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' r I

' __ ..


Tbne: 3 hams

I. This qu,esoml boolIdet ccntalns ssecnons, Each sectlon carries so n~lm:b. ,2. FllS;[ se,c;:tiuI1l Is a gen[eiraj, section and. it j:s ,compulsmry.

,3,. Sec'uons:2 to .5 [aIle' 'ubjiect sections (maLhematics, physics" chen:l'~stty and biology). 'Choose [anyduee. That: is" lum:il1J: anyone (lif the fO'LU subject sectiena,

,4\,.P1ocket caleulators .• , IO,g '~;fJJ]tdes[, cellpheaes etc aria Bo't penmjtlted. in the examlna.tion ban.

5., iU1S,\Y"eIS[ tn tbe questions are ~IJ 'beIJutrk:ed in, 'the OMR sheet ·p,rovid.ed .. 6.[ For qu.eloo[D booklet B~you :must. msw:e~r 10:0 6MB. skeet B,.

7. RougU\\vurk should be done on the sheers provided.

B. Rewmtbe OMB sheet to tbe,:mvigllator at the end of'examilna:tion. 9. Cat,e'fuDy read ,and£oUow the lmstrucDODs given in leach. section.

Instr.ul,itio:ns,(or writinG on 10MB sbe.eJ

1. 'Wdule your name, ron numb er and other :re,q:uired iWllnnatio,n with l'HlUp,omt pen.

In the approprlate boxes piroVided. S~gn your name wnhballpehn pen in the box. provided.

2. hl the :remaining pan o[f OMR. sheet use HB,peuciil onJy as instructJetl. Make' £lU'e' !£bat 'the' 'bullbles, are[ 'RUed S,DO\iYD ,m QiMR ;sbeeO ..

3". Each qUBsu.on basi Eour o:ptioua. fill the ;ap:p'.ropda.'!e bubbles. Some questions, (a~s s:peciified in the ques:tlcmpapet) have mere than one correct 'chu:ice'.

4. Read and foUo\v the ,ms:[[UlIco:IJJ,m, :giiven on dle OMS ,sh.eet.

,5[. Fill in the answers only when you ,ar,e~ sure' that }rou dn not need I~O ehange the answe'[ .. As far as p,05.s~ble,[ avu'lld. eras,inl [be' ,aJllS.V<\fe.r. In ease 'Y1t!I'J:]! haw te erase the answer" do so pnJ<,pedy sorhat there is no black spot ins-ide the bubble',

16. fiJlStu'edtat you ue6!JllnJII.,dlebu! [wl'mspo;nding ID CDrJlKI :scedotRI.,

7... Your .1'0,0 :DIIDibel" (liVen,o.n the' ,3.dmil. eant) .MUST BB ENTERED' OOBBECTty. If ent-ered Wl'Dugl,yor -not enlier[ooIl,che OMR s.eet will Rot be: grad,ed ..

IbtaJ maJ'b for Sect'ioD 1::: 50

1',hi : ,,'oon,on ,m,~dain8 'e! (#'Ue8:~o~~"

Fm' ach, quell1t ~01 , 'Illoly ODe oJ tk ~ 4 .op:fofUf, r., a COl"ro t a.n 'W' r, For i]ttes'fzmM from 1.1 t o L (], (j ,otnTect ClfiSWf r witt earn, marks. For, I' :t oj th e qlJ.e~tions, ftlOO correct., tl.n8wer w,iU ,oom 2' mark.s. For th' 8 ctitl'n ,G; lurrong a,nswer or' an urultte1n,p'~ed qUestiriJfl will ~arn t) 'rTU1'rk.

Passage foll" 'Q~nestioDS L 1. to 1.3

R ad the jollo w-jRg pa all, ,oorejulJy and IchtJ -' ~ tfl can::cct optioll from th~ QP'Uo,n,s fhat. Joltaw.

At ,rding t' t i FU:51 L"tw of'th rUlodyna;nrics. the I OdU en. rgy .of anieolated yt m iLl'! co:n.';1'tar~I,. U the fiJ"stem is mot ]'·.ola;1,. d but can eXicball!e I uergy ,aJ])cVar ma;tt;er with its envirenment, he First Li1w rna b apf~IDi d to t.ile Unh.i'f!'l"ge;' hilt its I to t'b, sy ~;e'm pI n 1. is mriromnenL Bu I h ~ Fir", Lllw anaot deL. rmine 'the diree i' D of sp ut,IUlOOUS

hrul,ge. Thi il:! ,gm~erm:~d by the "econd Law of TherulOd rnamiee, whi'ch WI' due . ~, n~w 'v:f!dn:bl(!! oJ ·I:.he syst,e.m IcaUed eutr,op'y. :Ent:r,opy" roug,Wy :IliIH~iE!.kiDg! ls a measure o:f' molecular dj:;:l11If.f + A! ,uvding tJ I th S seond Law, th 1e!1itropY' of t~e' nni verse 8h~ a.ys

:for spontan OU8 pro '88, flf na ure, Th.ID5 res ---irtion ho\vo,,":r says nothing abnuti hera, '(!l of tb spont.aneous process.

A process is r: 'v~l'Mb~1iLl if ~t ~ry .sta,g@< rtlu~' system. is in UI1"mOd.yn,,1ulic ,equi.librhH_I11 and tb I ;h8l1g , from. one . ta't to ancther is mfinit ] r low. FuFll!:l_fl a f'e\ ~[sible pr' ess bn~ l\n . no dJS iplaUve li2lIe 'l,s 'such i:lS id· 'lon. vic:; ooity etc.], The

. tro,p)'.o,f 'I.h, u~lhrem I mains I., onstao;t in a :f\l!ve:rsible proeess, Spolltan O'll pro iesses aILe [rl'.e'veisib]e.

The First and Second LaW'S Of 'Ph rWQdynamru ax, - never vio~.&ted.m [l!a.tUl'. It is l~ll 0 xpr-- - h eoad Law ( oertail,"ondilt:im1s I :in tezms of I be variables of the . ,rs't.,liim alone, For example ~ I spontaneous proe ~ o utr:i!ng 81' C{lU!S Illut

t~mperatlliXe' (T) and p,r'I!S'BIU!e' (f)! be Gwbh'!], Fln~ En,eflY (G) [,"vl-rul,cll is, a.l'nl~niIJjl:1R't~O:~l o.f otb~f tbennodynamievanebl ,- ] of the .: yst In never inereases, 'bE!.ing constant for reveraihle pro esses, m ~ b~olo!rl, al PI'O' .. ant T and P, how 'VeJ::, Ill' l',_q[dfe,d, to ' in the mIooti,· '11 of i![~Cf1~asiu.g G..

1.1 jJ;,r all K-, r ibl pm A) (~S)iI!) m = O. .8) (4.G)~!om :> O.

C) (8'!I)i. rom = - AS'crl\UoII ""ITt·

D) (tli.' )e<ll:YOOfimimt ~ O.

1~3 COIl.Sidfllr ':he lU·'OOe5.i o'i'slIlddM. OOJJder~8fGD ,O'f a. giJ,WD mass of' S1'lIperco'~f~,. e.Mll iW.iliil' wa: er, [nobis prO','~,

A) If ,6.G)iijJ'~ in _:__ 0,

8)1 1(Ic6.SHvi ~ > ~ (ASl~rt:eml.

