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13 Electric Fields

Self Evaluation Exercise 13.2 (p.ll)



The Coulomb's force experienced by a point charge q due to another point charge Q is:

F= Qq


F 1

-- o; x1


When -2 increases, the force F increases, x



The force diagram of the system is:



According to Newton's Law, the Coulomb's force experienced by each sphere is the same.

To balance the forces.

TI cm:~ =Mg T2 oos~:::-.Mg TJ sinel = F T2 sin~ =F

11 ';:ineJ = T2, sing:! T[ cosOI T2 cos82

moOI = tan~ ~=~

F Mg

3. B

Similar to Question 2.

No matter how much the quantity of charge on X and. Y are, the Coulomb's force experienced by eaeh sjl.hf::re is the same,

. Txslna '- Trsmp=F

Tx = s.ln{i

Ty sina:

And Tx cos« "" Mx g TycosP = Mrg

Mx = Tx.~ My r; C05P

= sioP. cosa sina cosfJ tanfJ



.: a> p :. t<ma>taDp(Both ~p-::. 90<:) .-. mx< my

4. C




I ~ ...

I ~

I ..



, ,


I Fe " ....

+QBF -; - - - - ~~;-o


The magnitudes of the Coulnrnbs forte acted on B due to the charge at A and C are the same. But they diner in direction. Fe points to the right (attraction) and F, ('.10 ints downwards (repulsion).

(a) The magnitude of resultant force is: (Flli + (Fd1 = (fRi

.r! Q2 J .:.:FII.

"V "'l47rB"oX2


FR = ~


.Ji(2 x 10-' i

4Jr{8.85 x l 0-12 XO.l)l = 0.0509 N


i ~:.... ... ..: '_'_

.• Fc=t. FA.

tan8;oo Fe '" 1 F~



The c lcetrostatic force between 2 protons is: Sel f Eva I u ati on Exercf se 13.3: (p. l4)

F = QLQ2, = (QI'/ (Q~ - charse of a prcton) 1, D

d 4 2 4 l ~ -<;:I

m:.'ox mil" The electric force 011 a negative.charge is opposite in

The gravitational fOTCe between them is: direction to the electric field.

F ~ Gm.m, G(mp)2 2. (a)

e; x~ .xl (n1p-massofaprotou)

The ratio is:

fL = (Q[1)l

F~ G(m]Y4!f&(o

, , ,

, \


6.67)( 10' LJ »: (1.67 x 10-;;:7 )::: x 4 st (8.85 x IO-L2), = 1.23 x l(r~

7. Be-cause the system is not Lwo point charges at a distance x apart, The charges are evenly distributed on the spheres' surfs Ce.5.

+ +


• ---..!

F ~




For example, the closest distance between two spheres Is. Self Evaluation Exercise 13.4 (p.19)

x . __ 2R and the farest distance i~ 4 + 2R. After squaring of 1. To studv the electric field at point P, a positive test

distance, the force due to the charges at points on the charge is placed at point P to decide the direction of

, Q2 electric field, And the resultant field can be calcularcd by

spheres surface does not equal to F~ 4JU:'I)x" . vector addition.

-0 a +0 y---~-------·.z

8. (a) Charging by friction refers 1..0 the seeds loosing electrons due to friction between the seeds and their surrounding, and so acquiring a pesuive charge.

(b) Electric force = weight


al I





'.8. I



---=-., = mg


l 450

X .. _~ -~:-------1~

+0 a'

, ee

=> s: = ~~-


(L60xlO-L~)(1.6D}dO J~)

Ez .,

~ Since tho distance .between P an~ X is th~ S:8.1111;l as that of 1

P and Z. the magnitude of electric field 18 the same: J

Q 1


4n:(S.RS x 10-1< )(9.0 x 10-14 )(9.B I) -t- 2.6(17 x 10-]f,

• X -r- ~2.607 x 10-~(,

= 1.614 x 10''<; rn= 16 nm

And the electric field due to charge at point Y is:


47fl;o ella) 2 4Rs1ja2 (2)

The resultant field (ER) is:


.. ,


" ~KZ ,





IoE-fE---O.15 m --~}I

The magnitude of electric Held due to positive c harge j So the Same as that of negative charge. ". The magnitude of total electric field is:

.l q]_ 2 X 10-1

~ 4m"().\"2 2;1'(8.85:-:10-12)>::(0.15 +2f

= 6.39 x IO;j:N c-1

The direction of electric field is along the negative charge.

(b) The magni tude of force is:


--: (6.39 x 1O~(1.6 x IO-J~ = 1.02 x 10-13 N

. . The- electron is negatively charged,

The direction of'force is opposite to the direction of electric field. 1 t is towards the positi ve charge.

3. A

Electric field will not be zero between two opposite charges, Point of zero field will be further away from the point charge of greater magnitude {-2Q) than from the point charge of smaller magnitude (Q).

Setf Evaluation Exercise 13.5 (p.2B)

1. C

For a point charge:

E= .Q and V= __g_

4.u'ar2 4.1U'o1"

2. D

Electric potential at a point i8 the work done to move a unit positive charge from Iufinity to that point.

V= W q

15 1

=-=5JC ""5V J



Electric potential is a scalar quantity .

.. The total electric potential due to Q: and Q2 is simply scalar addition:

Vp == VI I V;;: = 60 + 120 = 180 V

Electric field is a vector quantity"

The total electric field due to Q1 and Q21~ calculated by vector addition.


(' p ............




e' - - - - - - - - - - - - - :::'0

01 ~

, }


30 V rn-·1

l ~ ~

E[> ~ E1 + Ei"

Er = ~302 + 402 = 50 V m"

4. D

dV E=- -ax

The negati vc sign of the equation means that along the direction of electric field. the slope (the rate of change of electric potential with distance) is negative, In other words, along the direction of electric field line, the electric potential decreases.



The resultant electric potential of each point is the addition of electri c potential due to positive charge and also due to negative charge at that point.

. , A L the mid- point between the two charges, th e electric potential is zero,

V)"" v4=O

O~ the right side from the central axis, the electric p01C11 tia 1 is negative. OD the left side, e lectri c poientia! is positive.

The greatest potential difference is between points 1 and),

6. A

7. C

8. C

9. .R

10. (a)

-- - ...... - - - ........

t ...
I .E
; __ ........ - ........ :.... ...

.....- ............. -~




I J j I ~ I I I I ~E




! I I

j I j



.... \

11. Yes. These ere two examples.

{1) The system of six identical charges Q placed symmetrically around a circle,



, . I' 6Q It'

At the centre the electric potentia is --, IS

. ' 4n-b'or

not zero, However, the electric field at the centre is zero,

., The charges are equally apart from the centre, By symmetry, the resultant electric. field 1~ zero.

1\1 agnitude: E L = £2, == E'J, .:.... E4 = L's = Ho

. . E I cancels E41 E2 cancels [.~ and E3 cancels E~, (2) lnside 11 charged conducting sphere,

_ Q 1 _

r =--,- andE-O

4i1'6~1 R



Electric potential is constant inside the conducting sphere, By symmetry. the electric field strength is zero.

12. (8)


The definition of electric potential is:

V= ____Q_


500 _ 3 X 10-11

4Jr(8,85 x 10- 12)R

R :.=. 5.39 x lcr ill

The charge of the new drop is double that of the original one. And the volume of the larger spherical drop is also double that of the original drop.

The volume of a sphere is:

Vol = .i trR3 oc RJ 3

And the electric potential is:

V= _Q_ ::::;,. Vel:; Q ;::;.Rcr:., Q

4~~R R Y


[ Vollargc )~ _ RJargc _ VCO'j~II.aJ Qlat!1c

Vol"rigim.J R"risin.1 V 1Mo!!. Q uriginal

V origioaL. ~Bl~


v _ 2(5QO)

1"'l9"- L

23 =794 V

13. (~) (j) Sketch as solid arrows, radiating out from sphere, labelled E.

(li) Sketch as concentric circles in dashed lines with increasing spacing. labelled V.


(b) (i) Calculate Vx in 3n1 column:

x/em V!V V::r/V(...m
I 19 1.50 )( io' 28.5 x 10:;
25 1.14 x l(f , 2X_5 x I(l~
32 0,89 x lO~ i 28.5 x 10~
39 0,73 x 105 28,5 x l(l" Vx - 28.5 x 1 ():' ~ constant 1

=> v~-



V~lJ]f+lC~ 1" = con stant (28,5 x l(5) -'. Radius of sphere,

r = (28,5 x lO~) 7- (1.9 x lOs) = 15 em

V= __Q_



Q = 4r-:-Jrt'{lr

-'- 4 (1.9 x lOs)Jr (8.85 x 1O-L2)( 15 x 10-2) "-3.l7xlO-(,C

Self Evaluation Exercise 13.7 (p,35)

1. C

The electric potentia l due to 1 charge Q at the centre is:



Electric potential is a scalar quantity. The total electric potential at the centre due 1:Q the 6 charges Q

_ 6Q ..



And the work done to remove a point ?harge q is:

W= Vq= 6Qq ,


r --....__ .. _,

\ ....





4. The electric force betv .. eeu two protons is:

p= Q1Q2 (1,6 x lO-liJ)l

4Jr&(lx1: 4~{g,85 x 10-1-;: )(1.5)( 1 wV)"~

= l02.3 >I

The 1.'1 ectric potential due to a proton at a distance ); is:



And the work done against the force to bring the other proton at distance 1.5 x 1 O-!~ m is:

W=Vq=~·Q2 41r&~x

(1.6:-: 1 O-lQ)2

4n-(8.85 x 10-12 )(1.5 x 10 .. 15) = 1.53 X 10-]3 J

Self Evaluation Exercise 13.8 {p,38)

1. (a) (i) "Mark the llpp~r plate as more positive.

E +

(H) V
d . , p.d. between plate'S,

V=Ed- (3.0 x 104)(0,012)= 360 V (b) Let a~ =' acceleration of an electron

Force -= mass 'x acceleration

i.e, !!E = m.a;

eE (1.60 x 1O-1~ )(3,O.x 104)


m.. . 9.11 x lo-··~I

= 5.3 x 1015 m S-2

Self Evaluation Exercise 13.9 (p.16) 1. 0

P Q ;;;:;;;;::::::==:=!:J:.F~~ X.d!recllon


By definition, electric field 1~ the force acting on a unit posi ti ve charge,


E= _ .'. F=Eq


Electric potential at a point is the energy required to bring a unit positive charge from infinity to that point.


V"" _ .', U=Yq


The work done of moving a charge from infinity is the force acting on it times the displacement, Because the direction of the force is opposite to that of the displacement, there is a negative sign in the equation, And suppose the displacement is small. then

dU dll= -Fdx .', F:::1! - dx




dx afJ qE = -: dx


E;;o __ q_=_dV

dx dx

2. C

When the electric potential is! zero, the electric field may not be eq ual to zero. An example is the case inside a charged conducting sphere,



Choke A (incorrect)

Joule is not the unit of electric potential. The correct units are Joule per Coulomb and Volt.

Choice B (incorrect)

The correct statement is that the electric field is given by the rate of change of electric potential with distance. Choke C (incorrect)

By the definition of electric potential at a point, it should be the work done to move OJ unit positive charge from infinity to tho point,

4. A.

The shaded area between P and Q

It represents the potential difference between P and Q,

3. D


E= -g_~ dx

where - dV is the slope of -CllH'C_ dx

The negative sign means that when the slope is positive, the electric field strength is negative.


"" -2.5 =-5

I 0.5

, I 1

• slope I slope I , 4 : :w: 0 ~

'-2 j-'~_';'






~ !


E tV rrr"

'-6 !






~ I I

, t

I ,


The electric potential at any point inside a conductor is the same.

dY AndE= --


. dv 0

V IS constant, - =



.: .. 1

From another point of view, the electric field stmlgIh must be zero inside a conductor. Otherwise, there will be a force to move charge imide the conductor. Then. the case is not applicable to static charge ( electrostatic).


E=-- _dV dx

If the electric potential OIl the surface (If a charged

conductor is not the same everywhere, then dV '*- o.


And there is resultant electric field that would drive the charges til move from a point to another. The charges are not static and it is not the case for electrostatic.

Self Evaluation Exercise 13.10 (p,49)

1. (a) Coulomb force is the force between charged particles:

_ 1 QIQ~ 1

Fe _. -_._- GC.-

4!fS'o r ~ r~

Gravitational force is the force between masses:

F. - GM1M2 1

G- :L-

r2 r2

For similarity, both forces are directly proportional

to -!, (obeys in verse :-;quare 1 a w). That means if the


distance between 2 charges {masses) doubles, the force between them is decreased by 4 times.

For difference, Coulomb force call be attractive or repulsive. The force between like charges (+, +),

( -~ -) is repu lsi ve. The force between unl j ke ch arges (+. - ) is attractive. However, gravitational [orcc between masses must be attractive. This means masses has the tendency to move towards each other,

(b) In Hydrogen atom, there is one proton and one electron. The magnitude of charge ora proton is eq val to that of an electron,

The magnitude of the Coulomb force is:

Fc __ 1_. QpQc

. 4n:~:{1 ,2

4n:(!U-l5 x 10 l1 XS.3 )( 10-11)2 = 8.19 x 1O-l'i N

The magnitude ofthe gravitational force is: __ GMrM~


= (6.61):: 10-11 )(1.673 x 10-.7 )(9.11 dO-?-l)

. (.5Jx]o 11)2

... 3@ ::c:"'0-47 N

The ndiO,{tetween Fe and FG is:

.. 8

Fe = 8.19><10· =2.26>< 10J9~ llY9

Po 3.62 X 10--.117

(c) The clccfric force experienced by a charge in electric field is:

F&"'Eq "

-The weight of electron is mg.

Fe= 1.6mg 1iq = 1.6 mg

E -'= 1.6 x(9.11 x W-31) x 9.8

1.6 x 10-L~ "

= 8.9 x 10-1 1 V m 1


(a) Electric field at a point is the force acting on a unit

of positive charge at that point, '

· . Unit rOT" electric field is N c-J•

Gravitational field at a point is the force acting (In a unit of mass at that point,

U nit for gravl tat i onal f eld is N kg-I.

Electric potential at a point in an electric field is the work done" ( energy) requ ired to move 8 unit positi ve charge from infinity to that point.

· . U nit for electric potential is J c-I .

Gravitation potential at a point in a gra vitational field is the work done by ihc gravitational force to bring a unit mass from infinity to that point.

· . Unit for gravitational potential is J kg'.

(b) (J) Y
EH ,
A. ,
-Q ".8 +0

A and Bare equidistant from C After breaking

the fi e I ds into .r and y components, the y 2.

components of two "field cancel each other,

The res ultant electric field points to negative x-direction.

(ji) Y

A. g), gfil .B
m • m Since gravitati onal force is always attractive, the fields due to two masses point to the masses. After breaking the field into components. the resultant field points to negative j-directlon,

{in) "The electric potentials due to the charges at A and Bare:

J.'':' -Q



The resultant potentia] is:

-Q Q

VA+ V8= -- + -- =0

4n-sor 4fft:~r

The gravitati (mal potentials du e to the masses at A and Bare:

-Gm VA=-r

-Gm Vn=-~


The resultant poten tial i 8;

V TT _"-Om Gm _ -2Gm A+fB--------

r r ~.

Review Exercise 13 (p.53) M~-ChoK.

A. ~-..-




A conductor has the same potential at any point on its surface. .. VI' "" V!!,

And at deformed or sharp region, the surface charge density is higher. And thus the electric field there i~ also higher.

.. charge density at Q"< a. ele .... 1ric intensity at Q -:: E,


Because of the repulsion between like charges, the charges arrange themselves 3!! far as possible from others. Therefore, charges appear only on the surface of

the sphere. "

3. C

The rate of charge leakage is 64 J-!A. That means 64 !1C charge is removed per second, And the area of belt running through it is:

0.04 x 0.8 = 0.032 m2 !5-1 Therefore. the charge density is:

Charge densitv = _C_h_arg-=._e

• Area.

64 x 10-6 0.032

"=2J) x lo-JCm-2

4. D

Choice A (incorrect)

By definition, electric potential ar a point is the work done required to move a unit positive charge from infinity to that point.

Choice B (incorrect)

By definition, potential gradient at a point is: dV

- =-E


It is the negat ive of electric field at th at point.

Choice C (incorrect) 8.

By definition. electric field strength ar a point it; the force

act in B on a unit positi ve charge placed a.t that point.

Choice D (correct)

See e x planation ill choice B.

5. D

The maximum potentia] is the potential at which the electric field intensity at the sphere's surface just equal to air breakdown field. Therefore, the maximum potential is dererm lned by maximum electric f e ld ar the surface. And only choice D is a factor affecting electric field at surface.

ETIln~ = Q ..


R is the radius of the sphere,

Choice C is a factor affecting the time needed to reach maximum potential. Other choices have no relation with the maximum potential.



The potential at any point of a conductor is always the same, Therefore, the potentials of the: two spheres are equal,

And by the conservation of charge, charges on the two spheres on l y 1 ran sfer and arrange themsel v es to make the two spheres having the same potential No charge is being destroyed or created as the system. is dosed.

There Iorc, the charge is conserved.

And because there is a transfer of charges, current passes through the conducting wire. As w ire prossesses resistance, there is a loss. of electrical energy against



7. The relation between charge and electric potential is:

V=~Q- 4MaR

(Ill For the sphere of 1_0 m radius,

1.0 x] ()ft = Q

4tr(8.85 x 10-]1)1

Q = 1.11 x 10--4 C

(b) 'FOT the sphere of 1.0 em radius,

1.0)( 1O~ = Q,

4n(R_R5 x 1O-1~ )0,01

Q = 1.11 x lcr>C

(a) The total charge on the earth's surface is:

Charge= Surface charge density )( Surface area = (2.0 x 1O-1~ x 4n(6.4 x 1O~)1.

= 1.03 )( 10 4 C

ThE; electric potential of earth is;

V'" ___g_


1.03 x 10-4


4Jl'&'Q{6,4 x 106 ) =- 0.145 V

(b) The electric field strength at a point close to the earth's surface is:



0,145 - 2,26 x 10--8 V m-1

6.4 x JO~

(a) Electric potentia] at point A i~:

VA = _g_ __ l_ = _£_,!

41lC8 rQI! 4;'7"&(1 4

= ___Q_


Electric potenti al at point B is; Vn= ___Q_. _1_ = _Q_ _ _!_

4.m:o rQn 4ffEo 3

= __g_


The potential difference between two points is:

IVA - V~ = _Q_ I(_!_ - .!..)I

Jrl;~ 16 12

1.0)( 10--6 (0-0208)

;tf'(8.85 :x lO~l:Z}



(b) .. Vn> VA

. , When a positive charge moves [rom B to A, work is done: by the charge,

The work done is:

W= ·Vq

=·('!A9 x 10'1) x (2,0 x 10...c) :!:: 0,1498 J

10. (II.)

Coulomh's Law ill electrostatics states that the electric field due to a charge Q is:

E= ....Q_ .~l ~_1

411:&"1) ri r2

The magnitude ottae electric field is inversely proportional to the sq uare of distance from the

point .

Similarly, Newton's Law of Gravitation states that the gravitation al field due to a mass M j s;

GM I ;;=--cl::-

,2 ·,1

The magnitude of gravitational field is also inversely proportional to the square of distance from the point.

These two are examples of the inverse square law field, The strength of tbis kind of field is inversely proportional to the square of distance,

The relation between strength and distance is shown below,

Strength of ttla 11eld

I...........~----- Distanoe

(b) Electric potential at a point is the energy n:;quired to bri n g a unit positive IJhaTgC from infinity to that point. It is a property of electric field regardless of whether a f;hal1!:~d object has been placed ill that field. However, electric potential energy is the: energy of a system OOn. s isung of the charged object arnl the external electric field,

Moreover, electric potential is measmotd in Joules per Coulomb orin W) I t, but electric potential

en. .. rgy i:05 measured lu Joules,

(c) (1) \.VhCl1 a conductor is connected to the earth, it is always at rhe earth's potential. Conductors contain 'free electrons'. When a

negati yeo ly-cherged rOO is placed nearby, the eloctrons of the conductor repel and move to the earth through the wire. As a result, the conductor carries <I. net positive charge,

+ + +






Around th-e positively-charged sphere, pnsiti ~'C electric potential is generated as the graph shown below:



So, at the position ofthe conductor. the potential is positive.

And the- conductor is isolated, although positive charges and negative charges are separated, it is al ways neutral (no net charge).

11. {a) (1) (ll)

~ ~ (&1) is the permittivity offree space)

41ie~r .

Only for points outside the conducting sphere. Inside a. sphere, the electric field is zero by symmetry and potential is a constant within the sphere, This case is different from the case of point charge, whose electric field and potential decrease with distance when r -:: R,


I chargoo



(b) (i)



Both He nucleus and Au nucleus are positively charged, the force between them is repulsi ve. Therefore, energy is needed to move the He nuc leus towards the Au nucleus,

By conservation of energy, the closest point the He nucleus can reac h should be the point w here the electric potential energy of the system (He & Au) is equal 10 the kinetic

ClK .. 'Igy of the He nucleus.

1 . .2 __ QF1~QAu

-mf-:lc .... -

2 4 .... £i)x

(Q~-chargc of He, 2 positive charge. QA~-charge of Au. 79 positive charge MII~·mass of He, 2 neutrons and 2 protons) The kinetic energy is:

1 -f11Hey. 2

= _!_ (2 x 1.673 )(10-27 + 2 x l,675)( 1(1--27) x (7_0 x 10Gi 2

= 1.64 x lO-B J

And electric potential energy "" kinetic energy

Q}{o:QAII = 1.64 x Hru 4/'tcox

2 x 79 )( (1.6 x 10-19 )2 ---"---------,-,,---=- = 1.64 X 10-13

4 ... (8.85 x 1 o-U.)_x

x == 2.2 x 10- Ll m

(li) The gravitational a.t'tl'a(tioo li negligible since the magnitude of electric fo.ree is much greater than gravitational force

( ... The ~5eS of He and Au are small)

c. .o::e: HKALE

12. (a) Drawn on Fig. (a), the direction uf thc electric field is from the positive plate to the negative plate,

j +300 V

path of electron from electror"l gun

Fig. (a) (b) (i) Electric field strength

E = t.y


300- (-300)


,... 5.0 x 1O~ N C 1 (if) Force on an electron

= eE = (l.W x 1 O-1~)(5 ,0 x lcr) "" 8.0)( lQ""l:>N

(c) Referring to Fig_ (a), the electron will be deflected towards the positive plate, describing a parabolic Path.

13. (.) (i) The gravitational force is a force of attract i em between masses with a magnitude that is proportional to the product of'the masses and is inversely proportional to the square of their distance.

Whereas the gravitational Held strength at a point in a gravitational field is the gravitational force per unit mass. acting on any object at that point

(Ii) The electric po (entia I V at a. point in an c lcetri c fie 1 d F is defined as the work done ill bringing a unit positive charge from infinity to the: point.

