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Kn Ue, Bre MECANIQUE CELESTE. BY THE MARQUIS DE LA PLACE, PFER OF FRANCES GRAND CROSS OF THF IFGION OF HONORS NFWRER OF TH FRENCH ACADEMY OF ITF ACADESIY Lonpon aw SWEDES, PRUSSIA, HOLLARD, AND ITALY, MYMBER OF AMERIAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIRMOFS5 ETC TRANSLATED, WITH A COMMENTARY NATHANIEL BOWDITCH, LL.D. ICAL 504 VOLUME Ii. BOSTON: FROW THE PRESS OF IS4AC R. RLTTS, HILLIARD, GRAY, LITTLE, \ND WILKINS, PUBLISHERS M DCCC XXXIV. Ewrensn, according to Act of Congress, wn the year 1829, By Natwastet. Bowntten, 19 the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Macsae BONAPARTE, MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE. Cirizen Finst Consun, You have permitted me to dedicate this work to you. Iv is gratifying and honorable to me to present it to the Hero, the Pacificator of Europe,* to whom France owes her prosperity, her greatness. and the most brilliat epoch of her glory; to the enlightened Protector of the Sciences, who, himself distinguished in them, perceives, in their cultivation, the source of the most noble enjoyment, and, in their nd social institutions. of all useful arts progress, the perfect May this work, consecrated to the most sublime of the natural sciences, be a durable monument of the gratitude inspired in those who cultivate them, by your kindness, and by the rewards of the government. Of all the truths which this work contains, the eypression of this sentiment will ever be the most precious to me. jutation and Respect, LA PLACE 1802. soon after the peace of Ames [* This volume was publish d. by La Place, vol. mn. B ADVERTISEMENT. Tris volume contains the mmerical values of the secular and periodical inequalities of the motions of the planets and moon; the mmbers, given in the original work, having been reduced from centesimal to sex gesimial seconds, to render them more convenient for reference. The Appendis contains many important formulas and tables, which are uscful to astronomers. in compntin he motious of the plinets and comets. Some of these tables are new, and the others have been varied in their forms, to render them more simple in their nses and applications: none of them have heretofore been published in this country. Several of the formulas have been introduced into the calculations of modern astronomy, since the commencement of the first part of the original work. ‘The portrait of the author, accompanying this volume, was obtained in France, and is an impres ion from the original plate, which was engraved under his direction, for the Systéme du Monde. The fourth volume of the work will be put to press in the course of a few weeks. PREFACE. We have given, in the first part of this work, the general principles of the equilibrinm and motion of bodies. ‘The application of these pi nciples to the motions of the heavenly bodies, has conducted us, by geometrical reasoning, without any hypothesis, to the law of universal attraction ; the action of gravity, and the motions of projectiles on the surface of the carth, icular cases of this law. We have then taken into consideration, being p: law of nature ; and have obtained, a systent of bodies subjected to this ¢ by a singular analysis, the general eapressions of their motions, of their figures, and of the oscillations of the fluids which cover them, Fiom these 2, we have deduced all the known phenomena of the flow and cbb expressio of the tide ; the variations of the degrees, and of the foree of gravity at the surface of the earth; the precession of the equinoyes; the libration of the moon ; and the figure and rotation of Satumu’s Rings. We have also pointed out the cause, why these rings remain, permanently, in the plane of the equator of Saturn. Moreover, we have deduced, from the same theory of gravity, the principal equations of the motions of the planets; particularly those of Jupiter and Saturn, whose great inequalities have a period of above nine lndred years. The inequalities in the motions of Jupiter and Saturn, presented, at first, to astronomers, nothing but anomalies, whose laws and causes were unknown; and, for a long time, these irregularities appeared to be inconsistent with the theory of gravity ; but a more thorough examination has shown, that they can be deduced from it ; and now, these motions are Vou. mi. c PREFACE. one of the most striking proofs of the truth of this theory. We have developed the sec ar variations of the elements of the planetary system, which do not return to the same state till after the lapse of many centuries. In the midst of all these changes we have discovered the constancy of the niean motions, and of the mean distances of the bodies of this system ; which nature seems to have arranged, at its origin, for an eternal duration, upon the same principles as those whieh prevail, so admirably, upon the earth, for the preservation of individuals, and for the perpetuity of the species. From the single circumstance, that the motions are all in the me direetion, and in planes but little inclined to each other, it follows, that the orbits of the planets and satellites must always he nearly cirenlar, and but little inclined to each other. ‘Thus, the variations of the obliquity of the ecliptic, which are always included within narrow limits, will never produce an etermal spring upon the earth. We have proved that the attraction of the teriesuial spheroid, by incessantly diawing towards its centre the hemisphere of the moon, which is directed towards the earth, transfers to the rot r variations of its atory motion of this satellite, the great secu motion of revolution ; and, by this means, keeps always from our view, the other hemisphere. Lastly, we have demonstrated, in the motions of the three first satellites of Jupiter, the following renrarkable law, namely, that, in consequence of their mutual attractions, the mean longitude of the fast satellite, seen from the centre of Jupiter, minus three limes that of the second satellite, plus tice that of the third satellite, is always exactly equal to two right angles; so that they cannot all be eclipsed at the same time. It remains now to consider particularly the perturbations of the motions of the planets and comets about the sun ; of the moon about the earth; and of the satellites about their primary planets. This is the object of the second part of this work, which is particularly devoted to the improvement of astronomical tables. PREFACE. The tables have followed the progress of the scicnee, which serves as their basis ; and this progress was, at first, extremely slow. During a very long time, the apparent motions only of the planets were observed. ‘This interval, which commenced in the most remote antiquity, may be considered as the inf 1y- It comprises the labors of Hipparchus and id the P system of Ptolemy, which they successively adopted, is, in fi ey of Astrono ersiaus. The Ptolemy ; also, those of the Indians, the Aiahs, 3 more than a method of representing the apparent motions; and, on this account, it was useful to science. Such is the weakness of the human mind, that it often requires the aid of a theory, to connect together a series of observations. If we restrict the theory to this use, and take care not to attribute to it a reality which it does not possess, and aftermards frequently rectify it, by new observations, we may finally discover the tre cause, or, at least, the laws of the phenomena. The history of Philosophy affords us more than one example, of the advantages which may be derived srom an assumed theory; and, of the errors to which we are exposed, in considering it to be the true representation of nature. About the middle of the sisteenth century, Copernicus discovered, that the tl motion of the apparent motions of the heavenly bodies indicated ar earth about the sun, with a rotatory motion about its own aais: by this means, he showed to us the universe in a new point of view, and completely changed the fice of Astronomy. A remarkable concurrence of discoveries will forever render memorable, in the history of science, the century immediately following this discovery ; a period wh h is also illustrious, by many master-picces of literature and the fine arts. Kepler discovered the laws of the elliptical motion of the planets; the telescope, which was invented hy the most fortumate accident, and was immediately improved hy Galileo, enabled him to sce, in