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Acta Med.

Okayama, 2003
Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 9 1-9 3
Copyrightc2003 by Okayama University Medical School.

Case Report http://www.lib.okayama-

Urethral Duplication

Hayat Erdil , Ayfer Mavi , Sebati Erdil ,

and Erdem Gumusburun

Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey,

Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, Turkey, and
Department of Urology, SSK Hospital, Sivas, Turkey

Urethral duplication is a rare congenital anomaly. Although a number of theories have been
proposed to describe the embryology of the condition, the actual mechanism of the disorder is still
unclear. We report here a case of urethral duplication in a 11-year-old boy complaining of a double
stream, and review the current literature on this rare entity.

Key words: urethra, abnormalities, duplication

rethral duplication is a rare congenital anomaly Case Report

U with approximately 188 cases described in litera-
ture[1]. This anomaly is most common in males with We report here a case of urethral duplication in a
few cases reported in females. 11-year-old boycomplaining of a double stream. He had
Embryology of the condition is unclear. Several no difficulty with micturition. Physical examination
embryological theories have been proposed. Casselman revealed a normal healthy boy with no other associated
and Williams[2] stated that a partial failure or an abnormality. There was a normal meatus at the apex of
irregularity of the ingrowth of the lateral mesoderm theglans and asecondarymeatus about 10mmproximally
between the ectodermal and endodermal layers of the on the ventral aspect ofthe glans. A voiding cystoureth-
cloacal membrane in the midline accounts for the forms rogram showed a double urethra as far as the membra-
with a dorsal epispadiac channel. Das and Brosman[3] nous urethra(Fig. 1). Surgicaloperationwas plannedbut
reported that abnormal termination of the mullarian duct the patient opted out of treatment, since he was
was responsible for urethral duplication. Ricaet al.[4] asymptomatic and had no clinical problems except for a
suggested that asymmetry in the closure of the urorectal double urinary stream.
septumresults in an urethraperinealfi stula. In spiteofthe
numerous theories proposed to explain this anomaly, no Discussion
single theory explains all the various types of anomalies.
There have been several attempts to classify urethral
duplications. Gross and Moore[5]described this anom-
alyas a complete second passage from thebladder to the
dorsumofthepenis or as an accessorypathwaythat ends
blindly on the dorsal or ventral surface. Effman et al.
Received July 18, 2002; accepted November 12, 2002.
Corresponding author.Phone:+90-342-3606060;Fax:+90-342-3601617 [6]reported classifi ed urethral duplication into 3 types. (E. Gumusburun) Type I- Incomplete urethral duplication (A. Distal / B.
92 Erdil et al. Acta Med. Okayama Vol. 57, No. 2

Proximal), Type II- Complete urethral duplication (A. 2

meati B. 1 meatus), TypeIII- Urethralduplication as a
component ofpartial or completecaudal duplication. Das
and Brosman[3] classifi ed duplicated urethra into 3
types. Type is a complete accessory urethra arising
from a separate or confl uent opening within the bladder
and extending to an external orifi ce. Type II includes
accessoryurethras that arisefromtheprimaryurethraand
mayor maynot extend to adistalorifi ce. TypeIII arises
fromthebladder neck or prostaticurethraand opens onto
the perineum. The main urethra may be atretic. Firlit
[7]classifi ed duplication as aurethrathat arises proximal-
ly from the bladder, bladder neck or duplicated bladder.
Its distalcourseusuallyis dorsalto themainurethra. The
complete form extends from the bladder to the glans.
Most duplications occur in the same sagittal plane,
one on top of the other. Less commonly, openings of
urethral duplication lie collaterally (side by side) in the
frontal plane. The classifi cation of Williams and Kenawi
[8]includes epispadiac, hypospadiac, spindle and collat-
eral types. According to Urakami et al.[9], collateral
urethral duplication in the frontal plane has been reported
Fig.1 Voiding cystourethrographyshows complete urethral dupli- in only 9 cases in the literature.
cation. The classifi cation of Effman et al.[6]is the most

Fig. 2 Illustration of Effman classifi cation. Type I, blind incomplete urethral duplication; Type IA(distal), opens on the distal or ventral
surface of the penis but does not communicate with the urethra or bladder (most common type); Type IB (proximal), opens from urethral
channeland ends blindlyintheperiurethraltissue(veryrare). TypeII, completepatent urethralduplication; TypeIIA- 1, twononcommunicating
urethras arising independentlyfrom the bladder or coursing independentlyto 2 different meati; Type IIA-2, a second channelarising fromthe
first and coursing independentlyto a second meatus; Type IIB (one meatus), two urethras arising from the bladder or posterior urethra and
uniting to form a common distal channel. Type III, urethral duplication as a component of a partial or complete caudal duplication.
April 2003 Urethral Duplication 93

commonly accepted. This classifi cation is the most func- symptoms, such as an annoying doublestreamorinconti-
tional, representing all clinical aspects ofurethralduplica- nence, or for acosmeticdeformity, such as an epispadiac
tion. According to theclassifi cation ofEffman et al.[6], meatus.
our case was a Type II A- 2 (complete patent with 2
meatus; that is, asecond channelarises fromthefi rst and References
courses independently to a second meatus).
Theclinicalsignifi canceofthis abnormalityis variable. 1. Salle JL, SibaiH, RosensteinD, BrzezinskiAEandCorcos J: Urethral
duplication in the male: Reviewof16 cases. J Urol(2000)163: 1936-
Patients with complete urethral duplication can be 1940.
asymptomatic or can present with a double stream, 2. Casselman J and Williams DI: Duplication of the urethra. Acta Urol
incontinence, recurrent infection or outfl ow obstruction. Belg (1996)34: 535-541.
A double stream is the most common complaint and can 3. Das S and-Brosman SA: Duplication ofthemaleurethra. J Urol(1977)
117: 452 454.
beannoying, especiallywhen theaccessoryurethraopens 4. Rice PE, Holder TM and Ashcraft KW: Congenital posterior urethral
proximally on the penis, or it can be of little concern to perineal fistula: Acase report. J Urol (1978)199: 416-417.
the patient when the meatus are close together and the 5. Gross RE and Moore TC: Duplication of the urethra. Report of two
cases and summaryof literature. Arch Surg (1950)60: 749-761.
streams are parallel. 6. Effman EL, Lebowitz RL and Colodyn AH: Duplication ofthe urethra.
In conclusion, knowledge of urethral duplication is Radiology(1976)119: 179-185.
important with respect to surgical procedures. Thetreat- 7. Firlit CF: Urethralabnormalities. UrolClin North Am(1978)5: 31-55.
ment of urethral duplication depends on the anatomy of 8. Williams DI and Ke-nawi MM: Urethral duplications in the male. Eur
Urol (1975)1: 209 215.
the duplication and its clinical manifestations. Some 9. Urakami S, Igawa M, Shiina H, Shigeno K, Yoneda T and Yagi H:
patients with mild symptoms do not requirean operation. Congenital collateral urethral duplication in the frontal plane. J Urol
However, surgery should be considered for disturbing (1999)162: 2097-2098.

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