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PAPER NUMBER 161 oo FASTENER PROBLEMS IN THE PROCESS ENDUSTRY SSSEENER PROBLEMS TN THE PROCESS rpUSTRY R. B. Smallwood American Gyanamid Company 10800 River Road Westwego, LA 700% irocess | industries fastener failures are costly and have vesulced in safety and matoried ee toe eisene? Most Fastener problems ace the eee ef poor Tureentt, Selection or misuse, bur recently = large percentage of fasteners currently availble in the market are substandard. Insttucting mechanics and preinggrs on fastener selection and use has eliminated many fastener failures. A suslity assurance program fer incoming fasteners nee greatly reduced che womber of substandard fasteners placed in service Keyworde Fasteners, fastener failures, fastener corrosion, fastener Selection. counterfeit fasteners, fastenar quality assurance Publication Right redacted tenn cin et pera wpa nana Teno taaageehaleta i ear taoanae "wate norte ln Threaded fastenexs are an important piece of machinery in any chemical Plane. pphey ,##8 used to assouble, Join or support alnose all, if not ali, of fhe equipment found in process plants. “Unfortunately, fastenern are cften vised Gkgorrectly or ave applied tneosrectly and recently a large muster at The erase Or Substandard fasteners have been Incroduced Inco esis comity, sree tgmults, of fastener failures can be minor ox they cen be catasteopnte Ye is prudent that all users of fasteners understand how they should be acst Applications Fasteners in process plants are used in flanged joints, to mechanteal oz ausenocnye (applications or in structural applications. ‘There are many other uses of fastenezs but this paper will be concerned with che three named Fasteners used in flanged joints and most mechanical and autonebile applications are leaded in tension. In some mechanical and automotive applications and many structural aplicacions the service load is primarily shear, ig tension applications the fastener is Loaded very uch Like 2 heavy poring sed to clamp parts together. in shear applications, the fastenos's function is primarily that of a pin to prevent the parts from moving The ana Roe {eelleation derevmines the desired anount of fastener elongation required soemag wand Service leads. Bolts, screws, or studs are usually elongated by forgue applied to the nut or fastener head. In Elange joint applications, auch as used fo hold piping and pressuze vessel components together, the fastener ia Efressed from sbout 1Oe co 60a of the fastener's proof load. ‘the proof load is cha Point at which the fastener starts to distort, and is very similac te ylelé strength. In machinexy and eutomobile applications, when the fastenet in joaded in tension, it is loaded about 703 to 75% of its proof load ta giyuctural, applications, = normal lead ox a fastener is approximately 1002 of sere rook lead. TE a fesvener is loaded in tension it does not make any eitfsrencs where che threaded portion of tha fastener falls in velation to cnn Tee ports being joined, however, if the fastener is loaded in shear, the unthreaded portion of the shank should be at the intersection beewean che components joined. The useful work produced by a fastener are the tensile stresses created by Sestenet elongation and compressive stresses Introduced Inco the parte joined” nut and fastener head. Torsional stresses are created by friction between he various Joint components and way be as much as one-half of the tensile Stresses. Since the components joined rarely have perfect alignment, thers is usually some bending stresses. The initial fastener tension 14 called the preload bat within a few minutes the initial preload relaxes about 10%, te. 206 es fo. EMS torsional stresses. The relaxation of a gasketed joint may be much greater tian 20% The integrity of a bolted joint is dependent upon the quality of che fasteners, parts to be joined and in flange joint. the gasket and how well the component match with each other. fqually as imporeant. to fastener selection is recognizing that the mechanic who applies the fastener, to a great extent, determines how the fastener will perform. i612 Headed Fasteners {e@es threaded Zagteners used in the process industry are made in six Sreees Pex ANSI B18.2.1. OF these aix shapes, ons Meety square head and the gore {Ave @x6 Rex heads. “The Five hex head shapes nee gy Bolt, Heavy Hex Soraceul es 482, SSEBRS “(Finish Hex Botts), easy “ity Serews, and Heavy Hex Chase, gg, POLES. These festenors bave threads per ANS! BLE ety oe Standara, Boo sy ocGMMOMIY Known as coarse thread, “ansl seatara wots 3.4 chrough dotvcen Covers, Ainensions for similar meteie tecterece. ine eifference pecveen a hex “head and heavy hex head fescener is one mee Sistance across the beech Sbeavy hex head is 1/8" greater than for a hens Peg The d1fference meee ete DeLE and the sovew is that the bele te sequiced volt used with a Seclwe NAE S SSEER may be used with amit or in @ deities as tapped hole not nae We, POLOEEE ends and a bearing surface under the Keng tele bolts do cacene Geant