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Lack of inflow into US equity market

Revisiting our 2010 forecast of equity market inflows made in December 2009

Forecasted Net Equity Net Equity

Net Equity Flow Flow
$ billions Inflow YTD Annualized
Retail / Individual
Indi id al $ 350 $ (16) (33)

Institutional Investors
Equity Mutual Funds - 3 7
Hedge Funds 50 - NA
Foreign Investors 100 35 140
Repurchased and M&A 200 100 400
New Equity Issuance (150) (65) (130)
DB Pension Investment 50 - NA
TOTAL $ 600 $ 57 $ 384

Source: Federal Reserve, ICI, Compustat, Factset and Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research. As of June 15, 2010.

Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research 28

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