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I N TR OD UC T ION ― « Politicized science » has triumphed

OUR WOR LD OF whenever politics have outweighed

scientific fact.
« Politicized science » has prevailed
when measures were taken that often
The discussion of « politicized scien- had little basis in fact or « sound sci-
ce » is ANATHEMA to the Environ- ence ».
mental–Terror–Activists, who do not
like it when certain issues are exam- It is now common knowledge that the
ined that may not be generally known, world of « politicized science » DE-
but need to be explained. MONIZED one of the most impressive
chemicals of the Twentieth Century ―
Many deeply held beliefs need to be DDT.
We are told that the current array of
Many of these beliefs have been en- modern and conventional pest control
trenched in our minds for decades by products used by the Green Space In-
our trust in social policies that has be- dustry MAY create the problems once
come « politicized » with the per- encountered with the likes of DDT.
petuation of « junk science », and the
use of coercion through « environ- This is false !
mental terrorism ».
The Green Space Industry needs to
In our world, the « politicization » of remind the public of the many MIS-
science occurs when Environmental– CONCEPTIONS concerning DDT.
Terror–Activists use economic or legal
pressures to influence public policy. The public needs to be given a reality
check on this matter.
In many cases, Environmental–Ter-
ror–Activists Policies spread to certain
portions of the population, such as the R E M O V IN G D D T ―
Green Space Industry. AN E XAMP LE OF
Environmental–Terror Policies often
lead to business failures, bankrupt-
cies, unemployment, despair, and des-
titution. The removal of DDT from the world
market is a good example where so-
The depraved indifference of Environ- cial politics were implemented based
mental–Terror has even led to DEATH upon « junk science ».
― on a MASSIVE scale.
The measures that were urged for the << It doesn’t make a lot of difference
removal of DDT had LITTLE BASIS in because the organophosphate [ alter-
fact or science. native ] acts locally and only kill [ sic ]
farm workers, and most of them are
DDT had to be eliminated in order to Mexicans and Negroes. >>
« save » the environment ― a move
that was self–serving and under–
handed by Environmental–Terror–Acti- F ACT S ABOUT DD T ―

The fact that millions of people were

hurt and killed with the removal of The following nine statements chal-
DDT has been ignored, since, sadly, lenge the « politicized science » that
the « saving » of the environment ap- DEMONIZED DDT.
peared to be a cause that was greater
than any human suffering. These statements will be examined in
detail in future reports.
Some observers have described this
as a form of « depraved indifferen- Many deeply held beliefs about DDT
ce », and even « eco–manslaughter », need to be re–examined.
by Environmental–Terror–Activists.
1. Things were NOT better before DDT.
A classic example of « depraved indif-
ference » by Enviro–Terror–Activists 2. DDT was a pretty good product.
was displayed in 1971, during Con-
gressional testimony before the U.S. 3. DDT saved countless lives.
House Committee on Agriculture. The
discussion focused on the chemical al- 4. The turf industry embraced DDT.
ternatives to DDT.
5. The environmental effect of DDT
The alternatives may have been more was contradictory.
acceptable to Enviro–Terror–Activists,
but they were truly UNSAFE for use by 6. The effect of DDT on birds was
applicators, such as farm workers. exaggerated.

The response from Enviro–Terror– 7. Removing DDT was politically mo-

Activists was SHOCKING ! tivated.

The following statement was attrib- 8. The removal of DDT led to the
uted to an executive of the Environ- death of millions.
mental Defense Fund, a U.S. Environ-
mental–Terror–Organization ― 9. DDT is back again today.

B r o n w yn Ey r e

A u gu s t 18 t h , 20 10

T h e S ta r P ho en i x ( Sa s ka t c he w an )

S e l e ct ed an d ad ap te d e x ce r p t s

If you follow the news even lightly, you'll know that bedbugs ― flat–bodied
blood–suckers that can hide in all kinds of small crevices and live up to a year
without eating ― are making a horror–movie–like R ES U R G EN C E everywhere,
S a s ka t ch e w an included.

Pest control experts say the infestation already comprises a G L OB A L P A N D EM I C .

Nice. So are we going back to the B A D O L D DA YS when, to fight this resilient

vermin, people regularly P OU R ED O I L O R B OI L I N G WA TER I N TO FL O OR C R EV I C ES ,

The F r e n c h w r i t e r S i m on e de Be au v o i r attributed no small part of the P a r i s i a n

C A F E C U L TU R E to the bedbug. Such was its infestation of hotels and dwellings
that, to converse and write, everybody sought refuge in cafes.

In 1 9 3 9 , after four years of work, S w i s s c h e m i s t Pa u l Mü l l e r

developed a synthetic insecticide ― D D T ― which was ba-
sically S A F E F OR HU M A N S , but deadly against malaria–
causing mosquitoes, typhus–causing lice, plague–spreading
fleas ... and bedbugs.

