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“And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and
preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among
the people.” Matthew 9:35 1
Table of Contents
Principles of Medical Ministry............................................................................................................................................ 1
Table of Contents................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Christ Our Example ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Christ Character ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
His Work ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
True Medical Missionary Work ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Gospel Commission (Follow Jesus)............................................................................................................................ 10
Love .................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Faith & Prayer ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Subjects to be taught........................................................................................................................................................ 10
God’s Word ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Education ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Laws of Life, Temperance, Reform ........................................................................................................................ 11
Methods to Be Used .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Cautions ............................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Results ............................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Characteristics of Medical Missionary Work ......................................................................................................... 16
Entering wedge .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Gospel & Medical Missionary never to be separated ..................................................................................... 16
A Pioneer Work ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Genuine workers points the sick to Jesus ........................................................................................................... 17
Keep the commandments of God including the Sabbath .............................................................................. 17
Know how to give simple treatments................................................................................................................... 18
Does not rely on drugs................................................................................................................................................ 18
Uses Christ methods to teach reform ................................................................................................................... 18
Teaches health reform ................................................................................................................................................ 19
Learns how to minister to soul and body ........................................................................................................... 20
God’s Original Plan for Health .......................................................................................................................................... 21
Newstart and Natural Laws .......................................................................................................................................... 21
Nutrition ........................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Exercise ............................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Water ................................................................................................................................................................................. 28
What kind of water .................................................................................................................................................. 32
Temperature............................................................................................................................................................... 32
Purposes....................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Sunshine ........................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Temperance .................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Fasting........................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Air ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 37
Rest ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Trust in God..................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Natural Remedies .............................................................................................................................................................. 41
Herbs .................................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Charcoal ............................................................................................................................................................................ 41
Hydrotherapy ................................................................................................................................................................. 45
Home Remedies (three types) ............................................................................................................................ 45
Counsels Regarding Drugs ........................................................................................................................................ 47
Principles of Health .......................................................................................................................................................... 50
Lifestyle Choices ............................................................................................................................................................ 50
Two meal plan ........................................................................................................................................................... 50 2
Seven health factors for longevity ..................................................................................................................... 50
Best food to eat .......................................................................................................................................................... 51
Fat ................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Cholesterol .................................................................................................................................................................. 60
Spices ............................................................................................................................................................................. 62
Vinegar .......................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Butter............................................................................................................................................................................. 63
Lard and grease ......................................................................................................................................................... 63
Animal Products ............................................................................................................................................................ 64
Flesh foods .................................................................................................................................................................. 64
Milk................................................................................................................................................................................. 69
Cheese ........................................................................................................................................................................... 70
Eating ................................................................................................................................................................................. 70
Vegetarianism throughout the Life Cycle ....................................................................................................... 70
Progressive Diet ........................................................................................................................................................ 71
Do not live on a water diet.................................................................................................................................... 73
Exercise moderately after a meal ...................................................................................................................... 73
Eating in-between Meals ....................................................................................................................................... 73
Suicidal practice ........................................................................................................................................................ 77
Quantity ........................................................................................................................................................................ 77
Overeating ................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Six effects of overeating ......................................................................................................................................... 79
Eat Slowly .................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Food Combination .................................................................................................................................................... 80
Avoiding certain food combinations ................................................................................................................ 80
Digestion ...................................................................................................................................................................... 82
Nutrients .......................................................................................................................................................................... 85
Calcium ......................................................................................................................................................................... 85
Salt .................................................................................................................................................................................. 90
Phosphorous............................................................................................................................................................... 90
Caffeine ......................................................................................................................................................................... 90
Fiber ............................................................................................................................................................................... 91
Protein .......................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Antioxidants ............................................................................................................................................................... 97
Phyto-chemicals ........................................................................................................................................................ 99
Sugar ........................................................................................................................................................................... 101
Circulatory System ........................................................................................................................................................ 103
Heart................................................................................................................................................................................ 104
Blood Pressure ............................................................................................................................................................ 105
Cause of High Blood pressure .......................................................................................................................... 105
Smoking ......................................................................................................................................................................... 106
Atherosclerosis & arteriosclerosis ..................................................................................................................... 106
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)............................................................................................................. 107
Urinary System ................................................................................................................................................................ 109
Kidneys........................................................................................................................................................................... 109
Formation of urine ................................................................................................................................................ 112
Disease ................................................................................................................................................................................ 113
Disobedience Separated Adam & Eve from God ........................................................................................... 113
General Causes of Sickness & Disease ............................................................................................................... 115
God Does Not Always Choose To Heal ................................................................................................................... 123
Different Purposes of Suffering............................................................................................................................ 123
Our Attitude toward Suffering.............................................................................................................................. 124 3
Toward the Sufferings of Others ..................................................................................................................... 124
Toward Our Own Suffering ............................................................................................................................... 124
Restoration to God ......................................................................................................................................................... 126
God’s Plan for Restoration of Health.................................................................................................................. 128
Rest .................................................................................................................................................................................. 128
Counterfeit Medical Missionary Work—A Test ..................................................................................................... 129
Invasion of Spiritualism............................................................................................................................................... 129
Satan’s Ground ................................................................................................................................................................ 130
Guidelines for Any System of Healing, Or Any New Remedial Agent: ...................................................... 130
New Age-Old Lie ............................................................................................................................................................. 131
Four Types of Involvement .................................................................................................................................... 132
New Age Holistic Health.......................................................................................................................................... 133
New Age Techniques ................................................................................................................................................ 134
Satan’s counterfeits for health.............................................................................................................................. 136
How to Have an Health Expo ......................................................................................................................................... 138
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 138
A Timely Program Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle ............................................................................................ 139
Which Approach? ........................................................................................................................................................... 139
The Beginning of “Cycle of Friendship” ............................................................................................................ 140
Health Seminars with the Expo ....................................................................................................................... 141
Schedule .................................................................................................................................................................... 141
Special Considerations ........................................................................................................................................ 142
Health Expos Directly with an Evangelistic Meeting .................................................................................. 142
Other uses of the Health Expo .............................................................................................................................. 143
The Order of the Screening Stations....................................................................................................................... 145
The Basic Arrangement ........................................................................................................................................... 145
Welcome.................................................................................................................................................................... 148
Temperance ............................................................................................................................................................. 149
Nutrition.................................................................................................................................................................... 149
Sunshine .................................................................................................................................................................... 150
Exercise ..................................................................................................................................................................... 151
Air ................................................................................................................................................................................ 152
Rest .............................................................................................................................................................................. 152
Trust............................................................................................................................................................................ 154
Equipment and Volunteers ........................................................................................................................................ 156
The Basic Program .................................................................................................................................................... 156
The Plus Program ...................................................................................................................................................... 157
Health Panels ............................................................................................................................................................... 158
Mounting the Expo Panels...................................................................................................................................... 158
Hall Size.......................................................................................................................................................................... 158
Costs ................................................................................................................................................................................ 159
Equipment ................................................................................................................................................................ 159
Advertising ............................................................................................................................................................... 159
Hall Location............................................................................................................................................................ 159
Sponsors and Government Authorities ........................................................................................................ 160
Advertising ............................................................................................................................................................... 160
Training at Your Location ........................................................................................................................................... 165 4
Christ Our Example
Matt 9:35 And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and
preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.

MH 17

He came as a servant; it was His mission to bring complete restoration. Worked to bring health,
peace, perfection of character. We must first attain this in order to give it to others. No schedule. He
knew there needed to be a change in the principles;

OHC have a new heart is to have new, mind, new motives, etc. Must be born again, not a change in
emotions but a change in the principles

MH 19 His life was one of constant sacrifice…

As a medical missionary you will have life of self-sacrifice. He worked among the needy, Our goal is
to live a life of self-sacrifice not to become someone famous.

Christ Character
Jesus commissioned His twelve disciples to follow His example.

Luke 10:1, 9 [1] After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them
two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come. [9]
And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto

Jesus sent out seventy missionaries and they were to follow His example.

Mark 16:15-18 [15] And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every
creature. [16] He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be
damned. [17] And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils;
they shall speak with new tongues; [18] They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly
thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Jesus is sending us out to preach the gospel, following His example. Always patient and cheerful,
never made distinction of people. His compassion knew no limit.

MH 32 Christ was hid in God, and God was revealed in the character of His Son.

He was humble Matt 11:29 Meek and lowly (humble)

MH 17 Kind …no one went away with no help…children were attracted to Jesus.

Are children attracted to you? Pg. 43 "if you there" never have character that would cause children
to say this.

MH 29 Not until the last sufferer had been relieved did Jesus cease His work.

Are we willing to do the same thing? He worked long unto night 5
His Work
MH 19 During His ministry, Jesus devoted more time to healing the sick than to preaching.

MH 31 In the excitement which then pervaded Capernaum there was danger that the object of His
mission would be lost sight of. Jesus was not satisfied to attract attention to Himself merely as a
wonder-worker or as a healer of physical disease. He was seeking to draw men to Him as their
Saviour. While the people were eager to believe that He had come as a king to establish an earthly
reign, He desired to turn their minds from the earthly to the spiritual. Mere worldly success would
interfere with His work.

But He didn't do miracles to attract attention to Himself, He only did it to bring glory to God. Difference
between God's miracles and Satan's miracles At the end times majority of God's healings will be
done by natural remedies, Satan will do it miraculously.

2 Sm 53

1NL 105 The way in which Christ worked was to preach the Word, and to relieve suffering by
miraculous works of healing. But I am instructed that we cannot now work in this way; for Satan will
exercise his power by working miracles. God's servants today could not work by means of miracles;
because spurious works of healing, claiming to be divine, will be wrought.

LDE 166 Wonderful scenes, with which Satan will be closely connected, will soon take place. God's
Word declares that Satan will work miracles. He will make people sick, and then will suddenly
remove from them his satanic power. They will then be regarded as healed. These works of
apparent healing will bring Seventh-day Adventists to the test.--2SM 53 (1904).

7BC 938 Miracles and Natural Remedies.--God's miracles do not always bear the outward
semblance of miracles. Often they are brought about in a way which looks like the natural course of
events. When we pray for the sick, we also work for them. We answer our own prayers by using the
remedies within our reach. Water, wisely applied, is a most powerful remedy. As it is used
intelligently, favorable results are seen. God has given us intelligence, and He desires us to make the
most of His health-giving blessings. We ask that God will give bread to the hungry; we are then to act
as His helping hand in relieving hunger. We are to use every blessing God has placed within our reach
for the deliverance of those in danger.

MH 20 …occasions of healing…

Use it as an opportunity to point minds to heaven. Purpose of God's work to heal mind, body, and
soul (satan will heal just physically)

MH 21 So unlike the explanations of Scripture given by the scribes and Pharisees was Christ's
teaching, that the attention of the people was arrested. The rabbis dwelt upon tradition, upon human
theory and speculation. Often that which men had taught and written about the Scripture was put in
place of the Scripture itself…

He taught the word of God, not traditions.

MH 23 …they could not fail of understanding…

He spoke in simple language.

MH 43 The miracle of the loaves teaches dependence upon God….Christ will multiply the gift. 6
Jesus didn't put Himself in any situation where God didn't send Him. Don't put yourself in a
situation where God didn't send you. Bring your loaves to Jesus and He will feed the people, He will
multiply it for them. 7
True Medical Missionary Work
MH 37 In choosing men and women for His service, God does not ask whether they possess worldly
wealth, learning, or eloquence. He asks, "Do they walk in such humility that I can teach them My way?
Can I put My words into their lips? Will they represent Me?”

CH 535 I can see in the Lord's providences that the medical missionary work is to be a great entering
wedge, whereby the diseased soul may be reached.

MM 239 Medical missionary work brings to humanity the gospel of release from suffering. It is the
pioneer work of the gospel. It is the gospel practiced, the compassion of Christ revealed. Of this work
there is great need, and the world is open for it. God grant that the importance of medical missionary
work shall be understood, and that new fields may be immediately entered. Then will the work of the
ministry be after the Lord's order; the sick will be healed, and poor, suffering humanity will be

MM 24 True medical missionary work is of heavenly origin. It was not originated by any person who
lives. But in connection with this work we see so much which dishonors God that I am instructed to
say, The medical missionary work is of divine origin, and has a most glorious mission to fulfill. In all
its bearings it is to be in conformity with Christ's work. Those who are workers together with God
will just as surely represent the character of Christ as Christ represented the character of His Father
while in this world.

7T 59 Medical missionary work is the right hand of the gospel. It is necessary to the advancement of
the cause of God. As through it men and women are led to see the importance of right habits of living,
the saving power of the truth will be made known. Every city is to be entered by workers trained to
do medical missionary work. As the right hand of the third angel's message, God's methods of
treating disease will open doors for the entrance of present truth. Health literature must be
circulated in many lands. Our physicians in Europe and other countries should awake to the necessity
of having health works prepared by men who are on the ground and who can meet the people where
they are with the most essential instruction.

RH, May 25, 1897 This is a work that the churches in every locality, north and south and east and
west, should do. The churches have been given the opportunity of answering this work. Why have
they not done it? Some one must fulfil the commission.

RH, November 19, 1903 The purest example of unselfishness is now to be shown by our medical
missionary workers. With the knowledge and experience gained by practical work, they are to go out
to give treatment to the sick. As they go from house to house, they will find access to many hearts.
Many will be reached who otherwise would never have heard the gospel message.

MM 251 True sympathy between man and his fellowman is to be the sign distinguishing those who
love and fear God from those who are unmindful of His law. How great the sympathy that Christ
expressed in coming to this world to give His life a sacrifice for a dying world! His religion led to the
doing of genuine medical missionary work. He was a healing power. "I will have mercy, and not
sacrifice," He said. This is the test that the great Author of truth used to distinguish between true
religion and false. God wants His medical missionaries to act with the tenderness and compassion
that Christ would show were He in our world.--MS. 117, 1903.

Ms 12, 1913, pp. 1-4, 7-11, 13, 17 "In the future, our work is to be carried forward in self-denial and
self-sacrifice even beyond that which we have seen in past years. God desires us to commit our souls
to Him, that He may work through us in manifold ways. I feel intensely over these matters. Brethren,
let us walk in meekness and lowliness of mind, and put before our associates an example of self-
sacrifice. If we do our part in faith, God will open ways before us now undreamed of. . . . 8
"If someone proposes something that is not in accordance with self-sacrificing principles on which
our work is based, let us remember that one stroke of God's hand can sweep away all seeming benefit
because it was not to His name's glory.". ("Interview at Mrs. E. G. White's Home," December 4, 1913.)

COL 233-234 Christ's servants are to follow His example. As He went from place to place, He
comforted the suffering and healed the sick. Then He placed before them the great truths in regard to
His kingdom. This is the work of His followers. As you relieve the sufferings of the body, you will find
ways for ministering to the wants of the soul. You can point to the uplifted Saviour, and tell of the
love of the great Physician, who alone has power to restore.

9T 167 Henceforth medical missionary work is to be carried forward with an earnestness with
which it has never yet been carried. This work is the door through which the truth is to find entrance
to the large cities, and sanitariums are to be established in many places. Sanitarium work is one of
the most successful means of reaching all classes of people. Our sanitariums are the right hand of the
gospel, opening ways whereby suffering humanity may be reached with the glad tidings of healing
through Christ. In these institutions the sick may be taught to commit their cases to the Great
Physician, who will co-operate with their earnest efforts to regain health, bringing to them healing of
soul as well as healing of body.

6T 113 In every city where we have a church there is need of a place where treatment can be given.
Among the homes of our church members there are few that afford room and facilities for the proper
care of the sick. A place should be provided where treatment may be given for common ailments. The
building might be inelegant and even rude, but it should be furnished with facilities for giving simple
treatments. These, skillfully employed, would prove a blessing not only to our people, but to their
neighbors, and might be the means of calling the attention of many to health principles.
It is the Lord's purpose that in every part of our world health institutions shall be established as a
branch of the gospel work. These institutions are to be His agencies for reaching a class whom
nothing else will reach. They need not be large buildings, but should be so arranged that effective
work may be done.
Beginnings might be made in every prominent place where camp meetings are held. Make small
beginnings, and enlarge as circumstances may demand. Count the cost of every undertaking, that you
may be sure of being able to finish. Draw as little as possible from the treasury. Men of faith and
financial ability are needed to plan economically. Our sanitariums must be erected with a limited
outlay of means. Buildings in which to begin the work can often be secured at low cost.

MH 145 All gospel workers should know how to give the simple treatments that do so much to
relieve pain and remove disease.

MH 146 Gospel workers should be able also to give instruction in the principles of healthful living.
There is sickness everywhere, and most of it might be prevented by attention to the laws of health.
The people need to see the bearing of health principles upon their well-being, both for this life and
for the life to come. They need to be awakened to their responsibility for the human habitation fitted
up by their Creator as His dwelling place, and over which He desires them to be faithful stewards.
They need to be impressed with the truth conveyed in the words of Holy Writ:
Thousands need and would gladly receive instruction concerning the simple methods of treating
the sick--methods that are taking the place of the use of poisonous drugs. There is great need of
instruction in regard to dietetic reform. Wrong habits of eating and the use of unhealthful food are in
no small degree responsible for the intemperance and crime and wretchedness that curse the world.
In teaching health principles, keep before the mind the great object of reform--that its purpose is
to secure the highest development of body and mind and soul. Show that the laws of nature, being the
laws of God, are designed for our good; that obedience to them promotes happiness in this life, and
aids in the preparation for the life to come.
Lead the people to study the manifestation of God's love and wisdom in the works of nature. Lead
them to study that marvelous organism, the human system, and the laws by which it is governed.
Those who perceive the evidences of God's love, who understand something of the wisdom and
beneficence of His laws, and the results of obedience, will come to regard their duties and obligations
from an altogether different point of view. Instead of looking upon an observance of the laws of 9
health as a matter of sacrifice or self-denial, they will regard it, as it really is, as an inestimable
Every gospel worker should feel that the giving of instruction in the principles of healthful living is
a part of his appointed work. Of this work there is great need, and the world is open for it.
Everywhere there is a tendency to substitute the work of organizations for individual effort.
Human wisdom tends to consolidation, to centralization, to the building up of great churches and
institutions. Multitudes leave to institutions and organizations the work of benevolence; they excuse
themselves from contact with the world, and their hearts grow cold. They become self-absorbed and
unimpressible. Love for God and man dies out of the soul.

Gospel Commission (Follow Jesus)

Matt 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of
the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

7T 127 Especially should those who are medical missionaries manifest, in spirit, word, and
character, that they are following Christ Jesus, the divine Model of medical missionary effort.

Matt 10:1, 7-8 [1] And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against
unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. [7] And
as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. [8] Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise
the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

Ed 114 Only the love that flows from the heart of Christ can heal.

DA 825 The power of love was in all Christ’s healing, and only by partaking of that love, through
faith, can we be instruments for His work. If we neglect to link ourselves in divine connection with
Christ, the current of life-giving energy cannot flow in rich streams from us to the people.

Faith & Prayer

MH 226 Christ’s servants are the channel of His working, and through them He desires to exercise
His healing power. It is our work to present the sick and suffering to God in the arms of our faith. We
should teach them to believe in the Great Healer....The Saviour would have us encourage the sick, the
hopeless, the afflicted, to take hold upon His strength. Through faith and prayer the sickroom may be
transformed into a Bethel. In word and deed, physicians and nurses may say, so plainly that it cannot
be misunderstood, ‘God is in this place’ to save, and not to destroy. Christ desires to manifest His
presence in the sickroom, filling the hearts of physicians and nurses with the sweetness of His love. If
the life of the attendants upon the sick is such that Christ can go with them to the bedside of the
patient, there will come to him the conviction that the compassionate Saviour is present, and this
conviction will itself do much for the healing of both the soul and the body.”

Subjects to be taught
God’s Word
MH 173 Open the Bible before the tempted, struggling one, and over and over again read to him the
promises of God. These promises will be to him as the leaves of the tree of life.”

Education 10
2SM 280 Train the people to correct habits and healthful practices, remembering that an ounce of
preventive is of more value than a pound of cure. Lectures and studies in this line will prove of the
highest value.

Ed 296 Something better’ is the watchword of education, the law of all true living. Whatever Christ
asks us to renounce, He offers in its stead something better.

Laws of Life, Temperance, Reform

CH 480 True religion and the laws of health go hand in hand. It is impossible to work for the
salvation of men and women without presenting to them the need of breaking away from sinful
gratifications, which destroy the health, debase the soul, and prevent divine truth from impressing
the mind. Men and women must be taught to take a careful view of every habit and every practice,
and at Once put away those things that cause an unhealthy condition of the body, and thus cast a dark
shadow over the mind… Let those who have obtained a knowledge of how to eat and drink and dress
so as to preserve health, impart this knowledge to others."

MM 259 If we would elevate the moral standard in any country where we may be called to go, we
must begin by correcting their physical habits. Virtue of character depends upon the right action of
the powers of the mind and body… God's blessing will rest upon every effort made to awaken an
interest in health reform; for it is needed everywhere. There must be a revival upon this subject; for
God purposes to accomplish much through this agency. Present temperance with all its advantages in
reference to health. Educate people in the laws of life so that they may know how to preserve health.
The efforts actually put forth at present are not meeting the mind of God. Drug medication is a curse
to this enlightened age… Educate away from drugs.

Methods to Be Used
1. Home Reading Circles

CH 427 Fathers and mothers, obtain all the help you can from the study of our books and
publications. . . . Take time to read to your children from the health books, as well as from the books
treating more particularly on religious subjects. Teach them the importance of caring for the body--
the house they live in. Form a home reading circle, in which every member of the family shall lay
aside the busy cares of the day and unite in study. Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, take up this
work heartily, and see if the home church will not be greatly improved.”

2. Health Journals

7T 136 Circulate the books that give instruction in regard to healthful living.

CH 479 The people are in sad need of the light shining from the pages of our health books and
journals. God desires to use these books and journals as mediums through which flashes of light shall
arrest the attention of the people, and cause them to heed the warning of the message of the third
angel. Our health journals are instrumentalities in the field to do a special work in disseminating the
light that the inhabitants of the world must have in this day of God's preparation. They wield an
untold influence in the interests of health and temperance and social-purity reform, and will
accomplish great good in presenting these subjects in a proper manner and in their true light to the

CH 447 Ministers can and should do much to urge the circulation of the health journals. Every
member of the church should work as earnestly for these journals as for our other periodicals. There
should be no friction between the two. Both are essential, and both should occupy the field at the
same time. Each is the complement of the other, and can in no wise take its place. The circulation of 11
the health journals will be a powerful agency in preparing the people to accept those special truths
that are to fit them for the soon coming of the Son of man."

CH 462 Literature bearing on this point (temperance) is the helping hand of the gospel, leading souls
to search the Bible for a better understanding of the truth. The note of warning against the great evil
of intemperance should be sounded; and that this may be done, every Sabbath-keeper should study
and practice the instruction contained in our health periodicals and our health books…"

3. Health talks

6T 378 The Lord has presented before me that many, many will be rescued from physical, mental,
and moral degeneracy through the practical influence of health reform. Health talks will be given,
publications will be multiplied. The principles of health reform will be received with favor, and many
will be enlightened…”

MM 263 The health talks which you give in the meetings will be one of the best ways of advertising
our sanitariums.

4. Canvassers

CH 462 Canvassers should call the attention of those they visit to our health publications, telling
them of the valuable instruction these periodicals contain regarding the care of the sick and
treatment of diseases. Tell them this instruction, studied and practiced, will bring health to the

CH 466 There should be more earnest efforts made to enlighten the people upon the great subject of
health reform. Tracts of four, eight, twelve, sixteen, and more pages, containing pointed, well-written
articles on this great question, should be scattered like the leaves of autumn.

5. Cooking Schools

CH 487 Wherever medical missionary work is carried on in our large cities, cooking schools should
be held…

MM 267 Form classes, where you may teach the people how to make good bread, and how to put
together ingredients to make healthful food combinations from the grains and the vegetables.

CH 474 Cooking schools, conducted by wise instructors, are to be held in America and in other lands.
Everything that we can do should be done to show the people the value of the reform diet.

6. Health Foods

CD 269 I must now give to my brethren the instruction that the Lord has given me in regard to the
health food question. By many the health foods are looked upon as of man's devising, but they are of
God's originating, as a blessing to His people. The health food work is the property of God, and is not
to be made a financial speculation for personal gain. The light that God has given and will continue to
give on the food question is to be to His people today what the manna was to the children of Israel.
The manna fell from heaven, and the people were told to gather it, and prepare it to be eaten. So in
the different countries of the world, light will be given to the Lord's people, and health foods suited to
these countries will be prepared.
The members of every church are to cultivate the tact and ingenuity that God will give them. The
Lord has skill and understanding for all who will use their ability in striving to learn how to combine
the productions of the earth so as to make simple, easily prepared, healthful foods, which will take
the place of flesh meats, so that people will have no excuse for eating flesh meat…
It is God's purpose that health foods shall be manufactured in many places. Those who accept the
truth are to learn how to prepare these simple foods. It is not the Lord's plan that the poor shall 12
suffer for the necessaries of life. The Lord calls upon His people in the different countries to ask Him
for wisdom, and then to use aright the wisdom He gives. We are not to settle down in hopelessness
and discouragement. We are to do our best to enlighten others.”

7. Restaurant Work

A Call to Medical Evangelism and Health Education 21 The opening of hygienic restaurants is a
work that God would have done in the cities. If wisely conducted, these restaurants will be
missionary centers. Those working in them should have at hand publications on health and
temperance topics and on other phases of gospel truth, to give to those coming for meals.

8. Treatment Rooms

CH 468 In every city where we have a church, there is need of a place where treatment can be given.
Among the homes of our church members there are few that afford room and facilities for the proper
care of the sick. A place should be provided where treatment may be given for common ailments. The
building might be inelegant and even rude, but it should be furnished with facilities for giving simple
treatments. These, skillfully employed, would prove a blessing not only to our own people, but to
their neighbors, and might be the means of calling the attention of many to health principles."

CH 488 I have been given light that in many cities it is advisable for a restaurant to be connected
with treatment rooms. The two can co-operate in upholding right principles. In connection with
these, it is sometimes advisable to have rooms that will serve as lodgings for the sick. These
establishments will serve as feeders to the sanitariums located in the country, and would better be
conducted in rented buildings. We are not to erect in the cities large buildings, in which to care for
the sick, because God has plainly indicated that the sick can be better cared for outside of the cities.
In many places it will be necessary to begin sanitarium work in the cities, but, as much as possible,
this work should be transferred to the country as soon as suitable locations can be secured."

9. Fairs and Large Gatherings

CD 442 When the State fair was held in Battle Creek [1864], our people took with them onto the
grounds three or four cooking stoves, and demonstrated how good meals might be prepared without
the use of flesh meat. We were told that we set the best table on the ground. Whenever large
gatherings are held, it is your privilege to devise plans whereby you can provide those who attend
with wholesome food, and you are to make your efforts educational.

10. Sanitariums

Letter 42, 1900 The Sanitarium is to be the Lord's instrumentality for sowing the seeds of truth in
human hearts and removing the unjust stigma which has been placed upon Seventh-day Adventists.

CH 438 We must go no faster than we can take those with us whose consciences and intellects are
convinced of the truths we advocate. We must meet the people where they are. Some of us have been
many years in arriving at our present position in health reform. It is slow work to obtain a reform in
diet. We have powerful appetites to meet; for the world is given to gluttony. If we should allow the
people as much time as we have required to come up the present advanced state in reform, we would
be very patient with them, and allow them to advance step by step, as we have done, until their feet
are firmly established upon the health- reform platform. But we should be very cautious not to
advance too fast, lest we be obliged to retrace our steps. In reforms, we would better come one step
short of the mark than to go one step beyond it. And if there is error at all, let it be on the side next to
the people. Above all things, we should not with our pens advocate positions that we do not put to a
practical test in our own families, upon our own tables....If we come to persons who have not been
enlightened in regard to health reform, and present our strongest positions at rust, there is danger of 13
their becoming discouraged as they see how much they have to give up, so that they will make no
effort to reform. We must lead the people along patiently and gradually, remembering the hole of the
pit whence we were digged.

MM 261 ...the Lord means you to have tact in meeting the people where they are, in their darkness
and self-indulgence. As far as I am concerned personally, I am decidedly in favor of a plain, simple
diet. But it will not be best to put worldly, self-indulgent patients on a diet so strict that they will be
turned from health reform. This will not convince them of the need of a change in their habits of
eating and drinking. Tell them the facts. Educate them to see the need of a plain, simple diet, and
make the change gradually. Give them time to respond to the treatment and the instruction given
them. Work and pray, and lead them along as gently as possible."

Act Promptly

RH, July 1, 1884 Act promptly. God would have you minute men, as were the men who composed
Gideon's army. Many times ministers are too precise, too calculating. While they are getting ready to
do a great work, the opportunity for doing a good work passes unimproved. The minister moves as
though the whole burden rested on himself, a poor finite man, when Jesus is carrying him and his
burden too. Brethren, trust self less, and Jesus more."

MM 317 We shall see the medical missionary work broadening and deepening at every point of its
progress, because of the inflowing of hundreds and thousands of streams, until the whole earth is
covered as the waters cover the sea.

6T 227, 228. From this fountain [Zechariah 13:1] flows the mighty river seen in Ezekiel’s
vision....Such a river of life and healing God designs that, by His power working through them, our
sanitariums shall be.

Maranatha 185 Perilous times are before us. The whole world will be involved in perplexity and
distress, disease of every kind will be upon the human family, and such ignorance as now prevails
concerning the laws of health would result in great suffering and the loss of many lives that might be
saved. . . . As religious aggression subverts the liberties of our nation, those who would stand for
freedom of conscience will be placed in unfavorable positions. For their own sake, they should, while
they have opportunity, become intelligent in regard to disease, its causes, prevention, and cure. And
those who do this will find a field of labor anywhere. There will be suffering ones, plenty of them,
who will need help, not only among those of our own faith, but largely among those who know not
the truth. The medical work done in connection with the giving of the third angel's message, is to
accomplish wonderful results. It is to be a sanctifying, unifying work, corresponding to the work
which the great Head of the church sent forth the first disciples to do.” 14 15
Characteristics of Medical Missionary Work
Entering wedge

CD 73 When properly conducted, the health work is an entering wedge, making a way for
other truths to reach the heart. When the third angel's message is received in its fullness,
health reform will be given its place in the councils of the conference, in the work of the
church, in the home, at the table, and in all the household arrangements. Then the right arm
will serve and protect the body.

RH 12/17/14 Many will be reached who otherwise never would have heard the gospel message. A
demonstration of the principles of health reform will do much toward removing prejudice
against our evangelical work. The Great Physician, the originator of medical missionary work, will
bless all who thus seek to impart the truth for this time. {RH, December 17, 1914 par. 1}

CD 73 When properly conducted, the health work is an entering wedge, making a way for other
truths to reach the heart. When the third angel's message is received in its fullness, health reform will
be given its place in the councils of the conference, in the work of the church, in the home, at the
table, and in all the household arrangements. Then the right arm will serve and protect the body.

RH, December 17, 1914 par. 1 As they go from house to house, they will find access to many
hearts. Many will be reached who otherwise never would have heard the gospel message. A
demonstration of the principles of health reform will do much toward removing prejudice against
our evangelical work. The Great Physician, the originator of medical missionary work, will bless all
who thus seek to impart the truth for this time.

Gospel & Medical Missionary never to be separated

Teaching and healing never to be separated (Preaching & Medical Missionary work)

MH 140 After a time, Paul left Luke at Philippi, in Macedonia. Here he continued to labor for several
years, both as a physician and as a teacher of the gospel. In his work as a physician he ministered
to the sick, and then prayed for the healing power of God to rest upon the afflicted ones. Thus the way
was opened for the gospel message. Luke's success as a physician gained for him many opportunities
for preaching Christ among the heathen. It is the divine plan that we shall work as the disciples
worked. Physical healing is bound up with the gospel commission. In the work of the gospel,
teaching and healing are never to be separated.

A Pioneer Work
Medical missionary work is the pioneer work of the gospel. In the ministry of the word and in the
medical missionary work the gospel is to be preached and practiced. {MH 144.3} Pioneer (Web
1828) = One that goes before to remove obstructions or prepare the way for another. HOW? See
Paragraphs 144.1-2

Is a pioneer worker (One that helps open up a new line of though or activity.)

MH 144 Medical missionary work is the pioneer work of the gospel. In the ministry of the word
and in the medical missionary work the gospel is to be preached and practiced.

Genuine Medical Missionaries

John 12:49-50 …life everlasting… 16
MH 73 …refuse to heal him…

Many use this to say all who pray will be healed but

MM 13

CD 26 …merely because they have asked him…

What was the difference between these? He longed to be free from the burden of sin.

MH 75 …when he repented…

He repented of his sins. His desire was to obey from that time on.

MH 76

He was at peace, he had no further request after forgiveness of sins, but God healed him for the
glory of God.

MH 77

We must feel our need of healing spiritually to come to Jesus.

Genuine workers points the sick to Jesus

Points sick people to Jesus (MH 145)

MH 145 Many have no faith in God and have lost confidence in man. But they appreciate acts of
sympathy and helpfulness. As they see one with no inducement of earthly praise or compensation
come into their homes, ministering to the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, comforting
the sad, and tenderly pointing all to Him of whose love and pity the human worker is but the
messenger--as they see this, their hearts are touched. Gratitude springs up. Faith is kindled. They
see that God cares for them, and they are prepared to listen as His word is opened.

MH 144 …Point sin sick men to Man of Calvary; who is the healer?

MH 111 Christ is the true head of the medical profession. The chief Physician, He is at the side of
every God-fearing practitioner who works to relieve human suffering. While the physician uses
nature's remedies for physical disease, he should point his patients to Him who can relieve
the maladies of both the soul and the body. That which physicians can only aid in doing,
Christ accomplishes. They endeavor to assist nature's work of healing; Christ Himself is
the healer. The physician seeks to preserve life; Christ imparts life.

Psa 103:2-4 [2] Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: [3] Who forgiveth all thine
iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; [4] Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who
crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies;

God heals all our diseases

Keep the commandments of God including the Sabbath

Pg 114 …commandments is the way of life…

MM 214 …keeping of God's commandment…restoring moral image in man. 17
CD 17 …nerve, muscle, tissue…

Written Law of God "break the ten commandment" it is a sin to violate the laws of nature just like
the ten commandment. If we disregard laws of nature we will disregard the ten commandments

MH 58 All who are under the training of God need the quiet hour for communion with their
own hearts, with nature, and with God. In them is to be revealed a life that is not in harmony
with the world, its customs, or its practices; and they need to have a personal experience in
obtaining a knowledge of the will of God. We must individually hear Him speaking to the
heart. When every other voice is hushed, and in quietness we wait before Him, the silence of
the soul makes more distinct the voice of God. He bids us, "Be still, and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10. This is the effectual preparation for all labor for God. Amidst the hurrying
throng, and the strain of life's intense activities, he who is thus refreshed will be surrounded
with an atmosphere of light and peace. He will receive a new endowment of both physical
and mental strength. His life will breathe out a fragrance, and will reveal a divine power that
will reach men's hearts.

Need to be in communion with God.

Know how to give simple treatments

MH 126-127

Gospel workers should be able also to give instruction in the principles of healthful living.

Does not rely on drugs

MH 126 A practice that is laying the foundation of a vast amount of disease and of even more serious
evils is the free use of poisonous drugs. When attacked by disease, many will not take the trouble to
search out the cause of their illness. Their chief anxiety is to rid themselves of pain and
inconvenience. So they resort to patent nostrums, of whose real properties they know little, or they
apply to a physician for some remedy to counteract the result of their misdoing, but with no thought
of making a change in their unhealthful habits. If immediate benefit is not realized, another medicine
is tried, and then another. Thus the evil continues…People need to be taught that drugs do not cure
disease. It is true that they sometimes afford present relief, and the patient appears to recover as the
result of their use; this is because nature has sufficient vital force to expel the poison and to correct
the conditions that caused the disease. Health is recovered in spite of the drug. But in most cases the
drug only changes the form and location of the disease. Often the effect of the poison seems to be
overcome for a time, but the results remain in the system and work great harm at some later period.

Many don't look for cause of illness, they just want relief from pain. Drugs change the form and
location of the disease. When you only have a little bit of time because of an emergency and you
have an anti-biotic use it, but don't use it continually. Ex. Heart Attack, and you have nitro-glycerin,
use it then teach how to begin new life style. We do not teach people to use drugs instead of the
natural laws of health

Uses Christ methods to teach reform

MH 156 It is of little use to try to reform others by attacking what we may regard as wrong habits.
Such effort often results in more harm than good. In His talk with the Samaritan woman, instead of
disparaging Jacob's well, Christ presented something better. "If thou knewest the gift of God," He said, 18
"and who it is that saith to thee, Give Me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of Him, and He would
have given thee living water." John 4:10. He turned the conversation to the treasure He had to
bestow, offering the woman something better than she possessed, even living water, the joy and hope
of the gospel.

It is “of little use to try and reform" present something better as Christ did, make sure you don't
offend them. Do it tactfully.

Teaches health reform

MH 146 Gospel workers should be able also to give instruction in the principles of healthful living.

Teaching laws of health

Body, mind, and soul
Laws of nature, are also laws of God. Can't obtain sanctification without obeying laws of health.

MM 260 Should all the sick be healed by prayer, very few would improve their opportunities to
become acquainted with right ways of eating, drinking, and dressing. Those connected with our
sanitariums should realize the duty resting upon them to give the patients an education in the
principles of healthful living.

MH 147 Lead them to study that marvelous organism, the human system, and the laws by which
it is governed.

MH 18 Jesus carried the awful weight of responsibility for the salvation of men. He knew that unless
there was a decided change in the principles and purposes of the human race, all would be lost.

MH 20 The Saviour made each work of healing an occasion for implanting divine principles in the
mind and soul. This was the purpose of His work.

MH 146 In teaching health principles, keep before the mind the great object of reform--that its
purpose is to secure the highest development of body and mind and soul. Show that the laws of
nature, being the laws of God, are designed for our good; that obedience to them promotes happiness
in this life, and aids in the preparation for the life to come.

MH 143 Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled
with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their
needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, "Follow Me."

Prov 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so [is] he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart [is]
not with thee.


(Teaching the laws of health a blessing)

MH 143 The world needs today what it needed nineteen hundred years ago--a revelation of Christ. A
great work of reform is demanded, and it is only through the grace of Christ that the work of
restoration, physical, mental, and spiritual, can be accomplished. Christ's method alone will give
true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their
good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence.
Then He bade them, "Follow Me." 19
Learns how to minister to soul and body

MH 73-74 But hope fell as he remembered the cause of his malady, yet he could not cast away the
possibility of healing…His great desire was relief from the burden of sin. He longed to see
Jesus and receive the assurance of forgiveness and peace with heaven. Then he would be
content to live or to die, according to God's will.

MH 73 Many of those who came to Christ for help had brought disease upon themselves, yet He did
not refuse to heal them.

MH 73 Among these was the paralytic at Capernaum. Like the leper, this paralytic had lost all hope
of recovery. His disease was the result of a sinful life, and his sufferings were embittered by

MH 73 His great desire was relief from the burden of sin. He longed to see Jesus and receive the
assurance of forgiveness and peace with heaven. Then he would be content to live or to die,
according to God's will. (REAL REPENTANCE)

Jesus doesn’t what healthy sinners!

Body Mind Soul 20
God’s Original Plan for Health
This is God’s plan for us today.