RESWY hex structural bolt is essentially made eng Sh design Used With enue phan is longer than In other belts and serava aaa, always SRE. Fane “eS, IBEEs aro mony more standacd fastener dastane’ he except for Gncommon iq nreaded fasteners and slotted head fasteners, thoes otty sesigns axe uncommon In a process plant. Beh agiade bolt oF screw will have a head which is marked showing the see, GE the material and usually che manefscturor identification mark Ruder, {he head there should be a fillet which blends es che west and the head. peottty Peet Profile Filler has better fatigue Yesistance than a circular Prowile. |The threads should be rolled and not “our ses to improve fatigue TRSEgemee the tlueads should be rolled in abcer wee bole Is heat crested instead of rolling prior to the heat trestmene deficiency of some spsctiseacious such as ASTM A193 is that they de not specify that the fastener Spould be made with rolled threads. The chread. peoriie om nats and poles Should most che requirements of ANSI. BI.1 and dere should be no cracks or thread defects. 4 generous root radius is a big luc te fatigue is a major senggaekation. The thread tum out shoulé be gradual ond nt abrupt to reduce igpteus fallure. The under side of the bole heal shade "he perpendicular to the bolt ais. Zesteners nade to the ASTM "AY Series are well defined as co the material of eoustrustion, especially the chemical analysis. However, less well defined ere iene, Methods of manufacture and maxinun tenelie Properties may not be goccified. The F Series of 4ST fastener standards are primarily wricten by gatteter nenufacturers in contrast to the A Series atom primarily are writen by metal producers, The F Series are souewnst vague as to the alloys that o fastener ean be made out of, but are quits epecific as to the methods of Taguesccute, the tensile properties and the ‘design facets. tee most common fageners used throughout industry are the SKE sevice of fasteners but saz resteners are much less connon in the process industry thes) he ASTM A Series for flange joints. The SAE Series of fasteners ane very specific es to methods gi jRamtacture and required tensile propersies but the shears analysis of the fastener is often 111-defined *e fs Important both to define the chemical requirements of « fastener as cee nen eton Meile PrOpertios and methods of nanctacnne The chemical ceugegatlen determines what its corrosion resistance wit be towards various environments 16188 TE will also determine how strong a fastener can be made and it will determine eter eSPonse 02 elevated and low temperatures, The tensile properties of fasteners, both the tiinimun and maximum, are important because a festenes wuse have the requized strength for the application but if the fastener te too hard, NS nay be subjected to hydrogen eubrittiement or stress corrosion cracking ‘The Quc is obviously a very important component of the success or failure of Qo joint. The wut is usually of = slightly weaker material than is the bole, Serew ox stud. However, the proof load of the nut should be greater than that ef the “solt, serew, or stud. Nut threads should conform to ANSI 1.1 and should be free of cracks and the thread axis should he pexpendicular to the ut tece In some asplications, washers are part of the joint design Eastener failures Before we describe how fasteners should be used it ts important to aiyreteard how che fastener may fail, or even gore importantly, the joiut. may fail, Tf we define faiture as something that will cause che joint te ba less than what is desired, the failure of a joint thus described does not mean” thee Ene ohastener Dreke due to chesical’ or mechanical means, but that she joint failed to hole for ene reason or another. Joint failures due to fasvener Eilures may involve a flange joint leaking ox it may actually invelve Eigyeners bregking in half, Flange joints used in piping and vessels gonevally fail due to leskage. If too little torque {s applied to the fasteace che gasket will not seat and a leak dovelops. Tf the fastener is over tightened, the Joint may be so distorted the gasket will lesk or even worse the” flange will be damaged ox in some cases broken. Tt is important with weak or britere flange materials such as grey cast iron, fiberglass or glass lined steel. that the fastener not be over tightened due to possible flange damage. In these geplications, ic is often necessary, especially on fiber reinforced plastic FRAMERS. 