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SULIT 2 55/1

1 Diagram 1 shows the level of a liquid in a 3 Diagram 3 shows organisms J, K, L and M.

measuring cylinder. Rajah 3 menunjukkan organisma J, K, L dan
Rajah 1 menunjukkan aras satu cecair dalam M.
silinder penyukat.


Diagram 3
Rajah 3
Diagram 1
Rajah 1 Which of the following represents J, K, L and
Which of the following is the correct reading? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah mewakili
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah bacaan J, K, L dan M?
yang betul?
A 25 ml
B 27 ml Euglena Hydra Amoeba Yeast
C 29 ml Euglena Hidra Ameba Yis
D 31 ml Hydra Amoeba Yeast Euglena
Hidra Ameba Yis Euglena
Hydra Yeast Amoeba Euglena
2 Diagram 2 shows an organism. Hidra Yis Ameba Euglena
Rajah 2 menunjukkan satu organisma. Amoeba Euglena Yeast Hydra
Ameba Euglena Yis Hidra

4 Which of the following is true about the

particles of copper at room temperature?
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah benar
mengenai zarah-zarah kuprum pada suhu bilik?

A Can move freely in any direction

Boleh bergerak bebas dalam semua arah
Diagram 2 B Far apart and can move freely
Rajah 2 Berjauhan dan boleh bergerak bebas
C Can move in one direction only
Which of the following is true about the Boleh bergerak dalam satu arah sahaja
organism? D Close together and can only vibrate about
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah benar their fixed positions
tentang organisma itu? Rapat dan hanya boleh bergetar pada
kedudukan yang tetap
A It is a multicellular organism
Ia adalah satu organisma multisel
B It is a unicellular organism
Ia adalah satu organisma unisel
C It reproduces by forming spores
Ia membiak dengan membentuk spora
D It makes its own food
Ia membuat makanan sendiri
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SULIT 3 55/1
5 Table 1 shows the classification of elements 7 Diagram 4 shows a candle burning in
into metals and non-metals. atmospheric air.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan pengelasan unsur-unsur Rajah 4 menunjukkan sebatang lilin sedang
kepada logam dan bukan logam. terbakar dalam udara atmosfera

Metals Non-metals
Logam Bukan logam
Aluminium Sulphur
Aluminium Sulfur
Copper Phosphorus
Kuprum Fosforus


Table 1
Jadual 1
Diagram 4
Which of the following represents J and K? Rajah 4
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah mewakili J
dan K? What are the observations at the end of the
Apakah pemerhatian di akhir eksperimen ini?
Gold Lead A The candle extinguishes and the water
A level rises to S
Emas Plumbum
Lilin padam dan aras air meningkat ke S
Zinc Carbon B The candle continues burning and the
Zink Karbon water level remains unchanged
Iodine Silver Lilin terus menyala dan aras air tidak
C berubah
Iodin Perak
C The candle extinguishes and the water
Oxygen Chlorine level rises to P
Oksigen Klorin Lilin padam dan aras air meningkat ke P
D The candle extinguishes and the water
level remains unchanged
6. Which of the following percentage composition Lilin padam dan aras air tidak berubah
of gases in the air is correct?
Antara peratus kandungan gas-gas di dalam
udara yang berikut, yang manakah benar? .

Gas Percentage
Gas Peratus
Carbon dioxide
A 0.3 %
Karbon dioksida
Inert gases
B 9.7 %
Gas nadir
C Oxygen/Oksigen 12 %
D Nitrogen/ Nitrogen 78 %

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SULIT 4 55/1
8 Diagram 5 shows an experiment on respiration 10 Diagram 6 shows a metal ball which cannot
of a cockroach. The limewater turns cloudy pass through its ring after being heated.
after 30 minutes. Rajah 6 menunjukkan sebiji bola besi tidak
Rajah 5 menunjukkan satu eksperimen boleh melalui gelang itu selepas dipanaskan.
tentang respirasi seekor lipas. Air kapur
menjadi keruh selepas 30 minit

Wire gauze
Kasa dawai

Lipas Diagram 6
stand Rajah 6
Kaki Limewater
retort Air kapur Which of the following had happened to the
particles of the metal ball?
Manakah antara berikut yang berlaku kepada
zarah bola besi?
Diagram 5
Rajah 5 A The shape of the particles changed
Bentuk zarah-zarah telah berubah
Which of the following is true about the B The size of the particles increased
experiment? Saiz zarah-zarah telah bertambah
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah benar C The number of the particles increased
tentang eksperimen itu? Jumlah zarah-zarah telah bertambah
D The space between the particles
A Ammonia has been released increased
Ammonia telah dibebaskan Ruang antara zarah-zarah telah
B Oxygen has been released bertambah
Oksigen telah dibebaskan
C Sulphur dioxide has been released
Sulfur dioksida telah dibebaskan 11 Diagram 7 shows a vision defect
D Carbon dioxide has been released Rajah 7 menunjukkan satu kecacatan
Karbon dioksida telah dibebaskan penglihatan.