Creation of Mankind (Genesis 1:27)

1 Bible Commentary 1081 Human beings were a new and distinct order. They were made ‘in the
image of God,’ and it was the Creator’s design that they should populate the earth.

Ed 15 When Adam came from the Creator’s hand, he bore, in his physical, mental, and spiritual
nature, a likeness to His was His purpose that the longer man lived, the more fully he
should reveal this image—the more fully reflect the glory of the Creator. All his faculties were
capable of development; their capacity and vigor were continually to increase.

Newstart and Natural Laws

Memorize: Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a
violation of the laws of health. In case of sickness, the {1} cause should be ascertained. {2}
Unhealthful conditions should be changed, {3} wrong habits corrected. {4} Then nature is to be
assisted in her effort to expel impurities and {5} to re-establish right conditions in the system. {MH

Example of following counsel: MH pg. 235


CD 301 There are many ways of practicing the healing art; but there is only one way that Heaven
approves. God's remedies are the simple agencies of nature, that will not tax or debilitate the system
through their powerful properties.

Natural Remedies
Eight Laws of Heath
Trust in God

2SM 346 Natural means, used in accordance with God's will, bring about supernatural results.

MH 127 The use of natural remedies requires an amount of care and effort that many are not willing
to give. Nature's process of healing and upbuilding is gradual, and to the impatient it seems slow.

Intemperate eating is often the cause of sickness, and what nature most needs is to be relieved of
the undue burden that has been placed upon her. In many cases of sickness, the very best remedy is
for the patient to fast for a meal or two, that the overworked organs of digestion may have an
opportunity to rest. A fruit diet for a few days has often brought great relief to brain workers. Many
times a short period of entire abstinence from food, followed by simple, moderate eating, has led to 21
recovery through nature's own recuperative effort. An abstemious diet for a month or two would
convince many sufferers that the path of self-denial is the path to health.


Gen 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of
all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

CD 81 Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator. . . They
impart a strength, a power of endurance, and a vigor of intellect that are not afforded by a more
complex and stimulating diet.

CD384 Flesh was never the best food; but its use is now doubly objectionable, since disease in
animals is so rapidly increasing.

CD 386 The liability to take disease is increased tenfold by meat eating.

CD 388 Cancers, tumors, and all inflammatory diseases are largely caused by meat eating. From the
light God has given me, the prevalence of cancer and tumors is largely due to gross living on dead

MH 314 In many places fish become so contaminated by the filth on which they feed as to be a cause
of disease. This is especially the case where the fish come in contact with the sewage of large cities.
The fish that are fed on the contents of the drains may pass into distant waters and may be caught
where the water is pure and fresh. Thus when used as food they bring disease and death on those
who do not suspect the danger.

CD395 The more largely flesh composes the diet of teachers and pupils, the less susceptible will be
the mind to comprehend spiritual things. The animal propensities are strengthened, and the fine
sensibilities of the mind are blunted.

CD 384 The light given me is that it will not be very long before we shall have to give up using any
animal food. Even milk will have to be discarded. Disease is accumulating rapidly. The curse of God
is upon the earth, because man has cursed it. The habits and practices of men have brought the earth
into such a condition that some other food than animal food must be substituted for the human
family. We do not need flesh food at all. God can give us something else.

MH 316 When flesh food is discarded, its place should be supplied with a variety of grains, nuts,
vegetables, and fruits that will be both nourishing and appetizing. This is especially necessary in the
case of those who are weak or who are taxed with continuous labor. In some countries where
poverty abounds, flesh is the cheapest food. Under these circumstances the change will be made with
greater difficulty; but it can be effected. We should, however, consider the situation of the people and
the power of lifelong habit, and should be careful not to urge even right ideas unduly. None should be
urged to make the change abruptly. The place of meat should be supplied with wholesome foods that
are inexpensive. In this matter very much depends on the cook. With care and skill, dishes may be
prepared that will be both nutritious and appetizing, and will, to a great degree, take the place of
flesh food.

CD 74 The health reform, I was shown, is a part of the third angel’s message, and is just as closely
connected with it as are the arm and hand with the human body. I saw that we as a people must
make an advance move in this great work. Ministers and people must act in concert. God’s people
are not prepared for the loud cry of the third angel. They have a work to do for themselves which
they should not leave for God to do for them. He has left this work for them to do. It is an individual
work; one cannot do it for another. 22
CD 382 Greater reforms should be seen among the people who claim to be looking for the soon
appearing of Christ. Health reform is to do among our people a work which it has not yet done.
There are those who ought to be awake to the danger of meat eating, who are still eating the flesh of
animals, thus endangering the physical, mental, and spiritual health. Many who are now only half
converted on the question of meat eating will go from God’s people to walk no more with them.

8T 288 The fruit of the tree of life in the Garden of Eden possessed supernatural virtue. To eat of it
was to live forever. Its fruit was the antidote of death. Its leaves were for the sustaining of life and

MH 295 Our bodies are built up from the food we eat.

We eat to make blood

We eat to maintain tissue

MH 271 Blood…It repairs waste and nourishes the body.

What are the nutrients?

1. Carbohydrates
2. Lipids (FAT)
3. Proteins
4. Vitamins (13)
5. Minerals (16)
6. Water

MH 295 Those foods should be chosen that best supply the elements needed for building up the
body. In this choice, appetite is not a safe guide. Through wrong habits of eating, the appetite has
become perverted.

Chronic diseases
 Cancer
 Diabetes
 Osteoporosis
 Arthritis
 Respiratory
 Obesity

Why people chose their food? People are choosing food based on;
 Personal taste
 Habits
 Traditions
 Convenience 23
 Economy
 Memories
 Social interaction

Divine Principles

MH 297 Our diet should be suited to the season, to the climate in which we live, and to the
occupation we follow.

MH 296 Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator. These
foods, prepared in as simple and natural a manner as possible, are the most healthful and
nourishing. They impart a strength, a power of endurance, and a vigor of intellect that are not
afforded by a more complex and stimulating diet.

Fiber: (unrefined food)

 Good intestine health
 Maintain good blood cholesterol by adheres to bile (which is cholesterol)

Endosperm (Starch) > glucose (sugar)

Photochemical (unrefined foods)

 Protect from chemicals
Antioxidants (Prevent oxidation of DNA)
 Vitamins C, A, E
Vegetable Protein (unrefined foods)
 Lows cholesterol
Vitamins and Minerals
Beri Beri desires
Add in the 1940’s
 Thiamine (B2)
 Riboflavin (B2)
 Niacin (B3)
 Iron
Add in 1996
 Folate
Low Sodium / High Potassium
 If processed the order is High Sodium / Low Potassium
Less contaminant

No Cholesterol

Low fat
 Low in Saturated (coconut oil / palm oils)
 Provide essential fatty acids
o Omega 3 Alpha linolenic Fatty acids (found in Flax Seed / greens)
o Omega 6 linoleic Fatty acids (refined oil will give u this)

Moderation 24
MH 298 Nuts and nut foods are coming largely into use to take the place of flesh meats. With nuts
may be combined grains, fruits, and some roots, to make foods that are healthful and nourishing.
Care should be taken, however, not to use too large a proportion of nuts.

 To much protein – Kidney problems

 To much fat – CVD
 2 Tablespoons pre-meal

MH 298 Almonds are preferable to peanuts, but peanuts in limited quantities, used in connection
with grains, are nourishing and digestible. When properly prepared, olives, like nuts, supply the
place of butter and flesh meats. The oil, as eaten in the olive, is far preferable to animal oil or fat. It
serves as a laxative. Its use will be found beneficial to consumptives, and it is healing to an inflamed,
irritated stomach.

Gen 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to
keep it.

MM 297 If those who are sick would exercise their muscles daily, women as well as men, in outdoor
work, using brain, bone, and muscle proportionately, weakness and languor would disappear. Health
would take the place of disease, and strength the place of feebleness.

CBTH 96 A life of useful labor is indispensable to the physical, mental, and moral well-being of man.

CBTH 100 Physical exercise in the direction of useful labor has a happy influence upon the mind,
strengthens the muscles, improves the circulation. . .

2MCP 646 Amusements excite the mind, but depression is sure to follow. Useful labor and physical
exercise will have a more healthful influence upon the mind and will strengthen the muscles,
improve the circulation, and will prove a powerful agent in the recovery of health.

MLT 144 Mental effort without corresponding physical exercise calls an undue proportion of blood
to the brain, and thus the circulation is unbalanced. The brain has too much blood, while the
extremities have too little. The hours of study and recreation should be carefully regulated, and a
portion of the time should be spent in physical labor…

4T 96 The reason the youth have so little strength of brain and muscle is because they do so little in
the line of useful labor.

CTBH 100 When the weather will permit, those who are engaged in sedentary occupations, should, if
possible, walk out in the open air every day, summer and winter. The clothing should be suitable, and
the feet well protected. Walking … brings all the muscles into exercise. The lungs also are forced into
healthy action, since it is impossible to walk in the bracing air of a winter morning without inflating

HL 130 There is no exercise that will prove as beneficial to every part of the body as walking. Active
walking in the open air will do more for women, to preserve them in health if they are well, than any
other means. Walking is also one of the most efficient remedies for the recovery of health of the
invalid. The hands and arms are exercised as well as the limbs… Morning exercise, in walking in the
free, invigorating air of heaven, or cultivating flowers, small fruits, and vegetables, is necessary to a
healthful circulation of the blood. It is the surest safeguard against colds, coughs, congestions of the
brain and lungs, inflammation of the liver, the kidneys, and the lungs, and a hundred other diseases.” 25
HL 131 God designed that the living machinery should be in daily activity; for in this activity or
motion is its preserving power…By active exercise in the open air every day the liver, kidneys, and
lungs also will be strengthened to perform their work.

HL 133 The diseased stomach will find relief by exercise…Exercise is important to digestion, and to a
healthy condition of body and mind.”

MH 268-269 As physical health is regained, men and women are better able to exercise that faith in
Christ which secures the health of the soul.”

Health Reformer May 1, 1873 Exercise in useful labor will be carrying out the original plan of God,
when he bade Adam and Eve to dress the garden.

Prov 25:20 [As] he that taketh away a garment in cold weather, [and as] vinegar upon nitre, so [is]
he that singeth songs to an heavy heart.

Outdoor exercise is the best – Skeletal Muscle pump aid in circulation by sending the blood back
to the heart.

MH 238 Action is a law of our being. Every organ of the body has its appointed work, upon the
performance of which its development and strength depend. The normal action of all the organs
gives strength and vigor, while the tendency of disuse is toward decay and death. Bind up an arm,
even for a few weeks, then free it from its bands, and you will see that it is weaker than the one you
have been using moderately during the same time. Inactivity produces the same effect upon the
whole muscular system. Inactivity is a fruitful cause of disease. Exercise quickens and equalizes the
circulation of the blood, but in idleness the blood does not circulate freely, and the changes in it, so
necessary to life and health, do not take place. The skin, too, becomes inactive. Impurities are not
expelled as they would be if the circulation had been quickened by vigorous exercise, the skin kept
in a healthy condition, and the lungs fed with plenty of pure, fresh air. This state of the system
throws a double burden on the excretory organs, and disease is the result. Invalids should not be
encourage in inactivity. When there has been serious overtaxation in any direction, entire rest for a
time will sometimes ward off serious illness; but in the case of confirmed invalids, it is seldom
necessary to suspend all activity. Ministers, teachers, students, and other brain workers often
suffer from illness as the result of severe mental taxation, unrelieved by physical exercise.

Exercise is good for the;

1. Muscular system
2. Cardiovascular system
3. Integumentary system
4. Respiratory system
5. Urinary system
6. Digestive system
7. Nervous system
8. Endocrine system
Adds strength and vigor to organs

MH 238 Action is a law of our being. Every organ of the body has its appointed work, upon the
performance of which its development and strength depend. The normal action of all the organs
gives strength and vigor, while the tendency of disuse is toward decay and death. 26
Improves circulation

MH 238 Inactivity is a fruitful cause of disease. Exercise quickens and equalizes the circulation of the
blood, but in idleness the blood does not circulate freely, and the changes in it, so necessary to life
and health, do not take place.

Aids in the elimination of toxins (skin kept in healthy condition).

MH 238 The skin, too, becomes inactive. Impurities are not expelled as they would be if the
circulation had been quickened by vigorous exercise, the skin kept in a healthy condition, and the
lungs fed with plenty of pure, fresh air.

Good for "Brain Workers”

MH 238 Ministers, teachers, students, and other brain workers often suffer from illness as the result
of severe mental taxation, unrelieved by physical exercise.

Increases physical vigor

MH 238 What these persons need is a more active life. Strictly temperate habits, combined with
proper exercise, would ensure both mental and physical vigor, and would give power of endurance to
all brain workers.

Aids in the treatment of depression

MH 239 When invalids have nothing to occupy their time and attention, their thoughts become
centered upon themselves, and they grow morbid and irritable. Many times they dwell upon their
bad feelings until they think themselves much worse than they really are and wholly unable to do

Aids in digestion

MH 240 Exercise aids the dyspeptic by giving the digestive organs a healthy tone. To engage in
severe study or violent physical exercise immediately after eating, hinders the work of
digestion; but a short walk after a meal, with the head erect and the shoulders back, is a great

Increases lungs efficiency

MH 240 Those whose habits are sedentary(pass most of their time sitting) should, when the weather
will permit, exercise in the open air every day, summer or winter. Walking is preferable to riding
or driving, for it brings more of the muscles into exercise. The lungs are forced into healthy
action, since it is impossible to walk briskly without inflating them.

A cure for insomnia

Increases the efficiency of the heart.

Heart muscle becomes stronger. Blood pumped faster. So it decreases heart rate, stronger pumped
pushes more blood

Aids in weight control. To control weight, you need energy balance, same energy in must go out. It is
achieved with the aid of exercise 27
Type of Exercise: Outdoor exercise is the best

CD 267 …prophecy fulfilling….

Exercise Continued

HR, July 1, 1868 par. 6 If you would only walk, and possess a perseverance in the matter, you could
accomplish much in the direction of recovery. Your sleep would be sweeter. At every trial, go a little
farther. Do not go dragging yourself along as though weights were attached to your limbs. Do not
employ your hands to hold up long, trailing dresses, or to hold a parasol. Let the motion of your
arms assist you in walking. Walk with a cheerful mind. And as you walk, look at the beauties of
nature, listen to the sweet songsters whose melody warbles forth in praises to their Creator. Be
inspired by their happy gratitude. See all that you can that is beautiful, and good, and joyful, and let it
enliven your steps, and live in your thoughts through the day.


Gen 2:10 And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and
became into four heads.

Review and Herald, December 5, 1899 Pure water to drink and fresh air to breathe, … invigorate
the vital organs, purify the blood, and help nature in her task of overcoming the bad conditions of the

RH July 29, 1884 Water is the best liquid possible to cleanse the tissues.

CD 419 I should bathe frequently, and drink freely of pure, soft water.

CTBH 51 If anything is needed to quench thirst, pure water is all that nature requires.

1SP 339 As angels presented to Moses a panoramic view of the land of promise, he could take in the
whole scene, and appreciate with almost divine clearness its magnificence. It was as a second Eden,
abounding in fruit trees of almost every variety, and very beautiful ornamental trees and flowers.
There were goodly cities, with brooks and springs of water.

8T 309 {Section – The Essential Knowledge} We have an abundance of that which is real, that which
is divine. Those who thirst for knowledge need not go to polluted fountains. Christ presented the
principles of truth in the gospel. In His teaching we may drink of the pure streams that flow from the
throne of God.

Memory Text

CD 91 Health reformers, above all others, should be careful to avoid extremes.

Blood - 45% formed elements RBC, WBC, platelets

- 55% plasma (90% of plasma is water)

 60-65% of body weight is water

 Brian (grey matter) 85% is water
 Muscles 75% water
 Bones 20-25% water

Men 60-5%
Women 55%-60% 28
Babies 75%

Functions of Water
1. Body temperature
2. Moistens the eyes
3. Necessary for digestive juices
4. Elimination of toxins
5. lubrication of muscles, bones and tendons
6. Relieves mental/physical fatigue
7. our body recycles water

CD pg.419 (read whole thing)

Beverage to quench thirst:

MH 237 In health and in sickness, pure water is one of heaven's choicest blessings. Its proper use
promotes health. It is the beverage which God provided to quench the thirst of animals and man.
Drunk freely, it helps to supply the necessities of the system and assists nature to resist disease.
The external application of water is one of the easiest and most satisfactory ways of regulating the
circulation of the blood. A cold or cool bath is an excellent tonic. Warm baths open the pores and
thus aid in the elimination of impurities. Both warm and neutral baths soothe the nerves and
equalize the circulation. But many have never learned by experience the beneficial effects of the
proper use of water, and they are afraid of it. Water treatments are not appreciated as they should
be, and to apply them skillfully requires work that many are unwilling to perform.

CD 419 In health and in sickness, pure water is one of Heaven's choicest blessings. Its proper use
promotes health. It is the beverage which God provided to quench the thirst of animals and
man. Drunk freely, it helps to supply the necessities of the system, and assists nature to resist

Warm water prepares the system to digest:

CD 419 Water can be used in many ways to relieve suffering. Drafts of clear, hot water taken before
eating (half quart, more or less), will never do any harm, but will rather be productive of good.

Cold Water quenches the desire to eat.

External Application helps circulation

MH 237 The external application of water is one of the easiest and most satisfactory ways of
regulating the circulation of the blood. A cold or cool bath is an excellent tonic. Warm baths open the
pores and thus aid in the elimination of impurities. Both warm and neutral baths soothe the nerves
and equalize the circulation.

1. Thirst
2. resist disease
3. regulate circulation
4. Tonic
5. Pores
6. Soothes nerves 29
Can drink at wrong time CD 420

Need Saliva for carbohydrates, and for food to be formed into a bolice. Mucus makes it slippery to
go through track.

Cold water most harmful. Stomach temp 98.6, when you drink your stomach stops to reach the
temperature. It stops digestion. It causes fermentation, which causes toxicity. When eating
smoothies etc. mix with saliva to digest. Can make banna shake without freezing them.

Hot Water debilitating.

No drink in needed with meal

CD 420 Many make a mistake in drinking cold water with their meals. Taken with meals, water
diminishes the flow of the salivary glands; and the colder the water, the greater the injury to
the stomach. Ice water or ice lemonade, drunk with meals, will arrest digestion until the
system has imparted sufficient warmth to the stomach to enable it to take up its work again.
Hot drinks are debilitating; and besides, those who indulge in their use become slaves to the habit.
Food should not be washed down; no drink is needed with meals. Eat slowly, and allow the saliva
to mingle with the food. The more liquid there is taken into the stomach with the meals, the
more difficult it is for the food to digest; for the liquid must first be absorbed. Do not eat largely
of salt; give up bottled pickles; keep fiery spiced food out of your stomach; eat fruit with your meals,
and the irritation which calls for so much drink will cease to exist. But if anything is needed to
quench thirst, pure water, drunk some little time before or after the meal, is all that nature
requires. Never take tea, coffee, beer, wine, or any spirituous liquors. Water is the best liquid
possible to cleanse the tissues. [MORE ABOUT DRINKING WITH MEALS--165, 166] [ONE OF GOD'S
MEDICINES--451, 452, 454]

Functions of Water: (Get over head)

 Maintains proper body temperature.
 Necessary for saliva production and digestive enzymes.
 Moistens the eyes.
 Lubricates muscles, bones, and tendons.
 Essential for the brain.
 Our body recycles water. (if not we would have to drink 40K a day)
 We eliminate 10 glasses are eliminated Daily
o Kidneys 5.5 glasses in urine
o lungs 2 glasses through the breath
o Skin 2 glasses through perspiration
o GI tract .5 glass in the stool
 4.5 Glasses are replaced by
o Food 3 glasses
o metabolism 1.5 glasses
o This leaves us with only 5.5 more glasses to replace…but is that enough? This is the
minimum, we need more. 30
Things that can increase water requirement. (Get copy of overhead)
 Increased sweating (fever, physical work, exercise)
 Increased upper respiratory tract secretions (common cold, flu, allergies)
 Dry air (very hot or very cold air)
 Vomiting, diarrhea
 Breast feeding (to increase)
 Increased work of the kidneys to remove waste (high protein diet, high sodium diet, and
high sugar diet)
 Thirst not a reliable indicator: use following
o Thirst + 1/3 more of forced drinking water = Enough Water
o Drink 8 to 12 glasses a day
o 2 glasses before breakfast (1/2 hour before, should be warm) changes stool time to
o 2 glasses mid morning
o 2 glasses mid afternoon
o 2 glasses late evening
Kidneys maintains the water balance the body recycles H2O

Water diffuses through the cells 100 times their volume each second. One 8 ounce glass of water is
required for each 20 pounds of body weight, at least 6-8 glasses every day. To drink enough water
keep a water bottle with you.

Needs increase with:

 Hot, dry weather
 High altitude
 Increase activity and exercise
 Talking much
 Dietary intake of salt, sugar, protein
 Sickness with fever, vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose
 Lactation

No other beverage will take the place of water.

Pure soft water is what we want, check your supply.
Would you try to wash a sink full of dishes with one or two glasses of water? Or would you do
dishes with coffee? Why would we ask our body to do it?
How do you know you are drinking enough water? When your urine is pale.
When we don’t drink enough water, the body must excrete wastes in a more concentrated form
leading to increased body odor, bad breath, and dark, strong-smelling urine. Coffee, tea, some soft
drinks and alcohol act as diuretics, reducing body water content by flushing it out. Most beverages
stimulate acid secretion in the stomach which can aggravate ulcers. Drinks that have calories must
be digested like food, which can slow digestion, producing swings in the blood sugar and contribute
to fat storage. Many sodas contain phosphorus, a chemical which can help deplete the body’s
calcium supplies, contributing to osteoporosis. Water is the cheapest and healthiest. It just
swooshes right through-giving everything a good rinse. 31
What kind of water
Pure soft water is what our body likes. Any way you can obtain good water is acceptable. Check
your water supply and make your decision. Some options are; store bought, delivery service, water
purifier (reverse osmosis is preferred), or distilled.

Remember to allow at least ½ hour before meals and 1 hour after meals

No fluids should be used at meal time, because

Liquids dilute the saliva
Water dilutes digestive fluids in the stomach
Digestion will be delayed until the stomach has absorbed the excess fluid

Water helps suppress the appetite, making it easier to break the snack habit and control weight.
When you get those cravings, drink a glass of cool water and wait ten minutes, you’ll see it really

Drink water at room temperature. The body will heat up or cool down liquid to body temperature
before it will absorb it. This is especially important for the sick. It robs the body’s energy needed for

Circulation - For proper blood consistency
Digestion - provides sufficient saliva and stomach fluids
Respiration - Moistens air entering the lungs
Transportation – Carries nutrients to, and wastes away from each of the 60 trillion cells
Lubrication - Cushion of fluid for the joints, clears metabolic wastes from the muscles, and
moistens eye
Filtration - Body poisons are released through the skin and the kidneys in a fluid state
Immunity – Fights disease and boosts resistance to infection by maintaining both internal and
external cell hydration. When you start getting sick, drink extra water
Temperature – The body’s two million sweat glands secrete water to maintain proper temperature
Elimination - Prevents constipation. Two glasses of very warm water first thing in the morning
will promote regularity. Try adding a little lemon to it. Aids in blood filtration
through the kidneys
Attitude - Stimulates happy attitudes, and feel more cheerful, sociable, and energetic
Energy - In a Harvard experiment, athletes exercised without water and their body
temperature rose to 102 decrees in 3 ½ hours. When allowed to drink all the
water they desired at specified intervals, they lasted 6 hours. Finally, they were
forced to drink one third more water beyond their desire. With this, their
temperature never reached 101 degrees. At the end of 7 hours, when the
experiment was over, the athletes felt they could go on indefinitely.

When Sir Edmund Hillary was preparing for his famous climb of Mt. Everest, he noted that other
expeditions had severely rationed the water intake of their climbers. Hillary obtained special snow-
melting equipment and set a standard of 12 glasses of water per day per person. This strategy was
considered a major factor in his success.

Water quenches the thirst and fills the void in our lives that only the ‘Living Water,’ Jesus, can fill. It
washes the waste of sin from our lives, and purifies. Just as fruit trees need water to produce fruit,
so we need the Living Water in our lives in order that we may be fruit bearers. Galatians 5:22 32
Have you seen a natural spring? It keeps bubbling out of the ground, it never fails, just like Jesus.
We are not thirsty when we drink enough water, and we will not thirst spiritually when daily we
spend time with Jesus.

John 4:14 Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that
I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

Rev 22:1 And He shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the
throne of God and of the Lamb.


Gen 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule
the night: he made the stars also.

CG 45 The book of nature, which spread its living lessons before them, afforded an exhaustless
source of instruction and delight. On every leaf of the forest and stone of the mountains, in every
shining star, in earth and sea and sky, God's name was written. With both the animate and the
inanimate creation--with leaf and flower and tree, and with every living creature, from the leviathan
of the waters to the mote in the sunbeam--the dwellers in Eden held converse, gathering from each
the secrets of its life.

MH pg. 274 build building that sunlight can come in

MH 274 In the construction of buildings, whether for public purposes or as dwellings, care should
be taken to provide for good ventilation and plenty of sunlight. Churches and schoolrooms are
often faulty in this respect. Neglect of proper ventilation is responsible for much of the drowsiness
and dullness that destroy the effect of many a sermon and make the teacher's work toilsome and
ineffective. So far as possible, all buildings intended for human habitation should be placed on high,
well-drained ground. This will ensure a dry site and prevent the danger of disease from dampness
and miasma (vapor rising from decompose toxin, mold). This matter is often too lightly regarded.
Continuous ill-health, serious diseases, and many deaths result from the dampness and malaria of
low-lying, ill-drained situations. In the building of houses it is especially important to secure
thorough ventilation and plenty of sunlight. Let there be a current of air and an abundance of
light in every room in the house. Sleeping rooms should be so arranged as to have a free circulation
of air day and night. No room is fit to be occupied as a sleeping room unless it can be thrown open
daily to the air and sunshine. In most countries bedrooms need to be supplied with conveniences for
heating, that they may be thoroughly warmed and dried in cold or wet weather.

MH 275 The guestchamber should have equal care with the rooms intended for constant use. Like
the other bedrooms, it should have air and sunshine, and should be provided with some means of
heating, to dry out the dampness that always accumulates in a room not in constant use. Whoever
sleeps in a sunless room, or occupies a bed that has not been thoroughly dried and aired, does
so at the risk of health, and often of life...Dispense with heavy curtains, open the windows
and the blinds, allow no vines, however beautiful, to shade the windows, and permit no
trees to stand so near the house as to shut out the sunshine. The sunlight may fade the
drapery and the carpets, and tarnish the picture frames; but it will bring a healthy glow to
the cheeks of the children

 Sunlight produces longevity

MH 275

Get Sunlight overhead. Aged need more sunlight. 33
SOP Counsel

MH 275

More Sunlight = More Serotonin (Elevates the mood) - Serotonin produces melatonin

Sunlight absorbs calcium

Sunlight > cholesterol > Kidney + Liver (Pre vitamin D) > Active vitamin D > Absorption of calcium

Results of no vitamin D
 Osteoporosis
 Ricketts
o Avoid sunless rooms
o the aged should have plenty of sunlight
o sunlight cheers and make people happy.
 Facts of Science
o sunlight destroys germs
o melatonin slows the aging process, but as we age less melatonin is produced sun
increases the production of serotonin, which is converted into melatonin
o melatonin may contribute to a sense of well being.
 Other Effects of sunlight
o essential for the synthesis of Vitamin D.
o Vitamin D essential for Calcium metabolism (rickets and osteoporosis)
o Lower LDL Cholesterol
o effective in treatment for Jaundice
o lowers blood sugar.

 Melatonin – Sunlight
o Slows the ages process
o Enhances immune system
o Helps cope with stress
o Helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure
o Works as an antioxidant (Prevents cancer)
 Sunlight lowers cholesterol
o LDL (Bad Heart disease – transport from liver to blood) – HDL (Good – transport to
blood to liver to expel)
o Moderate exercise increases HDL
 Sunlight destroys germs and heals wounds
 Sunlight helps to lower high blood pressure

How to avoid sun injury

 Small graduate daily dosages
 During the summer minimise sun exposure to 10am to 3pm
 Wear protective clothing when outdoors

Temperance 34
Gen 2:16, 17 [16] And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou
mayest freely eat: [17] But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in
the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

CD 70 Adam and Eve fell through intemperate appetite. Christ came and withstood the fiercest
temptation of Satan, and, in behalf of the race, overcame appetite, showing that man may overcome.
As Adam fell through appetite, and lost blissful Eden, the children of Adam may, through Christ,
overcome appetite, and through temperance in all things regain Eden.”

HR May 1, 1877 True temperance teaches us to abstain entirely from that which is injurious, and to
use judiciously only healthful and nutritious articles of food.

CD 62-63 Abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul,’ (1 Peter 2:11) is the language of the
apostle Peter. Many regard this warning as applicable only to the licentious; but it has a broader
meaning. It guards against every injurious gratification of appetite or passion. It is a most forcible
warning against the use of such stimulants and narcotics as tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol, and
morphine. These indulgences may well be classed among the lusts that exert a pernicious influence
upon moral character. The earlier these hurtful habits are formed, the more firmly will they hold
their victim in slavery to lust, and the more certainly will they lower the standard of spirituality.

CD 435 We must abstain from any practice which will blunt the conscience or encourage temptation.
. . .What is needed in every community is firm purpose, and a will to touch not, taste not, handle not;
then the temperance reformation will be strong, permanent, and thorough…

PP 562 True temperance teaches us to dispense entirely with everything hurtful and to use
judiciously that which is healthful.

CD 451 It is essential (read diet essential in this book).

CD 43 With our first parents, intemperate desire resulted in the loss of Eden. Temperance in all
things has more to do with our restoration to Eden than men realize.

CD 32 Gluttony is the prevailing sin of this age. Lustful appetite makes slaves of men and women, and
beclouds their intellects and stupefies their moral sensibilities to such a degree that the sacred,
elevated truths of God's word are not appreciated. The lower propensities have ruled men and

MH 115 Men need to learn that the blessings of obedience, in their fullness, can be theirs only as they
receive the grace of Christ. It is His grace that gives man power to obey the laws of God. It is this that
enables him to break the bondage of evil habit. This is the only power that can make him and keep
him steadfast in the right path.

CD 451 We should educate ourselves, not only to live in harmony with the laws of health, but to
teach others the better way. Many, even of those who profess to believe the special truths for
this time, are lamentably ignorant with regard to health and temperance. They need to be
educated, line upon line, precept upon precept. The subject must be kept fresh before them. This
matter must not be passed over as non-essential; for nearly every family needs to be stirred up on
the question. The conscience must be aroused to the duty of practicing the principles of true reform.
God requires that His people shall be temperate in all things. Unless they practice true
temperance, they will not, they cannot, be susceptible to the sanctifying influence of the truth.


True Fasting 35
CD 90 The true fasting which should be recommended to all, is abstinence from every stimulating
kind of food, and the proper use of wholesome, simple food, which God has provided in abundance.
Men need to think less about what they shall eat and drink, of temporal food, and much more in
regard to the food from heaven, that will give tone and vitality to the whole religious experience.

Short Fasting

CD 189 Intemperate eating is often the cause of sickness, and what nature most needs is to be
relieved of the undue burden that has been placed upon her. In many cases of sickness, the very best
remedy is for the patient to fast for a meal or two, that the overworked organs of digestion may
have an opportunity to rest.

CD 309 There are some who would be benefited more by abstinence from food for a day or two
every week than by any amount of treatment or medical advice.

 One or two meals

 A day or two
 A day / week

Why Fasting

CD 141 Because of imprudence in eating, the senses of some seem to be half paralyzed, and they are
sluggish and sleepy. These pale-faced ministers who are suffering in consequence of selfish
indulgence of the appetite, are no recommendation of health reform. When suffering from overwork,
it would be much better to drop out a meal occasionally, and thus give nature a chance to rally.
Our laborers could do more by their example to advance health reform than by preaching it. When
elaborate preparations are made for them by well-meaning friends, they are strongly tempted to
disregard principle; but by refusing the dainty dishes, the rich condiments, the tea and coffee, they
may prove themselves to be practical health reformers.

 Disease
 Overworked

CD 158 Persons who have indulged their appetite to eat freely of meat, highly seasoned gravies, and
various kinds of rich cakes and preserves, cannot immediately relish a plain, wholesome, and
nutritious diet. Their taste is so perverted they have no appetite for a wholesome diet of fruits, plain
bread, and vegetables. They need not expect to relish at first food so different from that which they
have been indulging themselves to eat. If they cannot at first enjoy plain food, they should fast until
they can.

To enjoy plain food

CD 187 When the time shall come, in the providence of God, for the world to be tested upon the truth
for that time, minds will be exercised by His Spirit to search the Scriptures, even with fasting and
with prayer, until link after link is searched out, and united in a perfect chain.

CD 187 Often we fasted, that we might be better fitted to understand the truth.

CD 187 For certain things, fasting and prayer are recommended and appropriate. In the hand of God
they are a means of cleansing the heart and promoting a receptive frame of mind.

Spiritual discernment 36

Gen 1:20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and
fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

MH 272 In order to have good blood, we must breathe well. Full, deep inspirations of pure air,
which fill the lungs with oxygen, purify the blood. They impart to it a bright color and send it, a
life-giving current, to every part of the body. A good respiration soothes the nerves; it stimulates
the appetite and renders digestion more perfect; and it induces sound, refreshing sleep.

AH 149 Dispense with heavy curtains, open the windows and the blinds, allow no vines, however
beautiful, to shade the windows, and permit no trees to stand so near the house as to shut out the

AH 148 Neglect of proper ventilation is responsible for much of the drowsiness and dullness that
destroy the effect of many a sermon and make the teacher's work toilsome and ineffective.”

FE 73 And work performed in the open air is tenfold more beneficial to health than in-door labor.

CH 166 To the sick it is worth more than silver or gold to lie in the sunshine or in the shade of the

Bible Echo, February 23, 1903 By playing in the sunshine and the fresh air, children will gain health
and strength of mind and body. They will be benefited both spiritually and physically.

HL 142 If all would appreciate the sunshine, and expose every article of clothing to its drying,
purifying rays, mildew and mold would be prevented.

CH 170 Outdoor life is the only medicine that many invalids need.

Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 115 Parents, let the sunshine of love, cheer, and happy
content enter your own hearts, and let its sweet influence pervade the home. Manifest a kindly,
forbearing spirit, and encourage the same in your children … The atmosphere thus created will be to
the children what air and sunshine are to the vegetable world, promoting health and vigor of mind
and body.

CH 251 Out of doors, surrounded by the beautiful things that God has made, breathing the fresh,
health-giving air, the sick can best be told of the new life in Christ. Here God's words can be taught.
Here the sunshine of Christ's righteousness can shine into hearts darkened by sin.

Education 197 Not only is He the originator of all, but He is the life of everything that lives. It is His
life that we receive in the sunshine, in the pure, sweet air, in the food which builds up our bodies and
sustains our strength. It is by His life that we exist, hour by hour, moment by moment. Except as
perverted by sin, all His gifts tend to life, to health and joy.

This Day With God 129 Let the truth of God be to your soul as the sunshine and the vital air.

5 Things it does:

MH 272 The lungs should be allowed the greatest freedom possible. Their capacity is developed by
free action; it diminishes if they are cramped and compressed. Hence the ill effects of the practice so
common, especially in sedentary pursuits, of stooping at one's work. In this position it is impossible
to breathe deeply. Superficial breathing soon becomes a habit, and the lungs lose their power to
expand. A similar effect is produced by tight lacing. Sufficient room is not given to the lower part of
the chest; the abdominal muscles(diaphram), which were designed to aid in breathing, do not have
full play, and the lungs are restricted in their action. 37
MH 273 shallow breathing does this:

Thus an insufficient supply of oxygen is received. (1) The blood moves sluggishly. (2) The waste,
poisonous matter, which should be thrown off in the exhalations from the lungs, is retained, and the
blood becomes impure. (3) Not only the lungs, but the stomach, liver, and brain are affected. The
skin becomes sallow, digestion is retarded; the heart is depressed; the brain is clouded; the
thoughts are confused; gloom settles upon the spirits; the whole system becomes depressed
and inactive, and peculiarly susceptible to disease.

AH 27 God is a lover of the beautiful. He has given us unmistakable evidence of this in the
work of His hands. He planted for our first parents a beautiful garden in Eden. Stately trees
were caused to grow out of the ground, of every description, for usefulness and ornament.
The beautiful flowers were formed, of rare loveliness, of every tint and hue, perfuming the air.
. . It was the design of God that man should find happiness in the employment of tending the
things He had created, and that his wants should be met with the fruits of the trees of the


Gen 2:3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all
his work which God created and made.

Deep breathing exercise

 Breathe in through the nose to the count of 4.
 After a bried pause, breathe out slowly to the count of 12.
 Then increase time by breathing in to the count of 5, and out ot the count of 15.
 Gradually increase the depth of each exaltation until you can count to 30 or more.
 Practice deep breathing exercise (10 deep breadths) 2 to 3 times a day, especially if you are
tired, anxious, stressed, or have a headache.

MH 236 Some make themselves sick by overwork. For these, rest, freedom from care, and a spare
diet, are essential to restoration of health. To those who are brain weary and nervous because of
continual labor and close confinement, a visit to the country, where they can live a simple, carefree
life, coming in close contact with the things of nature, will be most helpful. Roaming through the
fields and the woods, picking the flowers, listening to the songs of the birds, will do far more that
any other agency toward their recovery.

Mark 6:31 And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while:
for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.

MH 238 …but in the case of confirmed invalids, it is seldom necessary to suspend all activity.

Matt 12:38

Rest from sin

OHC 98 There will be peace, constant peace, flowing into the soul, for the rest is found in perfect
submission to Jesus Christ. Obedience to God's will finds the rest. The disciple that treads in the meek
and lowly steps of the Redeemer finds rest which the world cannot give, and the world cannot take
away. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in
thee." Isa. 26:3. 38
Recipe for restful Sleep
 Moderate physical activity before retiring
 A quiet dart room
 An empty stomach
 A clear conscience

The Faith I Live By 31 After resting upon the seventh day, God sanctified it, or set it apart, as a day
of rest for man. Following the example of the Creator, man was to rest upon this sacred day, that as
he should look upon the heavens and the earth, he might reflect upon God's great work of creation;
and that as he should behold the evidences of God's wisdom and goodness, his heart might be filled
with love and reverence for his Maker…

Trust in God
Gen 3:3, 4 [3] But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall
not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. [4] And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall
not surely die:

6T 386 The Lord created every tree in Eden pleasant to the eyes and good for food, and He bade
Adam and Eve freely enjoy His bounties. But He made one exception. Of the tree of knowledge of
good and evil they were not to eat. This tree God reserved as a constant reminder of His ownership of
all. Thus He gave them opportunity to demonstrate their faith and trust in Him by their perfect
obedience to His requirements.

MH 119 Gratitude and trust open the heart to the healing power of God, the energies of the whole
being are vitalized, and the life forces triumph.

CH 382 The human agent should have faith and should cooperate with the divine power, using every
facility, taking advantage of every thing that, according to his intelligence, is beneficial, working in
harmony with natural laws; and in doing this he neither denies nor hinders faith.

DA 471 It was evident that there was no healing virtue in the clay, or in the pool wherein the blind
man was sent to wash, but that the virtue was in Christ.

