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Introduction to Chemical and Biomolecular Process Analysis

Study Guide: Midterm I

You should know:

How to characterize a stream with process variables.

Units.” How to use “conversion factors” to change units.

The definition of weight and why gc crops up in related formulae.

Fahrenheit, Rankine, Celsius, and Kelvin Scales of temperature and how to convert
between them or to new temperature scales that could be defined. Students should
know when “degree” refers to a temperature interval or a specific temperature and
how to handle unit conversions in such cases.

Physical meaning, dimensions, and units of pressure. Absolute and gauge pressure.
The variation of pressure with depth in an incompressible fluid.

How this variation is used in manometry, i.e., students should be able to solve
manometer problems, including manometers containing more than one liquid.

Definition and use of specific gravity.

Mole fractions and mass fractions of mixtures and how to convert between them (use
of a “basis” to do so).

Meaning and dimensions of mass flow rate, volume flow rate. Conversions between
the two.

The notion of a Balance Equation; the significance of each term in a balance

equation. Definition of continuous and batch processes. What does steady-state

Notion of “degrees of freedom”

Application of mass balances (total and species as needed) to solve flowcharts with
no reactions.

How to attack a mass balance problem and how to follow the steps to set up the

Flowcharts with multiple units. Mixing points and bypasses.

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