0 use washers to spread out the load over the area that is beating fhe serec3, Overloading the fastener can also make it more prone to hydrogen smbrittlement and/or stress corrosion cracking, especially if the fastenee te Gistorted beyond its proof stress. A very cemron failure of flange joints is @ reloxation of the load exerted on a joint by the fasteners usually due to gasket creep but occasionally by fastener creep. This creep of the frstenoss or the gasket will allow a joint to lask after a period of time. Joint leakage may result in corrosive attack om the fastener. A pure overload Eailure of fasteners and flange joints is quite rare and it is uaually Bet, Wue 02 any Ameorrect application of the fasteners but is caused by very bigh stresses created in the system for which the fastener was not designed te gytetand, | Fatigue failures in flange joints used In the process industry are also unconaon, Flange joints used in piping and pressure vessels often fail by a corrosion mechanism. General corrosion failures ars quite common in fastesers inside equipment but are relatively rare on fasteners on the outside of fquipnent, General corrosion, especially of carbon and low alloy steel fasteners, may make it difficult, if not tupossible, to unthread the fastener after service. 1681/4 fuch wore serious are stress corrosion and hydrogen enbrittlenent failures and lists enot, $2888 Hguid etal enbritelocn. failures of fasteners. Table 1 tists those fasteners which have hed on warcesptable failure rate in process plant cwlronaeats, Those substenccg which are known to have caused hydrogen cabrittlenent, stress corrosion seaghabe of Mauwid metal ombritelenne oo Higteners axe shown in Table 2. steese eoeesion cracking of stainless steci sesteners due to chloride ions aeove 30%¢ 3s unfortunately, tea common’ Hydrogen embrittlement failures of Garbon steel and low alloy stee! fasrenere segee ym the Presence ef hydrogen suizice, hydrogen cyanide, hydrochloric meio ane ot, few other high ydrogen eabricele cavizonments if the fastener hardness Pyare ockwelt 022. If Eastonevs are harden than Rockwell C40, failures from hydrogen enbrtttlesent caused by soe te tie Sotroaion may occur. Hydrogen errrittionent of bigh strength cardon on ie alloy steel fasteners may ocemr ie gilély sorrosive environments if che fasteners are galvanized or if uncoaten sasteners ere coupled to galvanized site) aere, have been sepores of elley mdah pesgtener® that were galvanized and eiee subjected to high temperatures "high have failed by Liquid metal eabricelonnn. tn some cases 2 galvanized steel fastener was used with a cadwiun plated mut and the alloy of cadmium and cnbeiteteat? fomMed at elevated temprance” has caused solid metal embrittlement. sangett SRUSED most of the fastener failures in mechanical and automotive gpplications. Pacigue failures of euch festoners are usually due to the tree she fastener is under tightened and noe Ovex tightened. Anybody who has worked On fheit lawn mower or automobile hes probably over torqued a fastener maa broke the head off a bolt. any People, when they see a fastener that too broken, blame it on over torque. hive Pec? foraueing might cause a very fou of che fatigue feilures, che ase Malorisy of fatigue failures are caused by under torque in fatigue applications Over load failures of fasteners in machinery ané automotive applications have cae gively Fare but shear failures, simon vhe two parts being joined often pave the threaded area of the Factenee oe the imtersection, fxequently scores Festener relaxation and corension dsllures are “uncommon. ydrogen enbrittlenent of high strength Yasteners, such as SAE Grade 6 bolts sometimes will occur in a chemical environment. Fasteners used for strustural gpphications generally are applied Sheme eg The MAoFity of structural fasrenee failures are mechanical dus co Shear fatigue or over loading of che StFvcture but such failures are very seegeets, GOxFexion, stress corrosion, any hydrogen embrittlement of onaugtural fasteners’ are uncommon. oveyer it should be noted thar 2420, which is equivalent to Sa Grade 8, with Sensile strengths above 150,000. poi have failed when galvanized or coupled to galvanized components, Sue failures except due co thread stripping are quite rare. Since nuts stad we cf @ Beaker material but have a tighoe Proof load than the bolt of Fathi mestve Mechanisms cause faljure oe fhe bolt or stud prior to mut failure. Thero have been several cases shove fivanium or stainless steel nucs Rade by powder metallurgical proces Usintegraced when exposed co moderately corrosive environrents 1681/5 ane various forms of corrosion usually cause more damage to che bolt, dither cone gg tte than it does to the muts unten. Shey are made of significantly Gifferect materials. Crevice corrosion i) Problem with some materials ig causiin, “#¥onments but te almost always affecre wey threaded fastener and aut equally sigh Cemperature lew slloy steel studs (ASTM A193 Grade 387 or Bis) are Cuuglty used with “nocs of a lower alloy (ASiM alec Grades 2H or 4}. Tn some. seeetece Chests of conpersture over a long trae may cause nut relaxation Resulting in joint leakage. To prevont ance failure, a higher alloy nut should be used ‘he Diggest cause of joint failures is due to tho incorrect selection or foe _@isapplication of fasteners, Fastenscs that fail by fatigue ususily were assembled vith too low a torque, fasteners thet fet) by one of the corrosion Gechanisms generally fail due to poor facvenee selection. Relaxation ef the joint is caused by poor fastener, gesker oe flange selection 23 well as inadequate fastener torque Defective Fasteners Hefective