C) (AS)Y;I1_a~ = o, :0) (.i1SI),[]fiifillf~rillle'liit < O.

[Het"th- "ymhall I donates h magnitu,del of the Iquan'il" inside the symbol.] iIl,.,3 A. bioJogieal proeess at comstant T a;odP in. YorW,ch G ,~ncrea.~ is

A) necessarily an itlfuU, ,1' slewreversible process,

B) IIl!lviolRtil:OO of the a,caud Lal\\!' of Thermodynamics.

C) a. nen- -~cm M '(IUS proeess r,equiring exte'rn.a:l agancy.

D) On in wbJdl ~ntl'011y of the univellle dec'[,e' , es,

1.4 Two planea A and B. mcUu d at 600 to ,Mel, other Inbeli,OO, in A line ,11' ADO ber plane C n.ot p~,aJ.lem to I} in "ers:ec;:s the :,lao' - A and S, in lines 12 an.d la respectivel;r. Then

,A) everym.u~~n A makesan mn_gl of tiOilil "iri'tb 'e'veTy line in D, B) 'the Hneg III 12 and la ,n:te con urr, Dit.

to) A. Une perpendjlcrwat b;!Pr~g'e A ~n~~ a:n mlg~e of ,30~ 'mtl1, ,8 line' :perpeDweula~ to plan B.

D)I he till' '"h l 12 3:p!d h He in a plane.

1.5, On ,8, eGrtaLn p'ar~iw:nental.Y 1(~l]'mmitlee,,2/3'!Ille:mb,·I"S, j.M'1 .mea, Of tl~e men, 3/8 ,HI frO,18 RajYR Sabha., Furtherl 2/5 'of the' ItotaJl,oommittee memb -111 3j[le' Irom Rajy~ Sabba.,. Whmt flra dun. of ',be total committe'" members &I1eWll'me.g frum Lok Sabha?'

A)I 3 C) 1
ro'" i"
B) 5; DJ 11
1:2 • 00'· 1.6, Consider an equilateEa1triang~e of _ ide leDg'b e, tCilrculliM arcs of radi 'I 0./'2:" a'fe drawn fr,jJ,m, each of 'tb! ,thr,ee vel"tiiEe:fil" The are-a of ,tbe: I1Etgio'D :for:mooby the tbrne ares as: boundarie (,shO\VJ:lru3, shadedarea ln the figwl!e) is.

A ~ (2'y3 - ~).

18';' ~ (w= Ja).

0- 'I a'l1

""JI "8'.,

D)·.JL:2 1.'6 •


1,,:1 Ob~n,e Itbe given a:@I1Iue]1C~ ofnumbeI5; 'W:WlGb.h.-'1Stwomissi~J,g numbers f,l,~ the end.

20 18 17' U;) 14 14\ n 12 ?'?

The WQst fiippmpl'~atEl pwr ghdng t:b'~IIll[ssln,g 11fi~r[l1lb@'rSi is

A.) 12~ U. C) 8~ ]111

B) 'Sl 11)1. D) 13,. s,

:L8 Of thEl f~lHtriangu.lars'h~p,es [ii] to (\f') ( sl~.owu ~n ,EL~com,p,anyimlg figure ) I' hose whkh can he rqta1;ed. ,to exactly resembleshape (i) are

{i) It) oDly{ii). B) only{ ii~).




C) (iii.) and. (iv). D} (ill and (v).,.

Group I: AI


TI~.G lttl"l!Ost'.dalL~l5,guli€~;O replace th€l q,u~th:mn!l,arkat th!2 €:na Off: Group' 2 is

(il <X>

A) fig (i). :8) Fig (i]_).

C) Fig (ill)" D).I FIDg (iv).



l.U) Obse.rvethe gi.v:eJ.1'1 ~luenc:e of uu:tlllbe:W5, 'wliliclJ1 ]'!,Mhro mj£s:hrug~lD!rnber,s <lit the e!:u1.

2:,1 26 29 34 "m? '1

Tl~e _m'ost approp:rruate :Palr gm:''o'iug too remmm.g aumh era, Is

A) .50~ I~n.

B) .!3~ 47'.

C) ':1'1; 591, U) 52'f ,65.

A) both pmf;on and eJe :t;l,iion oomsis of three quarb ead_l~ t.h, quasks in proton Qfl':! pusithl'id,y chM,~d, w.b:ile those in ,eleci; ron are neg.a.ti\fdy ,m,ar:ged"

B) a prolbon oollSists .of three fUn Iamental constitn nt~ II quarks,), while an eleetron i. an ,ele:me~'litmry 'pmrtide wi.'t h. no fur her ,eou'tihumts.

C') a pr-ot,on eOl~ists of three quarks~ while an ernec'troll. ,mnsist of' a .quark ood antiquark P8.J(·

l.12 Observl-tbe figm--6.S oil Group,!, Group 2' md GI'Oltp a,.

- , _

Group 1 Group 2. GI10Up :3

Th most ,appmpriat figur,-:-' 01 replaee the titles ion mar'l:!:. at the lend of GIIOUJI 3: i~

A) fig(i). B} Fig(ii)., 0) Fig(iii.)r_ DI)I F~g(hfl.


(Ii) (in) (i,v)

A) 'two 'td~,,mudeiwere made ta 'wrruden'!.iO ·fwti;on rlesu1UIDI~D He',

'8) ,I'll particles were bombarded on nitrogrm nncld FU\oducing oxygen nuclei and protons.

C) 235U nuclm we:roe made 'to lU1JU'lO fission. by slow neutrons,

D) neutroMlilirem bombaroo, on earbca nu(':~e:li ,to pfod nee IIC.

B) the s:tati,c modem of ·the u:mverse iml.~olviBg ,iii. n ~f 00 C{nutAml't.

C) t:he steady stat 'theo'fY of the un~v,r· e.

D) the inDia' ionary pha:s ' o:fthebig ba.ngtbeory.

1.1.5 Eulers ~onnUl]E!lV - E -+ F = 2 .whelr'e' V .. E, .F aire rH$pedive]y number ofvedioe:.~~ edge.s andr!il:.ces of H si1J!].ph~ pn~ybrn::lroIilIVio:as (J[[JIB of tbe 'e~b.:dy hallie resulta of

A) Conilim.a.torics.

B) Thpol~g}~.

C') Cbl108.

D) CootdWat,~ g'f!o:rne~:ry.

lL.16 C~larA~, D&r\!i'in, 'Iil[h~ bieBntelJru:y is boein~ iDeiebr,i'Jtted t.hi!'l ye~_rj is kElcwn Cor his theory or lS'mJutioD "f speeies by nataral 5e·[f'ct~on. The ~c:i.ent;JGt conte.mpm:a1l'ytol DM'oI'II'in w.ho in dep endlenHy nrdvecl at the 'same thoo.ry W81i

A) Lcm[!!i Past2Ul'.

B) Gua.Ul!V Kuclilioff.

C) ThmIUlsMnitl.!J[IS.

