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STATE oF MississiPri Office ofthe Governor A Proclamation WHEREAS, tb cout of Anite, Carol, Clark, Greene, Hin Hampi, Hawambs ene, Jones, Lauderdale, Lea, Linol, Newen, Pk, Smith, Way and other pas ofthe State of ‘Missps hve bee al conus o be afected by seucaly deficient ge cnitons ha este fae pent te salty of perons an propery and hut satesuitance Wl be nesey 12 ‘Spam cal pvermen response ef 08 WHEREAS, he Misiasppe Deamon of Tratpaation and the Missi: Office of State Abt Road Construction devebped at Acton Pn in Mach of 2017 Yo ensure tensa ridges were ‘loin seordance wi be National Beg Inet Sends nd WHEREAS, daring the week of Mach 19, 2018, he Feral Highway Admbiseton verified that ‘yume bige revo denied fr lone were no lonely he oe aur abd WHEREAS, in an Apc, 2008 ltr the United Sues Deparment of Tasonation informed the Govemors Oe ofthe Federal Highway Adminstao’s gs ante plea covsequnces forthe Ste of Missi if ese Bes remain open; od WHEREAS, in onsideon of ehh and safety fhe eae pubic win te feted eas, ‘nd i te pb ners he bogs that are eta compince wi the Nato Brig Inspection Standards ts ave recommended for closure by the Mission OMe of State Ad Road Constctin's play upd losing ist (ern afer refed a the losing Hi) shall be ‘Shed metal. "NOW, THEREFORE, I Phil ryan, Governor fhe Site of Misi, pun to the atocty ested nme unde the Misspy Constuion, Mis Code Ans. € 33 1-11(X7 all other Apple inv of he ste snd nthe pbc ers ad ote general weft, dobry proclaim & Se of Emergency exe fr he med pape of closing the rd dented othe losing Ist The provisions ofthis poelunaion shal ust an rein in fet ual such tie as this het 1 able hat and ay al cane to ext peed nS 3515110917. {TIS FURTHER ORDERED tat he Misispi Deparment of Tansporsc, wth asics forthe Misspy Dement of us Sale all ak al nacsary menses Lochs the ‘eis nthe cong ir and provide closing verieaion othe Federal Highway Aisin. These ties sl en hosed ul hey se compliance with all deal a Sat avs, regains and standard IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ine hereto sy ia atl cused he Gre Sol of e Se Of DONE i ie Cio kan on he 10 At ete per a canon a at eldest Ud Ss f Are, ‘Sermo babes fescue CGB ‘GovERNOR BY THE GOVERNOR CN Hennes (©. DELBERT HOSEMANS, J, SECRETARY OF STATE.

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