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Does invisible
mean ineffective?
Jon Howard-Spink, Mustoes, explains why the 21st-century media landscape
makes reaching consensus on the role of ad awareness a business necessity

HERE IS NO reason to suppose advertising in the 1970s looks as easy as carrying on as if nothing has changed

T that advertising which is con-

sciously noticed and thought
about is more effective than advertising
falling off a log: how hard can it have been
to get awareness for your advertising?
There were not that many brands com-
will result in an ever-tougher zero-sum
game: there must be fewer and fewer
winners. Without new models for gener-
which is not. peting for headspace (at least compared ating consumer engagement, Niall
The above quotation comes from Alan with today), big budgets were common, Fitzgeralds comment of a few years ago,
Hedges Testing to Destruction. Written in and the number of places to spend this that 90% of Unilevers advertising budg-
1974, it remains essential reading for any- money was limited. A half-decent jingle et was wasted, will become true for us
one involved in the communications was often enough to guarantee success. all, in more ways than he probably
industry, not least because it was arguably And it was possible to woo consumers intended.
the opening salvo in a debate that still (who, if research is to be believed, felt
rages to this day: just how important is it advertising was more entertaining than A new mindset?
that people remember seeing your adver- the programmes) with engaging soft sell At the same time, if awareness is only nice
tising? Is awareness a necessary condition over extended periods, using timelengths to have and not a necessity, than we will
for success, or can activity that is, in all that seem indulgent nowadays. If your need an even more radical sea-change in
practical senses, invisible still deliver advertising failed to be seen, you were the way we work a new mindset and
against its objectives? probably justified in firing the agency. approaches to the development, imple-
Bored already? Feel like youve heard it mentation and monitoring of consumer
all before? Think this is a done-to-death How times change communications that may be as alien to
argument ready for the Admap scrapheap? In the last 20 years, we have seen the most agencies as it would be to their
Well think again. In many ways, this number of brands explode (lines in a typ- clients.
(seemingly) eternal question is more ical supermarket have increased by 14 After all (and lest we forget), most of
important today than ever before. The times). The difficulty of making mental the research tools we use currently to
advertising environment we now work connections has been compounded by a gauge the effectiveness of advertising
within is so much more challenging than parallel increase in the media where (whether pre-testing or tracking) were
it was 30 years ago, that the awareness these brands can communicate with con- born out of advertisings 1970s heyday,
question cannot but take centre stage. sumers, or at least attempt to: the volume when awareness was king. And though
Looking back, the role of awareness of conventional main media has the terms change, these methodologies
may already have become a contentious increased 20-fold over the same period, themselves are rooted in earlier eras still:
one when Testing to Destruction was writ- fragmenting massively. And that is before as far back in fact as 1898 and St Elmo
ten. But from where we are sitting today, we take into account the proliferation of Lewiss AIDA model (awarenessinter-
ambient and new media. estdesireaction). Look at most
In this new The bottom line? It is regularly stated advertising research today (and the adver-
that we are now exposed to more than tising it is researching), and it still starts
advertising 1,500 brand messages each day. Is it any from the same premise: your advertising
wonder, then, that the vast majority bare- has to have been consciously attended to
environment, the ly register? And what about the if it is to be effective, and the awareness
question of whether thousands more that we never even get
an opportunity to see? Finally, adding
score has always been deemed as good a
guide as any to whether you have
awareness is a insult to injury, we are charged more than
ever for this promise of virtual invisibili-
achieved this.
But despite this hegemony of ad aware-
necessary condition ty, media costs having tripled in 20 years, ness, the alternative point of view has not
with TV increasing seven-fold. gone away. Indeed, it has gained impetus
for success is not In this new advertising environment, in recent years, thanks to some much-
an academic one; the question of whether awareness is a
necessary condition for success is not an
needed scientific credibility. Advances in
neuroscience now suggest that the earlier
it is arguably the academic one; it is arguably the only one
worth answering, whichever camp you
hypotheses of people like Alan Hedges
were not as hare-brained as some have
only one worth are in. If it is necessary, then we still need argued at least under laboratory condi-
a big rethink about the way we do things. tions. To quote Daniel Schacter, professor
answering Time and mental capacity mean that of psychology at Harvard: You may 

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FIGURE 1 Awareness fixation

Amoy: TV ad awareness model As a consequence, we remain in an ad
awareness-dominated world, where that
awareness is becoming harder to deliver,
8-weekly and where it still remains unclear
Base = 5* whether our awareness fixation is appro-
15 priate in the first place. So, if only because
% awareness

of the media landscape in which we now

operate, and its business implications, the
10 role of ad awareness must become a topic
that rises above the academic musing of
planners and researchers. It is imperative
5 that we nail the truth once and for all:
truth that (as usual) will undoubtedly
have a foot in both camps.
0 And where do I stand on this particular
Jan 04
Jan 04
Feb 04
Feb 04
Feb 04
Mar 04
Mar 04
Apr 04
Apr 04
May 04
May 04
Jun 04
Jun 04
Jul 04
Jul 04
Aug 04
Aug 04
Aug 04
Sep 04
Sep 04
Oct 04
Oct 04
Nov 04
Nov 04
Dec 04
Dec 04
Jan 05