Whereas the electric potential energy U of a charge q in an electric field 1!': defined as the work done in bringing the charge q from infinity to the point, i.e, U.=: q V,

(b) (I) Charge on the go ld nucleus

10 1~ C ;;:;; nJl x e = 79 )( 1 .60 x

-;: 1.264)( 10-11 = 1.26 )( 10-P C

(iI) l, Electric potential due to the go-ld nnoleus

V",,_g_ ,


4Jf(S . .85 X 10-]2 )(2,:5}( 10'·[:;=) '" 4,546 x l~i = 45 kV

2. a-particle, iHe, has 2 protons,

Electric potential energy of the a-parL"icl(,'l 2
u ... QV= (2 x 1.60 x 1O-t'!l)(4,546 x 1(f) ~
"" 1.5 x 10-14 J -
(c) (I): Relationship between the energies: -.e.
ET""'K .. ;+EE
(iI) 1. In an a..particle scattering experiment, the
ratio of the gravitational forces to the '
clectncal forces is in the order of 10-13,
Therefore gravitational effects arc
ignored in the experiment.
2. The electric potential of the a:.particll: at a
distance r from the nucleus is
independent of the path taken to reach
that position, Therefore the direction of
approach need not be considered,
14. (a) (i) l. The electric field strength at a point in an
electric field is the electrostatic force
acting per unit positive charge placed at
that point,
2. The electric potential at a point ill all
electric field is the work done per unit
charge it) bringing the charge from
infinity to the point, irrespective of the
path taken ..
(ii) j,V
ill" Hence, the electric field strength at a point may be computed from ihe gradient of the tangent at the point on the grapb (If electric potential versus distance from the point

(h) (J) All values of gravitational potential are negati ... e because masses ~ lways attract one another. i.e, the gravitational force between two masses Is always attractive.

(ii) The gradient at a point on. the graph of Fig. (a) equals the change in gravitational potential per unit distance from the surface. This equals the rna gnitude of the gravitational f el d strength at the point, according to the answer to {:ill )(11) and is also the acceleration of free fall at that point.


-29.5 +--i..+-+





-30.0 '---'.~+-'-'-'+-""",--,---+-----.-'--,+....,J;,.,;.....;.-j


o 4 8 12 16 I 20

t t

surface surtace

of Pluto of Charon

1. The acceleration of free fall is zero where the gradient of the graph ill Fig. (a) is zero. From [be graph, the di SUHre from the surface 0 f po J uto at w hich the acceleration offree full is zero

= 13, & x 106 m,

2. The acceleration of free fan on the surface of Charon

= gradient at d is equal to 1 5.4 x 1 0(:. m

[-29.52 - (-29,76)])( lOf

{19.2 -14,S}xW~

(taking only the magnitude) = 0.055 ill fi,. 2

(c) ·(l) In order to rea-ch Pluto, the rock must make it past the point where the acceleration of free fall is zero. Le. where d =- 13.6 x lO'" m.

From that point to the surface of P luro, change in potential,

!i¢J = [-29,565 - (-30)] x 106 J kg 1

7" 0 .. 435 x.106 J kg-1

The rock reaches Pluto with the minimum

ve 1 ocity when its velocity fit d'" 13.6 x 106 m is zero.

1 ~

~mv· "" mt1¢ 2

v = ~2!J.' .:: ~ 2 x 0.435 x lOG . = 933 m S-L

(U) In order for the rock to travel from Pluto to Charon, it must make ic past the point

d ~ 13.6 X 101'1 m, The change in potential

bel ween thi ~ point and the surface of Charon is smaller, Hence the minimum speed on reaching Charon is less than that calculated in (i).

15. -16-. HKALE Questions

114 Capacitors

Self Evaluation Exercise 14.2 (p.63) 1. B

2. D

3. The L harge stored in the capacitor 1 s:


= (5 x lO-6X 12) = 6 x lO-~ C

= 60 pC

4. (3) Current is the rate of flow of charge p!..'t unit time.

Therefore. the charge stored by a constant current



= (2 x 1 O· ~) x 20 = 4}( 1O-~ C =40tL'

{b} The capacitance of a capacitor is defined as the charge stored per unit voltage across it. Therefore, the CapaciLiL11-0L:: is:

C-'-' Q V

4 x 10-5 20

= 2 x 10-6 F =2jlF

C> t'~A . d

(RgS X 10-1 ~ ) )( ( 2() 21

:;::: \...100 )


= 1. 77 x 10 .. 12 F

= 1.77 pF

(b) For two parallel plates with dielectric of dielectric. constant (E,.) equals to 5, the capacitance becomes:

C"= Bl)s,.A

d .... ~C

= 5 x 0.77 x 1O-12} = g.85 x 1O·1~ F

= 8.85 pf

3. The area of metal strip overlapped for storage of charge


A =; 0.02 )( 0.4 = g x 10-3 mJ

The capacitance for tilt! paper capacitor is:

C> cot·,.A d

(8.BS )( 10-12 ) x 2 x (8 X 10-3) 0.002 -j- 100

= 7.08 x lO-<j F

= 7.08 of'


. 1. B

To create: 30 V potential diff-erence across the capacrtor,

Self Evaluation Exercise 14.6 (p.75)

certain amount of charge has to accumulate on the capacitor, The amount of charge required is:


= (20 x 1 C'-") x 30 .,. G x 10-4 C

And the time needed to accumulate the charges by constant current oft 0 mA is:

1= Q 1

6 x 10-4


= 0.06 s

Self Evaluation Exercise 14.3 (p.68) t. A

2. (a) For two parallel plates with air as medium between them, til e capacitance is:

2. (It) Equi valent capacitance ( q = CI + C: = 100+50 = 150#

(h) We have Q = cr.

For the 100 jiF capacitor:

Charge stored = (100 x 10-1 x 12 = 1.2 x: 1 ()-1 C

For the 50 pJ capacitor:

Charge stored = {50 )( 10-Q) x 12 = 6.0).( 10-4 C


(a) (i) The capacitance of a conductor is defined as the charge stored per unit voltage applied

.L. •. • Q

across ine capacitor, i.e. capacitance = V.

The unit for capacitance is farad (F). One farad is the capacitance of a capacitor if the charge on each of the plates of the capa-citor is 1 C

when a p.d, of 1 volt is applied across the capacitor.

, F


4-- 1 V--to--

(ii) Charges cannot flew into Qr out of a body made of insulating material, This means il cannot be used to store charges ill supply charges when required. Thus. the concept 0 f capacitance is inappropriate for a charged body made of insulating material,

(b) (i) The capacitance of a metal sheet increases when an earthed conductor is placed near it The presence of the earthed conductor reduces the electric potential Vofthc metal sheet Hence, from the equation.

c= Q V

when V decreases, the capacitance increases. [ll) The insertion of a dielectric between the metal sheets further increases the capacitance. From the equation:

_ ;>o&,.A c---


where A = area of the metal sheets,

d = separation between the metal sheets,

c: = relati ve permittivity of the dielectric. Since e; > 1, the capacitance C nf the capacitor increases,





The Jl .d. a-cross C. and Cl are the same, i .e, V. Charge on C. (Q1) = C! V

Charge on Cz (Q.) = Cl V

Q1 = elF" "" _S_

Q~ C2V C2

By conservation of charge. the amount of charge stored in the first capacitor is equal 10 that stored in first and second capacitors after connection,

Since they STe connected i.n parallel. the 1'(11. across lite first and second capacitors are the same: (-«;I V). And the equivalent capaci lance is ~qual to tbe: Stitil(lf the two capacitances,



40V Q = q VI = (C. + ['2) V2

(2 ~ 1 Q--<i) x 200 = t2 x 1 {)--t. + C:~=> x 40 C1 = 8 X 1O--(i F

- 8.uF

Self Evaluation Exercise 14.7 (p. 79)

I. A

Since the equivalent capacitance is JC$~ than the original one. the additional capacitor has to be connected in series with the original capacitor.

Choice B, D are incorrect.

Choice A [correct)

1 1 1


C 2 2

C - 1 lif Choice C (incorrect)

1 1 1


~' 2 0.5

C = 0.4.uF

1. D

Because the system is closed, after they arc connected, the total charge in the system must he unchanged.

A.nd when the capacitor Y is connected to the capacitor X, charge on capacitor X redistributes and a certain amount of charge moves to capacitor Y according to the capacitances,

The p.d, across X is V = Q.


After connection, same charge moves to capacitor Y, the charge stored on capacitor X decreases, therefore p.d, across capacitor X also decreases,

V= Q


Capacitaoce is constant, Voc Q.lfQ J.. V J. Therefore. the total Charge on both capacitors remains unchanged but the p.d. across X decreases.







3. (a) The capacitors are connected in series. Therefore, the equi va lent capacitance is:

1 1 I 1 I


C C1 C2 Cj Cot

1 1

~ + + + ------

2;<10-11 2::.::10-6 2xl0-(> 2x10-6



2. x 10-6

C = 5 x 10-·--; f '-' 0,5 ,.uF

(h) The capacitors arc connected In parallel, the equiva len t capacitance is:

C -= C1 -'- C~ - C3 + C4

= 2 x ro ' + 2 x 1 U ..... + 2 x 10-<5 + 2 x lO--<!i == 4(2. x ] O--('j)

= S xl O-f> f

= 8 JJF

(c) Ttl c arrangement is. eq u i valent to t\VQ capacitors eLl and C:!4 connected in parallel.



: °'11 I~




c,~ = C34

I 1 (1 1"\

-=-- ~ +~--

CI~ CJ4 \.2x10-<i 2)(.]0-6)

C ,i ~ C34- = 1 x 10 fi F

- 1 ,uP

The equivalent capacitance is:

C = eL2 + C34 = 1 x 1O~ + 1 X 1O--<!i = 2 ~ 10-<5 f

=2 ,UP

(d) The arrangement. is equivalent to 3 capacitors, Ct, C:~:l and C~ connected in series.

C:l3 = C~ + C~

= 2 x 1 O~ + 2 x: 1 O....()

.. = 4 x lO-G ... = 4 ,ttF



. The equivalent capacitance is:

1 . 1 1 1


C C1 C2~ C4

1 1

,.; + +---

2 X lO-ii 4)(10-6 "1 x 10 ~

= 1.25 x lOG.

C"""O,8:x 1O-6F=O.8-j.iF

3,uF . 61tF

..........---II . -II......_.__



(1 1 J-1

c=()+ -+-

\.) 6

, ""9-2

. .. "".1] .ttF


2pF 2,uF

For two identical capacitors connected in series, the equivalent capacitance i!:) halved.


And the charge stored in each capacitor is the same. As the capacitor has the same capacitance, the voltage across each capacitor is 10 V and the total voltage is the SmTI of two voltages. wlrich is 20 V.


The arrangement is equivalent to two series of capacitors connected in parallel. A~ we calculated in the above part, each series of capacitors has equivalen L capacitance of 1 f.if. These two series are connected in parallel, the equivalent capacitance of the whole ·sys.tem is. 1 pF + 1 p.F

= 2/iP.

ADd the voltage across the capacitors connected in paralic] is the same, As. we calculated before, the upper series and lower series both use up 20 V, As they are connected in parallel, the equivalent voltage acrossthe whole system i~ 20 V,


(a) C, Q

~ ~I- + If.-=-

The equivalent capacitance is:

1 I 1


C 0,1O:x lO-~ 0.20 x 10-1>


c= 15 .ur

As the capacitors arc connected in series. the charge stored on each capacitor is the same,


= (/5 x 10 Ii) x 100

= 20 pC





Afh;r they are connected in parallel, they store 10/3 J£..

Because they are connected in parallel, the voltage O;l(..TU::;'S each capacitor is the same. Besides, the

equ ivalent capacitance l s eq ual to th e addition of capacitance of two capacitors,

C- 0,10 ttF -I- 0.20 ~ = 0.3 pF.

And by conservation of charge. the total charge stored 00 the equivalent capacitor is 2 x 20/3 pC. Therefore. the potential difference across the capacitors is:

V= Q c

2 x ~~)( 10~

= _---=-3 _

0.30 x 10-6

=44,4 V

Self Evaluation Exerdse 14.9 (p.86) 1.


~ .:P..

If the two positive plates are coIUJ.eClC4,_"~ &wi) negative plates are connected, there wiU be ~ charp: cancellation. The lOla.} charge remains ~gcd and only redistribution of charge occurs. The connection is in parallel.



I : 11---_--'

There is redistribution of charge to make the p.d, across each capacitor equal to each other. When there is a flow of charge. energy is required to overcome the repulsion of'Iike charge and resistance of wire,

Therefore, there is a decrease in l."TlCrgy but the charge remains unchanged.




4. {a} The energy stored in the capacitor is:
1 .,
E = - cV'"
~ 2
- _!_ (10.0 X lO~(50()}2
- 1.25 J
(b) To charge a capacitor to a p.d. {) f 500 V, til e e, m.f
of battery should be 500 V. The charge supplied by
the battery is equal to the charge stored on the
capacitor, which is:
= (10.0 x 1 O~) x 500
= 5:.:. 10-] C
(c) The energy provided by the battery is:
= (5 x 10]) x 500
= 2.5 J
(d) The total heat dissipated in the resistance of the
connecting wire and battery is equal to the
di fference between energy stored in capacitor and
the erleTgY provided by battery.
Ell = Eb -s,
= 2.5 - 1.25
= 1.25 J
:s. (.) The charge stored 011 the 10.0 ,UP' capacitor is:
'.,,_ (10.0 x 10-, x 500
.... 5 X 10-1 C
When it is conneded m parallel with a 40.0 ~
C8pll.Citol' w~ it initially uncharged, there is
redistrib~ of.chatge from 10,0;.iF capacitor to
"44t~~ti'.! ":" , "
.... "' '" . , ..... +F~ -~_

, O.O,uF


The equivalent capacitance is:

C = 10.0 pl-" + 4U.U·.j.I~ ::... 50.0 j.if

The energy stored in capacitors before connection


= 1. x (l0.0 x 1O-~) X (500)2 = 1.25 J 2

(b) In the rcdi i"i tri buti on of charge. the p.d. acres .. capacitor changes, so energy c a nnot be calculated

b - 1 CTl'

yequation -;;- r:

Only when the charge remains unchanged, the total energy stored in the capacitor after connection is:

1 Ql

:2 C

(5 )<10-3)2

2. 50_0 x 1 Wf>

= 0_25 J

A lth ough the total energy S torcd in capacitors before and after connection are different, the en crgy in the process still conserved. The difference 111 energy, LOO J, is dissipated [IS heat in connecting wires because wires has resistance,


[a) Became the capacitor is. charged by connecting it to a battery of e.m.f 200 V, the final p.d, aorosa the

capacitor is also 200 V. .

The charge QIl the capacitor is:


= (5 x lO·:!) x 200 =lxW?C

(b) (i) As there is no charge lo!)!':, the amount of charge remains unchanged, Therefore .. by conservation of charge. the p.d. across the cupuci tOY j s:

Q = cv = CrV'

1 x 10·' = 1 x 10 ·,1 V'

V1= 1 (lOO V

(li) The work done against electric field is the difference between energy stored before and after the adjustment.

w'"' _!_ Cv> _! C' V .z

2 2

;;;;: .!_ {5 x 10-Lo3 x 20lf _ 1 x 1 (rH~ X 1 00(}4) 2


7. (9) When switch S is closed, the two capacitors are being charged, They are connected in parallel, therefore the p.d, across them are the same, and it is equal to Va. The total energy stored is:

l 2 1 2 ~ Cvl';j + - CoVI)

2 2

= CoVr?

(b) (i) When the switch is opened. the two capacitors are isolated from the battery. Th us, the total charge on the capacitors remains unchanged. Therefore, the resulting p.d, V'a'-'TQSS the capacitors is:

Q = 2CoV(I = [ c, + ~ Co ) vt


2CoVo = ..:... C( V'

4 .

V' = .: Vo s

= 1.60 Vo3

UO The work done is. equal to the difference in energy stored. before and after the adjustment. ·Before reducing capacitance;

. Energy = 1. CF" 2_{2Ca)~~ = CoVo2

. 2. 2

After reducing capacitance:

. 1

E:Mfg)' 0= - C' V ,2


l [5 - ) (8 J2

"":2 4(;0 3·~0

::; 1.6 CoVr} .

The work cone is:

W = 1.6 Co Vo 2 _ Co V1) 1

. :2

"" 0.6 9QVo


(a) (j) Charge stored Qu one plate of the capacitor, Q ow; CV·' .,.

= (:200 }( (O-~)(30) = 0.006 0 C (U) Energy stored by the capacitor,

1 1

E "" '---;·QV * :- (0.006 O)(30) ;; 0-090 J

Z. 2

(b) (J) Tile total charge all the capacitors will have the same value before and after connection. (U) Thep.d, across each capacitor will be the same

after the connection. .

(or) T oral capacitance {If capacitors in paralle 1

C = 20G x 1 cr--O + 100 x 1 o-t' = 300 x 10 ~ F P .d, across capacitors,

V = Q = 0,006 0 '" 20 V

C 300>< 10 (j

Total energy stored,

1 1

E = - QV = - (0.0060)(20) '" Q,{)6{) J

2 2

9. (a) The electric potential at a point in an electric field is defined as the work. done in bringing .a unit positive charge from infinity to the poin t.

(b) (ij V= __g_


rm C =- Q V

(iii) Sub (if into (il):

• 4Jl'€l)r

L = Q~- := 4Jr,Q;J'"


(c) (l) Capacitance oftbe sphere,

C.:.... 4JZ"oSir=4n(S.R5 x 10 12)(0,15) = 1.67 x 1 O~ pf

(li) Energy stored on the sphere,

1 Q1

[=- ._

2 C

.= _!_ • (2,0 x } 0-6)2

2 1.668 x io "

= 0_120 J

Self Evaluation Exercise 14.10 (p. 91) 1.


At the beginning of charging, the capacitor has no charge 5. UTI it. It can be treated as a conductor, Thus, the current In

V the circuit is the highest: 10 = -~ .


And as time goes by, charge accumulates on the capacitor, Potential ill built up across capacitor and against the e.m.f of the battery. Therefore, current starts to decrease as follows:

I=lu, e CR

I t is an exponential decay. Only graph of choice D shows this characteristics,



When the switch is closed, we can treat the capacitor ill). a conductor and the initial current in the circuit is:

I ()()

25 x ]()3 = 4 x 10-3 A = 4 rnA

3. C



L__________J t---c=J-- .. ...J

l,uF 1 Mn

Just after the switch i ~ c 1 osed, we call treat the capacitor as a part of wire, So the current is:

V I> - R

= ~ ~1 x 10-4 A 1 x IO~



The time constant is equal to: r=CR

And the equivalent resi ~ lance

1 [1 1 \1

R -=;- :3 )( lOa + J x H)n I

R = 2.1 x lOfi n Therefore, the time constant is:

1"= (5 x 1(""") x (2.1 x lOt.) = 10_5 s


The capacitor is charged by a COIlst~iTI t current. Thus, the charge on the capacitor with respect to time is equal to


(not Q = Q(I ( I _ e .- /n ) , because the e.m.f of battery is not fixed, it increases with lime to keep constant current ill the ciecuit.)

To make the p.d. across the capacitor reach 200 V. the charge on capacitor Is:

Q=CV . .

= (20 )( 10"~) x 300 "" 6 x lO-~ C

Therefore, the time taken is: ' .

Q 6xlO-3-

t= - = .

I lOx 10-3


6. C

7. A

8. D

9. (a) (l) • A capacitance of 100 /.iF' meant that a charge (I f lOO pC will be stored pet unit volt of p.d. applied across the capacitor.

(tl) Charge stored with p.d, of 20 V


= (100 x 10 ~20) '" O,O(J2 {} C (ill) Maximum charge which may be stored ~ charge stored at marked 20 V

-" 0,002 0 C

(iv) Energy stored In the capacitor 1

E= 2"QV

= ~ (0.002 O){20} =.0.020 J

(b) if a p.d. greater than ihe marked voltage is applied, . insu latiou between the p lates may breakdown and allow current to flow.

(c) (i) Irnmedlately after the switch is closed, voltage across capacitor is zero, and

V OUI = supply voltage = 6 V 1.

(ii) After a long time, the capacitor would be fully: charged, current would be zero, and V 0U1 "" O,

Self Evaluation Exercise 14.11 (p, 101)

1. D

The reading U is proportional [0 the magnitude of parameter it measured.

In Circuit 1, the capacitor is inltially charged, Wheu the· switch is dosed, the capacitor starts. to discharge, AJ measures tile current in the circuit, V I measures the voltage across the capacitor, V2 measures the voltage across ihe resistor.

F or discharging thro ugh a constant resistor:

J = I~I e (;R

'----~~ ...... t


In circuit 2, the capacitor is being charged, A 1 measures current in the circuit, V;: measures voltage across :CIlpEK!itor. For c.ha.tgirog via a constant resistance:


Vc -::::;: Vo (1 - e - CR )

1 Al V~
I t f
0 0 Therefore, only the greph for V 3 mate nr;:s the graph shown in question.


The time C~rI) stant of a circuit is the 1 imc equal to CR, And when a capacitor discharges, the charge Q on the capacitor follows:

CR When one time constant passes, Q = Q(I e CR = Q(le-l

1 Q""Qo· -


Therefore. the time constant is the time after _!_ of initial

. e

charge is left on the capacitor.

3. A

The time taken fer p.d, across a charged capacitor to

d sefro Vo . ,

ecrease m Vo to -~ ItO two time constants,


I tr -l _" - CR fi~e - ~~e




t '"" le.R

10 '" {2 )( 2 X" "1 O~ C c= 2.5 x W··' F

= 2.5;iF

4. A

5. Time constant of a circuit is the time needed. for the current to fall from 10 to 10 (0.369 10) during


di sc barging. Therefore, by measuring current with n;8pC(,..1 to time, we can find the time constant, First we set llP the apparatus as follows:


Second, dose switch Sl h) charge the capacitor. Then open S. and close Sl for discharging. Because the time constant is CR = (lOx 1 O-ti) X (lOx 101 = 1001). We choose to record the ammeter reading every 15 So.

Fi nally > plot the graph of J agai nst t. The time constant is the time for I to reach 0.36910.

Review Exercise 14 (p, lOS)

A. ~1t1IG1tQd -r~

L The capacitance of a plate capacitor is: c= BuErA


= (2. 5)(R .1\5 x 10 -12 )(0.02 ~ 0.4) O.OO)xlO-l

-'- 5.9 X 10-9 F

1. The energy provided by discharge of capac .... tor is:

Energy '" Mean power x Time = 2 000 x 0.040

'" 80 J

And it is equal to the energy stored in the capacitor,

Energy = _!_ CP


80 = _!_ CO OOOr 2-

C= 1.6 X 10-4 F = 160,uF

3. (a) (1) The charge stored on the capacitor is:


= (3J) x 1 ~r<i) x H()O = 1.4 x lO-3 C

Tile CJlcrgy supplied by the battery is the total energy of charge Q.


- (2.4)( 10 .~} x 800 ~ 1.92 J

(iO The energy stored in the capacitor is: 1

Energy = - c_v2


= ! (3.0 x W ~}(800l 2

~ 0.96 J

(ill) The difference ill energy is: !ill = 1.92 - 0.96

- 0.9'6 J

It is used to overcome the res istance of the wire when a current flows through the wire. The energy is dissipated as heal in the wife.

(b) (I) The charge still stored on the capacitor at 200 V js:


= (3.0 x 10-(» x 200 =.:. 6)( 10-4 C

And the charge fJ.O\1/S through the tube is equal (0 the net charge stored at 800 V and 200 V. tl.Q = 2.4 x 10-3 - 6 x 10-4

= 1.8 x lO-l C

(ii) The energy stored in capacitors at 200 V is:

Enersv = l CVl

~.",- 2

= _2_ (3.0 x 1 ()-:i)(200y;: 2

= 0.06 J

Therefore, the energy dissipated by the: capacitor is C4Ual tn the difference of energy before and after connecting to the tube.

.1Energy -= 0.96 - 0.06 --::0.90 J

4. For each swing of the bob, 10% of the total charge remains 00 the plates of the capacitor.

Therefore, after five swings, the charge on capacitor is: .

Q '"'" (0.9)~ Q()

= 0.590 49 QQ (Q~ - initial total charge on capacitor)



- -..::..,...

