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Joining MDI after the hectic life of TCS, I had expected charming mornings,

talkative evenings and restful nights. But I was in for the shock of my
career, moving through the week at a pace I had never experienced before. My
expectations can definitely be forgiven as nobody expects a B school to be as
hectic from day one as we found it. We went through the drills like frightened
children, afraid of putting one step out of the line, and living as if we were
in a boarding school. In the beginning, all that went through the mind was
prayers to God to get this over soon. But with the passage of time, I started
thinking, I am really able to cope up with the schedules, and maybe I can
continue this through all the terms(this obviously seems impossible now, but
at that time, by Thursday I had started believing in the same). I felt more
capable and powerful. Focussing not only on studies, but also health through
yoga made me appreciate the importance of physical exercise. I do remember
those life-squeezing rounds of the ground if we went to sleep (which I did
many times). Having gone through induction, I am starting to appreciate the
different activities all the seniors organized for us through relentless
efforts on their part just so we could gel as a group, make friends(which
mostly happen during crisis times, and this was one too). The icing of the
cake that was the induction, was the "surprise" fresher party that was thrown
for us. That was the adrenaline shot we needed to really start feeling the
belongingness with MDI. All in all, Induction is an integral part of welcome
process and was responsible for making us more welcome in MDI than any other

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