the heavens, new inequalities and new worlds. The application of the pendulum to clocks, by Huygens, and that xi PREFACE. of telescopes to the astronomical quadrant, gave more accurate measures of angles and times, and thus rendered sensible the least inequalities in. the celestial motions. At the same time that observations presented to the human mind new phenomena, it created, to exph in them, and to submit them to calculation, new instrumen of thought. Napier invented logarithms: the analysis of curves, and the sciene ot dynamics, w re formed by the hands of Descartes and Galileo: Newrou discovered the differential calculus, decoaposed a ray of light, aud peuctrate] into the general principle of gravity. In the century which has just passed, the successors of thi great man have finished the superstructure, of which he laid the foundation, They have improved the analysis of infinitely small quantities, and have invented the calculus of piu tial differences, both infinitely small and finite: and have reduced the whole science of mechanies to formulas. In applying these discoveries to the law of gravity, they have deduced from it atl the celestial phenomena ; and have given to the theories and to astronomical tables au unexpected degree of 1 curacy ; which is. to be attributed. in a great measure, to the labors of French mathemati nS. and to. the priz es proposed hy the Academy of Sciences. To these discoveries in the Int century, we must add those of Bradley, on the aberration of the stars. and on the nutation of the earth's the humerous measures of the degrees of the meridian. and of the lengths of the pendulum ; of which operations, the first example was given by France, in sending academicians to the north, to the cqnator, and to the southern hemisphere, to observe the lengths of these des rees, and the intensity of gravity: the measure of the are of the meridian. comprised hetween Dunkirk and Barcelona; which has been determined hy very accurate observation, and is used as the basis of the most simple and natural ystem of measures: the numerous voyages of discovery. undertaken to explore the different parts of the globe, and to observe the transits of PREFACE. Venus over the sun’s disc; by which means, the exact determination of the dimensions of the solar system has been obtained, as the fruit of these vor ages: the discoveries, by Herschel, of the planet Uranus, its satellites, and two new satellites of Saturn: finally, if we add toall these discoveries, the admirable inve: tion of the instrument of reflexion, so useful at sea; that of the achronmatic telescope; also the repeating circle, and chronometer ; we must be satisfied, that the last century, considered with respect to the progress of the human mind, is worthy of that which preceded it. The century we have now entered upon, commenced under the most favorable auspices for Astronomy. Its first day was remarkable, by the discovery of the planet Ceres ; followed, almost immediately afterwards, by that of the planet Pallas, having nearly the same mean distance from the sun. ‘The proximity of Jupiter to these two extremely small bodies; the greatness of the excentricities and of the inclinations of their mutually intersecting orbits, must produce, in their motions, considerable inequalities, which will throw new ight on the theory of the celest al attractions, and must give rise to farther improvements in Astronomy. It is chiefly in the application of analysis to the system of the world, that we perceive the power of this wonderful instrument ; without which, it would have been impo: ‘ible to have discovered a mechanism which is so complicated in its effects, while it is so simple in its cause. The mathematician now includ in his formulas, the whole of the planetary tem, and its successive variations; he looks back, in imagination, to the several states, which the system ha passed through, in the most remote ages; and foretells what time will hereafter make huown to observers. He sces this sublime spectacle, whose period includes several millions of vears, repeated in a few centuries, in the system of the satellites of vou. m1. D xiv PREFACE. Jupiter, by means of the rapidity of their revolutions ; which produce remathable phenomena, similar to those which had been suspected, by astronomers, in the pkmetaty motions; but had not been determined, hecause they were either too compley, or too slow, for an accurate determination of thei laws. ‘The theory of gravity, which, by so many applications, has become a means of discovery, ain as by observation itself, has made known to him several new inequalities, in the motions of the heavenly bodies, and cnabled him to predict the return of the comet of 1759, Whose revolutions are rendered very unequal, by the attractions of Jupiter and Saturi le has been enabled, by this means, to deduce, from observation, as from a rich mine, a great number of important and delicate elements, which, without the aid of an » would have been forever Ly si hidden from his view: such as the relative valucs of the masses of the sun, the planets and satellites, determined hy the revolutions of these bodies, ad by the development of their period al and secular inequalities the velocity of light, and the ellipticity of Jnpiter; which are given, by the eclipses of its satellites, with greater acenracy, than by direct observation : the rotation and oblateness of U anus and Saturn; deduced from the consideration, that the different bodies wi ich revolve about those two planets, are in the same plane, respectively : the parallaxes of the sun and moon: and, also, the figure of the ea rth, deduced from some | nar inequalit for, we shall see hereafter, that the moon, by its motion, discloses to modem astronomy, the small cllipticity of the terrestrial spheroid, whose romdness was made known to the first observers hy the eclipses of that Iminary. Lastly, hy a fortunate combination of nalysis with observation, th at hody, which scems to have been given to the carth, to enlighten it, dming the night, becomes also the most sure emide of the nav who is protected hy it from the dangers, to which he was for a Jong time exposed, by the errors of his reckoning. PREFAC The perfection of the theory, aud of the lunar tables, to which he is ing, with indebted for this important object, and for that of determi accuracy, the position of the places he falls in with, is the fruit of the labors of mathematicians and astronomers, dining the last fifty years: it unites all that can give value to a discovery; the importance and ty its van ations, and the merit of the usefnlness of the obje as appli that the most abstract theories, difficulty which is overcome. It is. thu diffused by numerous applications to nature and to the arts, have become inexhanstible sources of comfort and enjoyment, even to those who are wholly ignorant of the nature of these theories. CONTENTS OF THE TILIRD VOLUME. PARTICULAR THEORIES OF THE MOTIONS OF THE HEAVENLY BODIES. SIXTH BOOK. THEORY OF THE PLANETARY MOTIONS. Owseer of this theory. 2 2 2 2 ee ee ee ee CUAPTER 1. PoRuULAS FOR THE INEQUALITIES OF IL MOTIONS OF THE PLANETS, WwIHICHL END ON THE SQUARES AND LIGHER POWERS OT THE EXCENTRICTIIFS AND INCLINATIONS OF rm. oRMTS.. Eee ee eet DD WHON THE SQUARES AND PHUDLCTS or TRE ox THE INEQUALITIES wuten Dr NCENTRIGTIES AND IVCLINATIONS. a ae Form of the terms which produce them [37038701]. Influence of the ratio of the mean upon these terms, by reason of the small divisors, which are introduced by the [8712]. Preparations of the differoutial equations for Uie diferent eases of these a snot rutegrati moqualittes which occur ut the solar system... 5 2. e+ Consderations, by which we nay distinguish the most umportant of these iequalties [si ene ee eee §3 Developinent of the terns, which result a the expressions of the radius vector, of the longitude, snl of the latitude of the disturbed planet [3736-3800]... ee ew es SHE > AND PRODLETS OF THREE DIMENSIONS OF THE ENDING ON TUE ExeQv ALIrtES OY THEIR MHGHL POwEES EXCENTRICI NES VAD INCLINATIONS OF PHE OF Tori of the tonins which produce them [3-07 —2807 }. o ble. ‘They depend on the circumstance, that Examnation of the cases where they become sens the ratios of the niean motions are nearly counuensurable. Appheatiou of these prmeipls to MAO. ee the theory of Jupiter aud Satuni, in tera of the third degree (3825, ]- They are sensible in the theory ot Inequahties depending ou terums of the fith degree (3: 9 Jupiter aud Saturn, Calculation of the for these planets (380, Re)... + VoL. mm. i xn CONTENTS OF THE THIRD VOLUME. Inequalities depending on the thrd dunension, which become sensible in the theory of Mercury, disturbed by the carth (BEY, &eJo 2 6 ee ee 0 ‘The mequalites depending on the second dimension, which affeet the motion an lautude of the disturbed planet, intredueing similar ones an the motion of the disturbing planct. ‘These are the only inequahbes m latitude, which are sensible im the planetary system, awong those ‘sluch depend on the product of the excentneities and anchnations [3886,&e.]