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Molly Buckley 10/08/2010 The Gas Constant Procedure: 1. Prepare the HCI solutions using a 100mL graduated cylinder. 2. Add SOmL of deionized water to the 100mL graduated cylinder, then use a repipet to add 10mL of 6 M HCI solution to prepare the 1 M HCI reaction solution. Pour the solution back and forth three times between the graduated cylinder and a 150ml beaker to mix, then put 10mL of this solution back into the 100mL graduated cylinder. Fill the graduated cylinder to the 100mL mark. 3, Pour the wash solution into a 250mL beaker then use tap water to rinse the acidic residues out of the graduated cylinder. 4, (For gas collection,) submerse a 100ml graduated cylinder and a 1000mL beaker in the large sinks in the laboratory. Make sure no air bubbles are in the top of the cylinder when itis filled with water. Keep the graduated cylinder inverted and with the mouth under the water in the 1000mL beaker when they are removed from the water. 5. Construct the gas collecting apparatus. Clamp the graduated cylinder and the large test tube as indicated in the diagram and make sure that all connections are tight, and the end of the rubber hose is ell inside the mouth of the graduated cylinder. 6. Wash the Mg ribbon using the 250mL of 0.1M HC! solution and let it react for 10-15 seconds to remove the coating of MgO. Rinse the washed Mg with deionized water and dry it before weighing it on the analytical balance. Your magnesium sample should weigh between 0.070g- 0.075g. If needed, tear off some Mg ribbon to get the sample within the desired range, 7. Use the 10mL graduated cylinder to measure out 12mL of the 1M HCl reaction solution and pour it into the large test tube. Place the weighted Mginto the test tube by tilting the test tube so that the Mg rests on the inside wall of the test tube without being in contact with the HC! solution. Place the rubber stopper on and allow the Mgto slip into the acid solution. When all the Mg has reacted, take the rubber tube out of the 1000mL beaker and adjust the graduated cylinder until the water level on the inside of the cylinder coincides with the water level in the water outside the cylinder. 8, Read the volume of the gas inside. The reason for this adjustment is to ensure that the pressure of the gas inside the cylinder is the same as atmospheric pressure. This is only true when the water levels inside and outside coincide. Record the barometric pressure and room temperature. 9. Pour the contents of the large test tube down the drain. Do at least three runs with samples of Mg ribbon.

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