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Lady Gaga and Beyonce are both popular, rich contemporary American solo music artists who are

intense and sexually provocative; however, whereas Gaga is too weird to be sensual, Beyonce is sexy
and sensual in a more traditional way.

I. Gaga is not limited by the traditional boundaries of fashion or art or behavior; she is sexy,
but her weirdness prevents her from being sensual.
a. Weird, organic—meat products, grass, plastic, bubble dress
b. T-bone steak
II. However, Beyonce is intense and sexually provocative in her appearance and her music, but
she glamorous in a more traditional way.
a. Sasha Fierce
b. Dresses, tights, shorts, European branded clothes

Intro: talk about duet did together. Lady Gaga is undressed within first 30 seconds. Lady Gaga and
Beyonce are both popular, rich contemporary American solo music artists who are both intense and
sexually provocative; however, whereas Gaga is too weird to be sensual, Beyonce is sexy and sensual in
a more traditional way.

I. Lady Gaga and Beyonce both wear sexy clothes, but Lady Gaga’s clothes are wild, and
Beyonce’s are more conservative.
a. Gaga’s bubble dress vs. Beyonce’s European clothes
b. Compare outfits on the covers of their recent albums
c. Compare outfits on magazine covers and in videos
d. Glasses made of cigarettes
II. Both artists’ music is raunchy, but Gaga is outwardly raunchy whereas Beyonce’s
raunchiness is more concealed.
a. Bad romance: “I want your psycho, your vertical stick”
b. Beyonce: “He said I'm worth it, his one desire” – refers to desire, but not
III. Push boundaries
a. Gaga—in prison
b. Beyonce--outside
with very different styles. Lady Gaga’s persona is more outgoing and flamboyant than Beyonce’s. Lady
Gaga’s lyrics are more meaningful and symbolic; Beyonce’s lyrics are more straightforward, but her
music is versatile.

I. Lady Gaga’s musical and personal style are outgoing and flamboyant. Her lyrics are
II. Beyonce’s persona is fierce

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