Fasteners Thin f1y) _rmmerous cases have been reported of defective fasteners shipped soe his Country primazily from overseas suppiices, These fasteners are often aioe te Damufacttred or in some cases, aze made cut af aifferenc materials than what Is indicated by the head marking. These defective fasteners often are made of a lower cost ailoy than what is specified, The manufacturing segmiaues used to make che fasteners are deficient sod ite threads are often Fasten eP Ok, the Fastener was incorrectly heat teeated Another problem with fasteners, whether imported or not, scours during coating operations. If the selon ote pote selected for a steel Fastener to be mee dipped galvanized, the seivanizing towperature may temper the fasteroe toa lower strength. Table 3 Shows | Sone of the fastener problems encouncerea in one plant's quality assurance program User Abuse The plants thenselves often vill abuse fasteners by incorrectly storing fhem or even worse, che fastenors are ciloved ee become contaminated with dirt fastener net debris which results in increased friction between the threaded and the nut. When two Easteners are welded together, the welds are oreo Very Poorly wade and in the case of secede low alloy sceels the welding will adversely effect the hardness of the material in the heat affected factones” $E0nersl tule of thumb, i: is inadviscable co wera any portion of a fastener between the cvo nuts in the case sf a opty or between the head and not syne cose of a bole and serew. It ig acceptable to tack weld 2 mut to a fastener as long aa the weld is outside the toon bearing area Mose people are familiar with torque wenches as a means for tightening a fastoner to a given load. Unfortunately, “5 Corque wrench is not a very cress se opty 00, tishten a fastenor to a svecitied Lond There can be 2 40st fastens “neaMeasured torque to achieve a specified anouse, of elongation in a Saetener due to uncertainties in the amovat af friction that exists in a given Joins fasteners that ave cleaned and well iubricated hove a lower coefficient of friction. than fasteners which are noe well lubricated or are dirty 16146 About 908 of the toreue goes to {breaded Fastener, to coxrect for Fasten overcome fxiction Between the portion being earned by the vials being joined gné Fastener bending. Only about 102 of the energy applied to fasteners goes into elongation of che fastener. pue co ene unknown factors of friction, joint SPetER end in the case of pine and flanges, energy used to pull misaligned fienges together, ir is net surprising hat Corque is a very inaccurate measure of fastener slongation. Fastener elongation, however, is what holds the joint fogecher. Too little fastener clongation eran Little torque), especially in Sctonebile mechanical and structural applications, can lead to fatigue Failures. Cveen the nut and the tp gasketed flange joints, the ability of the jeint co rewain leak free Rhen Pressurized is usually adequate to indicate 12 the fastener were corrected faceusd: However, this initial leak tightness test might not. be adequate if fastenes relaxation or gasket creep will occu ay service; in such cases actual Dae pieaat® Of fastener elongation may be required. The average mechanic in peact hee ewes 2 Teasonably good job of tightening such Joints. However, this proctiee falls down when the sane mechanic se seectyon with 2 mechanical or cececliy eee tPleation because the anount of corse chat heeds to be applied is actually greater than whet is needed for a flange joint. Tt is a rare frstadd epuetat {Me vill soe a mechanic with a torace ween The mechanics who ERStALL structural steel priusrily use the ters of ee ut method co tighten fasteners and this gives quite securare results. Structural fasteners are often tightened with calibrated wrenches and woforeunately, this is not as good seeytne fm Of the nut ethod. The only secacace Bay to insure that the change $n ee Ck tesaue is applied im many applications te "ee measure the change in elongation of the fastener aa te 10 tightened; this is usually done with ultrasonic {astruments, Surprisingly enough, the mechanics in mechanical or automotive gpelications usually get fairly close to the correct torque using nothing more pephteticeted than a box urench. All those af yeu who have worked on cars or zim Mowers Know that when box weonches ace) oleh that it is rare thae festenes fe over torqued and the head pope off However, if a socket wrench is pees: this over torque failure happens all tos oftee The box wrench length Bas been set so that the average mechanic can apply approximately the correct torque Fastener Usage - General Resteners used for pressure vessels, piping, and structural applications Showin es *6) OY Manufacturer for use in'machicery, instruments, pumpe and valves should be these thet are specified in the eriginal specification or per memufacturer's xeconmendations unless om engineering study indicates a more appropriate fastener. Plant personnel who are replacing fasteners should refer god ae gbecifteation or manufacturer's recommeniacion fae the correct fastener, and not replace in kind since the wrong fascenes may have been Installed. 