MH 257 The consciousness of right-doing is one of the very best medicines for diseased bodies and

CH 28 The influence of the Spirit of God is the very best medicine for disease.

MH 226 God is just as willing to restore the sick to health now as when the Holy Spirit spoke these
words through the psalmist. And Christ is the same compassionate physician now that He was during
His earthly ministry. In Him there is healing balm for every disease, restoring power for every
infirmity. His disciples in this time are to pray for the sick as verily as the disciples of old prayed. And
recoveries will follow; for "the prayer of faith shall save the sick." We have the Holy Spirit's power,
the calm assurance of faith, that can claim God's promises. The Lord's promise, "They shall lay hands
on the sick, and they shall recover" (Mark 16:18), is just as trustworthy now as in the days of the
apostles. It presents the privilege of God's children, and our faith should lay hold of all that it
embraces. Christ's servants are the channel of His working, and through them He desires to exercise
His healing power. It is our work to present the sick and suffering to God in the arms of our faith. We
should teach them to believe in the Great Healer.

MH 227 In the word of God we have instruction relative to special prayer for the recovery of the sick.
But the offering of such prayer is a most solemn act, and should not be entered upon without careful
consideration. In many cases of prayer for the healing of the sick, that which is called faith is nothing
less than presumption. Many persons bring disease upon themselves by their self-indulgence. They 39
have not lived in accordance with natural law or the principles of strict purity. Others have
disregarded the laws of health in their habits of eating and drinking, dressing, or working. Often
some form of vice is the cause of feebleness of mind or body. Should these persons gain the
blessing of health, many of them would continue to pursue the same course of heedless
transgression of God's natural and spiritual laws, reasoning that if God heals them in answer
to prayer, they are at liberty to continue their unhealthful practices and to indulge perverted
appetite without restraint. If God were to work a miracle in restoring these persons to health, He
would be encouraging sin”. It is labor lost to teach people to look to God as a healer of their
infirmities, unless they are taught also to lay aside unhealthful practices. In order to receive His
blessing in answer to prayer, they must cease to do evil and learn to do well.

Isa 1:16-17 [16] Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes;
cease to do evil; [17] Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless,
plead for the widow.

1 Tim 5:22 …Lay hands suddenly on no man…

MH 229 When wrongs have been righted, we may present the needs of the sick to the Lord in calm
faith, as His Spirit may indicate. In prayer for the sick it should be remembered that "we know not
what we should pray for as we ought." Romans 8:26. We do not know whether the blessing we desire
will be best or not. Therefore our prayers should include this thought: "Lord, thou knowest every
secret of the soul. Thou art acquainted with these persons. Jesus, their Advocate, gave His life for
them. His love for them is greater than ours can possibly be. If, therefore, it is for Thy glory and the
good of the afflicted ones, we ask, in the name of Jesus, that they may be restored to health. If it be not
Thy will that they may be restored, we ask that Thy grace may comfort and Thy presence sustain
them in their sufferings."

MH 230 The consistent course is to commit our desires to our all-wise heavenly Father, and then, in
perfect confidence, trust all to Him. We know that God hears us if we ask according to His will. But to
press our petitions without a submissive spirit is not right; our prayers must take the form, not of
command, but of intercession.

In addition to these “Eight Natural Remedies” God has given us herbs, charcoal, hydrotherapy, and
massage to help relieve suffering and restore heatlh. 40
Natural Remedies
21MR 290 The Lord has given some simple herbs of the field that at times are beneficial; and if every
family were educated in how to use these herbs in case of sickness, much suffering might be
prevented, and no doctor need be called. These old fashioned simple herbs, used intelligently, would
have recovered many sick who have died under drug medication.”

2SM 289 Our Saviour is the restorer of the moral image of God in man. He has supplied in the natural
world remedies for the ills of man, that His followers may have life and that they may have it more
abundantly. We can with safety discard the concoctions which man has used in the past. The Lord
has provided antidotes for diseases in simple plants, and these can be used by faith, with no denial of
faith; for by using the blessings provided by God for our benefit we are cooperating with Him. He can
use water and sunshine and the herbs which He has caused to grow, in healing maladies brought on
by indiscretion or accident.

Charcoal = It adsorbs, has adsorbing property, that's why it's good for absorbing poisons. Ab =
outside ad = inside.

Home Remedies pg. 143 (should always have on hand)

 Antidote for poison

 Cleansing agent
o Charcoal harmless when digested, inhaled, and when it comes in contact with the
o Pg. 144.6
 Except for occasional findings it can be used in all cases. Always check to see
if person is on medication, because it will adsorb it and send it out of the
o Pg. 143.2
 It is w/out rival
 Total surface area is 2.5 inches/each side 1,000 square meters, it is larger
than a football field.
 Can you make charcoal? Pg. 144.2
o Make a hole in the yard. Put wood into the hole
o After it is burning brightly, put tin covering over and cover with dirt.
o Then the coal should be pounded into a powder by placing into a cloth bag and
beating. Continue to beat until it is like a rice grain substance,
o Place in a blender and make into a dust.
 General Features: 5 uses
o Combat orders in air or water
o Remove carbon dioxide in submarines (military use)
o Removes poison from masks
 Note:
o Care should be used in applying to broken skin. If you shave something deep enough
to get into dermis you will be tattooed by charcoal. If wound is to deep use cumfrey
o If you find out a child has been poisoned
 If they haven't eaten I last 2 hours give 1-2 tablesopoons, it will go to
duodenum.. 41
 If they have eaten give 5 –15 tablespoons
 Put into a syringe if they don't like it
o For Snake Bites: Look on Pg. 147 get book.
 Ant, mosquito or chiggar bite: (charcoal Bandaid)
o One or two drops of water into white gauze of band aid
o Take charcoal tablet or powder and rub a lot on
o And apply; leave on til irritation is gone. Can be used for poison Ivy.
 Bee Sting (charcoal poultice)
 Snake Bite
o Remove 10-15 min in beginning of treatment.
o Cover whole extremity (surface area)
o Going hiking or anywhere take charcoal.
 Spider Bite
 Whiter Teeth:
o Brush with charcoal or mullen leaves or cumfrey leaves
 Pink Eye: (also for inflamed eyes) Charcoal Purse
o Put spoonful in paper towel in center, twist with rubberband or tape
o Dip in warm water
o Apply until cools, dip again
o Can be for 15 – 30 mins
o 1 cup with teaspoon of salt, apply afterward to cleanse the eyes.
o Do 3 to 4 times a day until gone.
 Ear Infection:
o What her daughter did:
 In little glass of water, apply a few drops of charcoal.
 Take syringe and apply inside
o Book Recommends
 Make a poultice very wet
 Apply on ear overnight take a lamp and place about 4-5 inches from ear with
an 100 watt balb.
 Keep sprinkling the poultice and make sure it's wet.
 Do for ½ hour to an Hour.
 Jaundice: Pg 150.11 - 151
o As soon as you know he/she has jaundice at lower extremities, you can squeeze the
feet and if it's yellow you can tell.
 Put tablespoon in bottle of water, you can mix with milk or do a syringe
 For darreah, indegestion, and gas
 1 glass of water w/one tablespoon of charcoal activated powder. If
you don't have activated use 1 – 3 tablespoon
 for child make slurry water if they don't want to drink it.
 have 2 glasses put 2 tablespoons, let sit 4-5 hours or overnight, than
pour clear slurry water out. Cool in the fridge and give them to drink
in a colored glass. Allow them to drink this all day for there water.
This is the only way it will be effective because you are using less
charcoal. It will get rid of micro-organisms and bacteria out. Can mix
with orange juice (but less power)
 Note
o For children
 Diarrhea, Indigestion, and jaundice. 42
 Give slurry water and take them into the sunlight. Avoid taking them
between the hours of 10am – 3pm especially in the summer. But because
they are children or toddlers they can take more exposure in the sun. leave
child in sun one hour on back and one hour on stomach.
o For Adults:
 Take 1TBSP of activated charcoal to one glass of water. (Can also have 1
TBSP of olive oil with it.)
 Then give 1-2 cups of water
o For Dysyptic people:
 Give them 3-5 green olives with every meal.
 Multiple Wasp or Bee Stings:
o Fill up Bath tub all the way until the individual is covered with water.
o Put 2 cups of activated charcoal in
o Leave in for 1 hour.
o Take person out, apply a paste of charcoal (little water and charcoal to get paste) to
each bite.
o Give them 1TBSP in a glass of water, and have them drink additional 2 glasses of

SOP Quotes: 2SM

Pg. 294 Charcoal

21MR 290 One of the most beneficial remedies is pulverized charcoal, placed in a bag and used in
fomentations. This is a most successful remedy. If wet in smartweed boiled, it is still better. I have
ordered this in cases where the sick were suffering great pain, and when it has been confided to me
by the physician that he thought it was the last before the close of life. Then I suggested the charcoal,
and the patient slept, the turning point came, and recovery was the result.

Pg. 299 Lower Intestine (Bowels)

2SM 299 A brother was taken sick with inflammation of the bowels and bloody dysentery. The man
was not a careful health reformer, but indulged his appetite. We were just preparing to leave Texas,
where we had been laboring for several months, and we had carriages prepared to take away this
brother and his family, and several others who were suffering from malarial fever. My husband and I
thought we would stand this expense rather than have the heads of several families die and leave
their wives and children unprovided for.

2SM 299 Two or three were taken in a large spring wagon on spring mattresses. But this man who
was suffering from inflammation of the bowels, sent for me to come to him. My husband and I
decided that it would not do to move him. Fears were entertained that mortification had set in. Then
the thought came to me like a communication from the Lord to take pulverized charcoal, put water
upon it, and give this water to the sick man to drink, putting bandages of the charcoal over the
bowels and stomach. We were about one mile from the city of Denison, but the sick man's son went
to a blacksmith's shop, secured the charcoal, and pulverized it, and then used it according to the
directions given. The result was that in half an hour there was a change for the better. We had to go
on our journey and leave the family behind, but what was our surprise the following day to see their
wagon overtake us. The sick man was lying in a bed in the wagon. The blessing of God had worked
with the simple means used.--Letter 182, 1899 (To a worker in an overseas field. See p. 287).

Pg. 295 For inflammation of hands

2SM 295 I have ordered the same treatment for others who were suffering great pain, and it has
brought relief and been the means of saving life. My mother had told me that snake bites and the 43
sting of reptiles and poisonous insects could often be rendered harmless by the use of charcoal
poultices. When working on the land at Avondale, Australia, the workmen would often bruise their
hands and limbs, and this in many cases resulted in such severe inflammation that the worker would
have to leave his work for some time. One came to me one day in this condition, with his hand tied in
a sling. He was much troubled over the circumstance; for his help was needed in clearing the land I
said to him, "Go to the place where you have been burning the timber, and get me some charcoal
from the eucalyptus tree, pulverize it, and I will dress your hand." This was one, and the next
morning he reported that the pain was gone. Soon he was ready to return to his work.

Pg. 298 For Indigestion

2SM 298 For some forms of indigestion, it is more efficacious than drugs. A little olive oil into
which some of this powder has been stirred tends to cleanse and heal. I find it is excellent.
Pulverized charcoal from eucalyptus wood we have used freely in cases of inflammation....

Pg. 299 Charcoal and Flaxseed for POISONOUS INSECT

2SM 299 We need a hospital so much. On Thursday Sister Sara McEnterfer [A TRAINED NURSE OF
called to see if she could do anything for Brother B's little son, who is eighteen months old. For
several days he has had a painful swelling on the knee, supposed to be from the bite of some
poisonous insect. Pulverized charcoal, mixed with flaxseed, was placed upon the swelling, and this
poultice gave relief at once. The child had screamed with pain all night, but when this was applied, he
slept. Today she has been to see the little one twice. She opened the swelling in two places, and a
large amount of yellow matter and blood was discharged freely. The child was relieved of its great
suffering. We thank the Lord that we may become intelligent in using the simple things within our
reach to alleviate pain, and successfully remove its cause.--Manuscript 68, 1899 (General

20MR 280 I send you at this time pulverized charcoal. Let him drink the water after it has stood a
while to extract the virtue. This should be cold when used. When used for fomentations over the
bowels, the coal should be put into a bag, sewed up, and dipped in hot water. It will serve several
times. Have two bags; use one and then the other.”

2SM 294 One of the most beneficial remedies is pulverized charcoal, placed in a bag and used in
fomentations. This is a most successful remedy. . . .I have ordered this in cases where the sick were
suffering great pain, and when it has been confided to me by the physician that he thought it was the
last before the close of life. Then I suggested the charcoal, and the patient slept, the turning point
came, and recovery was the result. . . . The poison of inflammation was overcome, the pain removed,
and healing went on rapidly. The most severe inflammation of the eyes will be relieved by a poultice
of charcoal, put in a bag, and dipped in hot or cold water, as will best suit the case. This works like a

2SM 298 I will tell you a little about my experience with charcoal as a remedy. For some forms of
indigestion, it is more efficacious than drugs. A little olive oil into which some of this powder has
been stirred tends to cleanse and heal. I find it is excellent. Pulverized charcoal from eucalyptus wood
we have used freely in cases of inflammation....

2SM 299 For several days he has had a painful swelling on the knee, supposed to be from the bite of
some poisonous insect. Pulverized charcoal, mixed with flaxseed, was placed upon the swelling, and
this poultice gave relief at once. The child had screamed with pain all night, but when this was
applied, he slept. Today she has been to see the little one twice. She opened the swelling in two
places, and a large amount of yellow matter and blood was discharged freely. The child was relieved
of its great suffering. We thank the Lord that we may become intelligent in using the simple things
within our reach to alleviate pain, and successfully remove its cause. 44
Home Remedies (three types)

Page 79 – Heating Compress = application of a cold compress so applied and covered that there
occurs an initial cooling with retrostasis

Pg.18 Derivation - we are aiming to work with the blood vessels. Derivation is the act of drawing
blood from a distance. Blood vessels that are in the feet while in a bucket of water will be open
(dilated), and blood is going to flow to the feet. So blood is drawn from a distance such as the rest of
the body to the feet. So if there is blood congested in a particular area, it will draw from that place
such as with an headache. This is a derivation treatment. Even for congestion in lungs, pelvis,
headache etc. Hot foot bath can be from 20min – 1 hour. Start with mild temperature 102. after
minute or add hot water can go up to 110 degrees. Don't treat diabetics with hot foot bath.

For headache - 1 Tablespoon of dry mustard (powder) to 1 to 2 gallons of water is good for an
headache. If no mustard just use hot water.

Retrostasis – opposite of derivation. If you give cold compress, the blood vessels constrict, and push
the blood to inner surfaces. This is a short effect, the body will respond by sending blood to cold
area, and will cause circulation. Both do the same thing.

Page 81 – Inhalation
Page 79 – Compress
Page 83 (book) Handout pg. 61 – Wet sheet wrap

Home Remedies - Page 55. Universal treatment that can be done at any time and any place. Russian
steam bath with hot foot bath is the best. 3 things a Medical Missionary should be: Quite, Quick, and

Water temperature should be 102, this temperature is good for all people. Gradually increase the
temperature as you proceed with the treatment. Make sure all things are neat and in order when
the patient comes into the room.

Page 59
Diabetics never apply to their feet. Do everything except put feet in water, apply large fomentation
over the groin.

Page 72
Vaporizer add about a fourth of a teaspoon to vaporizer, and put something over it to help
distribute the steam. The makes it steam more effectively.

Put vaporizer under the chair

When you have glass with warm water bring a flexible straw to go with it. The clothes for them to
ware should be there under ware, trunks for men and bathing suit for women, naked with sheet (if
patient wants), thin PJ's. place towel on the chair to prevent the heat from burning the patient.
Wood chair is the best seat.

Put towel on head, if they want to keep hair from being wet, this is the only reason to have a
turbine. 45
When applying hot water tell person to cross feet, and put your hand between you and the patients
feet, then apply water into the small opening between the hand and bucket corner.

Can be used for:

Fever and intoxication

a. when applying this treatment to someone trying to get off drugs or nicotine, after the
treatment let them walk on towels to the bed room, and rest.
b. Give the treatment to the person 2X's a day, morning and evening for 3 days straight to
get the nicotine out, and it will aid them in getting over it quickly. It will help them not
make them, God gives them the power.

At the end of the treatment, pour cold water over the feet. Do this procedure by having bucket full
of cold water, and hold their feet prostrated and pour over into the other bucket, keep there feet
from going back into the hot water, then let there feet rest on a towel, and then let them walk on
towels to either the bed room to sleep, or to the shower. You can also give a cold mitten friction,
which is 10x's better. When taking them to the shower, put them in and start shower with warm
water, and bring down as much as they can take it. It should be a 3 minute cool down shower. You
can also turn they water to warm first, then all the way to cold and let them take it for 30 seconds.

CH 169 The things of nature are God's blessings, provided to give health to body, mind, and soul.
They are given to the well to keep them well, and to the sick to make them well. Connected with
water treatment, they are more effective in restoring health than all the drug medication in the

MH 146 All gospel workers should know how to give the simple treatments that do so much to
relieve pain and remove disease.

MH 237 There are many ways in which water can be applied to relieve pain and check disease. All
should become intelligent in its use in simple home treatments. Mothers, especially, should know
how to care for their families in both health and sickness.

MM 227 Water treatments, wisely and skillfully given, may be the means of saving many lives.


Paulson Collection, p. 15. “Some matters have been deeply impressed upon my mind, and one is the
necessity for much better facilities in the bathrooms. This is where impressions will be made upon
minds. We must have conveniences in these rooms--massage tables, and a cot on which to give

Other Special Counsels

2SM 284, 285 It is our privilege to use every God-appointed means in correspondence with our faith,
and then trust in God, when we have urged the promise. If there is need of a surgical operation, and
the physician is willing to undertake the case, it is not a denial of faith to have the operation

MM 286-287 There is one thing that has saved life—an infusion of blood from one person to
another; but this would be difficult and perhaps impossible for you to do. I merely suggest it.” 46
D.E. Robinson in 2 Selected Messages, p. 303. “You will be interested to know, however, that at a time
when there was an epidemic of small pox in the vicinity, she herself was vaccinated and urged her
helpers, those connected with her, to be vaccinated.”

2SM 303 For several weeks I took treatment with the X-ray for the black spot that was on my
forehead. In all I took twenty-three treatments, and these succeeded in entirely removing the mark.
For this I am grateful.

Education is Important

CH 37, 38 Men and women should inform themselves in regard to the philosophy of health. The
minds of rational beings seem shrouded in darkness in regard to their own physical structure, and
how to preserve it in a healthy condition. The present generation have trusted their bodies with the
doctors and their souls with the ministers. Do they not pay the minister well for studying the bible
for them, that they need not be to the trouble? And is it not his business to tell them what they must
believe, and to settle all doubtful questions of theology without special investigation on their part? If
they are sick, they send for the doctor—believe whatever he may tell, and swallow anything he may
prescribe; for do they not pay him a liberal fee, and is it not his business to understand their physical
ailments, and what to prescribe to make them well, without their being troubled with the matter?...So
closely is health related to out happiness, that we cannot have the latter without the former. A
practical knowledge of the science of human life is necessary in order to glorify God in our bodies.

God Gives Supernatural Results

2SM 346 Natural means, used in accordance with God's will, bring about supernatural results. We
ask for a miracle, and the Lord directs the mind to some simple remedy. We ask to be kept from the
pestilence that walketh in darkness, that is stalking with such power through the world; we are then
to cooperate with God, observing the laws of health and life. Having done all that we possibly can, we
are to keep asking in faith for health and strength.

MM 12 The Lord promises, by the medium of truth, to renovate the soul. The Holy Spirit will make all
who are willing to be educated able to communicate the truth with power. It will renew every organ
of the body, that God’s servants may work acceptably and successfully. Vitality increases under the
influence of the Spirit’s action…The sick are to be healed through the combined efforts of the human
and the divine. Every gift, every power, that Christ promised to His disciples, He bestows upon those
who will serve Him faithfully.

1SM 382 When it is in the heart to obey God, when efforts are put forth to this end, Jesus accepts this
disposition and effort as man’s best service, and He makes up for the deficiency with His own divine
merit. But He will not accept those who claim to have faith in Him, and yet are disloyal to His father’s
commandment. We hear a great deal about faith, but we need to hear a great deal more about works.
Many are deceiving their own souls by living an easy-going, accommodating, crossless religion. But
Jesus says, ‘if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
(See Exodus 20:6.)

MH 115 The love which Christ diffuses through the whole being is a vitalizing power. Every vital
part--the brain, the heart, the nerves--it touches with healing. By it the highest energies of the being
are roused to activity. It frees the soul from the guilt and sorrow, the anxiety and care, that crush the
life forces. With it come serenity and composure. It implants in the soul, joy that nothing earthly can
destroy,--joy in the Holy Spirit,--health-giving, life-giving joy.

Counsels Regarding Drugs

2SM 451 ...[drugs] a foreign substance of a poisonous nature…

2SM 281 …[drugs] every poisonous preparation in the vegetable and mineral kingdoms… 47
Te 75 From beginning to end, the crime of tobacco using, of opium and drug medication, has its
origin in perverted knowledge. It is through plucking and eating of poisonous fruit, through the
intricacies of names that the common people do not understand, that thousands and ten thousands of
lives are lost. This great knowledge, supposed by men to be so wonderful, God did not mean that
man should have. They are using the poisonous productions that Satan himself has planted to take
the place of the tree of life, whose leaves are for the healing of the nations. Men are dealing in liquors
and narcotics that are destroying the human family.

MM 223 Drugs always have a tendency to break down and destroy vital forces, and nature becomes
so crippled in her efforts that the invalid dies, not because he needed to die, but because nature was

2SM 281 Drug medication, as it is generally practiced, is a curse. Educate away from drugs. Use them
less and less, and depend more upon hygienic agencies; then nature will respond to God's
physicians—pure air, pure water, proper exercise, a clear conscience. . . .Drugs need seldom be used.

2SM 283, 284 When you understand physiology in its truest sense, your drug bills will be very much
smaller, and finally you will cease to deal out drugs.

MM 224, 225 Physicians should have wisdom and experience, and be thorough health reformers.
Then will they be constantly educating by precept and example their patients from drugs; for they
well know that the use of drugs may produce for the time being favorable results, but will implant in
the system that which will cause great difficulties hereafter, which they may never recover from
during their lifetime.

MM 227 Drug medication is to be discarded. On this point the conscience of the physician must ever
be kept tender, and true, and clean. The inclination to use poisonous drugs, which kill if they do not
cure, needs to be guarded against.

RH September 12, 1899 The endless variety of medicines in the market, the numerous
advertisements of new drugs and mixtures, all of which, they say, result in wonderful cures, kill
hundreds where they benefit one. . . . Some will have medicine at all events. Then let them take these
hurtful mixtures, and the various deadly poisons, upon their own responsibility. God's servants
should not administer medicines, which they know will leave behind injurious effects upon the
system, even if they do relieve present suffering.

CD 26 Those who will gratify their appetite, and then suffer because of their intemperance, and take
drugs to relieve them, may be assured that God will not interpose to save health and life which is so
recklessly periled. The cause has produced the effect. Many, as their last resort, follow the directions
in the word of God, and request the prayers of the elders of the church for their restoration to health.
God does not see fit to answer prayers offered in behalf of such, for He knows that if they should be
restored to health, they would again sacrifice it upon the altar of unhealthy appetite.

CH 89 But in most cases the drug only changes the form and location of the disease.

2SM 279, 280 Your questions, I will say, are answered largely, if not definitely, in How to Live. Drug
poisons mean the articles which you have mentioned. The simpler remedies are less harmful in
proportion to their simplicity; but in very many cases these are used when not at all necessary. There
are simple herbs and roots that every family may use for themselves and need not call a physician
any sooner than they would call a lawyer. I do not think that I can give you any definite line of
medicines compounded and dealt out by doctors, that are perfectly harmless. And yet it would not be
wisdom to engage in controversy over this subject. . . The practitioners are very much in earnest in
using their dangerous concoctions, and I am decidedly opposed to resorting to such things. They
never cure; they may change the difficulty to create a worse one. Many of those who practice the
prescribing of drugs, would not take the same or give them to their children. If they have an
intelligent knowledge of the human body, if they understand the delicate, wonderful human 48
machinery, they must know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that not a particle of
these strong drugs should be introduced into this human living organism. . . . As the matter was laid
open before me, and the sad burden of the result of drug medication, the light was given me that
Seventh-day Adventists should establish health institutions discarding all these health-destroying
inventions, and physicians should treat the sick upon hygienic principles. The great burden should be
to have well-trained nurses, and well-trained medical practitioners to educate "precept upon
precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little and there a little" (Isa. 28:10). . . .”

People Want Quick Solutions

4SG 133, 134 The sufferers in such cases can do for themselves that which others cannot do as well
for them....But generally the persons who suffer pain become impatient. They are not willing to use
self-denial, and suffer a little from hunger. Neither are they willing to wait the slow process of nature
to build up the overtaxed energies of the system. But they are determined to obtain relief at once,
and take powerful drugs, prescribed by physicians. Nature was doing her work well, and would have
triumphed, but while accomplishing her task, a foreign substance of a poisonous nature was
introduced. What a mistake! Abused nature has now two evils to war against instead of one. She
leaves the work in which she was engaged, and resolutely takes hold to expel the intruder newly
introduced in the system. Nature feels this double draft upon her resources, and she becomes

CH 39 Those who transgress the laws of God in their organism will not be less slow to violate the law
of god spoken from Sinai. 49
Principles of Health
Lifestyle Choices
Two meal plan

CD 176 In most cases, two meals a day are preferable to three. Supper, when taken at an early hour,
interferes with the digestion of the previous meal. When taken later, it is not itself digested before
bedtime. Thus the stomach fails of securing proper rest. The sleep is disturbed, the brain and nerves
are wearied, the appetite for breakfast is impaired, the whole system is unrefreshed, and is unready
for the day's duties. [TWO-MEAL PLAN FOR CHILDREN--343, 344]

CD 176 The practice of eating but two meals a day is generally found a benefit to health; yet under
some circumstances, persons may require a third meal. This should, however, if taken at all, be
very light, and of food most easily digested. Crackers--the English biscuit--or zwieback, and fruit,
or cereal coffee, are the foods best suited for the evening meal.

zwieback = double cooked, dried out; cereal coffee = roma

Some Circumstances:

CD 178 I eat only two meals a day. But I do not think that the number of meals should be made a test.
If there are those who are better in health when eating three meals, it is their privilege to have three.
I choose two meals. For thirty-five years I have practiced the two-meal system.

The fact that some, teachers and students, have the privilege of eating in their rooms, is not creating
a healthful influence. There must be harmonious action in the conducting of meals. If those who
only eat two meals have the idea that they must eat enough at the second meal to answer for
the third meal also, they will injure their digestive organs. Let the students have the third meal,
prepared without vegetables, but with simple, wholesome food, such as fruit and bread.

CD 178 When heavy mental physical taxation: The impression is upon many minds that the diet
question is being carried to extremes. When students combine physical and mental taxation, so
largely as they do at this school (Avondale), the objection to the third meal is to a great extent
removed. Then no one needs to feel abused. Those who conscientiously eat only two meals need
not change in this at all. . . .

CD 176 Most people enjoy better health while eating two meals a day than three; others, under their
existing circumstances, may require something to eat at suppertime; but this meal should be very
light. Let no one think himself a criterion for all,--that every one must do exactly as he does.

Children: Your children should not be allowed to eat candies, fruit, nuts, or anything in the line of
food, between their meals. Two meals a day are better for them than three. {CD 229.1}

Seven health factors for longevity

1. Sleeping 7-8 hours
2. Eating only regular meals (not between
3. Eating breakfast regularly
4. attaining proper weight
5. exercising regally 50
6. no use alcohol
7. no smoking

CD 313 In grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts are to be found all the food elements that we need.

Gen 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of
all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for

Gen 3:18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field…

CD 81 God gave our first parents the food He designed that the race should eat. It was contrary to His
plan to have the life of any creature taken. There was to be no death in Eden. The fruit of the trees in
the garden, was the food man's wants required.

Best food to eat

CD 81 In order to know what are the best foods, we must study God's original plan for man's diet. He
who created man and who understands his needs appointed Adam his food. "Behold," He said, "I have
given you every herb yielding seed,. . . . and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to
you it shall be for food." Upon leaving Eden to gain his livelihood by tilling the earth under the curse
of sin, man received permission to eat also "the herb of the field."

CD 81 The Lord intends to bring His people back to live upon simple fruits, vegetables, and grains. . . .
God provided fruit in its natural state for our first parents.

Why best diet?

1. To Know What the Best Foods Are

a. CD
b. Page 81
i. Ask the Creator
ii. We must study God's original plan for man's diet
iii. Grains, Nuts, Fruits, and Vegetables
iv. The best diet chosen by the Creator
v. The Creator wants to take us back to the original diet
c. Genesis
d. 1:29
i. Fruits, Grains, and Nuts
e. 3:18
i. Vegetables
f. Confrontation
g. Page 10
i. Man in the garden given Fruits, Grains, Nuts, and Vegetables

2. Why Are FGNV the Most Healthful and Nourishing?

a. The 8 Factors
b. High in Fiber
i. Helps the low glycemic effect
ii. It controls the blood glucose effect, whether the level goes HIGH or LOW
iii. Controls blood cholesterol levels – Normal Level
iv. For fiber binds to bile/cholesterol
c. Lots of Phytochemicals 51
i. What are Phytochemicals?
ii. Chemicals found in plants that protect us from diseases
1. Its Containments (a few)
2. Isoflavones
a. Found in:
b. Legumes, Soybeans
3. Anthocyanins
a. Tomatoes
4. Beta-Carotene - Cartenoids
5. Lycopene
6. Allycin
iii. In refined foods, phytochemicals are destroyed
d. Plenty in Antioxidants
i. 3 Antioxidants
ii. Vitamin
1. A
2. Beta-Carotene
3. C
4. E
iii. Found in fruits and vegetables
e. Adequate Amounts of Vegetable Protein
i. The Building Blocks of Protein
ii. 20 Amino Acids
1. 9 Essential – Need to be found in Meals
2. 11 Non Essential – In Which the Body Can Make
iii. Info on Amino Acids
1. The Amino Acids Pool
2. Takes Amino Acids from meal in the morning, and afternoon, and
bring together
iv. Info on Vegetables
v. Vegetables is incomplete Protein
vi. Meat is Complete Protein
vii. Combine your meals
1. For other foods will have what other foods do not have
2. Have a Variety
f. Abundant Vitamins and Minerals
i. How Vitamins can Be Destroyed (refined foods):
ii. By Excessive Light
iii. By Excessive Heat
g. Low Sodium & High Potassium
i. Refined foods
ii. High Sodium & Low Potassium
h. Low Fat/Zero Cholesterol
i. In FGNV
ii. Contains Unsaturated Fats
1. Mono
2. Poly
iii. Blessings
1. Low in Fat – Aid in weight control
2. Zero cholesterol – An aid in CVD prevention
iv. More Blessings
1. Very low in saturated fats. (Lowers CVD) 52
2. Provide significant amounts of unsaturated fats and essential fatty
acids (alpha-linolenic and linoleic).
3. Alpha-linolenic is destroyed during refining.
v. Lipids
1. Triglycerides
2. Fats
a. Saturated Fats
b. Animal Products
3. Oils
a. Unsaturated Fats
b. Plant Products
4. Phospholipids
5. Lecithin
6. Sterols
7. Cholesterol
i. Less Containments


CD 316 It is a religious duty for every Christian girl and woman to learn at once to make good, sweet,
light bread from unbolted wheat flour. Mothers should take their daughters into the kitchen with
them when very young, and teach them the art of cooking.

CD 320 (White bread doesn't have all elements we need for good bread. It causes constipation)

CD 320 Fine-flour bread cannot impart to the system the nourishment that you will find in the
unbolted-wheat bread. The common use of bolted-wheat bread cannot keep the system in a
healthy condition…For use in bread making, the superfine white flour is not the best. Its use is
neither healthful nor economical. Fine-flour bread is lacking in nutritive elements to be found in
bread made from the whole wheat. It is a frequent cause of constipation and other unhealthful

CD 315 Some do not feel it is a religious duty to prepare food properly; hence they do not try to learn
how. They let the bread sour before baking, and the saleratus added to remedy the cook's
carelessness makes it totally unfit for the human stomach. It requires thought and care to make good
bread. But there is more religion in a good loaf of bread than many think.

(Yeast alive after baking, wait two to three days. Yeast eats away B-12 in your intestine.) Bread
should be light and sweet. Not the least taint of sourness should be tolerated. The loaves
should be small, and so thoroughly baked that, as far as possible, the yeast germs shall be

CD 317 Zwieback = Bread two times baked. Should be two or three days old. Bread which
is two or three days old is more healthful than new bread. Bread dried in the oven is
one of the most wholesome articles of diet.

Staff of Life: Basic food (Bread) considered the basic food (Webster's Dictionary)

CD 315 – thoroughly baked, dry and light

CD 318:2 – heavy, sour bread killed two swines 53
CD 316 It is a religious duty for every Christian girl and woman to learn at once to
make good, sweet, light bread from unbolted wheat flour. Mothers should take their
daughters into the kitchen with them when very young, and teach them the art of cooking.

Characteristics of Good Bread

1. Sweet / Light
a. “An instance was related to me of a hired girl who made a batch of sour, heavy
bread. In order to get rid of it and conceal the matter, she threw it to a couple of
very large hogs. Next morning the man of the house found his swine dead, and
upon examining the trough, found pieces of this heavy bread. He made inquiries,
and the girl acknowledged what she had done. She had not a thought of the effect of
such bread upon the swine. If heavy, sour bread will kill swine, which can devour
rattlesnakes, and almost every detestable thing, what effect will it have upon
that tender organ, the human stomach?” {CD 318.2}
2. Prepared with unrefined flour
a. “Fine-flour bread cannot impart to the system the nourishment that you will find in
the unbolted-wheat bread. The common use of bolted-wheat bread cannot keep the
system in a healthy condition. You both have inactive livers. The use of fine flour
aggravates the difficulties under which you are laboring.” {CD 320.2}
b. “For use in breadmaking, the superfine white flour is not the best. Its use is neither
healthful nor economical. Fine-flour bread is lacking in nutritive elements to be
found in bread made from the whole wheat. It is a frequent cause of
constipation and other unhealthful conditions.”
3. No Baking powder or baking soda
a. “The use of soda or baking powder in breadmaking is harmful and unnecessary.
Soda causes inflammation of the stomach and often poisons the entire system.
Many housewives think that they cannot make good bread without soda, but this is
an error. If they would take the trouble to learn better methods, their bread would
be more wholesome, and, to a natural taste, it would be more palatable.” {CD 316}
b. Sodium bi-carbonate (Acid, base, filler) - aluminium
4. Prepared with water – not milk
a. “In the making of raised or yeast bread, milk should not be used in the place of
water. The use of milk is an additional expense, and it makes the bread much less
wholesome. Milk bread does not keep sweet so long after baking as does that made
with water, and it ferments more readily in the stomach.” {CD 316.3}
5. Small loaves for thorough baking
a. Yeast germ destroyed. “Bread should be light and sweet. Not the least taint of
sourness should be tolerated. The loaves should be small, and so thoroughly baked
that, as far as possible, the yeast germs shall be destroyed. When hot, or new, raised
bread of any kind is difficult of digestion. It should never appear on the table. This
rule does not, however, apply to unleavened bread. Fresh rolls made of wheaten
meal, without yeast or leaven, and baked in a well-heated oven, are both wholesome
and palatable. . . .” {CD 316}
6. Two to three days old

 Sweet & Light (CD 316)
o Sour, heavy bread injures the stomach
 Prepared with unrefined flour (CD 316)
o Refined flour lacks nutritive elements (CD 320)
o Refined flour is a frequent cause of constipation (no fiber)
 Made without baking powder or baking soda (CD 316) 54
o Soda inflames the stomach
o soda poisons the entire system
 Prepared with water – not milk (CD 316)
o Milk bread ferments more readily in the stomach
 Small loaves for thorough baking (CD 316)
 Two or three days old
o Active yeast robs B12 in the small intestines

Saleratus – (aerated salt) a leavening agent consisting of potassium or sodium bicarbonate

The use of baking soda is harmful (CD 342:565)
It eats the coating of the stomach, which causes ulcers (CD 343)
It causes inflammation
Poisons the entire system

Baking Soda or Baking Powder

 Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate
 baking powder is:
o an acid (cream of tartar)
o a base (baking soda or sodium bicarbonate)
o a filler (cornstarch)
o aluminum was added in 1885

Those who suffer from indigestion you can give green ripe olives at each meal. Pickled Olives are
pickles full of vinegar. Black olives are higher in fat than the (these have good nutrients). Green ripe
olives found packed only in water and salt. These are the best. You can soak in water throw water
out, and have less salt

CD 349 Olives may be so prepared as to be eaten with good results at every meal. The advantages
sought by the use of butter may be obtained by the eating of properly prepared olives. The oil in the
olives relieves constipation, and for consumptives, and for those who have inflamed, irritated
stomachs, it is better than any drug. As a food it is better than any oil coming secondhand from

CD 350 When properly prepared, olives, like nuts, supply the place of butter and flesh meats. The oil,
as eaten in the olive, is far preferable to animal oil or fat. It serves as a laxative. Its use will be found
beneficial to consumptives, and it is healing to an inflamed, irritated stomach.

Olives provide protein and fat you need. Olives, and nuts take the place of butter and flesh meats.
Bulk of Fat in nuts is mono and poly saturated fats. To get essential oils you need you can use olives
and nuts.

Functions of Fat
1. Needed for the production of cell membranes
2. A source of energy
3. Provides insulation
a. Thermal
b. Electrical
c. Mechanical 55
4. Carries fat soluble vitamins A D E K
5. Improves our appearance
6. Essential for healthy skin (eczema, psoriasis, etc)
7. Prolongs the stomach emptying time
8. Contributes to the taste of our food

CD 354 We do not think fried potatoes are healthful, for there is more or less grease or butter used
in preparing them. Good baked or boiled potatoes, served with cream and a sprinkling of salt,
are the most healthful. The remnants of Irish and sweet potatoes are prepared with a little cream
and salt and rebaked, and not fried; they are excellent.

CD 354 Food should be prepared with simplicity, yet with a nicety which will invite the appetite. You
should keep grease out of your food. It defiles any preparation of food you may make.

Greases is saturated fat

CD 353-354 Prepare food without the use of lard, butter, and flesh meat.

 Saturated fats elevates LDL

 Elevated cholesterol promotes arteriosclerosis
 Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) elevates the peripheral resistance leads to HBP
 HBP increases the risk of CHD, stroke, kidney failure, and NIDDM (diabetes type 2).

Low Fat
helps to prevent cardio vascular diseases, and coronary heart disease. Most heart diseases are from
high fat content. Saturated fat is main culprit in heart disease, than cholesterol. Saturated fat
promotes cholesterol in the diet. Helps control weight. Lowers the risk of cancer, fat is a cancer
promoter. Helps prevent cardio vascular disease. Fat suppress immune system.

Science Facts
Fat is necessary

 A source of energy. (1 gm = 9 calories)

o Carbohydrates & Proteins 1 gm = 4 calories
 Provides insulation (our body has Adipose cells, these make adipose tissue, this tissue is all
over the body under our skin, providing insulation, doesn't let heat go out easy or let cold
come in easy)
o Thermal (Keeps cold out, myelin sheet is fat)
o Electrical (Every nerve is insulated – Myelin sheath.)
o mechanical (Each organ is insulated for protection. Liver, etc)
 Carries fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K.
 Improves our appearance. (no fat = skin and bones; adipose tissue supports the skin.)
 Essential for health skin (eczema, psoriasis, etc)
 Prolongs the stomach emptying time
 Contributes to the taste of our food.

