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Chicken pox and Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

Inhalation of airborne respiratory droplets  Determination of V-Z virus
from an infected host though Complement Fixation Test
CHICKEN POX Incubation Period:
 Determination of V-Z virus
Is highly contagious disease caused by through Electron days
From10-21 Microscopic
with a mean
herpes virus varicella, characterized by vesicular examination
of 14 days or 2ofweek.
vesicular fluid
eruptions on the skin and mucous membranes Medical Management
usually with mild constitutional manifestations Clinical Manifestation
 Zoverax 500mg/tablet, 1 tab 2x a
The virus infects the conjunctivae or the day for seven days must be
1. Prodromal symptoms
administered are mild
mucosa of the upper respiratory tract
andOralconsist of fever
acyclovir 800 mgand3x amalaise
day for
2. days
five Rashmust also be given
 Oral Start from
 antihistamine trunk
can andto
be taken
Viral proliferation
symptomatic pruritusto other parts of
then spread
 Calamine lotion will ease itchiness
the body
 Salicylates must not be given
Viral replication  In bigger children, the
 Antipyretics for fever.
lesions may be more
Synonyms and Keywords widespread and severe
Nursing Management:
Secondary viremia (14-16 days post  Rapid progressions so
1. Prevention of secondary
varicella, shingles, herpes zoster, varicella- that transitions is completed
infection of the skin lesions
zoster virus, VZV, chicken pox, chickenpox, skin in 6-8 hours
Chickenpox is usually acquired by the inhalation of airborne
through hygienic care of the
rashes in children, chickenpox vaccine,  All stages are present
respiratory droplets from an infected host. The highly patient
chickenpox in pregnancy, neonatal VZV simultaneously before all are
contagious nature of VZV explains the epidemics of 2. Attention should be given to
infection, VZV immune globulin, treatment of covered scabs
chickenpox that spread through schools as one child who is nasopharyngeal discharges and
infected quickly spreads the virus to many classmates. High disinfection of cloths and linen by
viral titers are found in the characteristic vesicles of
sunlight or boiling
Causative Agent:
chickenpox; thus, viral transmission may also occur through
 Cut
3. infection
fingernails of wash
short and the
“varicella” virus with these vesicles, although the risk is lower.
direct contact
– furuncles, cellulites, skin
hands often in order to
abscess, erysipelas
minimize bacterial infections; may
Mode of initial
After transmission
inhalation of contaminated respiratory droplets,
 Meningoencephalitis
the virus infects the conjunctivae or the mucosae of the upper be introduced by scratching
 Pneumonia
respiratory tract. Viral proliferation occurs in regional lymph 4. Calamine lotion over rashes
1. Direct Contact – with patient who sheds  Sepsis
nodes of the upper respiratory tract 2-4 days after initial 5. Antipyretics for fever
the virus from vesicles
infection and is followed by primary viremia on postinfection
6. Isolation of patient; cannot be
days 4-6. A second round of viral replication occurs in the
2. Indirect Contact – through articles fresh confined in general hospital;
body's internal organs, most notably the liver and the spleen,
soiled by discharges of infected persons isolated until all lesions have
followed by a secondary viremia 14-16 days postinfection.
3. Airborne – or spread by droplet become encrusted.
This secondary viremia is characterized by diffuse viral
invasion of capillary endothelial cells and the epidermis. VZV
infection of cells of the malpighian layer produces both
intercellular edema and intracellular edema, resulting in the
characteristic vesicle.

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