1617 Aeode SteNerS used for hotlex and pressure vessel sexvice must moet the GRE Gods sequirements, To restrict the umber of teecenent carried in Eqentory, and prevent use of tho wrong fastener. ail fastennee used in gasketed flanges should also mest the ASHE Code. Tt is prudent fee. plant to inventory See eigen’ Mmited number of fastener grades ¢o decreace the Cant that a sone sggtense wilt be instelled. Tho length of « fastener should be ench that ae least two threads are visible beyond the nut when tightened. The strength org fastener used should be such that the correct torque cen be oberwe with Seat eetth, ubticated fastener and mute. The required toxque varies as described for the various applications Coated fasteners say have a quice different torque necessary to achieve sisaked Castanes elongation. It is often necessary to tun torque cose nen given lot to determine the correct torque of coated fasteners, The engineers and mechanics who make fastener selections should understand that the belief thac “a bolt is = bolt is a bolt" ig nor necessarily correct There are many different types of fasteners and they all have chore specific gpplications. Te is a couaon error to think that a high strength fastener ts Pesser Chan a low strength fastener without conaidering the possibility of fyarogen embrittlement or stress corrosion cracking. Often sestmiecn steel Saeteners are used in high teaporature carbon steel piping systema “ciwns they Theraed snare gon tisessemble without realizing that the higher coefficient ay fhermal expansion of stainless steel will cause the joint to Telex sod possibly leak. TF enn omental for all engineers, mechanics, and supervision co recognize that fascener fsilures should nor occur. Tf s featenee breaks, an investigation should be made as to what causes the failure. Fecreners should be stored under conditions where they do not become fotroded or dixty. Fasteners are generally cupplied with lubrication sug sree grater based lubricants may be dissolved if they get wet. fastences jhould be stored in metal or plastic containers te prevest insg se iubricant. Wheve possible, fasteners should be purchased ae unise tq Genet words, studs should be delivered with nuts attached, and ‘the sane for bolts and serevs. This is especially true for the fasteners wane arg ot dipped galvanized or coated, Tt should an essential pare af any cxdex requirement that the fastener be supplied with the mute atcacnen png if Possible that the same manufacturer coats both the theewed fastener and nor asm F1077 lists the marking requirements for most ASTM fasteners But mot for A193, A194 or A320 fasteners. AST A193, A194. and A390. end PAF izok should be referred co for marking requirements of fasteners ace to these specifications Fastener Selection - Flange Joints Fascenerg for use on gasketed flanges of pressure vessels and piping syetems must have sufficient tensile strength so that the fastener ban be Exghtoned to seat or seal the gasket used in the joint. Limitations on fastener material are minimum and maximum service temperature, coreeaton sere etne apenngeettbilicy to stress corrosion eracking, hydrogen gubeiecloment and Liquid metal embrittlement. In addition. festeces Selection is cependent upon Flange design, flange materials ot construction end type of gasket used. 1061/8 Pressure vessel and piping gasketed Flange rarely required a torque Field spite Shae needed to achieve abour 608 ae ee fastener's proof load or Yield steength. Hard gaskets nocd more cension in the bolt to seal a joint Ehee do soft gaskets, Yastenera used cick Plastic lined pipe, glass lined gaeiprent, FRE flanges and sone speciat gaskets require a torque wrench to insure cuat the Fasteners are noe eves yabipened which nay damage the flange, foufeetarers of the equipment should” be gontacted for maximum recommended forave. With the exceptions noted above, the ability of che average mechanic the fore nMat@, Wrenches can alnost always obtain the necessary torque to seal i 1f in good condition the fasteners can be waynes At uncoated gasketed flange belts and studs threads should be UNS-2a for Theeade gy Mtamet®E and smeLler and gUN-2A ton larger sizes par ANSI B1.1 Thveads Tor nuts one inch and salle: should te UNC-28 acd SUN-2B for larger Shale pe rg fNS! BLL. The thread tolerances fo galvanized or coated Zastenars shall be per tho appropriace ASME Standard S11 gasketed flange fasteners 3/4 inch and smaller should have rolled pimesds and be cold headed where applicable (ASTM AL93 does not xecuire the fastener to be manufactured with rolled thessie or to be cold headed.) tuts, Boles, ma serows should be the Heavy ste Series per the appropriate aNsy specification fables I and 2 lists those environments in hich certain fasteners may pened eee pZETeSS CoFrOSion cracking, hydrogen embrittlement, and/or liquid waetr pmbtéttlenent. shold unsuitable fescceeny “AP found In service they shell be removed and replaced