D) Affi:cd 'V~e.

t.Ul'~t is now geTIllITallry aeeepted tn sci'i'!![Ice thaot. HfE' (an earth appeared about

A) 3i bllllen yC'oiitl'S ago, B1' 5 lllilliuu ~~ ago.,

C) Ul(l',I(JQ{l yEat'l:il li(!;Q,

D) W,m)(.1 years ~o.

A) relils from ~ .!'item are grown m,!,1SSUIC' clJi,lkur€ dml grows u~to iE.\lCun-groW11 plant,

B) st'-U'll cells me taken from an ennnal ued to replace its d~tive t:~B3tte.

C) stem of a plaat is grailt'l"d te MOt her UI produce a h.ig'll~yD.elding variety.

D) some ;Sped&! stem eells are bemg diseevered that can gi ve rise to bQlb rullmM mad plant ,pelJ!s.

1.1'9 The famoua Haber process of involving Ircn as a catru,rst is com~e:rlloo. wiUj, thft: .mJtliLu.~ factlaf of

A) ammoma ..

EJ ) Lydro~el1l sn ~phi.f!e.

C) uranium hexafluoride.

D) hydrochloride aeid,

A) gllS ~n]lul.togrl'lphy.

B} elee trou-p ositron Jllll!llib.Hatictn..

C) structure ()if i iIIIiSl ~li.:I1. D ~ IELEl!H':!T'S.

1.21.. The 19th Ct"..fWt,uJ[Y sdmntist who g~ve mathematical focmu]atioIil {)If the kirretic theory of gas~ ~~~

A} Lord Kelvin.

S) AlbtHi; Einstein,

C) :\ Iieheel ~1~ll(_l8y"

0) J am.~ C1~]' k~·~axvi'lF'lL

1.22 Radon, di:sro\.~ered ill 1900<]. is

A) a hlgh power beam of radiation, C) a medium wa,:vel~gtJl rsdio source"

8) a (:ampound ,of r.adimn. D) an inert ,F;8.S"

Thf.$ SecticJ'1l Imntains 1'.4 q:u.est'i~n.s.

For que' ~Qn.s 2.1 to 2.1 (), only one nj th« -I optiml.S i~ til" OO'Teti mIBW!9:I"'., A cerrec: i'ln~we'l' wm earn 3 marks. a ,W1'r1'il.g O1J.suu;;'r miU ,earn (~1) :niark, ;I'uut 1I'Z'n t.m.attp.t.npt.ed q'Uf!.stia n will earn (J mark;

'2.1 A f.air die is tru011il.'11 successively twlc and the sum of the two numbers s that sbow up is noted. For guy suhse] T nf {2. 3. 41" , , ! 12}, leI. P{T) denote the pr'Qha:bilit,y that sET. The smallest possible size' (I ardmali y) of T such that P(T) ~ ~ is.

A) G, C) 4.

~ ~ D) 5,

2.2 Let X = {I, '2. 3, ... ' ~ 9} and A = '{3~ 5. S, 9}. The UtWll1ber of subsets B of X which sat1fify the eendinon A \ B = f3. S J is

A) zero"

B) one,

G) 2~. D):f(.

2 .. 3 \\fbj,cli of Ithe following curves in the x-y plsae C1Llt~ e\f~ strru.ght Iln in til pblIl~'t [I] x = t, y = Pi (Il) 1: =i, Y = t5; (nI) x = i';\ '1J = f3; (IV) ':J: = 1.J I 11 =~.

A) (I) and (TIl) owy .. B)aj]the ~oUlr nUvtm.

C) {III) and (IV) only ..

D) (U) and (JV) finly.

2.4 A spherieal ice ball is melting in ~I[]i(:h R way thnt it~ radius [8 decreasing at a constanr rate. "fh !lit shculd ib ~ I b, radms R oh he lH.illL so tlba't the rate of d,~o:f i'i;!l, volume is nmnerical!ly qual to he rate of decrease in its surface area'!

A) R cunnI' hp de'enniu.ed w~'~h ~he help 'of tbe data.. C).R = :2-:rr'.

B) R = '2. D) R = ',\If.

2.5 A circle touches a paraho'!Ft H:t Wi'O disl.ind points P and oQ. Th@ dlstanee 1 PtwPf'1l the center of th. circle and the midpoiut or the chord PQ

A) is: a VIllrillble qilLUilltity that depends on the radrus of the circle.

B) is a ClOwrtant HId cquaJa 'the semila us rectum of the parabola.

C) is a cOD5hrnt arul ,e'llu&1s tbe Latus rectum ()If the parebola.

D) equals 4PQ'.


2: iii Thr " fl . . . '1!., lIin (;r::i:1f/:i!')I .

.I ' .1 _~ mu'li Q _ t1le expressU)ID m14-o (mn~Z!'I" ~,) )~ 1.£

A) ~ C) 0..

B) ; D) 1,

2.1 Suppose J(;r;) = -Ji.2+bx+ 1 find y(~) = ;r.2+2:r+t:: Hie sueh Um,tm&x J'(x) <: It'Ulin.g(x) ~ J:' vades over dl~ l:iet uf all :fiBru Q,llmL~I"S, The' least possible 1ira,lue of e i13

A) ~ q 1

B) ~. D) V5.

2'.8 Let ABeD be a trapesium in whicl:l- AB i~ pMalh3'1 to OD. Furtb~r ACftlild B.fJ' rni;e:rSOC't at O. j_f til!e area of th'!? tri~ngl(! COD isU]lcm:2! area 0'£ the td!llJl,g]e AOB' is 40 cm:'.il and T denotes ttlp Mea nf the tr,aperium, ABC D',th8Jl

.A) T em] hl:'l c_aJC'ula:~cd blJt it; will h!'JI.w t:\l;rG, di!';t.iIlCiJ;; positl've real values. B.) T C:tjillLfi.ot he caJ.cubt~ llL'S tbll! data are iIl5~rumcient,.

C) T equals 90 t.m.2•

n) T equals TO c.m~.

,rJ,j' + il +- Z to,

r+ ay +z C,

.T +Y+l1z - 0,

lias intfi:mtJely mruzy solutions- The set of val ues of a fID' tills to h lli.p.pen :is

A) Ub -l}. C), {2,-:2}.

H) {-1~·.2}. D} fllit-2},

for x !S: 01 .for x > O.

A) cmltmlU)ru;: a'l:; 0, hut not, dHfnrellti_nble tbere.

B) mffere~t.iab]e ~t (Ji" but .iI1.ot twice di.:lI'cl'c.urliahle 'th-e:l'c.

C) tv.TiL~ ,clli1in:entia,bJe a.t O. D] not IDOll1'tWUOlll3 fit O.

FtiT' qYC8t'liOfl8 2.11 to ~.14 more Uum one oJ the 4 ,options may be OO'l":i"£lCt. YOU7' ,a~w T is re,f/fJTTied correct oDly if you ,choose all th 'Clorrect optio!Dl( S.) tJ.'1uJ. DO incorrect optioliLl(a}. AI earreci answer wiJl oom 5 rrUlrks, and a flfft),H:!J IlRSU r or ,un Uft«ttf'nop~e.d quesHrJll wdl r.llif'R 0 mart.

2.11 La binary uperation ... be deflued on the et C of ecmplex numb . ra by ~.'I" ,IJ.,' = ~1IJ fur filll z . w in Ie. Then

A) 'J:;; '" z + -..Ill' >10 r.iI > J(z + w) * {z + w).