The p.d, flCOOSS the capacitor after five swings is:

V= Q = Q,59049Qu . (Qo "" v. .. 20 vJ

C C C (I

= 0.590 49 V()

= 0.590 49 x 20

= 11.809 3V

s. (a) Assume that the capacitor is fully charged, the pod, across the capacitor should be equal to the e.m.f of battery, which is 10 V,


= {2 x 1O~ x 10 .,- 2 x ro+c

= 20;.£

(b) This is discharging via a constant resistor. The charge on the capacitor follows this equation. After 8 ~,

Q= Q~e CR

--= {2 x }O-~ x e (l:o:lO-~)~(~~w.s) =2.71 x l~C

= 2.71 j£:

6. (3)

battery ~-----ll- -1 t---~__,

At lime = n. the capacitor can be treated as part of the wire, The p.d, of the battery is:


= (100 x 1~) x (1 x J 0"') '-" l(lOV


Tirol! constant r is the time taken for current in the circuit to fall ITOlU fo (100 pA} to ..! Iu (0.36911))

. e

= 36,9 pA From the graph, the time is about 20 s .

As r = CR

20 = C (l X 10"') C=2x105F = 20 pF

7. Because the current \ .... as kept constant, the charge passed through the circuit. is;

Q =It

= (4(} x 10--<5) x 40 = 1.6 x 1 o-~ C

And it is equal to the charge left from the capacitor. The p.d, across the capacitor fell i~ then:

v;;;: Q C

1.6 x 10-3-

10 x 1O-~

... 160V

s. (a) (I) The capacitance of a. capacitor is the charge Q stored Oil the capacitor per unit V() I tage across it.

c= Q V

(ii) The capacitance of a COl) ductor is the ratio of charge Q on the conductor to the potential of the conductor.

C> Q V

(b) The capacitance is: c= I;OC .. A. d

(c) The resistivity of an insulator 1S, p, then the resistance is:


R= p-


The time constant is defined as r'-'- CR. Because the process. is tile self-discharge of the capacitor. the components of time constant are me resistance and capacitance of the capacitor, Thus, area A in the two terms are the: same and e = d,

, [;0&. A ( f l

f R = -d-' P - A) = th c:,.p

(d) After discouuection, the paper capacitor would undergo self-discharge, By the expression obtained in part (e), the lime constant for paper conductor is: r= 4 E,-p

= (8.85 x url,)( 3.7 x (1.0:x 101~ = 0.327 45 s

If the time equals a time constant, charge del-Teases

from initial value of Qo to .! Q{I:. which is equal to e

0.369 Qo-

(i) After 0.33 s,

t= r

:_ The traction of charge remains em the capacitor is 0_3 (i9.

(ii) After 2.0 s,

Q =Qo e l


-QIl e O.B

-= 2_33 X 10-3 Qo

The fraction of charge remained i~ 2.J~ )( lO-J.


A gold leaf electroscope can be used to compare the potential of different systems. The deflected angle 0 is proportional to the potential, So 8increases if potential increases.

(a) If'the plates arc placed closer, the capacitance of the capacitor increases:





And the charge on the plates of capacitor remains unchanged, So the voltage across the cepaeitor decreases as capacitance increases.

V= Q C

A!) ci .v J..

Therefore, the deflected angle edecreases.

(b) When 8 piece of insulator is inserted bet W~C[l the plates, the permittivity of the medium between the p lates increases. And

C''-'- d = f;ot;,A

d d

As s > to)" C'> C

::::} C t

The charge on the capacitor remains unchanged. As the capacitance increases .. the voltage t:lCm:;.~ the capacitance decreases,

y= Q c As ct ,VJ..

Therefore, the deflected angle 0 decreases.

(c) When a metal plate is inserted between the plates but not touching any plate, It will be served as part of the capacitor.

The inserted metal plate bas. negligible thickness, so the capacitance after insertion is:

C" = £u(2A) d 2EaA

= -- '-2C d

C" > C

The charge on the capacitor remains unchanged. Then, the voltage across the capacitor decreases 3.-' the capacitance Increases.

y,,- Q c AsCtyJ-.

Therefore, the deflected angle 8 decreases.

.0. <It> (i) Capacitance iH a measure of how mud. charge must be put (In the capacitor to produce a certain potential difference across it, 10 the other words, the capacitance of a capacitor is the charge stored per unit voltage across it.

c= Q V

(Ii) F arad is the SI unit of capacitance. It is coulomb per volt.

(UiI) Dielectric constant is a ch aracteristic of material, If the space between the plates of a capacitor is completety tilled with a dielectric material, the capacitance is im .. ereased by OJ factor £1'> it is the dielectric constant.

(b) The energy de stored in a capacitor by itoritis; a small amount of charge dq on the. plat~ji nf a capacitor at voltage r is: dE"" Vdq

And the p.d. V is !L



Total energy E stored by to~ of Q charge is:

. . 1 1 Ql

C = I db = - rQ qdq = - . - .

C.t' 2 C

(c) (i} & (it) Because there are tour 100 V batteries, W~ can verify the e.rn.f. of batteries to make the p.d, across A and B be the value we

want. .

We only need to consider rhe combination of capacitors 11) make equivalent capacitance :.t~ we want and prevent the voltage across capacitor W exceed its. max. :



The equivalent capacitance is:

_!_ = (l+ll =1 F

C . 2 2 J

\. /

Energy stored = ]_ Oft = _!_ (1)(1 ooy

2 2

= 5000 J Voltage across each capacitor is 50 V.


......-1 --Ill--IJI-----11

~W'1 1--1 ---111--1 1--1 ---II


L- ~ ~----------~

400 V

The equivalent capacitance is:

r 1 1 1 l ..... -L

C=2 -+-+-+-1 = 1 F \2 2 2 2..-

lTiJ.l ~

Energy store-d = '2 Cr- = '2(1){400),"

= 8 x 104 J Voltage across each capacitor is 100 V.

j '.: .:" ..

1 '1

.~ 11. (a)

,I •. ".,.

1 ,'.'


~." :,' I :


r-II II-------II--------!
I 11---1 l

I II------i

A B 300 V

The equivalent capacitance is:

C:;::: 3 (1. - _!_ + ! t = 2 F 2 2 2)

1 , 1 2

Elleryy stored= - cv" = - (2)(300)

2 2 .

= 9 X 10" J Voltage across each eapaci Lor is l 00 V.

The total energy stored in the 10 capacitors "is.:

Energy = lOx _!_ eve 2

I --1:1-,'

= 10 x - x (5W x I {) ) x (15()t


= 56.25 J

The total charge supplied by the battery is equal 1.iJ the total charge stored on the 10 capacitors.

Q'" 10 CV

= 10 x (500 ).( l~) )( 150 = 0.75 C


, 0 oapaeitors

~ __ ..A... __

r -..,

,---------I H ~ - ~ ~ ~ H I-----------,



5.0 X 107 n

The p.d, across mel'! capacitor is 150 V. As the 1 0 capacitors are connected in-series, the p.d. across A and B is. the sum of p.d, across the 10 capacitors.

V = 10 x 150 = 1 500 V The equivalent capacitance is:

C"'" [10 x . 1 . "J-l

. 500 x 10-1>

= 5 x 10-~F

(j) The initial current is simply: j = !::_


1 500


S.Ox107 -'-= 3 x 1O-~ A

(ii) The total charge through the resistor is equal to the total charge stored on the capacitors. Every charge passes through the resistor to

di 8-C harge,

Total charge through resistor is:


= (5 x to ") »: 1500 =OJ175C

= 7.5 x 10 1 C

(jii) By the conservation of energy. the total heat produced in the resistor is equal to the energy stored in the 1 () capacitors,

The total heat is:

Energy -'= _!_ C~.>2 2

= _!_ (5";i. 10 ~)(l 5(0)l 2

- 56.25 J

(iv) The energy is. conserved in this case, The electric energy stored in the electric field between the plates of capacitors. is converted into heat. It is because there is resistance, when a current passes through. work done is needed to overcome resistance and heat is th e '"Il produced.

12. (a) The trace shown OIl screen ofeRO represents the p.d, across tile capacitor.

When the switch S is opened and the ball is released, the ball is moving towards the bat but is still in the air. The circui l is nut closed, therefore no discharge OCClU"S. The p.d. remains unchanged and is at 6.0 V. This explains the shape of tile "first part of the trace.

When the ball is in contact Willi the hat, tile circuit is closed, The capacitor discharges through the resistor. The p.d, across the capacitor follows:

V= V~e a;:

The p.d. decays exponentially with time. This explains the exponential decay curve of the trace. When the ball rebounces, the circuit is opened again. The discharge stops. and therefore the p.d. across the capacitor remains uncharged,

Ball is

t in contact with bat

Ball is in air

Ball rebounds

(b) (l) In the initial stage, the read in g 0 feR 0 i 8- 6 divisions. As the sensitivity is 1_0 V per division, the initial p.d, across the capacitor = 6 x 1.0 - 6 V

Similarly, in the final stage, the reading is 1 -7$ divisions. Therefore, the final p.d. across the capacitor is 1.75 V.

The rate j s:

1_75 = 0.292 6Jm

(il) By the relation between initial p.d, and final p.d, across the capacitor during discharge, we can calculate tile ti me of contact as follows:

v = V~I i? CJI.

1. 7 5 = 6 c (L.2" I u· ~ 1 x (2.U x ll~l ) I

In 0_292 = ----.

2.4 x 1 Q-3

t = 2.% X 10-3 s

13. (a) When the potential is jncrcascd, the top plate is charged positix .. ely and the bottom plate is charged negatively.

Ej +





There is electric field between the two plates. And the attractive force between positive charges and negali\o'C: t:MTbOCS decreases the separation between the plates,

(b) By the definition uf capaci lance:

C-;=- Q V Q=CV

And the capacitance oftbe parallel plates capacitor is, equal to:




_ s(lAV~ IC= 6f}A)

2-d ~ d '.,

Because the copper plate is held by four spr-fugs., the .' .. attraction force is shared by four springs, The force.

acting 011 each spring is:.· .:.; .. ..

F = s,)AV~

4 3d

Therefore, the force F is:

F= QV 2d


-- (Q=cq



By Hooke' s Law, the extra extension of each spring 14. (a)

F=/.rx &,)AVz .. kx Sd

(c) (1)


x::::; -"'---


The potential difference between plates bas a sinusoidal wa ... cform because the p.d, supplied across the plates is:

V= VD sin ml

p.d.l V


(ii) Because me freq ucney o f a.c, is much less than the natural frequency, the oscillation is a damped oscillation hy a driving force, The extcnsi (In W j 11 not increase continuo usly, There is a limit of extra extension,

Based on the answer W L:: obta ined in part (b), the extra extension is:

E Ar1

x = ----"-0 __

8M . :t:. ~.<2

rr 2 _ 1

.::c '"{I sui on

The capacitance of a capacitor is the ratio of the electric charge stored on it to the potential difference a(:IOS-S it.

(b) (i) The graph shown represents the charging or the capacitor.

(it) From the graph, e.m.f E= 9,0 V

15. (It)

The capacitance of a capacitor is the ratio of the electric charge stored on it to the potential difference across it.

The farad is a unit of capacitance and is defined as coulomb per volt,

(b) (i) From Fig. (b),

(1) at t= IO,U s, flO = 1.46 mA (2) art- 30,0 s, I~f) = O_7~ mA

(iij Since there is no external e.m.f., p.d, across capacitor = p.d, across R

(1) V1u = 11(1 R

= (1.46 x lO-J) (20 x w-~) "'" 29.2 V (2) V30 -= l» R

= (0.78 x 10-:1)(20 x Hi)...,.. 15.6 V (lil) For a variable current I, the charge flowed, AQ = ave .... age current x. rime interval


~ 2 (J!-f} + 13~)(30.0 - 10.0)

= _!_ (1 ,46,- 0_78) x lo-J (20.0) 2

= 0.022 4 C "" 22.4 me

(iv) Estimated capacitance, ilQ

C ~ -----""---

(VH) - Y~~(J)

0.0224 .


(29.2 - 15,5)

= 0.001 647 F = 1 650,uF

16. (3) (I) Sketch 1 capacitors connected in series,

10,uF 10.uF

------.--.--.-.11 -Ili-

(u) Sketch 2 in-series capacitors connected ill parallel with a single capacitor.

10,uF 10_uF

~I II----L

-i 10,uF '

, II-t --

fb) (i) C= Q


(D) C = Q == Q = C r V

w- I QY- _!_ (C~ v=! cr 122

{c) Let Wo = eneTID' of fully charged capacitor W = minimum energy of capacitor

Vo = vokagc of fully charged capacitor v- minimum voltage of capacitor

1 ~ ,.;2

W = - c r = W oc r:1

W . V J1, . ( V )2

WI) = ( Vo i.e, 0.80 - Vo )

.', ~ ,.,.- ,,/0,80 - O.lN4


17. (a) Charge on capacitor Q=CV

= 22U x l~ x 6.0

= I .32 x 1 0-' = 1.3 x lO-} C (b) Energy stored on capacitor

1 ... 1 --f., ~

E> CF'" - x 220 x to x: (6_0)

.2 2

= 3_96 )( 10-3. 4.0 x 10-3 J

(c) {i) Draw tangent at origin as dashed line on Fig. (a).


(ii) Initial rate == tangent at origin

time constant == t at V = 6.0 V on tabsent From the tangent on Fig, (a),

at V"" 6.0 V, t= 5_5 R

Time constant = 5,5 !; (UJ) Time constant = CR

5.5 = 220 x l~ x R

.. R =2.5x IO{ = 25 kn

18. (a) (i) Sketch variation of charge with potential:


o ~ __.,..



(ii) I. The capacitance ofa capacitor is tile ratio of the c lcctric charge stored on it to thepotential d i fference across it.

2. The energy E stored in the capacitor is the work done Wt(l store the charge Qon the capacitor at the applied p.d, V. and IS given by:

E =: work done W to store charge on capacitor = a vcrabre appl ied p.d. V x charge Q moved == area under V- Q graph

As the Y-Q graph is. a straight line through the origin, tile area under tho graph is a

right-angle triangle (area = _!_ QV) and the


energy E stored is given by; E= W= !.QV

2 .

Since Q = CV, it is equivalent to:

1 1,

E= W= - (CV)V= -~ CV"

., .2

(b) (:I) 1. Capacitance of the arrangements

1 I

1 1 ._- +-


l ( -+C C

50 50


I 1

-+- 50 50


2. One advantage of this arrangement III that the potenti nl difference :'ICI'o:;:S each capacitor would be lower. rendering tbe.m. safer to handle,

The magnitude of the force on a nucleus will be much bigger than the force on an electron. The force on a nucleus is in the direction a:fthe electric field while die force on an electron is in the opposite directiou.

(iii) When the potential difference across the tube is sufficiently large, the electric: field created will produce forces strong enough to ionise the : xenon gas atoms, i.e. separate some electrons . from the gas atoms, The movement of the ' resulting charge carriers to opposite elec;tro\hf : con stnu te th t current.

(iv) 1. Energy dissipated

= 63 ~o of energy stored in ali capacitors . 1

'-"'0.63 x - eVe


1 .-.2

= 0.63 x - (50 x lO-tlX540J 2

= 4.593 = 4.6 J

2. Let VL = p.d. across each capacitor immediately after the flash of light

Energy in each capacitor, 1 .,

E1 '-' -CV1~


It is also given by; .

""L = 2_ x 37% of energy stored in all 4

capacitors = J.. (0.37)..!.. Oft

4 2

Equating E1 :

1 ., ~ I (0 3 ) 1 .• ~ - (.. V]- = - . 7 - (.. r

2 4 2

yl2 = ~ (O.37)V~ = ~ (O.37)(~40f

= 26973

-- VL = ~26973 = 164.2= 160V

The capacitance C of a capacitor is theratio of the electric charge Q stored on 11. to the potential difference Vacross it

The resistance R of a resistor is the ratio of the potential difference Vacrnss it to the current I flowing through it,

When the switch is dosed, there is no charge on the capacitor and the applied voltage causes . be stored on the capacitor. The flow of charges to the capaci tor constitutes th e current in the circuit and thl: resistor,

(ii) 1. Kirchhoff's 2nd law ;;;;;. E;:; Vc - Vr..

2. A5 J increases .. the amount of charges on the capacitor increases andso the pod. Vc aero ss the capacitor increases.

From the equation E ...,_ V(: + V[l., a constant E and an increasing Vc implies a decreasing vR and so the current in the resistor and the circuit decreases.

19. (a) (l)


(b) (i)

.I;cJ (1}. VR «ts

. = (1.8 x lO-~(2.0 x 1O~ "" 3.6 V .(U) E= Vc+ VJl

Vc=E- VR·-.=6.0-3.6=2.4 V (ill) q "" CV

= (14 x 10-5)(1.4)

= 3.36 x lO-j:or 3.4 x 1{)-~ C

, .

1 0\') .Be:;:: - qV 2

.= _!_ {3.3 6 x 1 ()-s)(2.4) 2

= 4.032 x 1O-~:o 4.0 x 10~ J

(d) (1) 1. fulLy charg.;:::tJ, charge on capacitor, Q;:::CV""{14x 1O·6)(6.0)=8.4x 10·~C Assuming that charge Q remains constant

during the n .. eduction in capacitance. new p.d. across the 5.0;iF capacitor,

. Q (~.4:.: Woo:;)

J- nllW::;: - "" .

C (5.0xlO-~)

= 16.8= 17 V

: .....


2. New energy stored,

E[IJ;\'>. == _!_ Q Vnel'." = _2_ (8 _4 x 1 o-'i)t 16_8)

2 2

= 7.06 x 1 0-4 = 7_1 x 10--4 J

With the same charge (Q). the capacita Dee of

the capacitor { C "" Q ) can only be reduced by


increasing the p.d. (1/) across it.

P.d. between 2 points is the amount of electrical energy converted into other forms of enctg)' pt..'!" uni L C barge moved across the points. Therefore .. energy must be supplied to the capacitor to increas e the p.d. ElC.fOSS it, Conservation of'energy implies that the energy supplied to increase the p.d, must be converted into energy stored on the capacitor,

2:0. - .. 2:2. H KAL E Q uest i ons

115 Current Electricity

Self Evaluation Exercise 15.1 (p.llS)

r. A

Drift velocity is the velocity sr which charge carriers move. Drift velocity v is:




where If is the cross-sectional area of wire, and A -nY





c:c -


When r r = 21', 1

.,roc --



a. -- 4r2

V \i"= -




When the temperature of a metal increases, the cn(.:rgy of the metal ions. increases and thus they vibrate more vigorously, The scattering of the conduction electrons by the metal ions increases. It is more difficult for electrons to move along the wire. Therefore, the electrical conductivity decreases.

3. B

The number of cond uetion electrons per .. mit volume (n) is a property of the material used. Therefore. n remains unchanged,

ADd as the potential difference across the wire is increased, the electric field which drives electrons to move is also increased. Electrons arc exerted greater forces along the direction (If electric field in the wire. Therefore. they move faster,

Or from another point of view, the energy gained by each electrons (p" q) increases as p.d. 0') increases. By conservation of energy. electrons have greater kinetic en-ergy to move along the wire. So the drift velocity mcreascs.

4. D

When the temperature of a metal increases. the energy of the meta} atoms increases and thus they vibrate more vigorously. Electrons will collide with metal atoms more frequently. The mean time between the collisions

of electrons with atoms decreases. It is more difficult for electrons to move along the wire. Therefore, the

I;! lectrical conductivity decreases.

s, C

The drift velocity is:





IX: -


where n is the concentration 0 f conduction C I ccmms. l' is inversely proportional to n.

6. B

Because both P and Q are made of the same material (cop per), the concentration of conduction electrons in P and Q are the same.

And fOT the drift velocity, because P and Q are connected iJ1 parallel. the vo ltages across them are the same. Therefore, the equation for drift velocity becomes: .'.




R is the resistance. And resistance of material is: r



pis the resistivity which d(.."p(;...'TIW; on material only. So




As a result, all factors affecting drift velocity are the same in P and Q. The drift velocity of electrons in P and Q are the same.

,. B

L, M, .~. can be treated as three resistors connected in series. The current passing through them are the same.




As the cross-sectional areas for L andN are the same, VL = >'3. And the area for Mis Lat,g.e:r than the others, as .., is inversely proportional to A~·Vi is smaller than VI and v].

8.. C

Because its t4d~ ~ uniformly from M to N, 1 ...

.. ,.oc.- ..

i··' r ,

And the drift w]ocity of the conduction electrons:

J J 1

V= -- = a::-

nAQ n{m2)Q r ~



Current density is the current passing tbm..·w.1.llli1

area. ' : .. :' . c·'·

BeC8UM: P and Q are at the same strip (lfm~tU,.thc current passing through them are the same.just~. tw.Q . resistors connected in series. And from $r:,_wltd.\l,~ -, current density decreases from P and Q. As current .

c.kru;ity(J) is. L and I is, constant. J J: _!_


The area for strip at P must be smaller than at Q. The strip at Pis narrower.

10. (a) Equation linking Q, J and tis:


(b) Charge passing each point Q~It

'-" (0,76 x 1O-~ x 60 = 456 x 1 O-~ C

I •• 1 .' ••

• : .,' : r,


I = CLLITcnt through the material n = number of electrons per unit volume' ' .. A = area of ClOSS, section of the material" .. , 1..' = drift velocity of the electrons -", e = charge on an electrons

J = rdve


The charge e is a constant,

the same dimension A and the same OUITeUti (I1V}roudL:.c1o.r '-' (m»,...";...,,h .•. ,1oJ

Since n is very much IOW~T in a semiconductor, v must be very milch higher.

Self Evaluation Exercise 15.2 (p.121) L B

Because the power dissipated can be expressed as Power = Vi

V = Power J

So, potential difference may be defined a-s the ratio of the power dlssipaicd to the current between the points,


(a) d - POWl.'1" converted

p .. - Current

4.4 x lOOO 20

~220 V

P Energy required

ower '" ---='----'---

Time taken

Energy required = {4.4 x 1 (I(){)) x (15 x 00) = 3.96 x 106 J


, \

r(" :

Self Evaluation Exercise 15.4 (p,i28)

1. B

When the switch is open, the reading of'veltmeter is the:

e.m.f. of the cell (E= 12 V). .

E = I(R - r)

12 = {(2 + r) (1)


8 "'-/x2

. j=4A

From (1). 12 = 4(2 + r) r=l!l

i 2.


From the graph, E = 2.2 VE =J(R +r)

2.2'" 1(9 + r) (1)

V= iR

]_8 = f x 9

1 = 0.2 A

From (1).2.2 = 0.2(9 + r)


3. As the cells are connected in parallel, the effective

e.rn.f and internal resistance is:


1 1 1 1

_ .. _--+-

r 6 6 6


go. the current 111 the 18 n resistor Is:

E /""'-R+r


2 + 1R :::: 0.075 A

Ohm's Law states that the current through a device is always directly proportional to the potential difference applied to it.





Because the currents passing through the cell and TC~i stor are the same. Tbe voltages across them are directly proportional to their resistances.

E = I(r + R) ._._._._._ ... (1)



l=: R -.-.-.-.-.---- (2)

Substitute (2) into (1):


E = R (r+ R)

E ~ v[~ + 1J

E r - -1-V R

l::-V ("


(c) (ij

f:·.··~ ·~~~l:,T!. :i~~~~~_tt~r.~~-:!, r;_~

: : : . ~ : : :

: : : . ; : ..


. ~ ".; .. ;. .. :- -:-' :. : ~! : I : • i .. . .. +. ~-+-f ._ .. _ .

r4.59-t--''--'-'-+-.:._____.:-+ l

t .


l ... ' ~ .... ,,'-9.