with the approssieee fasteners febte 4 lists the gaskered flange fasteners listed in ASME Section viz Division 1 and ANSI B21.3 for preasure “vescey and piping service. Table 3 PLStS acreptable alternatives to boles, screog and studs given in Table 4: such fasteners ave alloued by the Code bus except for special applications are at feense in general plant service. Table @ 11000 fasteners which may have linseg” Sitength and be of sinilar alloy as those Licved in Table 4 bur are not jisted in the ASME Gode; however, these fasteners may have applications other than in pzessure vessels or piping. Lov strength fasteners are generally used Tien oOhE, Baebete and/or brittle anges. “Median strength fasteners are used with harder gaskecs and strong flangea asa high strength Zesteners ace used with even hardex gaskets such as metal gaccere, Aeetion - Machinery and Automotive MShener Selection - Machinery and autonotive meee be nag gROELNE fasteners are usually loaded in consion ue may rene eeeece® Be loaded in shear. “Such Fasteners, acelin wens” et add sional machinery bolting ei eiegalzed to resist cyclic Toadiag, “Myst or Feta attire, is tigheened to about 754 of ite pesot we mainly co vesise harabat ag used, by eycling loading. Over rightocteg Laat fasteners ts not as PSeML GRY ORGer ehtentng; hovever, since sush tactee ye usually reused, nechanie tioktang ereeminé cam xesult in permanent defeat Usually a tee vag’ flehtens a bolt until it feels right, bur ter “eftt applications the decurate mean endte, gktenck Le requized. Som apectal aps eat see requize very da, Fottomed gnats OF the bolt tension; manufacturer's: roseeeag eet shal Bn, feltewed. Most corqus tadtes in handbooks ace fet Sean type of fastencr and SNS Ghes nos applicable to gasketed flange oF structural betes 1619 fio Sesiem of bolted machinery and autonetive jotnts is outside the scope of itis paper. Such Joints should be designed by mechansees engineers with Joints ane geiescyimslysis. the groat majority of machinery and’ scssocne Joints ave designed to use SA 429k Grades 2, 5 and 8 fasteners’ Fastener Selection - Structural Fastener Selection — Structural Renkeners for structural purposes may be loaded in both shear and tension Leen eeetase €0 Only tensile loading of Flange eleing. S11 et che ost hanegations Listed for flange Coint apptications may also apply to ate nets bolting. sept furel bolting should be loaded to its proof load. Correct torque is Cheained by che "tur-of-the-nut" method or @ calibvated impact erect Te clamping force exerted by a correctly loaded fastener must be high enough se Chat the friction created between the parte joined carsies che majority of the load. Stace permanent deformation of the bolt occurs, reese ae structural fasteners is not sdviseable The "Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTY A325 or A490 Boles" Souls be referree t0 for design, selection, and usage of these tastercea, fer gi'23 Type 1 plain or galvanized {s usually specified for sereice ca Process plants up to 450°F. Personnel Training Mose plant personnel have an Incomplete understanding of the mechanics of pesteners selection and usage and too often assunes that all fasteneen aot pretty much the same, In any plant maintenance program it must be recognized shee the man with a wrench determines the success or failure of a particular Jofat. 1: has been our experience that few mechanics have received training in jascthiying the various types of fasteners. Rarely, if ever. have they been sees whet the seleceion of fasteners and surprisingly enough. nese aoe Zearly been shown how to install the fasteners. Instructing mechanics and moe gmsineers in fastener Identification, selection, and usage will preven, aoe fastener failures. Fastener Quality Assurance Program pee eegethe_ latse number of defective fasteners in the market place, it is prudent co establish a quality assurance progam for fasteners. Such’ a program should include visual inspection of the fasteners to establich chee they are correctly identified as to grade and manufacturer and that the fastener fe well Tre eat gis. free of racks, and other defects. The nut shotld be turnee on the threaded fastener to determine if the mut will threat Properly. Tn aioe Os hardness testiog and an alloy analyzer can bo used te identity the giloy and tensile strength. Over a period of one year about 40s af tre (ggteners received by one plant would not even meet these minimum requivenence (Table 3) The user also should be avare of failures. In many cases where a series of accidents have occurred due to fastener failures there were usually earlier Filluroe that were ignored. Tc is essential that everyone understands noe fasteners should not fracture in service 1610 seaenet, selection and usuge are quite well defined in the engineering iistature. Unfortunately, too fee peapre it faken the tine to understand reba (Rsineering science’ To bevabhe te achieve bigh levels of process plane Selgebilicy with che absence of seteey) om suvironmental mishaps, it ts the meee iat Fasteners be correctly selected aad used. Fasteners are among the most Important ites ina process sine since they hold the plant togethes Annotated Bibliography Amnotated Bibliography 7 john B, Bickford, "an Introduction to the Pesign and Behavior of Bolted points, Marcel” Deitker, Tne., few Your (1981). The best general guide for Eastencr design and usage oxcepe foe structural steel applications. 