9 Which of the following energy sources is

Antara sumber tenaga berikut, yang manakah
boleh diperbaharui?

A Radioactive substances
Bahan Radioaktif
Diagram 7.
B Natural gas Rajah 7
Gas asli
C Coal Name the vision defect.
Arang Namakan kecacatan penglihatan ini.
D Sun

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SULIT 5 55/1
A Astigmatism Which of the following shows a positive result
Astigmatisma when it is tested on the distilled water in the
B Short sightedness boiling tube?
Rabun jauh Antara yang berikut, yang manakah
C Long sightedness menunjukkan keputusan positif bila air suling di
Rabun dekat dalam tabung didih diuji?
D Colour blindness
Rabun warna A Benedict’s solution
Larutan Benedict
B Millon’s reagent
12 Which of the following animals has monocular Reagen Millon
vision? C Iodine solution
Antara haiwan berikut, yang manakah Larutan iodin
mempunyai penglihatan monokular? D Filter paper
Kertas turas

14 Diagram 9 shows a food pyramid.

Rajah 9 menunjukkan pyramid makanan.


13 Diagram 8 shows the apparatus used to

investigate the rate of absorption of digested Diagram 9
food substances. Rajah 9
Rajah 8 menunjukkan radas yang digunakan
untuk mengkaji kadar penyerapan makanan Which types of food are found in level S?
yang dicernakan. Jenis makanan yang manakah yang dijumpai
dalam aras S?

A Fruits and vegetables

Buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran
B Meat and proteins
Daging dan protein
C Cereals and rice
Bijirin dan beras
D Fats and sugar
Lemak dan gula

Diagram 8
Rajah 8

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SULIT 6 55/1
15 The following information shows the 18 The following information shows the human
characteristics of a group of plants. activities.
Maklumat berikut menunjukkan ciri-ciri Maklumat berikut menunjukkan aktiviti-aktiviti
satu kumpulan tumbuhan. manusia

 Leaves have parallel veins

Daun ada urat daun selari
 Stem is soft
Batang lembut
 Fibrous root system
Sistem akar serabut

Which of the following plants has such

characteristics? What do the above activities have in common?
Antara tumbuhan berikut, yang manakah Apakah persamaan aktiviti-aktiviti di atas?
mempunyai ciri-ciri tersebut?
A They help conserve biodiversity
A Hibiscus Menolong memulihara biodiversiti
Bunga raya B They lead to species extinction
B Balsam Mendorong kepupusan spesies
Keembong C They lead to reforestation
C Sugar cane Mendorong penghutanan semula
Tebu D They are ways of extracting natural
D Papaya resources
Betik Pemprosesan sumber semulajadi

16 Which of the following interactions can be

used in the biological control? 19 Which of the following form of copper sulphate
Antara interaksi berikut, yang manakah boleh will dissolve fastest in water?
digunakan dalam kawalan biologi? Antara bentuk kuprum sulfat berikut, yang
manakah akan melarut paling cepat dalam air?
A Parasitism
Parasitisme Form of Volume of Temperature
B Commensalism copper water Suhu
Komensalisme sulphate Isi padu air (oC)
C Competition Bentuk (cm3 )
Persaingan kuprum
D Prey-predator sulfat
Mangsa-pemangsa 10g powder
A 100 30
10g serbuk
17 Which of the following shows living things are
10g powder 40
dependent on non-living things? B 100
10g serbuk
Antara berikut,yang manakah menunjukkan
benda hidup bergantung dengan benda tidak 10g powder
C 200 50
hidup? 10g serbuk
10g crystal
D 200 50
A Plants carrying out photosynthesis 10g hablur
Tumbuhan menjalankan fotosintesis
B Plants competing for space
Tumbuhan bersaing untuk ruang hidup
C Animals eating plants
Haiwan makan tumbuhan
D Animals eating other animals
Haiwan makan haiwan yang lain

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SULIT 7 55/1

20 What is the process of breaking down water 22. Diagram 11 shows a student pulling his bag
into its elements? through a distance of 2.0 m with a force of
Apakah nama proses menguraikan air 40N.
Rajah 11 menunjukkan seorang pelajar
kepada unsur-unsurnya?
menarik begnya sejauh 2.0 m dengan
A Electrolysis menggunakan daya 40N.
B Boiling
C Using magnet
Menggunakan magnet
D Evaporation

21 Diagram 10 shows a bicycle tyre

connected to a hand pump.
Rajah 10 menunjukkan tayar basikal
dihubungkan kepada sebuah pam tangan.
Diagram 11
Rajah 11

What is the work done by the student?

