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BY:- Miss. Aparna S. Dhanave

Organizational Behviour
finition:- Organizational behviour is the systematic study and careful applicatio
owledge about how people –as individuals and as groups-act within organizations.

Most of the organizations have a number of
employees who believe that they are dependent on others as they
are less efficient. This feelings of low self efficiency can
caused the damage to the individual and ultimately to the
so, the concept of empowerment raised to over come the
problems of low self efficiency and feeling of imposter

The concept of empowerment can be defined by as, “ Empowe
process that provides greater autonomy to employees through the sharing of
vant Information and the provision of control over factors affecting job performa
§Helping employees to achieve job mastery.- By giving proper
training and coaching

§Allowing more control.- By giving them discretion over job

performances and holding them accountable for outcomes

§Providing successful role models.- Allow them to observe the person

who already done the job sucessfully.

§Using social reinforcement and persuasion.- Giving praise,

encouragement and verbal feedback designed to raise self confidence.

§Giving emotional support.- providing reduction of stress and

Empowerment Process

conditions of
powerlessness Effectiveness
Perception of

Enhance job-related Satisfaction

Empowerment Process

•Remove conditions of powerlessness:-



•Reward system

vEnhance job related self efficiency:-
•Job mastery

•Control and accountability

•Role models


vPerception of empowerment:-


•Job meaning

•Sense of impact

mpowerment is the result of four cognition by employees – meaning and purpose to

ne’s work role, competence, autonomy and control and sense of personal impact on
utcomes. So, these four dimensions are necessery to produce the effective and effi
rganization with individual’s satisfaction.

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