2. Fisher, JW. and JHA. Sezutk, “Guide fo Design Criteria for Bolted sraetiVeted Joints", John siiey and sone, Ree York, 1974. the Guige of fimietutal steel fastenezs. Also sec "Specification for Structarel eines Using ASIN 4325 aad “AGs0 Belts, November 13, 1985, Ancricen, Treeeate oF Steet Conseniction dtseriinees by Industriel’ Fastener Tostiture, Cleveland, ohie 3. Richard T. Barrect, »Fastener Design Manual", NASA Reference pinaseation 1228, Lewis Research Conese” Cleveland, Ohio, March, 1890. 4. ASM Committee on Threaded Steet caugeners, “Threaded Steel Yasteners*, ree 287301 in Volune “1,” tenen Edition ty the Metals Handbook, agit qeternational, Materials Park, Obie, 1c Good coverage of carbon’ and tow alley stoel fastener manufacture, selection, testing and failures, 3. Alexander, Blake, "Design of Mechanical Joints", Marcel Dekker, Tac, Mee oaies 1288 Chapters 3, 4, ang Egle explanation of fastener 7OInE Gesign but less detailed than Bickford ox Meee” and Strut 6 Mexander, Bake, *What avery Engineer Should Know About Threaded goneeners”, “Marcel Dekker, New works 19s0° Best coverage of non ferrous fasteners. 7 Jensen, Walter J., "Failures of Nechanical Fasteners", P_ 529-549 tn mouume 1, dineh’ “Edicion of Metate Handbook, Auerican Society of Metals, Metals Park, Ohio. 1986. Codes end Standards Gedes and Standards % [280 SAB Handbook, Volume 1 section 4, Soviety of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA.” 1890 Standards’ eos Astoxobile and Machinery ueiattons. SAB J 1061, 1123 andj 19) got especially helpful in Judging surface discontinuleies 2, 1999 Annual Book of sty era ards Volune 15.08, ASTM, Puiiedetpata, 1993. Includes a11 ASI fastener standaoe iggy “SHE Boller anc Frossure vessel Code, Volume III, Division 1 with i88? Sdcenda; “ASME, “New York. 1995 Appendix 2 provides rules fox penned flange connections with ring type baskets and is mandatory Bependix’ 5 (non aandatory) provides geerae Buldance for bolted Ziange design on ey tbPeRsix Y (non mandatory) previa guidance for the (estan of flat face flanges wich uotal-to-metal contact outside the bolt circle tout Monufgcturers! Literature 1. [HelpEut Hints for Fastener: Dosign and Application", 7¢h gdteton, 1976 ce neat goth» Mentor, Obie.” A loz of useful information in an easy to read fernat, P Unigtener Foota” fron Bowsan Distribution, Barnes Group, Cleveland, Onion Tevised 1988. A good and fairly complete guide for aatonorens ang smechanical fasteners; suitable for foremen and other nen techoiecl personnel 3, "Gasket Handbook” from Lamons Metal Gasket Co., Houston, 1980. A ood guide for the design of gasketed joints Twade Jrgonizetions 1. Industrial Fasteners Institutes, Cleveland. Very helpful ia answering Gusstions about fasteners or directing one to someone who can ane extensive library on fasteners TABLE Pelgiva saserfals shat aay fail vety rapidly due to hydrogen enbetcelenent, ot stress covsosian cracking. These belting matecials ere’ generate oon Fecomonded for use in process plants far Flenge or structerad sopiecations. Astl A 193-86 SAE 1 429k Grace 8 Faltures YORE probable if galvanized Sa 1 620k Grade 8.1 Eailuves MORE pronanic if gslvanizes SAT J 429k Grade 2 Fetleres HORE probable if gelvanized. ASTE A 354 Grade BD. Failures YORE probable if gslvanized A8MCs 450 ALL Grate Fas }ures MORE probable if gelvanized 17-4 PH Stainless Stoel Condition 4-000 Spy beltins matexts) wich havdness greater than Rockwell €-35, Soae ASM A 149 By holes which ace daproperly heat Eveaved fave had hatdnece atone aoneeele 5. 1612 ce eeLTSMSISEEST MAE BrseoEes enbrdecles, Liguta metal eaberstie ox strese Shieh prosab Ligh SFTEti" etvteennence, All Boles Listed teeeeny eeetee 8 high probabilicy of failure Environsents Hydrogen Eluercae fs steel oc lox alloy steel bolt hacder chan Bydropen sulfide R022, To dnetude Aotaic fais containing ast 4 yeaa selfide, arsenic, ASTI A 191 pie antinony, or AHL ASTA a 220 Boling excepe LIM or stainless sslentun fone steel bolts vith fereiede number lose chan ee all ASTI A225 bolting ALL ASTM A 354 boleing ABH a Aut ASDA 193-08 bolts with farritic number greater then 12 AsTa 8237-800, SAE J 429R Credes 4, 5, 5.2 and 7 Scatnless steel volte with ferritie number greater thar 12 ontortee sone $21 Dype 200 Series stainless steel belting co (especialy above tnelude A801 2 193 2a, Beit ace 50°C oF cota Hel) Yvdrogen cyanide A21 seee2 bolts except hor dipped gslvenized (espesial?y below 8 207 Grade 8 sore Caustic - above 66°C ALE steed pote Bbave 10006 ALL stainless steer bales Hoc Nisrates #11 st0e} bolts with carbon content below 629% F9 inctade: SLL AST A 107 dole asta 320 LL AST & 229 Grades 2 ang 3 SAE 1 2984 