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The Wave

Week of September 19, 2010

Galatians 2

Andrew Bacon

It’s Week 2 of the Shores Wave. Just remember the following things below as
you are either getting started or continuing on with the Wave.

I want you to feel the freedom to lead this any way you want, but I have a
general guideline to help those of you who have never done this before. You
can take it or leave it.

The biggest thing to know is that this is a time to get in the Word with friends
and those around you, nothing more. Do not feel the pressure of teaching deep
truths or revealing huge spiritual things. Let God’s spirit do that work! All you
are is a guide, a friend, and a fellow learner along with those in your group!
Release yourself of pressure and do not feel that you need to be all
knowledgeable in these areas.

Please feel free to comment on the Shores Wave Group wall after you have your
meeting to update others on how your time went and drop me an email at to let me know as well! If you need help, just holler!

Lastly, if you can’t meet this week, no problem, just save this study for next

Let’s make some Waves!


Galatians 2

 Read Galatians, Chapter 2
 Read the study guide and familiarize yourself with the lesson. Make sure
you read the “Take Aways” section so you know what the aim of this
study is. However, be open to other truths as they may present
 *NOTE* This chapter deals with the issue of circumcision. This is an
important theme in the Bible; however, it can make some feel
uncomfortable in a group setting. If you would like, you can share about
it in more detail with your group. If not, I will try to summarize for you
when we get there in the study.
 Understand Circumcision (if you want) and/or the difference between the
people who are Jews and the people who are Gentiles. (refer back to
your bible studies from the summer if needed)
 Print this guide out so you can have it handy if needed.
 Pray it up for your ability to guide and for those in your group!

Hang Time
 Catch up/Small talk
 Hang for a little bit. Catch up. If someone is running late, this is a good
time to hang out and wait for them to get there. Ask everyone what the
latest thing in their life is right now. Let them share as much or as little,
but don’t let it go too long. And try to start as soon as you can, even if
someone is running late. No worries!

Recap and Share

 Ask how they would summarize last week.

Chapter 1 emphasizes the Galatians turning to a different Gospel other

than what Paul had shared with them. Paul reminds the people that he
did not come to please men, but he came to please God. And he begins
to establish himself as a credible source and teacher of the true Gospel.
Not only was he credible, but his life was radically transformed and
everybody that knew of him praised God because of what they had seen
through Paul.

Read and Ask
 Read Galatians 2. (Have someone read each section, separated by
paragraphs. Go around the group until everyone reads and continue until
the end of the chapter.)

 Ask for some General Observations: If no one gets to these on their own,
here are some great questions to get things rolling…
o How is this chapter connected to Chapter 1? Paul is explaining his
credibility, by telling more stories and sharing truth.
o What does Paul seem to be doing in this Chapter? Addressing
problems that the Galatians have developed, as well as confronting
Peter and bad theology.

Go Deeper


Throughout this chapter, you will see and discuss issues of what it means to be
circumcised and uncircumcised. You will also see the distinction between Jews
and Gentiles. Essentially, Jews were circumcised and Gentiles were not. In the
past, it was believed that God’s gift was only for the Jews, the circumcised. But
recently, with the teachings of Jesus, the Gentile people (all non-Jews who were
not circumcised) would also be able to receive this gift. Eventually, it was said
that even Gentiles had to be circumcised to be brought into fellowship with God’s
gift. This was a false gospel that Paul was going against. (The Summer Bible
Study, the Core, addresses this more.)

Chapter 2:1-5 – A story and the true Gospel

Paul shares a story about going to Jerusalem, where most of the movement of
Christ had started from.

What did Paul “set before” the leaders in v. 2? The Gospel that he had been

Why does he do this? He wants to make sure that what he is preaching is


What do you think was the issue in question? Circumcision. (Paul had been
preaching that both the circumcised and the uncircumcised could receive Christ.
He preached that there was nothing outward that they had to do with their

bodies to earn Christ’s favor. However, there were those that said that this was
not true and that was a potential problem.)

What did Paul mean by “the freedom we have in Christ”? V. 4, 5 - That we can
be freed of duty and only live out of an overflow of our faith in what Christ has

Turn to Colossians 2:6-8. How does this connect with what Paul is saying in

Chapter 1:6-10 – God at Work through Paul and Others

Does Paul think that other people of no importance? V. 6

No, Paul is referring to the outward appearance. Many men were considered
important because of what they had done to their bodies with circumcision. Paul
says that it is not important, because God looks at the inside.

Who did Paul say was at work through his own ministry and Peter’s? Why would
he tell the Galatians this? He wants to make sure that they know that God cares
about BOTH people groups. Not just a single one.

Read V. 9-10. Why do you think Paul tells the Galatians these things? James,
Peter and John were major influences for the Gospel in this day. They were
some of the few that had been among Jesus. Paul wanted the Galatians to
understand that they approved of him ministering to the Gentiles.

Who are Gentiles? Who are the Jews? (I’m not giving you the answer)

Chapter 2:11-13 – Peter Loses Focus

Read 1:11-13. What is happening here? Again, we have the issues of

circumcised and uncircumcised. Of Jews and Gentiles. This time, Peter had
apparently forgotten something, or just didn’t care anymore.

What was the problem with Peter’s actions? Was it only himself that was

Chapter 2:14-121 – Paul’s Rebuke

How fast did Paul confront the situation with Peter? How did he go about doing
it? Would you do it the same?

What was Peter doing wrong? Can you explain it clearly?

Is man justified (made right) by observing the law? What is he justified by?
V. 16

What must a person have faith in to be justified?

Read v. 17-21. Paul is asking a question. He asks: “if Christ justifies us through
His death, does he then justify our sin?” The answer is, of course, no. Christ
makes us new.

What does Paul emphasize in v. 20? Can you be made right by doing all the
right things? By following the law? Why not?

End by reading Colossians 2:13-14.

Take Aways

 True Gospel says that ONLY through faith in what Christ has done on the
cross justifies us and nothing more.
 Christ has set us free. We need not be enslaved to the wrong values or
traditions that could bind us in slavery.
 God’s gift of salvation is not only for one people group. It is available for
all. (circumcised and uncircumcised)
 It is very easy to forget the truth and purity of the Gospel and to add our
own list of rules and regulations to it.
 Confronting a brother or sister is necessary in the faith.

Questions for Reflection

 Where in my life am I forgetting, like Peter, the truth of the Gospel?

 Do I judge others too quickly based on their appearance? Do I believe
that ANYONE can be saved by Christ?
 Do I confront my brother or sister with truth and love if they are
forgetting the truth?

 Do I have accountability in my life with the things I believe and the things
I do?
 Have I diligently sought the truth, even asking others to verify it for me v.

Wrap Up

 Thank them for coming.

 Remind them of next week and what time.
 Let them know that they can invite someone else to join if they want.
 Pray or take prayer request.

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