. 2. . OU Bea ANG FORCE APTER TE. imal 8 prer NG ON THE EQUAL OF TH Development of the analytical espressions, gwen in {65,02, of the second book. They result from the influence, whieh the mnequahties with a long: period have on the terms depending on the square of the disturbing ynasces [3890, &c.]. ‘The variations of the excentrieities and peribelia may introduce similar inequalities in the mean motions ; but, t is proved, that the terms, which arise from these wequelities, mutually destroy each other [3906]. Hence it follows, that the ncan motions and the great axes suffer no alteration by the effect oF these BHO ee ee ee ee OR ton Variahons of the exeentucities, of the perthcha, of the nodes, and of the ynelimations, trising 08—3030].- 2 SIR from the second power of the disturbing masses ‘These vanations do not alter the relations, found in the secoud book, between the elements of the orbats [BN &ef Examnanon of the ters of the order of the square of the disturbing masses, which hate & Lee 86 sensible ynfluence on the great inequalities of Jupiter and Saturn [3970, &e. Corrections which inust be introduced in the mean motions of these two planets, in consequence of their great incqnalities [1006 8e]. 6 2 2 ee ee ee SIT The coefficients of the mequahties of the plancts vary, on account of the sceulnr variations of the elements of the orbits. Method of noticing thia eubject (4017, &e)- . - . G18 CHAPTER HF, PELTURNATIONS DEFENDING oN THE CLUETIENTY OF THEEUN 5... IGT ‘Phas ellptiity givesto the perthehon of the planct a direct motion ; and to the nodes of the orbit, upon the plane of the solar eqvator, a retrograde inction, equal to the preceding [4087',4015']. ‘These motions decrease rapilly as the distance from the sun wereases ; they are sensible only in Mercury [4046]. ‘Phe sun’s ellipticity, isang no influence on the excentneity of the orbit, noron the inclination, cannot alter the stability of the solar system [4046]... $18" CHAPTER TV. PeRTERR TIONS OF THE MUTIONS OF THE PLANETS, ARISING PROM THE ACTION oF THEIR SATPLUITES ek ga oo 10s ‘These perturbations are found by the theorems of § 10, of the second book. ‘Their inagmtudes depend on the masses of tho eatellites, in comparison with that of the planet, and on ther clongotions, as seen from the sun, They arc sensible only in the theory of the earth disturbed CS tee doccanbdo| pod o ed soon mont CHAPTER V. CoNSIDRATIONS ON Inn ELUIPTICA PART OF THE RADI VocTOR, AND oN THE ee eee ee §20 171 ay CHAPTER VI. NtwenteU, VALUES OF THE DIFFERENT QUAN PNPRESSIONS OF THE PLANETAWY INFQUALITIES. Values of the masses of the plauets [4061, 4061d]. Methods by which they have been calculated flee ee tte eee eee 2) Table of the elements of the planets [40774083]. 2 ee GR Numevicel computation of the formulae given sn §49 of the kceond book [1054997], . $25 CHAPTER VI. NUMERICAL, EXPRESSIONS OF THE SNCULAT VARIATIONS OF THT LLEMENTS OF TUE PLANDTARS ORNITE [AZBI—AQWO} sum 2 CARTER VIL THnory OF mEct ey 2 Examination of the hint to witieh the approximations must be eanied,in estunating the value ot values of the sensible incqualities, which affect the the radms veetor [4968]. Numeric: longitude and rads vector [1971 &¢.] ‘They are produced by the actions of Venus, the Barth and Jupiter. Inequalities which are independent of the excentricites [4 Inequalities depending on the fist power of the excentneibes [1278, 1279]. Tuequalitues depending on the second dimension of the excenticities and inclinations of the orbits [4282]. Inequalities depending on the third dunension of the eame quantibes [42% ‘The mequahtics an latitude are msensible, and less than a quater of a centesunal second reer ornate eed ee ete eee ees enc CHAPTER IX. ‘THDORY OF VENUS. . . 237 Examination of the limit to which the approximations must be carried, in the valuation of the radius yector [1285,pending on the first power of the exeentnertes [fare 1408}. They ere +o lerec sto render it wecessaiy to notier the variation of therr eocfiiereuts. fou the squares and produets of the exeentreittes and 1 produced only by the action of Saturn, Tncquaties depend (u9l—as7}. Th CONTENTS OF THE THIRD VOLUME. aa Inequaluties depending on the third and fi dimensions of the excentnetties and inclinations ; and alzo on the square of the distmrbing force [HG1, &c.]. ‘These Inst terms, which depend on the inequahtres of very long period, have considerable influence on the acculnr variations of the elliptical elements. Great mequalty of the monn motions [1491]. Its produced by the getion of Saturn, . $38 Inequahties in latitude [44157]. They are produced by the action of Saturn... §3i CHAPTER XIE, THDORY oF SATURN. Bo doo0 209 Examination of the degree to which the approtimations must be earned in the valuation of the radnus vector (1160, &e.]. Numerical values of the sensible mequalities affecting the longitude and rade veetor. ‘The planets which produce them are Jupiter and Uranus. Inequalities which are dependent of the excentneities (4163, 146]. Inequalities depending on the first powcr of the excentncities [ 166, 4167]. Inequalities depending ou the sqnares and produets of the excentneities ani melinations (aws—aimn. Tuequalinies depending on the third and fifty dimeusions of the excentrictties and inclinations, and also on the square of the disturbing force [1472 &-c]. Great mequality of Saturn. It is the reaction of that of Jupiter, ©. ee ee ee Anequahties in latitude [4511]. ‘They are produced by the acuon of Jupitor and Uranus CHAPTER XIV. THEORY OF URANUS 6... dos 3ut Examination of the degree to which the approximations must be carried, in the valuation cf th radms vector (4521, &e.]. Numeral values of the sensible inequalities affecung the longitude and radws veetor. They are produced by the action of Jupiter and Inequalities which are independent of the exeentrieities [1523 4521]. Ineqnalities depending on the first power of the excentneimes [ 1529, 1526] Inequalities depending on the second dimension of the exeentreitics and inclimtions t 1529]. Inequalities depending on the third dimension of the excentricities and inclinations (1580). ‘There is only one of them produced hy thexetion of Saturn... - ee ee ee SR Inequalities in Jatttude [1531]. ‘They are produced by the action of Jupiter and Saturu. 63 CHAPTER XV. ON SOME EAU YTIONS OF CONDITION, DETWI aun. -QUALITIES OF TUL PLANE! WHICH LAY BE USED IN VERIFYING THDLE S 318. UMERIC ML VALUES: + §R0—45 APTER XVI. ON THE MASSES OF TUE PLANETS AND WOON, 343 Vou. HT. F CONTENTS OF THE THIRD VOLUME Reflections on the values given to those masses in $21. New determination of those of Venus and Mars (4605, 1608]. Discussion of that of the Meon, by the compartson of sexcral phenomena which ean determine st [46194637], such as the observation of the tides, the Junar equation inthe tables of the Sun, the nutatton of the Earth's aus, and the Moon's parallax. Fiom these exammations, tt appears, ttat ths mass ws rather less than that which 1s deduced from the tides observed at Brest 40M}. ee OM CHAPTER XVIL, ON THE FORMATION OF A°TRONOMICAL TABLES, AND ON THE LSWARIABLE PLANE, OF THE PLANETARY SYST + (45,46 34k CHAPTER AVIE. ON THE ACTION OF THE FIXED ST VRS LPON THE PLANETARY €¥sTEo Ja “The great distance of these bodies renders thetr action insensible [4573]. Reflections on the comparson of the preceding formulas with observations [4087,80.. . 2... 