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Martha Meloy

Internet Issues, Assignment #3

FRIT 7090, Summer 2009
Cyber Bullying

Henry W. Grady High School, Safety and Securities Policies. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2009,

from the Henry W. Grady High School Site Web Site:


Henry W. Grady High School in Atlanta, GA has included a school policy on cyber bullying

within their Safety and Security Policies. They tied the cyber bullying policy into their overall

bullying policy but outlined cyber bullying in detail. The policy covers the definition of cyber

bullying and gives many examples of cyber bullying forms, including gender differences with cyber

bullying. The policy includes informative links to other cyber bullying sites. The policy has one

simple statement on the outcome of cyber bullying saying that it can lead to long term suspension

and a tribunal hearing, which can lead to an alternative placement from Grady W. High School.

This policy has many strong points. It explains who potential bullies could be and it gives

six different forms of cyber bullying, which show the vast occurrences that can be referred to as

cyber bullying. The policy paints a vivid picture for students to see what cyber bullying entails by

listing several examples including emails, tricking someone into revealing information and then

posting it for all to see, creating web sites that make fun of others and the policy includes many

more detailed occurrences. By showing the gender differences of cyber bullying, students, parents

and teachers are more aware of how boys and girls tend to bully others differently.

The primary short-comings of the policy are that the roles of the staff are not defined, the

policy does not address how to report potential cyber bullying, and the policy lacks an overall
educational plan to educate the student body, teachers and parents about cyber bullying. Educational

seminars or sessions in the classroom or for the parents after school would greatly benefit

preventing cyber bullying and educating the community on the issue.

Balwyn High School Anti cyber bullying policy. 2009. Retrieved June 28, 2009, from Balwyn High

School Site Web Site:

Balwyn High School has created an Anti Cyber Bullying Policy for their High School in

North Balwyn, Australia. The policy has a clear rationale for the necessity of the cyber bullying

policy and it provides a definition of cyber bullying. It clearly lists staff responsibilities, including

looking for signs of bullying and the use of Cybernetrix and Wise up to IT to teach students about

safe cyber communication and usage. The student responsibilities include not participating in cyber

bullying and reporting it if students are aware of an issue. Numerous responsibilities are listed for

both staff and students to ensure cyber bullying does not take place at Balwyn High School. Two

additional links are included in the policy for further information on cyber bullying. The Anti Cyber

Bullying policy is a small section of the overall Safe School Policy that includes information on

harassment and bullying in general.

This detailed policy has many positive attributes. The detailed rationale ensures that parents

and students are aware of the importance of this policy. It also demonstrates responsibilities for the

staff of the school and the students of the school. Listing Cybernetrix and Wise up to IT as programs

in the policy to teach students about cyber safety reinforces the importance of the issue. Education

about cyber bullying and making students aware of the issue will help to prevent potential bullying


The Anti Cyber Bullying Policy does not give specific ramifications to students or parents if

it should occur. The Safe School Policy also does not give details about what will happen to
students if cyber bullying or bullying in general occurs at the school. It lays out a definite plan for

prevention but lacks the consequences if one gets involved with cyber bullying.

Warwick School District bullying / cyber bullying policy. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2009, from

Warwick School District Site Web Site:

Warwick School District in Pennsylvania has adopted a Bullying / Cyber Bullying Policy.

The policy includes a clear definition of bullying/cyber bullying. It also notes that students will be

informed annually of the cyber bullying policy. The policy is included in the Warwick Middle

School handbook that students must read at the beginning of each year. The policy gives detail

about the misuses of technology that can be interpreted as cyber bullying, such as teasing,

harassing, threatening, intimidating or terrorizing another individual with the use of any technology

tool. A section in the policy delegates responsibilities to staff members and to students about

reporting cyber bullying and directs students to not engage in cyber bullying practices. The policy

also describes complaint investigation and reporting procedures. A bullying report form documents

occurrences and all disciplinary action is consistent with the student discipline code. Potential

actions could include suspension, expulsion or notification to the proper authorities.

This policy is effective at portraying the importance of cyber bullying by combining it with

the overall bullying policy. Cyber bullying doesn’t have its own separate section but it is

intermingled within the overall bullying policy, which shows its significance. The steps to report

cyber bullying and getting the administration involved with cyber bullying issues are described in

detail. The intolerance of cyber bullying in this district is apparent after reading this policy.

The policy lacks a plan of action about educating students about cyber bullying or safe

technology usage. A developed plan on educating students in the district would be very beneficial to
help eliminate cyber bullying. No links are provided to find further information about cyber

bullying or bullying in general. A good plan of action on prevention and further links would be

beneficial for this cyber bullying policy.

School Policy on Cyber Bullying

Zero Tolerance
Our school wide cyber bullying policy includes
• rational of the policy
• definition of cyber bullying
• cyber bullying boundaries- off campus cyber bullying that effects on campus educational goals
• education and prevention strategies of cyber bullying to parents and students
• reporting and investigating incidences of cyber bullying
• consequences if cyber bullying should occur
• parent contract and student contract to be updated and kept on file each school year

It is imperative that our school takes action against one of the new forms of bullying called cyber
bullying. With the growing number of students becoming exposed to different technology platforms
and the number of students being bullied by others in technology driven environments the need to
have a clear policy in place at the beginning of the school year is essential. This policy will ensure
that students are educated in a safe and productive environment that is free from any cyber bullying
issues, which can upset the positive educational environment our school strives to achieve for each

Cyber bullying is the willful intent to harm another individual or individuals including students and
teachers through the use of electronic media including email, web sites, social networks, cell
phones, text messages, instant messaging, videos, or images. It includes harassing, teasing,
intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another individual by means of any electronic medium.

