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Judicial Branch

Article Three creates this branch which is headed by the supreme court, con-
firmation of members in non-election situations is done by congress. The
have Judicial Review which is the right to examine a laws legality. The first
case that challenged the legality of a law was Marbury vs Madison.

Electoral College.

The assumption was American people could not handle choosing a President.
People choose people to vote for them. A states votes are equal to its num-
ber of representatives. 51% of the vote from the college means you are the

Amendment Process

2/3 majority by both houses is enough to change. A national convention is

when the government calls on states to make the change. A state convention
is when states begin the change. This is an improvement over the articles
which required unanimity.

The Federalist Papers

The Federalist were for the constitution the antii-federalist were against it.
The purpose of these papers was to get public support for the constitution.
Publius, this pen name is used by Alexander Hamilton, he wrote ~50 of the
papers, Madison wrote ~30, and John Jay wrote 5. They all went under the
same pen name. #10 is the most famous of these papers, it said a republic
works better as it gets bigger. The argument against the constitution centres
around the lack of a Bill of Rights.

Ratification of the Constitution

9 of 13 ratified the Constitution, reservations came from New York and Virgin-
ia. One June 28, 1778, New Hampshire ratifies the Constitution and it be-
comes law. George Washington doubts the new government will last twenty

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