 Avocados = 88% Fat
 Olives = 95% Fat 56
 Nuts = 70 – 90% Fat Coconut has much more saturated fat, when you ingest coconut oil
with animal food in the diet, than it raises the cholesterol level
 Oils = 100% Fat

CD 353

Prepare food without lard, butter and flesh meat. They are very high sources of saturated fat and
cholesterol. Saturated fats do one thing elevate cholesterol level elevated cholesterol promotes
arteriosclerosis (hardening of the artery). If the artery is hardened it will not dilate. Pressure builds
up, than you have peripheral resistance is high, and you have high blood pressure. High blood
pressure increases the risk of stroke, diabetes, heart attack; (arteriosclerosis, hardening of the
artery) kidney failure.

CD 22 It is impossible for those who indulge the appetite to attain to Christian perfection.


CD 23 Let it ever be kept before the mind that the great object of hygienic reform is to secure the
highest possible development of mind and soul and body. All the laws of nature--which are the laws
of God--are designed for our good. Obedience to them will promote our happiness in this life, and will
aid us in a preparation for the life to come.

If you follow health reform you will have a clear mind to discern. You will have healthier body. We
follow health reform to

CD 15 Only one lease of life is granted us; and the inquiry with every one should be, "How can I
invest my powers so that they may yield the greatest profit? How can I do most for the glory of God
and the benefit of my fellow men?" For life is valuable only as it is used for the attainment of these

Trans Fatty Acids

Trans fatty acids consist of two hydrogen atoms on opposite sides of the double bond. This
configuration is termed trans. In nature double bonds occur in this formation, which result from
bacterial fermentation found in animals. Humans consume this bacteria in the form of meat and
dairy products. These trans bonds are also formed during the hydrogenation of vegetable oils.

Clinical data shows that trans fatty acids also known as hydrogenated fat cause higher cholesterol
levels. Studies show that when trans fatty acids at a high level is substituted for natural oils the
result is higher levels of (LDL) and a lower level of (HDL), this results in an unbalanced cholesterol
levels between the two. Studies further show that there is a risk of cardiovascular disease with high
levels of LDL.

Clinical studies also show that consumption of transfatty acids or hydrogenated fat result in higher
blood cholesterol levels than cisfatty acids which are natural oils, and they suggest based off the
data that it is better to recommend natural occurring unhydrogenated oil to be used when possible.


Is butter better than margarine? <images/nutrition.gif> 57
Recent studies on the potential cholesterol-raising effects of trans fatty acids have raised public
concern about the use of margarine and whether other options, including butter, might be a better
choice. Some stick margarines contribute more trans fatty acids than unhydrogenated oils or other
fats. </images/97.GIF>

AHA Recommendation

Because butter is rich in both saturated fat and cholesterol , it's potentially a highly atherogenic
food (a food that causes the arteries to be blocked). Most margarine is made from vegetable fat and
provides no dietary cholesterol. The more liquid the margarine, i.e., tub or liquid forms, the less
hydrogenated it is and the less trans fatty acids it contains. On the basis of current data, the
American Heart Association recommends that consumers follow these tips:
Use naturally occurring, unhydrogenated oil such as canola or olive oil when possible.
Look for processed foods made with unhydrogenated oil rather than hydrogenated or saturated fat.
Use margarine as a substitute for butter, and choose soft margarines (liquid or tub varieties) over
harder, stick forms. Shop for margarine with no more than 2 grams of saturated fat per tablespoon
and with liquid vegetable oil as the first ingredient.
French fries, donuts, cookies and crackers are examples of foods that are high in trans fatty acids.

The American Heart Association's Nutrition Committee strongly advises that healthy Americans
over age 2 limit their intake of saturated fat to 7-10 percent of total calories and their total fat
intake to no more than 30 percent of total calories. If people limit their daily intake of fats and oils
to about 5-8 teaspoons, they aren't likely to get an excess of trans fatty acids.

What are fatty acids?

Fats and oils are mixtures of fatty acids. Each fat or oil is designated "saturated," "monounsat-
urated" or "polyunsaturated," depending on what type of fatty acids predominates in that one.

Saturated fatty acids have all the hydrogen the carbon atoms can hold. Saturated fats are usually
solid at room temperature, and they're more stable - that is, they don't combine readily with
oxygen. Saturated fatty acids raise blood cholesterol. And the risk of coronary heart disease rises as
blood cholesterol levels increase.

Unsaturated fatty acids have at least one unsaturated bond - that is, at least one place that hydrogen
can be added to the molecule. There are two common types.

Monounsaturated fatty acids have only one unsaturated bond. Monounsaturated oils are liquid at
room temperature but start to solidify at refrigerator temperatures. For example, salad dressing
containing olive oil turns cloudy in the refrigerator but is clear when left out for a little while.
Monounsaturated fatty acids seem to lower blood cholesterol.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids have more than one unsaturated bond. And polyunsaturated oils, which
contain mostly polyunsaturated fatty acids, are liquid at room temperature and in the refrigerator.
They easily combine with oxygen in the air to become rancid. Polyunsaturated fatty acids help to
lower total blood cholesterol.

In addition, dietary cholesterol found in animal fats also has a blood cholesterol-raising effect. A
food rich in both saturated fat and cholesterol can cause problems for people trying to lower blood

What are trans fatty acids and where do they come from? 58
A fatty acid molecule consists of a chain of carbon atoms in carbon-carbon double bonds with
hydrogen atoms "attached." In nature most unsaturated fatty acids are cis fatty acids, meaning the
hydrogen atoms are on the same side of the double carbon bond. In trans fatty acids the two
hydrogen atoms are on opposite sides of the double bond.

Trans double bonds also occur in nature as the result of fermentation in grazing animals. People eat
them in the form of meat and dairy products. Trans double bonds are also formed during the
hydrogenation of either vegetable or fish oils.

How does hydrogenation create trans fatty acids?

To make foods that will stay fresh on the shelf or to get a solid fat product, such as margarine, food
manufacturers hydrogenate polyunsaturated oils. Hydrogenate means to add hydrogen. When
unsaturated fatty acids are hydrogenated, some of the hydrogen atoms are added on opposite sides
of the molecule to the already attached hydrogen. Cis double bonds convert to trans double bonds,
and the fatty acids become saturated.

How are trans fatty acids harmful?

In clinical studies, trans fatty acids or hydrogenated fats tend to raise total blood cholesterol levels
but not as much as more saturated fatty acids. Trans fatty acids also tend to raise LDL ("bad")
cholesterol and lower HDL ("good") cholesterol when used instead of cis fatty acids or natural oils.
These changes may increase the risk of heart disease. It's not clear if trans fats that occur naturally
have the same effect on cholesterol and heart disease as those produced by hydrogenation of
vegetable oils.

Because there are no standard methods, it's difficult to estimate the trans fatty acid content of food
items. It's also difficult to estimate intake, especially long-term intake.

What Are Trans Fatty Acids and Where Do They Come From?

Trans fatty acids contain at least one double bond in the trans configuration. The carbon/carbon
double bonds of fatty acids can exist in either the cis or transconfiguration. When the two hydrogen
atoms are on opposite sides of the double bond, the configuration is termed trans; when the two
hydrogen atoms are on the same side of the double bond, the configuration is termed cis. Lack of
rotational mobility precludes interconversion of configurations under normal circumstances. The
bond angle is larger for a trans than a cisdouble bond. Therefore, the presence of a trans, relative to
a cis, double bond results in acyl chains that can pack together more tightly.

Trans double bonds occur in nature as such. They are the result of anaerobic bacterial fermentation
in ruminant animals and are thereby introduced into the food chain.3 Humans consume them in the
form of meat and dairy products. Trans double bonds are also formed during the hydrogenation of
either vegetable or fish oils. Oils are hydrogenated to increase their plasticity and chemical stability,
hence their potential use in food products. It is important to note that hydrogenation results in a
number of changes in the acyl chain of the fatty acid moiety, all of which can impact physiological
parameters: conversion of cis to trans double bonds, saturation of double bonds, and migration of
double bonds along the acyl chain resulting in multiple positional isomers.
What Is the Current Intake of Trans Fatty Acids in the United States? 59
Although numbers for the intake of trans fatty acids in the United States exist, they are only
estimates. The lack of a complete database for trans fatty acid levels in foods has significantly
impeded efforts to assess current intakes accurately and reliably. In addition, without such data it is
difficult to evaluate the magnitude of the impact of trans fatty acid or hydrogenated fat intake on
plasma lipid levels or other parameters. Estimates of intake are based on availability or
disappearance data (that which disappears from available supplies), food-questionnaire data, and
analysis of self-selected diets.4 All have inherent limitations in estimating food intake independent
of the availability of reliable data on the trans fatty acid content of foods and are beyond the scope
of this statement. Reported intakes range from 2.6 g/d to 12.8 g/d.4-6 High-range estimates are
drawn from availability or disappearance data, low-range estimates from analysis of self-selected
diets. Variability of food intake patterns among population subgroups further confounds putting a
precise number on trans fatty acid intakes.

Animal Fat
Saturated Fats
A fatty acid is saturated with all carbon atoms

Mono saturated Fats

It has one point of unsaturation. It is satisfied with double bond.

Poly unsaturated Fats

4 points of saturation missing.

Linoleic acid are in the poly unsaturated fats, they are the nutrients that need to be supplied.

LDL goes from liver to blood

HDL goes from blood to liver to be excreted in the bile

Hydrogenating is the process of adding hydrogen's to poly and mono saturated fats to raise sells.
This changes their state at Room temperature. These are trans fatty acids, which behave in the body
the same as saturated fats, elevate cholesterol, promote cancer etc. when you see in label partially
hydrogenated oil, they are more solid.

Against Saturated Fat

Makes cell membrane less fluid, cell membrane allows nutrients to go through. They hinder the
transportation of gases and nutrients through the cell membrane. Decrease the production of
prostacyclin (this inhibits blood clot formation, so if you have less prostacyclin, you will have more
blood clotting) so if you have a high intake of saturated fats, you will have an undesirable blood

The body needs cholesterol, but the liver produces it's own cholesterol, we don't need to supply the
body with it. Sat Fat Cvd – animal. Oxidized cholesterol is in animal products. This cholesterol kills
the smooth cells, and this accumulates the deposits of plaque, which lead to blockages in the artery.
Once you have blockages you have minor heart attacks and heart problems, when you have
complete blockage you have heart attack, cardiac arrest. Both are caused by Sat fat, and cholesterol.

 Three main nutrients that give you energy

o In one gram of fat you have 9K calories 60
o In one gram of carbohydrates(mostly in plant foods) you have 4K calories.
o In one gram of protein has 4K.

Benefits of Cholesterol
 So in weight control programs you want to have carbohydrates and some protein.
Cholesterol is a lipid. But you do need
 Helps prevent cardio vascular disease
 Fat is a cancer promoter
 Lowers the risk of cancer, because fat is a cancer promoter.
o Fat suppresses the immune system.
 Plant foods (2 types of fat):
 Monounsaturated
 Polyunsaturated
o 2 Essential
 inolenic – omega three family
 inoleic – omega six family
 Found in flax seeds
 walnuts
 soy beans
 greens
 bananas
 Plant Sterol
o Bind to bile acid (cholesterol); cholesterol level is lowered because it binds with
cholesterol and takes it out of the body.

Health Disease Prevention

Studies clearly indicate that a raised level of cholesterol in the blood is a factor for heart disease, as
high blood pressure is a risk for strokes. Over 6 million dollars went into treating these diseases as
of 1992.

Cholesterol is only found in meat products. Such as meat, seafood, eggs, and dairy products. But in
contrast there is no cholesterol in plant foods. A variety of studies have shown that vegans have a
lower cholesterol and LDL levels then meat eaters. Vegans also have a lower cholesterol level than
lacto-ovo-vegetarians. Although there levels of cholesterol are lower too, studies show that the
vegan diet is superior to both. This evidence came as a result of studies between Seventh Day
Adventist (lacto-ovovegetarians) and the Mormons (clean meat eaters)

Once again studies show that a vegan diet is supreme, even after a short time. One study showed
that normal people who were on a low fat vegan diet, after only 3 weeks, reduced their total
cholesterol 12.5% and their LDL 14.7%. In a heart disease prevention manual a nutritionist and
pharmacist wrote this "So impressive are the health benefits of vegetarian diets, that some
researchers feel that a vegetarian diet may be the best diet for treating coronary artery disease,
angina and high blood fats".

Many studies have been done to compare the diet Seventh Day Adventist with Mormons, and the
world. In a range for the young adults to the Elderly.

I think the best way to sum up this article is with the words of the writer 61
"The evidence is clear: people who are serious about lowering their cholesterol levels, improving
their cardiovascular health, and reducing their risk of heart attack, should turn to a low fat
vegetarian, and especially vegan diet, getting their protein from plant sources, especially soy. "

Internet Site:


(Coating of stomach) Mucosa; if the spice destroys the wall of the stomach; it inflames first then
makes ulcers

CD 341 Spices at first irritate the tender coating of the stomach, but finally destroy the natural
sensitiveness of this delicate membrane. The blood becomes fevered, the animal propensities are
aroused, while the moral and intellectual powers are weakened, and become servants to the baser
passions. The mother should study to set a simple yet nutritious diet before her family….Persons who
have indulged their appetite to eat freely of meat, highly seasoned gravies, and various kinds of rich
cakes and preserves, cannot immediately relish a plain, wholesome, nutritious diet. Their taste is so
perverted they have not appetite for a wholesome diet of fruits, plain bread, and vegetables. They
need not expect to relish at first food so different from that in which they have been indulging.

CD 233 Many mothers who deplore the intemperance which exists everywhere, do not look deep
enough to see the cause. They are daily preparing a variety of dishes and highly seasoned food, which
tempt the appetite and encourage overeating.

CD 345 The blood-making organs cannot convert spices, mince pies, pickles, and
diseased flesh meats into good blood.

Effects of Spices
1. Irritate and inflame the stomach (CD 340)
2. Excite the nerves. (Ibid.)
3. Create an insatiable thirst. (Ibid)
4. Craving for stronger stimulants.(Ibid)
5. Animal propensities are aroused (anger, passions, etc.) CD 341
6. Moral and intellectual powers are weakened. (Ibid)
7. Encourage overeating. (CD 233)
8. Spiced food cannot be converted into good blood. (CD 345)

Effects of Spices

CD 58 Our habits of eating and drinking show whether we are of the world or among the number
whom the Lord by His mighty cleaver of truth has separated from the world.

CD 339 I do not patronize restaurants, dining car, or hotels, for the simple reason that I cannot eat
the food there provided. The dishes are highly seasoned with salt and pepper, creating an almost
intolerable thirst. . . . They would irritate and inflame the delicate coating of the stomach. . . .
Such is the food that is commonly served upon fashionable tables, and given to the children. Its effect
is to cause nervousness and to create thirst which water does not quench....Food should be 62
prepared in as simple a manner as possible, free from condiments and spices, and even from an
undue amount of salt.

CD 340 Luxurious dishes are placed before the children,-- spiced foods, rich gravies, cakes, and
pastries. This highly seasoned food irritates the stomach, and causes a craving for still stronger

CD 341 Spices at first irritate the tender coating of the stomach, but finally destroy the natural
sensitiveness of this delicate membrane. The blood becomes fevered, the animal propensities are
aroused, while the moral and intellectual powers are weakened, and become servants to the
baser passions. The mother should study to set a simple yet nutritious diet before her family. Persons
who have indulged their appetite to eat freely of meat, highly seasoned gravies, and various kinds of
rich cakes and preserves, cannot immediately relish a plain, wholesome, nutritious diet. Their taste
is so perverted they have not appetite for a wholesome diet of fruits, plain bread, and vegetables.
They need not expect to relish at first food so different from that in which they have been indulging.

 Overeating

CD 345 The blood-making organs cannot convert spices, mince pies, pickles, and diseased flesh
meats into good blood.


CD 345 The salads are prepared with oil and vinegar, fermentation takes place in the stomach, and
the food does not digest, but decays or putrefies; as a consequence, the blood is not nourished,
but becomes filled with impurities, and liver and kidney difficulties appear.

Fermentation takes place. Blood not nourished, filled with impurities. Vinegar deadens the sense of
pain, it was one of the ingredients of the potion. It beclouds the mind.

CD 345 The blood-making organs cannot convert spices, mince pies, pickles, and diseased flesh
meats into good blood.

DA 746 In another prophecy the Saviour declared, "Reproach hath broken My heart; and I am full of
heaviness: and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found
none. They gave Me also gall for My meat; and in My thirst they gave Me vinegar to drink." Psalm
69:20, 21. To those who suffered death by the cross, it was permitted to give a stupefying potion, to
deaden the sense of pain. This was offered to Jesus; but when He had tasted it, He refused it. He
would receive nothing that could becloud His mind. His faith must keep fast hold upon God. This
was His only strength. To becloud His senses would give Satan an advantage.


CD 350 Butter should not be placed on the table; for if it is, some will use it too freely, and it will
obstruct digestion.

It obstructs digestion. In stomach during digestion the chyme releases portions into the duodenum,
where fat is digested. If there is to much fat in that portion the rest of the chyme is left. People who
eat a lot of cheese, meat, ice cream, it causes the chyme to stay there at least 7 hours.

Lard and grease 63
CD 353 Many do not feel that this is a matter of duty, hence they do not try to prepare food properly.
This can be done in a simple, healthful, and easy manner, without the use of lard, butter, or flesh

Lard, butter, meat are high in saturated fats. If you have large amounts of Saturated fat, it will be an
increase in the cholesterol level. In the artery the cholesterol level artery to brain clogged it's a
stoke, if it's in the artery that goes to the muscles of the heart, its an heart attack.

Athrosclerosis = is accumulation of plague in the vessel.

Blockage in artery to kidney, the nefroms which cause elimination to excrete will be blocked and
cause kidney failure.

Diabetes Type I =

Animal Products

Flesh foods

CD 380 Vegetables, fruits, and grains should compose our diet. Not an ounce of flesh meat should
enter our stomachs. The eating of flesh is unnatural. We are to return to God's original purpose in the
creation of man.

CD 381 Work for Sanctification: Those who have received instruction regarding the evils of the use
of flesh foods, tea, and coffee, and rich and unhealthful food preparations, and who are determined to
make a covenant with God by sacrifice, will not continue to indulge their appetite for food that they
know to be unhealthful. God demands that the appetite be cleansed, and that self-denial be practiced
in regard to those things which are not good. This is a work that will have to be done before His
people can stand before Him a perfected people.

CD 382 Develop Lower Propensities: Those who indulge in meat eating, tea drinking, and gluttony are
sowing seeds for a harvest of pain and death. The unhealthful food placed in the stomach
strengthens the appetites that war against the soul, developing the lower propensities. A diet
of flesh meat tends to develop animalism. A development of animalism (anger, passions, etc.) lessens
spirituality, rendering the mind incapable of understanding truth.

CD 397 Irritate nerves, lower propensities: Flesh food also is harmful. Its naturally stimulating effect
should be a sufficient argument against its use; and the almost universally diseased condition of
animals makes it doubly objectionable. It tends to irritate the nerves and to excite the passions, thus
giving the balance of power to the lower propensities.

Effects of discontinuing: When the use of flesh food is discontinued, there is often a sense of
weakness, a lack of vigor. Many urge this as evidence that flesh food is essential; but it is because
foods of this class are stimulating, because they fever the blood and excite the nerves, that they are
so missed. Some will find it as difficult to leave off flesh eating as it is for the drunkard to give up his
dram; but they will be the better for the change.

Animals have an adrenaline rush because of being slaughtered. This gets into our system and
stimulates passions

Why God allowed Flesh 64
CD 374 The diet appointed man in the beginning did not include animal food. Not till after the flood,
when every green thing on the earth had been destroyed, did man receive permission to eat flesh.
{CD 374.1}

CD 374 After the flood the people ate largely of animal food. God saw that the ways of man were
corrupt, and that he was disposed to exalt himself proudly against his Creator and to follow the
inclinations of his own heart. And He permitted that long-lived race to eat animal food to shorten
their sinful lives.
In choosing man's food in Eden, the Lord showed what was the best diet; in the choice made for
Israel, He taught the same lesson. He brought the Israelites out of Egypt, and undertook their
training, that they might be a people for His own possession. Through them He desired to bless and
teach the world. He provided them with the food best adapted for this purpose, not flesh, but manna,
"the bread of heaven." It was only because of their discontent and their murmurings for the fleshpots
of Egypt that animal food was granted them, and this only for a short time. Its use brought disease
and death to thousands. Yet the restriction to a nonflesh diet was never heartily accepted. It
continued to be the cause of discontent and murmuring, open or secret, and it was not made
1. Shortened Life
2. Freedom of Choice
3. Spiritual Growth

CD 380 Among those who are waiting for the coming of the Lord, meat eating will eventually be
done away; flesh will cease to form a part of their diet. We should ever keep this end in view, and
endeavor to work steadily toward it.

CD 382 (655) Greater reforms should be seen among the people who claim to be looking for the soon
appearing of Christ. Health reform is to do among our people a work which it has not yet done. There
are those who ought to be awake to the danger of meat eating, who are still eating the flesh of
animals, thus endangering the physical, mental, and spiritual health. Many who are now only half
converted on the question of meat eating will go from God's people to walk no more with

We should educate our people, not attack them, if we do they will turn away or rebel. We must live
it and be an example before we teach it. We must commune with God and get the HS because He is
the one who plants the truth in the heart.

CD 375 – Satan's experiment with eve, he still uses.

CD 375 God continued to feed the Hebrew host with the bread rained from heaven; but they were
not satisfied. Their depraved appetites craved meat, which God in His wisdom had withheld, in a
great measure, from them. . . . Satan, the author of disease and misery, will approach God's people
where he can have the greatest success. He has controlled the appetite in a great measure from the
time of his successful experiment with Eve, in leading her to eat the forbidden fruit. He came with his
temptations first to the mixed multitude, the believing Egyptians, and stirred them up to seditious
murmurings. They would not be content with the healthful food which God had provided for them.
Their depraved appetites craved a greater variety, especially flesh meats.

This murmuring soon infected nearly the whole body of the people.

Use of Meat
Memory Text 65
CD 399 Let not any of our ministers set an evil example in the eating of flesh meat. Let them
and their families live up to the light of health reform. Let not our ministers animalize their
own nature and the nature of their children.

CD 374 The diet appointed man in the beginning did not include animal food. Not till after the
flood, when every green thing on the earth had been destroyed, did man receive permission to eat

CD 373 The inhabitants of the Old World were intemperate in eating and drinking. They would
have flesh meats, although God had given them no permission to eat animal food. They ate and drank
to excess, and their depraved appetites knew no bounds. They gave themselves up to abominable
idolatry. They became violent and ferocious, and so corrupt that God could bear with them no
longer. Their cup of iniquity was full, and God cleansed the earth of its moral pollution by a flood. As
men multiplied upon the face of the earth after the flood, they forgot God, and corrupted their ways
before Him. Intemperance in every form increased to a great extent.

CD 374 In choosing man's food in Eden, the Lord showed what was the best diet; in the choice made
for Israel, He taught the same lesson. He brought the Israelites out of Egypt, and undertook their
training, that they might be a people for His own possession. Through them He desired to bless
and teach the world. He provided them with the food best adapted for this purpose, not flesh, but
manna, "the bread of heaven." It was only because of their discontent and their murmurings for
the fleshpots of Egypt that animal food was granted them, and this only for a short time. Its use
brought disease and death to thousands. Yet the restriction to a nonflesh diet was never heartily
accepted. It continued to be the cause of discontent and murmuring, open or secret, and it was not
made permanent.

CD 374 Upon their settlement in Canaan, the Israelites were permitted the use of animal food, but
under careful restrictions, which tended to lessen the evil results. The use of swine's flesh was
prohibited, as also of other animals and of birds and fish whose flesh was pronounced unclean. Of
the meats permitted, the eating of the fat and the blood was strictly forbidden.

CD 375 By departing from the plan divinely appointed for their diet, the Israelites suffered great loss.
They desired a flesh diet, and they reaped its results. They did not reach God's ideal of character
or fulfill His purpose. The Lord "gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul." They
valued the earthly above the spiritual, and the sacred preeminence which was His purpose for them
they did not attain.

CD 375 The Lord plainly told His people that every blessing would come to them if they would keep
His commandments, and be a peculiar people. He warned them through Moses in the wilderness,
specifying that health would be the reward of obedience. The state of the mind has largely to do
with the health of the body, and especially with the health of the digestive organs. As a general
thing, the Lord did not provide His people with flesh meat in the desert, because He knew that the
use of this diet would create disease and insubordination. In order to modify the disposition, and
bring the higher powers of the mind into active exercise, He removed from them the flesh of dead
animals. He gave them angels' food, manna from heaven.

CD 380 Again and again I have been shown that God is trying to lead us back, step by step, to His
original design,-- that man should subsist upon the natural products of the earth.

CD 380 Vegetables, fruits, and grains should compose our diet. Not an ounce of flesh meat should
enter our stomachs. The eating of flesh is unnatural. We are to return to God's original purpose in
the creation of man.

CD 380 Among those who are waiting for the coming of the Lord, meat eating will eventually
be done away; flesh will cease to form a part of their diet. We should ever keep this end in view,
and endeavor to work steadily toward it. I cannot think that in the practice of flesh eating we are in
harmony with the light which God has been pleased to give us. All who are connected with our health 66
institutions especially should be educating themselves to subsist on fruits, grains, and vegetables. If
we move from principle in these things, if we as Christian reformers educate our own taste, and bring
our diet to God's plan, then we may exert an influence upon others in this matter, which will be
pleasing to God.

CD 381 Those who have received instruction regarding the evils of the use of flesh foods, tea, and
coffee, and rich and unhealthful food preparations, and who are determined to make a covenant with
God by sacrifice, will not continue to indulge their appetite for food that they know to be unhealthful.
God demands that the appetite be cleansed, and that self-denial be practiced in regard to
those things which are not good. This is a work that will have to be done before His people can
stand before Him a perfected people.

CD 404 We do not mark out any precise line to be followed in diet; but we do say that in countries
where there are fruits, grains, and nuts in abundance, flesh food is not the right food for God's
people. I have been instructed that flesh food has a tendency to animalize the nature, to rob men
and women of that love and sympathy which they should feel for every one, and to give the lower
passions control over the higher powers of the being. If meat eating were ever healthful, it is not
safe now. Cancers, tumors, and pulmonary diseases are largely caused by meat eating.

CD 404 We are not to make the use of flesh food a test of fellowship, but we should consider the
influence that professed believers who use flesh foods have over others. As God's messengers, shall
we not say to the people, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the
glory of God'? 1 Cor. 10:31. Shall we not bear a decided testimony against the indulgence of
perverted appetite? Will any who are ministers of the gospel, proclaiming the most solemn truth
ever given to mortals, set an example in returning to the fleshpots of Egypt? Will those who are
supported by the tithe from God's storehouse permit themselves by self-indulgence to poison the
life-giving current flowing through their veins? Will they disregard the light and warnings that God
has given them? The health of the body is to be regarded as essential for growth in grace and the
acquirement of an even temper. If the stomach is not properly cared for, the formation of an
upright, moral character will be hindered. The brain and nerves are in sympathy with the
stomach. Erroneous eating and drinking result in erroneous thinking and acting.

CD 401 While we do not make the use of flesh meat a test, while we do not want to force any one to
give up its use, yet it is our duty to request that no minister of the conference shall make light of
or oppose the message of reform on this point. If, in the face of the light God has given concerning
the effect of meat eating on the system, you will still continue to eat meat, you must bear the
consequences. But do not take a position before the people that will permit them to think that it is
not necessary to call for a reform in regard to meat eating; because the Lord is calling for a reform.
The Lord has given us the work of proclaiming the message of health reform, and if you cannot step
forward in the ranks of those who are giving this message you are not to make this prominent.
In counterworking the efforts of your fellow laborers, who are teaching health reform, you are out of
order, working on the wrong side.

CD 402 Why, then, do men continue to choose flesh meats? Can we possibly have confidence in
ministers who at tables where flesh is served join with others in eating it? . . .
"Ye shall diligently keep the commandments of the Lord your God." Every one who transgresses
the laws of health will surely be visited with God's displeasure. Oh, how much of the Holy Spirit we
might have day by day, if we would walk circumspectly, denying self, and practicing the virtues of
Christ's character.

2T 645 The people will seldom rise higher than their minister.

CD 402 Let our ministers and canvassers step under the banners of strict temperance. Never be
ashamed to say, "No, thank you; I do not eat meat. I have conscientious scruples against eating the
flesh of dead animals." If tea is offered, refuse it, giving your reason for so doing. Explain that it is
harmful, and though stimulating for a time, the stimulus soon wears off, and a corresponding
depression is felt. 67
CD 403 I have been instructed that the students in our schools are not to be served with flesh
foods or with food preparations that are known to be unhealthful. Nothing that will serve to
encourage a desire for stimulants should be placed on the tables. I appeal to old and young and to
middle-aged. Deny your appetite of those things that are doing you injury. Serve the Lord by

CD 389 It is impossible for those who make free use of flesh meats to have an unclouded brain and
an active intellect.

CD 389 Those who use flesh meats freely, do not always have an unclouded brain and an
active intellect, because the use of the flesh of animals tends to cause a grossness of body, and to
benumb the finer sensibilities of the mind.

CD 388 The meat diet is the serious question. Shall human beings live on the flesh of dead
animals? The answer, from the light that God has given is, No, decidedly No. Health reform
institutions should educate on this question. Physicians who claim to understand the human
organism ought not to encourage their patients to subsist on the flesh of dead animals. They should
point out the increase of disease in the animal kingdom. The testimony of examiners is that very
few animals are free from disease, and that the practice of eating largely of meat is contracting
diseases of all kinds,-- cancers, tumors, scrofula, tuberculosis, and numbers of other like affections.

CD 397 Flesh food also is harmful. Its naturally stimulating effect should be a sufficient argument
against its use; and the almost universally diseased condition of animals makes it doubly
objectionable. It tends to irritate the nerves and to excite the passions, thus giving the balance of
power to the lower propensities.

CD 453 Why do some of our ministering brethren manifest so little interest in health reform? It is
because instruction on temperance in all things is opposed to their practice of self-
indulgence.” In some places this has been the great stumbling block in the way of our bringing the
people to investigate and practice and teach health reform. No man should be set apart as a
teacher of the people while his own teaching or example contradicts the testimony God has
given His servants to bear in regard to diet, for this will bring confusion. His disregard of health
reform unfits him to stand as the Lord's messenger.

Results of eating meat

1. Higher powers are controlled by the lower passions.
2. Diseases are the coursed by meat eating.
3. Erroneous eating and drinking results in erroneous thinking and acting.

Arachidonic Acid – Omega 6

 Is abundant in meat
 Interferes with the production of acethylcholine (Nero transmitter in the brain used in the
 Affects the frontal lobe

American Diet Association report

J Am Diet Assoc.
According to scientific data, the vegetarian diet reduces chronic degenerative diseases such as
obesity, coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and some types of cancer. This
diet like others needs to be planed appropriately to be nutritionally adequate.

Vegetarianism in Perspective 68
There are two types of vegetarians. One, the lacto-ovo-vegetarian eating pattern is based on grains,
vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, nuts, dairy products, and eggs, and excludes meat, fish, and fowl.
The second is vegan, or total vegetarian, which have the same diet with the exception of eggs, dairy,
and other animal products.

Vegetarians have a lower morbidity and mortality rates from several chronic degenerative diseases
than do non-vegetarians.

Health Implications of Vegetarianism

The vegetarian diet considerably helps maintain the health of many individuals as well as making
health programs successful. This diet has helped to reverse sever coronary artery disease, give
protection to other diseases because of the lower saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein
content. This diet also has a higher concentration of folate, antioxidants such as vitamins C and E,
carotenoids, and phytochemicals. This diet has also been successful in arresting coronary artery

The colon is notably cleaner in vegetarians, which make it more likely for non-vegetarians to have
colon cancer. Cross-cultural data show that breast caner is even lower with populations that
consume plant-based diets. It also lower the estrogen levels in vegetarian women.

The calcium issue is worthy of attention. It has been shown that Lacto-ovo-vegetarians have a
higher calcium intake than nonvegetarians. But the calcium intake of total vegetarians is lower than
both lacto-ovo and omnivores. But the reason is tot vegetarians have a lower calcium need than the
nonvegetarian because diets that are low in total protein and more alkaline have been show to have
a calcium sparing effect. Plus when a person's diet is lower in both proteins and sodium and
physical activity is engaged in, the person's calcium requirement is lower than sedentary people
who eat the standard Western diet. And this helps to explain variation in bone health.


CD 356 (1902) 7T 135 Milk, eggs, and butter should not be classed with flesh meat. In some cases
the use of eggs is beneficial. The time has not come to say that the use of milk and eggs should be
wholly discarded. There are poor families whose diet consists largely of bread and milk. They have
little fruit, and cannot afford to purchase the nut foods. In teaching health reform, as in all other
gospel work, we are to meet the people where they are. Until we can teach them how to prepare
health reform foods that are palatable, nourishing, and yet inexpensive, we are not at liberty to
present the most advanced propositions regarding health reform diet.

CD 356 Let the diet reform be progressive. Let the people be taught how to prepare food without
the use of milk or butter. Tell them that the time will soon come when there will be no safety in
using eggs, milk, cream, or butter, because disease in animals is increasing in proportion to
the increase of wickedness among men. The time is near when, because of the iniquity of the fallen
race, the whole animal creation will groan under the diseases that curse our earth. [PEOPLE TO BE

CD 92 1890 …Fruits, grains, and vegetables, prepared in a simple way, free from spice and
grease of all kinds, make, with milk or cream, the most healthful diet…

CD 357 1901 …the time may come when it will not be safe to use milk. But if the cows are healthy
are the milk thoroughly cooked, there is no necessity of creating a time of trouble beforehand."

Milk Contaminants
Get hand – out 69
1. Bacteria – plant-like microorganisms with no chlorophyll
2. Viruses – Minue organism depending on nutrients inside the cell (common cold, small pox,
yellow fever). Composition is DNA or RNA
3. Prions (pree-ons) (causes Mad Cow disease) – Abnormal molecules of protein found in
animal products that cause normal proteins to change structure. Prions have no genetic
material. They attack only the nervous system. The immune system does not attack them.
Cannot be destroyed by sterilization, freezing, or drying.
4. Antibiotics (penicillin, tetracycline, erythromycin) Used to prevent infections and to treat
sick cows. used to prevent infection in the animals when passed to human body it can
course the infections to become resistant.
5. Hormones – Cows and chicken are inject with hormones to increase to the production of
meat, eggs, and milk. are proteins
6. Pesticides – Found in contaminated water and food used to feed animals.
Memorize: In grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts are to be found all the food elements that we
need. {CD 313.4}

Sugar clogs the system. It hinders the working of the living machine. {CD 327.3}

Milk (See handout 10/16/01)


Homocysteine: an amino – acid produced in the human body as a by product of the amino
acid methionine.

CD 368 Cheese should never be introduced into the stomach… Butter is less harmful when eaten on
cold bread than when used in cooking; but, as a rule, it is better to dispense with it altogether.
Cheese is still more objectionable; it is wholly unfit for food.

CD 368 Many a mother sets a table that is a snare to her family. Flesh meats, butter, cheese, rich
pastry, spiced foods, and condiments are freely partaken of by both old and young. These things do
their work in (1)deranging the stomach, (2) exciting the nerves, and (3) enfeebling the intellect. (4)
The blood-making organs cannot convert such things into good blood. The grease cooked in the food
renders it difficult of digestion. The effect of cheese is deleterious. {.6}

Vegetarianism throughout the Life Cycle
Studies show that a total vegetarian diet is appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including
pregnancy. This diet properly planned will satisfy the nutrients level for infants, children, and
adolescents and promote natural growth. Although this article suggest snacks and refined foods
and foods high in fat to meet energy needs. The servant of the Lord makes it clean in CDF 179 that
"Not a particle of food should be introduced into the stomach till the next meal." Which shows that
God has given us even greater light to aid in our health. Not to mention the danger of refined foods.
It also can be stated that this diet can meet the nutrient and energy need of a pregnant woman. The
birth weights of the infants born to well nourished total vegetarian women have been show to be
similar to the birth-weight norms of the nonvegetarians. However if the food is well selected all the 70
supplements will be in the food you choose, while the servant of the Lord cautions mothers not to
eat flesh foods or anything of an exciting nature while pregnant.

CD 220 The appetite of women in this condition may be variable, fitful, and difficult to gratify; and
custom allows her to have anything she may fancy, without consulting reason as to whether such
food can supply nutrition for her body and for the growth of her child. The food should be nutritious,
but should not be of an exciting quality. Custom says that if she wants flesh meats, pickles, spiced
food, or mince pies, let her have them; appetite alone is to be consulted. This is a great mistake, and
does much harm. The harm cannot be estimated. If ever there is need of simplicity of diet and special
care as to the quality of food eaten, it is in this important period.

Progressive Diet
1890 – “ruits, grains, and vegetables, prepared in a simple way, free from spice and grease of all
kinds, make, with milk or cream, the most healthful diet.” {CD 92}

CD 92:137 Counsel in 1890 we were to have milk

1901 - “The time may come when it will not be safe to use milk. But if the cows are healthy and
the milk thoroughly cooked, there is no necessity of creating a time of trouble beforehand.”
{CD 357.3}

CD 357:608 Counsel in 1901 it may not be safe to use milk (if the cows are healthy & milk is

1902 – “Milk, eggs, and butter should not be classed with flesh meat. In some cases the use of eggs
is beneficial. The time has not come to say that the use of milk and eggs should be wholly
discarded. There are poor families whose diet consists largely of bread and milk. They have little
fruit, and cannot afford to purchase the nut foods. In teaching health reform, as in all other gospel
work, we are to meet the people where they are. Until we can teach them how to prepare health
reform foods that are palatable, nourishing, and yet inexpensive, we are not at liberty to
present the most advanced propositions regarding health reform diet.” {CD 356.1}

“Let the diet reform be progressive. Let the people be taught how to prepare food without the use of
milk or butter. Tell them that the time will soon come when there will be no safety in using eggs,
milk, cream, or butter, because disease in animals is increasing in proportion to the increase
of wickedness among men. The time is near when, because of the iniquity of the fallen race, the
whole animal creation will groan under the diseases that curse our earth.” {CD 356}

CD 356:603 Counsel in 1902 time has not yet come when eggs & milk is net able to be used.
CD 365:625 Poor countries should not be told to refrain from these uses. CD 469:807
CD 94:146 In almost every land we can have a healthful diet.