2 G47 SEVENTH BOOK. THEORY OF THE MOON |. Considerations that must influenes theory, several important elements of the systein of the world [4702, &e,|, aud among others, the oblateness of the Earth winch 16 thus obtaned with greater accuracy than by direct observations... . tion of ths theory 5 its particular dificultos [G8 Se. us in the approsiuntions. How we may deduce from th Expl ynoy of THE DIFF curren NTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE MOOVS MorrION 368 Diflerenticl equations of thhs motton given im § 15 of the second hook [4753 4756}. Metheel Of noticing an the ealeulation, the non-spherieity of the Moon and Darth [1773]... §1 Dexelapment of the quantities which occur 1m the differential equations, supposing these two hodies to be spherical [170 8c]. ee ee aaa ‘The echptie, m its seculss motion, carrtes snth tt the moon's orlit, so that the mean anclination of thus orbit to the echptic, remains always the same [1SUB]. ‘This ctrextmstance, indteated by analysis, simplifies the calculations, because it permits us to take the echpne for the fixed plane of praysetion [180]. a ao a 58 Investiation of the elliptical paitof the mobens of the Moon and Earth (489, 489S, 1837 9838). § 4 Prnerples relative to the degrees of smailuess of the quautites which ocentr m the expressions of the co-ordinates of the moon (IMI}. Taamination of the mfluence of the successire tteyrations upon the diferent terms of these co-ordinates [127 &e.], Indication of the terms of the radius veetor, whtch produce the evcetion {454}, an anatal equation [4851 65 CONTENTS OF THE THIRD VOLUME, Uscto be made of these considerations. Development of the differential equation which produces te radius vector ; noticing only the fist powcr of the disturbing force [1858 — 4608]. § 6, Investigation of the terins of the order of the square aud the lugher powers of the disturbing masses, which acquire a sensible fluence by integration (4904, &c.]. It 19 necessary to nouce the perturbations of the Barth by the Moon [49004918 &eJo 2... oe Connection of these tems with the preceding. Complete development of the differential equation whieh produces the ralwus veetor [JH] oe Integration of thts equation [4%1, &c.}. Inequalities resultmig from it, Expression of the he. otion of the lonar perigee (10 “The vanableness of the excentrieuy of the Eartits orbit proiuces a eeenlar ancquality yn the coustant term of the Moon's parallax but this mequalty 1s unsensible {170}. ‘The same cause produces a secular inequality in the motion of the Moon's perigee, which 1s conformable to observation. Aualytieal expression of tus snequality [405]. ‘The exceutneity of the Moon's orbits subyected to a secular vatintion, which 1 analogous to Unt of the parallas, and like it, msensible [498 Bee 10 Development of the differential equation wluch gives the Tatitude (501%, 8c) notiemg, in the first place, ouly the simple power of the disturbing forces... 2... se = SU Investigation of the tenns of the order of the square of those forces which nequire a sensible mmflucnce iu the expression of the latitude (509,&e.]. 6. . 2. eee ee SID Comection of these terms with the preceding, and the complete development of the differential equation which gives the latitude [5099]... 2 ee ee SID Integration of this equotion [5050, &c-]. Incqualitics resulting from at. Expression of the retrograde motion of the nodes [5054]. “The vanablences of the excentucity of ue Barth's orbit, produces im this motion a secular amequality. Analytical expression of this mequatity [3050]. Its ratio to that of the perigee (3060). ‘The inclination of the lonar orbit to the true echptic, 1s likewise variable by means of the same canse ; but this variation is nisensible {5061}. 5 a su Development of the differential equation which gises the tume or the mean longitude in terms of the true longitude (5061, &e.] Iutegration of this equetion- Inequalities whicls reanlt from vt (5085, &e.] ‘The mean longitule slso suffers a sccalae change,vesulung from the varsbleness ofthe evcentncny of the Earths orbit; expression of tne meqnality, Analybeal relatsons of the secular equation of the mean motions of the Moon, its perigee and nodes (308k)... . 2. . 615 Numerical determination of the several coofficients, occurring in the preceding formulas [5117,8¢.] nit the numerical development of the expression of the mean longitnde {5220}. ‘The portorbations of the Earth's orbit by the Moon, are reflected to the Moon by means of the Sun anil are weakened hy the transmission (5225, 5226]. Numerical valne of the motion of the perigee {5251}, and of its secular equation (52:82). “This equation hs a contrary sign to that of the mean motion [5252]. Numerical eapression of the motion of the node [3%33}, and of axuit \xiv CONTENTS OF THE THIRD VOLUME. ute secular equation [5931]. ‘This equation has also a contrary sign to that of 1 [5231 ] 5 hence it follows, that the motions of the nodes and perigee decrease, ‘Moon increases. Nnmerical ratios of these three secular equations (3 of the meananomaly {53} ee ee Bee lo lule that of the 35). Secular equation ‘The most sensible inequalities of the fourth corde of the mean longitude (SAO SMS} ST Numerical expression of the Totitude [5303]... a oe 268 Nutnerical expression of the Moon's parallan [S381 6. - + ee A CUAPTER UE. OV THE LUNAR INPAL ALITIPS ARESING FROW TIE OBL. YTEAESS OF 11H ever avo. wy N85 ‘The obiateness of the Farth produces in the latitude of the Moon bnt onesingle meqnalny. We may represent this effvet, by supposing that the orbit of the Moon, instead of moving on the Flame of the erlipse, wh = constant myelination, to move wath the same condition, upon Plane hich always passes through the equinoses between the celiptie and eqitate "This mnenuahty can be uscd for the detorimatien of the oblatenees of the Tart [535°]. Tt 1s the reaction of the nutation of the Earth's avis upon the Innar epheroud [53%], and there would be an equilibrinin about the ecntre of erwvity of the Earth by means of the forces Producing these two mequalines, if all the particles of the Farth and Moon were firmly if for the smallness of the forces acting on it, by the length of the lever to which 1t is attached [5424}. connected with each other, the Moon compensa ‘The eblatones of the Farth has no sensible influence on the ¥ but at predners in the Moon's longitude one sensible Be). and nedo are but very little nuigmented by it (520 ‘The mon-spheucity of the Moon profuces in its motion only sensible inoquahties (5415, ieee eee eee ee Layers. G17 APE. C0, ON THE INEQUALITIES OF THE MODY DEFENDING ON THE ACTION OF T ‘These inequalities ere of two hinds, the first depends on the direct action of the plaaets on the motion of the Moon [5479, 511] ; the sceond anses from the pertitrbations in the Earth's rails vector produced by the planets [51]. ‘These perturbations are reiireted to the Vicon by means of the Sim, anid are augonented by the antogentions wluch gives them sinell divisors Determination of these inequalities for Venue, Mars, and Jupiter (5 of the excentricities of the orbits of the plancts, introduces, in the mean longitude of the ‘Moon, secular equations, analogous to that produced by the variation of the excentricity of the Earth's orbit, reflceted to the Moon by incans of the Sun; but they are wholly insensible in comparison with thi: Inet. ‘Thus the inircet action of the planetson the Moon, transmitted by means of the Stn, considerably exceeds their direct action, relative to thusanequality (2 M, &e]. ‘The vanabieness com “ER FV. COMPARISON OF THE PRECEDING THEORY WITT ORSERY 710A. + G42 Numerical values of the secular inequality of the mean motion of the Moon [5312, See, and those of the mean motions of the perigee and node of the Moon's orbit. Comiderstions. which confirm their accuracy [S5H, Ge]. 2 2 SB CONTENTS OF THE THIRD VOLUME, Periodical meyualiies of the Moon's motion im longitude [5551,&c.}. Agreement of the coefficients given by the theory, with those of the lunar tables of Mason and Burg (5575, &c.}. One of these wequalities depends on the Sun's parallax [S581]. If we determine ty cooffcwent by observation, we inay deduce from it the same value of the Sun's parallax, as that which 1s obtaned by the bansits of Venus [ 0}. Another of these inequalities depends on the oblateness of the Earth (9590]. ‘The value of ats cooffcient determned by the tables ot Mason anil Burg, andieates that the Barth 1s less flattened than mn the hypothesis of homogeneity, and thatthe oblatenceis 5}; [S58 = see boa - ot Inequalities of the Moon’s motion im latitude [3505, &e-]. Agreement of the coefficients gaven by the theory with those of the tables of Mason ani Burg [5506]. One of these mequalities Acpends on the oblateness of the Earth {55!8]. ft» eoeficiont, determined by observati ‘grvos the same oblatenese (5802), a8 the inequality in longitude depending on the same element. Sv tint these two results agree m proving, that the Earth is less flattened than an. the hypothesis of homogenaty, - . = : [Nuunenicat expression of the Moon's horvvontal parallax [S608]. Tes agreement with the t YF Mason and Burg [5005] ww ORV. ON ANINEQUALEEL OF \ LONG PERIOD, WHICH APPEARS To PAST ty "LAL MOONS sto C108, 666 action of the Sun on the Moon, produces im the motion of thetsatelhte an inequality, whose tngument 1 double the longitude of the node of the Moon's orbit, phie the longitude of ats 1, &¢.]