I .. :

I. ... :


L. •. -_ . .-ir-,:. ~

• ..1.....: .


The reading 0 f vel tmeter decreases gradually after S is closed and increases gradually after S is open because there Is back e.rn.L when the current starts to flow and stops to flow in the voltmeter.

The e.m.f, of the cell is. 1.5 V and Vis 1.0 V. When ·!he switch is dosed, the internal resistance is:

E-V r

v R

1.5 -1.0 r

1.0 2.0

r.= 1 !1

(8) (iJ P" VI

60 = 240 x I

Current through lamp 1= 0.25 A (li) Resistance of the lamp

V 240

R !:. - = - = 960 n

) 0_25

(i i i) Current / A



(a) The potential difference (p.d.) bet ween two points is the amount of electrical energy converted into other fOI1l1£ of energy per unit charge moved across the polnts,

The volt is the unit of potential difference and is defined as joule per coulomb.



'E. 9.00 V t"= 0.50 n j I j

_______ ~ J

R"" 8.36 [l
(J) Current in the circuit
8.36+ 0.50
= 1.016 A
(il) P.d- across R
= iR = 1.016 x 8.36
= 8.492 V
(iii) Power supplied to R
= Vl= 8.492 x 1.016
=8.63 W (c) The p.d, across a battery's terminals is normally lower than its e.m, f. because energy jij. dissipitted w hen a current flows. through its internal

resistance. .

The p.d. across a battery's telmiwds will be equal to its e.m.f if its internal resis.taJl(';e is zero orwhen

there is no current flow. . .


( a) (1) Electric current is defined as the rete of'flow o f c nary~d particles with respect to time.

(U) Some solids, especially metals. contain free electrons or other charge,,-hel'lct, rue electrical conductors, Some solidli ,do: net have any charge carrier and So are ,(Ij_6ccMcal

Iusulators, .

(iii) Metal contain me electrons which Me carries .: of current. Electrical conduction im metal is : the flow of these free electrons furDusln a lattice: of posi Ll ve ; U11;$_

(b) H is difficult to quote a va 1 ue for the resistance of a filament lamp because it~ resistance varies with its temperature,

{c) Given

Current (I) = 0.28 rnA

No, of negatl ve particles flow pot unit time (.Yf) = 1.56 )( 10J~ S-L

Charge on each negative particle (Q~) = -1.60 x 1O-J9 C

(i) Negative charge flow per unit time

I, ~ N.Q" --' (1.56 x 1 (15) X {-l ,60 x lO-J~ =0,25 mA

(ii) Positive charge flow perunit time Ip = I -I" ::;: 0.28 - 0.249 (,

=0,03 rnA

(iji) Oi veil

Charge on each positive particle (Qp) -e- -~3,20 x 10--~ C

1\0. of positive particlesIlow per unit time

. , II' 0_03 x 10-]

r-" =-=----,..,..-

-." Qp 3,20 x 1O-J9

= 9 x lOL~ s-J

(d) The answers in (c)(ii) and (ill) are of OM significant fi gure. The percentage errors are

± 0_01 x 100% = ;1:;33% and ± _.!_ x 10tY'/Q = 11 %

0.03 9

respectively, which are largely unreliable,

Self Eval uation Exercise 15.5 (P,136)

1. C

The resistance lor the square slab is: s = p!:._ = p __::_

if .ra



The resistance is independent of r.



As the vo ltage applied remains unchanged, the current depends on the resistance of wire.

1 I r;c -


(, {- f.

R = p- ;; p~, oc-,

A ."1Y~ r :

1 As 1!;( -,


!J_ ",~=2_

11 R] 2

Therefore. the current in the wire with 2( and 2r is _!._ 1. 2



R== pi = p f = P

. A t.' x Tn. ickness Thickness

Rx and R, are independent of the length of square. As they are cut from a uni ~on:rJ metal plate, the thickness. of


X and Yare the same. So Rx = R'{ 4:l11d _' "" 1.

R} .

4. B

Heat i 8 generated when a current Pa.';;'SL'S through the tungsten. The temperature of'tungsten increases and its resistance also increases,

The slope of /- V graph is ~, which changes with temperature, Therefore. the graph is not a straight line. The slope should decrease (resistance iacreases) when the voltage applied increases (current increases),

S. The resistance of a square-shaped material is independent of the length. The. rcsistanee of the square carbon film is:

R = P_


4.0 x 1O-~

5.0 x 10-7

= 800

(i. The resistance of the conductor is:

R = ~ ~ 100

I 2.5xlO-u

=4_0 x lOL:ln

And the resistivity of the conductor is: t'

R = p-


RA (4_0 x 101]) x 0.25

P= T = 5.QxlO-J

= 2)( 10j5 n m


The voltage applied lILTI~SS the steel wire and aluminium wires are the same. And the voltage is:

V= lARA =/.~(p ~A)

= 0_013 f


= 6.47 x 10-3,£

6. [2,0'2IQ-' J' ~ So, the current in the steel wires is:

l~= _!_ = O.013f =2.0A

. R... 6.47 )dO-~ t


Resistivity (p) is a property of material, It is related to resistance of a plate made of that material as:

R = p.f f - thickness


A - cross-sectional area ADd capacitance of plate capacitor is:

c= &1




(where d= f)

Resistance can be expressed as:

r. c pc:

R= p- =p.f(-) = -

A Cd C

Seif Evaluation Exercise 15.6 (p.143) 1. C




'-- __ -_...:0 A 40:

When the wire is bent into an equilateral triangle, it is equivalent to the circuit below,




4Q 40

So, the equivalent resistance is:

I 1 1


I? 4 4+4

R =2_670 ~2.7Q



The circuit is equivalent (0:





The current passing through each resistor is:


4 =1(10 x 3)

1= 1_ A


The potential at X is:

Vx= V-IR

= 4 - (2 x 20J :- l! V

15 J

The potential at Y is:

Vy = V-JR

=4-:- (2x10J = 2!. V

15 3

The potential di fference between X and if ·i!l~ Vy- Vx= 2~ -1..!.

3 3

4 =-v 3

3. D

The current through the ::; () resistor is:


R 5+3 8

4. A

5. D

6. C

7. H




Because the p.d, across C and D is zero.

- , The circuit is equivalent to:


10 IJ



R 10+10 10 ..... 10

R = wn

~ '. ,



I·· A. A

·'1· ...






L_~_-~"~~~ ~~ __



The equ ivalent resistance R ·i.s~

1 1 1

_;;-_ .. _

R' R+R R


R' 2R R'= 3:R 3

The eq ui valent resistance of the whole circuit is:

1 1 1

._ +-

R., R + 3:.R R



10. The circuit is. equivalent to: 3.00.


-' ··t· ... · ....... '........_~---l

1.0 fl

The ·eg):livalent resistance IE: 1 l 1 1


R 3 2 1

l? =0.55 n

II. (0.) Rmr: = RAB + REK "'" 6.0 +- 6.0 '" 12 n R,.wc;;o; RAD + R1)(_' = 6;0 + 6.0 = 12 0 Total resistance between A and C

1 1 1 1

-~ -=;;; -- + -- -. __ .

R AC R .. jfK' R~(.' RiJDC

1 1 1


12 6.0 12

RAC= 3.0 n

(b) R.m:= 6.0 + 6,0 = 12 n 1

R.H..' f ABC = -;---------:-

(R:c + R.:BL,)


(O~Q + l~)

:.:.4,00 Rr-V:"'A8C}+L'1) =R,f("+ABC ~ RCD = 4.0 + 6,0

= 10n

Total resistance! between A and /)

l 1 1


R,w Rim R(~r: t- A'8('} +- CD

1 r


6,0 10

R.m =],75 Q

12. (a) (1) 200 n

100U 100Q

(ll) 50 n

100 :Q


(iii) 40 g

100 n ioo n

'00 n


(b) (i) At the 100 Q resistor, P=fR

P 0.81

f= - = - =-=0.008.1

R 100

,. Current in the circuit

J= ~O,0081 = 0,09 A

(II) Current in each of25·0 resistor r =!_ ... 0,09 = 0.045 A

2 2

Power dissipated in each of 25 n resistor P = p21f

= (D,M5i x 25 = 0.051 W

Self Evaluation Exercise 15.7 (p.tSl) 1. C

2. The equivalent resistance of two 4R resistors connected in parallel is:

1 1 1


R' 4R 4R


By Ohm's Law, E=!R

),5 = /( 1.5 + R + 2R)

),5 = l{l.S + ;)R) ,_,., ..... ,., (l)

And the p.d, across, P and Q is 2.0 V. Therefore, the current passing through the current is:

V 2 I

i = R. =- 2R = R .... (2)

Substitute (2) into (1 ).


3,5 = - (1.5 + 3R) R

3.5:= ~ + 3 R


3. In eire LIlt ( a), E=/jR1

= 1.0 )( (6 + R) = 6" R

., R = E - 6.,., ..... ,.,., ......... ,.,., (1)

In circuit (b), E=hR?

R~6 =4.5)( (--) R+6


- -- _,_._._._, (2)


Substitute (1) into (2),

£= 27(£ - 6) (E -6) +6 F! -27E+ 162 = 0

£ T 9Vor 1 H V




E. r 2V E r. 3V

z, 2 I 20 1, 1 T 3 n

B 4= D

Because circuit FG, AB, CD are. connected in parallel, the p.d, i:lCIOSS them Eire the same,

And suppose B is grounded and current flows as the

a bove diagram, then .

E - V 3 - r 3 - V . '. '.:. ,,:'~ ::: ;.':,:~

f - 1 - - (1,)

I - - -- .- ~- ••••• "., •• ,.". '.

RI + r, 3 + 1 4 ' .'

E2 -v 2-V _ 2.-:-V 'L;;"'.A~

l~ =. = -- - -- .~~~I~~~~ri"""r\,.:jj,.J.

R~ + r~ 2+'1 3 ,. "';::"'.'_; .'1

I.' __ V - E 1 V - 1 V - 1: . .

, = -- = --'~"u~I~~~""':''''~'r(3)

R3 + YJ 1 + 1 2 ",' ,'.

By Kirchhoff s Law, . .. . '" ' .. ,.'.

1, -12 = I~ .. , __ .. _ .. __ ._.,_ , , ~,.' .. <".(4)' ; ,; .'"

Subs titute (1), (2). (3) into (4). .

3-V 2-V V-I

--+-- =o=_

4 3 . 2

3(3 - ~) + 4(2 - n "" 6(V - 1) 13V "" 23

V = 1.77 V

;..! "

We can assume the currents flow in opposite directions, e.g_ fl from A to B. then the value of the' .current . calculated would 'become negative. And the voltage across would also be the same.


{a) Kirchhoff's Laws state that:

(I) The sum of the potential changes around any closed path is zero,


e.g, E -lR I •. lR2 ;::: ()

{2} The current eraering any point must equal the current 1 ea ving,



(b) From circuit (a),



a ~

2 V lL-_' .........._..,~ ...... 1 - ..... !.....z....:............_J~:: {-

By Kichhoff's Laws •.

I] = h + 1.. ..... "., , .. (1)

E] = VI + yt,." , .. (2)

V2 = yt .. , ,., .. , . .' , , .. (J)

From (2),

E] = VI + Vi 2 =31L +31'

= 31L + 3(lL - I1} 2

I1 '" UI - - , - (4)


From (3),

V'= Yl

3f = 4h - 1 3(ll - '1) = 4h - 1

3J1 -7'~ = 1 ., ,., .. ,., ,., , .. ,., .. (5) Substitute (4) into (5).

( 2\

3h -7l2I1 -"31 = 1

. J

17 111] =-


II ""0.52 A 2

From (4)~ h "" 21] - "3

2 h = (2 )( 0.52) - "3


From circuit (b).
JB 14
1 2V t 2 V 1
Va an v V4
1 20. ~ 20 j
i r~ t, By Kirchhoff's Laws, JI;;;;J~ ~ I.t

V3 = Vo!:!:: V'.--, .. , .. , .. ,. .... , (6) V3;;;:;; V4

2··2h "'" 2 -214

13 -14, ••• ,., •• , •• , ....... r r- ..... (7)

From (6),

V'.::. V)

3(h •. [4) = 2 -213 _._ (8)

Su bstitute {7) into (8).

3(lJ - h) = 2 -2IJ

613 = 2 -2IJ

13 = 0.25 A

14 = 0.25 A


(a) The electromotive force (e.rn.f.) of a source is the electrical energy converted from oilier form of energy per unit charge moved round a complete circuit,

Whereas potential difference (p.d.] between two points. is the amount of electrical energy converted into other roms of CT1L'Tgy per unit charge moved across the poin L<;_

(b) (i)

~ -- - --- - --I

, E r 1

1 I

------~ V ~----1


(iil The switch should be:

l. open to measure the e.m.f

~. closed to measure the terminal p.d.

(iii) Kirchhoff's Second Law:

When the switch is closed, E= IR =Ir

S inee V = JR. E= V+ Ir

7. (c) (i) II = I + h

(U) £1 = J1R1 + IR2 (ill) £2 = -lR2

Self Evaluation Exercise 15.8 (p.155) 1. A

2. A


E (a) 1=--

R +r

(b) P= fIR

= (__§_J~ R


l!;2 R

"- -----


. riP

(c) Pbeoomes. maximum when -- '- 0 dR

JP = r! 1 + (- 2)R 1 ~ 0

of? ::_ (R + r)2. (R + r)';

(oR-I") 2R-0 R =]:


The effective e.m.f in circuit (i) is:

E = 1.5 x 3 ::._ 4.5 V

The effective e.m.f in circuit (ii) is:

E = 1.5 - 1.5 I 1.5 -'- 15 V The ratio is:

P; = ~ _ ( E; \J1 =- (~'yl ~ 9

Pij _Eti EJi 1.5 )


Self Eva~uation Exercise 15.9 (p.162) 1. D

Circuit A

Circuit B

Circuit C

In Circuits A, .H and C, the voltmeters measure the e.m.f (If cell, which is 2 v.


CircuitD ._

Only in Circuit D, the voltmeter ~lgn.~ voitage across a resistor, It should be le8!! bo 2 \to

.: : ~. ~ _-

I ••• I 'J: ''"' ~ or-, _ . I • ~ •

. 2. a.ov

10 kll 10 J.;Q

If the voltmeter is ideal, no error is made.' The measurement of p.d, is:

E R+!?



8 20x lO3

V lOx 103


Ifthe resistance of the voltmeter is also considered, the measurement would become:


10 kn 10 kfl

l? Rr
E R+r
y Rr
R + r
1 Ok+ 1O~(75k)
8 lOk+75k
V lOk(75k)
IOk .... 75k V= 3.75 V

The percentage error is:

4 - ].75 x 100% = 6.25% 4

3. The equivalent resistance across CB is:

1 1 1

~ ::..._-+-

R 150() 500

R = 375 n

(a) The p.d, across AB is:

Veil -= 375

VAll 50(l + 375

V - 1.0

AB - 0.429

=2.3) V

(b) vAll in (8) JS equal to the e.m.f of cell, The p.d.

seross-C8 when the voltmeter is disconnected is:

VeB 1500


ViII SOO + 1500

V C1:: "'" 0.75 x 2.33 -"= 1.75 V

. 4. (a) (i) Potential difference with slider is at A, VA =6.0 V

(U) Potential differeace with slider is at B, Va=OV

(b) Circuit's resistance (R C") = 250 n, is comparable to the resistance of varia b I e resistor.

RA = RB :;-250 n

Resu ltant resistance of Rli and Rr: in parallel,

1 1 1


R{I. RtJ Rc

1 1 l


RR 250 250

Rn = l250

Potential differencewith slider at half-way position


(V d "= x 6.0 = 2.0 V

125 + 250


Self Evaluation Exercise 15.10 (p.169)

1. A

The centre-zero galvanomerer is balanced when the potentia] difference across it is zero.

In Circuit a,


2(2 A iO


.. Resistance in upper loop '" Resistance in lower loop 'I = h.

VA = V-2Il


:. VB> VA

Current flows fromB toA. So the gah:anometer is not balanced.



The CITcUjt is equivalent to:

J1 5 f.I





.. Resistance in upper loop = Resistance in lower loop 11 -r- l:

VIi"'- V-5/1 Vll' = V-5h

.. Vii = V8

'No current flows through the ammeter.


R,f_(_' =!.!.. R~ {2

R,K = 100 - 65.5

10 65.5

RA(~ ::._ 5.27


By RAC = P A

5.27 x ,,[ 0.50;10-' J' ~ (1.78 X 10-1)< f-5 810 m

58lO The distance of X fmm A = --


"'- 2 905 m

Self Evatuation Exercise 15.11 {p.l;S)


1. The e.m.f of the cell X is equal to the p.d, across the "'i

length of wire.

R i By ~ = ____K_

R t


:3 1

= - =-

e 3

R Rx=- 3


lR E.x = ----=3'---_

E (R + 2r)

ER Ex=--- 3(R + 2r)

2. (Il) When S] and ~ are open.

R{!T = 62.5 Rgp 100

RQ1' = 62.5 x 10.0;; 6.25 Q tOO

Et Rt;!r


E f = 2 x 6.25 = 0.5 V 10+ 15

(b) When S] and S2 ate d osed, RW "" 10.0

RW 100

~r"'_ 10.0 )( lO_U= I n 100

The p.d. (V) across QT is:

V Rw


V = 2:>(] = 0.2 V 10

The current in the E' circuit loop is:


0.2 = J x 5.0 [:0: 0.04 A

So, the internal resistance of E~is: .


0.5 = 0.04 x (5.0 + 1', ,'''''7.50

(c) When S2, is open and Sl is closed! .the total . . resistance of the E cireu it loop is i 0 !l6riiy', The'· p.d, (V) across QT should be equal to E: "ill"\lich is-

(l,S V_ .

V _ RQ1" E RQP

0.5 = Rv.r

2.0 10

RQr -:- 2,5 o

Rw =.!.2z_ RQI' tQP


10 100

r.~ = 25 em

(d) When S. is open and Sl is dosed, the total resistance of the E circuit loop is

RQP + R1/ = 10.0 + 15 = 25 n.

And the p .d, (V) across QT should be 0.2 V_

V . RQ,[,


0.2 = Rcr 2.0 25 RfJT "" 25 Q

ROT = [(17' R(!(> f f)i' 2,5 _ f_[Jr l(l 100 eQT= 2S em

J. (a) COIDIC{..t the potentiometer and the cell as below: £' (known e.m.f, ceU)

E(d.ry oalf)

Move the probe to a point along 4B until the centre-zero galvanometer is balanced. Then . measure the distance between A and P. The e.m, f of the cc II can be calculated by:

!_ = l.w E' f,w


EJ r

Fig. (a) V'~ 2,80 V


------- .... -- ...


'SO '

F Q ,



Fjg, (b} V= 25U 'If

(1) The voltmeter shows ),00 V when the current passing through it is lOrnA,

3.00 V

50.a fig, (c)

V=1(50 + X)

3.00 = (lOx 10-") x (50 -I-..lJ X=2S0n

(if) From Fig. (a). the e .m.f; of cell is 2. SO V_

F rom Fig. (b), the internal resistance of cell (r) is:

E-V r

E 50~X+r

2.80- 2.50

·w _

2.80 50 + 250 + r

r =360


Review Exercise 15 {p.l62)


(8) (i) Equivalenr rcsisrance is:

1 1 1


R 5 2

R= 1.43 n (ii) Current! is:


12 = I x l.43 1=8.4A

C arrent 11 is:

VI'" 'tR 12 = 11 X 2

'1'" 6 A

CUTTent 12 is:

VI = 12R 12 = 12 x 5 Iz=2,4A

(iii) Potential difference Vj ls 12 V. (b) The circuit is equivalent to:



(I) Equivalent resistance is:

] 1 1


R (I + 4) (2 + 1)

R= 1.875 o

(D) Current I is:


6"" Ix 1 ,875 != 3.2 A

Current '1 is:

V"'" lr(Rl + R3) 6=11(1+4) 11 = 1.2 A

Current h. is ~

V"" fiR"/, + R4) 6~Id2+1) 12,=2A

(Hi) vJ =I!R~

V1 ::::: 1.2 x 4 -" 4.8 V V2 =h14

V2 -= 2 x 1 =2V

(e) (i) Equivalent resistance is: 3x4

R=2 + (--) ""3.71 n 3+4

(ji) & (ill) Current! is:


6=/x 3.71 1= 1,62A

Potential difference Vl is:

V1 = fR = 1.62 x 2 - 3.23 V Current I. is;

V - VI - f]R] 6 - 3.23 = 11 X 3

11 =- 0.923 A Current his.:

v- V1 =h_R

6 - 3.23 = 12 x 4

h = 0.692 A Potenti al difference V2 is:

V2 = V - Vj

=-6-3.23 =2.77 V (d) (0 Equivalent resistance is:

R = 5 + (2 + 4) x 4 'r- 7 _4 n (2 -.- 4) + 4

(il) & (ill) CJ.UTent J is:


24 -I x 7.4

1= 3.24 A Potential difference V21S:

Yl= V-51

= 24-.5 ;.::·3.24 = 7,78 V Current 12 is:

V2 = 12R'l. 7.78 ""/2 x 4 Ii = 1.95 A Current IJ is:

11 ='1-12

"" 3.24 -1.95 "'" L3tlli. :

P~L~Vli5: . Pi ""fIR!

.... - -, :., ... i.~ x 4 "';5.19V

" 1 :

~. I i

(e) (1) Equivalent resistance l·s ~

1 1 1 .

-=- + .

R 15 (7+~xl)

4 + 1

R=- 5,13 Q

(11) & (Hi) Current 1 is:

V=IR 30=/x 5.13 /= 5.85 A

Potential difference. V1· fitt'W ~~ ·un

Vi + V2 = V "L .. ; .. ·~l)

tr R: j .. :}

~ 1 1· - .

V ~ -.'·=v·~ .... -~ .

2 ~. c: .•. ,...,. "\"""".\1-

.. ," i"S' I·":~· .. ~ r .)

J' JS r~ .. , . . '.~2) .

/1"...... ...-" : I ~ I )

I - 4 ' 2'~' ,.:.:... .

Substitute (2) into (1), 35 V, + v .. =" V

4 ~ ~


- V2;= 30 4

V2 = 3.08 V V, =0 35 h 4

35 .

= - x 3.08 4

= 26.92 V Current 11 is:

V2 «u«. 3.0~ =11 x I 11 = 3.08 .'\ Current his:

V~ -i». 3.0R ;; li x 4 12 = 0.77 A

(f) (i) Equivalent resistance is:

R __ 1 + (1 + 2).>: (2 + 2 + 1) (1 + 2) + (2 + 2 + 1)

= 2.880

(tl) & (iii) Current lis:


6 = I x 2_88 i =2.09 A

Potential difference V1 is:

VI = lRI

= 2,09 x 1 = 2,09V Current 11 is:

V-V. "'" Ifi .i, 2) 6 -2.09"" 311

11= 1,30 A

, . ,.

Current 12 is: . . .

V - V~· "'" h(2 + 2 :'Vl) 6-2.09=51, iJ=O,78 A Potential difference V::; is:

V',l: =/1 x 2

"'" 1:30 x 2 . = 2.61 V


The p.d, across the 4 {l resistor:

V2 W ... _·_


. Y'· ~. ;:,i ... __ ,>






The ratio of'p.d. shared by resistors is:

Rx 9

V2 = 10-4 "" R+8

Vi 4 4

6 2R

4 R+8

R =240

3. The resistance of the voltmeter is:

V ==- I{ Ry x R ) s; + i?

3 on (33 x 10-3) x 100Rv

. .100 + Rv

90.91 = 100Rv .

100+ s;

9091 + 90.91 Rv = leo Rv.