American College of Paediatrics’ – Are not recommending whole cows milks for children under the
age of 1 year old. They recommend milk formula.
1. Iron absorption is low
2. Causes intestinal bleeding
3. Causes allergies
4. Causes colic
5. Causes eczema
6. Causes nasal/bronchial congestion

Other Problems with Milk 71
1. High in cholesterol and fat (50% for the milk is Fat) which contributes to CVD
2. High in animal protein (contributes to elevated cholesterol) > Acid
3. No fiber promotes constipation
4. Its calcium is poorly absorbed
5. Lactose (simple sauger) intolerance
6. milk consumption and IDDM (Type 1 Diabetes)
7. Causes food allergies
8. Low/poor source of iron

Diseases promoted by cow milk

 Salmonella – bacteria that causes intestinal infection, diarrhea, and fever.
 Listeria – bacteria that causes meningitis.
 Yersinia – inflammation of the intestines
 Bovine leukemia – caused by a virus in raw milk
 Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome – inflammation of the colon.
 Ovarian Cancer – a nasty tumor that has been associated with milk consumption.
 Type I Diabetes – the evidence incriminating cow's milk consumption in the cause of type I
diabetes is sufficient to cause the American Academy of Pediatrics to issue these warnings,
“Early exposure to infants to cow's milk protein may be an important factor in the initiation
of the beta cell (insulin-producing cells of the pancreas) destructive process in some
individuals.” “The advancement of cow's milk protein for the first several months of life
may reduce the later development of IDDM or delay its onset in susceptible people.” Cow's
milk protein, casein, is very similar to the protein in the beta-cells. The body attacks the
beta-cells along with the casein in the process of elimination of the foreign protein.

Other problems with milk

High in saturated fat and cholesterol (CHD)
High in animal protein (risk of kidney stones, kidney failure, osteoporosis, elevated serum,
cholesterol, CHD)
No fiber (constipation, colon cancer, high cholesterol, diabetes, CHD)
Lactose intolerance (Due to decrease in lactase)
Diabetes Type I (Beta cells destruction)
Food allergies (asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, hay fever, irritable bowl syndrome)

Rich Plant Sources of Calcium

Sesame seeds
Sunflower seeds
Soy nuts
Blackstrap molasses
Legumes (Soybeans, navy beans, black eye peas, etc.)
Green leafy vegetables (collards, kale, broccoli, etc.)

Soya Cheese
Casein – by product from milk (Increases cholesterol)
Whey – by product of milk 72
“The question is asked, meaning much to all concerned, Will God set a table in the wilderness? I
think the answer may be made, Yea, God will provide food for His people. In all parts of the world
provision will be made to supply the place of milk and eggs. And the Lord will let us know when
the time comes to give up these articles. He desires all to feel that they have a gracious heavenly
Father who will instruct them in all things. The Lord will give dietetic art and skill to His people in
all parts of the world, teaching them how to use for the sustenance of life the products of the earth.”
{CD 359}

Do not live on a water diet

CD 105 I told them that the preparation of their food was wrong, and that living principally on soups
and coffee and bread was not health reform; that so much liquid taken into the stomach was not
healthful, and that all who subsisted on such a diet placed a great tax upon the kidneys, and so much
watery substance debilitated the stomach.

Exercise moderately after a meal

CD 103 My brother, your brain is benumbed. A man who disposes of the quantity of food that you do,
should be a laboring man. Exercise is important to digestion, and to a healthy condition of body and
mind. You need physical exercise. You move and act as if you were wooden, as though you had no
elasticity. Healthy, active exercise is what you need. This will invigorate the mind. Neither study nor
violent exercise should be engaged in immediately after a full meal; this would be a violation of the
laws of the system. Immediately after eating there is a strong draft upon the nervous energy. The
brain force is called into active exercise to assist the stomach; therefore, when the mind or body is
taxed heavily after eating, the process of digestion is hindered. The vitality of the system, which is
needed to carry on the work in one direction, is called away and set to work in another.

CD 104 Exercise aids the dyspeptic by giving the digestive organs a healthy tone. To engage in deep
study or violent exercise immediately after eating, hinders the digestive process; for the vitality of
the system, which is needed to carry on the work of digestion, is called away to other parts. But a
short walk after a meal, with the head erect and the shoulders back, exercising moderately, is
a great benefit. The mind is diverted from self to the beauties of nature. The less the attention is
called to the stomach, the better. If you are in constant fear that your food will hurt you, it most
assuredly will. Forget your troubles; think of something cheerful.

CD 104 The influence of pure, fresh air is to cause the blood to circulate healthfully through the
system. It refreshes the body, and tends to render it strong and healthy, while at the same time its
influence is decidedly felt upon the mind, imparting a degree of composure and serenity. It excites
the appetite, and renders the digestion of food more perfect, and induces sound and sweet sleep.

CD 103 Exercise is important to digestion, and to a healthy condition of body and mind. You
need physical exercise. You move and act as if you were wooden, as though you had no elasticity.
Healthy, active exercise is what you need. This will invigorate the mind. Neither study nor violent
exercise should be engaged in immediately after a full meal; this would be a violation of the
laws of the system. Immediately after eating there is a strong draft upon the nervous energy.
The brain force is called into active exercise to assist the stomach; therefore, when the mind
or body is taxed heavily after eating, the process of digestion is hindered. The vitality of the
system, which is needed to carry on the work in one direction, is called away and set to work
in another.

Eating in-between Meals

CD 180 I am astonished to learn that, after all the light that has been given in this place, many
of you eat between meals! You should never let a morsel pass your lips between your regular
meals. Eat what you ought, but eat it at one meal, and then wait until the next. 73
CD 180 Many turn from light and knowledge, and sacrifice principle to taste. They eat when the
system needs no food, and at irregular intervals, because they have no moral stamina to resist
inclination. As the result, the abused stomach rebels, and suffering follows. Regularity in eating is
very important for health of body and serenity of mind. Never should a morsel of food pass the lips
between meals.

CD 181 And the dyspeptic (DYSPEPSIA = INDIGESTION) ,--what has made him dyspeptic is taking
this course. Instead of observing regularity, he has let appetite control him, and has eaten between

CD 180 Regularity in eating should be carefully observed. Nothing should be eaten between meals,
no confectionery, nuts, fruits, or food of any kind. Irregularities in eating destroy the healthful tone of
the digestive organs, to the detriment of health and cheerfulness. And when the children come to the
table, they do not relish wholesome food; their appetites crave that which is hurtful for them.

Meal frequency the higher the risk of colon cance. Transit time increases with more meals (Time
from mouth to rectum). Average transit time (Healthy diet 24-35 hours). Average transit time
(American diet up to 72 hours).

CD 179 After the regular meal is eaten, the stomach should be allowed to rest for five hours. Not a
particle of food should be introduced into the stomach till the next meal. In this interval the stomach
will perform its work, and will then be in a condition to receive more food.

High fat slows down Gastric-emptying = emptying of the stomach. One of the things that increase
the transit time is high fat diet. The result of overeating increase gastric juice which can lead to
ulcers. Why overweight people feel hungry - low fiber diet, high sugar. > They have a high caloric
diet which leads to obesity (Solution is to have a unrefined high nutrient density + high complex
carbohydrates (This gives the feeling of fullness (satiety)).

What are the consequences of eating between meals. (“For as in the days that were before the flood
they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into
the ark,” Matt 24:37-38).

CD 145 Eve had everything to make her happy. She was surrounded by fruit of every variety. Yet
the fruit of the forbidden tree appeared more desirable to her than the fruit of all the other trees in
the garden of which she could freely eat. She was intemperate in her desires. She ate, and through
her influence, her husband ate also, and a curse rested upon them both. The earth also was cursed
because of their sin. And since the fall, intemperance in almost every form has existed. The
appetite has controlled reason. The human family have followed in a course of disobedience, and,
like Eve, have been beguiled by Satan to disregard the prohibitions God has made, flattering
themselves that the consequences would not be as fearful as had been apprehended. The
human family have violated the laws of health, and have run to excess in almost everything. Disease
has been steadily increasing. The cause has been followed by the effect.

Prov 26:2

Cause + effect

Gal 6:7

Sow + Reap

Ex 15:26 74
MH 230 The consistent course is to commit our desires to our all-wise heavenly Father, and then, in
perfect confidence, trust all to Him. We know that God hears us if we ask according to His will. But to
press our petitions without a submissive spirit is not right; our prayers must take the form, not of
command, but of intercession.

CD 121 The human family have brought upon themselves diseases of various forms by their own
wrong habits. They have not studied how to live healthfully, and their transgression of the laws
of their being has produced a deplorable state of things. The people have seldom accredited their
sufferings to the true cause--their own wrong course of action. They have indulged in intemperance
in eating, and made a god of their appetite. In all their habits they have manifested a recklessness in
regard to health and life; and when, as the result, sickness has come upon them they have made
themselves believe that God was the author of it, when their own wrong course of action has
brought the sure result.

CD 123 Many are suffering, and many are going into the grave, because of the indulgence of
appetite. They eat what suits their perverted taste, thus weakening the digestive organs and injuring
their power to assimilate the food that is to sustain life. This brings on acute disease, and too often
death follows. The delicate organism of the body is worn out by the suicidal practices of those
who ought to know better.

CD 132-133 Some do not exercise control over their appetites, but indulge taste at the expense of
health. As the result, the brain is clouded, their thoughts are sluggish, and they fail to accomplish
what they might if they were self-denying and abstemious. These rob God of the physical and mental
strength which might be devoted to His service if temperance were observed in all things… Paul was
a health reformer. Said he, "I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection; lest that by any
means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway." He felt that a responsibility
rested upon him to preserve all his powers in their strength, that he might use them to the glory of
God. If Paul was in danger from intemperance, we are in greater danger, because we do not feel and
realize as he did the necessity of glorifying God in our bodies and spirits, which are His. Overeating is
the sin of this age….The word of God places the sin of gluttony in the same catalogue with
drunkenness. So offensive was this sin in the sight of God that He gave directions to Moses that
a child who would not be restrained on the point of appetite, but would gorge himself with
anything his taste might crave, should be brought by his parents before the rulers of Israel,
and should be stoned to death. The condition of the glutton was considered hopeless. He
would be of no use to others, and was a curse to himself. No dependence could be placed upon
him in anything. His influence would be ever contaminating others, and the world would be
better without such a character; for his terrible defects would be perpetuated. None who have
a sense of their accountability to God will allow the animal propensities to control reason.
Those who do this are not Christians, whoever they may be, and however exalted their
profession. The injunction of Christ is, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is
in heaven is perfect." He here shows us that we may be as perfect in our sphere as God is in His

Memorize: Temperance 138

CD 180 Am astonished to learn that, after all the light that has been given in this place, many of you
eat between meals! You should never let a morsel pass your lips between your regular meals. Eat
what you ought, but eat it at one meal, and then wait until the next.

CD 181 Children are generally untaught in regard to the importance of when, how, and what they
should eat. They are permitted to indulge their tastes freely, to eat at all hours, to help themselves to
fruit when it tempts their eyes, and this, with the pie, cake, bread and butter, and sweetmeats eaten
almost constantly, makes them gourmands and dyspeptics. The digestive organs, like a mill which is
continually kept running, become enfeebled, vital force is called from the brain to aid the stomach in 75
its overwork, and thus the mental powers are weakened. The unnatural stimulation and wear of the
vital forces make them nervous, impatient of restraint, self-willed, and irritable.

Matt 24:38 …eating and drinking…

CD 145 Jesus, seated on the Mount of Olives, gave instruction to His disciples concerning the signs
which should precede His coming: "As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of
man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and
giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came
and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." The same sins that brought
judgments upon the world in the days of Noah, exist in our day. Men and women now carry their
eating and drinking so far that it ends in gluttony and drunkenness. This prevailing sin, the
indulgence of perverted appetite, inflamed the passions of men in the days of Noah, and led to
widespread corruption. Violence and sin reached to heaven. This moral pollution was finally swept
from the earth by means of the flood. The same sins of gluttony and drunkenness benumbed the
moral sensibilities of the inhabitants of Sodom, so that crime seemed to be the delight of the men and
women of that wicked city. Christ thus warns the world: "Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot:
they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; but the same day that Lot
went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall
it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.”

CD 181 It is quite a common custom with people of the world to eat three times a day, beside
eating at irregular intervals between meals; and the last meal is generally the most hearty, and
is often taken just before retiring. This is reversing the natural order; a hearty meal should never be
taken so late in the day. Should these persons change their practice, and eat but two meals a day,
and nothing between meals, not even an apple, a nut, or any kind of fruit, the result would be seen
in a good appetite and greatly improved health.

Problem of eating in between meals

 Hyperinsulinism
 Weight problem (1500k)
 Atherosclerosis (fat)
 Peptic ulcers
 Gases (fermentations) – increases toxic blood
 Esophogeal reflux (heart burn)

Two are good but some may require three.

CD 176 The fact that some, teachers and students, have the privilege of eating in their rooms, is not
creating a healthful influence. There must be harmonious action in the conducting of meals. If those
who only eat two meals have the idea that they must eat enough at the second meal to answer for the
third meal also, they will injure their digestive organs. Let the students have the third meal, prepared
without vegetables, but with simple, wholesome food, such as fruit and bread.

CD 229 Your children should not be allowed to eat candies, fruit, nuts, or anything in the line of food,
between their meals. Two meals a day are better for them than three. If the parents set the example,
and move from principle, the children will soon fall into line. Irregularities in eating destroy the
healthy tone of the digestive organs, and when your children come to the table, they do not relish
wholesome food;

Energy balance 76
Energy in = energy out
-> adipos tissue (Fat)

Suicidal practice

CD 123 Many are suffering, and many are going into the grave, because of the indulgence of appetite.
They eat what suits their perverted taste, thus weakening the digestive organs and injuring their
power to assimilate the food that is to sustain life. This brings on acute disease, and too often death
follows. The delicate organism of the body is worn out by the suicidal practices of those who
ought to know better.

Liver removes toxins from the blood. It is a purifier.

CD 102 It is sin to be intemperate in the quantity of food eaten, even if the quality is unobjectionable.
Many feel that if they do not eat meat and the grosser articles of food, they may eat of simple food
until they cannot well eat more. This is a mistake. Many professed health reformers are nothing less
than gluttons. They lay upon the digestive organs so great a burden that the vitality of the
system is exhausted in the effort to dispose of it. It also has a depressing influence upon the
intellect; for the brain nerve power is called upon to assist the stomach in its work.
Overeating, even of the simplest food, benumbs the sensitive nerves of the brain, and weakens
its vitality. Overeating has a worse effect upon the system than overworking; the energies of the soul
are more effectually prostrated by intemperate eating than by intemperate working.

CD 103 The digestive organs should never be burdened with a quantity or quality of food which it
will tax the system to appropriate. All that is taken into the stomach, above what the system can use
to convert into good blood, clogs the machinery; for it cannot be made into either flesh or blood,
and its presence burdens the liver, and produces a morbid condition of the system. The
stomach is overworked in its efforts to dispose of it, and then there is a sense of languor, which
is interpreted to mean hunger, and without allowing the digestive organs time to rest from their
severe labor, to recruit their energies, another immoderate amount is taken into the stomach, to set
the weary machinery again in motion. The system receives less nourishment from too great a
quantity of food, even of the right quality, than from a moderate quantity taken at regular periods.

(Cause of forgetfulness)

CD 101 What influence does overeating have upon the stomach? It becomes debilitated, the
digestive organs are weakened, and disease, with all its train of evils, is brought on as the result. If
persons were diseased before, they thus increase the difficulties upon them, and lessen their vitality
every day they live. They call their vital powers into unnecessary action to take care of the food that
they place in their stomachs.

 Stomach
 Small intestine
 Large intestine
 Liver
 Pancreas
 Gallbladder

CD 101 Often this intemperance is felt at once in the form of headache, indigestion, and colic. A
load has been placed upon the stomach that it cannot care for, and a feeling of oppression comes. The 77
head is confused, the stomach is in rebellion. But these results do not always follow overeating. In
some cases the stomach is paralyzed. No sensation of pain is felt, but the digestive organs lose their
vital force. The foundation of the human machinery is gradually undermined, and life is rendered
very unpleasant.

CD 103 Overeating, even of the simplest food, benumbs the sensitive nerves of the brain, and
weakens its vitality.

CD 103 The digestive organs should never be burdened with a quantity or quality of food which it
will tax the system to appropriate. All that is taken into the stomach, above what the system can use
to convert into good blood, clogs the machinery; for it cannot be made into either flesh or blood,
and its presence burdens the liver, and produces a morbid condition of the system.

Results of overeating
1. Stomach becomes debilitated (CD 101)
2. Digestive organs are weakened (Ibid)
3. Disease is brought as a result (Ibid)
4. Headache (Ibid)
5. Colic (Ibid)
6. Weakens the nerves of the brain (CD 102)
7. Cause loss of memory (CD 103)
8. Burdens the liver (CD 103)
9. Less nourishment (Ibid)
10. Leads to Apostasy (Prov 30:7-9; Deu 32:15-18; Deu 20:18-21)

CD137 The Lord has given me light for you on the subject of temperance in all things. You are
intemperate in your eating. Frequently you place in your stomach double the quantity of food your
system requires. This food decays; your breath becomes offensive; your catarrhal difficulties are
aggravated; your stomach is overworked; and life and energy are called from the brain to work the
mill which grinds the material you have placed in your stomach. In this, you have shown little mercy
to yourself.

CD138 You are a gormand when at the table. This is one great cause of your forgetfulness and
loss of memory.

CD 147 As men multiplied upon the earth after the flood, they again forgot God, and corrupted their
ways before Him. Intemperance in every form increased, until almost the whole world was given up
to its sway. Entire cities have been swept from the face of the earth because of the debasing crimes
and revolting iniquity that made them a blot upon the fair field of God's created works. The
gratification of unnatural appetite led to the sins that caused the destruction of Sodom and
Gomorrah. God ascribes the fall of Babylon to her gluttony and drunkenness. Indulgence of
appetite and passion was the foundation of all their sins.

Late Supper {MH 303, 304}

 Digestion is continued through the sleeping hours

 But not properly accomplished 78
 Sleep is disturbed with unpleasant dreams

 Person awakes unrefreshed

 No desire for breakfast

MH 303 Regularity in eating is of vital importance. There should be a specified time for each meal.
At this time let everyone eat what the system requires and then take nothing more until the next
meal. There are many who eat when the system needs no food, at irregular intervals, and between
meals, because they have not sufficient strength of will to resist inclination. When traveling, some
are constantly nibbling if anything eatable is within their reach. This is very injurious. If travelers
would eat regularly of food that is simple and nutritious, they would not feel so great weariness nor
suffer so much from sickness.

Specific time for each meal

Water 30 mins before – Meal

Water 1 hour after – Meal

CD 173 Five hours at least should elapse between each meal, and always bear in mind that if you
would give it a trial, you would find that two meals are better than three.

Waiting for the emptying of the stomach

CD 176 The practice of eating but two meals a day is generally found a benefit to health; yet under
some circumstances, persons may require a third meal. This should, however, if taken at all, be very
light, and of food most easily digested. Crackers--the English biscuit--or zwieback, and fruit, or cereal
coffee, are the foods best suited for the evening meal.

Six effects of overeating

CD 101 What influence does overeating have upon the stomach? It becomes debilitated, the
digestive organs are weakened, and disease, with all its train of evils, is brought on as the result. If
persons were diseased before, they thus increase the difficulties upon them, and lessen their vitality
every day they live. They call their vital powers into unnecessary action to take care of the food that
they place in their stomachs….Often this intemperance is felt at once in the form of
headache, indigestion, and colic. A load has been placed upon the stomach that it cannot
care for, and a feeling of oppression comes. The head is confused, the stomach is in
rebellion. But these results do not always follow overeating. In some cases the stomach is
paralyzed. No sensation of pain is felt, but the digestive organs lose their vital force. The
foundation of the human machinery is gradually undermined, and life is rendered very

Eat Slowly
In order to secure healthy digestion, food should be eaten slowly. Those who wish to avoid
dyspepsia, and those who realize their obligation to keep all their powers in a condition which will
enable them to render the best service to God, will do well to remember this.

CD 107 If your time to eat is limited, do not bolt your food, but eat less, and masticate slowly. The
benefit derived from food does not depend so much on the quantity eaten as on its thorough
digestion; nor the gratification of taste so much on the amount of food swallowed as on the length of
time it remains in the mouth….Those who are excited, anxious, or in a hurry, would do well not
to eat until they have found rest or relief; for the vital powers, already severely taxed, cannot
supply the necessary digestive fluids. 79
(If you are upset or something bothering you, don't eat.)

CD 107 Food should be eaten slowly, and should be thoroughly masticated. This is necessary, in
order that the saliva may be properly mixed with the food, and the digestive fluids be called into

Food Combination

CD 109 Do not have too great a variety at a meal; three or four dishes are a plenty. At the next meal
you can have a change. The cook should tax her inventive powers to vary the dishes she prepares for
the table, and the stomach should not be compelled to take the same kinds of food meal after meal.

Overeating causes fermentation & to much variety

CD 110 There should not be many kinds at any one meal, but all meals should not be composed of
the same kinds of food without variation. Food should be prepared with simplicity, yet with a nicety
which will invite the appetite.

CD 110 Many are made sick by the indulgence of their appetite. . . . So many varieties are introduced
into the stomach that fermentation is the result. This condition brings on acute disease, and death
frequently follows.

Fermentation: (caused by), Overeating, to much variety, and when milk and sugar combined.

Avoiding certain food combinations

Do not have a great variety in your meals

CD 109 Knowledge in regard to proper food combinations is of great worth, and is to be received as
wisdom from God.

CD 109 Do not have too great a variety at a meal; three or four dishes are a plenty. At the next meal
you can have a change. The cook should tax her inventive powers to vary the dishes she prepares for
the table, and the stomach should not be compelled to take the same kinds of food meal after meal.

CD 109 Many are made sick by the indulgence of their appetite. . . . So many varieties are introduced
into the stomach that fermentation is the result. This condition brings on acute disease, and death
frequently follows.

CD 110 The variety of food at one meal causes unpleasantness, and destroys the good which each
article, if taken alone, would do the system. This practice causes constant suffering, and often death.

CD 110 If your work is sedentary, take exercise every day, and at each meal eat only two or three
kinds of simple food, taking no more of these than will satisfy the demands of hunger.

CD 110 Disturbance is created by improper combinations of food; fermentation sets in; the blood is
contaminated and the brain confused.

CD 112 There should not be a great variety at any one meal, for this encourages overeating, and
causes indigestion.

Fruit and Vegetables 80
CD 112 There should not be a great variety at any one meal, for this encourages overeating, and
causes indigestion….It is not well to eat fruit and vegetables at the same meal. If the digestion is
feeble, the use of both will often cause distress, and inability to put forth mental effort. It is better to
have the fruit at one meal, and the vegetables at another.

Rich desserts

CD 112 Puddings, custards, sweet cake, and vegetables, all served at the same meal, will cause a
disturbance in the stomach.

Sugar and milk

CD 113 Far too much sugar is ordinarily used in food. Cakes, sweet puddings, pastries, jellies, jams,
are active causes of indigestion. Especially harmful are the custards and puddings in which milk,
eggs, and sugar are the chief ingredients. The free use of milk and sugar taken together should be
avoided.” {.1}

Eat slowly to have good digestion

CD 107 In order to secure healthy digestion, food should be eaten slowly. Those who wish to avoid
dyspepsia, and those who realize their obligation to keep all their powers in a condition which will
enable them to render the best service to God, will do well to remember this. If your time to eat is
limited, do not bolt your food, but eat less, and masticate slowly. The benefit derived from food does
not depend so much on the quantity eaten as on its thorough digestion; nor the gratification of taste
so much on the amount of food swallowed as on the length of time it remains in the mouth.

CD 107 Food should be eaten slowly, and should be thoroughly masticated. This is necessary, in
order that the saliva may be properly mixed with the food, and the digestive fluids be called into
action. [Salivary amylase – From saliva]

Food should not be too hot / cold

CD 106 I would advise all to take something warm into the stomach, every morning at least. You can
do this without much labor.

CD 106 Hot drinks are not required, except as a medicine. The stomach is greatly injured by a large
quantity of hot food and hot drink. Thus the throat and digestive organs, and through them the other
organs of the body, are enfeebled.

CD 106 Food should not be eaten very hot or very cold. If food is cold, the vital force of the stomach is
drawn upon in order to warm it before digestion can take place.

Do not drink with meals

CD 106 Many make a mistake in drinking cold water with their meals. Food should not be washed
down. Taken with meals, water diminishes the flow of saliva; and the colder the water, the greater
the injury to the stomach. Ice water or ice lemonade, taken with meals, will arrest digestion until
the system has imparted sufficient warmth to the stomach to enable it to take up its work again.
Masticate slowly, and allow the saliva to mingle with the food.

Stomach – HC/ Acid + Pepsinogen = Pepsin = digestion of proteins

Mouth is about pH 8

No Fluids 81
CD 106 Many make a mistake in drinking cold water with their meals. Food should not be washed
down. Taken with meals, water diminishes the flow of saliva; and the colder the water, the greater
the injury to the stomach. Ice water or ice lemonade, taken with meals, will arrest digestion until the
system has imparted sufficient warmth to the stomach to enable it to take up its work again.
Masticate slowly, and allow the saliva to mingle with the food… The more liquid there is taken into
the stomach with the meals, the more difficult it is for the food to digest; for the liquid must first be

Why you shouldn't drink water with food. Stomach will have gastric emptying (empty slower, when
you h it will give you satiety(feeling of satisfaction). If you have a solid meal, high in complex
starches (potatoes etc not sugars, starches and fibers) Fibers resist digestion, it prolongs gastric
emptying. You then feel satiety (you feel full), and this holds you in-between meals. Takes 4-6
hours. Proof positive; Agatha Thrash Study of those who eat in-between meals and who don't 12
hours later found in waste. Get study.

Memory Text: Our habits of eating and drinking show whether we are of the world or among the
number whom the Lord by His mighty cleaver of truth has separated from the world. {CD 58.1}

Digestion is the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into nutrients that cell membranes can
absorb. Chewing is chemical, what comes out is mechanical breakdown.

What accomplishes digestion is the GI Tract (Gastro-intestinal tract). The GI Tract is a smooth
continues muscular tract about 9 meters long. GIT – digest the food and absorb through the lining.
Runs from the mouth to the rectum.

 Digestion
o Accomplished by alimentary canal.
 GI tract
o Goes from mouth to anal canal. It is continuous, but it is divided into two parts
o It digests and absorbs fragments of food into the blood
 Mouth (beginning of digestion)
o Both chemical and mechanical
 Chemical, teeth, chewing
 Mechanical, the tongue mixes and forms food into bolice, and the salivary
glands. The saliva has enzymes, amylase, this enzyme is for starches
 Pharynx
o Passage way to point the way of the food to the stomach
 Esophagus
o Passage way, which has propulsion. It does it by rings of muscles that contract and
move and push food down, this movement is called peristalsis. This is mechanical
 Stomach
o Does mechanical and chemical
 Mechanical = churning that is done called chyme. The stomach turns bolice
into a chyme. After bolice is digested carbohydrates (startches) digestion is
done, it starts in the mouth then proteins are left. Protein digestion starts in
the stomach.
 Chemical = done by gastric juice
 Duodenum (small intestine) 82
o Chyme comes in little portions into small intestine or (duodenum). Most digestion
done here, and most of the absorbtion takes place. Fat digestion begins in here, and
whatever doesn't finish in the stomach with carbohydrates
o Segmentation main movement, it makes chyme come in close contact to the layer or
wall of the small intestine, so absorption cells can draw the nutrients.
 Jejunum
o Absorption; chyme is watery so it absorbs
 Ileum
o Comes in here less wet.
o After it moves from here, it goes to secum(part of the large intestine.)
 Large Intestine
o Fibers cannot be digested, so it comes here
 Ascending Colon
 Transverse Colon
 Descending Colon
 Sigmund Colon ('S' shape)
 Rectum
 Anal Canal.
 6 Activities of the GI tract:
o Ingestion = done in mouth only, this is when you take food in the mouth.
o Propulsion = moving food through GI tract from one area to another by muscular
contraction, tongue helps, it pushes the food down, and the esophagus. Peristalsis
also helps movement
o Mechanical digestion/movement = physically breaking down into small portions to
prepare for digestion. (change the appearance of the food) (Chewing, mixing,
churning, segmentation in small)
 Done by chewing.
 Mixing the food is done by the tongue. Churning the food happens in the
 segmentation done by the stomach.
o Chemical digestion = breaking down of large food molecules into small molecules,
into units that can be absorbed. Change the molecules of the food via enzymes
(Mouth – Samylase, Stomach – Pepsin)
 It is accomplished by enzymes in the saliva. Thy break down certain
 Amylase = breaks down carbohydrates
 Pepsin = proteins
 Lipase = fats
 Begins in mouth and finished in stomach.
 Protein break dwon starts in duodenum
o Absorption of end product (Through the lining of the wall of the SI)
 Passage of digestive end products (vitamins, minerals, monosaccharides)
from the lumen (alimentary canal, hallow space in walls)of the GI tract into
the body circulation. Happens mostly in small intestine duodenum.
o Excretion (defecation) Expel through the rectum
 Elimination of indigestible substances from the body.

1. Carbs – monosaccharides
2. Proteins – amino acids 83
3. Fats – glycerol and fatty acids

 Principles of digestion
a. Do not over eat. CD 101
i. What influence does overeating have upon the stomach? It becomes
debilitated, the digestive organs are weakened, and disease, with all its train
of evils, is brought on as the result.
ii. Deut 21:18-21 – stoned for rebellion and gluttony, gluttony was the root

CD 101 Respect paid to the proper treatment of the stomach will be rewarded in clearness of thought
and strength of mind. Your digestive organs will not be prematurely worn out to testify against you.
We are to show that we appreciate our God-given intelligence by eating and studying and working
wisely. A sacred duty devolves upon us to keep the body in such a state that we shall have a sweet,
clean breath. We are to appreciate the light God has given on health reform, by word and practice
reflecting clear light to others upon this subject.

CD 133 Overeating is the sin of this age.

CD 133 The word of God places the sin of gluttony in the same catalogue with drunkenness. So
offensive was this sin in the sight of God that He gave directions to Moses that a child who would not
be restrained on the point of appetite, but would gorge himself with anything his taste might crave,
should be brought by his parents before the rulers of Israel, and should be stoned to death. The
condition of the glutton was considered hopeless. He would be of no use to others, and was a curse to
himself. No dependence could be placed upon him in anything. His influence would be ever
contaminating others, and the world would be better without such a character; for his terrible
defects would be perpetuated. None who have a sense of their accountability to God will allow the
animal propensities to control reason. Those who do this are not Christians, whoever they may be,
and however exalted their profession. The injunction of Christ is, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as
your Father which is in heaven is perfect." He here shows us that we may be as perfect in our sphere
as God is in His sphere.

CD 102 Overeating, even of the simplest food, benumbs the sensitive nerves of the brain, and
weakens its vitality. Overeating has a worse effect upon the system than overworking; the energies of
the soul are more effectually prostrated by intemperate eating than by intemperate working.

CD 102 Many feel that if they do not eat meat and the grosser articles of food, they may eat of simple
food until they cannot well eat more. This is a mistake. Many professed health reformers are nothing
less than gluttons.

Refer to the “Results of Overeating”

Increases triglycerides = increases risk of heart disease

Increases obesity = destabilising the energy balance 84
 Sesame seeds
 Green Vegetables
 Legumes
 Kale
 Two tablespoons of black strap molasses

i. Calcium
1. Plant Sources of Calcium
a. Lambsquarters
b. collard greens
c. bok choy
d. turnip greens
e. sesame seeds
f. kale
g. mustard greens
h. okra
i. watercress
j. almonds
k. garbanzos
l. broccoli
m. blackstrap molasses
n. tofu
o. sunflower seeds
p. carob
q. parsley
r. soybeans
s. green beans
t. Brussels sprouts

2. Countries with High Rates of Osteoporosis

a. Norway
b. Sweden
c. Denmark
d. New Zealand
e. Holland
f. Finland
g. United Kingdom
h. United States of America

3. Decreasing the Risk of Osteoporosis

a. Reduce or eliminate animal protein and consume adequate amounts of
plant protein
i. Animal protein is high in amino acids with sulfur, which raise the
blood acidity and urine excretion of Calcium.
b. Have a low Phosphorus Diet 85
i. Phosphorus raises urine excretion of Calcium.
c. Low salt diet
i. Sodium raises urine excretion of Calcium
d. Caffeine free diet
i. Caffeine increases bone loss by increasing urine exertion of calcium
e. Increase sources of vitamin K
i. Reduces bone loss
f. Increases weight-bearing exercises
i. High Calcium absorption and bone density by stimulating osteoblast
ii. Studies of ballerinas and tennis players
g. Eliminate smoking and alcohol
i. Raises bone loss
h. Increase exposure to sunlight
i. Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption
i. Increase boron, vitamin C, and magnesium intake
i. Essential for bone development
4. Risks of Calcium Supplementation – More than 500mg a day
a. Health Risk
i. Urinary Tract Stones
ii. Calcification of soft tissues (Arteriosclerosis)
iii. Reduce iron absorption
iv. Constipation or diarrhea
b. Different Supplements
i. Tums
1. Contain calcium but reduces stomach acidity necessary for
maximum calcium absorption
ii. Rolaids
1. Contain aluminum or magnesium hydroxides which can
accelerate calcium losses
5. What is the Solution to Osteoporosis?
a. Thought Questions
i. Is more calcium the solution?
ii. Less protein of animal origin?
1. Or a Combination of factors?
iii. Is Milk the answer?
b. The Real Solution
i. Less animal protein
ii. Adequate calcium intake
iii. Diet low in sodium and phosphorus
iv. Plenty of sunlight
v. Increase physical activity
vi. Adequate intake of important nutrients
1. Vitamin K
2. Boron
3. Magnesium
vii. A caffeine free diet
viii. Eliminate smoking and alcohol

Milk (Article off the internet) Secretion of a gland from an animal. Doctor Robert F. 150,000 dead by
cross accident between raw and pasteurized milk. It can take up to 30 years for micro-organism to
show. (Get article) Also lead to breast cancer. Ovarian cancer too! Buffalo New York at least 1 day a 86
glass of milk, gave her a ??% of catching this ovarian cancer, many studies show this. Some say if
you don't drink milk or eat cheese you will get osteoporosis. Your bones will get weak, etc.

Web Site: Robert Kradjian:

National Institutes of Health:
Vegetation resource group:
FAQ's about vege diets:

Calcium in Vegan diet

Sesame seed in 2 tablespoons get same supply as in 1 cup of milk. Sesame seeds lightly toasted with
a little bit of salt on spaghetti,

Greens (the darker the better) – In collards 1 Cup depending on the green plant, broccoli, kale,
turnips, spinach (better for iron).

Legumes – beans and peas

1. navy (highest source of cal)
2. chick peas (highest source of cal)
3. kidneys
4. soybeans
Blackstrap molasses (not grandmas) – 1 – 2 Tablespoons a day would give you about same as
sesame seeds and one glass of milk, you can mix it in juice, try grapejuice.

Whole grains

Nuts – almonds (especially). One alone will not do it, you must mix them altogether. Add ¼ of nuts
plus whole grains, and sesame seeds, etc, will add up to the amount you need. You must have
variety, if you have the same thing all the time you will not get all you need, the essential nutrients
at one meal. Just not to many things. 3 – 4 at one meal.

Why we need calcium

 Bones and Teeth
 Nerves (transmission of electrical impulses)
 Muscle contractions
 Acid base balance in body.

How much we need?

Depends on: age, activity, and weight.

How to determine (most to smallest). Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. 60%
Carbohydrates – Energy. 30% Fat mono and poly (SDA's say 15%, add 15 to Car in fiber). 15%
Proteins. To find out how much protein you get out of total calories 1800 X .15 = 270 K grams in (1
protein is 4 cal) 270 / 4 = 65g p, to much now they say 10% 87
The more protein you ingest, the more acid will be in the body, it will have to buffer the acidity with
calcium. And it is excreting in your waste, and depleting your bone supply. So they recommend
supplements at least 1500 mg.

Question of health reform Meat Eating

Ministers – We should make sure ministers don't eat it

CD 401 While we do not make the use of flesh meat a test, while we do not want to force
any one to give up its use, yet it is our duty to request that no minister of the
conference shall make light of or oppose the message of reform on this point. If, in the
face of the light God has given concerning the effect of meat eating on the system, you will
still continue to eat meat, you must bear the consequences. But do not take a position
before the people that will permit them to think that it is not necessary to call for a
reform in regard to meat eating; because the Lord is calling for a reform. The Lord has
given us the work of proclaiming the message of health reform, and if you cannot step
forward in the ranks of those who are giving this message you are not to make this
prominent. In counterworking the efforts of your fellow laborers, who are teaching health
reform, you are out of order, working on the wrong side.

Can't have confidence in minister who eat flesh

CD 401 As God's messengers, shall we not bear a decided testimony against the indulgence of
perverted appetite?. . . God has provided an abundance of fruits and grains, which may be healthfully
prepared and used in proper quantities. Why, then, do men continue to choose flesh meats? Can we
possibly have confidence in ministers who at tables where flesh is served join with others in
eating it? . . .

CD 402 Let our ministers and canvassers step under the banners of strict temperance. Never be
ashamed to say, "No, thank you; I do not eat meat. I have conscientious scruples against eating the
flesh of dead animals." If tea is offered, refuse it, giving your reason for so doing. Explain that it is
harmful, and though stimulating for a time, the stimulus soon wears off, and a corresponding
depression is felt.

CD 453 Bring Confusion by eating (disqualifies for service): Why do some of our ministering brethren
manifest so little interest in health reform? It is because instruction on temperance in all things is
opposed to their practice of self-indulgence. In some places this has been the great stumbling block in
the way of our bringing the people to investigate and practice and teach health reform. No man
should be set apart as a teacher of the people while his own teaching or example contradicts the
testimony God has given His servants to bear in regard to diet, for this will bring confusion. His
disregard of health reform unfits him to stand as the Lord's messenger.

This is not to accuse others, it is to see where we are, to make sure we are not a stumbling block for


GW 341 The people will seldom rise higher than their minister.

CD 452 Thousands upon thousands know little of the wonderful body God has given them or of the
care it should receive; and they consider it of more importance to study subjects of far less
consequence. The ministers have a work to do here. When they take a right position on this subject,
much will be gained. In their own lives and homes they should obey the laws of life, practicing
right principles and living healthfully. Then they will be able to speak correctly on this 88
subject, leading the people higher and still higher in the work of reform. Living in the light
themselves, they can bear a message of great value to those who are in need of just such a testimony.

(6 Factors that affect the chances of getting)

Osteoporosis (countries with high rates of)


These are countries where dairy products and calcium supplements are consumed in the largest
quantities. Why? Because the calcium protein ratio is not accurate. While acid and calcium keep
going through the kidneys, it leads to kidney stones, this is one of the reasons. High consumption of
soda causes stones too!

Osteoporosis and dairy products. Get copy of chart for hip fractures. A low intake of dairy products,
doesn't harm the bone, since the countries with the lowest intake have the lowest rate of hip
fractures. Active vigorous exercise increases calcium intake.

Protein content in food products. Get copy of chart. Recommended book: Dynamic living (by doctor
and nutritionists); proof positive.

Iron occurs in two forms

Heme Iron
(Iron in meat – 50% Heme and 50% Non-Heme (15 to 35% is absorption)

Non-Heme Iron
(Iron in Plants – 100% is Heme (5 to 10% is absorption)

80% of dietary iron is non-heme.