. ‘Phe considera of the non-spherical form of the Earth, may also introduce ito the motien of the Moon, ahttes (5633, 5636"), with nearly the same period as that which we have just mentioned; and in the present situation of the Sun's perigee, they are all three nearly sl together. ‘The coeficients of these three inequalities are sexy dificult tocompute from the theory appears that the two last must be wholly issensible [537 , 3030}. perigee, mins tree tumes the longitude of the Sun's perigee [36 “Tho frst 1s exiently nidieated by observatuons. Detenumatou of is ceeficient [5005]. [hs result was afterwards found to be incorrect, avis observed in the note, page GGG, &e.). 62 CHAPTER VIL oN THD LAR VARIATIONS OF TH NOTIONS OF THE MOUN AND EARTH, WING eww BE PRODUCED HY T ke “ANCE OT AN ETHEREAL PLUID SUI OUNDING 7H UN Gyn “The resistance of the ether produces secular equation 1m the Moon’s mean motion [5715] 5 Dutt doos not produce any sensible inequality 1 the motions of the pongee and nodes aorta fe et eee pe $Y “Thescculur equation of the Earth's mean motion, produced by the resistance of the ether, 1c about fone hundredth partof the corresponding equation of the Moon's mean motion {3740}. 30 vou. 1m. ww CONTENTS OF THE THIRD VOLUME APPENDIX BY THE AUTIOR. Ine chief chyect of this appondis is to demonstrate a theorem, discosered by Mr. Poisson, that the iean motions of the plancts are imanable, when we notice only the terine depovadieg ow the fist and second powers of the distuibing forces [3711. &e-] This 1s done by giving new forms to sore of the Alifierential expressions of the clemonts of the orbits, 2s 1s observed in [S743, &c]. Forms of these Is, tueludimg all the terms depending upon the frst power of the disturbing masses 86—571|. Expressions of the mean motion (5794 Jements [5873 Investigation of the mutual action of two planets upon each other, referring ther moquakties to aan intermediate invariable plane (5005, & ¢). Now metiod of compotmg the lunar mequakitics, depending upon the oblatencss of the earth 503}. On the two great inequalities of Jupiter and Saturn; corrceting for the mistake m the signs of the of the penodical inequalities in the S70]; and of the secular mequahties of the elements (5882--H238]- IN THE COMMENTARY. Among the subjects t ated of in the Notes, we may mention the fotiowing. Correction to be made in the foinmula wf Rpm fa R’=0, (1202, an some of thetorms of the srder of the square of the disturbing masses (1004, &e}. ‘The necessity of this coricetion was first nade known by Mr. Plana [1006u, &c.]- Results of tho discussion upon this stthjeet, by Messrs. nay Ponteroulant, Poisson and La Place {4005440082}. New fonarla by La Place, relause to vomnef those terms [10082], ‘Ths formula hes been called “ the last gat of Lo Place to Astronomy,” heing the de On the valves of the constant quantities, f,, 25 &e.5 itrodueed into the integral expressions of 11,404 #85 by La Ploce [058e, Kc] which were ehyected to by Mr. Plans. ‘The resuits of La Place’s caleulation proved to be correct by hin, and by Mr. Poisson, mn [4658¢—A060k} opted by the axthor [4061 work he ever publis Corrected values of the masses of the planets, finally Elements of the newly discovered planets Vesta, Juno, Pallas and Ceres; correeponding to the 25d July, ISI, as ren by Encke [4072] Dieracnts of the orbits of the comets of Halley, Olbers, Fncke and Biels (4072). Inequalities in the motions of Venns and the Barth, having a period of 259 years, and depending ‘on terms of the fifth onler of the execntneities and inclinations ; discovered anil computed by Professor Airy [9G 0— 9, ABO — SF) Mr. Pontecoulant's takle of the part of the great inequality of the motion of Jupster, depending on the square of the disturbmg force [HAI]. Suntlar table for the inequalities of the motion of Saturn [u8¢}. Results of the calewlations of Professor Hansen [4189 — p CONTENTS OF TIE THIRD VOLUME. ‘The action of the fixed stars affects the accuracy of the equation (2.m.y/a-fe-m! (/e'-+ &e.=0 a" Restits of the calelations of several authors relatrve to the 6un’s parallaa, by means of the parallactic, mequahty an the moon's longitude, awl hy the transits of Venus over the sun's dise {3589a—m}. Inequality in the moon's Jongitude, whose period ts about 179 years. Its found to be msensible 11a—g}} mstead of being 15°39 at ts maximem, as the avthor supposes mn (5663). . according to the observations of Encke’s is ‘The plancts and comets move ma resietinee medi ‘comet [3167 a ~c}- Notice of the popers published by La Grange and Poiscon, lative to the invaniablences of the mean motions of the planets, winch is treated of m the appendi. to this volume [S711 a—<). It appears from the calculations of Nicolat, Encke and Any, that the estimated value of the mass of Jupiter, adopted by La Place from Bouvard’ calelations of its action on Saturn and Uronus, must be mereazed, to satisfy the cbserved perturbations of the planets Juno and Vesta; ax well as those of Encke’s comet, (59°01 —p]. APPENDIX BY THE TRANSLATOR. Determination of the symbol log. Formulas for the motions of a body mn a hyperbole orlxt (5088) 5 with their demonstrations [59 + ivan ellipte orhit fermulae Keplere problem for computing the tuo anomaly fiom the time, or the contra 1g to Kepler's mothod, but Indurcet solution of this problent, accord ranged 10 Uy Gouss [5990], ——— Simpson's method for determing the true anomaly, m an ellipsis or hyperbola, wher ¢ 38 very nearly equal to uty, notiemg only the firs ~ 1 {59911 12)). —— Bessel’s muproved method for courputiny, the cond power af Le or eT [590K 1—10}} Ganys's method, mn a very excentru. cilipsis, netieing all the pow: —— Gauss's mothod of solution m a bsperboke orbit, in which e—1 35 very sinall, noticing all dhe powers of ths quantity (59953). nating the orbit of a comet. [500, Ae). Table of formulas which are used m ths calculation (50%.9—45)]. ——. Ceamatsicad inxcetigation of this method of ealeulation [504161209] manner of dctermung the approsiaate values of the eurtate distance of the comet from the earth [592132 -172)] Cxamples for illustrating these culeulations [50M (173 ~242) } using tables fT, f1. 1. Remarks ou the caleulation of p by means of the equations (C',(D) [599M 135—162, 212, 242 )j 1 forthe deteriamation of the curtate d Remarks ou th sped by Forms of the findamental equations, ov its cquivalent expicssion x, by means of leganthms (SACHA, &e.)]. Solution of two examples, reduced to the form of Inalytical ineestigation of the nicthiod of comps Groat advantage in having the wtenals of times between the cbserratrons neatly eqia! to each other (5004(319)). ng the orbit of a comet, [594(263—403)). anil aavili CONTENTS OF ‘THE THIRD VOLUME ‘The method usually employed in this calculation requires some modification, when 31 appears under the form of a fraction, in which the sumerators and denominators arc both very small {5004257)]. ‘These methods are explained in (3904(387--302)), Mr. Lubboek’s method of computing. the orbit of comet (50(105—450)}. Method of computing the elements of the orbit of a heavenly body 5 there being given the 10 ralii 1, the mtermediate angle v’—v—9f, and the time f—f of descnibmz the angle 2 (590). Collection of forinulas for soling this problem, aw an elliptical bt Hemonstrations [5005(68—174)}. Examples of the uses of these formulas (3 LO5(—U7}]5 with there 175-193}. Collection of formulas for solving this problem in a parabolte orbit (5906(2—25)] ; with thesr 50} ala is for solving this problom 1 2 72). Example of the Mewiousteation rated by an example in [506 5189). hyperbole orbit of these formulas (5 cid of conecting for the effect of the para Planet ot comet, in computing: us orbit by means of thrce geocentric observations, with the intervals ‘ot tame between thern [5%] Conections tn the places of the earth, on account of the planct’s parallax (S9108(17—50)]. Method of esleu! Seo}s also. the jongitude and intitude of the planet fiom its right ascension aud decimation [5098 (97— 107) , wath 5007(1—50)) 5 with their B13). lav and aberration of any newly discovered ng the Iongituelo and leutude of the zonth 500 (07 examples. Method of conceting for the aberration of the planet [5"%(J08—117)], Example for illustrating the eslenlations getative to the parallay and aberiation [590e( 118— Gass method oF eonpnting the orbit of @ plmuet or comet, by lund Jetitudes, together with the umes of obsersation [5009.