 replication can be reduced with anti­
and HIV-1 in the genital tract are perhaps the viral therapy directed solely at HSV-2, since acy-
two areas of greatest importance in influencing clovir has no direct antiviral activity against HIV.7
the progression of disease and viral transmission. The conceptual importance of this observation
Localized infections of the genital tract with sex- is high. HSV-2 is acquired rapidly after the onset

854 n engl j med 356;8  february 22, 2007

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New England Journal of Medicine


Treating COPD — The TORCH Trial, P Values, and the


Treating COPD — The TORCH Trial, P Values, and the Dodo . The
fifth sentence of the eighth paragraph (page 853) should have read
``In the end, the trial failed to meet its goal: the P value for death from
any cause was 0.052, which was higher than the prespecified value
of 0.05,´´ rather than ``prespecified value of 0.50.´´ The text has been
corrected on the Journal’s Web site at

N Engl J Med 2007;356:1692

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