Grade 2, 2 and & In contact with fil austenitic stainless eteel boles (Type 300 pelvanized stee] Series stainless seeel), above 25000" 8193 87 ate alse reposted to fail. asus 3 Fescse! Quality Assucanes Poogsan gc one Chuataa) Mane am 1999 Recent Pastenes couse for Ieee Lor Rejected Rejeccien(1) Stu) Roles wien sue ase Markings - 286 Hardness = dae Crack Sued «Toe Biwensions — 160 Workmanship =" 178 acs 338 Meviaangs - 462 Hardness = 364 Cracks ~ lee thine Botts aes Meckinge - 105 (0 Mackinge - Easvengr not masked by Grade eed/or Manutaceurer*s Syabot as Pemizes by spesifiest ion Taniness - Mardness vas below of greacer than cpecitied ONCE Hats ~ Gort cireunferonsial and sate? cracks ere found Bimensions - Suss were Geo Lo0se or tea tight em studs Gerlasnship - Thveads sere very cough and poorly termed 161/13 Screngoh Levele(i) specttteacs Low (60-894ST) low (60-98Kst) Low (60-99K51) Low (60-9981) Lew (50-99KS1) Low (60-59KSr) Law (50-29KST) Intersediate (100-125 81) Oo-75 EST} 90-133 #81) Ietersediove (000-125 ¥s1) sah 025-140 KSE) Bish (025-100 xsx) High High Very teh (over 148 ¥82) ase 4 Fasteners for Pressure Yessols and Piping cones for Pressure Vessels and Pip Tempevature Atey Lai es Renarke Sk 307 Grade B/S 209 be 300% - SA 207 Grade BGS 208 to 4505F only carbon or (galvanized) low alley stud Sulesbie for Hcy service SA 183-B8 Clase 1304 8/3 209 29 15009R(1) BA ana BOB ace alse svitebie Si 193-B6M Class 1316 $/5 -20 ey 15000R(1) BEHA te alae suiteble SA TND-BEY Class 1 321 5/3 200 co 1500°R(1} BATA Es ato ouiuabte Sh 220-b6 Glass 1 304 5/5 -405F co 1009F02) BBA is also auleable SA320-RBK Cinas 1 216 6/8 -325°R co 2009F(2) BONA is aleo cuicable sa 193-87 4240 -20°F eo 100097 For cevere hydrogen eabritelemant service 84 320-L7 4140 160° zo 8600°F Por severe tyarogen eubritclement seEvice 88 194-88 Glass 2 316 5/5 -20°F co BO0°F Use AEM Cloes 4 above BOSE SA 220-BaI Clase 2 216 5/5 See Nore (3) 88 193-87 A140 -200F to 1000 For Atgh cempexatuce 86 320-LT 4140-1509 eo 2000r - $4 193-25 Class 2 304 5/5 -325°R eo LOGPR —ahowe 100% use 32 'cless 1 SA I94.BBT cises 2 321 325°F co 100°F above 20007 use A Claes 7 ery high strength fasteners are net recomscnded for chemical glant service. Noces: (2) he strength Levels refer ta bolts, studs, ond screws 3/4" Gtomezer end under. Larger aiaaster “asteners way Reve! tower tensile zerengcns (2) Gerbow contenc mist be ever 0,008 for eeevice above 10000R (2) Lower eomporature glloves if twpuct costed Nuts for the above Fasteners Specificarion Mts SA 307 Grade 8 Sh 19% Grade on 84 307 Crade B (geiventzad) SA 184 (galvanized) 34 193 OF BA 194 Credo OR 34153 Bat 5A 198 Grades 204 oF it Sa 320 LP 5A 150 Gace 7 Se 320 Lm Sk 10 Grade Pt Sa 183 5 class 1, 1A and 2 SH 18% Grades # ox SP ox BF Sk 193 now Cease dL, LA and 2 SA 194 Grade 83, 58192 MAT Claes 1) a and 2 SR 104 Grade &T 16114 Ssrenees Levers (2) loterediate very sign Recommended $8 307 Grade § 58307 rede 3 (galvanized) saTe3"aa ch 2 88193 Bex on 3 84193 Ber cL a SA 320 Ba Lt SA 320 Bey cr 5A 320 RET cL i 5A 199 Bat Sa 320 Ly SA 193 Ba or 2 5a 320 Bou cr 2 None Sa 193-37 SA 309-17 Sa 320-38 cL S820 ner one None None a8 sys aa sys bau s/s 26 s/s Sal sys aus ane nis sys U6 s/s 5 ce 1290 os us 0 sys aso Attey Steels 30 s/s Bet sys ates Steels Alley Steels Alley Steals 161/15 Accopesble None SA 193-20, Bena, 25P, ara, “s6IN, BSLN. SA 192.822, na¥ ew, SERRA, BEML, Bera Sk 193 585, asa, Be, Bacs 5A 320 ev, apa 22, asPa, ‘nei Dnt 58220 BML, BBMEAA 5k 320 B86, ‘a8ca None Yon SA 199 a5 56305 type5 1 ‘sng 2 Only seas 8 193-86 SA 193-216 8A 300-183, 7a SA 320 BOP, BRE Sa 320 8c 88 336 Cease ao SA 254 Grade 80 sa 574 228 Fiping Service kongrks #01 cles 2 or a ALL clare 1 er 2a all elace 1 ot 1s aAL class 1 or 1s, ALL Class 1 or aa Alb class Lor ia No cubersture atoved allowed Ro substi tuse allowed, allowed No suparisuce slowed, fay De gelvanized Nay bo galvanizea Not resonance due eo hydrogen cabritctencae problem 3.16 better above 800° than 3 ALL Class 2 Bn class 2 May be galvanized Mey byerogen Sockoe Read cap. screws. May dysregan embsictle lovermedisce mea wary leh TABLE Eagtensts Vor Sulzable Soy Sresqure Vessel Service Reconond Ranoyable fron Pressure Vassels - Recapetle For Biping Unless Aoced Orhopwiae Unaccepcsble per ASME code SAE Grader 1 ond 2 S307 Grade & AST F595 atioys in che Area condi txons (300 Sevier §/3) and 250 9/3 SRE Crades G, 5, 5.26, 3.2 3 tyes 4 5k Grade BB Bex Buc ona 73 alleys in ch CW and $i condiecons (300 Series 8/8) 2 8 SAE Grade 7 2320 L4, L70, Eri, Lz, U7 8 437 Grade sip F593 4318 SAB crades 8, $1 end 9.2 2350 Grade Bo 2 480 Typee 1, 2, and 3 2437 Bea 8503 Cost and 42usr 16116 Regarks SAE Grade 2 Ls connon hardcore store descene? SAE Grade 5 Laentical to Sh 409 Sith Game markings = Do net reaove Cbsolece grade. Nay hydrogen eabriccle, Used In steam tucbines Not suitable for piping, Not suitable for paptag. Not suitable for piping Noe suitable For piping Not sudteble for psping Not suitable for piping Bor utabie for piping

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