For preventing the deaths of tens of millions of people,

Mü l l e r was awarded the 1 9 4 8 N ob e l P r i z e f o r Me d i c i n e .
In 1970, according to U . S . N a t i on a l A c ade m y of S c ie n ce s r ep o r t ―

< < T o o n l y a fe w c h e m i c a l s d oe s m an o w e a s g r e a t a d e b t a s t o
DDT. >>

But in the wake of R a c he l C a r s on ’s 1962 anti–chemical blockbuster S i l e n t

S p r i ng , in which she D I S TO R TED S C I EN TI F I C DA TA TO S U I T H ER P U RP OS E , che-
mophobic zealots began lobbying for a ban on the wonder insecticide.

In J u n e 19 72 , the U .S . En v i r o n me n ta l P r o t ec t i on A ge n c y ( E PA ) , D ES P I TE
C ON S I D ER A B L E EV I D EN C E OF I TS S A F ETY , outlawed D D T .

After seven months of testimony, the E P A ’s own administrative law expert de-
clared that the insecticide ...

< < [ . . . ] i s no t a c a r c i n o g e n i c , mu t a g e n i c o r t e r a t o g e n i c h a z a r d t o
m a n , a n d i t s p r o p e r u se d o es n o t h a v e a d e l e te r i o us e ffe c t o n
fr e s h w a t e r fi s h , es t u a r i n e o r g a n i s ms , w i l d b i r d s o r o th e r w i l d -
l i fe . > >

But those who apparently find NO problem in the C O N S EQU EN T D EA TH S O F

― or
who would rather put up with the bedbug affliction than acknowledge the won-
derful efficacy of D D T ― still celebrate that 1 97 2 ban as a great victory.

Why do these enviro–fanatics want to take us back to medieval times ?

How do they always manage to triumph on such matters ?

And why does one instinctively know that, despite the building chorus of
« Bring Back DDT » , these people will prevail ?

Instead of returning to a procedure that has proven its worth, we’re left with
prescriptions for fighting bedbugs that are L A M E A N D L A U GHA B L E ― the plant-
ing of mosquito–repelling trees such as neem or oak, for example.
P a u l D r i e s s en , author of E c o– Im p e r ia l i s m : G r ee n Po w e r , B l a ck D ea th
( 2 0 03 ) , writes contemptuously of how N e w Yo r k C i t y ’ s B ed bu g A d v i so r y
B o a rd recommends that people dealing with the problem ―

< < U s e b l o w –d r y e rs t o fl u s h o u t ( m a y be fi v e p e r c e n t o f ) t h e b u g s ,
t h e n t h r o w a w a y ( t ho us a n d s o f d ol l a r s w o r t h o f ) i n fe s t e d cl o t h i n g ,
b e dd i n g , c a r p e t i n g , a nd fu r n i t u r e . H i re ( e x pe n s iv e ) p ro fe ss i o n a ls
w h o h a ve i n s e c t i c i de s t h a t ( m a y ) e r a d i c a t e t h e p es t s ― a n d h op e
y o u d o n’ t g e t s c a m m ed . > >

( Obviously, the parentheses are Driessen's, not the board's. )

So–called volumetric heating, the super–heating of bedbug–infested spaces to

6 0 °C ― recently conducted in a U n i v e r si t y of S a s ka t ch e wa n residence, for ex-
ample ― apparently works, but it's expensive, time–consuming, short–term
and localized.

So if D D T is the all–around best prevention against malaria and other tropical

diseases, and is also effective against bedbugs, let's bring it back ― if only to
test claims that some bedbug resistance to it now exists, or remains.

As D r i e s s e n also says ―

< < I f n o t fo r t he e co n o m y a n d m e n t a l h e a l t h o f A me r i c a n s a ffl i c t e d

b y b ed bu g s , t h e n do i t fo r A fr i c a ’ s s ic k , b r a i n – d a m a g ed a nd d y i n g
p a r e n t s a n d c h i ld r e n . > >

In 2 0 0 6 , the W o r l d H ea l th O r g an i z a t io n finally acknowledged that D D T is an

unrivaled insecticide that ought not be banned.

But in 2 0 0 9 , the U n i t ed N a t io n s En v ir o n m en t a l P ro g r a m nevertheless an-

nounced its intention to rid the world of D D T by 2 0 20 .

If only the millions who are vulnerable to the ravages of malaria ― and now
the trauma of experiencing bedbugs ― could have a say on the matter.
Force Of Nature presents THE WHOLE TRUTH FROM AN INDEPENDENT PERSPECTIVE from National Organi-
zation Responding Against Huje that seek to harm the Green Space Industry (NORAHG). It is a series of
Reports destined for the Green Space Industry, the Environmental Terror Movement, Governments, and the
Media, nationwide across Canada, the United States, and overseas. The information presented in Force Of
Nature has been developed for the education and entertainment of the reader by providing a sequence of
historical events WITH COMMENTARY. The neutrality of these Reports might be disputed.