Factors the prevent the absorption

1. High amounts of zinc, calcium, phosphorus
2. Phytates and polyphenolics in whole grains
3. Oxalate
4. A lot of fiber
5. Tea, coffee, antacids
6. High iron stores,
7. High iron content in the meal

Factors the improve the absorption

1. Vitamin C (75mg) in a meal with Iron
2. Malic, citric and tartaric acids
3. cooking
4. sprouting
5. baking yeast
6. fructose
7. cast iron pots and pans
8. fermentation (Not a good option) 89
75mg of C with iron

 Green peppers 16.7% (Cooked 32.4%)

 Broccoli 6% (Cooked 20%)
 Tomato sauce cooked in (glass pot 3mg) (iron pot 87mg) for 100mg

Red blood cells are made of hemoglobin

1 Molecule Hemoglobin
1. Four polypeptide (long chins of amino acids)
2. Four Heme groups one in each polypeptide
3. Inside of each heme group 1 atom of iron (Fe)
4. One atom of iron can carry one molecule of Oxygen (O2)

Each Blood cell has 250,000,000 molecule’s of hemoglobin

 250 * 4 = 1 Billion molecules of O2 pre RBC


CD 339 Food should be prepared in as simple a manner as possible, free from condiments and spices,
and even from an undue amount of salt.

Can cause kidney problems

(component of table salt)

To much increases excretion of calcium in the urine, similar to protein. Depleting calcium from
bone. Solution: decrease amount of Oxalate. Non-nutrient of fiber, comes with spinach and rubar,
decreases the absorption of calcium

Decreases the absorption of calcium of certain foods: Spinach; body cannot absorb all of it cause
it come with oxalate, calcium is excreted with the oxalate. It is a good source of iron, not calcium.
Sweet potatoes, are good for beta-carotein, these also have oxalate in them. Kale, collards, sesame
seeds, legumes, sun-flower seeds, are good sources for calcium


Adequate amount in a balanced plant food diet. Decreases absorption of Calcium. Food high in
phosphorus: Animal products, meat, fish, milk For Total Vegetarians, watch out for soda, soda has

Solution: no soda

Decreases calcium absorption. Sources: Soda, Caffeine, Chocolate, Coffee and Tea: Green tea has
caffeine. 90
Solution: don't need any of these

 It only pertains to unrefined products (refine products fiber is taken out.)
 It produces a sense of satiety (feeling full); so it will help you be temperate.
 Helps control weight, so you are not eating as much
 Prevents constipation; because fiber absorbs water, this makes the stool in the intestine
watery and bulky, aiding in the elimination of the stool, so you have faster transit time
(amount of time the food goes from mouth to the anus) regular transit time is: 24-35 hrs.
average in USA is 72 hours.
 Prevents GI problems, like diversticulous(pouches in the colon, makes constipation); also
prevents hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease; colitis,
chron's disease

1. 10 Facts on Fiber
a. Only in unrefined plant foods
b. Does not yield energy
i. (Aids in weight control)
c. Is not Digested
i. (We lack enzymes for its breakdown)
d. Produces a sense of satiety
i. (Weight Control)
e. Slows absorption of glucose
i. (Bloods glucose Control)
f. Binds to bile salts
i. (lowers blood cholesterol level)
g. Absorbs Water
i. (Makes bulkier, moister stool)
h. Prevents Constipation
i. Lowers the risk of colon cancer
i. (Accelerates transit time)
j. Prevents other gastrointestinal problems
i. Diverticulosis
ii. hemorrhoids
iii. irritable bowel syndrome
iv. etc.

Fiber = slow down absorption of glucose

No Fiber = glucose is absorbed quickly

 Only in unrefined plant foods

 Does not yield energy (No calories – aids in weight control)
 It's not digested (We lack enzymes for its breakdown)
 Produces sense of satiety (Weight Control)
 Slows absorption of glucose (Blood glucose control)
o hypoglycemia & hyperglycemia
 Binds to bile salts (Lowers blood cholesterol level)
o Bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. It is made mostly of
cholesterol. As it binds to the bile salt it gets wasted
 Absorbs water (Makes waste bulkier, encourage bowel movement)
o It causes the large intestines to enlarge and hence... 91
 Prevents constipation with,
o high fiber diet
o exercise program
o plenty of fluids
o eating at regular eating times
o practicing good bowel habits
 Diverticula – little sacks that form on the large intestines. Forms from pressure on the
intestines and becomes inflamed and gets diverticulosis.
 Hemorrhoids – inflamed blood vessels.
 Lowers risk of colon cancer (Accelerates transit time)
 Prevents other gastrointestinal problems (diverticulosos, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel
syndrome, etc.)

Two types of Fiber

1. Soluble Fiber – This type of fiber dissolves in water to form a gel-like material. It can help
lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels.
a. Sources are: oats, legumes, barley, apples, citrus fruits, carrots and psillium.
2. Insoluble Fiber – This type of fiber moves through your digestive system more quickly
than soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber can help promote soft, bulky stools.
Sources are: whole-wheat flour, nuts, vegetables, bran and fruits with edible seeds
(such as raspberries)

No credible organization has ever conclusively credited fiber as a definite cancer preventing
component. However, they all agree on this: Fiber is a healthy part of a good diet – with a strong
link to reduce risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and diabetes.

Satiation is the feeling of fullness and satisfaction that occurs during a meal and halts eating.
Determines how much food is consumed during a meal.

Satiety is the feeling of satisfaction and fullness that occurs after a meal and inhibits eating until the
next meal. Determines how much time elapses between meals.

Greek word means "of prime importance." Found in the cells of all animals and plants. Composed of
atoms of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen. One of the major components of the body.
Formed of amino acids, which are the building blocks (basic unit). There are 20 amino acids
required by the body. Of the 20 amino acids 9 cannot be synthesized by the body in significant
amounts (so 9 are essential, because you have to provide them in the diet) (9 in children and older
adults) 11 are non-essential the body makes them. They are called 'essential' The remaining 12 that
can be manufacture by the body are termed "nonessential" your body can make up to 50,000
proteins on it's own. This does not mean that they are unimportant but simply that the body can
synthesize them from ingested proteins and nonprotein nutrients in significant amounts. Amino
acids combine to make thousands of different proteins.

To much protein increases excretion of calcium in the urine. Adequate amount will increase
amount of calcium

Plant sources: Nuts, Legumes, Whole grains. Vegetables: best sort is roots: sweet potatoes, potatoes,
yams. 92
We do not need animal protein; it has to much sulfur. If we have to much it increases the acidity
level, so it needs a buffer to bring it into ph balance, so it takes calcium from the bone. It uses a
hormone called parathyroid to get the calcium and bone becomes brittle.

Daily intake the government has: 45-55 grams lower for women, higher for men. RDA; average
intake of America is about 90 or above.

1. USA Recommended Dietary Allowance

1. Measurements
1. mg – 1 thousandths of a gram
2. mcg – 1 thousandths of a mg
2. Allowance Levels of Nutrients
1. Protein
1. Formula for Protein RDA (USA Recommended Dietary Allowance)
1. Weight in Kg x 0.8 = grams of protein
2. Iron
1. Iron RDA (USA Recommended Dietary Allowance)
1. Men – 8mg
2. Women – 18mg (Childbearing Age)
3. Calcium
1. Calcium Adequate Intake (USA Recommended Dietary Allowance)
1. For Meat Eaters
1. 1000-1300 mg
2. For Vegans
1. 300-500 mg
4. Zinc
1. Zinc RDA (USA Recommended Dietary Allowance)
1. Men 11 mg
2. Women 8 mg
5. Vitamin B12
1. B12 RDA (USA Recommended Dietary Allowance)
1. 2.4 mcg

Recommended amounts. Carbohydrates: 55 – 60%. Fats: 20 –30%. Proteins: 10 –15%. To find

amount in grams: take total suggested amount Ex. 2000 multiply by percentage, and divide by gram
ex. Proteins 15. you get 2000 X .15 = 300 /4 = 75 grams, that is to much! Scale: 1 Calorie of car &
pro = 4 grams; 1 Calorie of fat = 9 grams. Ask Mrs. Hern. How do you find the amount you need for
you. The formula
Solution: decrease amount, have Carbohydrates have good fat (oleic, monoleic), and small amount
of protein.

Functions of Protein
 Component of body tissues
o Muscle, bone, hair, plasma
 Maintains – replacing lost tissue
o Skin is shed daily
 Production of enzymes
o Digestive enzymes
 Production of hormones
o Insulin, sex, growth
 Production of hemoglobin
 Production of antibodies for the immune system
 Production of DNA
 Production of milk 93
 Production of ATP

If I become a vegan where do I get the calcium, protein, and the iron the I need?

 Calcium 1000 – 1300 mg
 Protein Wt in KG x 0.8 [(male 15 to 18) x 0.9] = grams
 Iron 8mg for men, 18mg for childbearing age women

Good Plant Sources of Iron

Plant Sources
Dried Fruits Blackstrap Molasses
raisins, prunes, figs,
apricots, peaches, etc.
Tofu Green
mustard greens, collard greens,
dandelion, etc.
Whole Grains Sprouts
wheat, cornmeal, toasted stir-fried,, mung bean, lentil sprouts
wheat germ, etc.
Nuts Soy Flour
cashews, sunflower seeds,
pumpkin seeds, etc.
Potatoes Seaweed
baked with skin kelp, spirulina, etc.
Quinoa Legumes
chickpeas, navy beans, lentils, black
beans, etc.

1. Dietary Iron Occurs in Two Forms

1. High Absorption – Animal Food
1. Heme Iron
1. About 50% of Iron in meat is heme (hemoglobine)
2. 15% to 30% of it is absorbed
2. Low Absorption – Plant Food
1. Non-Heme Iron
1. 100% of iron in plants, milk, and eggs is non-heme.
2. About 50% of Iron found in meat is non-heme.
3. 5 to 10% of it is absorbed.
2. Iron Deficiency Anemia
1. Blood Loss
1. Blood in stool
2. Ulcers
3. Heavy menstrual cycles
3. What is Hemoglobin?
1. An iron-containing compound found in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs
to the body tissues.
4. Dietary Factors that INHIBIT the Absorption of Non-Heme Iron 94
1. Dietary Factors
1. Zinc, calcium, and phosphorus supplementation
2. Phytates and polyphenolics in whole grains (they can be broken by vit. C)
3. Oxalate in grains and vegetables (they can be broken by vit. C)
4. Concentrated amounts of fiber
5. High storage of iron in the body
6. High iron content in the meal
7. Tannins in tea
8. Caffeine
1. Reduces absorption of iron form meal and supplements
9. Antacids

5. Dietary Factors that INCREASE the Absorption of Non-heme Iron

1. Dietary Factors
1. Vitamin C in the same meal with non-heme iron sources
2. Other acids found in foods like malic, tartaric, and citruc acids
3. Cooking
1. Follow proper cooking methods
4. Sprouting
5. Leavening with baking yeast
6. Fructose
7. Cooking in cast iron pots and pans
1. Contamination Iron
8. Fermentation
1. Not an option

What are proteins?

1. Greek word that means “of prime importance”
2. Compounds found in the cells of all animals and plants
3. Composed of atoms of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen
4. One of the major components of the body
5. Building blocks are the amino acids
6. About 20 amino acids are important to nutrition
7. 9 of them are essential. (The body cannot make them at all or cannot make them in
significant amounts. Must be supplied by the diet.)
8. 11 of them are non-essential. (The body can synthesize them for itself using nitrogen and
fragments of carbohydrates and fats)
9. Amino acids combine to make thousands of different proteins needed by the body
10. The genetic information for the amino acid arrangement of each protein is filed in the DNA.

Protein Requirements
 NAS - 39gr/day
 Canadian - 44-56 gr/day
 Avg USA diet 100+ gr/day
 Hight protein consumptions cause increased excretion of calcium.

Advantages of Vegetable Proteins

 Lower cholesterol
 Decreased risk of heart disease and cancer
 Decreased food bills
 Better calcium absorption, thus healthier bones
 Easier to maintain ideal weight (less fat) 95
 Increased soluble fiber
 No transfer of animal disease.

People with Hight rates of Osteoporosis

 Norway
 New Zealand
 Holland
 Finland
 UK
 Denmark
 Sweden
 Norway

3 things why vegetable
 Meet RDA
 Less sulphur
 Maintains good levels of homocystine – destroys the lining of the arteries
 Lowers cholesterol by itself

Functions of Proteins
 Component of body tissues
o Muscles, Bone, hair nails, plasma
 Maintenance – replacing lost tissue
o Skin is shed daily (but the dead cells need to be replaced, so protein replaces these
dead tissues; you have a new intestinal mucosa also)
 Production of enzymes
o Digestive enzymes
 Production of hormones
o Insulin, female/male hormones, growth hormones, tec
 Production of hemoglobin
 Production of antibodies(these are protein) for the immune system (they are essential for
the immune system)
 Production of DNA (mostly protein)
 Production of milk (for mothers)
 Production of ATP (energy)

If I am vegan where will I get enough, protein

CDF 92 In grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts are to be found all the food elements that we need

Protein sources in plants are not complete, because 9 essential amino acids are missing. What
makes a complete protein is when it has all 9 essential amino acid. So they call them low quality,
animal proteins have 9 so they call them high quality, but what is the problem with these?

Advantages of Vegetable Proteins

 Lowers cholesterol (animal protein is high, it also comes with saturated fats) Vege: lowers
LDL on it's own
 Decreased risk of heart disease and cancer (
 Decreased food bills (how much is a steak? How much is a cost of nuts?) 96
 Healthier colons (vege: comes with fiber animal has no fiber)
 Better calcium absorption, thus healthier bones
 Easier to maintain ideal weight (less fat) (vege: foods lower in fat)
 Increased soluble fiber (this helps to decrease risk of heart disease)
 Lower transfer of animal diseases.
o Ecoli due to strawberries, the strawberries were contaminated by feces or in the
field, maybe the hands of the people

Vegetables do have complete protein

 Legumes
o Kidney beans
o Black beans
o Garbanzo beans
 If you take an incomplete protein for ex. From potatoes, and you have an incomplete protein
from beans, you eat this and you have a complete protein in your body. If you have potatoes
in the morning and beans for supper, your body will make an acid pool. So when your body
needs a protein, it will pull from it to make it complete. This is called mutual compensation

Protein Requirements
 National academy of science recommends 45-55 gr/day
 Canadian health organizations recommend 38-50 gr/day.
 The average American adult consumes 100+ gr/day
 High protein can result in two things:
o Osteoporosis
o Kidney failure

Eskimo study
They have the highest rate of osteoporosis why? There calcium is 2500 mg/day. Protein intake =
250 – 400 gr/day (recommended amount is 45 – 55). They eat special fish with the bone and all.
Rate of calcium is 20 to 1 protein for every gram of protein 20 mgs of calcium.

Molecules that protect against cancer. Oxidized cholesterol is main culprit in cancer; both Sat fat
and oxidized cholesterol. 1. Sat Fat 2. Cholesterol for heart attacks

Three Macronutrients
1. Lipids
1. Triglyceride
1. Fats
2. Oils
2. Phospholipids
3. Cholesterol
2. Proteins
1. Animal
2. Vegetable
3. Carbohydrates
1. Complex
2. Simple

Micronutrients 97
4. Different Types
1. Water Soluble Vitamins
2. Fat Soluble Vitamins
3. Minerals
5. The Vitamins
1. Vitamin Chart
Water Soluble Fat Soluble
Thiamin (B1) Vitamin A
Riboflavin (B2) Vitamin D
B3 Vitamin E
B6 Vitamin K
Pantothenic acid
Vitamin C

1. The Minerals
1. Mineral Chart
Major Minerals Trace Minerals
Calcium Iron
Phosphorus Iodine
Potassium Zinc
Sodium Chromium
Chloride Selenium
Magnesium Fluoride
Sulfur Molybdenum

Vitamin A 800 to 1000 RE a Day. Body converts Beta-Carotene pre-cursor of Vitamin A. non – toxic
no matter how much you take, even if skin turns yellow. High supplements of Vitamin A causes
intoxication. Vitamin A – Is not found in plants.

Vitamin B12
B12 Def: Water soluble vitamin, member of B complex family. B12 Deficiency. Pernicious anemia

Nerve Damage – so dangerous that if it comes to a point of no return, the damage cannot be
repaired. Symptoms of deficiency is weakness, fatigue, sleepiness, numbness to the extremities,
itching. Tinkling efficiency on the hands, feet and back. 98
Not all will have the symptoms. Ex. Doris and her husband 15 years vegan, she ended up having
symptoms, and he didn't but he took the test, she took supplements, and it wasn't to late. Everyone
does not have to supplement. Test blood every 5 or 6 years at least to find out if you have
deficiency. Can find B12 in plant sources, but everyone is different, all cannot absorb it correctly.
Should take a B12 blood test to find out if they have deficiency. Should we wait until we have
permanent nerve damage.

Sources: Seaweed, Soy beans, Alfalfa, Fortified foods, Bacteria in the mouth/small intestine.

Supplements. Take one B12 tablet once a week. Only the red star fully fortified nutritional yeast
provides the best supply.

Vitamin C 90 mg per day. One item can give you a variety of nutrition. Ex. Kale.

Vitamin D
When you have adequate amount in diet it increases the absorption of calcium

Sources: No plant source. So increase exposure to the sunlight. For 10 – 15 minutes will be
sufficient, you don't need to be in bikini, that would be nice in private corners.

It is a fat soluble vitamin, which means it is stored in the body, it is highly stored, even if you don't
get exposure everyday it can store up to 3 months worth, in cloudy days the sun is there, but it is
decreased, take advantage of it. (water soluble vitamins are excreted.)

Those who live in parts were there is less sunlight the suicide rate is high. Cell membrane has dark
covering in which the melanin in the skin protects the DNA. And because the body shuts Cholesterol
that is in the skin, produce Vitamin D, it makes our skin impermeable, no water in, no water out, so
when the cholesterol is used up in the epidermis the cholesterol level lowers.

Vitamin E 18 mg Wheat germ oil, can get it in a variety of nutritions.

CD 92 God has furnished man with abundant means for the gratification of an unperverted appetite.
He has spread before him the products of the earth,--a bountiful variety of food that is palatable to
the taste and nutritious to the system. Of these our benevolent heavenly Father says we may freely
eat. Fruits, grains, and vegetables, prepared in a simple way, free from spice and grease of all
kinds, make, with milk or cream, the most healthful diet.

CD 340 Our tables should bear only the most wholesome food, free from every irritating substance.
The appetite for liquor is encouraged by the preparation of food with condiments and spices. These
cause a feverish state of the system, and drink is demanded to allay the irritation. On my frequent
journeys across the continent, I do not patronize restaurants, dining car, or hotels, for the simple
reason that I cannot eat the food there provided. The dishes are highly seasoned with salt and
pepper, creating an almost intolerable thirst. . . . They would irritate and inflame the delicate coating
of the stomach. . . . Such is the food that is commonly served upon fashionable tables, and given to the
children. Its effect is to cause nervousness and to create thirst which water does not quench....Food
should be prepared in as simple a manner as possible, free from condiments and spices, and even
from an undue amount of salt.

Plant chemicals that protect us against disease. Lost during refining and heavy processing of foods.
Indoles – Cabbage
Chlorophyll – Greens 99
Limonene – Citrus
Allicin – Garlic
Lycopene – Tomatoes, watermelons
Anthocyamins – Blueberries

Allicin – found in garlic, is a natural antibiotic that:

 Inhibits growth of molds, fungus, bacteria
 Has antiviral activity against influenza (Inhibits virus ability to multiply)
 Treats respiratory conditions like asthma
 Reduces LDL and raises HDL (Lowers risk of cardiovascular diseases)
 Relaxes smooth muscle layer of the blood vessels. (Lowers hypertension)
 Prevents red blood cells from sticking to each other. (Reduces risk of undesirable blood

Limonene – found in citrus foods

 Anti-inflammatory properties (arthritis)
 Anti-tumor activity (cancer)
 Destroys free radicals (cancer & CVD)
 Inhibits formation of undesirable clots (CVD)

Chlorophyll – found in greens

 Protects cells from free radicals (cancer & CVD)
 Binds to toxins in the colon (colon cancer)
 Has anti-inflammatory properties (arthritis)
 Increases the production of RBC (anemia)

Phytoestrogen (genestein & diazein) found in soybeans, (lignans) found in flax seeds
 reduce the risk of cancer
 reduces cholesterol level
 reduce the risk of osteoporosis
 alpha-linolenic (flax seeds)

Sulforaphane & Indoles – found in cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli)

 inhibits the growth of cancer
 inhibits formation of tumors by providing hormone balance
 block damage to DNA
 prevents retina from UV light damage

Anthocyanims – found in red, blue and purple fruits

 reduces cholesterol synthesis (CVD)
 prevents oxidation (CVD & cancer)
 reduces platelet aggregation, which begins blood clotting (CVD)

Resveratrol – found in grapes

● a powerful antioxidant
● reduces risk of cancer
● prevents oxidation of cholesterol (CVD)

Lycopene – found in tomatoes, watermelons, guavas, peppers, grapefruits, etc.

 a cancer fighting antioxidant
 a carotenoid 100
 associated with lower risk of prostate cancer

 Phyto(Plants) so chemicals found in plants that protect you against diseases.

 Garlic
o LDL – bad cholesterol (takes cholesterol to blood, you need it, if this is retained in
blood, it will help to cause disease, so it must be excreted LDL takes from liver to
blood. HDL from blood to liver (both protein carriers that have lipids inside, lipid
should not be in the blood cell)
o HDL – good cholesterol
 Citrus Fruits
o Have lower risk to receive these diseases.
 Green Vegetables
o Helps you from getting colon disease.
 Soybeans
 Cruciferous Vegetables
 Whole grains

 Far too much sugar is ordinarily used in food. Cakes, sweet puddings, pastries, jellies, jams,
are active causes of indigestion. Especially harmful are the custards and puddings in which
milk, eggs, and sugar are the chief ingredients. The free use of milk and sugar taken
together should be avoided.” {CD 327}

 “Sugar clogs the system. It hinders the working of the living machine.” {CD 327.3}

1905 – Avg consumption of sugar 20tsp

2003 – Avg consumption of sugar >40tsp

Note: 10% or less of total calories for a person should be sugar

150lbs x 15 = 2250 total calories

2250 x .10 = 225 calories from sugar
225 / 4 = 56.25 grams of sugar
56.25 / 5 = 11.25 tsp of sugar

There is 5grams of sugar in each tsp of sugar

1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 Kcal therefore 1tsp = 20 Kcal

Problems related to high use of sugar

 Dental decay
 Obesity
 Deficiency of micronutrients
 Hight triglycerides
 Irritable digestive tract
 Hypoglycaemia
o Glucose is suddenly absorbed then cause a sudden drop (under the normal level)
 Diabetes Type 2
o Overworking of the pancrease
 Constipation 101
o Lack of fiber leads to constipation
 Atherosclerosis
o Combined with LDL (Bad Cholesterol)
 Decreased brain power
o Deprives the brain of steady and adequate glucose.

Deserts – Use them spearing

CD 332 Many understand how to make different kinds of cakes, but cake is not the best food to be
placed upon the table. Sweet cakes, sweet puddings, and custards will disorder the digestive organs;
and why should we tempt those who surround the table by placing such articles before them?

CD 333 Far too much sugar is ordinarily used in food. Cakes, sweet puddings, pastries, jellies,
jams, are active causes of indigestion. Especially harmful are the custards and puddings in which
milk, eggs, and sugar are the chief ingredients. The free use of milk and sugar taken together should
be avoided.

CD 333 Plain, simple pie may serve as dessert, but when one eats two or three pieces merely to
gratify an inordinate appetite, he unfits himself for the service of God. Some, after partaking
largely of other food, will take dessert, not because they need it, but because it tastes good. If they
are asked to take a second piece, the temptation is too great to be resisted, and two or three pieces of
pie are added to the load placed upon the already overworked stomach. He who will do this has
never educated himself to practice self-denial. The victim of appetite is so wedded to his own way
that he cannot see the injury he is doing to himself.

CD 334 The dessert should be placed on the table and served with the rest of the food; for often,
after the stomach has been given all it should have, the dessert is brought on, and is just that
much too much.

CD 334 I wish we were all health reformers. I am opposed to the use of pastries. These mixtures are
unhealthful; no one can have good digestive powers and a clear brain who will eat largely of sweet
cookies and cream cake and all kinds of pies, and partake of a great variety of food at one meal. When
we do this, and then take cold, the whole system is so clogged and enfeebled that it has no power of
resistance, no strength to combat disease. I would prefer a meat diet to the sweet cakes and
pastries so generally used.

CD 327 1905 (They were eating about 20 teaspoons a day, not at once, but in a combination of all the
foods) Far too much sugar is ordinarily used in food. (Average person is consuming more then 45 a

CD 327 Sugar clogs the system. It hinders the working of the living machine.

CD 328 3 things milk and sugar does: I frequently sit down to the tables of the brethren and sisters,
and see that they use a great amount of milk and sugar. [1]These clog the system, [2]irritate the
digestive organs, and [3]affect the brain. Anything that hinders the active motion of the living
machinery, affects the brain very directly.

What is the effect of Sugar on the Frontal Lobe: (this is where God communicates to you).

Refined foods lack fiber and nutrients. If something you eat doesn't have these it is empty calories.
It just gives energy and no fiber. So it turns into glucose, it goes through they system and is
absorbed by intestine quickly. If it had fiber it would slow down the digestion, and the sugar
wouldn't be absorbed as quick. Because it goes quickly to the blood. Blood sugar goes up to
abnormal levels, and this sends a message to the pancreas to give insulin to make it into fatty
tissues, and then you have a low, and if hypoglycemia which is low blood sugar levels. You feel 102
weak, could die, but if not when you have the low level of sugar or glucose, your brain doesn't get
glucose which is the food for the brain, and if it doesn't get it, brain cells die.

Use of Honey

Prov 24:13 My son, eat thou honey, because [it is] good; and the honeycomb, [which is] sweet to thy

Prov 25:27 [It is] not good to eat much honey: so [for men] to search their own glory [is not] glory.

Prov 25:16 Hast thou found honey? eat so much as is sufficient for thee, lest thou be filled therewith,
and vomit it.

Names of Sugars
1. Sugar / Sucrose
2. Brown sugar
3. Raw sugar
4. Turbinado (like brown sugar)
5. Corn Syrup
6. Glucose
7. Dextrose
8. Honey
9. Maple Syrup
10. Molasses
11. Rices Syrup
12. Barley Malt
13. High fructose corn
14. Fructose / Levulose
15. Lactose / Sugar found in milk
16. Fruit Juices

Circulatory System
MH 271 Tight clothing hinders circulation: MH 271 At every pulsation of the heart the blood should
make its way quickly and easily to all parts of the body. Its circulation should not be hindered by tight
clothing or bands, or by insufficient clothing of the extremities. Whatever hinders the circulation
forces the blood back to the vital organs, producing congestion. Headache, cough, palpitation
(violent, irregular motion) of the heart, or indigestion is often the result.

PJ (sometimes women need to cut the bands)

Three things: tight clothing. Insufficient clothing (even in summer, the parts were the extremities
are not sufficiently covered, the skin is cold)

CH 92 Limbs must be covered: Another evil which custom fosters is the unequal distribution of the
clothing, so that while some parts of the body have more than is required, others are
insufficiently clad. The feet and limbs, being remote from the vital organs, should be
especially guarded from cold by abundant clothing. It is impossible to have health when the
extremities are habitually cold; for if there is too little blood in them there will be too much in
other portions of the body. Perfect health requires a perfect circulation; but this cannot be had
while three or four times as much clothing is worn upon the body, where the vital organs are
situated, as upon the feet and limbs. 103
Blood in uncovered areas goes to the portion that is covered, and causes congestion, this leads to
bad health. What is the result of congestion of blood? A headache or cold, cough. If it is 80 degrees
outside you do not need to ware long sleeves and boots.


Four chambers Top = Atrium Bottom = Ventricle .Right Atrium. Left Atrium. Right Ventricle (forces
blood through the pulmonary artery). Left Ventricle.

Four Vessels that drain

Aorta (blood) = major artery, that drains the blood from heart to the body or system
Superior (top) Vena Cava = major blood vessel

Inferior (bottom) Vena Cava = major blood vessel

Artery = supply blood to the body

Veins = draining blood from the body

Pulmonary trunk is blue instead of red, it is an artery; has strong walls. Blood leaves this and comes
into the lungs to get oxygenated, that is why the artery is blue, the blood is de-oxygenated.

1.) Right Ventricle to 2.) Pulmonary trunk to 3.) Lungs.

Flow of blood flow from Right atrium to Right ventricle to Pulmonary trunk or vein to lungs back to
Left Atrium.

Ventricle. Left Ventricle: It has a thicker myocardium, it is a muscle, it has to pump the blood
through a bigger system, the whole body, so the contraction has more force. Right ventricle has to
pump through a small system, which is the lungs, so it has less muscles

Diaphragm: This shows were the division of the systemic circuit is. The upper systemic circuit from
the lower.

Distribution of the blood:

Aorta (comes out of left ventricle)

Arteries = supply different systems; for kidneys, liver etc
Arterioles = supplies smaller systems: these three distribute blood to the different areas; layers
thick have a lot of pressure.
Capillaries = is where the exchange takes place; the blood diffuses through the blood and goes to
the tissues for the cells to get all they need, and the waste from the metabolism goes from tissues to
Venules = drains blood from the kidneys, from these it goes to the
Veins = larger vessels, from here to
Superior and Inferior Vena Cava 104
The blood has low pressure because it is fighting gravity, so the muscles pump the blood up or
down, there are valves at different points in the muscles, the ones leading down close. So when the
muscles constrict the blood goes up. KILLS EVOLUTION. When blood goes down, it is because of
vellulose veins


4,300 gallons of blood and over 100,000 contractions in 24 hours. The body has 5 quarts. Entire
cycle takes less than a minute. It goes through 60,000 miles of vessels. If we take our blood, when
you gain weight, you need more mileage. In between contractions, there is a fraction of rest
between each. Add them up, you will the amount of rest the heart gets. When you have high blood
pressure, the heart needs to pump faster, and that is less rest for the heart. The myocardium gets
tired, and when you stimulate muscles they grow, you have a large heart with weak muscles.

Russian Steam Bath

1.) Detoxification (of drugs): you can do for a week or so to help them get off
2.) Influenza – good tool for the flu
3.) Cold
4.) Arthritis – especially rheumatoid arthritis
5.) Sinus Problems

Blood Pressure
Pressure that the blood exerts against the inner walls of the blood vessels. (pressure in the lumen),
Can lead to stroke, kidney failure, and heart attack. Things to cause High blood pressure.

Cause of High Blood pressure

Stress why? We have two parts to the nerve systems. Parasympathetic system & Sympathetic

Sympathetic – stimulates adrenaline glands, that constrict blood vessels. Epinephrine and nor
epinephrine, during a time of stress will constrict. Over a time it will affect the heart, it is being over

 Godly Trust – constant communion or prayer
 Stress Management – through exercise, walk, and contemplate nature, this draws you to
 Hydrotherapy – tepid bath (the temperature is no more than 102 for an ½ hour the blood
will go down. Also a hot foot bath. Warm soothing fomentation to the spine for 1 hour (even
for insomnia).
 Gentle massage, just a relaxing one.
 Nutritional diet with low salt. Eliminate caffeine and sugar; use natural sugar, such as in
fruits and dates
 Herbs: valerian, catnip, hops, skullcap, passion flower, peppermint mixed with catnip: these
will aid them to stop smoking. Take 4 times a day 105
Increases BP from 15 to 20 points with smoking. Nicotine stimulated the adrenal gland to secrete
epinephrine, and this raises the BP

 Stop smoking
 Hydrotherapy – (anything that increases sweating)
o Hot & Cold shower, 3 mins as hot as you can take it. 1 min cold do 3 times
o Russian steam bath
o Wet sheet pack
 Herbs: valerian, catnip, hops, skullcap, passion flower, peppermint mixed with catnip: these
will aid them to stop smoking. Take 4 times a day
 Nutrition: meat, sugar, spices (they enhance taste for stronger stimulus), just simple natural

Atherosclerosis & arteriosclerosis

 Arteriosclerosis – hardening of the arteries; elastin of the wall is damaged.
 Athero – closing of the lumen; both enhance peripheral resistance(both make blood vessel
hard). This causes the blood to pump harder.

What leads to artherosclerosis

 high fat diet, high saturated diet
 Artherosclerosis
o Solution:
 Put person on low fat, low cholesterol diet. In the fat the type to be used is
mono saturated fat.
 Arteriosclerosis
o Solution:
 Exercise, sedentary lifestyle causes damage to the elastin.
 Exercise increases HDL
 Flax seed – they have linolenic, this will reduce undesirable blood clotting. It
also thins the blood.
 Garlic – this thins the blood
 White willow bark – thins the blood. 106
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Definition: Combination of chest compression and rescue breathing. Coronary refers to the heart,
pulmonary lungs.

Note: Cholesterol is found in all animal products. Good cholesterol is in almonds and avocado.
Arteriosclerosis. Blood flows through the arteries, at first the opening is clear, than cholesterol
build up turn into fatty deposits and blood can't get through.

 Heart Attacks
o 1,500 die from heart attacks everyday. EMS (Emergency Medical Service). Many die
o Reduce risk by having BP checked regularly.
o CPR: no pulse, no respiration
 Heart Attack
o The heart muscle is dying, and making it difficult for his heart to beat
 Cardiac Arrest:
o Stop breathing, and pulse gone, heart stops.
 CPR.
o Reason for giving:
 Drowning
 Electrocuted
 He overdosed
o Look
o Listen
o Feel
 3 leading causes of death:
o Heart disease
 4 Steps in Emergency
o Survey the scene: See what happened
 See what happened, few seconds
 Don't move the victim unless, he may be in danger like in the middle of the
 See if unconscious, if many take care of the one who needs help first.
 Check for bystanders; identify yourself as trained helper.
o Primary survey of the victim
o Phone EMS (send someone preferably)
o Secondary survey.
 Primary Survey
o A = Air (does person has open air way, throat)
o B = Breathing
o C = Circulation (see if they have pulse)
o Find conditions that are an immediate threat to life.
o You don't want to do CPR if a person is lying in the bed. Need hard surface.
o Call them:
 Tell them your name
 Give them number where you are at
 Tell them the address
 Tell them what the accident was.
 Let them know how many people are injured.
 Let them know if anyone is administering CPR. 107
 Rescue Breathing:
o Given when someone has a pulse, but is not breathing.
o Passage way from nose to mouth to lungs is called airway.
o Brain dies after 6 mins.
o Causes:
 Anatomic: Tissue's in throat swell. Also when tongue is back down the throat.
o Air can enter stomach three ways:
 Rescuer keeps breathing into person
 When rescuer hasn't tilted head far back enough to open airway passage.
 When Rescuer breathes with quick breaths.
o If they vomit:
 Turn head to side, wipe out what you can see, clean it up, and keep going.
o Mouth to nose (jaw injury)
 Breathe into nose, close mouth.
 Same procedure as mouth to mouth
 If it is an infant give short small breathes and put mouth over there mouth
and nose.
 Someone has stoma, have to do mouth to stoma.
 Same as mouth to mouth only to stoma, listen to the person
breathing at the stoma not mouth.
 Airway Obstruction:
o If they are coughing and it is coming out, don't touch.
o If they are trying to breathe and nothing is coming out at all they are choking.
o Place fist on diaphragm, and thrust upward
 Chest Thrust:
o If pregnant or too large. Use chest thrust conscious or unconscious, above the
pointed area of sternum.
 Unconscious
o Straddle the victim and give abdominal thrusts
 Symptoms of heart attack:
o Pressure
o Squeezing
o Tightness
o Heavy
o Sweating
o Nausea
o Shortness of breath.
 Infant 0-1 years of age:
o Rescue Breathing
 Mouth to Mouth & Nose (cover whole mouth); give little puffs of air.
 Position index finger in center of chest, take away index finger and use 2nd
and 3rd fingers in sternum.
 1 to 3 seconds apart.
 1 Breath to 5 compressions; compressions are ½ - 1 inch
 Check pulse at brachial position, with two fingers
o Obstructed Airway
 Hold face and chin area lay across knee
 Give back thrusts in the center
 Child 1-8 years of age:
o CPR 108
 1 Breath and 5 compressions (depth of compression 1-1 ½ use heel of the
hand, use one hand)
o Rescue Breathing
 1 Breath every 3 seconds; half of breath
o Obstructed Airway
 Do not perform finger sweep; do tongue jaw lift, if you can see something
take out. Take out only if you can see it.
 Adult 8 - ?:
o Perform as taught.
Urinary System
 Eliminating organ
 Two parts
o Medulla
o Cortex
 Made of flitering units called nephrons. When someone has kidney failure, the nephrons are
being destroyed. They don't have enough filtering units, the toxins build up, and if you have
a lot of toxins you die, such as a lot of phnemona. They are the essential units of the kidneys.
o They have 2,000,000 microscopic nephrons.
o The nephron as two parts:
 Renal corpuscles.
 Glomerulus (network of capillaries)
 Bowman's capsule
o This is where the filtering takes place
 Renal Tubule (comes out from renal corpuscles)
 Proximal convoluted tubule
 Loop of henle
 Distal convoluted tubule

Cleansing (don't have to know, just sharing). Laxitives natural, they irritate the colon and small
intestine, which cause rush peristalses, which takes place when your intestine senses something,
that shouldn't be there. It can't absorb it, so it pushes it through the small intestine before
absorption can take place. And this causes diarrhea. This comes from colon cleanses.

She calls this the true cleansing

2 SM 289 Christ's remedies cleanse the system

Frequent bathing/ change of clothing (through the skin you are constantly throwing off impurities,
1 bath a day is enough, the clothes we were are absorbing the impurities that are being thrown off
are in there, if you were the same clothes, your body absorbs impurities that were kicked off. We
should not ware the same clothes for the whole week to work. If we do it creates an additional
burden to the other organs)

Drinking pure water, pure soft water, (not salt to irritate the intestine, some use salt to push waste
through the intestine, 8 cups. When you constantly cleanse in this manner you destroy the villi, and
absorption is hindered and you have defenciencies, it also eliminates the natural bacteria of the

RH 1884 water is the best liquid possible to cleanse the system. 109
Internet colon cleansing is not recommended.

Kidneys (about the size of a bar of soap)

 Inches
o 4.8 inches long
o 2.4 inches wide
o 1.5 inches thick
 Centimeters
o 12 centimeters long
o 6 centimeters wide
o 3 centimeters thick
 Ureter
o They dump the urine into the bladder
o From the bladder to the uretha, and out of the body
 Renal corpusal are located in the cortex; renal tubules in the medulla
 Two Parts to the kidneys
o Cortex
o Medulla
 Renal corpusal made of two things:
o Bowman's capsule
o Glomerules
 Nephron
o 2 million
o 2 main parts
 Renal capsule
 Glomerulus
 Bowman's capsule
 Renal tubule
 3 parts
o Proximal tubule
o Loop of Henley
o Distal tubule
 Afferent Term:
o Coming in: goes into the renal corpusal
o This artery is wider, it has more blood going in
 Efferent Term:
o Goes out. Comes out of the Renal corpusal
o This arteriole is smaller, less blood going out.
 This allows filtration

Proper Methods of Cooking

1. Low heat
2. Small amounts of water (Steam cooking is one of the best / use the water in another recipe
3. Cook only for the necessary length of time (Do not over cook)

Advantages of Cooking

Disadvantages of Cooking
Resistance starches-fermentations

Kidneys-Clean the blood of waste products continually

3 Main Functions of the Kidneys

1. Regulate volume, composition, and pH of the body fluid
2. Secrete hormone – erythropoietin (Production of RBC)
3. Produces the enzyme renin (Regulate BP)

Cortex and Medulla – Two main parts of the kidney

 Cortex is the outside part (made of nephrons)

 Medulla is the inside part (made of nephrons)
 Nephrons are the filtering units – production of urine
 Renal corpuscle (Filtering)
 Bowmans’s Capsule (Afferent arteriole Large IN & Efferent arteriole Small
 Glomerulus (net of capitularies) (High BP)
 Renal Tubules (reabsorption)
 Proximal convoluted tubule
 Loop of Henle
 Distal convoluted tubule
 Components of the filtrates
 Water 99%
 Nutrients (Glucose / Amino Acids )
 Electrolytes (Sodium / Potassium / chloride, calcium)
 Nitrogenous waste (uric acid / creatinine, urea)

 Damage to the Nephrons

 Drugs
 Chemical
 Infection
 Injuries
 High BP

Causes of Kidney Stones

 Excess of calcium
 Excess of magnesium
 Excess of uric Acid
 Retaining urine

Kidney stones will block the obstruction of ureter, which cause infections.