} ‘Pablo of the symbols and fownnlas whic 1 this method [5809—5 9}. Demonstrations of these forraulas [59% ans of thnce seveentete longitudes used [S9UKS8, &e. Example, contumng the whole ealeulstion of the Clements of the orbit of Juno, from three ebservae ‘Maskelyne (599927 1—50)}- CATALOG OF THE TABLES IN THE APPENDIX. pte T. Contains the equare roots of the numbers from 0,001 to 10,1, to be used mm Olbers’ maethod of computing the orbit of & comets am finding r7”,¢3 from 9°, 7%, €2 method [5001(21, 92, 23)}. sehich are given by three fimdamentel equations of th ‘Vanur I. ‘To find the timo ZT of desenbing a parabohe are, by a comet there being given the sum of the dn +r", and the chord ¢, connccung the twe eatrome parts of the arc. This table 15 computed by Lambert’s formula (750), namely, T0908 L foe beh ite and the numbers are gwen to the metres unt m the ned decimal place, oxprensed 1 ays and parts of a day. ‘This degeoo of accuracy ining sbordantlysniivient for the purpose of enaputing the orbit of a comet, by Dr Olbcrs’s method, and the table serves to fedtate this part of the ealevlation, ‘Teorr 1H. ‘Tante 1V. Tune V. CONTENTS OF TUL THIRD VOLUWE. orth ‘find the anomaly U, corresponding to the tine & from the perihelion, expressed in + whore the perthehon distances thesame asthe mean distance ofthe earth from the eun, ‘The arguments of ths table, as they were fist arranged by una parabolic orbit 0 to = 6'05 and the logarithm Burckhardt, are the values of ¢, from t= of € from log.t'==0,700 to log.t'=5,00; the corresponding anomahes beg gwen from U= 02 to Us 172032"09,2. We hase also given Carhm's table for the first s1x days of the value of ¢. ‘Tins last table hs for sts argument log. of € days and the corresponding numbers represent. log. U7 mt usmutes, wizus log. m days. 9S To find the trie anomaly ¥, in a very excentne ellipsis or byperbola, from the corresponding anomaly U7 im a parabola; according to the method of Simpson, improved by Bessel. ‘This table cantams the coefficients of Sunpson’s correction, corresponding to the fist power of (1—e); and thoe of Bessel’s correction, corresponding to the scrond power of (1—e); for every degree of anomaly froin Of to 180%; as they were computed by Bessel... ee ee ee 996 Tins tuble was compnted by Gauss, for the purpese of finding the true anomaly x, corresponding to the time t from the penhelon, in a very exeentne ellipsis, noticing tN pone of te eee mee eee ee eee re 909 Tanux VI. Ths tible issimir to Table V, and was computed by Gauss for finding the tne pe VIL. anomialy ®, corresponding to the time £ from the pehclon, in a hyperbolic orbit, hich approaches very nearly to the form of a parabola; noticing all the powers (CMe ee ee ee 1002 “Tine was computed by Burelhardt, for the purpose of finding the time & of describing an arc of a parabolic orbit; there being given the radii 7,7’, and the desenbed are fawn op ee ee ee i100 Tanue VIII. This table was computed by Gauss, and is used with Table IX of ‘Table X, wn finding the clements of the orbst of a planct or comet, when there are given the twe radii 7,7, 2/5 and the time —t, of deseribing this fare, eapressed in dayss ve ee ee es 1006 the included hehocentne are’ —: Taxue IX. This table ws used with Table VIII, in the computation of an elliptical orbit, by means of Taste X. Tare XI. Tantx XII. To convert centestnal seconds mto sexagesimals, and the contrary. nv and Sh. we wee aa 1012 ‘Thus table 1s used with Table VIII, 1n the computation of hyperbohe orbit, by means of no wo and Po see es 1013 To convert centesunal degrees, minutes nnd seconds, into sexagesimals. . - 1014 + + 1016 ‘Tho Tablos V—X, include all those which Gauss published in his Teoria Motus, etc. We have altered, in some respects, the arrangement and forins of these tables, to render them more convenient for use and upon comparison it will be found, that this appendia contains the most important of the methods which are given in that great work; as well asin that of Dr Olkers. ‘The methods of Gauss being somewhat simplified, by reducing many of the processes to the common operations of spherical tngenometry, mstend of using a great number of unusual auailiary formulas, expressed in an analytical manner} and Olber?s calculations are abridged by the use of Tables 1, IL VoL. U1 ny sav CONTENTS OF ‘THE THIRD VOLUME. The method usually employed in this calculation requires some modifeation, when M appears under the form of a fraction, in whick the numerators and denoniinators are both very small [590.11257)]. ‘These methods are explained mm [500(387--B02}]. Me. Lubbock’s method of computing the orbit of a comet (5024(105—158)]. Method of computing the elements of the orbit of a heavenly body 5 there being given the uxo radu rr, the intermediate angle w—e=2f, and the tune so905}. fof describins the angle 2/ Coltection of formulas for solving this problem, 1m ay elliptical orbit (3005, 1 demonstrations [3995(08—172)]. Examples of the uses of these formutas Collection of formules for solving this problem im a prrabolie orbit [590K U7)] 5 with there {26—50)] ; llusteatod by an example in [509651—33)]. Collection of formulas for solving this problem m a hyperbole orbit demonstrations [5097(60 -172)]. Example of the uses of these formulas [5 Gause’s method of eoxreeting for the effcet of the parallax and aberration of any nowly discovered planet or comet, in computing its eibit by means of three geaceutne observatie tune botmeen ther [305). Corrections in the places of the earth, on account of the planct’s with the intervals S006(17—50) |, FU, &e.}4 ake th {5008 (07—107)), wth: Niethod of esleulating the tos Tongitado and hutude of the pax oples. Vothod of corceting for the aberration of the planet [S00R(108—117 |. Example for illustrating the esleulahons relate to the par gatude ond latitude of the vomsth [509 fiom us nght ascension and deelinatior 1. ond aberrotion [5904118 anct orcomet, by means of three geocentete lon «of observition [5992] ‘Dable of the symbols and formulas which are used in Hus method [590"9—51}] Demonstrations ofthese formulas [S000{58, &e. Exanpic, conteinng the whole caleulatton of the elements of the orbit of Juno, from thee obverse ions of Maskelyne {52\%1—050)] CATALOGUE OF THE TABLES IN THE APPENDEX. ‘Pyere F Contains the square roots of the numbors from 0,001 to 10,1, to be used an Olbe method of computing the orbit of a comets mn ding ryr’se3 from 9°93, 2. wlich are given by three findamental equations of this method [594(31, 22, 23). ‘Tarur W To find the ime 7 of describing a parabolic arc, by a comet; there bemg given the sum fof the radi r-$1% and the chord ¢, connecting the two estrome parts of the ave. This table 1s computed by Lambert's formula 750}, namely, ro eee | rps! fel eda es and the numbers are given to the nearest unit in the third deennal place, expressed m days and pats of a day. This dogroe af accuracy being, abnindantly suffcievt For the purpose of computing the orbit of a comet, by Dr Olbers's method, and the table serves to faeiitte thes part of the ealeulation CONTENTS OF THE THIRD VOLUME ania ‘Toute TH, To find the anonmaly U', corresponding to the tume #” from the penhehon, expressed in ura parabolic orbit; where the perihelion distances the same as the inean distance of the carth from the eun. ‘The argtinents of this tabie,as they were first arranged by aye ¢ Burckhardt, are the values of £, from '=0""0 to =6"".0; and the loganthm wf from log.t! = 0,700 t0 log.t'= 5,00; the corresponding anomiahes bemg given from U=O! to Ue 1728202 Wehave abo given Carlin’s table for the first six days of the value of £, ‘Tius last table as for te argument log. of ¢ days and the corresponding nnmbers represent log. Usa mnuntes, mi log.’ vn days. 9ST ‘Tanue IV. ‘To find the te anomaly 1, ma very excentne cllipss