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Session 1

Grammar Translation Method

Direct Method

Ô GTM was used for the purpose of helping students

read and appreciate foreign language literature.
Ô Through the study of grammar of the target
language, students would become more familiar
with the grammar of their native language and this
familiarity would help them
The Principles
Ô ’   

À fundamental purpose of learning a FL is to be able
to read literature written in the target language.
Students need to learn about the grammar rules and
vocabulary of the target language.
÷t is believed that studying a FL provides students
with good mental exercise which help develop
their mind.
’hat are the role of the
The teacher is the authority in the classroom
The students do as the teacher says so they
can learn what he knows.


Ô Students are taught to translate from one language
to another.
Ô ’hat they read are readings in the target language.
Ô Students study grammar deductively.
Ô Students learn grammatical paradigm such as verb
Ô Students memorize native language equivalents
for foreign language vocabulary words.
Ô Literary language is considered superior to
spoken language and is therefore the
language students study.
Ô Culture is viewed as consisting of literature
and the fine arts

Ô ¦ocabulary and grammar are emphasized.

Ô Reading and writing are the primary skills
that the students work on.
Ô Less attention given to speaking, listening
and pronunciation.
Ô The meaning of the target language is made
clear by translating it into the students¶
native language.
Ô The language that is used in class is mostly
the students¶ native language.
Ô ’ritten test in which students are asked to
translate from their native language or vice
versa are often used.
Ô Questions about the foreign culture or
questions that ask students to apply
grammar rules are also common
Ô {aving the students get the correct answer
is considered very important.
Ô ÷f students make errors or don¶t know an
answer, the teacher supplied them with the
correct answer.
The Techniques
Ô Translation of a literary passage.
Ô Reading comprehension questions.
Ô Àntonyms/synonyms.
Ô Cognates
Ô Deductive application of rule
Ô Fill-in-the-blanks
Ô Memorization
Ô Use words in sentences
Ô composition

Ô Classes are taught in the students' mother tongue,

with little active use of the target language.
Ô ¦ocabulary is taught in the form of isolated word
Ô Elaborate explanations of grammar are always
Ô Grammar instruction provides the rules for putting
words together; instruction often focuses on the
form and inflection of words.
Ô Reading of difficult texts is begun early in the
course of study.
Ô Little attention is paid to the content of texts,
which are treated as exercises in grammatical
Ô Often the only drills are exercises in translating
disconnected sentences from the target language
into the mother tongue, and vice versa.
Ô Little or no attention is given to pronunciation.
The Direct Àpproach

The Principles

Ô ’   

Teacher who use DM intend that students
learn how to communicate in the target
÷n order to do this successfully, students
should learn to think in the target language.
Ô Àlthough the teacher directs the class
activities, the students role is less passive
than in the GTM.
Ô The teacher and the students are more like
partners in the teaching/learning process.


Ô ’hen the teacher introduce a new target language,
he demonstrates its meaning through the use of
realia, pictures or pantomimes.
Ô Students speak in target language a great deal and
communicate as if they were in real situation
(Situational and Topical Syllabus).
Ô Grammar is taught inductively.
Ô Students practice vocabulary by using new words
in complete sentences.
Ô The initiation of the interaction goes both
ways, from the teacher to students and from
students to teacher, although the latter is
often teacher-directed.
Ô Students converse with another as well.
Ô Language is primarily spoken, not written.
Ô Students study common, everyday speech in
the target language.
Ô They also study culture consisting of the
history of the people who speak the TL and
information about the daily lives of the
speakers of the language.

Ô ¦ocabulary is emphasized over grammar.

Ô Àlthough work on all four language skills
occurs from start, oral communication is
seen as basic.
Ô Reading and writing exercise are based
upon what the students practice orally first.
Ô Pronunciation also receives attention right
from the beginning of a course.
Ô The students¶ native language is not be used
in the classroom.
Ô Students are asked to demonstrate their
knowledge about the language both oral and
written skills.
Ô Example:      
Ô The teacher, employing various techniques,
tries t get students to self-correct whenever
The Techniques

Ô Reading aloud
Ô Question and answer exercise
Ô Getting students to self-correct
Ô Conversational practice
Ô Fill-in-the-blank exercise
Ô Dictation
Ô Map drawing
Ô Paragraph writing

Ô Lessons begin with a dialogue using a

modern conversational style in the target
Ô Material is first presented orally with
actions or pictures.
Ô The mother tongue is NE¦ER, NE¦ER
Ô There is no translation.
Ô The preferred type of exercise is a series of questions
in the target language based on the dialogue or an
anecdotal narrative.
Ô Questions are answered in the target language.
Ô Grammar is taught inductively--rules are generalized
from the practice and experience with the target
Ô ¦erbs are used first and systematically conjugated
only much later after some oral mastery of the target
Ô Àdvanced students read literature for
comprehension and pleasure.
Ô Literary texts are not analyzed
Ô The culture associated with the target
language is also taught inductively.
Ô Culture is considered an important aspect of
learning the language.
{atur Thank You!
See you in another method!

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