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Journal of Microbiological Methods 60 (2005) 417 – 422


Insight into pollutant bioavailability and toxicity using

Raman confocal microscopy
Andrew C. Singer*, Wei E. Huang, Jana Helm, Ian P. Thompson
Environmental Biotechnology Section, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology-Oxford, Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3SR, UK
Received 30 July 2004; received in revised form 8 October 2004; accepted 21 October 2004
Available online 19 November 2004


Raman confocal microscopy was used to discriminate between cultures of Burkholderia xenovorans LB400 exposed to four
different common environmental pollutants: phenanthrene, dodecane, 3-chlorobiphenyl and pentachlorophenol. Evidence is
presented for the application of Raman spectroscopy as a bioassay for pollutant bioavailability and toxicity.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Raman confocal microscopy; Pollutant bioavailability; Burkholderia xenovorans

Raman spectroscopy utilizes differences in the accumulated chemicals within bacteria (Pasteris et al.,
vibrational energy of chemical bonds, manifested as 2001), and antibiotic susceptibility (Sockalingum et
scattered light following excitation, to produce spec- al., 1997).
trograms, which, upon analysis, can be easily used to In this study, we test three null hypotheses, that (i)
differentiate biologically associated chemicals (e.g., there are no differences in the Raman spectra from a
nucleic acids, protein, lipids, carbohydrates) and bacterium exposed to different pollutants; (ii) the
biological materials (e.g., bacteria, human cells, adsorbed pollutant will not be distinguishable in the
viruses). In previous studies, whole-organism finger- bacterial Raman spectra; and (iii) the Raman spectra
prints were used to differentiate fungi (Edwards et al., will not facilitate the determination of pollutant
1995), bacteria (Rosch et al., 2003; Zeiri et al., 2002), toxicity.
bacterial strains (Jarvis and Goodacre, 2004; Schuster We employ a well-described polychlorinated
et al., 2000), bacterial growth states, isotopic differ- biphenyl (PCB) degrading bacteria, Burkholderia
ences in growth substrates (Huang et al., 2004), xenovorans LB400 (previously B. cepacia LB400,
generously donated by Prof. William Mohn, Univer-
sity of British Columbia), as a model environmental
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 1865 281630; fax: +44 1865 microorganism reasonably tolerant of persistent
281696. organic pollutants (Bopp, 1986). B. xenovorans
E-mail address: (A.C. Singer). LB400 was maintained on Standard Plate Count Agar
0167-7012/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
418 A.C. Singer et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 60 (2005) 417–422

(CM463, Oxoid Limited, Hampshire, England). A with a stream of saline and resuspended to an optical
colony was cultured in a 100-ml Erlenmeyer flask density (A 600) of 0.997.
containing 20 ml of mineral medium No. 457 The pollutants, phenanthrene (PAH), pentachlor-
(Brunner; Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen ophenol (PCP), and 3-chlorobiphenyl (PCB), were
und Zellkulturen (DSMZ) Braunschweig, Germany) aliquoted into 7-mL glass vials with a PTFE-lined cap
and 10 mM glucose. A 600-Al aliquot of the overnight from an acetone stock. The solvent was allowed to
culture was transferred to 50 ml of mineral medium evaporate to dryness at room temperature in a fume
and 10 mM glucose, shaken at 180 rpm at 30 8C to an hood. A 1-AL aliquot of neat dodecane was directly
optical density (A 600) of 1.286. Owing to variations in added to a 7-mL vial to achieve the desired concen-
the Raman spectra from bacteria in different physio- tration. A final concentration of 1000 mg/L was
logical states (Huang et al., 2004), intratreatment achieved for all pollutants with the addition of 1 mL
variability was minimized by harvesting cultures after of the saline bacterial suspension. The pollutant–
they had reached stationary phase. The bacteria were bacterial suspensions were inverted for 1 h at 23 8C
concentrated by filtration through a 47-mm diameter, prior to analysis. Sterile glass Pasteur pipettes were
0.22-Am Millipore nitrocellulose filter paper (Fisher employed to spot the pollutant–culture suspension
Scientific UK, Leicestershire, UK) in lieu of centri- (~50 AL) on a quartz slide. The cultures were dfixedT
fugation to minimize damage and stress to the cells. to the slides by drying at room temperature. The
The filtered bacteria were then gently flushed with resuspended saline bacterial suspension was included
0.85% saline whilst on the filter paper/filtration as a control.
apparatus to remove any excess growth media. The Raman microscopy was performed using a Lab-
washed bacteria were displaced from the filter paper RAM 300 confocal Raman microscope (Jobin–Yvon,