Some examples of cyber bullying include

• posting derogatory comments about another person through the use of electronic devices
• stealing passwords and posing as a another person to inflict harm to that individual
• creating a web site that promotes negative attitudes toward an individual or group of individuals
• taking footage of another individual when they are unaware that the footage is being taken and
posting it for others to see
• embarrassing photos or personal information being distributed without the consent of the person
• creating web sites or blogs that intentionally start rumors about another individual or make fun
of them
• excluding others intentionally to cause harm or distress

Common Gender differences include

• males usually threaten others or make unwanted passes toward other individuals
• females usually spread rumors, make fun of others and exclude others

Cyber Bullying Boundaries

We do have free speech in this country, however, if any cyber bullying practices interfere with the
educational setting or educational goals of the victim then it is considered an on campus issue.
Please do not get involved with cyber bullying off campus and think it will not become an on
campus issue. Every student has a right to go to school without fear of being ridiculed, threatened,
or made fun of by others. It is our responsibility to ensure a safe and productive learning
environment for all students and teachers at our school.

Education and Prevention

Students will participate in cyber bullying prevention education, which includes informational
videos, handouts, and presentations for preventing cyber bullying from happening. Students will
also partake in discussion sessions with the technology teacher and guidance counselor concerning
prevention strategies and developing coping mechanisms if cyber bullying should occur.

During our school’s Open House this year we will have a short educational session on Internet
Safety and Cyber Bullying. Dates will be scheduled throughout the year for parents to come to our
school in the evening to partake in workshops and learning sessions concerning Internet Safety and
Cyber Bullying. With the growing use of technology it is imperative that we educate our parents
and students about technology uses and misuses to prepare them with the strategies needed to be
safe, healthy, and happy in any online environment.

Informative Video Links

• Cyber Bullying Talent Show
• Wired Safety Cyber Bullying Video Part 1 & 2
• ABC’s of Education Cyber Bullying
• Stand Up! to Cyber Bullying
• Cyber Bullying Prevention
• Cyber Bullying

Helpful Links
• What children can do
• What parents can do
• What educators can do
• National Crime Prevention Counsel
• Stop Cyber Bullying Now

Reporting and Investigation of Incidences of Cyber Bullying

Our school will take every precaution to prevent cyber bullying from happening to our students but
if it should occur please do the following:
• Do not reply to or engage in conversation with the bully when you have been a victim of a cyber
• Keep records of any bullying that has occurred. Save any documents in a folder on your
computer that you could use as proof.
• When cyber bullying occurs it is very important to tell an adult. You should notify your teacher,
a parent, or any other adult on the school grounds like the guidance counselor or the technology
• Reports of cyber bullying can be made anonymously but in order for action to be taken against
the bully proof must be obtained.
• When cyber bullying is reported at this school an administrator will follow up with the report.
• Administrators with the use of electronic devices will investigate incidences of cyber bullying.
• An administrator will fill out a “cyber bully report” and keep it on file in the front office for the
victim and the alleged bully to ensure complete and accurate records of incidences are kept in
the student’s records.

Consequences for Violations of Cyber Bullying

One or more of the following will result if cyber bullying should occur at our school. It should be
noted that we are taking many preventative measures by educating our student body on the effects
of cyber bullying to help ensure it does not happen at this school. However, if it should manifest
students will be held responsible to the student code of conduct and one or more of the following
will transpire.
• Counseling with the school Guidance Counselor
• Parent Notification
• After school detention or lunch detention
• Loss of privileges at school including after school functions and field trips
• Suspension and or Expulsion
• Counseling / Therapy outside of school premises
• Referral to Law Enforcement

Parent Student Contract

The following page should be signed by the student and the parents of the student to be kept on file
for the entire school year. New signatures must be obtained each new school year.

It is vital that our school maintains a positive educational environment for all students. Our school
has a zero tolerance policy for any misuse of technology including the form of cyber bullying. It is
vital that our parents and students understand this school policy. Once you have read and
understood this policy in it’s entirety, please sign the following page and return it to school.
Cyber Bullying Contract
School Year 2009-2010

Student Name_______________________ Classroom Teacher ________________________

Parent/Guardian Section
I have read and understand the components for the cyber bullying school policy. I have also looked
at the informative video links to better educate myself on the matter and I have investigated two of
the helpful links online. If you do not have access to the Internet please sign option #2 and
information will be provided to you in a different format. Both parents/guardians must sign this

Option #1
I will, as a parent, do my best to ensure that my child does not partake in any cyber bullying forms.
I have access to the Internet and have viewed the educational material suggested.

Parent/Guardian Name __________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name __________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________________

Option #2
I do not have access to the Internet and need to view the videos and educational links in another

Parent/Guardian Name __________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name __________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________________

Student Section
I will not partake in any form of cyber bullying activities and will report any cyber bullying
activities if I am made aware of them.

Student Name ________________________________________________

Student Signature _____________________________________________

Thank you for doing your part in keeping our school a safe, positive and bully free educational
environment for our students to achieve and learn in.

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