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Psychology 27 Aug 2010

The Science of Psychology

The 10 Commandments of psychology-

1. Avoid reliance on anecdotal and testimonial evidence.

 Everyday life = casual observation
 Science = systematic observation
 Test under controlled conditions
 Theory – Hypothesis – observation- Revisited understanding = Scientific enterprise
2. Don’t mistake skepticism for cynicism
 Skepticism = the attitude of show me not tell me
 Critical thinking
 Where’s the burden of proof
 Hallmarks of science = Skepticism, Control, Replication
3. Pay attention to what kind of question is being asked
 Basic Research – The Stroop Effect
 Applied Research : E.g. Cell phone use and auto accidents
4. Learn the value of a good definition
 The description of a concept in terms of how its measured. (Concrete Definitions)
 Intelligence?
 Violent video games?
 Aggressive behavior in children?
5. Different research methods are appropriate for different things.
Study Methods.
 Naturalistic observation
a. Unstructured
b. Structured
 Laboratory Observation – Greater control is possible
 Surveys – who’s getting surveyed?
 Personal interview - Great for in-depth information
 Case Study – A special or rare incident (in-depth analisis)
 Controlled Experiment – Establish a cause and effect relationship

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