Berapakah kerja yang dilakukan oleh pelajar

A 20 J
B 38 J
C 42 J
Diagram 10
D 80 J
Rajah 10

What will happen when the piston is pushed

23 Which of the following uses the greatest force?
Antara aktiviti berikut, yang manakah
Apakah akan terjadi bila omboh ditolak ke
menggunakan daya yang paling besar?
A The pressure of the air in S will not
Tekanan udara dalam S tidak akan
B The pressure of the air in S will increase
Tekanan udara dalam S akan bertambah
C Air from the tyre will flow into the pump
Udara dari tayar akan mengalir ke dalam
D The volume of the air in S will increase
Isi padu udara dalam S akan bertambah

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SULIT 8 55/1

25 Whale is a huge animal but it can move easily

C in water because
Ikan paus adalah seekor haiwan yang besar
tetapi ia boleh bergerak dengan mudah dalam
air kerana

A its skin acts as an exoskeleton

kulitnya bertindak sebagai rangka luar
B water buoyancy supports its weight
apungan air menyokong beratnya
C its weight is supported by its huge
D endoskeleton
beratnya disokong oleh rangka dalamnya
yang besar
D the fluid in its body exerts outwards
bendalir dalam badannya mengenakan
tekanan ke luar

26 Diagram 13 shows designs of three trolleys, J,

24 Diagram 12 shows a herbaceous plant with a K and L, made from the same materials.
special structure R. Rajah 13 menunjukkan reka bentuk tiga troli, J,
Rajah 12 menunjukkan satu tumbuhan herba K dan L, yang dibuat daripada bahan yang
dengan satu struktur khas R. sama.


Diagram 13
Rajah 13
Diagram 12
Rajah 12 Which of the following is the correct sequence
for increasing order of stability?
Which of the following represents R? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah urutan
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah mewakili yang betul bagi susunan kestabilan menaik?
A J, K, L
A Buttress root B K, J, L
Akar banir C L, K, J
B Clasping root D L, J, K
Akar cengkam
C Tendril
Sulur paut
D Thorn

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SULIT 9 55/1

27 Diagram 14 shows a balanced lever system. What is the part labelled X?

Rajah 14 menunjukkan satu sistem tuas yang Apakah bahagian yang berlabel X?
A Phloem
0.2 m 0.4 m B Xylem
40 N K C Stomata
D Epidermis
Fulcrum Epidermis

Diagram 14 30 Which of the following is not a human

Rajah 14 excretory organ?
Antara berikut yang manakah bukan organ
What is the load of K? perkumuhan manusia?
Berapakah beban K?
A Kidney
A 20 N Ginjal
B 40 N B Skin
C 60 N Kulit
D 80 N C Nose
D Lung
28 How does oxygen in the alveolus enter the Paru-paru
Bagaimanakah oksigen dalam alveolus
memasuki darah? 31 Oxygen is an excretory product of plant.
Oxygen is removed by the process
A By osmosis Oksigen ialah bahan kumuh tumbuhan.
Melalui osmosis Oksigen disingkirkan melalui proses
B By reverse osmosis
Melalui osmosis berbalik A transpiration
C By diffusion transpirasi
Melalui resapan B photosynthesis
D By transpiration fotosintesis
Melalui transpirasi C osmosis
D respiration
29 Diagram 15 shows the cross-section of a respirasi
Rajah 15 menunjukkan keratan rentas batang

Diagram 15
Rajah 15

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SULIT 10 55/1
32 Diagram 16 shows the longitudinal 34 Table 2 shows the information about petroleum
section of a flower. distillation.
Rajah 16 menunjukkan keratan Jadual 2 menunjukkan maklumat tentang
memanjang sekuntum bunga. penyulingan berperingkat.

of Soot
Temperature distillate Viscosity quantity
Suhu Warna Kelikatan Kuantiti
hasil jelaga
Very low
Below 80oC viscosity
less None
Di bawah Sangat
Tiada Tiada
80oC kurang
Diagram 16 warna
Rajah 16 Light Low
81oC - yellow viscosity A little
Which of the following parts form the male 180oC Kuning Kurang Sedikit
reproductive system? muda likat
Antara bahagian-bahagian berikut, yang A large
manakah membentuk sistem pembiakan 181oC- Yellow Viscous
jantan? 250oC Kuning Likat
More than A very
A J and M Very
250 oC large
J dan M Brown viscous
Lebih amount
B J and L Perang Sangat
daripada Sangat
J dan L likat
250 oC banyak
C K and L
K dan L Table 2
D K and M Jadual 2
K dan M
Which of the following is true about the
33 When does a human being experience the Antara yang berikut, yang manakah benar
fastest growth rate? tentang penyulingan itu?
Bilakah manusia mengalami kadar
pertumbuhan yang paling cepat? A The higher the boiling point, the more soot
is produced
A During old age Semakin tinggi takat didih, semakin
Semasa tua banyak jelaga
B During infancy B The higher the boiling point, the lower the
Peringkat bayi viscosity
C During adolesence Semakin tinggi takat didih, semakin
Semasa remaja rendah kelikatan
D During childhood C The higher the boiling point, the paler the
Semasa kanak-kanak colour of the distillate
Semakin tinggi takat didih, semakin pucat
warna hasil sulingan
D As the boiling point increases, the distillate
becomes more combustible
Apabila takat didih meningkat, hasil
sulingan semakin mudah terbakar