B) '2(z *;; + TO' ll.l) = (2 + w'l ., (z + w) - (z - w) .. (z - w).

C) tl e QPe:f'fiHon * is associati e on C,

U) give-po ,nn;y z la C l ;: f 0 I t be equ'3.tion .; ,. iW = 1 is WiL1q,llel.v solvable for 1j, in C.

2.12 Co,ns'im:r the fuucti 11 J: R _, 1Pl. /(x} =:r +si~x,.r E lK.

A) The graph of the fu.nctjon y = J(x) cuts the line 'Y = ;1' rut i.nIlni'tely :mtmy points. B,) Thafrny.:'tion is strietly .mcl:leru;ing at every PQi·~~t on Rexcept IlIt .l' equal to an odd multiple ofii whEre' the derlvative or J is 2ie'IO and where the' [un.ctiol1 i i.'il not stdetly mcreaslag.

C) The function is hounded in eV1ary bOllLbdetl Interval hut unbounded on whol eeal line,

D) The gr" 'ph of the fun rt ion }J = J T ) lies in the fir .. _,'[ an I..hird quad:nm' nnly.

2.I.:lI,Let, 1(min) = J@L xrn(.1 - x}Tld'T., for aU non-u gBti\~e iut,e,gers m.n, Then

A) 1(2,1) = l~'

B) 1(11,'-, n) -c 1 ~o wI (m, n) t (0.0).

e} J(m,l'l.) < I(m + 1, 'n - J) for all ru ~ 0 and 1'1 ~ 1. 0) l(nt, n) is II decree.siJI],g fundiCl,II. of -n~.

2,,14 A circular able is, placed so that it touches two perpendicular walls, A point on be edge of the tahle j;s. a em awa;y from mi 1'Itl!!.U and b cm. l;I;~rfllY Imra the other. It ~, required to find out .nU possihle values ofthe radlus " 'Of the table, Choose the correct statemen (s),

A) The data is ~ns1i.lffici'~nt to ifind any possiMe value of l~lbllll' cadiut'! . . R) r 'CBm ba feund out ror 00)' poo.iHw real values of,~ and b,

C) Tb,pre ","ill a]\\f8..Y'S be' two distinct positive values of r.

D} liE r exists, then ?Ii v;J; <: r < (,Ja + ,,fb)2,

e o

'Th~s ..ll&:::boi;! mnta~m 14

PrJT questifJM ,9.J fo 3.j{J, ,ollly- one of 'he ,4 (;lpUrJrl,B is t/u". oorl"ed answF,!l". A f;O'f"f'f!C.t an.'iiwe-r will PrJrn 3 m(l~'b" ,~ 1nnmg ,~ltiillJe'r wi;U ~:am {-1'} ~rwf'-kr I\lH~ an unattempted qll;€stioo will €a.~ () mark.

3.1 Considertwo situauons: (a} A caplllCitor of capaeitance C is t'~mJ"~-ed byfll. 'battery of voltM~V. and theu tb.elJaLtery is diseonneeted, (b) T.oe MllilC Ci1.paci:tof is. chl1lrged


by the SlliLiIl.i1! batte.IY which. hOl'lraw1', tskep connected. Next l ia both !f'~, a t hin

dielectric !ib.b L'li in&C·rt~ beLwt.'e:I]. the eapacitor plates .. (Earlier there WM only air). Let U8, and Vill! denote the elect IIp:.'t fit ir E'nergiesj uthe t wu sLtuations. \1Vhlcll. 01 the re nO\\>il~g is 'time'?

A) Va in'C[,E'm-o~l;\,·hll~· Uh Li.€Cr€'al!:!e8. C) Both UOfJI!\t!cl Ub deCi!:e{L'1C.

a;2 A r~illo:tl.cti~ souree, having a 1u11f~Jif~ of five mlnutes, '~r.w; fnund to have a COIilU!l;in,; tate nf 1 ~1r]GlO ctmnts/sec at n celrtaiIi point In tune, .Filteen. minutes after tills Qb5e.rVl:ltio[t~ tbfo counting rote [s

A) 750collnts/sec. C) 4000 oount~/5lX.

B) 15'00 ccunts/sec. :[)) 6000 t'lOwt1i/sec.

3.3 J\phy,sioo qumwti.L}' A(:r) is expected to behave, according to thoo:!,~I{, all, A (,.1;) = b+cxfl I wheM b, c~ 7! art: unknowu j:I01ii'itiV€- CU:wstWll[;IiI. Me.asureIrHmlt.s are made {or .A.(x) ror a DllInlJel' or ¥'I.luB"l of .l:,rucli~ding I = Q. The ibest 'W,fJlY te proceed to verify the relation and to determine ~ find (' is

A) to :fiu:d [.A(J') - A(O)] (or each me'lJ."fIU'f!IDmt.. Plot ]n[.4(;.t) - A,(O}] vslux Illncl fit it F;q a !!itrHci~ht 1i::l:I~. Sinpe of Lhe HUl:! ,riU give nand intercept will give In c.

13) to plot A.(x) VS z" fur VM~OW;: values of II till we get a .'itra~gbt. line graph. TIu~]]

the slope uf the line gj"ifes: c.

C' .) ~ 1I() E- ~ j l l' 11_(iI"L )-"\t;r:2J r 'lI'-1~ h

tn p .• lut ."1;(. ViS;t. ' lnfi~"'N me 1'tl<ttIOl1 C = '" _or ~':Hne \11. .:JL~ u;ro

~'i.L.J ~I.-::.E-.'J

Rveracge' value ore.

D) '~[I plot lnA(.:r}w 1111,;[;. Sjll~e will glve h.

3.4 An unpolarlsed mouocbromatic be<ilotll uf lighlis incid.ent 0:1) a I'll. uarimerface media of refractive indeJr n} and 0IJF~rI1'Ct'iVf"~Y:Ii:\f .rn:I anglr ef inddl~nc~ i. ~.1Ii if] Jml.iild that the reflected beam is compJetely ImbuiMed.

FPObl I~W5, we can eonel ude t ha t

A) rl, > nil and i :> ~5Q,

B) nu :> :ttJ and l = ~]n-J (nJ!lJu).

C) ;1= hw-I (nI/njJ).

D) :l: = ta.n-1 (n.!l/nr).

3,.5, A c{l)pacitQI C is charg'ed by a eenstanf \~o~la:ge source, ,LB't R. b€ neT!; resLStalll:Ce m the durrging, C ciJililirges,ti1e:re is 1'\, Joule bEsting ]O:s.!i: d,ueto R.

A) JOl1l~ bea,tmg ]'0iSS is over rnnIllite period, and is therefore infimte"

B) If H' is muru.Ll.j (:ur~r;!.mt l(~) tm tbe IWCrut is blq~;~, lmdIDg tu a large Joule beating loss,

e) U R ,~8 large, th,e cluug1J11,g ,t!Ji.k{_~ ]dngsrwMch inereases 'the- net Joule heating [0..9S. D) Net JouJeheatJD<g loss ~ indapendent ,ol R.

:!t6 W:n.t,e!' drops of equal size Me drffipping et a COlrnant rate from a tap a.t he~ght H.