or hyperbola, from the corrospondhng anomaly 1 in a parabola; aecoriing to the mcthod of Svmpson, unprovell by Bessel. ‘This table contams the ecefficients of Simpson's eorreeton, corresponiling to the first power uf (L—e); and those of Bessel’s correction, corresponding to the second powcr of (1—~e); for every degree of anomaly from OF to 180%; as they were computed by Bess. oe ee ee 996 Tauee Ve ‘Thos table was computed hy G corresponiling to the time € frou allthe powers of Vee ee 999 for the purpose of fining the tme anomaly x, the ponhchon, wn a very excentrie elhpsis, noticing ‘Tus tible w emular to Table V, aml was computed by Gauss for findmg the te anomaly %, correspenting to the tune £ from the perikchon, vn a kyperbolic orbit, which approaches very nearly to the form of a parbola; noticmg all the powers Of (mM eee Bonoo aod oe My Tauce VI. ‘Tasty VIL. ‘This was computed by Burchhanlt, for the purpose of findwg the tume & of deseribing an are of a parabolic orbit; there being gien the radu 7,7’, and the desenbed arc fy Of. woe eee etree 1005) ‘Taute VILL. Thus table way computed by Ganss, and is used with Table 1X or ‘Table X, in finding the clemente of the orbit of @ planet or comet, when there are given the two alii 7’, the mcInded hehocentnic are v'—v.=2/; and the time t’—t, of describing thas ate, caprossed in days. ee ee ee 1006 Taxtr 1X. This table s used with Table VII, m the computation of an elliptical orbit, by rneans of neywae and Cb ee 1012 Taute X. This table is used with Table VII, an the computation of 2 hyperbolic orbit, by means of rr we and Pt 7 : oe 1018 Tantx XI. To convert centesimal degrees, minutes and seconds, into sexagesimals. . 1014 Tance AMI. ‘To convert centesimal seconds into sexagesimals, and the contrary... - + 1016 ‘The Tables V—X, include all those which Gauss published in his Teoria Motus, ete. We have altered, in some respects, the arrangement and forms of these tables, to render them more convement for use; and upon companison it will be found, that this appendix contains the most important of the methods which are gwen mn that great work, as well as in that of Dr Olbers, ‘The methods of Gause being somewhat simplified, by reducing many of the processes to the common operations of spheneal tngonometry, mstead of using a great number of unusual auxiliary formulas, expressed in an analy tical manner; and Olbers's calculations are abruged hy the use of Tables I, 1. VoL. in. 7 ERRATA. EN VOLUME T or read de Fon ney) Fed (oie). Tur WZ ys read a2 Por mbna ned 31 m Sed. oS Tv dnl a Inmet (ater For 4 read 4 bu band For axel 8 rnd exif Pon ty reed | Por Ui seed (sp Por ah ocad dr For og read 0s ee Hee . Fir £2, read Ce For coum, rea cos mnt For Si2nt, ead Zant For [e8e), seal [ose For sin 6, real ta (e—1 Pe Bor 0B, rd 05 eee or Gg an nip) Bp. 3 read Toot Por yy reat dy 6 Tore, read 04 Fer yyy', Seq read yry' Ke. STIS Por yay Bey read yey Seo Bot 6 bot bots S hol. T bot Fir 8 yeaa Por exT", read ct or J veal For [W342], read [1ot@«}. For the expouent =, read 4. | Pose ur 1 For [UOHSu], reed [109TH] us Tor By real Bye ars Fur spherical angle, seod sphuies 09 3 for mg, read mg For mip, read mip! Tar m, reed mt. bot For aadt, sea on, 1» botle forms. IN VOLUME I. 16 ff [1581¢}, read [1 i Mito Fa ead’ Ts) tet Pa vad sta IN voLUM ‘The same measures have heen used tor correcting the Voluiae IM, a am ps The reader will also omit Ime fiom the bottom mi poge 50%, which is unnecessary rupeted, and at the end of the punagtaphh, page 16, will mike the following zldtion of 2 parsgraph which was accidentally omitted. The function [4025] contains also the tents depen 1208.93, 200203: [5261¢, 6 line 1}, which are derived’ from the part la funct [4081p] contined i [5052g) Tor by combining {We term AG) ee cos (er-fetme) on [1954p col 1] with sin.(2e "2ne—ce), im col. 2 we get the first of these 1 by combining the tens 1 .e€.cos (eect), esin (@2r—2ine—cr), m cok. 3, we get the secors! Heatly, am page 458, le 3. we may ad mst be mtltipie by the elict 4 o obtain the corresponding te Intakes of the press preceding. volumes. teri wah ofthese terms.” st he fanetion [5 term of [1890], ot [4961 or 19602}. SECOND PART. PARTICULAR THEORIES OF THE MOTIONS OF THE HEAVENLY BODILS. SIXTIL BOOK. THEORY OF THE PLANETARY MOTIONS. Tu, motions of the planets are sensibly disturbed by th nd it is important to determine accurately the inequalities wh sult from this cause; for the purposes of ve mut ch ing the law of universal attractions, gravitation, improving the accuracy of astronomical tables, and discovering whether any cause, foreign from the planetary system, produces @ change in its constitution or its motions. The object of this book is to apply to the formula given in the first part hodies of this system, the methods and general « We have developed in the second book, only those inequalities sof the orbits, and of this worl which aie independent of the excentricities or inc » But it is often and to the higher those which depend upon the first power of these quanti indispensable to extend the approximation to the square powers of these clements; and sometimes it is also necessary to consider the terms depending on the square of the disturbing force. We shall first give the formulas relative to these inequalities ; and shall then substitute in these formulas. and in those of the second book, the numbers or values of the elements corresponding to cach planet. By this means we shall obt a the nunierical eypressions of the radius vector, and the motions of the planet in longitude and in latitude. Bouvard has willingly undertaken the calculation of these substitations, and the zeal with whi h he has prosecuted this lahorions work, deserves the acknowledgment of all astronomers. Several niathemal ans had previously calculated the greater part of the pkinetary results have been useful in verifying those of Bow ard ; been found, he has examined into the somee of inequalities; and tl for when any difference h VoL. 1. 1 PARTICU! AR THEORIES OF THE the error, in order to satisfy himself of the aeceracy of his own calculation. , the calculation of those cu ca Lastly, he has reviewed with pa inequalities which had not been before computed ; and by means of several equations of condition, which obtain hetw een these inequalities, T have beew enabled to verily many of them. Notwithstanding all these precautions, there may possibly be found in the following results, some errors. which almost inevitably occur in such long calculations ; but th ie is 1eason to believe that they amount only to imvensible quantities, and that they camot he detimental to the gencial acemacy of the tables fou importance in th ded upon them. These results, on account of thei phi wey astronomy, that e the basis, deserve to he verified with the same ea of which they 2 has been taken in the calculation of the tables of logarithms and of sines. The theories of Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars, produce only periodical equations of small moment; they ae, however, very sensible, by moder observations, with which they agree in a remarkable manner. The development of the secular equations of the planets and of the moon will make hnown accurately them of these bodies, which is the only part of their theory that remains yet somewhat imperfect. It is chiefly in the nd Saturn, the two greatest holies of the planetary usible. ‘Their mean ase motions of Jupiter system, that the mutual attraction of the planets is motions are newly commensurable; so that five times that of Sate is nearly equal to twice that of Jupiter, and the great inequalities in the motions of these two bodies arise fiom this cicumstance. When the laws and causes of these motions were unknown, they seemed, for a long time, to form an exception to the law of universal gravitation, and now they are one of the most striking proofs of its correctness. It is extremely curious to see With What precision the two principal eqnations of the motions of these atin’y ancient nine Inmdied) years, phinets, whose period includes more t and modern observations. The development of these eqations in future cement of the theory and observation. Ne ¢ ages, Will nore aud more prove this ay To the approximation to terms depending on the squire of the disturbing force, and it is hoped that the values here assigned to these equations will vary but long scties of observations coutimed during iried on