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SULIT 11 55/1

35 Diagram 17 is the apparatus set-up to 36. Diagram 18 shows polystyrene balls, J, K, L

show the effect of heat on copper and M that have been charged through friction
sulphide. Gas J produced shows positive and hung in pairs.
effect towards solution K. Rajah 18 menunjukkan bebola polisterina, J, K,
Rajah 17 adalah susunan radas untuk L dan M yang telah dicaskan secara geseran
menunjukkan kesan haba ke atas kuprum dan digantung secara berpasangan.
sulfida. Gas J yang terhasil menunjukkan
kesan positif terhadap larutan K.


Diagram 18
Rajah 18

What conclusion can be made about the

charges of balls J, K, L and M?
Diagram 17 Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat tentang
Rajah 17 cas bebola J, K, L dan M?

Which of the following represents gas J and J K L M

solution K?
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah mewakili Negative Negative Positive Positive
gas J dan larutan K? Negatif Negatif Positif Positif
Negative Positive Negative Negative
J K Negatif Positif Negatif Negatif
Carbon dioxide Limewater Positive Negative Negative Negative
Karbon dioksida Air kapur Positif Negatif Negatif Negatif
Sulphur dioxide Limewater Positive Positive Negative Negative
Sulfur dioksida Air kapur Positif Positif Negatif Negatif
Acidified potassium
manganate (VII)
Carbon dioxide solution 37. Diagram 19 shows a 3-pin plug.
C Rajah 19 menunjukkan satu palam 3 pin.
Karbon dioksida Larutan berasid
kalium manganat
Acidified potassium T
manganate (VII)
Sulphur dioxide solution S
Sulfur dioksida Larutan berasid
kalium manganat

Diagram 19
Rajah 19
Which of the following represents R, S and T?
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SULIT 12 55/1
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah mewakili Which of the following is true about
R, S dan T? transformers J, K and L?
Manakah antara berikut yang betul tentang
R S T transformer J, K dan L?
Neutral wire
Earth wire Live wire J K L
A Dawai
Dawai bumi Dawai hidup
Step-up Step-down Step-down
Neutral wire A
Live wire Earth wire Injak naik Injak turun Injak turun
B Dawai
Dawai hidup Dawai bumi
neutral Step-down Step-up Step-up
Neutral wire Injak turun Injak naik Injak naik
Earth wire Live wire
C Dawai
Dawai bumi Dawai hidup Step-up Step-up Step-up
neutral C
Injak naik Injak naik Injak naik
Neutral wire
Live wire Earth wire Step-down Step-down Step-down
D Dawai
Dawai hidup Dawai bumi D
neutral Injak turun Injak turun Injak turun

38. Diagram 20 shows an electricity 39 Which of the following is true about stars and
transmission and distribution system from a galaxies in our Universe?
power station to light industries. Antara yang berikut, yang manakah benar
Rajah 20 menunjukkan satu sistem tentang bintang dan galaksi dalam Alam
penghantaran dan pengagihan tenaga elektrik Semesta kita?
dari stesen janakuasa ke kawasan industri
ringan. A Our Solar System is located in the Milky
Power station Sistem Suria kita berada dalam Bima
Stesen kuasa Sakti
B The Milky Way has an irregular shape
11 kV Bima Sakti mempunyai bentuk tak teratur
Transformer station and C The atmosphere of the Sun consists of
switch zone J photosphere and chromosphere only
Stesen transformer dan Atmosfera Matahari terdiri daripada
lapangan suis fotosfera dan kromosfera sahaja
132 kV D Stars have the same temperature
Bintang-bintang mempunyai suhu yang
Main substation K sama
Pencawang masuk
utama 40
33 kV
“Father of Modern Astronomy”
Substation L “Bapa Astronomi Moden”
Pencawang bahagian
11 kV Who is mention in the statement above?
Siapakah yang dinyatakan dalam
Light industry pernyataan di atas?
Industri ringan
A Neil Armstrong
Diagram 20
B Nicholas Copernicus
Rajah 20
C Johannes Kepler
D Al-Battani

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