The re~]:hre Qf mess uf thecolumn ofdrops at a giveu instant is located ElL 11., -height of

A)I 3H 14 from the ground. C) fI /2 [rom the grOl uid,

B}2fl/3 ' grounel, D) Ria from ,-be g;rOIUltl.

3,.7 TW'1l iderl/tical dre:uJ;EI.f cn[:FE~t 1c's.nyUl,g coils l ,nm:d 2, eaeh 0'[ radius R are placed adj&~ly a distsnce d.' Rpm (,d' -c .R). Tbe}! cMry equal (JblIT,CIilU· J ill opposite ~i!'ru;B. Let L 11 ~! ~,!l12' amd JU2i dC:J:]o,tld' lbi€ 'sill and nrutual lnduetanees.

\Vnich of Ute foUu",,'w,; isill::L least approximrurely true?

Ai i£]1 = 1l\1~11· C) LI = -1..2,

B) M2l ).> L1, D) ~I12 = -kl'l~'

3.,9 In a Jfiboil!'a~o.fY projectiles of mass nIl collide wlth a ta:rge~ of ma.\i~ m2 at east. U i:::; observed I; ba.~, L here are pro jed lles hurllied at large sC8t~erin,g a1l,g~es (> 150~) . For HIm to happen

A) he impact parnmeter oJ Tn} nnl'f;t be: srna.U and ffil < fi'~. 81th!:., ~:mlJli_u::t paran~at'0r of ffll m11S't. lie large and fJ'1.1 :::- mil' e} the impa.ct parameter of m l rnnst he S[]U)I.U and m] :> ~.' 0) th[' ~mpl1Ct pnl'amd,er of TNt must be large and rn. J <: -rn.2'

,3.'9 FoiUawing is .1'1, ~a,pb.ofve~oci:ty (v) ~ ... ersus time (t) for a. particle" C]:t()~ ille eorreet (o'o)1-------1-~----statement ilmfi'falg thf' :fol:Jowmg s['!l!.t'enlf'nts:.

A) Speed at P ~ mol:!!'!' thlUiI at Q and diisphkcement I:I..t P is ~ess. than at Q.

8,) .A('lOOI~ril:\lf;iol1 ut Q, is less [b~ drnt at P' and dlsplaeement alj IQ is more than flit P.

C) \Vitbt"im~. ,~plerill.tiolil at. P is mereflSing while diSipiacemellt:i,') del:!f,elJk.S~ng.

D )\Vith t~me,tl'CCeler1illi.tiQ~l ~lt Q is i~u;:-t~.1lI;S_itl.gljl;'hile disp].m:.:ejIIiCI1L i:=I ~o


3.10 A. thin. Wlilu.~m r~'I1be ln the shape of '1¥'" containi.:ng ~ liquid is~otnt~d a.boutthe central verttcal oo.llllUiWl 'with eenstani Ilngull'!;r speed w.

If tbe: gepfH'ntknl between two Il!djacl"llt eelumas ~Sl' a.then

... -

d d

A) Ths liquid m U~ri! 1c.~IlLLlnll eeiunm rises 8 heJihl (.~)"lI!J aboee lha.t of thil (Juter ,~)1WlID5.

B) The Uquid in t,~ eutor OOhlm.1lsr.isoes a lu~igbJ. (dw)1l 19 abeve thot of the central eolumn.

C) The liquid ~n the outer cohmtll.!~ 1r.i:s{;."S aheiglht. (d:w)~ /2'!J!iIobove that of the' central column:

D) The UquJd inthe central cohnnn :r]~ fI heig'ht 2(dw)2/'11 abov€ ,that of the outer COhlJllfiSL

F!'JeT que!lhml.s 3.11' to .1.14 mor@! t.1b . .an one ,oJ the 4 ojIJrhtJns may bB' iBll:nTi~ct. Ymfjl' a11SWer· rW reg!2lrdlari co~i only if yn:u ebnose .aJiJth~ eerrect IlJpt."ion(s) a.ndg(J lUiCiorflect opti!l):n(s). A COrn3ct answer' 1mil oom. fj TRr:ilms:,anJ a 'WftIl!g dmweJ' or u.n 'fJ,naitem.pttd "l'i.~.e8tion wiJi e~m () mark,

3: .11 T",vu siu:tlooida1l waiVes. w h(!l'...:e clWp]~en'ilc:nt!'> !lI12 given by i!1l = .4 ,BiD(211ilJ'l t - k] x) and !h = .4. gfur( 2rr,lI2t - k-.lJr.)., are simultflIlooll~]Y presernt in t1I medium. Gi\Pi('lLl. that /I] = I CO Hz, l"2 = 211] [) R2. Ie] = :~ m ~ 1 and 1-...2 =~: m - ~ •. ~ observer loca t;ed at the' origin Bnds

A) the mn.:.'X1ruLlim ~ut'fn:3ity at the origin is2 tHn~" the rn,ao,rllllum wt,e.usHy due to ooci;\vfIi'l.'iE' in th.e ahsL~ce of t.1'!u~· othee,

B) an i..nte.lUli'ty .maxnmWlli. ait = o and. an mtemlty nunruml]m a.t t = a~ s at the nrigla.

C) io~.en.'5~ty minima at t = ~!'i B1liCl mtt= '.iii~.1'i at the urigin.

D) the speed o[ the wavesin nue medium. ·]S300 m. g-i.

3.1'2 In. an ofill nucleus oL4 = 200 H'I; '[est in the lahoratory, fbi'! Q"'W,I,hmis: .5rR\lfeV.

CbOQSie the oo~t st.ateulle.:tJit'S).

A} ThE' ,de B.m,ghl.eWi&VE]engtlli3 of the emitted I'i!' partich!! H1.!d of themtdH .I1ud~U!S are ~llal.

B} The de BrDglie 'l\VRVdtHIgth of t.hea: part,~de is apPlo.'ldima.tely J ;t,

C) Tho kinetic eliier,gy of the 0: panicle and. the reeell J[udelV> (a. .. ~~n in tho labo'rat-l:ry) are nem"i:r equal.

D) The kinetic e:r:u~:[g:y of I,b.e Q p:anid~ is appu.>xw..atJely ·U~I MeV.


,;3,.13, A rn'lbicalregiolW (mdlflS oJ 2 nnits] is 'Dowdeu by LLe six ,!mI!mc:ffi: .1.' = ±l. 11 = ±J, .! = ::1:.1,

which tog~tihfT const~t ut 8. e] sed surface S. It is found tha.'t the n,pt, cl~'troshl:tic flux through 5, ,ii'S := II The volume of the cub is. divided Intn <1 equal regl,ons:

u) u < .z -c 1,,0 -c JJ < 1, -1 <: ~ < 1.

(U) -1 <: x < U, 0 < I} < t, -1 < c < 11 {rH) -1 < x < D. -1 < y -c O. -1 < ~ -c 1,

and .

(IV) 0 < .:r < 1, -1 < Y «: o~ -1 -c z < 1. I is fuWld U,ml I~I =1= Ic)]]l· '\Ie can ennelnde


.1'\) there aze no r.hRl'l1t:1=i anywhere In S" since ~:s = O .