Rv "" 1 000:0

4. When a uniform layer of rower is deposited on the wire. it 1S like a resistor connected to the circuit in parallel.

Before deposition, R = R(,o

After deposition,

1 1 1

- --' - + -- ......... (1)

R' Rc., Rcu

R'= !R('_¢


from (1),


1 2

1 (

"2 Pc., Ace

(49)o(10--!l) {O.6 :.:10-3 Y Jl"

f =PcuA


a = 6_10 x !O 4 m The thickness of the layer of copper is: 6.2.0 x 104 -0.6)( 1O-.l

= 2.05 )( 1O-~ m

s. (a) (i) Resistivity of a material is a measure of the electric field E per current density.

E p=-


In the other words, it :is related to resistance by:


P= E ,_.1_ """R~

J [ . t '


.... :;

(ii) 1. F or meta I p

o '__-:---~------P- (J OR

2. For semiconductor ()




(iii) In metal. the number of charge carriers remains constant When temperature increases, the thermal energy is given to the metal ions. They vibrate more vigorously and collide with charge carriers more rrequeutly. Thus. the resistivity increases with increasing temperature .

In semiconductor, as temperature increases, the increased thermal agitation makes more charge carriers available. Thus, the resistvity decreases with increasing temperature.

Length of the (:'}11 (.t) = 100 x Jl.00xlO~

- 0.1 rn

A. -=- 5.0:;..:(1 .O(lx:1 O~) 0.1

= 5 x lO-lmL

R _ I:. _ (l.Ox!O Q}xO.1

- PA - 5::.;10-5

= 2 x 10-3 n



WheD the length increased by 10 % (- - 1.1), [he


volume is kept unchanged. The cross-sectional area

d - 10 Th . -

ecreases a. nULO -. e resrstance IS;


RI (PJ ( AJ 11

Ii;= ""i \...4' "= 1.1 x 10 = 1.2l

Rt= 1.2IR


The power loss is: =lR


7-:lv R

;;::: (l 00 x lO'~ ) 2 x 5 <... lOx 103 =50QW

•• I ~


(a) As RL and R2 are connected in-~ .. 1l!J.e CDrrem1lpassing through them are ,t4e.~e.$~ifjlbne~ -the voltage across each resistor U;: ~:ttionSJlto its resistance. And by Kirchhoff's IpW. Ole S\UP. of potential change is zero around ~ closed path.

V1 = Rl - V -- ,

n, +R2

(b) (1)


When a voltmeter is connected across R], a resistor is like connected to-R, in parallel. So the p.d. measured by voltmeter is the p.d, across R, and R:

( ~ 1


R, xR

---- +R~

\ RJ + R ~ )


R1...j..R V

= R,R + R'l(RJ + R)

R',.J....R )




-, .

- .: _ Si01.i1arly ,_ when a voltmeter j S 4(lJl.O-eJi;t.ed .: - .-; - _ - - ! tl.CIXl;M; .R;t, the p.d, across Rl Mld R -is:

- - ~~~ ]v

Rl- xR +R

R:2 + R- 2


'" ,&RV

_ E. .. ~+.RJ (R1 + R)

- (~-) - til: te the '1Q"1~1:flr j s eon nected across. R 1, the p.d, recorded is:



(l x 1O-~ ).x 500 x 2

~ ----~--~----~~----------~

(1 x 10 l ) x 500 + (1 x 10 3 ) x (500 + 1 x 1 oj )

=0,5 V

If the voltmeter is connected across R2, the p.d. recorded is:

___ R.:..2R_1i_· __ = {I,5 V R.2R + R, (R2 + R)


The y .. intercept is the e.m.f of the cell: e.rn.f = 1,46 V

ADd the slope is equal 10 the internal resistance of the ceJl,

AV 1.46 -O,g

r= - "" =1.020

M 0.65

The electric potentia] difference (p.d.) between 1 wo points is the power diss ipated per unit current between the lXIints (or the electrical energy converted into other forms of energy per "Unit charge moved across the points),

T ts SI II nit IS volt.

(iI) , 1 diff (V'I Power (p)

Potcnti a 1 erence r- J = --...;__~


(V) V2

P> VI-= V R = R

1. E=J(R + r)


" 1= R+r

, E2R

2. PR = I: R,- ~---:-

(R + 1')2

PI =.FCR + r)

PR ~ (l.R = _R_

Pr j2(R+r) R+r

l. F. = I(R -j' r)

12 = llQ(R + 0.014)

LO. (a) (i)

(b) (i)


(c) (l)

Resistance of starter motor R -0.0950

2. Fraction 0 r total power dissipated in battery

r 0.014

-= -- = =0_128

~ + r 0-095 + 0.014

(if) The performance of the battery corresponds to the power PR dissipated in the motor, given by the equation from (b)(i):


Pli. - -----=-,


Implying thai an increase: .in the internal resistance r of'the battery will reduce the power PR, dissipated in the motor and also its performance.

11. (c) (I) P = vr

Cummt in the lamp

P 72

I = - = - ""' 6.0 A V 12

( U) Charge passing through Jamp during journey Q =It

= 6,0 x (20 ){ 60) = 7 200 C (iii) Energy supplied

E = VQ = 12 x ] zoo ::::: 86 400 J = 86_4 kJ

(lot) Working resistance oflamp V 12

R= - --=2.00 I 60

(d) (i) If there is no CUTTeDt in the battery. the p.d, across the battery and the lamtJ~ must be equal to the e.m.f of the battery, i.e, 12 V. .A: a p.d. of 12 V, current in each lamp

(11) = 6.0 t\

1. Current iii the generator 1-: 211 '7 2 }( 6_0 = 12 A

2. The p .d. across R

Vx = e.m, r_ of generator - p.d. across lamps =lS_O-12=3.0V Res istance of R

= VR = ~=O,25n 1 12

(ii) When the lamps are switched off, the p.d. aeros« R

Vk = e, m. f. 0 f generator - e.m, f of battery = 15,0- 12 = 3.0 V

Current in battery

• VR

= Current in R = ~



= 0.25,= 12A

(e) Two advantages of the circuit are:

1. Power is available to the: lamps as long as one of the e.m.f. SOL1rc~ is available,

1:. When the lamps arc switched off rhe power from the generator could be used to charge the car's battery.

H, (a) (1) The potential difference (p.d.) between two P01nt~ i 8 the amount of electrical energy converted into other forms of energy per unit charge moved across the points.

(U) The volt is the unit of potential difference and is defined as j Ollie per coulomb.

(b) Equation relating R. A, .e and pis:

R= pi A

(c) Resistance of 1 km of wire

pf (l ,72 x 10 -0 ) x 1 OOU

R I = - ;; ""--------'-,-----

'A 5,00 X W-5

"" 0.344 n

(d) (i) with the engine close to the power :>IlWly, resistance of overbead wire is negligible, r<vt

Current needed

1= P = 6700)(10] V ' 25)(103

=268 A


overhead wire



25000 V


-, tracl< Resistance 000 km of overhead wire R'I'~ 30 x R, = 30 x 0.344

=; 10.320 p.d, across engine

V E = Supply. voltage - po.d. a'CtoSi wire

""V-IR.... .

", 25 x 1 if - (180 x 10.32) "" 23.14 x loJ V

""23 kV

5. Power supplied to the.'! engine = VEl = (23.14 x Hi) x ISO =4.17 x 106 W




4. Total power supplied

= VI;::: (15 x W3) v: 180 =4.5 x lO(-W

Fraction of the power used by the engine = Puwer supplied to engine

T otsl power supplied

4,l7xlOf> =0.93 4.5)(106

(e) (I) Since the resistance ofthe track is negligible, the electric potential on j[ i~ also negligible, Therefore. when the railway employee touches the track, there is no significant potential difference across hi~ body and no significant current will flow through his body.

(H) For the same power supply, a high voltage imply a relatively low current. Given that tOe power loss in the overhead wires is directly proportional to the square of current (YR). a high voltage-low current system is essential to reduce power Iosses over the supply wires.

{UO When the train is climbing a WH, j~ requires power to gil in potential energy as wel] as to overcome friction, Wh~n the train is travelling at the same speed on the flat, it only requires. power to overcome friction,

13. Component A :

VA -.:: v;,u~rl}' = 11 V

J =~=~=30A

.1 RA 4'() .

P-j = [.iRA .= (2.0)2 X 4.0 = 36 v.r'

Component B:

IB ""'I-J~ = 5.0- ),0 = 2.0 V VB = IJJ?Jj= 2.0 x 5.0"= 1 0 V

PJj "" l/RlJ "" (2,Ol x 5,0 = 20 W Component C:

V(: = VSOlWly- VIl = l2-10 = 2 V

h: ""Is "" 2.0 A

Pc "" V,J(, = 2 x 2,0;::: 4.0 v.,r

V' Z

Rc ;::: _i_ = - = 1.0 n

Ie 1,0

""'hole circuit:

Pcirctli1 ::::p.'/, - PE + Pc"" 36 + 20 .... 4.0 "" 60 \lor'

V·· 12

R~iN'.llJ: "" ~ =r - = 2,4 Q

I~ir~ 5,0

Circuit A B .1 C Whole
oOOl_]Qnent circuit
Potential 12 10 2 12
difference / V
Current' A 3.0 2,0 2.0 5,0
Power r W 36 20 4.0 60
Resistance / [) 4.0 $,0 1.0 2.4 14. (:I) Charge (Q) = Current (I) x Time (t) {b) Charge which flows past M~ point Q .: it = {6.2 x lO-l x (J x 60 x 60)

""22 C

Ah the current is only given to 2 significant figures, any values calculated using the given C urrent can only 00 accurate up to 2 significant figures, not any beuer.

(e) Pocential difference between two points is fhe rate of (:HO version of electri cal energy to other forms (I r energy per unit current between the points,

(d) (j) P = JIJ

3 000 = (23())1

. , Current through the heater

3 ()IJ{) .

!=., -- = 13,04 A


(li) V = IR

230 = (13.04)R

Resistance of the heater R = 230 :;;::: 17.63 n l3.04

(Hi) Energy supplied


=3000 x 5 000 = 1.50 X 10') J

(e) (i) Resistivity of dry skin ~) = 3 x 1 O~ Q m Resistance of a 1 cm2. skill

(R[) - pi.


= (3xI04}x(lxJO ~) h10-4

= 3 x 105 = 0,3 Nm

(ii) Area of contact with the wire

A c = Circumference x Length .:... 2m- x f'.

= 2n(O.2 x 10 ") x (9 x 10 ') = ()_()(ll 1 31 m2

Resistance due to the contact R _ pi' _ (3 x 1 004 ) X 0.001

{_'- Ac - 0_001131

= 2.653 x Uf n CUTTCTlt through the person

1= ..!::.... --, 50

s; 2.653 X 10"1


(lH) Two factors, referred tt) ill tile question. are potential difference and resistivity, A high potential difference such as the domestic supply voltage of240 V, or a lower resistivity. e .g, due to wet hands, co uld result iu a higher current through the person,

Other safety precautions include

1. avoid handing live wires with bare hands,

2. use a lower supply voltage,

15. (a) The equation is: Q = It

(b) (1) Charge which flowed past a point Q = It = 6.0 )( 200 = 1 200 C

(ii) l' umber of electrons

_ Q 1200

e (1.60 )( lO-t~ )

= 7.5 )( 10'11

(e] (i)

. ,

(U) 1. At V= 12.0.V~I"73.OQ·A ..:

Resistauce of,~~ , .

R. - y - 12,0··'· "~·A~:·i ,;;, - - - -- iIiIi[~Vl"

f 3.00 . ..~·fl~ I-

2. Power supplied

P = J-7 = 12.0 x 3.00'" 36 W

(iii) At V= 6.0 V, 1--' 2.40 A Resistance of the lamp

V s.n

R = - = -- = 2_5 n

I 2,40

(h) With lower p.d, in (iii), less electrons will flow through the filament per unit time and the temperature of rhe filament wnuld be lower.

The vibration of the lattice ions would be less and therefore the number of collisions with the flowing electrons wuuld he kS5,

tv) R IQ

( v i) Since a current up to 3 A is required through the lamp, the p.d, across the top part of the potential divider w ill be too large if on l': wi to a high resistance is used,

The 10 n potential divider should be used.

16.. HK.A.LE Question

.' • ~.' ·1 ~ ,~. • . ~. .

116 Elect~omagnetism .. :" Self Evaluation Exercise 16.2 (p, 196) 1. D

fig. (a)

By Fleming's left-hand rule, the force (FI) induced by the left pair of'magnets is pointed into the paper. ADd the " force (F2) induced by the right pair of magnets ifi pointed' out ofthe paper (1'"ig. (a». "

Fj I

I "

I" ,

,_._axllS. I


I F2

Fig, (b)

So the wire experiences a couple tending to rotate about an axis parallel to the magnetic field (TiS. (b}).

2. C

The direction of net movement of electrons IE opposite to" the direction of current flow. So the drift velocity (v) of electrons points left, And by Fleming's left-hand rule, the force (FI induced by the moving charges in magnetic fj~ld is upward.

3. [)

When a large current flows ill the coil, forces (F) acting on the coil are induced. All fortes are perpendicular [.() the direcuon of current.

• F~~.

F~ •

\__....p .

• ..... F· _coil


A fie; a period of time, the DO il W('IU Ld become a circle and the forces are equilibrium


(a) According to fleming's left-hand rule. the direction of the current is. to the right,

elemromag netic

tome on wire

x "X x

x x X

x x x

x x X



x x x x X x x

x x x x x x x

"(b) "(I) "W~ight of wire W=mg=Al:pg

= (UJ x 10 6) x 0,57 x (7.9 x 1O~) x 9.R I = 0.044 "\I

(U) Resistance of wire

R= pi'


_ (8.8 x LO-~):x 0.57 1.0 xlO-ft

= {},Q50 Q

(e) F'= Blf. ~in8

For W=F

0.044,.,_ (l.S x 1 n-J)I(O.57)sjn90V 1=43.06 A

p.d, between the ends of the wire V = IR = 43.06 x (1.050


(d) With a flux density B,,," = I ,8 x 10 S T, which is

lOOK smaller than 1.8 x W-3• the current required in the wire wi 11 he

IE = 100 I == lOf) x 43.06 = 4 306 A

which, in practice, is not seen ill current-carrying wires,

Self Evaluation Exercise 16.3 {po ~II1) 1. D

2. A

3. B

4. (a) Using me equations

P -:: RQv = mrtrl and 1.' =r "tV B!J{r.:iJ) = mral

. BQ

0)= ~


Period of orbit (1) = 2 ... (l)

2mn BQ



(1.0 ::.:.10-2) (1.76)( lOll)

=3.6 X 10-') S

(.0 = 1.76 ><lOll C kg -I)


(b) From the equation,

Period (1) = 2.wn


TIle period is; independent of the speed of the electron ('1'); and hence is independent of the kinetic energy of the electron, Therefore, for an electron having half as much energy, tI'I!; period is also

3.6 )( 10-\1' S,

Setf Eva I uati on Exercise 16 ~ 4 (p.205) L C

Fig. (a.)

By Fleming':;; left-hand rule, moving electrons would experience a magnetic force (F 8) parallel to the direction

OR (Fig. (a)}, .


-+ i-------;~---....j

o -----I ..... R.

Fig, (b)

After a period of time, there are accumula tion of e lectmn S on the right surface of'coppe .. r, Then an electric field E is set up also in the direction of Of( CFig, (bj),



After it period of time, Hall voltage is set up and there is JtO deflection of electron through the conductor because magnetic force is equal to the electric Jorce:


For a moving charge, Fil = Rq~'

For a charge in electric field, FE = Euq ., Bqv = EJR

En- Bv

And the velocity of electron ill the conductor is determined by:

J. D





! (J= -) A


. JB

EH.o..Bv= - nq

4. (II) Let d= width o.fthe indium antimonide-slice, find Vb = the Hal! voltage, then the electric fleld intensity between the edges,

v £:.:. _!!_ , d

The steady Hall voltage is set IIp when r, =F/J

QE =8Q1.'

From I:.:: 11:i~Q




Q( V'~) "" BQl(_J )

~ .. a . nAQ

Therefore, the number "Of free el.ectron~ pet un it volume,






(A =dt)

V,y (dr)Q ill

(H,80 x l 0-] ) :.: (2.0 xl U-3) x (1.6;.: 10-19) - 2,8S x 1012 m-3

(b) 1. I ( the H all voltage j ~ positi vc, 11 iroplies that the 111 a j(l r ity of the charge carriers ill the conductor are positively charged,

2. t\ negari v e Hall voltage imrlie~ that the

rna] oriry of the charge carriers are negatively o harged or arc free electrons.

3, T fthe Hall voltage i s zero, then there is lin equal number of positive and negative charge carriers in the con ductor,

5. (a) When a magnetic field is applied normally to a rhlu piece of metal carrying a current, there is magnetic force acting on the moving electrons, The force which is perpendicular to the current changes the

d ireetion of moti un of electron s. Electrons move to the side of the metal.

After a period of time, mere is accumulation of dtctll)1'ls, on tb~ side oftbe metal, Electric field is generated and tae electric force, which is opposite to ihe magnetic force, reduces the effect of magnetic force, Finally, the electric force equals the magnetic force and there is no deflection of demons. The voltage across the two sides is called Hall voltage.

(b) Han effect is greater in a semiconductor because Hall effect is inversely proportional to the number of charge carriers in the medium. for example, electric field Pl"OOUCOO by Hall effect is

iH E!!=-


where n is the number of charge carriers per unit WhJD.lC. And for semiconductor, rhc number of charge carriers per unit volume is less than that of metal. So the HaH effect is gIC81er in semiconductor. Hall effect can be ~OO to measure the magnitude and direction of a magnetic Held.

And the magnetic force is equal to the electric force: 3. (a)

F1':= Fit


_Ir~ =Bve


:. V'I= Bvw

. (b) (I] When the current increases, the drift velocity of (b)

clecUNollS tlncrcases.





By V H = BVl"I-' VIJ~ v

Therefore, the Hall voltage also increases,

(ii) Number of charge -..:IIITiL>r8 per unit volume of

copper is. huger than that of'semiconductor. n for copper> 71 for semiconductor

I 1

And v= - ~~-

i1€A. ' n

Vn= Bvw, VH ~ v 1

VH~ -


Therefore, the Hall \10 ltage decreases.

6. (a) The electric force expenenced by a moving electron in a magnetic field B 1~:

F/i = Eye

= V~e tv

magnetic fJeld B


Self Evaluation Exercise 16.5 (p.217)

1. A

Peak voltage (V,,) =. 1.5 x 10 = I 5' V F or a sinusoidal wave:

V ]5

V. =_0 =-=llV

I.~."_ .J2

Perind (1) = 2 l( 0.25 = 0.5 m~

t'= _!_ = 1 = 2 UOO Hz

. T O.5:xW-3

2. R

ln ihe first half period, Vv and J'e are ill phase with the same magnitude. The pattern will be a straight line making an angle 45"' with the axis.

In the second half period, ~~. is zero, Therefore, the point wi ll move horizontally on t y,

Self Evafuation Exercise 16.6 (p,227)

1. C

By right-hand grip rule, the current through P always produces a magnetic field perpendicular to or, Only the current at Q into the plane OXY produces a magnetic field at 0 ill the direction Or.




' .

.. '

.. ~


2. A

The magnetic flux density produced by a iV tums circular coil is:

lla-lI,r./ jJ=--



Therelore, the magn-etic flux d~ity b· doubled jf the , number of rurns is doubled and tlw·c~~-t1w ,adils .

of the coil remain unchanged. .

3. D

4. D

S. (a)


(b) Because the conductor is parallel to the direction of magnetic field Ai; the magnetic force acting <In a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field is:

p- Off. sing

When Ii = oa_ sintl= 0 and F = 0

fi. (1;1) Solenoid bas resistance. When two solenoids are connected in seri es, the resi stance is dou bl ed, And the current passes through the connected solenoid is halved. A~ the voltage is kept constant,

V i= -




2R 2

The nu mber of rums per unit length of the new arrangernen L i~ ~liH n_ 5Q the magnetic flux density within the solenoids H' is:

B #fJnl


B' J


B'= B



(h) If the current through the' connected-so lenoid remains 1. then the magnetic flux densi ly is sri Il B _ B'=B

Because the number of'turns per unit length remains unchanged,

Self Evaluation Exercise 16.7 (p.232) 1. B

2. A

3. D

4. The magnetic flux density lJJ at 3 distance 0,3 m to the right of me wCS1; .... -irc carryi ug a current h = 20 A is of magnitude:

B,> J1r.1[ 2w

-=;; (4...r x 1U-7) x 20 2Jr(O.3)

= l.3 x 1 W5 T (towards me north) Hence, the resu ltant flux density sr the position of the cast wire is:

R :;:::. R L - B if (B H = horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field) ={l,J ~-2,O}x lO-~

= 3_3 x 10 5 T

The reaultant force per metre length of the ~a8l wire is:

F -=Bf1 £

=:w: (3-3 x IO~<;) x 30

"'" lU x IO-~ ~ m' (towards the west) Similarly, the rnagnetic flux density B~ at a distance 0.3 m to the left of the cast wire is;

82 = J10/2


(4JrxlO 7»;;30 . 2:1.!'"(O.J)

= 2,0 x lO-~ T (OClW~rJS the :Sll'UW)

The resultant flux. den si ly at tilt: position of the west wire

H' =B'J-B?

~ (2.0 2.0) x 10-5 =01

Hence, there is no force acting on the west wire,

5. (II) (I)




di reetlon of magnetic ---........_


field Is gl\l8n

by fight-hand grip rule

direction of f~ 15 gwen by Fleming's left·hand rule



TI1e current in one foil A produces a magnetic field at the other foil C. According to right-hand grip rule and Flemiog's left-hand rule.the fun:c on C is. away from A. Simi larly, lite force on A is a way from C. therefore, the farce between the foils are repulsive,

Self Evaluation Exertise 16.8 (p.23fi)

1. D

The verticle sides. of the coil 8I~ perpendicular to the magnetic field, so tile force (1<) acting on them lR:

F-:- nsu. slnB = nEIL s.in90" =nBIL

And the force is abo perpendicular to the verticlc si des of the coil.

2. (a) B
F - T
I- L
:.--r F Fig. (a)

Force (F) is produced by the horizontal parts of tile current loop in the magnetic Iield {Fig. (a)).


And there is a torque acting on the end (0) of the beam (Fig. (0)).

:rt:F ·

~/bBam ,


Fig. (b) The total torque:

2Fd =2(NBiL) ~ :::


When tbe rider is at a distaace ,c from the axis PQ, there is an equilibrium, which means the torque by tile magnetic: rowe about 0 is equal til the torque by the weight of rider about O.

. . .~'E1L ~ = mgx

B = rngx "WLz

(b) From (a),

ssu: =mgx NElL!

.. x=--


(I) x is directly proportional to N. r f the number of

, hid JV th d· 'l X

turns is a ve to -, e rstance x equa s - .

2 2

Cn) X is directly proportion al to L 2• [f the side lengfh is doubled to 2L. the distance X" will be four times of the original x, i.e, 4x.

self Evaluation Exercise 16.9 (p,240) l, A

The sensitivity of a moving-coil galvanometer is the degree or deflection fI.ngl~ pet unit current passing though the. coil.

,_, e BAN 1

Sensitivity = - = -- x -

I k k. .

k is the torsion constant of the hairsprings. Therefore, lly using: smaller torsion constant h a irsprings, the sensitivw

can be increased. I

2. D

. I ..