Fig. 1. Pollutant exposure differentiation. Plot of the average of five replicate spectra for cells exposed to dodecane, phenanthrene, 3-
chlorobiphenyl, and glucose. Arrows point to the frequencies of the major peaks for the pollutants in the absence of bacteria. Shadowed
frequency ranges denoted by capital letters dA–RT represent areas of known biological significance (Table 1). Bold labels denote frequencies that
share both biological (Table 1) and chemical (neat pollutant) significance in this study. Underlined labels denote frequencies responsible for
N5% of the separation detected by PCA (Table 2).
A.C. Singer et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 60 (2005) 417–422 419

Fig. 2. Principal component analysis of pollutant exposure spectral differences. Plot (A) shows separation between PC1 and PC2, plot (B) shows
separation between PC2 and PC3, and plot (C) shows separation between PC1, PC2, and PC3. Treatments are denoted, (a) dodecane; (b)
control; (c) phenanthrene; (d) 3-chlorobiphenyl.

UK), as previously described (Huang et al., 2004). in Fig. 1 are arrows which denote the frequencies of
The spectra of five individual cells within each of the the major peaks for the respective pollutant in the
five treatments was acquired in the frequency range absence of the bacteria. Shaded frequency ranges,
from 1972 to 544 cm 1, totaling 1014 data points, and denoted by capital letters dA–RT, represent regions
an accumulation time of 60 s. Spectra were processed determined to have general or specific biological
for baseline correction and normalization by Labspec significance (Maquelin et al., 2002). The attributes of
software (Jobin–Yvon). The normalized data were these regions are listed in Table 1. Shaded regions
then imported into MVSP version 3.12d (Kovach with underlined labels denote frequencies most
Computing Services, Wales, UK) and Matlab R12 responsible for the separation observed in the PCA
(The Maths Works, MA, USA), for principal compo- plots, as shown in Fig. 2A–C. The frequencies which
nent analysis (PCA), as previously described (Huang explain N5% of the variation for each of the three
et al., 2004). PCA axis are listed in Table 2. Shaded regions with
We reject the null hypothesis that (i): there are bolded dA–RT labels denote frequencies which share
numerous differences in the Raman spectra from B. both biological (Table 1) and chemical (neat pollutant)
xenovorans LB400 after exposure to different pollu- significance.
tants (Figs. 1 and 2). The averaged and normalised Axis 1 of the PCA (Fig. 2A) explains 73% of the
spectra of the five replicates from each pollutant– variation between treatments, while an additional 9%
culture combination are presented in Fig. 1. Included and 4% of the variation can be distinguished by PC2
420 A.C. Singer et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 60 (2005) 417–422