Three types of Kidney stones

 Calcium oxalates – most common (don’t eat a lot of spinach, rhubarb, high supplementation
of vitamin C, Not enough water)
 Uric acid – From eating meat (Not enough water)
 Struvites (m nesium) - very rare 111
The kidney clean the blood
 Every min 1.3-2 L blood
 Every Hour (Very drop of blood 20 times)

How to prevent kidney stones

 Drink plenty of water (more if you have a fever or if you exercise a lot)
 Avoid/limit foods or supplements that increase oxalate (vitamin C)
 Avoid animal products (these increase uric acid)
 Ensure plenty of B vitamins (whole grains, nuts, soya, legumes)
 Maintain low sugar intake (10% or less of the total Kcalories)

Formation of urine
(this happens in the nephrons) (we only need to remember the main parts)

 Afferent(wider) arterial coming into the renal corpusal
 Efferent(smaller) goes out of glomerulus,
 So there is more pressure coming in because of water and blood. Because the afferent tube
is wider and the efferent arteriole is smaller pressure builds up in the glomerulus, and this
pressure causes filtration to take place. The process of the water, ions etc being pushed out
is filtration. Filtration takes place only in the Bowman's Capsule. It comes from the
 Filtration goes from the glomerulus (which are the arterials) it is water and ions, proteins,
sodium, that gets filtered. Into the bowman's capsule.
 From the bowman's capsule into the proximal tubual.
 Then into the Loop of Henley

 Begins in the proximal tubule
 Continues in the loop of Henley
 And also the distal tubule
 Because of the pressure, some things got forced into the blood. That shouldn't be in there.

 In the distal tubule this is where secretion takes place

What causes Nephropathy (or nephron damage)

 Kidney infections
 Injury to the kidneys (accident, surgery, trauma)
 Chemical poisoning (mercury, drugs and medication, lead, etc)

Extra information on Cleansing

People say we need to clean the colon. Because of the shape of it, things get stuck into the walls, and
they say we need to clean it. In the garden when man was made God said it was 'very good'.

Every inch of the GI tract from the mouth to the anal canal is protected or lined by mucus cells. The
mucus is sticky. The colon has mucus, and the mucus is to prevent things from being stuck in the
colon. If the skin is not clean the other organs are overworked, they are burdened, and disease is
the result. She says use pure water not salt water to clean the system, along with frequent bathing. 112
Formula: you need 1 glass of water forever 15 pounds of weight so. 190lbs. 190/15 if you round up
is 13 glasses.

Another way to clean the system is exercise, to clean from the impurities, not from feces, happens in
the intestine.

Lifestyle factors keep the impurities low, and the 8 laws of health.

True Cleansing according to SOP

Washing, and changing clothes

Drinking water
Proper breathing: deep breathing aids the lung in releasing impurities. You can increase the lung
capacity by exercise

Short fasting; she never says have a ten day fasting, a short fast for a day or two, you can have
serious problems from prolonged fasting. If you need more than this, she says have a diet of fruit for
a short time (they only give minerals and vitamins, not essential fatty acids, etc), then after this a
simple diet.
Simple herbs: must watch for toxic herbs.

By use of the true natural remedies: 8 laws of health, can use water, so if someone needs to detoxify
themselves they need hydrotherapy.

Disobedience Separated Adam & Eve from God

Gen 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the
eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave
also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

CT 289 Adam and Eve were placed on trial and failed. . . . Satan deceived Eve, and she disobeyed God.
The holy pair, not resisting temptation, were brought under Satan’s jurisdiction. The enemy gained
supremacy over the human race, bringing in death, the penalty of disobedience.

Ed 25 It was grateful to the taste, and, as she ate, she seemed to feel a vivifying power, and imagined
herself entering upon a higher state of existence. Having herself transgressed, she became a tempter
to her husband, ‘and he did eat.’

8T 290 Having lost his place in heaven, Satan presented his temptations to our first parents. Adam
and Eve yielded to the enemy, and by their disobedience humanity was estranged from God, and the
earth was separated from heaven....If Adam and Eve had never touched the forbidden tree, the Lord
would have imparted to them knowledge, knowledge upon which rested no curse of sin, knowledge
that would have brought them everlasting joy. All that they gained by their disobedience was an
acquaintance with sin and its results.

TM 133 So He drove out the man; and He placed at the east of the Garden of Eden cherubims, and a
flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life." Man was dependent upon
the tree of life for immortality, and the Lord took these precautions lest men should eat of that tree
"and live forever"— 113
MH 127 Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation
of the laws of health.

MH 113 Sickness, suffering, and death are work of an antagonistic power. Satan is the destroyer; God
is the restorer.

3 John 1:1-4 [1] The elder unto the wellbeloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. [2] Beloved, I wish
above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. [3] For I
rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou
walkest in the truth. [4] I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

Disease always has a cause:

Prov 26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.

 MH 234 Disease never comes without a cause. The way is prepared, and disease invited, by
disregard of the laws of health. Many suffer in consequence of the transgression of their parents.
While they are not responsible for what their parents have done, it is nevertheless their duty to
ascertain what are and what are not violations of the laws of health. They should avoid the wrong
habits of their ag
parents and, by correct living, place themselves in better conditions… The greater number,
however, suffer because of their own wrong course of action. They disregard the principles of health
by their habits of eating, drinking, dressing, and working. Their transgression of nature's laws
produces the sure result; and when sickness comes upon them, many do not credit their suffering
to the true cause, but murmur against God because of their afflictions. But God is not responsible
for the suffering that follows disregard of natural law.

Cause ascertained: Intemperate eating (bad combination, eating things not suppose to eat, meat
etc, to much variety).

Unhealthful conditions changed: short fast for meal or two.

Habits corrected: Simple diet for a month or two

Two Antagonistic Powers:

MH 113

Satan destroyer: we can see the results all over, if we don't keep the laws we will die
Genesis 3:4 same lie, eat how you want it doesn't matter, eat when you want, eat in-between
meals, it doesn't matter that the prophet declares the intemperate eating is often the cause
of sickness.

Antagonistic Satan got Job (but usually not the cause)

MH 234 Disease never comes without a cause. The way is prepared, and disease invited, by disregard
of the laws of health. Many suffer in consequence of the transgression of their parents. While they
are not responsible for what their parents have done, it is nevertheless their duty to ascertain what
are and what are not violations of the laws of health. They should avoid the wrong habits of their
parents and, by correct living, place themselves in better conditions.

Primary cause of disease is: (1) Dis-regard of the laws of health; it is transgression of laws of health
which is sin. (Majority) (Willful neglect/ ignorance) (2) Transgression of parents (can have sinful 114
tendency; also be affected if they drank while you were being borne; have a background of family
that eats pig for example). We must ascertain, Correct, and Obey.

General Causes of Sickness & Disease

Primary Cause: Sin

Secondary Causes: microorganisms, munitions of war, accidents, degeneracy, weather,

environmental poisons, malnutrition, animals, drugs, unhealthful dress, poor cooking, secret vice,
decreased water inside and outside, imagination, meat eating, fear, and others

6T 224 The human family is suffering because of transgression of the laws of God. The Lord desires
that men shall be led to understand the cause of their suffering and the only way to find relief. He
desires them to see that their well-being,—physical, mental, and moral,—depends upon their
obedience to His laws.

PP 306 It is inevitable that children should suffer from the consequences of parental wrong-doing,
but they are not punished for the parents’ guilt, except as they participate in their sins. It is usually
the case, however, that children walk in the steps of their parents. By inheritance and example the
sons become partakers of the father’s sin. Wrong tendencies, perverted appetites, and debased
morals, as well as physical disease and degeneracy, are transmitted as a legacy from father to son, to
the third and fourth generation. This fearful truth should have a solemn power to restrain men from
following a course of sin.

Ex 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a
jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation
of them that hate me;


CH 344 Disease is sometimes produced, and is often greatly aggravated, by the imagination. Many
are lifelong invalids who might be well if they only thought so. Many imagine that every slight
exposure will cause illness, and the evil effect is produced because it is expected. Many die from
disease, the cause of which is wholly imaginary.

CH 324 Satan is the originator of disease, and the physician is warring against his work and power.
Sickness of the mind prevails everywhere. Nine tenths of the diseases from which men suffer have
their foundation here. Perhaps some living home trouble is, like a canker, eating to the very soul and
weakening the life forces. Remorse for sin sometimes undermines the constitution and unbalances
the mind.”

Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 383 By fostering a love for mere amusement, the
reading of fiction creates a distaste for life's practical duties. Through its exciting, intoxicating power
it is not infrequently a cause of both mental and physical disease.

4T 60 The sympathy which exists between the mind and the body is very great; when one is affected,
the other responds.

Lack of Will-Power
Health Reformer, January 1, 1871. “Sickness is very largely the want of will. Everything is
brain. There are thought and feeling, not only, but will; and will includes in it far more than
mental philosophers think. It acts universally; now upon the mind, and then just as much
upon the body. It is another name for life-force. Men in whom this life, or will-power, is 115
great, resist disease, and combat it when attacked. To array a man’s mind against his
sickness, is the supreme art of medicine. Inspire in man courage and purpose, and the mind-
power will cast out disease.”

Use God’s Natural Remedies

5T 443 There are many ways of practicing the healing art, but there is only one way that Heaven
approves. God’s remedies are the simple agencies of nature that will not tax or debilitate the system
through their powerful properties. Pure air and water, cleanliness, a proper diet, purity of life, and a
firm trust in God are remedies for the want of which thousands are dying; yet these remedies are
going out of date because their skillful use requires work that the people do not appreciate. Fresh
air, exercise, pure water, and clean, sweet premises are within the reach of all with but little

DA 824 In the Saviour’s manner of healing there were lessons for His disciples. On one occasion He
anointed the eyes of a blind man with clay, and bade him, ‘Go wash in the pool of Siloam....He went his
way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.’ John 9:7 the cure could be wrought only by the power
of the Great Healer, yet Christ made use of the simple agencies of nature. While He did not give
countenance to drug medication, He sanctioned the use of simple and natural remedies.

MM 231 By the influence of the quickening, reviving, life-giving properties of nature’s great
medicinal resources, the functions of the body are strengthened, the intellect awakened, the
imagination quickened, the spirits enlivened. The mind is prepared to appreciate the beauties of
God’s word.

MM 224 If the sick and suffering will do only as well as they know in regard to living out the
principles of health reform perseveringly, then they will in nine cases out of ten recover from their

1. Transgression of the laws of health

MH 126 Many transgress the laws of health through ignorance, and they need instruction. But the
greater number know better than they do. They need to be impressed with the importance of making
their knowledge a guide of life. The physician has many opportunities both of imparting a knowledge
of health principles and of showing the importance of putting them in practice. By right instruction
he can do much to correct evils that are working untold harm.

Transgression through ignorance and willful transgression.

2. Free use of poisonous drugs

MH 126 A practice that is laying the foundation of a vast amount of disease and of even more serious
evils is the free use of poisonous drugs. When attacked by disease, many will not take the trouble
to search out the cause of their illness. Their chief anxiety is to rid themselves of pain and
inconvenience. So they resort to patent nostrums, of whose real properties they know little, or they
apply to a physician for some remedy to counteract the result of their misdoing, but with no thought
of making a change in their unhealthful habits. If immediate benefit is not realized, another medicine
is tried, and then another. Thus the evil continues.

MH 126 People need to be taught that drugs do not cure disease. It is true that they sometimes
afford present relief, and the patient appears to recover as the result of their use; this is because
nature has sufficient vital force to expel the poison and to correct the conditions that caused the
disease. Health is recovered in spite of the drug. But in most cases the drug only changes the form
and location of the disease. Often the effect of the poison seems to be overcome for a time, but the
results remain in the system and work great harm at some later period. 116
3.) Other Agencies

Prov 26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.

Prov 26:20 Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife

Disease never comes without a cause

Deut 7:11, 14-15 [11] Thou shalt therefore keep the commandments, and the statutes, and the
judgments, which I command thee this day, to do them. [14] Thou shalt be blessed above all people:
there shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle. [15] And the LORD will
take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest,
upon thee; but will lay them upon all them that hate thee.

Keep satutes will not receive a disease of eyptians. Microorganisms, accidents, degeneracy (CDF
117:194), weather, environmental points, famine.

New Start: How many true remedies? 8

MH 127 Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in
divine power.

MH 127 Every person should have a knowledge of nature's remedial agencies and how to apply
them. It is essential both to understand the principles involved in the treatment of the sick and to
have a practical training that will enable one rightly to use this knowledge.

One way of practicing the healing art: CD 301

CD 301 There are many ways of practicing the healing art; but there is only one way that Heaven
approves. God's remedies are the simple agencies of nature, that will not tax or debilitate the system
through their powerful properties. Pure air and water, cleanliness, a proper diet, purity of life, and a
firm trust in God, are remedies for the want of which thousands are dying; yet these remedies are
going out of date because their skillful use requires work that the people do not appreciate. Fresh air,
exercise, pure water, and clean, sweet premises, are within the reach of all, with but little expense;
but drugs are expensive, both in the outlay of means, and the effect produced upon the system.

Why don't people want to use these simple means? The use of natural remedies requires an
amount of care and effort that many are not willing to give. Nature's process of healing and
upbuilding is gradual, and to the impatient it seems slow. The surrender of hurtful indulgences
requires sacrifice. But in the end it will be found that nature, untrammeled, does her work wisely
and well. Those who persevere in obedience t her laws will reap the reward in health of body and
health of mind. When someone takes pills for migraine, it intercepts the pain, but does not cure.

Herbs, teach people how to use them.

Spal 137

Nutrition: we are what we eat

MH 295

120 days = New Blood Cells. 3 days = new tissues. 117
MH 295 Our bodies are built up from the food we eat. There is a constant breaking down of the
tissues of the body; every movement of every organ involves waste, and this waste is repaired from
our food. Each organ of the body requires its share of nutrition. The brain must be supplied with its
portion; the bones, muscles, and nerves demand theirs. It is a wonderful process that transforms
the food into blood and uses this blood to build up the varied parts of the body; but this
process is going on continually, supplying with life and strength each nerve, muscle, and

Diet should be suited for the Season:

MH 296 Some foods that are adapted for use at one season or in one climate are not suited to
another. So there are different foods best suited for persons in different occupations. Often food that
can be used with benefit by those engaged in hard physical labor is unsuitable for persons of
sedentary pursuits or intense mental application. God has given us an ample variety of healthful
foods, and each person should choose from it the things that experience and sound judgment prove
to be best suited to his own necessities.

Appetite not good guide: Those foods should be chosen that best supply the elements needed for
building up the body. In this choice, appetite is not a safe guide.

5 Diets in the Bible:

1.) Genesis 1:29 – Fruits, grains, and nuts
2.) Genesis 3:18 – Fruits, grains, nuts, and Vegetables (herbs: roots or leaves fruit: product of
3.) Genesis 7:2; Lev 11; Gen 9:3-4 Lev 7 – Fruits, grains, nuts, vegetables, and meat
4.) Exodus 16:4, 35 – prove whether they would walk in His laws, it was a diet of perfection.
Angels food. This diet was to prepare them to enter Canaan.

God gave Adam and Eve fruits and grains to eat (Genesis 1:29)

After sin entered he added vegetables to their diet (Genesis 3:18)

After the flood God allowed clean meat to be eaten (Genesis 7:2; 9:3)

On the exodus from Egypt to Canaan, the promised land, God gave them manna to eat (Exodus

Results of the desire or lust for flesh meat (Numbers 11:4,5, 31-34)

Blood and fat of animals are prohibited (Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 3:17; 7:23)

CD 373 After the flood the people ate largely of animal food. God saw that the ways of man were
corrupt, and that he was disposed to exalt himself proudly against his Creator and to follow the
inclinations of his own heart. And He permitted that long-lived race to eat animal food to shorten
their sinful lives. Soon after the flood the race began to rapidly decrease in size, and in length of

Effects of meat eating on life span:

Before eating flesh After eating flesh
Name Age Age Name
Adam 930 600 Shem 118
Seth 912 438 Arphaxad
Enos 905 433 Salah
Cainan 910 464 Eber
Mahalaleel 895 239 Peleg
Jared 962 239 Rue
Enoch 365 230 Serug
Methuselah 969 148 Nahor
Lamech 777 205 Terah
Noah 950 175 Abraham

Noah, the tenth generation, lived 20 years longer than Adam; the eighth generation lived 39 years
longer than Adam; Shem was brought up on a vegetarian diet and lived to a fair age; but the second
generation after the Flood—dropped to 438 years; and the eighth generation, instead of being the
longest as before the Flood, was the shortest, only 148 years.
(Chart and comment from Bible Handbook by S. N. Haskell, pages 154-155, and The Medical
Missionary Manual compiled by Vance Ferrell)

Our Diet in Heaven (Isaiah 65:21, 25)

Why did He permit meat? CD 373

CD 373 After the flood the people ate largely of animal food. God saw that the ways of man were
corrupt, and that he was disposed to exalt himself proudly against his Creator and to follow the
inclinations of his own heart. And He permitted that long-lived race to eat animal food to
shorten their sinful lives. Soon after the flood the race began to rapidly decrease in size, and in
length of years.

What is God's diet for the last days? CD pg. 380-381

CD 380 Among those who are waiting for the coming of the Lord, meat eating will eventually
be done away; flesh will cease to form a part of their diet. We should ever keep this end in
view, and endeavor to work steadily toward it. I cannot think that in the practice of flesh
eating we are in harmony with the light which God has been pleased to give us. All who are
connected with our health institutions especially should be educating themselves to subsist on fruits,
grains, and vegetables. If we move from principle in these things, if we as Christian reformers
educate our own taste, and bring our diet to God's plan, then we may exert an influence upon others
in this matter, which will be pleasing to God.


MH 127 The only hope of better things is in the education of the people in right principles. Let
physicians teach the people that restorative power is not in drugs, but in nature. Disease is an effort
of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of health. In case
of sickness, the cause should be ascertained. Unhealthful conditions should be changed, wrong habits
corrected. Then nature is to be assisted in her effort to expel impurities and to re-establish right
conditions in the system.

2 Cor 11:3-4 [3] But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so
your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. [4] For if he that cometh
preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or [if] ye receive another spirit, which ye have
not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with [him].

Conflict between two teachings 119
1. Disease is the result of a transgressing to laws of heath.
2. Disease is the result of a dirty colon.

CD 17 It is as truly a sin to violate the laws of our being as it is to break the ten commandments. To
do either is to break God's laws. Those who transgress the law of God in their physical organism,
will be inclined to violate the law of God spoken from Sinai.

There are four systems to expel impurities from the body

1. integumentary system -> water, exercise, hydrotherapy
2. digestive system -> high fiber, water, exercise
3. urinary system -> water
4. respiratory system -> deep breathing exercise

MH 271 In order to have good health, we must have good blood; for the blood is the current of life.
It repairs waste, and nourishes the body. When supplied with the proper food elements and when
cleansed and cleansed and vitalized by contact with pure air, it carries life and vigor to every part of
the system. The more perfect the circulation, the better will this work be accomplished

MH 296 Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator. These
foods, prepared in as simple and natural a manner as possible, are the most healthful and nourishing.
They impart a strength, a power of endurance, and a vigor of intellect that are not afforded by a more
complex and stimulating diet.

MH 126 People need to be taught that drugs do not cure disease. It is true that they sometimes
afford present relief, and the patient appears to recover as the result of their use; this is because
nature has sufficient vital force to expel the poison and to correct the conditions that caused the
disease. Health is recovered in spite of the drug. But in most cases the drug only changes the form
and location of the disease.

Other reasons for Disease

 Accident
 Micro-Organisms
 Environmental
 Degeneration
 Social
 Famine

Care taken in regards to nuts

MH 298

A lot of protein and fats. Protein main cause of osteoporosis. Moderate intake of protein.

MH 298 Care should be taken, however, not to use too large a proportion of nuts. Those who realize
ill effects from the use of nut foods may find the difficulty removed by attending to this precaution. It
should be remembered, too, that some nuts are not so wholesome as others. Almonds are
preferable to peanuts, but peanuts in limited quantities, used in connection with grains, are
nourishing and digestible…Persons who have accustomed themselves to a rich, highly stimulating
diet have an unnatural taste, and they cannot at once relish food that is plain and simple. It will take
time for the taste to become natural and for the stomach to recover from the abuse it has suffered.
But those who persevere in the use of wholesome food will, after a time, find it palatable. Its delicate
and delicious flavors will be appreciated... 120
MH 299 In order to maintain health, a sufficient supply of good, nourishing food is needed. {.1}

CD 313 In grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts are to be found all the food elements
that we need. If we will come to the Lord in simplicity of mind, He will teach us how to
prepare wholesome food free from the taint of flesh meat.


MH 299 If we plan wisely, that which is most conducive to health can be secured in almost every
land. The various preparations of rice, wheat, corn, and oats are sent abroad everywhere, also beans,
peas, and lentils. These, with native or imported fruits, and the variety of vegetables that grow in
each locality, give an opportunity to select a dietary that is complete without the use of flesh meats.

Fruits and vegetables offer nutrients: vitamins and minerals. Legumes: Beans, Lentils. A wide
variety encourages gluttony; better to have fruit and vege seperate

MH 299 It is not well to eat fruit and vegetables at the same meal. If the digestion is feeble, the use of
both will often cause distress and inability to put forth mental effort. It is better to have the fruit at
one meal and the vegetables at another.

White bread causes constipation, because it has no fiber:

MH 300 For use in breadmaking, the superfine white flour is not the best. Its use is neither healthful
nor economical. Fine-flour bread is lacking in nutritive elements to be found in bread made
from the whole wheat. It is a frequent cause of constipation and other unhealthful conditions.

If the diet is low in fiber we can get colon cancer. It causes low possibilities to get cancer, most types
at least. No baking powder or soda in bread making. Substitute: yeast

MH 300 The use of soda or baking powder in breadmaking is harmful and unnecessary. Soda causes
inflammation of the stomach and often poisons the entire system.

Regularity in each meal no inbetween meals: only water goes straight into the blood, so you can
drink it, and fluids should be drunk an half an hour before a meal. So then you can eat and it won't
interfere with digestion. We must wait for stomach to be empty before we should eat again. Tea you
can drink like water. Juices should be drunk half an hour before.

MH 303 Regularity in eating is of vital importance. There should be a specified time for each meal. At
this time let everyone eat what the system requires and then take nothing more until the next meal.
There are many who eat when the system needs no food, at irregular intervals, and between
meals, because they have not sufficient strength of will to resist inclination

Do not eat before bed time MH 303.3

Functions slow down when you sleep, so digestion never properly finishes. Lest production of
enzymes, smooth muscles have less movements.

Consequences of eating late

 Digestion continues through sleeping hours, digestive (GI) tract receive no rest.
 Digestion not properly accomplished.
 Sleep disturbed with nightmares 121
 Wakes up tired unrefreshed.
 No relish for breakfast.
 5 to 6 hours should go in-between meals.

MH 303 Another pernicious habit is that of eating just before bedtime. The regular meals may have
been taken; but because there is a sense of faintness, more food is eaten. By indulgence this wrong
practice becomes a habit and often so firmly fixed that it is thought impossible to sleep without food.
As a result of eating late suppers, the digestive process is continued through the sleeping hours.
But though the stomach works constantly, its work is not properly accomplished. The sleep is
often disturbed with unpleasant dreams, and in the morning the person awakes unrefreshed
and with little relish for breakfast. When we lie down to rest, the stomach should have its work all
done, that it, as well as the other organs of the body, may enjoy rest. For persons of sedentary
habits, late suppers are particularly harmful. With them the disturbance created is often the
beginning of disease that ends in death.

MH 304 In many cases the faintness that leads to a desire for food is felt because the digestive organs
have been too severely taxed during the day. After disposing of one meal, the digestive organs need
rest. At least five or six hours should intervene between the meals, and most persons who give
the plan a trial will find that two meals a day are better than three. ENZYMES NEED TO BE

Fruits, grains, and nuts

MH 296 Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator. These
foods, prepared in as simple and natural a manner as possible, are the most healthful and nourishing.
They impart a strength, a power of endurance, and a vigor of intellect that are not afforded by a more
complex and stimulating diet.

Why fruits and grain are the best foods? It is a low fat diet (natural and simple food only).
Cholesterol is a non-essential, the liver makes the supply that we need. High in fiber (soluble and
non-soluble). Lots of phytochemicals (unrefined food only). Provides an adequate amount of
protein (animal protein increases blood cholesterol). Provides all nutrients needed for good blood,
(unrefined products only). Less risk of contracting bacteria and viruses. (bse, cjd, e.coli, salmonella,
cancer, etc.) 122
God Does Not Always Choose To Heal
2 Cor 12:7-10 [7] And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the
revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I
should be exalted above measure. [8] For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart
from me. [9] And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in
weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may
rest upon me. [10] Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in
persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

MM 117 Some died in the days of Christ and in the days of the apostles because the Lord knew just
what was best for them.

CH 375 Many will be laid away to sleep before the fiery ordeal of the time of trouble shall come upon
our world.

Different Purposes of Suffering

1. Reveals error to the sinner

4T 83 Unbelief was taking possession of your soul, and the Lord afflicted you that you might gain a
needed experience.

Letter to “Dear Brother and Sister Kress” May 29, 1901: “It is the lack of suitable food that has caused
you to suffer so keenly....The reason for Dr. Kress’s poor health is his overdrawing on his bank
account of health and then failing to replace the amount drawn out by wholesome, nutritious,
palatable food.”

2. Reveals error to observers

PP 361 The Lord would teach his people to acknowledge the justice of his corrections, that others
may fear. There were those in Israel whom the warning of this terrible judgement might save from
presuming upon God’s forbearance until they too should seal their own destiny. The divine rebuke is
upon that false sympathy for the sinner which endeavors to excuse his sin.

3. To develop character

This Day With God 177 During the past night I have slept but little. I tried to look to Jesus, to place
myself in the hands of the Great Physician. He has said, ‘My grace is sufficient for thee’ (2 Cor. 12:9).
The grace of Christ leads men to speak right words under all circumstances. Bodily suffering is no
excuse for un-Christlike actions....During these sleepless hours, the subject of overcoming has been
the burden of my thoughts....The grace of God is declared to be sufficient for all the ills and trials
against which human beings have to contend. Is it powerless then against bodily infirmity? Shall
divine grace stand back, while Satan takes the field, holding the victim in the power of his evil

4. To accomplish the Lord’s purposes

ST February 21, 1900 Because a man is sick, God does not lay him aside; He makes use of the
sickness. The man who exercises unshaken faith under suffering, exercises a more telling influence
than he could possibly do in health. Often the afflicted one can preach a more effectual sermon from
his sick-bed than ever he preached from the pulpit. And it is on the sickbed that the sustaining power
of God is magnified. When we are pressed by suffering or bereavement, God sends the needed help.
His promises are proved to be steadfast and unfailing. 123
E.G. White Letter, July 3, 1892 While I am passing through this ordeal of physical suffering, I devote
many sleepless hours to earnest prayer that I may be restored to health. For six months I have been
nearly helpless. . . . Emma White writes saying, ‘Mother, if you are no better, take the next boat back
to America.’ But this is not my way to back out of the situation. My sickness may be in the Lord’s
plan as a part of the arrangement to accomplish purposes which we do not discern. I expect to
remain here my allotted time and do whatever I can though compassed with infirmities.

DA 224, 225 God never leads His children otherwise that they would choose to be led, if they could
see the end from the beginning, and discern the glory of the purpose which they are fulfilling as
coworkers with Him. . . . And of all the gifts that Heaven can bestow upon men, fellowship with
Christ in His sufferings is the most weighty trust and the highest honor.

5. Punishment as a natural consequence of sin (for the unrepentant)

PP 360, 361 God has placed in his word no command which men may obey or disobey at will and not
suffer the consequences.

DA 764 This is not an act of arbitrary power on the part of God. The rejecters of His mercy reap that
which they have sown. . . . God gives them existence for a time that they may develop their character
and reveal their principles. This accomplished, they receive the results of their own choice.

Our Attitude toward Suffering

Toward the Sufferings of Others

CH 502 Indifference to human woes must give place to lively interest in the sufferings of others.

CH 532 All heaven is interested in the work of relieving suffering humanity.

CH 213 In the word of God there are gracious promises, from which those who are suffering,
whether in body or in mind, may receive comfort and hope and encouragement.

CH 385 If you are in daily communion with God, you will learn to place His estimate upon men, and
the obligations resting upon you to bless suffering humanity will meet with a willing response.

4T 568 Many are without God, and without hope in the world. They are guilty, corrupt, and enslaved
by Satan’s devices. Yet these are the ones whom Christ came from Heaven to redeem. They are
subjects for tenderest pity, sympathy, and tireless effort; for they are on the verge of ruin.

Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing 61 God’s purpose is not merely to deliver from the suffering
that is the inevitable result of sin, but to save from sin itself.

Toward Our Own Suffering

This Day With God 194 There is not a single instance in which God has hidden His face from the
supplication of His people. When every other resource failed He was a present help in every

This Day With God 45 For eleven months after going to Australia, I suffered from inflammatory
rheumatism. I was unable to lift my feet from the floor without suffering great pain....During those
eleven months of suffering....I would not give up. My right arm, from the elbow down, was whole, so
that I could use the pen, and I wrote twenty-five hundred pages of letter paper for publication.
During this period, I had the most terrible suffering of my life....But to all this there is a cheerful side.
My Saviour seemed to be close beside me. I felt his sacred presence in my heart, and I was so
thankful. These months of suffering were the happiest months of my life, because of the 124
companionship of my Saviour....His love filled by heart. All through my sickness, His love, His tender
compassion, was my comfort....Look unto Jesus, your pitying, loving Saviour. If you cast your helpless
soul on Christ, He will bring joy and peace to your soul. He will be your crown of rejoicing, your
exceeding great reward.

Summary of God’s Plan for Restoration of Health:

 Reason from cause to effect
 Remove causes in so far as possible
 Use all known God-approved remedies appropriately
 Claim promises in faith
 Leave results with God; trust His love, power and wisdom
 Wring all blessings possible out of pain and suffering
 Rejoice in the Lord – ALWAYS!!! 125
Restoration to God
Sacrifice of Christ

Eph 5:2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a
sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.

8T 288 After the entrance of sin the heavenly Husbandman transplanted the tree of life to the
paradise above; but its branches hang over the wall to the lower world. Through the redemption
purchased by the blood of Christ, we may still eat of its life-giving fruit.”


Luke 13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

Acts 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times
of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;

Obedience (disobedience separated us; obedience brings us back)

John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

John 15:10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's
commandments, and abide in his love.

My Life Today 100 There is but one power that can bring us into conformity to the likeness of Christ,
that can make us steadfast and keep us constant. It is the grace of God that comes to us through
obedience to the law of God.

3T 164 Our first duty, one which we owe to God, to ourselves, and to our fellow men, is to obey the
laws of God, which include the laws of health.

1 Cor 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

Exo 15:26 …If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is
right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of
these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth

Physical Health Affects Mental And Spiritual Health

1 Cor 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”

In Heavenly Places 191 Our bodies are Christ's purchased possession, and we are not at liberty to
do with them as we please. . . . When men and women are truly converted they will conscientiously
regard the laws of life that God has established in their being, thus seeking to avoid physical, mental,
and moral feebleness.

My Life Today 141 The better you observe the laws of health, the more clearly can you discern
temptations, and resist them, and the more clearly can you discern the value of eternal things.”

MH 130 The body is the only medium through which the mind and the soul are developed for the
upbuilding of character. 126
RC 137 Since the mind and the soul find expression through the body, both mental and spiritual
vigor are in great degree dependent upon physical strength and activity; whatever promotes physical
health promotes the development of a strong mind and a well-balanced character. Without health, no
one can as distinctly understand or as completely fulfill his obligations to himself, to his fellow
beings, or to his Creator. Therefore the health should be as faithfully guarded as the character.”

Getting To Know God

CG 50 His [Jesus'] education was gained from Heaven-appointed sources, from useful work, from the
study of the Scriptures, from nature, and from the experiences of life—God's lesson books, full of
instruction to all who bring to them the willing hand, the seeing eye, and the understanding heart.”

God’s Word

The neglect of the word means starvation to the soul. The word describes the blessed man as one
meditating day and night upon the truths of God's word. We all are to feast upon the word of God.
The relation of the word to the believer is a vital matter. Appropriating the word to our spiritual
necessities is the eating of the leaves of the tree of life that are for the healing of the nations. Study
the word, and practice the word, for it is your life.” -- Ellen G. White Letter 4, 1902.

That I Might Know Him 172 We must see the beauty, the light of God's Word for ourselves, and
kindle our taper at the divine altar, that we may go to the world, holding forth the Word of life as a
bright, shining lamp.”


CG 534 Teach the children to see Christ in nature. Take them out into the open air, under the noble
trees, into the garden; and in all the wonderful works of creation teach them to see an expression of
His love. Teach them that He made the laws which govern all living things, that He has made laws for
us, and that these laws are for our happiness and joy. Do not weary them with long prayers and
tedious exhortations, but through nature's object lessons teach them obedience to the law of God.

COL 24 In itself the beauty of nature leads the soul away from sin and worldly attractions, and
toward purity, peace, and God.

CE 64 Through the volume of inspiration and the book of nature, we are to obtain a knowledge of

MM 234 The leaves of the tree of life are for the healing of the believing, repenting children of God
who avail themselves of the blessing to be found in tree and shrub and flower, even marred as nature
is by the curse.

Experiences of Life

COL 24 Through nature and the experiences of life, men were taught of God.

Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being
understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are
without excuse:

Useful Labor

AH 144 Christ has linked His teaching, not only with the day of rest, but with the week of toil. . . . In
the plowing and sowing, the tilling and reaping, He teaches us to see an illustration of His work of
grace in the heart. So in every line of useful labor and every association of life, He desires us to find a
lesson of divine truth. Then our daily toil will no longer absorb our attention and lead us to forget 127
God; it will continually remind us of our Creator and Redeemer. The thought of God will run like a
thread of gold through all our homely cares and occupations. For us the glory of His face will again
rest upon the face of nature. We shall ever be learning new lessons of heavenly truth and growing
into the image of His purity.

God’s Plan for Restoration of Health

MH 127 In case of sickness, the cause should be ascertained. Unhealthful conditions should be
changed, wrong habits corrected. Then nature is to be assisted in her effort to expel impurities and
to re-establish right conditions in the system.”

Ascertain the Cause

Prov 26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.

AH 22 Sickness does not come without a cause.

Ed 146 Terrible is this truth, and deeply should it be impressed. Every deed reacts upon the doer.
Never a human being but may recognize, in the evils that curse his life, fruitage of his own sowing.
Yet even thus we are not without hope.”

Deut 28:58-61 [58] If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this
book, that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name, THE LORD THY GOD; [59] Then the LORD
will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of long
continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance. [60] Moreover he will bring upon thee all
the diseases of Egypt, which thou wast afraid of; and they shall cleave unto thee. [61] Also every
sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, them will the LORD bring
upon thee, until thou be destroyed.

MH 127 Let physicians teach the people that restorative power is not in drugs, but in nature. Disease
is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of
health. In case of sickness, the cause should be ascertained. Unhealthful conditions should be
changed, wrong habits corrected. Then nature is to be assisted in her effort to expel impurities and to
re-establish right conditions in the system.”

3T 161 All our enjoyment or suffering may be traced to obedience or transgression of natural law.”

CE 124 In eating, drinking, and dressing, the laws of health should be diligently followed, and in
regulating the hours for sleep, there should be no haphazard work. No student should form the habit
of sitting up late at night to burn the midnight oil, and then take the hours of day for sleep. If they
have been accustomed to doing this at home, they should seek to correct their habits and go to rest at
a seasonable hour, and rise in the morning refreshed for the day's duties. In our schools the lights
should be extinguished at half past nine.

DG 177 Make it [a] habit not to sit up after nine o'clock. Every light should be extinguished. This
turning night into day is a wretched, health-destroying habit, and this reading much by brain
workers, up to the sleeping hours, is very injurious to health. It calls the blood to the brain and then
there is restlessness and wakefulness, and the precious sleep that should rest the body does not
come when desired.

7MR 224 I know from the testimonies given me from time to time for brain workers, that sleep is
worth far more before than after midnight. Two hours' good sleep before twelve o'clock is worth
more than four hours after twelve o'clock. . . . 128
Counterfeit Medical Missionary Work—A Test
19 Manuscript Releases 358 Wonderful scenes, with which Satan will be closely connected, will
soon take place. God's Word declares that Satan will work miracles. He will make people sick, and
then will suddenly remove from them his satanic power. They will then be regarded as healed. These
works of apparent healing will bring Seventh-day Adventists to the test. Many who have had great
light will fail to walk in the light, because they have not become one with Christ. His instruction is not
palatable to them.

MM 15 Unbelievers who are afflicted with infirmities will require them to work a miracle upon them,
if God is with them. Christ’s followers should imitate the example of their Lord. Jesus, with His
divine power, did not do any mighty works for Satan’s diversion. Neither can the servants of Christ.
They should refer the unbelieving to the written, inspired testimony for evidence of their being the
loyal people of God and heirs of salvation.

1T 302 The sick will be healed before us. Miracles will be performed in our sight. Are we prepared
for the trial which awaits us when the lying wonders of Satan shall be more fully exhibited?”

Loma Linda Messages 336 The truth for this time, the third angel’s message, is to be proclaimed
with a loud voice, as we approach the great final test. This test must come to the churches in
connection with true medical missionary work, a work that has the Great Physician to dictate and
preside in all it comprehends.

Evangelism 600 In the future, truth will be counterfeited by the precepts of men. Deceptive
theories will be presented as safe doctrines. False sciences is one of the agencies that Satan used in
the heavenly courts, and it is used by him today. . . .

2SM 35 This entering in of Satan through the sciences is well devised. Through the channel of
phrenology, psychology, and mesmerism, he comes more directly to the people of this generation,
and works with that power which is to characterize his efforts near the close of probation. Mark the
influence of these sciences, dear reader, for the conflict between Christ and Satan is not yet ended…”

Invasion of Spiritualism
Sons and Daughters of God 46 Spiritualism asserts that men are unfallen demigods; that "each
mind will judge itself"; that "true knowledge places men above all law"; that "all sins committed are
innocent"; for whatever is, is right," and "God doth not condemn." The basest of human beings it
represents as in heaven, and highly exalted there.... Multitudes are thus led to believe that desire is
the highest law, that license is liberty, and that man is accountable only to himself.

