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Oedipus or Macbeth, of the two, who deserves more pity?

Macbeth was influenced by his

demented wife, while Oedipus was doomed from his birth. After the witches spoke to Macbeth, he
knowingly embraced the prophecy and became greedy for power. Oedipus, however, tried to run from
his prophecy, and unknowingly fulfilled the prophecy, and was left for dead in the mountains after he
was born.

Oedipus’ tragic life began at his birth in Thebes. When he was born, his father, Lauis, went to the
Oracle of Delphi to see his son’s future. The Oracle told him that Oedipus would kill him, Lauis, and
marry his mother, Jocasta. Lauis and Jocasta did not want this to come true so they stuck a metal pin
through Oedipus’ ankles and told one of their servants to take him to the mountains and leave him
there. The servant took Oedipus to the mountains, but did not leave him there. He gave him to another
servant, who then took him to Corinth to live with Polybus and Merope. Oedipus, through this whole
ordeal, did not hear or understand the prophecy, was put through massive physical pain as a newborn,
and was so young that he would not remember any of it, his true parents and the prophecy included.

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