'. .: i .1: :'.) "I. .:

3. Because the moving-coil sft.J'I~)lJ.\flA~ connected ~n series, the currents pass furmhtl\ml·iijieme same. And based on the sensitivity equation." _

(j= BArJ


R. T, k are the same in two galvanometers,

,. ~ = RA,IJ,] ik = n[Al

B) BA"ln~J/k n~A1

4. (a)

... pofnter


When a constant CUIT'ent passes through the coil, there is II torque acting 011 the coil, And the torque is balanced bv tile hairsprings,

- .

to- BA;Vl ~in¢-

And beca UKC of the concave permanent magnets and soft-iron core, the magnetic field is always Tarnal. Thus, the magnetic field is always perpendicular to tile: direction of current.

Thus, r/! "'" 90<:>

ATlJ kfJ = ReiN]

r} = BA2v7 k where N, S, A, k rue constant,

Therefore, e x: J, <1 linear scale 1S obtained,

(b) When a current (I) passes through a rectangular loop with. effective area A in a magnetic field, a torque is produced.

:r= BAlsin6

: :'. 'T:l1·a moving-coil gal YB.nQ meter .. there is. JI,' turns of

. : 'coils and the magnetic field is always perpendicular to the current. Thus, the torque Cis :

;> ... ;0.;.·",'· C"'BA.Al , , . ~ ~ :".~ ~ '.;' .atilctthe torque is balanced by the hairsprings ot galvanometer. If the hairsprings have torsion

. constant k. then

»e ~BA..l\jl o BAJ./


1 k

(e) FQr measuringe.m. r" tho; sensitivity equaliDn of a

moving-coil galvanometer changes to ··8 BAN


h'R k

fi = lJAil/V kR

When they are connected to tile same c.m.f (V). the deflection angle ratio is:

'f:Jt' _:=" BA~VpV;kRf 00. RANQVlkRQ where E, A, Y, k are the same,

(J N"RQ 8.''t'Q RQ 8 _ 2

___f_ -:-:: __ = _

., iiQ ,VQR/' JVQ 20RQ 20 5

Review Exercise 16 ·(p.244)

A. ~ «IIIpjt8 Chcfos-


1. A .

The magnetic field produced at the loop by wire .. \1: is pointed uut of'the paper, By Fleming's left-hand rule, the force acting l)Tl wire PO is upward, RS 18 downward, QS 110; towards lett and PR i~ towards right.


FPf;J .
Q • P
FOR · Fffl
· · .
· · .
FAS y ;

And because the magn itude of magnetic field by II. long straight \1,1 re is:

B = I{(J!


Wire QS is further away from wire XY than wire PR, SQ, the force acti ng on wire OS is less than the force acting on wire PR,

FpEi. >- FQ.~

There is a net force towards: right acting on the square loop, Thus, the loop will move towards the long wire IT,

1. D

Suppose the alternating currents flow through twu conductors arc f and fJ respectively. They arc both sinusoidal with equal magnitude !II but different pbase.

11 = ir! siJlOJt

l~ = h sin(w t + :lr) =-.f~ s.inm t



The magnitude offeree acung on conductor X is the same of force on conductor Y. Consider force tWtillg on

cond uctor X.

Sub. (2) into (1):

F --'.811f -_.--.-.1- ..... (1) _ f.1011

B - - __ . __ . __ . __ .(2)


F= PDf hh


- Pr:!{ sin:l: l!} t 21j;1"


3. n

By right-hand grip rule, the magnetic field produced by the large coil is pointed mto the parer, A nd by Fleming's left-hand rule, (he torce acting on the small mil is poinling towards its centre.

And the two coils are concentric, by symmetry, the force acting on every point otthe small coil is the same, So, there is no resultant force.

4. A

By right-hand grip rule, the magnetic field hy each wire is shown in the diagram.

P t - - - - - - - - - - --.0

:~Q I

: S


: p


.... -----_._--.

5 R

(P, Q - into the page)

(R. S - out of the page)

5. D

The magnetic flux. dens ity R du e to a long straight wi re is:

B= pol 2m'

As current J is consta . nt, B IX; _!__ r

6. D

Magnetic flux density produced by 8 circular coil is;




.. Boc_-


B = J.IfIli ., lOA

And at the end ofsolenoid, th~ magnetic fWx.ul1sity is;:1 ,'::-' .'.~ . : ... '.',,' ,t"';~.

B'To: Ii~RJ .. ':;~';lM ,,~.:~).,; ,

2 . j Jrt . eo

:Magnetic tlux den!':i ty at the cet!tre """'ie' ",/ ~tl. . "':i'!' '1'1,' . fit ;'" .,'.

Magnetic flux density at the ~~. . ,. >; : -. ':_ , ' .' .•• ~~ \ .. ,~~ \! , .'.-:to:' ..

. '. . .uL"H. ,.:':1, .I,. ~,J.-r" .....

, 2 j" ,',.' >.("x

p x x

7. .1:3

The magnetic flux density at the centre of a long solenoid b:

8. D

AL each end of each solenoid, :mapettc flux density= R, After the end-to-ecd CIOlIIll~.!/~!J_'~~," ~::~. :.'- !

Magnetic ThlX den'sity .... ,80-,.11· ;" .. '.:. ".

9. C

By right- hood grip rule, the rna gnetic Iield due to each current is anticl ockwise,

The magnetic field due to tlle current flowing through a strai ght wire is:

B= ~lJl


Therefore, further from the wire, smaller the magnetic field density, At P and S, 81 and B-:, are in the same direction, so the magnetic field density is BI ·t 81. Between Q and R, BLand B2 are in opposite directions, so the magnetic field density jslB, _ B~~. At 0, where is the mid-point of'two wires, the magnetic fi eld density B I = B1, so the net magnetic field density there is zero, And at Q and R, the magnetic field density is infinite.



x x

For the parts of PQ parallel to·RQ, when a. current passes through tne strip, me directions of currents nf those parts are opposite. By Elemings left-hand rule, the forces acting on them are outside, so the LWO parts of the strip repel each oilier,

11. (It)



1 ~1 cm~

8 ....... _- _.m:Ur,Cfrj:1" : 5

~: : ~ : 11 ~". :

I: :Ui I ~

~. s •. :

1 f

1- ....... _ ...... 1

The coaxial coils can be treateo ;i::l two long straight and parallel wires, Therefore, the force between two cOLIs is:


= ~:. (f)(2zR1'-i)

__( ,4_~_x_1O_- ?_£_}_x (;,_,2 ..... 5)~1

- X (2...-)0( 1.50 x 5)


..-:: O,59N

(b] Because the currents flowing lbrough the (:Qi15 are in opposite directions, the force is repulsive, If the currents are in the same direction. the forte is auraoti YC.

12. (a) (i)




so !en otd

Use the circuit shown, Connect the search coil to an :'I_C, voltmeter, Recor-d the e.m.f induced (V1) when the search coil if> at the end of solenoid, Then record the e.m.f induced (Vl) when the searob coil is at the centre of solenoid, The ratio of magnetic flux density

, Vj



(c) (I)


'. search col I

"- wire


By B- J..l1/ 2it'x

a is the amplitude 0 fthc trace in eRO, a ~B


_" (JOC-


13. (8) At the midpoint between the wires PQ and CD, the magnetic flux density JLJt:" tv the currcnt J in PQ and that due to the current I in DC an; in the same

direct ion, i, e. vertically upwards and each of magnitude:

jf~~ 2Ju·

Hence, the total flux density due to the current in both wires is:

B= 2(~:)

When the magnet NS is horizontal, the vertical component of the Earth's magnetic field,

Bv -r; Field due to both wires

= l(~:J

2)( (4.1l" x 10-1) x 2_30 211"(0.40.1 2) =4_60 x lO-i't T

(b) (l) If the current I i s i ncreased to a very large ... alue in the same direction, the magnetic field dll..:i: to the: current increases 00 a large value and the magnet becomes vertical .... 'ith its north pole

pointing upw ards. ,

(i i) T l'tho direction of the current is opposite and 'Hhe

current is increased to .a large va1u-e. the .~

magnetic field due to the current is vertically: ' : downwards, This csnses me.. -m~w~bfeL!lute . vertical but wi th its tlqth f)ole .poiiIUlil .

. downwards, . '


~~ .

I' ~ i."

14. (&) (t) On side BC:"whici:ds perpendicular to the .

magnetlc fii:l~lofthc:: solenoid, a vertical force is expected. TIle direction of the force, up or down, depends on the direction of the current ill Be and the direction of'tbe magnetic field,

tH) On side PB. which is parallel with the magnetic field of the solenoid, no force is expected ..

(b) Direction (If LIl~ Force could be reversed by

1. reversing the direction of the current ill He,

2. reversing me direction of'the current in the so lenoid, hence reversing rue direction of til B magnetic Iield,

(c) [I) BC is on the axis of the long solenoid.

Magnetic flux at Be

B = JiD ni= (4J[X 107) )( 700 x 3,5 -e- 3.1 x 10-3 T

Oi) Force acting on Be


=(3,1 x 10-]) x 3,;5 x {5.0:<; lIJl) = SA x I(f~N

(iii) Letd-distance of paper ofmass m = 0,10 g from kni fr;: edge.

Frame is. kept horizontal. mgd=F x QC

(O.l() >\ IQ ~})( 9,81 xd=(5A x ]O-'}x(lS_O x Hr!) d = S_2 x 10 I rn

15. (a) 0) & (i..i)

wir$ wilh currant



wire with current

(lui of plane of

(b) The two prope .. lies ol' Ferrous cores are: 1. the}' arc casil y magnetized, and

2, they are easily demagnetized,

16,. (a) 1. 2.

The charged particle is stational')'.

Th e charged rani de is moving in 8 plane that is parallel to me magnetic field.

(b) (1)

.. : -. ~:: ... ~\ ..... :~ .. ~. ~~:-~"'::. -. e


(iii) When the current. is switched on in the spring, a current flows in each individual turn of the spring as shown in (b}(l), The current gives rise to a. magnetic Geld in a plane that is

perpendic u 1 ar to the current flow, The magnetic fie ld is such tha t the N orth J~ Up>\' anls am! the S{)1It.n is downwards. Each tum exerts its own N orth and South po-les, hence the length changes due to the magnet i c attrat ... ti on between each tLJIT].

(iv) The spring. i~ compressed,

(c) When the free end ofthe spring oscillates vertically, each tum of the current-carrying coil "CUL~" the magnetic field generated by the c-urrent flowing in the coi I_ TI1i~ gi ves ri ~E to all i ndu ced current thai opposes the change that brought j[ about. Afi. the free end oscillates, the direction of motion of each tum changes and hence the direction of the induced current also changes, Th~TC will h~ small fluctuations in the current in the spring,

17. (II) (i) Gravitational tldd (if) Electric field

{jii) Megnetic field

(b) (ij

(ii) I. F - BQ'I-'

= (L5 x 10--1)( (1.6 x 1O-L9) )( (2.9 x 101) - 7.D X 1O-1S N

2. The magnetic force provides the centripetal force for the circular motion.







_ 1:9.1Jx]O-H) x (2.9 x]O,)z - 7.<l v; 1Q-I~ ._-

= II.Ox lrm

(e) The uniform electnc field applied in the same direction as the magnetic fie ld, i .e, into the plane of the paper, gi ves Ii se to WI electric force Oll the electron directed out of die plane of the paper. Ilence, tile shape of the resultant path of the electron resembles 11 spiral out of the plane of me paper as illustrated ill the figure.

18. - 22. HKALE Questions

[17 Electromagnetic Induction .1. 6. (a) Self Evaluation Exercise 17.1 (p.259)

1. D

The unit for s is V =J c-1

= kg mZ s-l. c-l = kg m2 s -, A-L

So the unl L fur magnetic flux dI is

leg m2 S-3 A-J s

= kg m2 S-2 A-I

. : r" .. !.,

• 'j •••

2. C

Tile induced e.m.f, is due to the change of magnetic flux through the coil, As the bar magnet passes at a steady speed, e.m.f is only induced when the bar magnet moves into and out of the coil. A.nd the induced currents in two cases are opposite in direction,




When P starts 1(1 move at a constant speed away from Q, the magnetic flu)!". through Q decreases, All induced

e. m.f is generated to oppose the change of magnetic flux. The terce is attractive and the current flows from N to M. And because the change of magnetic flux becomes steady, the induced current ilj decreasing.

4. E

5. A

small coU


( ..

Iljlrge cem .

(reel8tano& = R)

The current in the large coil (1) "'" __!!_ R+r

_ 60 = 3-0 A

10+ 10

Magnetic flux 'density at the centre of the large coil carrying a current 1 is:

B = PnN1 '" (4;'0:: l 0-1) x 500:x: 3_0

2r 2xO.l

= 31fX 10-3 T

Hence. magncti e flux linkage through tile small coil:

t1> = l",'IBA

= 150 x (3!l" x 10-3) x (1.0 x 10-1 = 4.5.'1 x 1O-~ Wb

Using F mWRY' s Law of Electroma gnetic Induction, Induced e .m, f_ = -Rate of change of magnetic flux Final flux - Initial nux


() - (4_5% x lO-j) 10 ·4 =-1.4 V

(b) When the current in the large coil is switched on, it tako~ some time for the current to reach its steady value. The change in magnetic flux through the small coil if> slow and a small e.m.f is induced. Whi..'11 the current is switched ot1-~ the circuit is broken and the current in rhc large coil drops immediately to zero. The rate of change in the magnetic flux through the small coil is much greater and a large e.m.f is induced,


7 . (a) The magnetic field due to the circular colt with N Se If Eva I uati on Exe rei se 17.2 (p_265)

I. D

!(Ol\'{ B=--- 2r

And the induced e.rn.f, in small coil is: d!fI



d(nBA) dt

= -rIA d(po'~'112R) dt

-nA j.t~ ,v dl

2R dr

= -16 x If (0,25 )( 10-2 f X !4Jr X lO-rl;.: lOO ( ..!.Q_

2x(JOxlO-2) 2.0

'" -9.87 :>( 10-; V

The magnitude nf induced e.m.f is 9.87 x 10-' V_

(b) smaU.coi1



/ large coil

(c) Because the magnetic fl LJ."( through the small coil decreases when the current in the large coil decreases, &0 the current induced in the: small coil is in a direction to oppose the decrease of the magnetic flux through it.




(8) The induced e.m.L between the wingtips: e =- Btl.'

-e- (4,0 x 10 ~) x 25 x 250 = 0.25 V

(b) In northern hemisphere, the magnetic field is downward. By Fleming's right-hand rule, the northern wingtip is. at a 'Pt)siti ... -c potential and vice versa.

(e) No current, Because the e.m.f of equal magnitude but opposite direction is induced in the connecting wire. The circuit is still not completed for the current to flow through.


(A) (i) s= Btv

(ti) The speed of the rod..YY is constant because there is an induced force acting on the: rod when an induced current flow s in the rod. The applied force (F') is equal to that force. So no net force acts on the rod and its speed remains constant.

(; Btv

Induced current (I) = - = -


By Fleming's right-band rule, the: direction of induced ~lJJ'TCnt is anticlockwi se.

(iii) The induced force by the induced current:

F=Blf F

Bt = - . __ ._._._. ._, (1)


And the magnitude of induced current Bfv

1= - ,_,., , {2)


Sub, (1) into (2),

i= Fv


i= Fv


2.0x 1.6


~.- ..


(b) The magnitude of induced e.m, f.: s=Biv

And v= u-af

where u = 0, v~ ut

8= Bfat

And F'· F= rna




BeT(£' -F)


: 3. ,.$ ... ; ... ,

• ':',' ~. I



... ·s· :.,:

. :. I ~' •. ' ,: . I; I

The effective length of the wingtips perpendicular to the Earth' s magnetic field is t' cos 0, SQ rhe induced e.m.f.:

t' = B(e cOSo&} v

160 x 10-3 = B(25 oos3QO) x 120 .H ~ 6.2 X 10-5 T

Self Evaluation Exercise 17.3 (p,272) .1. A

To ha .. '~ change of magnetic fl LJX through the coil, the rotation axis is either yy 'and U_ And the induced e.m.f .. . for a rotating coil is:

t: = BA "v (J) sin &

The graph show ~ t: .m, f. increasing front zero tu maximum, In ~ sinusoidal wave .. this happens when () increases from O~ to 9{)". So, the rotation of a. quarter revolution of the coil about the axis YY' produced that

2. B

The magnetic field duo: to the large circular coil is:

Pl' l\,'f B=--


The maximum instantaneous induced c.rn.f.: f-O = HA.fJ,'o)

)1 ~'J

= (_rr_ )A.~r(!,


61) a: 1

The induced e.m, f_ ( liD) is directly proporti onal to the current (l} rhrou gh me large circular coil.

-{a) (:t!) no :n"J.»imUfll instantaneous value of induced

... ~i';-~;~-: ~ .~. I· •

:~.: >;e;1tli.f. l!j,:

r·· :v.~tt..."i:w.l.t~ .

- ~. = B6ii} N(2 r.l)

. , ::: ~.: ... ~. ~,(l6· ~ m-~) x (11: X .( o~ 1 J J ) x 25


"'3.1 x lO~·y

(i!) 'rh~ r.m.s, value of the e.m.t.: e

[] .. ......!:!!.!!iL

r.m.s, ,f2

3. Il<: ~ o-~

. ./2

= 2.2).( 1O-~ V

(b) The magnetic field rotating at the same rate and same direction call be treated as the coil rotates in an oppcsite direction. Sou, the induced will be in 0 pposite direction.


.;' i·


The maximum instanraneous value of induced e.m.f is: 8.:l = BA.Nw


= 0.08 x (300 x 10--4) x 50 x (21n< 21DO) 60

= 26_39' V

The r.m.s, value of the e.m.f LS: c

~ _" 8

..... m.s. - .J2

26,39 - ------,=-


'" 18..66 V

6. (a) The maximum magnetic flux through the coil is: cD = ,IliBA

= 5 n x (3,0 ;:.0: I 0-5) X (IO:x 1 0--4) = L'i x lO~Wb

(b) TIle mean value of'the induced e.ui.f is: dq)



1.5)( 1O~

1.0 "X 10-1

=-1.5 x io+v

The mean value ol'the induced c.m.J. is 1.5 x 10--.1. \I,


(a) (i) The variation of the magnetic flux through the Self Evaluation Exercise 17.4 (p_278) coil is;



'D = }llBA Ct)s{2:1if)

At t -= 0, the flux through tile coil is maximum. The variation of nux is a cosine function.

(li) The induced e.rn.f in the coil is:




= -NBA d oos OJ! dt

-'- NBA ()) sin flJt

The variation of induced e.m.f. is a sine: function.

(i) <I>



- --....,. (Ii) ~

There i~ magnetic flux through the coil only when the magnet covers the coil. And only the changing part of 41 induces e.m, f_ The rate of change of flux through the coil is constant and thus the induced e.m.f is constant,

Oi) e

/ magnet

J I covers

part of coil'"

t: ./


! magnet


- covers

lwhofe coil

, !


When the switch S is closed, a current passes through the electromagnet and a magnetic field is generated. The directions of magnetic flux induced ia the copper ring and coil are opposi tc. So, there is a repulsiv e force tn slow down the motion of the ring. And to certain point, the horizontal component of the opposing force equals the horizontal component of the force by the md. SQ the ring comes to rest with the rod inclined to the verti cal,

2. (a) The eddy current due to the magnetic field of the electromagnet flows in the copper plate to oppose the motion of the plate. Therefore, the oscillation of the plate is damped and even stops.

(b) To reduce eddy currents in the cores of transformers, the cores are made of laminated soft-iron. The high resistance of the laminated core reduces the eddy current.

3. The copper disc slows. down because the eddy current induced in the disc flows. in such a way that the spinning of the disc in retarded,

Se~f Evaluation Exercise 17.5 (p.2&6)

1. C

The soft-iron core can improve the flux linkage between the turns of coil because the core becomes an electromagnet when the current flows in the coil around it. This makes the magnetic flux stronger.

2:. B

The self inductance of tile solenoid is:

L= Nib J

L = 400>< (1)( lO-4}x (.5 x 10-5) 2.0

= LO X W-<!i H

= 1.0 J1lI



The inductance of P is Lower 'than that of Q. !,p < if)

. As the two cons have the same resistance, when the switch is dosed, the rates of change .of currenrare the same in the two coils, And the induced e.m.f is:


t;= -1.-


s x I,

So, the opposing e.m.f in Q is greater than in P. The curren l through Q will increase with a rate s lower than P.

4. A

5. C

6. The relationship bet ween induced c om. f., rate of change of current and self inductance is:




The unit for e is V .

._ lt f dl - A -'

T nc unit or - 15, S -_


So, the 1,11111 for L, heury is:

H = V S A-J

= J C' ioj A-L =J{A SfL SKI = J A-1



Lens's Law in electromagnetic induction is the direct COMequence of the principle of conservation of energy. For ~aGlple, the work done against the opposing force eq~ the 1Jhennnl energy due to resista nee 0 r the loop.

2. A:·H;r;,~,.·! .:,i~·, .. ,

The ~,m,f. induced (.8) = _ dt!J


d(ld? )

JI ......

~<":.~ :0. -2kt;~$bit1Jde of e:m.f. (b) is directly ptO~.·dlo jt- and t with j-intercept at 0-

. ··1: ~ .. ·{~~'.!n·.:·.·~~· :.:"1: ::

J~ .",::t{. .':! ~;J~::: :,:;\ '.:.(: ~ .. -:' . dcJl

·,~bd,im.',f., (e)''''''·-~

... _.. . d(

= _ d(BA) Jt adA

= ---


=_BM 1.t

B;r(r{ - ~11) liT

. JI:lJ(r{ - r/)

Tbe magnitude of the induced e.m.f IS ~....:.....=.-....:.._;__ AT

4. B



copper R


When the switch K is closed, the magnetic field is produced and there is magnetic flux passing through the

copper ring from left to right, Therefore, a current is 8.

induced to oppose the change. And the majnetic field direction is shown in the diagram,

The two magnetic flux are in opposite directions, So the force is repulsive find the copper ring would move in direction Q.



The induced e.m.f ill the coil is: ~




at dB =-Ad{

dB ~i--


where - dB is the slope of graph.


The magnitude of induced e.m.f is maximum when the ~ I ope of the graph is the greatest. Thus, w hen the value of t is '4, the e.m.f induced is maximum,



The e.m.f (&) induced in the coil is: a'¢I



d¢I . sine 2m ) o T


2Jr 2111

= ...(Do- cos{-)


E a: -oos.( 2m )


The negative sign of the equation means that the curve is shifted downwards,

7. D

For a finite solenoid, the magnetic field inside is uniform.


And the magnetic field at tile ends ofthe solenoid is half of the field at (he centre. The amplitude of e.rn.f (E:) induced in the search coil is proportional to the magnetic. field,




(dl = BA)


The copper rod is moving along the direction of magnetic field produced by the current I in the wire. It does not cut any magnetic flux. Therefore, the e.m.f, induced in the rod is zero.

9. A

The e.m.f induced In the rotating coil placed in a uniform magnetic field is:

e = BAI1@ sillWI'

The e.m.f 15 maximum when Slllt'Ji' = 1, &max =Bdn«

,. &.n..:.: = BAnh/ (w = 2,'if)


10. D

The induced e.m, f_ is:




dBijA sin (2m) T


= -BrA( 2n- ) cos( 2m )


The magnitude is maximum when oos( 2nt ) = 1, T


- ::::; 0, iT, 2n-, 3 ..... , ... ,.

-. T

t =0, T. 3T', _. __ ._ 2 2

11. B

The current increases as the graph shown because there is a back e.m.f. which opposes the flow of current.