.8) at least ODP or the regions [ and II have chargleJ' presen .

C) at leH.l::i" CiUE' of ~m and 'iJI'rv is non-zero.

D) ItPII + I(~nl + IWlnl + I~rvl > O.

3.1 A certain djatolI1ic gas ~ the same sp ~('i.fic bet! s M an ideal "M hut. fi slightly Ir'liiffef'e'nt equation of st 'te: ,P\! = R{T + o-T2), 0 = 0.001 K-~. The, ampera Ufe oJ the ~,1'1Ei i~ raised from Tl = aon I< loG :t, a.t (."OtlBtan'l" pl!'essnr,p. It iJ:i Jmmd Hlat Vlo"rnk dnna on the gas is 70% higher than what would be on an idf'.al gm-;. Cllo-o.'ID Lbe r.o~l , tatmru:nL (. )-

A) Tl'= .;tOnK, mt"ernw en rfQ'I' increases by 25fU~ per mole.

B) T~::;;. -lOU K, intemal f"nerg), increases by 350R per mole. I ') Ihta], hea absorbed in the 1 rncess li:! .J.fiORper } ile .

D) Total ~)( absorbed! in HlQ process is 52 R p ~ mole.


'ee:tiilil.D 4 'Chemisllr)'

T'o;m~ M,iU,ks, (:01" SC(!tiOt.H 4: 501

F Dr' q-UtJi&lrfJ1'M 4.1 (€.I 4>UJ. IOll!!!ly IOU £' of Ih flII(Jlli' dp#O'R!l' is nUl COf1't!Ct t9~M'·iII't1,., A C'W'n'C./ ,aQ,_~'lVe,. 1'.',iU et11'\ll J' fnar.b. i'1 wrong ,aR.nvcr will f!.{1rfl' (-I) m€Jrk, and' aT~ Uftatl~mpied .rl!l~5,tion wll( eam' 0 ffl'lJrk.


4.1. The metal ioo. whose hydrn'tOOl fol'm wit] be oJmosl ool()u:rl~es:ii,is

A) cu:t+ C) . (J,'l.+

B) ]!.(fu:l+ 0) Coll+

A4E < O. ,.1S :;.. O. B) llE = O,4S "" O.

C) 4E - O. &8;:. 10 DJ liE > 0, AS :> O.

4.3 11Ul mun,ixture of tlhe ~m[u:rilJns that w~11 lead to fonnalion gf CaF2 pnteipjmte' is (so~ubmtypmdllc;t ,of CaFl = 4\>1: :~i(J-n)

A) ], 00 .mL of 2,0)! 10- M ea~"I' is IJ'Li.xm widl 100 mL of 2.1(11..... l 0-" M F"". a,) SO mL 0:f2.0 x l(r" M Cal is m:lXJed with 100 ~mL Df2,0 >c urI M r, C) mo mL of2.0 :.: 1.0 ..... M Ca,l+ i mixed wmtA so mL 'of] ,0 x lO~ M P-. DJ 100 ml, 01'2.0 l< IO-I Mea?" is mi>l'ed wilh 100 mL ofllJl.O m-j M IF"".


B) .2~h.exef1e-;ilknl£.

C) hex~ J-on-+enc,

D) ",Bum:en-3 .. one,




HOOC .. ,C ...... ~.

CH 1

A.jle:m:m.ti omen. e,) diMb,~11"00 mers.

C) hememers,

'IJ) gOOim~trica] isomcn~.

4.6, Th.em"loo!l)alEe lion witil h:igh.est O·N-O bond BMl,~le is

Al' NO,,- C) NO>1"

0) NO.2

4.' Aluminum is e:XLm~led by 'cl®tImllys,isfm:1Il Bauxiil~e omd tb~5 pmc~s is, !mo\vn ~5i UaU=H,emlJ.[~ :pmces'!;. In ~'il ~;MJm.cUon!it is adV~I;Itafl.OO~$ ro ~!l;e ill .b::ture: of b8JUJ!:i~~ (AhOl.2.HilO), :EmdNaJ~A]Fti. The m~\1 ofNa~.Alf':fil in this m~ture ~:5;

A) lO ~~.c:r~se ;m.ehi~g;polin~ of mC"m~~wn~:,

BJ ~n imliPOOV~ cJ~cui~ cO,UdlJictlrily Qftbil ceU, C) ~D COJ;livefil: batlx]~e ill~o :aiU:miru:1lUII :ftIlXDride. I)) ~o rumieh the cCil1'tenl of the I(]r:e~

4.8 M()]l;ocblOl.r[IHl.1iGln of metylc:l,...c~o.peiIHm~ by chlorine. bDi tlli1e pres~Me of lightEn loW' lempemlur.e, gi. ves .Daj or product as





To tMs eq,tillib.rium system, at time '~. Wl exh b:lmJ iSlldded. Tbeset of cW"V~ lhEl~ apiPropritlite~ly indicates the response elf the 8ystem. '[:0 tneliiOOve sillJ.a1tiolli is

, '.



p •








TIm.e- -_'

A} [n~oJ c 19-9 B)I[Of[J= m"""'"


Do) 1[G]Oj =~04

h __ ~' B


ForquC3lioru' 4.n to 4.14. nuii'r:e!tbi:;,ulI. une of tf~e four QjJti().',1$ m~y be. cIJ.n-ed. YOUI' CJl!M'wer ls l'ftgfInieac()1'n:cl oi!:lly if yoll.ll ~hJg~~!I!'3JUlh,1,l >C~f're~~ opr:i:o:o(s) ,fmd DO .mt~ll"l;,et'~ o:pti,ollil:(s,l A COn13ct ClIUWet' will Mm' J j{JaM. and ,(1 wrong all~wer or 1~1~ u,rmUemp,tea ,lt~t'ion will e:11)l'f! (jl mark.




P.E I t


Rea1::it]oIl. Co-ruditu! re

Cl100se the OOrnec~ sltC[)~:em.eiIt(s) (nitrile above ~yst~ll_

AJ COl1Vrnitl@ll of!? .~ R ~s l.f.'I!~ ram dd~~~f!g step of me QI,ve:mU .. reiI,Cl~OIL . .8) The reOOtLoo:w. P' ~, T is aa lm.dntb!f'!rm'ier:~e'tiGn_

C) Enwnillpy or !he rreaeL~gn is given by.Z + X.

D), S,indiciHC5 presence ,of Mlml'e'I"tD'le{li.:l:u:t

4,.U A SlChelna:ti;c dm:gr!Inl of \\fol~rutC~cll!lt 25"(: j!ll shown b~~O'W (Al'omic mass ofer "" 52 and llw,u of Ag "" 1 OS).

Choos~ the IOOl1'ec~ SlOOiooment{B,} for' the above system,

A) Thcpo:sil~ve iCml in lh.eSlO.h.llh.Qlll, will 11Li,gJ:.r~c towards Ag hd! cell,

B) The ~il.ver deetrodemU show increase in ma~.