issue? Given my previous work with LAP,

Date it should come as no surprise that I think
Notes: based on eight-week rolling data advertising can have an effect without
*AI = 4 being consciously recalled. In support of
this I will finish by offering up some
think that because you pay little attention in the world of advertising for many recent personal experience: a case history,
to commercials your judgments about years. Nonetheless, and despite being in a debate rather bereft of data on this
products are unaffected But a recent firmly rooted in the commercial realm, particular side of the fence, which gives
experiment showed that people tend to LAP does remain something of a theoreti- concrete proof that advertising can have a
prefer products featured in ads they bare- cal topic. Compared to the more significant business effect even with only
ly glanced at several minutes earlier established, awareness-based models, it limited recall.
even when they have no explicit memory has yet to reach critical mass, lacking the
of having seen the ad. body of case histories required to con- Case study: an invisible ad
Outside the halls of academe, this new vince the sceptic. Mainstream acceptance The commercial I want to discuss is for
learning has been most directly applied to has not been helped by the sometimes Amoys Straight to Wok (STW) noodles.
consumer communications in the theory combative stance adopted by both sides At 20 seconds long, it shows (in close-up) a
of Low Attention Processing (LAP), an of this particular argument, the implica- stir-fry being cooked in a wok, to which
idea first suggested by Robert Heath and tion of right vs wrong, good vs bad (in slow motion) STW noodles are added:
myself in 2000. Thanks to further work undoubtedly contributing to ever-more- the thought being that, because a stir-fry
by Heath, LAP has gone on to become entrenched opinions in the broader is so quick to cook with STW noodles,
among the most important new thinking marketing community. things had to be slowed down.
What is striking about this film is its
FIGURE 2 virtual invisibility. Despite receiving
Comparative base-level and AI scores nearly 700 TVRs when first aired, brand-
prompted ad awareness remained under
Base level Efficiency (AI) score 15% (see Figure 1), equating to an effi-
Predicted ad 4 ciency (AI) score of 4 exactly what had
awareness been predicted by a previous Link Test,
and well below the levels normally
Ad awareness 5 4 achieved by HP Foods with its advertising.
(tracking) Even when prompted by stills, recogni-
Spontaneous brand 25 6
tion barely got above 20%. If ever there
awareness (tracking) was a commercial that had failed to regis-
ter with its audience, here it was.
Brand image: 30 9 Despite this, spontaneous brand
authentic tracking awareness and key image dimensions
(such as Authentic) increased significant-

42 Admap December 2005 World Advertising Research Center 2005

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Jon Howard-Spink is
planning director of Mustoes.
Over the past 17 years he
has worked with a wide
variety of tracking studies
and quantitative pre-tests,
and joined in the vocal
debates that concern them.

FIGURE 3 age test commercial. At the end of the

Amoy: key measure performance vs adspend day, people were aware of exciting new
news from Amoy just not where they
Image: authentic Share had heard it.
Spontaneous brand Ad awareness In a spirit of cooperative discussion, I
awareness am happy to accept that this may be the
50 exception that proves the rule; that with a
unique product and a compelling con-
sumer proposition you do not need mem-
orable advertising. And there is no deny-
ing greater cut-through would have been
30 preferable: it can only have improved per-

formance. After all, it would be a brave

20 client (and agency) that claimed not to be
interested in generating awareness for its
10 advertising. But this case history does
demonstrate that invisible need not
0 mean ineffective. And in a media world
D J F M A M J J A S O where invisibility seems destined to be
2003 2004 the norm for most, we can no longer dis-
miss this possibility.

The challenge for researchers

0 The challenge to all of us is to prove the
point once and for all, to grapple with the
issue intelligently, creatively and, above
ly over the advertised period, in line with and simple. At the time that HP Foods all, cooperatively. The research communi-
media spend. When these measures are decided to adopt the Link Test as a com- ty must stop viewing awareness as the
modelled using the same technique as for pany-wide pre-test methodology, the battle ground for vested interests, an
ad awareness, the scale of this rather Amoy film was about to go on test in Scot- opportunity for intellectual point-scoring
counter-intuitive performance seems land: it was simply too late to cancel the and evidence of whose methodology is
starker still: despite significantly higher airtime, so the film ran north of the bor- best. And agencies must put aside the
base levels (which depress the modelled der and was tested via Link elsewhere. hypocrisy that sees them embrace ad
AI score), both enjoyed proportionally When sales exceeded expectations, a awareness and milk it for all its worth-
greater uplifts than was the case for ad judgement call was required: the advertis- when it is good, and reject it as a blunt
awareness (see Figure 2). Indeed, in pure ing worked in practice if not in theory, so instrument of little value when bad.
numbers, twice as many people became it was decided to run it anyway. Without Maybe a joint industry research study is
both aware of Amoy over the advertised the Scottish activity, I doubt if this article called for. I would be happy to play my
period, and considered it authentic, as would be appearing. part.
were aware of the advertising. Second, if awareness was not a driving One way or another, though, we need
And the icing on the cake? Sales of force, how was the advertising really either to redefine the parameters of adver-
STW noodles increased to an even greater working? Although the film was not exe- tising interaction or agree that the old
extent, mirroring the uplift in intermedi- cutionally memorable, maybe even emi- parameters were right all along. But
ary measures (see Figure 3), peaking some nently forgettable (it is just a stir-fry in a whatever the answer, it will mean differ-
15 share points higher. This performance wok), it was well branded (something ent approaches to what we do; it will
has been broadly replicated with each improved further post-Link), with a clear, mean finding new ways to deliver aware-
subsequent burst of activity. compelling message. Again, this was well ness in a world that militates against this;
All of which, for completeness, does demonstrated by both the tracking and or a recognition that communications do
beg a couple of questions. the pre-test, with Link predicting very not have to be seen to be believed, with all
First, why was the film on air if, assum- clear key message communication, and the implications this has for advertising
ing an ad-awareness-based model, pre- confirming that this information was development and tracking.
testing had so successfully predicted a considered believable, relevant and
poor performance? Happenstance, pure newsworthy, far more so than the aver-

World Advertising Research Center 2005 December 2005 Admap 43

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