And the back e.rn.f is:

dJ If=-L-



coc -


Ir j s directly proportional. to the rate of change of the current

, I




The maximum e .m. f. Induced in the coil is: d$



=_ d(NRA)


d(J-IfJ! )

'" -N4 2A'r


~ NAj..I~ (dl)

2m' dt

The magnitude or e.m.f is: _~'Apo M 5=---

2m .!1t

16 X Jr(O.25 x]O .~/. x (41<)( 1O-~) 100

2J! x (10)( 10-2) ( 2.0 )



100A '

~8CD' f


/ I

ooU :

The induced current flows in LhC;'! coil so as to produce a magnetic field in the same direction (pointed into the page) as the field produced by the CLlTTCllt in the straight wire. The direction of'e.m.f is the direction of current in the coil,

13. (a) (i) Angular velocity of rotation: (J) = 55 r.p.s.

= 55 x 21l'rad S-l = l l Ozr rad 5··J

Angle turned through by the ceil at time = t is 0t. Hence, the magnetic 11 ux 1 in ked with the coil:

$ = BA sinml

= 0.5 x (6.0 x 1O-2i s.iTl(llOm) = {1.8 x lO-·Jhill( 110 111) W b

(ll} Using .Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction, induced e.m.f. (s)




= - ~ [(1.8 x W·~) sin(110m)] = -(1.8 x 10 3)(11 011") cos{ 110m) = -0.62 C(ls( I l 0 m)

.t= SS Hz


f 55


= l8.2 ms

(b) I F the coil has 546 turns, Peak value of induced e.m.f. = 546;>;; 0.62

= 34{) V

Reading of voltmeter = r.m.s, value cfvcltage 340


= 240 V

(c) When a soft-iron piece is inserted into the inductor

its inductance L increases. Hence, the current I '

through the lamp decreases and the lamp bCCl)mCI5 dimmer,

the loop is

inside the- held

the oop is
out of the 2.
r field
l + L X
l.. Therefore, the induced e.m.f is:

14. (a) The induced e.m.f in a conducting loop is equal to the rate of ell ange of magnetic tl ux through the loop.




w is the magnetic flux through the loop, E is the induced e.m.f .• t is the time.

The negative ~ign indicates the opposition. (b) (i)

d'D (O::::;;x<1)
l. c=--v=-Bt'v
2. .j{D (f s;x-':;; I.)
3. d¢ (L 5, x 5. L + I;)
8= -- 2v =2Hfv
dx dx dt dfll



ax (v= -)

. dt

(iii) The heat dissipated i.n the coil is:

E~ Energy = -I


Wht_.Ll position of side QR is at 0 S x ::::;; {,

E - (~BtV)l (I.) _ 8~ ev

nergy = - ---

R v R

Whl;!n f -5, x S L. &"= 0,

Energy = 0

When L S;_.t ~L + i,

E (2Bf..,)? { t )

ne.rgy = -

R 2,..·

2B~[\ ..



So. the total heat dh;~ip<lted is:

B2l~v 2B2el'



3B!e\ ..


(lv) When the coil is mo v ed with velocity v throughout,

(i] the graph shows no change because it only shows the relationship between ell find x, not v,

(ll) for L S x s L + f, 11 =. Rtv .. which is halved,

... l,..2

(m) Energy = - t R

As sfor L s x s:: L + f. is halved. the total heat dissipated decreases.

€ the loop is moving

into the field

The rnaxunum rnagnetic flux: llm:-:- BA


(iij The magni tude of induced e.rn. f. j S the rate of change of magnetic flux through the loop.





dcD is the gradient of the graph, vis the dx

velocity of the coil,

When the loop is moving into and out of the field, there is a change of magnetic flux through the evil and e.m.f is induced, And only the vertical sides of loop are responsible for the induced

From the graph. the s lope is: 1. Moving into tbe field;

dqI 6.W Bf_2

- "= - = ~ o:::.Bl (O:S:x:sl)


2. T nside the field: diD

- =0 (lSx.s;L)


3. Moving out of the: field:

atll- ~4J se 2


dx Ax f_ -

(L ~x~L+ I.)

15. (9.) (i)

(e). (1)
I sMroh ooil
~ at l
B I t
I i
l 90"
- .. -
* ~
j", i I
-, . S
i .; , ... , -, ;' !,'N Ja.t:. WltItN~_

. • r.

Use a motor to: :t'01fttljl\~#ifi"li·i6W·m such .:1 direction that :the rotalion axis is pe~n:dicula.r~

bo the )tl.agnchc .tT"CI~ ~wlim·1t).e an!;is. is :,

perpendicular to ·the fidd..the voltmeter :!

reading is maximum}, . .,

ThQ c.m.f indaced in the search coil is

measured by the a.c, voltmeter,

The voltmeter reading is the root-mean-square of the induced e .m.f

0,m,~. = Voltmeter reading

And the peak 1,'al(.I.C ofindueed e.m.f is: e - HA.!,,'w





B = r·IJl,~,


(b) (I) The rectangular conductor call be treated as a sheet that h composed of many rods,

And when a rod is moving across a magnetic field, lhe e.m.f induced is:


The circuit is completed by the voltmeter.

(Ii) But when me voltmeter is moving along with the rectangular conductor, an e.m.f is also induced across the voltmeter. And fhe p.d, between the: connecting points of voltmeter and conductor are the same, The circuit is not closed There is no current thro ugh the voltmeter, So the reading of voltmeter is zero.

"_".<" ~n .:.".

The change of effective area in ti me t is A. The e.rn.f induced in the circular coil is: dID



d(l'.'BA) dt

= _l'yTB dA. cit

'" -].;r[J!::i ~f



The current induced in the coil is:

e 1= -





The rate of change of magnetic field is:

E 1 drn

1=- ""--

R R dr

_ 1 J(NBA)

R d{

NA riB


R dt

dB R1

di iVA

6:..; (l x 10 ~) . 100:.; (8[)xlO--4) = 7.5 >: 10<; r s '


16. (9) (I)

(ii) 1. A changing magnetic flux can induce an e.rn.f ill a conductor, Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction states that the magnitude ofthe induced e.m.f In a conductor is directly proportional to the rate at which magnetic flux is cut by the conductor,

1. The electromagnet produces a magnetic field MOund the aluminium plate. As the aluminium plate moves, it cuts the magnetic flux around it, According to Faraday's Law, this changing flux will give lise to induced e.m.f.jn the plate,

As flux density i s inverse ly proportional to the square of distance from the electromagnet, the e.m.f induced will be inversely proportional to the square of

di stance from the electromagnet.

The different e.m.f induced in the p late results ill potential differences and hence induced current, known as eddy currents, i (I the plate,

According to Lenz's Law, the induced CUTTent will flow 111 a direction ::;0 as to oppose the change that is producing it, i.e. oppose the movement of the plate and the mass, The opposing effect damped the oscillations.

(b) By applying a larger c urrent i ... the electromagnet. a larger current will be induced in the plate and so a greater damping.

The current may be increased to a magnitude such that the aluminium plate and the mass. will nut oscillate but win return to its rest position quickly w hen displaced, and so demonstrate critical damping.

17. <Ill (i) A changing magnetic flux can induce au e.m.f in a conductor. Faraday's Law of Electmmagneric Induction states that the magnitude of the induced e.m.f in a conductor is directly proportional to the rate at which magnetic flux is cut by the conductor.

(U) WhL>Jl a string vibrates. it cuts the magnetic

11 U)( in alternating opposite d irections, According to Faraday's Law, an alternating e.m.f will be induced in the string. According to Lenz's Law, the induced e.m.I. wiH produce effects to oppose tile change lhal induced il The alternating opposin g c Hects will produce a changing flux in the coil, and so generate a signal between the terminals of the coil,

(b) (i) The rate al which the magnetic flux is cut by the single steel string is very small and so the magnitude of the induced e. m.f will be very small, The signal (the induced e.m.f.) must therefore be amplified before connection to a loudspeaker .

(H) Nylon is not a conductor and so no e.m.f could be induced in nylon strings when they cut the magnetic flux,

18. (a) Electromagnetic Inducticn refers to the phenomenon that an e.m.f is induced when magnetic flux. changes in the region o f a conductor,

(h) Lenz's Law stales thal an mduced current will flow in a direction thai produces effects to oppose the change that induced it.

It is directly related to the Law of Conservation of Energy in that work must be done against the effects to make the change that is. inducing the current.

(or) When turning (Iff a direct current, large and complex switches are necessary because there js a risk of electric shock even if a low voltage is involved.

The magnetic flux could collapse v cry quickly when a direct current is switched off. E\'eT1 with a very low current, it could result in a very higb rate of change of magnetic flux ill the associated wirings, hence inducing a very high e.m.f

19. (It) (I) Magnetic flux density is Milled as th.f.d&re.e " acting per unit current in. a wire of unit length at right angles to Ilk: fidd_,

SI unit: tesla " "

(Ii) Magnetic flux is the n~1f magnetic flux lines passing through iI'~~~",area-."

Sl unit weber . ~ '.;'. J' ):'

(b) (l) "! .. ,'""

.~ I. •• • : ••

(ii) The force €lets in a di rectiou that is perpendicular to both me dircGtiol1~ of'the magnetic field and CI.JIK."TIt in the wire,

un) F= BN

~ (10,20 )o! 4.5 ><: 0,%0 =0,054 N

(c) (j) Electromagnetic Induction (ii) I> -= fl£)l

6 0_12 i

l'= - = ---- = 10 m s"

B( 0.20 X 0,060

(d) "Energy change in (b):

Electrical energy ---+ Mechanical energy Energy change in (c):

Mechanical energy -4 Electrical energy

20. - 24. HKAT.F QuesMns

118 Alternating Current

Self Evaluation Exercise 18.1 (p.304)

7. The same calibration can be used to measure direct currents arid alternating currents as tile heating effect i~ shown by both d,c, and a.c, FOT a.c., the calibration gives the, value of the current,

1. C

The r.m.s. value of an a.c, is the value of steady current Self Evaluation Exercise 18.2 (p.31O)

which consumes the same power in 11 given resistance. 1. D

P = lr.m~, R -: r«

Current J'is 2 A. 2. D



The r.m.s, value of an a.c, is the value of steady current which consumes the same power in a given resistance.

Reading of the ammeter is 5,0 A.



1-= 10 sinex

Double the amplitude and frequency of the a,c, In -; 2Ia


f = 2/(1sin(2a;ll)



The r.m.s. value of peak voltage V(J js the val ue of steady voltage V which consumes the same power in a given resistance.

And the relationship between Vr,lm. and VIt is:


V. = ~I)

r·m~, Ji

So, the relationship between VaTld Vo is:

V V=- _0


rli = .fi V

s, C

6. (a) The amplitude of current is the peak value of current,

/(1=5 A

(b) The T,m.S. current is:

If} _ 5 - 54

ir.a. ... = ..f2 - .f2 - l A

(c) The frequency of the supply is:

1 . 1

f= T = 40xlO-l =25Hz


A Tl ideal transformer consists of two coils, with dlffen..'Tlt number of turns, wound aTQI,IIJd an iron core, An alternating current generator is connected to the primal)' coil,

The current flowing through the primary coil changes w:itb time, so the magnetic flux linkage through the secondary coil changes with time, An e.m.f is induced in the secondary coil,

The electrical energy i!5 converted to magnetic ~nergy in the flux, and then converted back to electrical CTlergy in the secondary coil, If a resistor is connected to the secondary coil, energy is di ssipated by it, III fact. the energy obtained is from the supply,

By conservation of energy, the current in the secondary cull is:


V I, = Ip_~


I _ Np (VJ' = ,~r P )

l -ip-

,"'I'a V~ N~

Therefore, the energy dissipated is:

Energy = {."!R = [I .ho. .. ~)1 R

I' N.,

R is the resistance of the resistor.

From the above equation, we know that the energy dissipated by the resistor is obtalned from the supply.


~ ..

.. ~.


(u) (i)·

(b) (i)


A changing magnetic flux. can

e, m, f. in a conductor. Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction states th3.t.uh:¢ magnitude of the induced e.m. a. :.-; conductor is directly proportional te tlto- tal»

at which magnetic flux is ~ r- !:l! ~ ,:- ~i '; conductor, . '. .", .', .. ' ~ ~j~').: ..

All alternating input voltage will ile:uc-~e.u altematmg current in the primary cci1 whlr:h. wi1l produce an alternating nui.p.e& tU., i,{

a changing flux linkage, ~~b' ~aradaY's.Law} ~~t ~~~ will. : induce an e.m,fl;'l('_!l~t~;) .

A direct input-~~_tlIj. ~tan.t direct current ltl the pril!llaty[O"6'tl·~-wWh, will prcdneee .com.stant nwpedt iflUX~A.e. 'hO changeefflux Ilnkage; T-h'erefot:e'tllo e.m.f could be 'induced in·the 'secondary 'coil.

Lenz's Law states that an hl'.ldu.ced current will flo-w in a direction that produces effects to oppose the change that induced it.

The frequency of change of flux linkage is. the same as that of the alternating current in the primary coil, which will he the same as that of thc input voltage,

According to Lenz ' s Law, the output current will be in a direction that produces effects 10 oppose the change in flux linkage. find so will have the same frequency of change as the flux linkage,

The output e.m.f will have the same frequency as the input voltage.


Self Evatuation Exercise 18.3 (p,318) 1. D

breakdown voltage


rr-~ ,. ""leekaQ-e!

reverse bias

, ,

tomard \IO~tage

For a real semiconductor diode, the forward voltage is about 0_5 V. ill forward bia. s , the current increases with the applied voltage, III reverse bi as, there is. a leakage of current. And when the voltage exceeds the breakdown voltage, the current increases suddenly,

- - ---~f-=9------~--l"''''' V


2. B

From the. current-voltage characteristic of the semiconductor diode, there is a small current leakage ill

revers¢: mas, .

No circuit except circuit B can lirni t me current through ,. , .. ' the ~~~":~()meter no matter which the current direction ., ., ··i~. The current is limited to the value of current leakage . ',>'.' "\1;"h'itti i~ :v~6r small but stl11 can make good. use of the

salvoo.ometer to detect the current through the circuit.

3. A

Wben 18'" 5 mA., the voltage across the milliammeter is:

>;,.:":' ·":!r;~J~ ':" . J .: .

',': ';'1.':' ~,' ~fft·."?< l.tT ))( .100


Because the diodes alld me rnilli ammeter are connected in parallel, the voltage across the diodes is the same al-l the voltage across the milliammeter, That is 0.5 V. From rbe graph, when the forward voltage across the diodes is 0,5 V, the current through it is 6 rnA,

4. C

Current always flows through the resistor from left to light in circuit C full-wave rectification CfU1 be obtained.

5. D

6. C

7. (a) The circuit is jll forward bias, The potential at point J is:


VJ= 12 x _-_ =-4 V 4+2

(b) The circuit is in rev c 'me bias, no current flows, The potential difference aLT05S the diode is 12 \"



The potential at point J 1S 0 V.

(c) The same as (b). The potentia] at po.inU is 0 V_ (d) The circuit i~ in forward bias,

The potential at point Jls:


VJ= 12 x -_ '" 8. V


(e) The circuit is in reverse bias, there is no current flowing through it. The potential di m . rrenee across the diode is 12 V,



Thus, the potenti a 1 at point J is:

VJ= 12 V

8. The frequency of the output is 50 Hz.

Period of charge-discharge eye le {7) = 2Jj'

-t- _1_ =O_(H ~ 2x 50

(a) The time constant "<I is:

T] =CR1

= (100 x lO--6) X' 2000 =0.2 s

(b) The time constant '01 is: 1)'" CR},

"" {toO x 10-, x 200 = 0.02 s

Both r] and f2 are greater than T, so the capacitor cannot be fully charged and dis-charged.


For Ii, ~ 2 000 n.

\ For~~200 0

i • , , " f' fur~rectffied

o~' ~\~i t~~ ~t~.~


The drop of VR is greater f(Jr the circuit with R = 200 n because rl :> 1"2,

Self Evaluation ExerCise 18.4, ,p,31.~:L .},

1. B -, ,~;


peak of P

peak of Q

~..: -,

\ ,

.. ".: .

1& Compare the: peaks ofF :!lnd Q, P:l~ Q by "2

(Q leads P by .s. ), ·tba~ 11; ! period,

2 4

And the frequencies of tile voltages are the same. The value is:

,1 1 2

t = T = 0.4 = .5 Hz

2. D

The current flowing in the circuit leads the voltage

,.1.. • by:r That i l . 1 . '~..l

across. we capacrtor - . at is equa to - penon,

2 4



3. D

The capacitive reactance is: 1

Xc =--



= -----~---,;-

2 ... x lOOx(2,2xlO-fi)

= 713,4Q

V 12

.. I '-"~=--

r.l'I1_l. X c 723.4

= 0,017 A

= 17 rnA.




.., 0.4 A

6. (a} The reactance {XR) of a conductor is R, It is independent of the frequency.

(b) The reacrance (X{_) of a capacitor is: 1






(e) The reactance (Xd of an inductor is:

XL = 2afL Xl..o":::f Reactan(l9 I ,~

(b) x;


Frequency I Ht

7. (a) The capacitive reactance (Xl:) 1



2;r x 50x (3)( 10· 6) = 397.9 U

The r. m.s, current in the circuit is:


! _ r.rn .s,





. = 0.503 A

(b) The peak v 'oltage across the capacitor is:

Y(:'Q = V(I = J2 Vr.m .s,

= J2 x200 =283 V

Self Evaluation Exercise 18.5 (p.3lI3)

1. A

The total impedance of a He circuit

= ~R2 +X,.l

And til jg i So eq ual to Z in the diagram.

The applied voltage is eq ual 10 the yo ltages across R and c. ADd VI! and current are always in phase. So , is the phase difference with the current leading the applied voltage.

2. D

The voltage across. X and P is Ve. The voltage across P and Y is VR. The applied voltage is V.

And the relationship between r. Ycand VI<' is:

V= ~V(.'l +Y/

25 =-- ~IS2 + VR 2 VJI =20V

J. D

The inductive reactance (Xi) = 21(fL The impedance of the coil is:

z» ~X/ +Rz

"" k2~l + Rl]i

. . ]

"" (Hz + 41f~ J" L" 'ft

4. 0

Since Vc» ilL, the phasor diagram fur the circuit 15:


s, C

ifi. (a) The r.m.s, current is:


J. - t.m.~



= ------::-

1.2)0( 10J


(b) The capacitive reactance is: 1




23)( 50:>( (2.2 X 10--(, ) = 1446.9 n

The r.m.s. current is:


I =~

r,ID,~ X


240 l446.9 = 0.166 A

(e ) T~e tot,ai, .i1llp,meE! the circuit is: ··'Z;' ~~~);~?! ·ue·· ' ..

'" • ./{1446.9)2 + (1.2 x lojf ..: 1879,70

Thus. th e r, rn.s, current is:


1 - L".0:0l.8.

U~,.~.- Z




= 0.l28 A

The voltage across the capacitor is:

V (, = f,'.1iI.3. Xc

= (U n x 1 446,9 = 184,7 V

7. The capacitive reactance is:

I X(.= --

. ),...g.


21< x I 59 x (10 )<' 10 -6 ) = 100.1 n

The total impedance of the circuit is:


- v(100)1 1" (1()O.1}1 = l41,5 0

8. (iI)




(i) The capacitance of'the capacitor is fixed, so the capacitive reactance does not change.

i", ·2

Z:.._ -vR- + x;

And as R increases, tile impedance increases. (ti) tanei= Xc = _1_


He phase angle ¢ decreases,

(,'b) Ifrhe: phaseangle is 45°,

. ~. \, ~,._., ., 1

tlM)¢= -~

, :,., ... ' ·wRC

R= 1


. ,

. . 4fto' id{)'ix '(1 .6' )o! 10-(', ) tim45" :;: 1·989,4!l

... (a) When a 240 V d.c, supply;is·wi:l.l1ected to the
solenoid, there is no inductive reactance.
When a 240 V a.c. supply ii.· connected to the
solenoid, there arc both resistance and inductive
reactance which ~:ff(-cl' the current, .
(b) (il The resistance of the solenoid is:
R= -
., 100 n
(ii.) TIle total impedance Z is:
Z= -
Thu s, rhe rcac tunce of tile :;;01 enoid is:
2~Ol. - Xiz .~. 10tY
XL- = 173f1
(e) (1) The ammeter reading of d.c, does not change
as R remains unchanged,
The ammeter reading of a.c, becomes smaller,
Because the jnductive reactance (Xl.)
increases as the soft-iron core incre a ses the
inductance of the solenoid, Thus, the total
impedance (If the circuit increases and the
curren L becomes small er.
(ii) The ammeter reading of d.c, does not change
because the resistance of the solenoid remains
The ammeter reading of a.c. increases
because the inductance of the solenoid
decreases when it is unwound and pressed
into Il. randomly arranged wire. The magnetic
flux by the wires are randomly oriented and
cancel each other. The net flux through the
ball it, smaller than an uniform solenoid,
Thus, the total impedance of the circuit
decreases and the current becomes larger. Self Evaluation Exercise 18.6 (p.3.54}

1. D

The r.m.s, value of an a.c, voltage (Y<-m .. .) is the value of 8 steady voltage (l') which consumes the same power in a given resistance (R).

V~ v'



And the resistance of the resistor is independent of frequency. So, the mean rate of'heatdissipated rmm the resi stor 16 also independent of frequ ency,



For a pure Inductive circuit, the voltage across the

!r . 1 . lei)

inductor (V) leads the: C urrent (1) by "2 t"4 peru .

W hen the current in the circuit is I~ sinae, the voltage IS J--(. Sin( aJI + ; ) . And the power consumption by the inductor at time t i~:

p-: V{,T

( ff) .

= VLO sin cot +"2 l[) smQJt

= Vw llJ cos o.R' sill as

= ! VLO if] sio26.."1t


Therefore, when the "current" completes one cycle, the "power" romp letes two cycles.

3. D

The power dissipated from the resistor is:

P> r.: .s. R


1 2

= -loR 2

4. C

5. D

6. When a d.c, is used,

P=?R When an a.c, is used,

p -- P (!!_)

- r.m.s, 2

The powers dissipated from the resistor are the same for the two cases,

~ -, R

i'R>I" (-)

Btl."- 2

2r = P1Ju.~ Ir.m.~. = .fi 1

7. (.) For a pure inductive circuit, if the alternating current r = 10 :SolnCtA', then the voltage across the

inductor r. = VM sin ( ())t + ;)_

(b) And the power P ill the inductor at time t is:


= V L.CJ sin ( tiJt + ; J 10 sinOJl "'" V w fa eoswt sinas

= _!_ VlJ) t, sin2fJR"


Therefore, v leads P and when V completes one cycle, P completes two cycles.

(b) P



(a) VI.

8. :,_, ~~~remti"'l.' circuit,

" ':#).' the e.m.f E at time tis:


(U) the current I at time tis:

I ";:' 10 sin 0Ji

(Ut) the power P disslpatedln the resi stor at time t



= E~ siuzsr lu sinee = E~~n sin ~ rtJt

_/ (Iii) P'

r ,

I \ I l


r I

) I

I \


._~ .. _. _.

tl} E

(b) For a pure inductive: circuit, (i) the e.m.f E at time tis:

f.' = L dl


dl Q sin (iJI = L ----'''----


= wLI~ COSWl'

= vIa coszur (Vr.o = M_,/Q)

= VIti sin ( rot + 'lrJ

\,_ 2

(ii) The current I at time: tis: /"-'11! &in{ot

~~J~~~ ~,4\$ipated in theinductor at time

" fj1:\f J,,~, ,. , ' ,

.. P-VJ

, '; r> ;" :!, I ".' ~Y~,}:..,;:: ' '( 1<"'1 •

,: ,;', :' '( d ~ :~',; ,lWr¥ III sm. (IJ{ + "2) Io SlMlt

v: L

.. V WO c01>wt sinmt

1 ' .'

