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U6110 Politics of Policymaking| POP Final Exam

To: Senator Harry Reid (Enrique Ku)

From: Anna Chen, ac3080

Date: 10 May 2010

Subject: *Confidential* Strategy to Use Comprehensive Immigration Reform for Electoral

Success in November

Senator Reid, there is no better time than now throw your support behind Senator Graham and
Schumer and their immigration plan. The president is calling on Congress to work towards a
federal immigration reform plan to prevent misguided efforts to deal with immigration such as
the recent bill in Arizona that undermines the notions of fairness we expect as Americans. We
have the support of Speaker Pelosi who has stated the House will stand behind an immigration
reform bill coming from the Senate. We must capitalize on the goodwill associated with the
passage of healthcare reform and show the public the very real benefits in terms of safety and
economics that will come from immigration reform. However in order to be successful, you must
be proactive in controlling the debate on the reform in the media and sharing the success of the
bill with the support we will need from key Republican senators. Your part in the passage of a
progressive bill to be more inclusive to immigrants will provide the boost you need for electoral
success in November. In addition because immigration supports job creation and is a large part
of Nevada’s labor force, you support will also play a major role in the long term economic
recovery of Nevada from the current recession.
Congress has tried and failed to pass immigration reform in 2007 and the divisions that caused
that failure are still very clear. The majority of Republicans are focused on border security and
most Democrats are seeking a broader plan for a path to citizenship for immigrants. The GOP
opposition remains quite divided with the ultra conservative Tea Party leading the anti-
immigration opposition. However the growing popularity of the Tea Party is also showing the
ever-growing chasm threatening the unity of the GOP. The other arm of the GOP is much more
moderate than the Tea Party faction and will do what they can to distance themselves from the
ultra-conservative arm to hold onto their moderate bases. In fact it is likely that with Obama’s
support some moderate Republicans can be swayed to vote for the bill. Despite this promise we
must also address the Republicans claims that the focus of Congress should be on fixing the
economy and creating jobs, rather than immigration. The ability to show framing that debate that
will be key to winning the dispute on immigration reform.
Should we not make every effort to push immigration reform now, you may not get the support
from the Hispanic community that you need in November for re-election. In addition we may
cede the position of the progressive party on immigration to the Republicans if the Democrats do
not act now. The Tea Party darling Sarah Palin has already softened her tone on immigration and
though Latino voters currently vote democrat, they can be swayed to the GOP, especially if they
can make us look weak on the current inaction on immigration. The GOP knows that whichever
party can sway Latino voters is well positioned for the future since Latinos are the fastest
growing population in the US. Not only is your political future at stake, but the possibility of the
Republicans gaining the majority in Congress is also another real threat if you don’t help create a
coalition for the immigration reform bill.
In the fight for comprehensive immigration reform, we have the support of the major labor
unions AFL-CIO, Change to Win, and the SEIU. The US Chamber of Congress, a business
organization has also thrown its weight behind comprehensive reform. We must leverage their
support as well as the evidence from progressive think tanks to show voters that in fact
comprehensive reform is good for labor and is also good for business and the economy. With
that evidence and a subtle reminder to Rahm Emanel how much the President gained from the
Latino vote in the 2008 election and their importance in the 2010 elections, I am confident we
will get him on our side to push the reform through.
One major argument of Republican opposition is that we must focus on border control to keep
our nation safe. In addition they claim legalization of illegal immigrants lowers the wages of
Americans and that immigrants occupy jobs needed by unemployed Americans. Perhaps their
most powerful argument is that illegal immigrants are a fiscal drain on America with their
children in our education system and their inclusion in the Healthcare bill could cost billions.
We must remind the public that the comprehensive immigration reform bill will have a very
strong component towards border control and also remind them that border control without
immigration reform is not effective. This is clearly demonstrated by the weak sanctions and
failure of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. In addition we must point out that
immigrants may only depress wages because when they are off the books they are more likely to
accept lower paid work that employers offer to immigrants with no other choices. Including
immigrants into a legal framework will help to ensure low skilled wages rise. Another point to
highlight is that immigrants are taking jobs that US born workers don’t want thus the charge that
immigrants are taking jobs from Americans is misleading. Lastly we must point to the economic
gains that immigrants bring to the American economy and the estimates that comprehensive
immigration reform can generate an increase of US GDP of .84%, about $1.5 trillion over 10
years as opposed to the temporary worker program favored by most republicans which would
only increase GDP by .44%. An even more interesting statistic to show is that mass deportation
of immigrants would reduce GDP by 1.46%, thus when looking at the numbers, the economy
will actually be best off with comprehensive immigration reform and it can serve as a boost to
the economy in the current recession.
With the strategy and arguments set forth the path towards immigration reform and electoral
success November is yours for the taking.
(Word Count: 998)

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