C) ~f:e.C(:ide!tud~)' solId N~S f~Us inliO Ag""c'locundc and [IMJ"bidUy ~s observed jjlj ~ii veii' half ceU, the eel I pOlentiru wiU decrease

[)) When mfQI moles gr electrons are pa.'lsed dRtl!lolgh 'the 50~,ulliol1, the Cr r:ll.'\Ctrod,e: will lose ~ Bls. mass by a'bou [ :3:5 g"


As_O.A nn

Rout II:

~ . H~O::;!O. k . . N~M:

- ell} ~C~IJ


IE (m~o;r)




3-'lne·D.byl+nibrOani1in~[.X) can ~ F~ from 1\'1 and N via. IrOnln, I mild Hi resp"tl'!,l'e~y. S,Eepili, (i) L(I' ('1,1'0 are ~lI"on'Y,ed in Ith~e roQt~S., Cbcn:mc l[he eorrcet sta~.emlIDij,sJI fur rke above schemes,

AJ Sl~pS (itl and (iu) in route I are pmux::ti.on=rlepmt«'ton s~ps. Bl lu, mute 1, steps (ij) ~.d (.iii) ean.aet 100 mt~~!\mllged.

C)I In route lIl, s'l:ep(vi) can be carried oul,oos,Lly on •

D) Nitration of M. ·! giv'e 2;S..dimttotolllelile.,

41.1,4 ChoQ~ lhe cerreet,!lIts fet l!.be series BH, iCRt, 'N'H.l ,and. "10.

A) 'Th~ pita y, dooreas;; from risht 'EO Idt. B ) Lewrus acidity i.mJJ."ei.Ises from left ttl right.

C) Brohi:tOOll.cidi.ty· im:;l"etJSes 'tbom ~~ft to righ:l

D) The cmtmll atem in each molecu~iJ !Can t.m:v.e m3Jximum ·of 8 ·emeclroillS m its valence sbeU.



.Far Q~Eifjns 5.1' t'o 5.1 () ,oldr one of th~ .:I ,rJpfirmJ' ts ,~1je oo~1 UlilSWe'J". .A corrt;c,l I1M\.-"eiI'" wiflmm j' marks, D \\-'rollg' ,a1U'WeJl" wit{ e;{J'm (-J) nwrk, and ,11$1 ulUHCemp,teci qu,e.<i('i01J will ,earn {} m~.

(A) 'Speciation occurs extremely rap:ldly. and desGen.d.ent POifH.thoow> me ro:llLfimed m a ;\i_aU googra,phieal area.

(8) A ~ing1e'! .mpicUy" and d:e.sccndent populaticns oo.~11fIY m1IliI.)' Dilibitals,.

~C) Na:t:'IlIm.:I sel~tio!1 £S pal!1icularly ~~IW1Se since d~smpliv'e se]ecl'nxm OOO!Llf8. '(D') ;s:pet:ies I'eCOVleJl' miter a mll,SS ex1irtction.

5.2. Thebl1l.clelillm Eschenchia {;iJJi h~s UI sillgIDe Circllhu: DNA as its ge:ltomeilil'llIiiE8:!l, 4, x [[It;. bp. How muny Plc]Je5 (!If ION A are pr~efn ineach E~'Ch{Jnd!ia C(),l{ ceU?

:$.:J.. .Esdr.'lII'fcbia cali ceUs W,e;~ gliUW:IlI for moo)" geT.Iera,~i011l5 m ~ 5NH ... C1 as sole niUCIgell, source. Sl!!ibs~l!~J:ltl Y. Ii.~se cells. were grown ,~'(~ctly fen fc~gc:ner:a,tiou::i in medium _ con:t3:inm$ . '~NU. ... cr. The UN.Afulro ... meslf; {fcl:l.5W~.~'re iso.hl,ted and :5e~ted. If I'N/I~ .r~ft.-":Sent:9, thetwo Sb~_n& of DNA l!l!'here both !i!tnmds, hallie heavy nitrogen; uNJ!'N as. inr~fIT:lmiale DNl' .. ; and ''''Ni''N' as DNA (;OiD~:il'linsli.~1 ~~ttogen, the mtio:!!i fOI' hi!1!f! v:Y: mlel11'liedia:oo~ ] igbt DNA,. n~S]l~cti'We]y wc~d he

A) 1:0:7 C, 0:1:7
B) 1.:b6 D) ():,8~a .5~4. TI:u: D~_ fitim ess em be estimuHOO by

(Al dQm!m!l,lJui~g how long, fl ~l pOl'ula,tloli survive-.

(B) cOWllinl): itlhcnw:obet tOt~~riliI:.GS pmd1ll:~oo by difIe:l:\e:lu iOO~vidMial::l in iIiI populatien.

(C) det:emmm.g wwch individuals .. ~"e ]:arrg,~ size in Q P'OpWo:IiOD. CD) wh~ch pLu:ttotype is: the 'IIlOS( ,co_on one :in iii girv,e:f.II popu la'~O<J1.

:5.5. Durill._g WilembaHe pmcess ~h,e m.ho 'of D:!!Wmbe.r of net .A:'f.'mo]ecul~ poodu~ed 'b~~ep (lyt~!ii01 .W1!d.iJtooh~ndrienf~Food1.lm1J:!llooul~ of'giucosc, eonwmOOi is

A) b~ C)i 'I : I
,8) O~ ~ Dj l:~8 5.:6. R.cL'9'bfv,e ,itITIO_ts (molee %) ofm'rn[l<gl;l1l0Wi, bru;es in ,g, gcm:llm.ic DNA :sampl~ arc es fOll(lW5,;

A: 24." G': 24.] T~ .11.7 C: 18.S

A) virns,

13) Blilderiu.lI1.

C) "'{cut.

III Sal.ot'! spmn.

H2-C-OH ~



~I ~

H:l!,......JC .~-O ......... r ....... OH



I M---C-O~ 0

] II



The el!Izyme mat ef!,mJ~e:s the aeove .reaclio:~ is .A) A!1ld)goillSf:.

I Hi) JisiCU.'Ull."I!:Sle..

C) rhoSjpb.oglyr.lero'Jci~ue!' D'} 'hospho glYCfloo:mu(ase.

S.8. W1mt will be me ecfftiCt Qfkeeping. CJ ;amd C., p(m.ts • M e'nri_nlCmment havln;!!:

1.5% o~ygmt?

CAl !Rate of pho~QS~t:hI!;S:i:s ofbQ~' ~he p]a:g'Ls win b~red'l.limil .. (8) Rl:te cf'photos~tffin;e:.&is of o~'y the Qp~i\[n wiU ~1Iiii.c:~se:. ~C) I.:ale ofph:m:osymll.~is: of emiy t'he CJ p~anuw;iU ~llllcre.Br5C. (0) Rilte ofholh, t!hepil1mts will ill.efeas!3l.


5.9. Mhnebruuam ore ~!:bc silas II!J~ (!!x.~dif!ti!;l'~ pbosphoryi:arion!l.llcli electron. mmspOJ'L Hcnce. an.~y imo'WlimJ ss lhepowefl1o:ti:~e of the eell, Se]oo[ Ole ~o~c:t statemern ~lm:l[t -tffi:Le.s,e ,or:g'all1e~ les,

A) They Mepresmt in. all PWblryQt1C mlid, eukaryotic Q1fl¥i:uisIDg, ~), They ,w;epresent only m :aerobic :prok~te.'5 and] ,01 II el!!bryotes. C) '1ft! or are proscmu in aU Iilrin.g I(,:(,!'llil, cxcql:!:v~m~cs;.

