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Volume 3: Beyond Ritual -- Part 10: Additional Topics --- Chapter

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Yael Dragwyla First North American rights

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Volume III: Beyond Ritual: Historical, Philosophical, and Scientific
-- Essays on the Cutting Edge of Esoteric Science

Part 10: Additional Topics

Chapter 22: Abraham Lincoln and the War Between the States: An Analysis of a Holy War and
its Mahdi


A Holy War is the worst possible form of war, because there exist no internal constraints in the warrior
to prevent him from excesses of any kind: everything is permissible if God has ordained it, and a jihad is
therefore an open-ended opportunity for atrocities of every kind.
The American Civil War was our jihad, our Holy War. Abraham Lincoln, its Mahdi, did not free the
slaves, nor was that his goal; his goal was establish permanent hegemony of the United States federal
government over all the states, South and North, which he achieved admirably. He may not have thought
of it in those terms preserve the Union was his watchword but that was the effect of the Civil War,
and it was conducted in a way expressly designed to bring about that end, which was the effective abolition
of the principle of States Rights and Individual Rights as guaranteed by the last two articles of the Bill of
Abraham Lincoln was a Spiritualist, who regularly conducted seances in the White House. At one
time, Spiritualism was well on its way to becoming the dominant religion of this country, especially right
after the Civil War. Lincoln was the prophet of American Spiritualism. Spiritualism involves putting
yourself in a trance and letting just about anything wander through your mind and trusting to a guide of
unknown dependability and spiritual integrity to protect you from being taken over by some of the less
pleasant denizens of the Inner Planes in the process. For a man who, as Lincoln did, suffers from bipolar
syndrome, melancholia, borderline schizophrenic psychosis, and related conditions, this is a dangerous
pastime: a recipe for possession. Lincolns Second Inaugural Address, his executive order calling for the
total extermination of all Native American peoples, and numerous other aspects of his life and work as
President and even before suggest that he was, psychospiritually speaking, a very sick man preoccupied
with murderous hatred of natives of this country. He did not like African-Americans, made it clear he did
not, and wanted them all shipped to Liberia in Africa when the Civil War should be over. In numerous
ways, it is clear that, shall we say, the stairs didnt go quite all the way up to his attic. But was he
possessed? That he also dabbled in Spiritualism, on top of his psychoneuroses, suggests strongly that he
could have been, a possibility that demands investigation.
It is possible that he suffered from megalomania and delusions of grandeur, saw himself as a Messiah
leading a Holy War. If so, it was a delusion that government p.r. agents managed to infect the country
with, then and after.
Chattel slavery is an unconditional evil. But the Civil War didnt end it so much as it changed the
general citizenry of this country, at least potentially, to slaves, regardless of color or anything else. Later
administrations simply capitalized on it and transformed more and more of the potential into actuality.
Volume 3: Beyond Ritual -- Part 10: Additional Topics --- Chapter
Page 2

There were other ways to have ended that admittedly unspeakable, intolerable evil ways that wouldnt
have left a generation shattered, half the country in ruins, and the other half a factory culture that gradually
lost all its feeling for and bond with the land and history. Economic attrition would have worked and
while slow, it would have done the job. The Civil War didnt do the job whatever freedom African-
Americans have now, by and large they won it through their own efforts. Lincoln wasnt their savior they
were and remain their own. What Lincoln was, was a disaster this country never has recovered from, may
never recover from. His jihad was freed of the sort of constraints that wars fought for mere economic and
political gain are generally bound by not just moral constraints, but even those of sanity and the Reality
Principle. Normally, profit-vs.-loss governs the calculations of both military and politicians when it
looks as if it would cost far more to win a war than you could hope to gain by it, you quit. But a jihad ah,
all is for the greater glory of God, and no sacrifice is too great for the Cause, and there is no reason not to
keep fighting until you die or your opponent is utterly destroyed, because God will reward the faithful in
Heaven, and mere economic or even realistic concerns dont matter at all!
If Lincoln was possessed, was it his possessor who dictated the policies and grand strategies and
goals of the Civil War? If so, what is it that changed our history so radically, did such harm to so many

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