facilitate the comparison with distant observations, we he very hittle fom those found hy a at influence upon the secular nd we have developed the tly, the an entire period. These equations have a gn variations of the obits of Jupiter and Saurn, amaly tical and numerical expressions arising from this source. L MOTIONS OF TIE HEAVENLY BODIES. planet Urauns is subjected to sensible inequalities, which we have determined, and which have been confamed by observation. ‘ rhable for the discovery of a new lars,” and to which the ‘The first day of this century is ren planet, situated between the orbits of Jupiter and nine of Ceres has been given. It appears as a star of the eighth or ninth magnitude ; its excessive smallness renders its action insensible on the planetary system; but i ation from the attractions of the other planets, particularly Jupiter and Satu, which ought must suffer considerable perturl to he ascertained. It is what we propose to do in the course of this work, after the clements of the orbit have been determined by observation to a suflicient degree of accuracy. It is hardly s since Copernicus first introduced into astronomical tables the motion of the planets about the sum. A century © centui afterwards, Kepler made huown the laws of the elliptical motion, which he by observation; and from these laws, Newton was led to the © these three memorable epochs in lysis has had discov discovery of universal gravitation. Sin the history of the scicuces, the progress of the infinitesimal ama enabled us to submit to calculation the numerous inequalities of the planets depending upon their reeipocal action; and by this means the tables ha acquired an unexpected degree of accuracy. [tis believed that the following results will give to them a much greater degree of precision. * (2341) This volume was published by the author shortly after the discovery of Ceres, ary 1, 1801; and before the discovery of the plancts Pallas, Juno, and Vesta. He did not compute the numerical values of the perturbations of their motions as he had imended. {a0} 4 PERTURBATIONS OF ‘THE PLANE [Mee. Cul. CHAPTER 1 TORMULAS TOR THE INEQUALITIES OF THE MOTIONS OF THE PLANETS WHICH DEPEND UPON THE SQUARES AND HIGHER POWERS Of THE EXCENTRICITIES AND INCLINATIONS OF THE ORBITS. ON THE INEQUALITIES WHICH DEPEND UPON THE SQUARES AND FRONLCTS OF THE E\CENTRICETURS AND INCLINATIONS. bares 1, To determine these inequalities, we shall resume the formula [926],* ine _@art rit 5 aR (ae =e a Los Rtr. ). Perfo We have, as in [605', 669].1 (m0) ae: Nadius é irony =A. f1 + RO 0.005. (NI e— 7) — FE. 008.2. (MEF E— 2); hence the preceding differential equation becomes,t Paes ae eS o= etn rir $30 4.57 £6,008. (nE-+e—s)-+€.c05.2.(ut+-—s)} sre) eae rs id. ne +2sanr.(B), [20%] * (2342) Substituumg, m [926], the value of + A [926], becomes asm [3699]. $ (2313) The o yand the value of x {3701} hy the same ay tha cation [37001 1s easily deduced from [605 in (669), neglecting terms of the order 8. Oe J (2541) I we use, for beuty, the same symbols as in [10482], namely, wou} T= nlt—atpims W=ntpe—s, 370%] we shall have r—=a.(1-+4) [3701]; hence 7° nezlecting 8 and the higher powers of 8s or, in other words, nezlectung & ¢4, &e. Non, by VL i. §L] TERMS OF THE SECOND ORDER IN ¢, é, 7- Now all the terms of the expression of Ry depending on the squares a products of the exeentiivities and inclinations of the orbits, n to the ane or the other af these two forms,* ay be reduced R= M.cos. fi. (a (nt $2 —) + 2ut$ K 4 5 [Fret wey cos. fi. (w t—nt+!—) +13; {secret fr] in which i inclules all integral nunbers, positive or negative, comprehending also i=0 [954]. We shall, in the first place, consider the term [3703]. . dR - . It produces, in. 2fdR-+r. @ )s the funetiont =i).n lay G=ij-a a +0.(G) } cos. fi. (a" nthe )b2ut EK}. retain hence [37020], aud then wuluplmg by wer dr, we get [3702d) the form [3702c}, hy the substitution of x [3700] and r= a.(1— last tonm of the sec Now we have —3.cos! hence [3702] bi afl, “ Soror Pe. rir. fge-+8e.cos W+ Le cos.2 1} Substituting this in 2-2 which is easily reduced to 08.1) [3701] in the «1 mien Wor dra adr. f2E4 36. cos. W+3 Ecos. 2 I}. f1—e.cos. 1 = arin pir.adr.f3e.cos. W436. cos. 2 WY. Substituuns, this in [3699], we get [3 * (2845) ‘This will be evident by the substitution of 1, 1, Se. [1009, 669) in [957]. It also app 'Sc.]5 for in [3703], the coefiicionts of 2” t, —24, respectively 5 theit difference 2 expresses the order of the coefticieat & [95 that of Wf coeficie fiw we 1, i=2, eH, Ke], oF which mut therefore be of the order 2 or 2 Tu Tike manner, the sof a4, =n [3701] bemg both equal to ¢3 the coefficient NV may contain 0, 2, 4, Re. (957%, &e.]}, which include those of the onder e; and *, S.J will shows, that these are the only forms of the cide of tus kind conta, €% F (2316) Substituting the exp [701], we get afar. ()- asin [910], the ordinates of the berly m to Le the only variable quantities: ory in other words, we must consider nt as variable, and n't constant, as is done m finding dR [L0120—e]- ing for RE the fon [3703], RM. cos. fi. (n't—nt-fe— 2) + 2nt-E KG, VoL. mi. 2 u we) In finding dR, we must suppo (3702) R eens orang (9703) ine (3704) (a704] (370177 [3705] [370%] [37024] [3702] [a702r) (37040) [37050] (37050) [3705 Terma or (2706) depending tee (3707) [3708] (2700) (3700 [37052] [3705] (2705) [37084] [37099 PERTURBATIONS OF THE PLANETS. [Mee. We have seen, in the second book [1016], that the parts of = depending on the les a.(a't—nt+e—s) and i.(nt—nits—)+att+s are of the following forms, br a F.cos.i.(u't—nt+-—s) +e G cos. fi. (a! t—nt 4.'—#) + nt-+s—s } + CH.'t—nt4-2—) fut hence the function Sn’. a5r.fe. cos. (nt +-¢—s) +6. cos. (2at + —29)} Will produce, in [3702], the following tems,* oe (FH G).€.00s.f8. (nl t— nt pe) +2nt4+2—2of Q FOU 4't—nt-4-o—) + 2nt $2:—a— 3} §" Therefore, if we notice only the terms depending on the (Wt—nt4é—) +204 ; which is equivalent to the supposition that the sun’s mass ile a and put equal 10 unity, neglecting the mass of the planct ;+ we shall have 1° a we obtain d R=— this, and multiply i —i).n. Me si ry 2, we get fi. ("tat pede) ont $A all Integrating + AL. cos. (a nt peo) Pont HRY. |, relative to a, being multiphed by a, gives (FE) a. (SM) 00s. $4. (vt ante) 2a BY. Adding tlus to the expression [3705c], we get 2d nta(F), asm [. x 705]. * (2347) ‘The forms of the terms of “2, assumed in [3706], are the same as those computed in [L016]; the constant part corresponding to 3 and the secular terms heing made to deappear, as in [L036%, &e.]. Subvututng these a [3707], and reducing by fonmula [20] fut., retammg ovly the tenas depending on th i.(n't—nt4d—)4+2nt+K [3703], we get [3708]. } (2345) AF being the mass of the sun, aud m that of the planet, we have .W--m==p [9147], Wwe put OF and then fiom [3700], we shall get [ m on account of its smallness, we shail have: 7). VL i. §1.] TERMS OF THE SECOND ORDER IN ¢, ¢, 7 7 and then the differential equation [3702] will become* d?.(rér) Aen ( (E44) ..2.cos. fi. (n't ute 2) 4 2nt422—-25} ge TET Or ed cas fi ee eens [sn0] $n. je ale. (= pee Hence we get, by integration,t (F4-G).2.c0s. fi. (n't — nt 2) 4 2at-2e—25} 7 a fH ed cos. fi. (wl t—nt--d— 9) | nt 2e—a— wf nt (4) srotee + “sits ~ yf 2?c08-fi.(n't—nt-+-¢—e)- + 2nt KY eee x 5 " - (a7) If this expression of be considerable, and one of its divisors isc in the 2m being [8712] to 5x';t the variableness of the clements of the orbit will in’ +(8—i)., ita. n, be very sul, as is the theory of Jupiter, disturbed by Saturn, when we suppose @ = nearly equal © of its third and fourth terms [3708], also 5], inultiplied by 2®a*=1, for the sake of [3710a] 2549) Substituting, in [5702], the va the values of the fifth and sixth tenns [, homogeneity 5 it becomes as in [3710]. + (2350) If we put, in [86 Wy yrs, an, aQ—s.aK.8 (mtte), (S71a) the letters a, ¢ being accented to prevent confusion in the notation, and ¥ denoting the sign as; we shall have the cilferential equation [37110], whose integral [571] elrir) | 9 ( a pote rérpz.a kK (71) “@ = =o (Bre Comparing the cuefficient of ¢ in the expressions (3710, 37 LID], we get» 3 Brita) hence mz. (m-bn) «(m—n)== fin’ L-(8—).n}. fit -(1 (alte iis in [5711e], and then dividing by @®, we get [3711]. 1 (2351) We lave, in [1077], for (ay) neatly 5 hence Sn'—2n=1173'; which is quite small in comparison with wot wy hing ouly part of m

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