"" - V tJb' sin2wt

"2,, :;"

,rr ' ' , " '

Eleadslby:"'_. ,"

2 '::',',

E completes one cycle, P completes two cycles.


, '


1 I

/(HI) P

..... '

I \

r I

r l.

I ,

~ (j) E

.. r



/. r I

\ I \~

Self Eval uatio n Exercise 18.7 (p.3.58)

1. D

IJ is the current flowing through a parallel resonant circuit, Ii is Q: " '

T:. is the current flowing through an: inductor,



• XL 2lifL


l~ oc -

• .f

1:;: is R,

h is the current flowing through a capacitor,


IJ= - = -- =2tifCV s; _1_


2. D


Ca) The current (J) flowing through the circuit i-s directly proportional to the frequency (j) of the a.e. supply.



and 1 = -





Z is Inversely proportional so]. Only a capacitor is suitable for this case.

I ..


(b) The current (I) is invl..'TWly proportional to the frequency if) oflhc a.e, supply.


1"- -


V and /= -



Z is directly proportional to f Only an inductor i'S suita ble for this case.

~:~ ~IL

(c) The graph shows that there is a resonant frequency at whi eh the impedance in the circuit becomes. infinite and the current flowing thn,u..Igh it is equal to zero.

This is a typical parallel resonant circuit which is composed of a capacitor and an inductor.

V 1= -


1 I 1

-=-+Z X[ x;

When XL = Xc, Z becomes infinite. 11;11..15, the current I is zero.





A, measures current II flowing through the inductor .

1r Y leads II by -.



A2 measures current 12 flowing through the resistor. V and 12 are in phase.


A3 measures current J, flowing through the capacitor.

'ff VlBgs 13 by -_


Revi ew Exe rcise 18 (p.36Z)


: : t

A •• ~

1. C

From V = 140 si1l400t .-

Compared with :v = V~I sin2~ ... i ... The frequency of the .... oltage is; .

2;iif=400 ,' ..

J= 400 .. ,.



The r.m.s, value of'the voltageis:

Vo .

v. =_ J2

140 ·li

:; 99 V :.,; JOO V

2. D

For smoothing a current, the loadR should be connected in parallel to the capacitor, The capacitor only allows ahcrnating component of current to pass through, and ihc smooth stendy current passes through the load R,

Therefore. circuits A and B are wrong, :

ln circuit C, the capaci tor cannot smooth the current as the current coo flow through the load R directly in forward bias,

J. C

As the capacitor is connected in parallel 00 the 10m'!, it is used to smomhen the voltage across R by allowing alteruating component of the current to PIl.SS through it.

4. C: .: ..... " !. ,.

:',": .. ;.: .• I


v~ o

6. B

p = fI.m.~. R 20;;; run.s. (5) lut..l. "" 2 A

T 2·

V;;: V(ls.in2~ T (Mean value on, x t = Ii" v<! dt


T ,

"" .F v/ sin:l: 2 tift dt

v2 r

= 1- r (1 - cos 4?ffi) dt

1· Vn~ [ sin4:¢-~ i

=_ t r- I

2 4:if J(I

V 2 rr'"

= -} ~2)

V. 2 Mean value 0 f V2 = _o_ 4

Therefore, the r.m,s. value of the rectified voltage is:

V _ ~Vo'Z·

.r.IIl,~,~ 4

= Vo

2 200


= 10n V

5. A

The components are connected in series, The current passing through Rand L must be in phase.

7. D

The maximum amplitude ofthe power dissipated from the resistor is:

r, =lbl.

And the: power dissipated in it at time tis: p = 1~1 sin2(0Jt)R

, 2 R

= _0_ (1 - cos2wt) 2

It is a. cosine curve.

8. A

In 11 capacitor, ! leads Vby ~. 2

v = Vo sillWI'

. ( ff .....

J = IlI!ollTl wt +- - I = 10 coswt ..... 2)

The power P dissipated in the capacitor ::at time t is; P=Vl

= Vo '0 sinwt ccsez

I .

= - v(J I~ S1n2w 2

It is II sine curve witb period = I._ _ 2

B. ~tTUcWnJd .?~

9. (a) (i) J = to slnr¥ (ii) f = 10'2 sin20Jt

(ii) 12

... ./ .

\ .

(b) (.i.) Because the positive part equals the negative part for I, the mean value of 1 is zero in a Complete cycle.

(11) The mean value of r equals the mean square value of / :in a cOmplete cycle.

-r ! . 2 d.

]I =. JD. 10 .SIll. rot ~ .


I 2 _ 0


10. (a)

The primary current is a sine curve, But in the secondary coil. the diode blocks the TI.:VCT!olC current, so the negative part of the sine curve becomes zero ill value.

(b) (1) When a capacitor i s connected in parallel w Ith the resistor. the capacitor i~ charged up in forward bias.

And in reverse bias, the capacitor discharges and the current flows through the resistor, The CLJ.m..'Tl t I i ~ :

dQ d(CV(')

J = - = ----'-.;:....;_

. dl tit

-e- C dV(.


Thus. the current in reverse bias is not zero but a decreasing current.



And if the capacitance (If capacitor is larger, the current in reverse bias decreases in a

. slower rate. Because the time constant ( 1") for discharge is larger.


C2 ). C.. f2 > rL

11. (a)

The voltmeter records the peak value .ofthf::;

voltage across PQ. - .

Because the capacitor is charged to such voltage that is equal to the voltage across fQ in forward

b ias, And in reverse bias, there js"~~ current through the diode. TIle capacitor _01 discharge


(as R C is large) and the voltage I.CfCSS i £ remains at

poi;~k value, ' ,

Tbe peak voltage acress PQ j.$,2.(/ V. ·TIius, the peak voltage acrossAB:is:,·,-· _ ... "

V~B = 100 . VPQ 70·

V - 100 V' .

AB - 70 PQ

=. 100 x Z.O 70

=2_9 V

The root-mean-square voltage applied across AB ls:





(c) The product RC j s the time constant of the circuit, The lime constant has to be large to make the discharge or the capacitor through the voltmeter is neg I i gible. Then the voltage V{.' can be considered as constant voltage, Otherwise, the voltage V c decreases with time.

12. (a)

From 1 = 0 to t= T , [be alternating voltage


increases from zero to V~, the diode is in forward bias, Current flows through the diode and charges up the capacitor to the peak. voltage Vo.

After i = T • the alternating voltage drops from Vo•

Although the voltage across the capacitor is higher than the applied voltage, there is no current flowing through the diode in reverse bias, Thus, me capacitor cannot discharge and the v oltage aCl'OS5 it remains at Va-

(b) (i) The re I ali onship between Instantaneous charge Q in the capacitor and the "Voltage Vc is:


(il) The current through th e diode is:

J"" dQ = d(CVc}

dt dt

= CdVe


(til) The term JVc is tbe slope of tnt': curve 111 th e . dt

graph of Vc against t. Thus the graph of current 1 against time r is:



T 4

13. (a) The m~1J current over a period is:

7 = I.I T

4)( 0.25

1 =lA

(b) The mean value of f over a period is:

12 = "f.12


(c) TIle r.m.s, value of the current is:

Ii_J~.;" == "Jff



(d) The root-mean-square value of an alternating current is the value of steady current which consumes the same electric power in a given resistance, Therefore, the value of the direct current is the same as the root-mean-square value of alternating current, that is 2 A.

14. If R = resistance of the filament lamp, then Impedance of the circuit (Z) = J R 2 + I {wCr


and Current (I) = - = ---=====

Z JR1 + (ly

With the glass plate lowered between the plates of the capacitor, the capacitance C of the capacitor increases.

Tbis decreases the reactance (Xc = ~ J of the capacitor. The -impedance Z of the circuit also decreases. A larger current thus flows and the lamp is brighter,

IS. (a) R


From the: phasor diagram, tan60" = Xc



tan600 = 21ff'C


1 L73 =-_


lifeR = 0.58 (2yr/CRf = 0.33

(b) Before a dielectric is filled in, the capacitance is: c= !>'(lA


After a dielectric is filled in, the capacitance becomes:

C'= so&,·A


The relative permittivity of the dielectric cl'is: (2:ifCRf =- 0.33

(2tifC.' R 'f .:._ 0.33


soA R =- &o&~A R'

d d


3,5:x 105 = (1,2 x 105}t~. c;,.=Z.92

16. (II)

The value of 240 V is the r.m.s. value of operating vokage, And fhe peak operating voltage is:

VII = -Ii Vr'I1L~'

= .fi (240) =339V

111-e period fOJ one cycle is: 1




= (l,02 s



.. '

·(Uk The:ct\ reactance Xc·is: - .

I· .. 1


. 2iifC

; ~-. ~.~. ~.J ~·I.i

17. (a)·

By Ohm's Law, the resistance of the reslsror is:




30)< 10-]



The impedance Z ill the circuit is; V




(c) (i)

= ------;:-

10 x 10-:~

= 1200 n

The capac] ti ve reaclaDl.:e is:

Z= ~R2 +x/

1200 = ~(400)2 + Xc 1 X.: = 1 131.4 0

Thus, the capacitance of the capacitor is: 1

Xc .... _-


C> 1


(I) Since Z> J x/; -I- R2

As the resistance (R) increases, til e impedance (Z) increases.

X. (2) Since tan¢ = _(.


As the resistance R increases, the phase angle ¢J between the current and voltage across til e combination decreases.


2;'l'x50xl131A ;;::; 2,81 x 1O-~ F =2,81 ~

18. (a) The resistor and the lamp are connected in series, so the currents passing through them are the 5<U1le. The operating current for the lamp is:

1= p




= {)_909 A

The lamp must share 11 0 V, thus the voltage shared by the resistor must be:

V ~ = 240 - 110 = 130 Y

By Ohm's Law, the resistance of the resistor must be:

R = V""




0.'i09 = 143.0

'" 110 V

,. :rJ1IIllp leads Vc by "2 .

(i) The root-mean-square voltage across the capacitor is:

r = l.i1r1rrr/ + V/ (240)2 -ruor + Ve2 V(' = 213.3 V

(H) The: reactance of the capacitor is:

Vc Xc= ~




0.9-09 = 234.60

{iii) The capacitance of the capacitor is: 1



Co: ~1_

2JifX r;;


2Jr x 50 x 234_6 "" 1.36 )( 10-5 F

'" 13.6 JiF

19. (a) The reactance of an IllduchlT is:

Xr=2JifL XL~I


o><----~- ..... i

(b) (i)

B is a capacitor.

The peak current {I) ill the circuit is:

V }= -


1 Xc=--


When the frequency of the signal Increases and tends to infinity, the capacitive reactance X{:, approaches to zero.

Z-= ~R2 +x/

Z ~ R (for Xc:;:, 0)

As Xc approaches to zero, the impedance in the circuit depends on resistance R only, R t!; constant and independent of frequency. Thus, the peak current (I) in the circuir becomes constant,

1= !_ R

(li) "When the freqUCTH.::Y becomes very large. the capacitive reactance can be ignored. Therefore, the resistance of the resistor can be determined by Ohm's Law,

R =!_ I


s x 1O-·~ =40000

(Ei i) The electric quantity here, is' t~ CApW$t'l~.t : of the capacitor,

The capacitance of the capacitor is: 1



C=_I_ 2--ifXc

; ... ~: .

1 :

20. (II) 1. Inductance is. the total magnetic flux linkage

per unit curren l through the inductor.

L '"' _"'I(J} I

2. Capacitance i~ the charge stored pel' unit voltage app lied to the capacitor,

c= Q


3. Reactance 0 f an e 1 ectrie component is its ability to resist the flow of CUTTeDt but does not dissipate any energy .:

(b) (i) The reactance of a capacitor (Xc) is defined as; 1

Xc= ---



Xc c.( -

. .f

The: reactance. is inverse ly proportional to frequency.

,. . . .. '. . . (iQ Set up the circuit M below:

.. . ~ : ~i :

Q, c. ammetEl'r


i .

i cepeonor


\larililbte frequency glilne~tor


1~1:f"'~ '!I)F-j~Yi ~ U1eiCir;Uij,'W"I,a,c. ammeter and a voltmeter . m ·c.oUnec~d 1;Q a variable frequency

generator. '.

At a. particular freq uen cy. tile read ing {l) from the ammeter ewp· V from the ,"'0 ltmeter are recorded respectively,

A nd repeat tl::ie ~hove procedures for di fft._'n:nt frequenciesj'by the variable frequency generator,

The data is obtained and the graph of Xc: aga in ~tf can be plotted,

The reactance of the capacitor Xc can be calculatedby:

v Xc'" ~ . I

(ii i) W1l en the frequency is zero, the reactance of the capacitor is:



, 2if"C

Xi. --lo C0

The reactance becomes infinite.

(iv) The reactance of the capacitor is:

V Xc= - I


= ---::-

30:x 10 ]

= 666_7Q

S o the frequ ency of the supply is: 1



1 t= 2~cC

2:Jf x 666.7 x (4.7 )( 10 -6 ) = 50.8 Hz

(c) Setup the circuit as below:

'w'ariable frequency generator


Vary the frequency from a variable frequency generator until the reading on the ammeter is zero. The frequency of the generator equals the resonant frequency of rue cl rcuit.

Since, when the reactances of the capacitor and inductor are the same: at resonant frequency,


the impedance of the circuit becomes inti n ite_

1 1 1


(Xc and X; are 180~ out

of phase)

z ---;'10 IX;.

ByI= V Z

Z -+ 00. I__,.O

There is no current in the circuit.

21. (a) (1) The root-mean-square value of an alternating current is the value of stead y C urrcnt which consumes the same electric power in a given resistance,

-, 2

P = l-r.,u_R =i R

(U) The rate or heat dissipated from the resistor


p = r.:»


J 2R



52 )( 20


= 250 W

(b) (I)

The ability of a resistor to resist current flow is resistance, R~8i6tam:e dissipates. energy from current The ability (If a capacitor to resist current flow is reactance. Reactance does not dissipate energy from current. The reactance of the a.c. circuit is contributed by the capacitor only.

Reactance (If caeachor (Xc):::: _1_

r-""" 2 rift'

Impedance of circuit (2) = ~ Rl + X c ~

(il) The voltage across the capaciror lags behind

th bJrJr·

e current y -. - ts equal to 20"'. But the

9 9

voltage across a pure capacitor must lag

behind the current by !!__ (90°). Thus, the


capacitor is not pure, it has certain resistance. The phasor diagram of tile circuit is:


20" I

Z= 100n :

The reactance Xc of the capacitor is:


= 100 sin20° =34.2Q

(til) T 11 the circuit of {b )(iL)f the resistance (R) of .: the circuit is:

R:!:: Zcos20<J .

;;;;; 100005200 = 94.00

A IkT a pure res i stor of rtill$ta'tlct!iO .a is connected in series with the oj~m..t:~ tlb:e total resistance (R;) (If' me -cifi::lIit R..

Rt=R+ 80

""'94+:BO = 174 n

. '. . .. i ;. ~.

The total impedance Z.tof~e.-~ircui1

becomes: " .

Z'~ ~~f.~.+!. c 1_ ,.. ~l7~l+34.i~

.' ':'

= 177 Q

T~. the phase.~g1e·¢t.wtween the applied voltageand the the circuit is equal 10 the phese angle between lOW resistance R r and impedance Z'_

x~ ts.: 34.20


Z'= 177 (.I I



The phase angle ¢:

R' C()S¢:.:. -,


174 cosrjt=- 177

¢= 10.6°

= 0.184 tad

(e) In an a.c . circuit, the voltages.across different components are not in phase. The voltage across an

inductor leads the voltage across a resistor by 1r


and leads the voltage across a capacitor by It, And-the total voltage across the combination of coowoaeiits is not equal to the arithmetic sum, but .he-- victor ·sum of the voltage across each crnnponent. Therefore, the amplitude of the milage across a component may be larger than the voltage npp lied.

F'OI' ~.~le. a LCR circuit:


V· a,o, ~


If the voltage across each component has such amplitude that forms tile following phasor diagram, the amplitude 0 f the vehage across the inductor (VL) is larger than the amplitude of the applied voltage V.


22. (a) (ij



input J(')---+-......,~ott-_j

(ii) WhCTl input terminal X is positive, diodes B and D do not conduct.

Number or turns on secondarycoil (N-.) (b) (i)

Number of turns on primary coil (N-p)

= Vi


12 1

- ,.


240 20

(U) Minimum breakdown voltage = Peak input voltage to bridge

-r- 12 x

= 16.97 V

23. (a) (i) Period (7) = 20 rns Frequency

1 1

(/) = - :;:-: = 50 Hz

T 20 «io .~

(Ii) Peak value (10) = 3 A

(iii) The: root-mean-square value

1 1

(1 }=-I,,=-x3

r.m.s. .J2 v .Ji


(b) Peak power (PD) = Jo2R = 32 "x 5 =45 W Power I W


h (e)



~ = !!_p_

Ip iVa

Peak. output current

(l'= Np 1= 300 x 3 =0.15 A ~ ·N l' 6000


24. (a) Power supplied (P) = J'I

4 400)( 10' = (11 x 1 O·~)II.lIH.

I~.fIU. = 400 A

~ = ~V, V-p »,

N 275 X 10]

ForT -'" = ---

'-~."f) 11 x 1 03

P U --,y., 11x10"

or • --;:;- = ., 3

i~1l ... 75::0::10

(ii) W ith respect to T,

(b) <i)

- 25


£_ -"- ;Vp i, }Ii,

~ =_1_ 400 25

. . Current in the supply cable (/9) = 16 A r.rn.s,

(c) A system that generates and transmits power at the same voltage of 11 kV r.m.s, would have a current of 400 A lD the supply cables over the considerable distance, and the amount of heat loss CPR) would be very large.

This 2-transformer arrangement transmits the same power at a much lower CUIK-nt of 16 A, has less beat loss and, so, has better transmission efficiency,

{d) (i) The peak value of an alternarin f!l: CUITeTlt i ~ it" maximum magnitude whereas the r.m.s. value is an average value that is equivalent to the value of the steady direct current that would dissipate heat at the same rate fD a given resistance.

<U) Peak value of the current in (a).

Ipt& = J2 u.:

== .Ji (400) ~ 565,7 A

25. (II) (i) According to the right-hand grip rule, mOM labelled A and B both are to the right.

mains electrlcm

supply appliance


----0 to a~4Qn&tIQ ~Itch

(Ii) The aJt.em.ating·c~¢= ~bWa.agin.s: magnetic field, at bollu r, coils A and 1$, As the two primary ;i:l·a~t~ J:u."\r¢ equal num ber of turns and the same current, bu r opposite directions, the magn~ioc: fields of the two primary coils are eqU:n1 in magnitude but opposite in directions. Hence, they cancel each other, i.e. the magnitude of the flux In the core of the transformer is zero, and no e.m.f is induced at the secondary coil,

(b) ( I) As th e current in tbe t\1,O primary coils are no long~r equal, the strength of their magnetic fields are no longer equal and 110 longer cancel each other, Therefore, there will be a resultant changing flux. in the core of the transformer. The greater the difference in the current, the greater will be the magnitude of the changing flux,

(ll) The resultant changing flux will induce an e.m.f in the secondary coil. The higher the rnagnitnde of the changing flux. the greater w111 be th e e.m.f

26. (a) The amplitude ofthe trace is 1.7 em which represents 6Jl x -Ii V (peak),

The Y-plate sensitivity of the C.f,O,

6Jh . .J2 1

= =4.99 V em"


(b) .. The new trace is zero where it wag pNv.i~EI]Y p-t'lsitive, and the negative part·ofa aitle.curVe where i1 ...... as zero.

I 1\ I "\ I ~
J \ !/ \ / \
, / , 1 , ,
" " , , , I
... , ...
1 ~\ . j I .. ' .


, .; ... ·1.0" om


the r.m.s, potential difference across the secondary

{V.H_m~J == 9.20 V r.m.s,

(n) The peak pQtIffi.t1,d difference across the secondary

( V~ De~~) &. ..Ji V~ r.IU,~.::::; .fi (9,10) = 13,01 V

(b) (1) The diode is necessary in the secondary circuit to provide half-wave rectification of the alternating current, Tt allows current to flow into the battery in the: correct directi on while preventing current in the opposite direction,

(U) The resistor is. necessary in the: circuit 10 moderate the current. Without the resistor, the net resistance of the circuit, excluding the battery, would be very low, Whenever the secondary p.d, exceeds the e.m.f of the battery, a very high current will flow and a large amount of heat would be generated, damaging the circuit,

28. (a) F
0 t
(b) (J) (ii) Maximum potential difference (Vo) -=- v2 V,.[]I .s.


:::. ..)2 (6.0) = 8.49 V

(iii) A capacitor may be used to smoothen the output by connecting Lt in parallel to the load. as shown in the figure in (h){i).

The capacitor is used as. a reservoir nf electricity for the smoothing of the fluctuating d.e. output, It charges up during the forward peaks and releases charg-es ill between.

29. (III) The peak voltage refers to the maximum value of the alternating voltage, The root-mean-square voltage is the voltage of an alternating current which dissipates the same energy in a resi stance as the direct current with a voltage of the same value.

r P!:Bk v. =--

r.rn.a, J2


(b) v -'= v~ sincr = Va sjn2~

Compare V;,:; Yo siD2Jift with V = 564 ()()() sin 1 00 m,

lOO .

Frequency (j)= - = 50 Hz 2

Peak voltage (V(I) .,,- 564000 V

V(I 564 000

Root-mean-square voltage = - = --=-- J2

-3.9"9 x HYV

(c) 'With a high voltage, the current is low for a given power output. The energy lmt through heating in the cables is reduced with the use of a hi gh vo ltage. (d) Such voltages are obtained by using a step-up transformer, The following is a schematic diagram of.a step-up transfbrmer.

The primary voltage (Vp) is connected to the primary coil of NT' turns. The stepped up voltage (VJ. which is the secondary voltage, is obtained across the secondary coil of tv. turns. The: secondary voltage is given by:

IV V.= Vp_8


(e) (i) E= _ dV dr

where E represents the electric field strength

and dV represents the pO 1i..'T1 ti al gradient dr

(ti) From the ratio, the distance between the surface of the cable and the positi on of the electric field line of550 000 V is about 0.0025 In. Estimated potential gradient near the surface of the cable

ll.V ~

564 000 - 550 000



= 5_0 )i. lO~Vm-1

(Hi) A cable of Larger radius but II;t tl~.e ifI.t:ll~ potenti al has the ·~11W MnQtI]ft:o.t' rtk!(,.1rl c charge distributed over a large surface area. Hence, the electric field.a~·.l!1Ie=,HUrl.ttCe will be reduced,


30, (a) (i) & (Ii)


(b) (l)


" , V~1.Illa,

Mean power disaipated 1I1 R = ~~ R

~ (~)'

. R

It 3~ '12

,,2 )

4.7 x 103 =~,:S7 x 1O--'l W

(H) When a smoothing capacitor is connected in parallel with tho resister, the ripple in ihe voltage will decrease. This means that the voltage will vary about a value-just below

3_Q V (depending Oil the capacitance of the capacitor). Hence. the mean flilWeT dissipated In R will Increase since the mean voltage increases.

(e) (i) c= Q


Change in charge stored

= Capacitance x Change in potential difference :IE (1.15 x hyw-ll (3.0 - 2.4)

= 0_69!( 10-1> C

=0.69 ic

(ll) Mean current in R =

Charge t10wing through R blo"iWCcn t = 0 tmd t = 1 ,2 ms Time taken

0.69 xl0-((i ,2 - 0):>;; 10-3 = 5,75 x 10-4 A

31. - 34. HKALE Questions

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