Table 1 carbohydrates (Schuster et al., 2000). Interestingly, all

Assignment of some biologically relevant Raman spectra (adapted three axes are influenced by the 960–1010 cm 1
from Maquelin et al., 2002 and Schuster et al., 2000)
frequency range, which is correlated with the amino
Label Frequency (cm 1) Assignment
acid phenylalanine and neat 3-chlorobiphenyl. The
A 544–553 Carbohydrate frequency ranges correlating to DNA (1482–1484,
B 640 Tyrosine
dNT) and RNA (774–834, dET) are also defining peaks
C 665 Nucleotide (guanine)
D 720 Nucleotide (adenine) in PC1. The implication is that metabolic activity
E 778–785 Nucleotides (cytosine, uracil) (e.g., increased RNA and enzyme production and
F 829 Protein (e.g., Tyrosine) expression or mitosis (Huang et al., 2004)) within the
G 897 C–O–C exposed cells is altered upon exposure to the
H 1001–1005 Phenylalanine
pollutants, potentially in response to a toxic com-
I 1061 Carbohydrate (C–N and C–C)
J 1085 C–O pound (e.g., stress people) and/or exposure to a
J 1098 Carbohydrate (C–C, C–O–C) growth substrate, as is the case with 3-chlorobiphenyl.
J 1102 NPO2 We cannot reject the null hypothesis that (ii):
K 1122–1129 C–N and C–C several of the major peaks within the Raman spectra
(unsaturated fatty acid/lipid)
L 1295 CH2 def
of the neat pollutants (arrows in Fig. 1) correlate with
L 1230–1295 Amid III (N–H, C–N) those peaks which are among the most discriminating
M 1440–1460 (–C–H2) frequencies of the PCA (Figs. 1 and 3). Most notably,
N 1484 Nucleotides (guanine, adenine) five of the nine major peaks in the neat phenanthrene
O 1575 Nucleotides (guanine, adenine) Raman spectrum correlate with frequencies respon-
P 1606 Phenylalanine
sible for separations on PC1-3. A more in-depth study
P 1614 Tyrosine
Q 1650–1680 Amid I and unsaturated lipids containing additional replicates and a wider range of
R 1735 NC=O ester pollutants should be carried out before this null
hypothesis can be rejected; however, there is evidence
to suggest differences exist in the Raman spectrum,
and PC3 (Fig. 2B, C). Specifically, frequencies that which might be attributed to the adsorbed pollutant.
denote carbohydrates (A, M), nucleotides (E, N), The data indicate that we might be able to reject the
protein (F, H, P), and lipids (J, Q, R) are responsible null hypothesis that (iii): the energy intensity of the
for the majority of the differences between treatments. laser as well as the length of scan can be used to
The most discriminating frequencies can be visualized differentially interrogate a bacterial cell to assess its
in Fig. 3 for each of the three axes. dSignificantT degree of exposure to a toxic pollutant. If the cell is
frequencies exhibit relatively high or low peaks in this stressed after exposure to a pollutant, as was the case
representation. Separation on PC1 is largely influ- with pentachlorophenol, the cell becomes increasingly
enced by the b630 cm 1 range, which is attributed to more susceptible to burning whilst being scanned. The

Table 2
Raman frequencies responsible for N5% of the graphical separation between treatments observed in axis 1–3 of the PCA (Figs. 2 and 3)
Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Pollutant(s) Bio-attributes
A 544–628 544–556 PAH Carbohydrates
E, F 774–834 PCB; dodecane; PAH RNA, protein
H 983–1004 959–1010 PCB Phenylalanine
J 1101–1106 1101–1106 NPO2 (lipid)
Unknown 1344–1350 1344–1350 PAH
M 1444–1466 1444–1466 Dodecane; PAH y(–C–H2)
N 1482–1484 1482–1484 DNA
P 1634 PAH Protein
Q 1652 Amid I and lipids
R 1724–1763 NC=O ester
A.C. Singer et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 60 (2005) 417–422 421

Fig. 3. Graphical representation of PCA raw data from axes 1–3 (black, red, and blue, respectively). A greater deviation from 0 indicates greater
contribution of that frequency to the PCA separation. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the web version of this article.)

standard laser intensity (5 mW) and scan time (60 s) can feedback of this paper. Dr. Helm has been supported
be adjusted to a lower setting until a full Raman profile by a Marie Curie Fellowship of the European
can be acquired. The laser intensity and scan time can, Community programme Improving Human Potential
in this way, be an indirect measure of cellular stress. under contract number HPMF-CT-2002-01762.
If a pollutant is bioavailable, (i) structural changes
in the cell can be discerned from the Raman spectrum;
(ii) characteristic peaks from the neat chemical can
potentially be distinguished in the Raman spectrum; References
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