Huje is a term used to describe Enviro Maniac Activists that routinely concoct FEAR MONGERING, FRAUDU-
CIES that are DESIGNED to SCAM and DECEIVE the public into believing there is some NON–EXISTENT
danger with conventional pest control products. Huje also SCAM and DECEIVE Government Officials into the
NEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and MALICIOUS CONSPIRACY to PROHIBIT conventional pest control products that

All information, excerpts, and pictures contained in this Report were found somewhere on the Internet, and
may be considered in the public domain, serving one of the following purposes ― archive, education, pro-
motion, publicity, or press release. The events, characters, companies, and organizations, depicted in this
Report are not always fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, may not be coincidental.
Force Of Nature is TOTALLY INDEPENDENT of any trade association or business operating within the Green
Space Industry. Don’t thank us. It’s a public service. And we are glad to do it.

Force Of Nature, and its various incarnations, is the brainchild of William H. Gathercole and his entourage.
Mr. Gathercole is a principal FOUNDER of the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry in BOTH Ontario and
Quebec. He holds a degree in Horticulture from the UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH, and another pure and applied
science degree from McGILL UNIVERSITY. He has worked in virtually all aspects of the Green Space Indus-
try, including GOLF, PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE, and CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, and has served in public af-
fairs, workplace safety, and environmental compliance. Mr. Gathercole has supervised, consulted, pro-
grammed, and/or overseen the successful and safe execution of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of pest control
applications in the urban landscape. He has trained, instructed, and consulted with THOUSANDS of turf
managers and technicians. Mr. Gathercole has also been an agricultural agronomist. For many years, Mr.
Gathercole was a contributing columnist for TURF & Recreation Magazine, Canada’s Turf and Grounds Main-
tenance Authority. Mr. Gathercole is now retired from Force Of Nature, although his name continues to ap-
pear as the FOUNDER. Mr. Gathercole is personally credited for crafting the Golf Industry Exception Status,
that endures to this day. He is also the creator of the signs that are now used for posting after application.
His vast knowledge of our long journey with Environmental Issues is UNDENIABLE ― hopefully ! For FIF-
TEEN YEARS, the strategies designed and implemented by Mr. Gathercole and his colleagues guaranteed the
control of Environmental Terror for the entire Modern Green Space Industry across Canada. Mr. Gather-
cole’s involvement in Environmental Issues reached a fevered pitch in the 1990s, when he orchestrated,
with his colleagues, legal action against the Forces of Environmental Evil in the Town of Hudson, Quebec.
Mr. Gathercole is the ONLY TRUE RELIABLE WITNESS of the Hudson Affair.

Mr. Gathercole and his entourage have followed the evolution of ENVIRONMENTAL TERRORISM for over a
quarter century. Through Force Of Nature, Enviro Maniac Activist Huje are identified on the basis of their
statements, activities, affiliations, and whereabouts. Even though each Enviro Maniac Culprit is a misguided
adversary, each still deserves our respect. The use of the terms Maniac, Culprit, Terrorist, or Basterd are
not accusations of any legal wrong doing. Force Of Nature is simply holding Enviro Maniac Activists ac-
countable for conspiring to change public policies that TERRORIZE, HARM, and THREATEN the Green Space
Industry. Their pretentious prohibitionist rants have created LOSS OF REVENUES, BUSINESS FAILURES,
tims throughout the Green Space Industry. The DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE of Maniac Culprit Terrorist Bas-
terd Huje is viewed as a form of TERROR, HARM, and THREAT against the Green Space Industry.

The following Force Of Nature Reports are currently available ― ● A Look At ● Alberta Conspiracy ● British
Columbia Conspiracy ● Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ● Canadian Cancer Society ●
Canadian Environmental Law Association ● Carnage ● Collision Course ● Consequences ● Culprits ●
David Suzuki Foundation ● Dating Services for Enviro Maniacs ● DDT and Politicized Science ● Death and
the Environmental Terror Movement ● Enviro Profit ● Environmental Terrorists Unmasked ● Famous Quota-
tions ● Fertilizer Terror ● Global Warming ● Heroes ● June Irwin, the Clown of Junk Science ● Kazimiera
Jean Cottam ● Landscape Trades Capitulate ● Lying Sac of Enviro–Maniac Cwap ● Myth–Busting ● Need-
less Hysteria ● New Brunswick Conspiracy ● Newfoundland Conspiracy ● Nova Scotia Conspiracy ● Ontario
Conspiracy ● Organic Fertilizers ● Paranoid Theories ● Pesticide Free BC ● Pets and Lawn Care Chemicals
● Positive Waves ● Prince Edward Island Conspiracy ● Quebec Conspiracy ● Rachel Carson, the Queen of
Junk Science ● Reining a Terrorist Reaction ● Saskatchewan Conspiracy ● Satire ● Terror NEVER Ends ●
Terror Talk ● The 9/11 Era of the Green Space Industry ● The Bin Laden of Enviro Terror, Paul Tukey ● The
Failure of Integrated Pest Management ● The Looming Golf Industry Shipwreck ● The Industry Strikes Back
● The Misconceptions About Cancer ● The National Annihilation of the Modern Green Space Industry ● The
Wisdom of Bill Bell ● The Wisdom of Drysdale ● The Wisdom of Health Canada ● The Wisdom of Hepworth
● The Wisdom of Holland ● The Wisdom of Lowes ● The Wisdom of Mains ● The Wisdom of the Solomons
● The Wisdom of Whelan ● Update ● Warning ●

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