1:)) Th.ey are pre.s:e:nnon]y ill eukuyotm.

5 . .10. Wbicliw. of the fuUQwin,g, gtIi$lbs. COJ11et:tly depicu me nHC' -of r~irndcn {'if ,a!;'n~llM~~ ]iving in. oo]d climate'?




~.JO -I. 10 )0

Air 'teEI!][£lc:r!il,1\I're °c


-.:m -I 0 {II 0 .30

Air lempCntLur~ °c

o +-"""'I""""''''''IF''"~''''--..=--4r==;

-,.30 ~L Ale l,empElmhloo [JC


-39 - ,-10 ato )0 Air tempe-ratI.rre' ViC


Fa,. Questiolls 5_J t ta 5.14 mon,~lhag one ofllltt " ,@pliam; may be correct. l"auf' Gil 'l er is regarded correct onl" ,if)'iOu dlaolc alii 'Hili: £\[]mc~t ,OIP'nOlD':) Dd no in£Ofl'ect option,(!). jJ COI'1':(u.:l tmnll'er will earn' j IUmb,. {JIlli tl lll'ron_g answer or an u]flIUemp{e(/

tpJesliOJ! will &tm ,(J ,mart -

5.11. The;fo]J(I1'\"II'il1g ,gm;ll depicts the eUc~l of~empef,il,tu:re o!l,lhe i!lctiviry of Lll,e lWO ~nzymes A.lll'Dd B tOOt entEllyz:e.u.e SHmC reacooll.

Choose the ,OO~[ sOltem:ent(s) for these .------------------, results,

A) The rare ef reaetion in each ¢M;C iacreases wi~hinmieiL'llC in temperamre and decllaes !It higher l:empmwres due UJ deuarurauon of the enzyme.

B) &ili the enzymes A find theFliilillDlabile.

C), Al hlgber temperature, lh~ reactants

'be:cO!lU~ high'ly c:tIt::fgized md fail tD iniLernct with the nctiv'e sju~ thus, dec:n:asius the rete of reactica,

S.112.. MUUU[OllS iilJi Neurospora wwre generated and sereeeed tn lind OUl U orne imIliDO adds were required to Stlppon '!heir growlh. Following table depicts th~ tesuU5 of screening onhree s-uch mutants f_lIil'lt } .. 1, and 3) l.baL mappod to three genes (genes I, 2 and 3, resp!:c[ively)~

MutDn~ Gene SuppJem.'I.!ll t
n'D lI.I'gJlll.Ilr<! +AAGINlNE ne ':lil'ginine ru::I rugl:l'lim e
IlO omitb:iM 110 o' -1= OrtNITHTNf noomimme
'110 cirrelline 1'10 ei InlLUne [10 ei ImUirl.!! + ClTl.lULL]NE
Mill I [ Gilll<:' .J flO' growth GROWTH Ilogrowi.h GR.OWTH
J,1ut .2 I G,uwl nc gmwlh, GR01ll{fiH URQW'l'H GR.OWTH
MJli3 I ,Gem!J no growlh GROWTH nQgmwlh IUlgr'owth A) An lJ!.iIe~' g\enes eode for enzymes in a pathway responsible: [Olf synthesis 0 f afb~ne..

B) For the synthesis of arg!l!I.inej ornithine ,and citmlnoe Me the hltcrmedia'!es.

C) (i,ene 3, codes for <m enzyme that cataL~s COil version or c.iilruUinc (0 Ilrgin1flt:l_

D) Gene J codes for an enzyme diMIt calBJyzes iIlhnnalio!i]J of omidliIJu~ from a preclH'Sol;'.


I --------------


5.13. Ha~m.oglobin B:IlU myoglob~1iJ; lElIte' pffl'liein,moiecul es dun C8.Ii1Ib ind t!lllOIl{YI,e~.

HIlem.~,gJ,cb~Bmi 1. in rm:e gnrapb is: f'ro:m U!m1;sJ, - aIlUllIld~, ,~iviing a~ W:gb, WltiwdG ,and ha;OOlQg~Qbil1 2. 'OO]OIl,SS 'to 'bwrrm:a.. Choo,oo ll~ cerreet ilnerp:ret'll!tiQ.~(S:) or .egmp,iJ.,


A) Myog~lI;lIbini-Si a be:~te.r ,Ii~oir of oxypn 0

ftcspec'll ve OIr'lile ©oxygen ten~iOIll, in the' ;9



B) Under Jled,u~ oxypn 'PKSSW:C'd' hemDglob~ is :mom effiuiellt in stlJplyiTIg 'QrxygClil! te Ul!l,~ D!&:R1!lCS.

CJ H.uma:Q!l:eITlog[o'bin wm ntlvw beecme fully s~tumted witb Ol'[f!'~~ 11:1 :mgb, eillili:ifudes,

Lh!.ma ,Ilaemogla'hi:p ,bu a highevruffinity n.1):f Q)ty§tr:I, ~M bljjn~


5.14. In,I'N:ipel'"o!D is m lnctuoib1e op.eron l'ha~ syn[h:esi:z'l;:s ~gn.lactlJsidase" m ,e~e' iffiSp()ns:ibl~ for brenkdoJ;Jwm, ,ofblictosem'l.o ga]aJcose ,~d ,~~uoo:$e'. rn:mpl\Op,~ SaJE:!,C1't'1 l,~:rud!l;! (!PTG) 15,EI ~.ctomlli ,imaloW-i,eofl1i'c'lOse [b[rt also wndM~es i1h~ ,laC-!i!~m~ roul it CIIillDOt be broken do~ by ~-ga1:actosi~. The kJinetics, ,0:1 iiil:ruvllt[on of .lao-opef1o~ by ladQiSe ,amad. IPTc; areshoWD below.

A!DHnnl~ am" p..,Wtbutq.ddillIUl

A,I Th.e di.fI~~~ .Kme:I1C8 c.(!!1I.1IM bebooau~~ '!he: IPTGI has heel'l.IlMedm

Y~ry hi\~ (lpWl;c,Wlntion w~emu laetsse ~s:tdded. in WimJtoo Q~til[y ..

B) Si~ee wc;:mse: is also 'lhe:rnbs:tm~e 'for p~g;i1 [!~tO$~l:$iffiCl, the lP·· ~

G#lfI.ctosidla!S~ .at Is iJlldu~d, dCg'lllde.s .1 !lCitoS~'.CO;!1.'5equ.c~:!ltly, .e ,co:tlC€n(]ranon. I@I( Iacrose docrea:ses aIDll.d .. I:um~c the dec~il'l.e W, '!he ~d1!lJe'tjOf;!J of la,,~p~ro~.

C) 'S~~ mPTO ~: liiliQi1, (I, $uft}sMle foI" ~~~ar;acmsidas~ ~,m concoo[ra.ticn .re.II1ain® U'oorr~t~d by (be p~ne-e O'f ellZ.ym'~. tCoM~l;lJImtl:Yt the op~. is; CODtWuotl~ly ~ooucoo.

0) LattOl5e blads totl'te mp:ressor b'mlll:iiiem:liy, whorali IPTG binds p~a:nt)n:tly.


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