GC 56 In the days of the Hebrews there was a class of people who claimed, as do the Spiritualists of
today, to hold communication with the dead. But the "familiar spirits," as these visitants from other
worlds were called, are declared by the Bible to be the "spirits of devils." Compare Num. 25:1-3; Ps.
106:28; 1 Cor. 10:20; Rev. 16:14. The work of dealing with familiar spirits was pronounced an
abomination to the Lord, and was solemnly forbidden under penalty of death. Lev. 19:31; 20:27. . .
.But Spiritualism, which numbers its converts by hundreds of thousands, yea, by millions, which has
made its way into scientific circles, which has invaded churches, and has found favor in legislative
bodies, and even in the courts of kings--this mammoth deception is but a revival, in a new disguise, of
the witchcraft condemned and prohibited of old.

Evangelism 602 Spiritualism is about to take the world captive. There are many who think that
Spiritualism is upheld through trickery and imposture, but this is far from the truth. Superhuman 129
power is working in a variety of ways, and few have any idea as to what will be the manifestations of
Spiritualism in the future.

GC 553 Many will be ensnared through the belief that Spiritualism is a merely human imposture;
when brought face to face with manifestations which they cannot but regard as supernatural, they
will be deceived, and will be led to accept them as the great power of God.

Experience and Views 59 I saw that soon . . . Satan's power would increase and some of his devoted
followers would have power to work miracles and even to bring down fire from heaven in the sight
of men. . . .I was pointed back to the time of Moses and saw the signs and wonders which God
wrought through him before Pharaoh, most of which were imitated by the magicians of Egypt; and
that just before the final deliverance of the saints, God would work powerfully for His people, and
these modern magicians would be permitted to imitate the work of God.

Evangelism 609 These Satanic agents claim to cure disease. They attribute their power to electricity,
magnetism, or the so-called "sympathetic remedies," while in truth they are but channels for Satan's
electric currents. By this means he casts his spell over the bodies and souls of men.

Satan’s Ground
Evangelism 607 Angels of God will preserve His people while they walk in the path of duty; but
there is no assurance of such protection for those who deliberately venture upon Satan's ground.

Evangelism 605 Thousands, I was shown, have been spoiled through the philosophy of phrenology
and animal magnetism, and have been driven into infidelity. If the mind commences to run in this
channel, it is almost sure to lose its balance and be controlled by a demon.

1T 299 In this degenerate age, Satan holds control over those who depart from the right and venture
upon his ground. He exercises his power upon such in an alarming manner. . . .Some, I was shown,
gratify their curiosity and tamper with the devil. . . .Such do not mean to enter deep into this work,
but they know not what they are doing. They are venturing on the devil's ground and are tempting
him to control them. . . .When they wish to control themselves they cannot. They yielded their minds
to Satan, and he will not release his claims, but holds them captive. No power can deliver the
ensnared soul but the power of God in answer to the earnest prayers of His faithful followers.

PK 211 The mother, watching by the sickbed of her child, exclaims, "I can do no more. Is there no
physician who has power to restore my child?" She is told of the wonderful cures performed by some
clairvoyant or magnetic healer, and she trusts her dear one to his charge, placing it as verily in the
hand of Satan as if he were standing by her side. In many instances the future life of the child is
controlled by a satanic power which it seems impossible to break.

GC 561 Satan has long been preparing for his final effort to deceive the world. . . .Little by little he has
prepared the way for his master-piece of deception in the development of Spiritualism. He has not
yet reached the full accomplishment of his designs; but it will be reached in the last remnant of time. .
. . Except those who are kept by the power of God, through faith in his Word, the whole world will be
swept into the ranks of this delusion. The people are fast being lulled to a fatal security, to be
awakened only by the outpouring of the wrath of God.

Guidelines for Any System of Healing, Or Any New Remedial

Use if
1. Suggested by Inspiration, or
2. in harmony with all applicable true science 130
Do not use as ideal if
1. Spoken against by Inspiration
2. Not in harmony with best of known science

Watchful waiting: neither espouse unequivocally nor condemn if

1. Not mentioned specifically or in principle by Inspiration
2. Its relationship to (harmony with) true science not yet known
3. Pray for discernment
4. Seek help from wise, godly counselors
God's Healing Program Satan's Healing Program
Tree of Life: truth Source of Information Tree of Knowledge: deception
Physiological and Mode of Healing Not physiological and
Supernatural Preternatural
Rest, exercise, proper food, Fatigue Stimulants: caffeine, uppers,
good air emotional excitement
Trust, rest, relaxation, Tenseness, tension, stress, Tranquilizers-knock out
exercise, promises, faith, anxiety, depression brain so that it can’t perceive
hydrotherapy, good air, stress, antidepressants,
catnip tea antipsychotic, unsanctified
Hydrotherapy, hop tea, Insomnia Sedative drugs
massage, trust, faith,
promises, relaxation, good
air, proper breathing,
Remove cause, Pain Analgesics-knock out brain so
hydrotherapy, massage, that it can’t perceive pain
trust, promises, hop
poutices, charcoal
Build up reserves, outdoor Recreation Self-indulgence, competition,
activities, missionary “fun” or “thrill” at any price
activities, hobbies
Appropriate, decent, Clothing Indecent, unhealthful, focuses
healthful, represent beauty on outward beauty, it will
and character of heaven, it attract to self
will attract to Jesus

New Age-Old Lie

The New Age movement is not an organized religion but a complex blending of the
Eastern mystical religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Animism) with human
secularism and the occult. (See the chart below for the basic shared concepts and
beliefs of the New Age.)

Basic Shared Concepts with organized Basic Belief – Truth Is Privately Defined
Life After Death No concept of sin
Out-of-the body experiences No retribution or judgment
Psychic phenomena No death
Human potential/ self-awareness No absolutes 131
Oneness with the universe Humans are demigods (gods)
Communication with spirit entities and nature Most adherents take of these only what appeals
to them

According to this movement humans are gods and have psychic abilities to communicate with a
myriad disembodied spirit masters, or entities in the universe. (Examples include Mozart, Newton,
Einstein, Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Biblical personalities such as John Revelator or Lazarus.)
The New Age teaches that these deceased ones give supernatural knowledge, career counseling,
and even predictions of the future.

Four Types of Involvement

1. Highly visible, practicing New Agers -- crusaders of the New Age movement
2. Closet New Agers- believe, sympathize with and support, but keep a low profile
3. Those who suspect spiritual dangers to be involved with N.A practices and philosophies, but
believe they can select some elements without being adversely affected.
4. Unsuspecting Christians who get involved without realizing that the concepts are part and
parcel of the New Age Movement.

The New Age Historical Timeline

Age of Pisces: Began at the birth of Christ to present. It was categorized by war, bloodshed, and
injustice. Men dominated and led during this time. It is now over.

Age of Aquarius: This is the current age we are living in. It is to be an age of peace, prosperity,
and harmony. According to the New Age women will dominate and lead during this time.

Preparations For Age Of Aquarius:

o spiritual self-awareness: not biblical spirituality but psychic self-awareness--higher self, god
with us, contact with disembodied spiritual entities
o share in the millennium of peace
* mystical meditation
o prosperity
* harmony with the earth
o channeling
* human potential
o holistic health
* experiential, personal transformation
o Eco--feminism: ecology + feminist movement; save planet + equal quality for women

Avenues to the Mind:

 Entertainment – there has been an explosion of movies, books, and DVD’s promoting New
Age concepts
 Education – several major universities are now offering courses in New Age philosophies
 Music-basically two broad categories:
o pop music and lyrics
o yuppie muzak which is designed to inspire a mystical meditation or achieving some sort of
altered consciousness
 Elements of New Age meditative music: 132
o no melody, beat, or confusing rhythms
o basically of harmonic sounds, e.g., rain, rustling leaves, ocean, running streams, singing
birds, sounds of porpoises, can inspire a trance state.
 Angels - Figurines, movies, television shows, and seminars not based on the Bible
 Eco-Feminist movement - “save the planet” combined with equality for women
 Holistic health – see section below

New Age Holistic Health

Holistic health, including many alternative medicine therapies, is one of the most successful
avenues that New Age teachings enter the minds and hearts of people. It serves as the right arm of
the New Age movement. The characteristics of these treatments held in common are:
o origins linked to pagan and occult world views and philosophies
o do not function according to physiological and anatomic structure and function of body
o strong emphasis on metaphysical (supernatural)
o very concerned about energy balancing and control

5T 192, 193 Though we do not pay homage to heathen gods, yet thousands are worshiping at Satan's
shrine as verily as did the king of Israel. The very spirit of heathen idolatry is rife today, though under
the influence of science and education it has assumed a more refined and attractive form…
The heathen oracles have their counterpart in the spiritualistic mediums, the clairvoyants, and
fortunetellers of today. The mystic voices that spoke at Ekron and En-dor are still by their lying
words misleading the children of men. The prince of darkness has but appeared under a new guise.
The mysteries of heathen worship are replaced by the secret associations and seances, the
obscurities and wonders, of the sorcerers of our time. Their disclosures are eagerly received by
thousands who refuse to accept light from God's word or from His Spirit. While they speak with scorn
of the magicians of old, the great deceiver laughs in triumph as they yield to his arts under a different
His agents still claim to cure disease. They attribute their power to electricity, magnetism, or the
so-called ‘sympathetic remedies.’ In truth, they are but channels for Satan's electric currents. By this
means he casts his spell over the bodies and souls of men.

There are at least one-hundred-twenty therapies that generally fall into five categories
(notice how most of them deal with energy balancing):
o Energy manipulations: magnetism, acupuncture, acupressure, Shiatsu, touch reflexology
o Mind-body medicine: yoga, transcendental meditation, guided imagery, visualization,
biofeedback, hypnosis
o Divination: pendulum, "applied kinesiology," iridology, aura reading
o Supernatural: channeling, psychic healing, chakra balancing
o "Natural" remedies: homeopathy, diet fads, “miracle herbal blends”

Background of New Age Holistic Health

Hinduism: The concept of chakras or energy centers is found in ancient Hindu texts. Although the
number has changed through the years most schools of yoga have adopted the 7 chakra model. The
“crown chakra” is supposed to be the one that controls time and space and Kundalini yoga is said to
cause one’s energy to "rise" upward, until reaching the crown of the head, resulting in union with
the Divine. 133
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM): Many of the treatments advocated today have their roots
in traditional Chinese medicine. The foundation for these remedies lies in the concepts of yin-yang,
energy channels called meridians, and overall energy flow known as qi.

Yin and Yang are two matching symbols in a circular motion that represent the principle that
embodies all potential things including all possible time and space. Traditional Chinese philosophy
teaches that:
1. harmony requires balance of good and bad
2. good and bad must go together  there are no absolutes
3. Yin: (black) corresponds to night, cold, moon, left, negative, evil, weakness, female;
symbolized by water and earth
4. Yang: (white) corresponds to day, warmth, sun, right, positive, goodness, strength, male;
symbolized by fire and air vital organs are either yin or yang

This concept of universal healing energy is found in many cultures bearing different names:
 In Taoism and ancient Chinese medicine, this dual universal healing energy is called chi
 In Japan, it is called ki.
 In Hinduism, it is referred to as Prana, 'breath'.
 In Greece, it is called pneuma.
 The Polynesians refer to it as Mana.
 Native Americans call it Orenda.
 Franz Anton Mesmer, father of modern hypnotism, referred to it as animal magnetism
 D.D. Palmer, founder of chiropractic, called it The Innate.
 Wilhelm Reich, founder of Orgonomy, used the term Orgone energy.
 Samuel Hahnemann, founder of homeopathy, called it the vital force.
 Baron Karl von Reichenback referred to it as the Od force or Odyle.
 Contemporary Soviet parapsychologists call it Bioplasma.
o And George Lucas of Star Wars calls it The Force.

3T 138, 139 God endowed man with so great vital force that he has withstood the accumulation of
disease brought upon the race in consequence of perverted habits, and has continued for six
thousand years. This fact of itself is enough to evidence to us the strength and electrical energy that
God gave to man at his creation. It took more than two thousand years of crime and indulgence of
base passions to bring bodily disease upon the race to any great extent. If Adam, at his creation, had
not been endowed with twenty times as much vital force as men now have, the race, with their
present habits of living in violation of natural law, would have become extinct.

Ellen White's use of "vital energy": sum total of life expectancy that God has given each person.

New Age Techniques

We will briefly name a few of them that are commonly known.

Acupuncture / Acupressure: Uses needles to stimulate the flow of qi (the dual universal energy of
yin and yang) in 12-24 main invisible vertical channels called meridians. There are hundreds of
specific points that are said to correspond to vital organs to balance one’s “universal energy”
thereby relieving pain (analgesia) or curing illness. Acupuncture is said to be very effective for
anesthesia during major surgeries and one of the most effective ways of treating drug addictions. It
is hypothesized that this by stimulating these sites the body produces endorphins, the body’s
natural pain killers. It is very difficult to explain how this could explain for limited local anesthesia 134
for lung or brain surgery! These claims go contrary to the general understanding of anatomy,
physiology, and biochemistry. Many have attributed the success of acupuncture to hypnosis.

Chiropractic: Claims that disease of internal organs is caused by blockage of energy flow, The
Innate, caused by the vertebrae of the spine being out of place or “sublaxation.” This is said to cause
problems by placing pressure on the nerves. It is stated that by aligning the spine the interference
of energy flow is relieved and the problems dissipate. True science has discovered that each cell
produces its own energy and even when the spinal cord is severed the cells and tissues continue to
function. Even so, it has been demonstrated that a few chiropractic movements do help in some
cases: it can relieve muscle spasms, improve blood circulation to the muscles, and increase the
motion of joints.

Divination: This practice, which is condemned in the Bible (see Deuteronomy 18:10-12), is found
in all civilizations, both ancient and modern. By using this practice people claim to decipher the
hidden significance or cause of events, and oftentimes predicting the future. The techniques
include: astrology, augury (the flight of birds), tarot or other cards, palm reading, crystal balls, the
entrails of animals, feng Shui (earthen harmony), numerology, dreams, names, Ouija board, rods,
the Runic alphabet, reflective objects, and necromancy.

Electricity: There are many New Age concepts that employ electrical currents to diagnose and
treat disease. Many New Age supporters clearly reject the standard models of anatomy and
physiology. They state that we really need a model of healing based on energy flow rather than
physical matter.

Homeopathy: The founder of this art believed that disease was caused by spirits and not physical
agents.The underlying idea in homeopathy is that “like heals like.” For example, if a person had
diarrhea homeopaths would be given an herb or another substance to cause diarrhea. The
treatments are prepared by using diluting the substance supposedly to cure the disease by
hundreds and thousands of times, at times resulting in a solution in which not even one molecule of
the original substance is left. What then does the healing?

Hypnotism: The hypnotist will use various objects (lights, music, and repetitive sounds) to put
their patient into an altered state of consciousness that is characterized by extreme openness to
suggestion. There is are marked loss of owns will power and sensation during the hypnotic session.

MM 110, 111 Men and women are not to study the science of how to take captive the minds of those
who associate with them. This is the science that Satan teaches. We are to resist everything of the
kind. We are not to tamper with mesmerism and hypnotism the science of the one who lost his first
estate and was cast out of the heavenly courts.

Differences between Adventist holistic health and New Age holistic health philosophy

Area of Comparison Seventh-day Adventist New Age

World View Biblical theistic world view-God Blending of non-biblical world view-
the only sovereign Creator and monism, pantheism, animism, etc.
Sustainer of universe and
everything in it
Ultimate Aim Make man whole – restore to See oneself as demigod and as body-
image of Creator mind self-healer
Philosophy Depends on God for life and Depends on mystical energies and 135
healing self
Methods True education, (the Bible, outdoor Entertainment (books, TV, music)
work, nature, sacred songs), and amusement
Health Holistic health: right arm of Third Holistic health: right arm of the New
Angel's Message Age movement

2SM 53-54 I am instructed to say that in the future great watchfulness will be needed. There is to be
among God's people no spiritual stupidity. Evil spirits are actively engaged in seeking to control the
minds of human beings. Men are binding up in bundles, ready to be consumed by the fires of the last
days. Those who discard Christ and His righteousness will accept the sophistry that is flooding the
world. Christians are to be sober and vigilant, steadfastly resisting their adversary the devil, who is
going about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Men under the influence of evil spirits
will work miracles. They will make people sick by casting their spell upon them, and will then
remove the spell, leading others to say that those who were sick have been miraculously healed. This
Satan has done again and again.--Letter 259, 1903.
We need not be deceived. Wonderful scenes, with which Satan will be closely connected, will soon
take place. God's Word declares that Satan will work miracles. He will make people sick, and then will
suddenly remove from them his satanic power. They will then be regarded as healed. These works of
apparent healing will bring Seventh-day Adventists to the test. Many who have had great light will
fail to walk in the light, because they have not become one with Christ.--Letter 57, 1904.
The way in which Christ worked was to preach the Word, and to relieve suffering by miraculous
works of healing. But I am instructed that we cannot now work in this way, for Satan will exercise his
power by working miracles. God's servants today could not work by means of miracles, because
spurious works of healing, claiming to be divine, will be wrought.
For this reason the Lord has marked out a way in which His people are to carry forward a work of
physical healing, combined with the teaching of the Word. Sanitariums are to be established, and
with these institutions are to be connected workers who will carry forward genuine medical
missionary work. Thus a guarding influence is thrown around those who come to the sanitariums for
This is the provision the Lord has made whereby gospel medical missionary work is to be done for
many souls.”--Letter 53, 1904.

5T 443 There are many ways of practicing the healing art, but there is only one way that Heaven
approves. God's remedies are the simple agencies of nature that will not tax or debilitate the system
through their powerful properties. Pure air and water, cleanliness, a proper diet, purity of life, and a
firm trust in God are remedies for the want of which thousands are dying; yet these remedies are
going out of date because their skillful use requires work that the people do not appreciate. Fresh air,
exercise, pure water, and clean, sweet premises are within the reach of all with but little expense, but
drugs are expensive, both in the outlay of means and in the effect produced upon the system.

Satan’s counterfeits for health

 Acupuncture
 Magnetism
 Reflexology
 Iridology
 Kinesiology
 The Pendulum
 Homeopathy
 All raw food diet

Just because it works doesn’t not mean it is Divine. God’s methods are simple. 136
GC p588 – impending conflict

The Characteristics of Christ (MH p17)

1. Become a servant of man's necessity
2. His mission to bring to men complete restoration; (Body Mind Soul)
a. Matt 4:23 / Matt 1:21 /1 Thess 4:3, 5:23)
3. He worked everywhere and anytime ( In every city, every town, every village)
4. He had no schedule (All day He ministered to those who came to Him)
5. He toiled to teach the principles of Heaven
6. His life was one of self sacrifice (p19)
7. Always patient and cheerful (p19)
8. His work was more healing the preaching (p19)
9. His spiritual life (p29) (mark 1:35)

BIBLE READINGS (Miracles in the last days)

Matt 7:21-23

2 Thes 2:7-12

Rev 13:14

The Mission of Jesus


Matt 4:24 Matt 9:2


Ps 103:1-4

We are Co-workers with Christ


Gods law ignored In harmony with the divine laws (natural &

No education involved Education involved (restore BMS)

Remedies not in harmony with natural Simple remedies that God approves (true
law remedies
No reformation required Reformation required (a sacrifice)
Counterfeit Sabbath True Sabbath 137
How to Have an Health Expo
MM 239 In new fields no work is so successful as medical missionary work…. Medical missionary
work…is the pioneer work of the gospel. It is the gospel practiced, the compassion of Christ revealed.
Of this work there is great need, and the world is open for it.

A Health Expo is a positive way to respond to human suffering in this age of increased knowledge
and technology. Every day we are witnesses to an increase in the number of deaths directly related
to unhealthy lifestyles. Most of these premature deaths could have been prevented and quality of
life increased if simple lifestyle changes had been implemented.

Many are looking for meaning in life but with increased skepticism to all traditional forms of
religiosity. This skepticism often leads to an attitude of self-protection, saving one from the
heartache of meaningless solutions but also reducing the chances of interaction with those who
may carry the message of God’s Love.

Jesus revealed His method to reach those in need. He spent much of His time caring for the physical
and emotional needs of the people, and while doing this He had access to their hearts. Centuries
later, God counseled us that only His method would have long lasting success. He also said that
Medical Missionary Work would break down prejudice and be the right arm of the Gospel for the
finishing of the work on earth.
Christ’s example shows us five steps for effective ministry:
1. Mingle with those whom we want to help
2. Get acquainted with their needs and show a genuine interest in them
3. Look for means and ways to help
4. Keep their friendship and trust
5. Invite them to get acquainted with the Word of God

With this in mind, we believe that the Health Expo concept follows the Gospel commission.

Science supports the health principles promoted at the Health Expos and the Seventh-day Adventist
Church. This is important in an age of evidence-based medicine. Organizers and participants are
encouraged to base their counseling and activities on solid principles of the health message and
scientific evidence.

Weimar Institute, Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital and H.E.R.- Health Education Resources,
have developed the Health Expo concept throughout the years. These organizations have
successfully conducted scores of Health Expos around the world. More recently, the Health
Ministries Department of the Portuguese Union of Seventh-day Adventists has been organizing
many Expos in their Union. This manual is the result of a combined effort between this Union and
H.E.R., to help communities around the world to plan and conduct Health Expos more effectively.

We believe that the Health Expo concept can be adapted to the needs of the local communities while
keeping true to the principles outlined in this manual. This adaptation is mandatory, in view of the
diverse needs, customs and availability of resources in the different regions of the world. 138
A Timely Program Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle
Governments around the world are becoming increasingly active in fighting risk factors of the most
common causes of death. Cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes are the most common
causes of death in industrialized nations but their importance is rapidly rising in developing
countries. Transmissible diseases are the major cause of death in developing countries. Of these,
HIV/AIDS is also a major health problem in industrialized nations. Other medical problems such as
anxiety/depression, are becoming more common and even these may have an indirect relationship
with an increase risk of death, reduce quality of life and affect interpersonal relationships.

There are eight main factors related to disease prevention and physical, emotional and spiritual
health. These are: nutrition, exercise, water, sun, temperance, air, rest and trust in divine power.
Each factor is addressed in detail at the HER Health Expo using a combination of health panels*
with up-to-date medical information, medical tests and health counseling.

Most health systems face budget restrictions in the area of preventive medicine, due to the high
priority of curative services to meet the needs in immediate care. As a result, there are few health
professionals working in the area of preventive medicine, leaving others with little time and
expertise to educate patients on healthful living.

The Health Expo involves health professionals and non-medical volunteers from the community
who are interested in healthful living. There is a short training program on the principles of a
healthy lifestyle and the different activities offered at a Health Expo.

It is estimated that if communities adopted the health principles promoted at the Health Expo, their
death rates for cancer and cardiovascular diseases, for example, could drop by 60-70% and 70 -
80% respectively. Longevity could be increased by 6-12 years, and with better quality of life.
Medical costs would be greatly reduced and people could live better, healthier lives.

*“Panel” refers to large vinyl informational posters which come with 16 panels per set.

Which Approach?
Jesus longed to share with people the blessings of physical well-being as well as the solution to their
emotional and spiritual needs. Many however, did not accept His offer of a new life and went away
having only been helped physically. This did not prevent Jesus from continuing to help people.
In the same way, our work in the Health Expos should be motivated by a desire to share not only 139
the physical benefits of a healthy lifestyle, but also the knowledge of God, the source of Total Health.
As with Jesus, we should be sensitive to people’s needs, respectful of their opinions and never force
religious knowledge upon them.
With this in mind, there are several different but effective ways in which to use the Health Expo
depending on the cultural sensitivities and the amount of time available, these are:
1. Building friendships and confidence through a “cycle of friendship” over a period of months.
2. A direct approach for cultures more open to spiritual and physical concepts mingled
together from the beginning.
3. Conducting short one-day or one-event programs.

The Beginning of “Cycle of Friendship”

The Health Expo is an opportunity to come in contact with many people with problems. Many will
receive immediate benefits from putting into practice what they have learned at the Expo but for
others the Expo may be the beginning of a process or “cycle of friendship” that may lead them to
attend other health/family related seminars which may in turn lead them to meet God.
Health Expos can be organized as the first of a series of programs that will address the various
aspects of health.

Health Cooking Stress Other Spiritual

Expo Class Seminar Seminars Health

With this in mind, before the Health Expo begins, it is important to strategize and plan specific
follow-up meetings and have them advertised during the Expo. Cooking schools, Stop Smoking
Programs, Coping with Stress seminars and Weight Management programs are a few good choices.
After one or two such seminars, one might transition into seminars that address the
mental/emotional aspects of health (such as Stress Management or Depression Recovery).
It is important to keep in mind that in all seminars we should gently work with the audience, slowly
(and naturally) introducing spiritual concepts and integrating them into our presentations. For
example, in your cooking schools you might include a short talk addressing topics such as positive
attitude, trust, and forgiveness as they relate to physical and mental health. Introducing spiritual
concepts in this way will serve to awaken a greater interest when we transition into the second
phase of meetings targeting the mental/emotional realm.

These seminars provide an opportunity to speak on spiritual themes more openly. Over time this
approach will gradually lead to the development of either personal Bible studies or solid contacts
for spiritual meetings.

There should not be a long time between the Expo and the first seminar. Other seminars should also
be conducted every 4-6 weeks, to keep the interest and address people’s needs when they need

The benefits of this method are many. It breaks down prejudice, allows for time to build
relationships and the public gets to know the Adventist volunteers as people who genuinely care.

This method requires some degree of persevering effort. The key factors for its success are the
proper use and follow up of the interest cards at the Health Expos. These should be properly filled
in and collected at the screening stations, especially from the Health Age Questionnaire. If you are 140
conducting health lectures each night with the expo, announce the follow up seminars during the
health lectures.

Health Seminars with the Expo

Health seminars are often conducted in conjunction with the Health Expos. Seminars increase the
interest of the public and provide an opportunity to present practical health information in detail
and to further build confidence and contacts.

Seminars on preventive medicine topics, simple remedies and cooking classes are among the most
popular. These seminars are approximately one hour long. The most presented topics have been:
How to prevent a Heart Attack, How to prevent Cancer, Diabetes – Keys to Success, and High Blood
Pressure. A good idea to make the program more interesting is to split the lecture time into a few
short segments with two or three presenters. You could start with a 15 minute presentation on
Heart Disease, followed by a practical demonstration on cooking heart healthy meals (10-15 min.),
then concluding each evening with a series of presentations on family life (improving relationships)
or how to succeed in making lasting lifestyle changes. A moderator will make some appropriate
transitions. Many people will appreciate the variety of such a program and in addition, the shorter
lectures will make it easier for less experienced speakers to keep the interest of the audience.

The actual time will depend very much on the country you are working in and the time of year. Each
Health Expo usually runs for 3 to 5 nights, typically including a weekend. Here is a typical schedule:
Time Activity Comments
Depending on your location you may need a considerate
5:00 p.m. Daily preparation time
(if necessary) for set-up. In locations where you can leave your set-up
overnight, you probably do not need more than an hour
Ideally a coordinator for each booth should be present at
5:45 p.m. Organizational Meeting All volunteers should be present at this time (with Vest or
and Group Prayer designated attire, name tag – whatever is used). After the
prayer the volunteers should go immediately to their
booths. Five minutes before opening the Expo coordinator
checks that every booth is ready.

Once the Expo coordinator has checked the booths he gives

6:00 p.m. Opening of the Expo the
Screening Stations approval to the greeter to open the door.
7:00 p.m. Closing of doors At this time no more visitors are admitted to the screening
station, but those present may continue. However, be sure
people not present at the Expo have access to the lecture
7:20 p.m. Closing of the An announcement is made ten minutes before closing the 141
screening stations. Ask everybody to move to the lecture
Screening Stations hall.
7:30 p.m. Health Lecture In this time volunteers may take down and clean up the
screening stations. Valuable testing equipment should be
stored away.
8:30 p.m. Closing of Health Give some time for questions from the audience

Special Considerations

 One of the purposes of this approach to the Health Expos is to establish relationships of
trust and friendship between church members and the public. For this reason, we favor the
idea of having people come back over several evenings to complete all the stations rather
than finishing all in one day. Short sessions of one to 1½ hours duration are the ideal.
Longer sessions may sometimes be needed but these tend to wear out the volunteers, and
most likely a large number of visitors leave before the health lecture starts.

 An announcement should be made half an hour before closing the screening stations,
inviting visitors to the Health Lecture in the auditorium.

 If there is a long line of people at any particular screening station, estimate how many can
finish the screening process by the end of the hour, and offer the remaining attendees the
possibility of being first to be helped the following day. It is important that all the screening
stations are closed in time so that people will transition to the lecture hall.

 Many times the computer tests are busy towards the end. At the closing time you can collect
the filled out questionnaire forms and hand out the results after the seminar.

 Be sure that the screening stations are as close to the lecture hall as you can. A large
foyer/entrance hall works well. The closer the expo screening is to the lecture auditorium
the more people will be at the Health Seminars. If an auditorium has space around the
periphery, it is a good idea to have the screening station there, with the seats for the Health
Seminar set in the middle of the hall.

Health Expos Directly with an Evangelistic Meeting

Health Expos have been effectively used in conjunction with evangelistic meetings in the USA,
Eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa. In these countries, the Expo preceded the
evangelistic campaigns by 2-3 days and spiritual meetings were held either simultaneously or after
the Expo ended.

In some countries, especially in Western Europe, there may be a negative attitude towards this
method. People may feel “tricked” into attending spiritual meetings through a health program. So it
is important to take into account the culture you are working with.

The following example illustrates the more direct approach. In this case, the Health Expo starts on a
Wednesday evening (for example 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the summertime). A large foyer works well. The
closer the expo is held to the lecture auditorium the less people you will lose. Keep the expo to just
one hour, we prefer that the people not get all the screening procedures in one night, but need to
return so that we can get better acquainted. You can also offer them to repeat their massage, double 142
check their blood pressure – our goal is to get to know them and transition them into the
evangelistic series. After operating 45 minutes, announce to the group that in just 15 minutes the
expo will close for the evening and that they can start finding a good seat in the auditorium for the
evening health lecture.

During this hour, if you have other rooms and good presenters, you can also offer a simple remedies
class, a cooking class, stop smoking program or other seminars. People like choices.

Then in the main auditorium, from 8:00-9:15 p.m. present a health talk with a topic like “How Your
Family Can Have the Best Health and Longevity.” On Thursday, repeat the same schedule. The
second health lecture could be “Why So Much Cancer and Heart Disease” or “How to Reverse
Diabetes.” During this meeting you announce your topic for Friday night, and explain that you will
share the time with the Bible lecture speaker, who will be emphasizing the spiritual aspects of
healthful living. Follow the same schedule on Friday night, 7:00-8:00 p.m. Health Expo; then 8:00 to
9:15 p.m., starting with a 10-15 minute Health Nugget (like the HER Abundant Living illustrated
health nugget series), followed by the first evangelistic topic. It’s good to have the evangelist
helping with the expo each night, and introducing the health speaker nightly (unless he is doing
both the health lectures and sermons) so that the audience is familiar with him before he begins his
series. His first sermon would be well to have a health slant to it, like Daniel 1, “The Diet Decision
that Opened up a Whole Career.”
Example: Three-Week Health Expo Evangelism Series
Hours Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sabbath

7-8:00 Expo Expo Expo & Expo &

8:00- & Cooking class & Cooking class Cooking class Cooking class
9:15 Health lecture- Health lecture-
1 2 Nugget-1 Nugget-2
Sermon-1 Sermon-2

7-8:00 Expo/CC Expo/CC Expo/CC Expo/CC Expo/CC Expo/CC Expo/CC

8:00- Nugget-3 Nugget-4 Nugget-5 Nugget-6 Nugget-7 Nugget-8 Nugget-9
9:15 Sermon-3 Sermon-4 Sermon-5 Sermon-6 Sermon-7
Sermon-8 Sermon-9

7-8:00 Expo/CC** No meeting

8:00- Nugget-10 Nugget-11 Nugget-12 Nugget-13 Nugget-14 Nugget-15
9:15 Sermon-10 Sermon-12
Sermon-11 Sermon-13 Sermon-14 Sermon-15

8:00- Nugget-6 No meeting Nugget-17 Nugget-18 Nugget-20 Baptism Nugget-22

9:15 Sermon-16 Sermon-17 Sermon-18 Sermon-20
Nugget-21 Sermon-22
Sermon-21 Baptism

We usually run the Expo and cooking class (or any other seminar) through the second weekend,
this helps keep the attendance up. If the interest is still strong then, continue it longer. As for when
to start the Expo, if you start it too many days before the evangelistic series, the people may feel
that they have seen everything, and be less likely to transition into the evangelistic series.

Other uses of the Health Expo 143
The Health Expo may also be successfully adapted for one-day events. For example, it can be
utilized as an effective community outreach program. With the participation of local church
members an Expo can be planned and the public invited for 3-4 hours on a Sunday afternoon. It is
advisable to find a large public place for this event, as experience has shown that nearly twice the
number of people will attend if the Expo is held in a location that is familiar and easily accessible to
the public. Some options include shopping malls, universities or even as part of another event
(Town festivals, Health Fairs, etc.). You can offer to conduct a Health Expo in a public school or at a
large company as a service to their employees.

Regardless of just how or where you conduct your Expo, be sure to include follow-up programs as
part of your overall strategy. As an aid to help you determine felt needs in your community, take a
look at which seminars individuals have shown an interest in as they filled out their Health Age
Questionnaire form. 144
The Order of the Screening Stations
There are eight standard health screening stations. Each screening station is made up of two full-
color health panels, which create an attractive backdrop for the different screening tests or other
activities. The eight screening stations should be arranged in a way that facilitates the flow of large
numbers of people and must take into account the physical characteristics of the hall. Below are the
two arrangements we most often use, 1. The Basic Arrangement, or 2. The Plus Arrangement.

The Basic Arrangement

We like to have the health screening stations arranged in a manner to facilitate the most logical flow
for screening. Hence we start in the nutrition station with height and weight/body fat percentage,
then in Sunshine their blood pressure and pulse. Having this information first is necessary later
when they do the Step Test or Computer Health Age Appraisal. Also, having the Temperance and
Trust booths side by side has the advantage that when people finish the computer health age
evaluation they can step directly over to the next booth for health and spiritual counseling. 145
Water Exercise Air
Blood Pressure Hydrotherapy Step Test Peak Flow Meter

Chair Massage
Body Fat Scale

Entrance Trust Temperance

Personal Record Counseling Computer Health
Age 146
Order Health Screening Station Activity
1 Nutrition Height, Weight, and Body Fat Percentage Blood Pressure
2 Sunshine Check for malignant characteristics of naevi if (moles)
dermatologist available. Bone Densitometry (wrist) if available
3 Water Hydrotherapy demonstration
4 Exercise Harvard Step Test
5 Air Peak Flow Meter. Spirometry if available. CO measurement
6 Rest Anti-stress back massage
7 Temperance Computerized tests: Health Age and Your Coronary Risk
8 Trust Health Counseling

It is important to note here that the key to a good health expo is multiple screening options. In the
two arrangements we are showing you here, there are 8 options in the Basic Arrangement and 9
options in the Plus Arrangement (by adding cholesterol and glucose screening). However, if you can
add other interesting screening options it can significantly increase your attendance. Other options
we have used successfully are:
 Kids Corner – with special youth activities
 Dental Screening
 Dermatology Screening
 Glaucoma Screening
 Carotid Doppler Ultrasound Screening 147
Welcome each visitor and help them get started through
the screening stations.

Number of volunteers: 2-3

Choose greeters who have the gift of warmth and love for
A greeter gives the Health Expo attendees the Personal Health Record form and explains to them
that it will be used to record their results at each screening station. If the Expo is very busy and
certain screening stations are quite full while others are not, the greeters may suggest to the
visitors which screening stations they should go to.

For each of the eight screening stations that follow, Temperance, Nutrition, Sunshine, Water, etc. we
have prepared a half-page color handout that should be given as the attendee finishes that station.
These are shown below and may be ordered directly from the printer, The Hamblin Company,
Tecumseh, MI 49286, see on their website or phone (800) 274-0016. 148

Body Fat Analyzer and Weight; Height measurement
The body fat scale assesses the weight and percentage of body fat, using
a small electric current (undetectable) and measuring the body’s
impedance as the current travels through it. For correct measurement it
is important for people to be barefoot. There is a handout with
information about normal values and practical suggestions on how to
reduce body fat.
Write the body fat results, their weight and height on their Personal
Health Record form and give it back to them for the next station.
Give them the Body Fat information sheet and the color half page Temperance

Number of volunteers: 2-3

One volunteer can measure people’s height.
Two other volunteers are needed if you use two scales.
This is a good place to use the younger volunteers.

• Clean the surface of the scale after every use with alcohol.
• Optionally, you can use a hand held body fat analyzer. It measures mainly the upper body fat
composition, while the body fat scale focuses on the lower body regions; average the two
• Some additional activities for the Temperance Station include:
o 4-foot long inflatable cigarette, which lists all the
poisons. o A jar illustrating cigarette tar.
o Temperance goggles, which cause visual distortion, loss of accuracy similar to that
experienced by those under the influence of alcohol.
These last three items may be ordered from The Health Connection, or
telephone 1 800 548-8700, or write


Glucose and Cholesterol Screening (Plus Arrangement)

Number of volunteers: 2 - 6
If circumstances make it necessary to charge for the glucose and
cholesterol testing (usually just to cover the strips), you may only
need 2 - 4 trained nurses, doctors, or lab technicians to do the
tests. Write their results on their Personal Health Record form and
return it to them for their next station; give them the Nutrition
handout. 149
• The glucose and cholesterol strips are fairly expensive. Perhaps in some instances you may
be able to find a sponsor willing to cover the costs for this testing. When you find it
necessary to charge, be sure to state clearly on the advertising that there will be a small
charge for this service, and all the others will be free.
• It has been our experience that these two tests attract many people and are an open door
for health education. However, it is possible to have a Health Expo without these tests or
with the glucose test only (much cheaper).
• Some countries are very sensitive to blood being handled in public places. Become familiar
with the laws governing that area and ensure that those conducting these tests take the
necessary sanitary precautions to protect themselves and those they are screening. In these
countries, be sure you have only trained nurses, doctors or laboratory technicians working
in this screening station.

Blood Pressure

Number of volunteers: 2-3

Use at least two people taking blood pressures if
possible as this booth always proves to be very

Record their blood pressure and return their
record. Give them the Nutrition handout.
• Be sure to set up the booth on a quiet place if
you use manual blood pressure cuffs.
• Talk to people and help them to relax before you measure their blood pressure. 150
Simple Natural Remedies (Hydrotherapy demonstration)
Demonstrate the value of drinking plenty of water.
Have water and cups for people to drink freely.

Number of volunteers: 2-3

1 Person demonstrates a hot footbath using a second person as a live
model. 1 Person is in charge of giving out cups of water.

Write the name of the hydrotherapy demonstration on their Personal
Health Record form and return it to them; hand out the literature on
• It may be easier if water is not used for the demonstration as this can
be messy. Use an empty foot basin and wrap someone up as the
“patient.” Asking for a volunteer from the audience to be the
“patient” will increase audience participation.
• Offer the visitor a cup of water. Then ask them how many cups (or
liters) they drink per day. Then figure out how much they should
drink based on their weight (see the chart). Talk with them about the
importance of drinking water and give some practical
• An additional activity can be using the so-called “germ” powder. This
activity illustrates the importance of thoroughly washing one’s
hands. Order the powder and the ultraviolet light from The Health
Connection, or telephone 1 800 548-


The Harvard Step Test

Number of volunteers: 2-4

You need two volunteers for each step. If you run the tests
simultaneous like described below, you may consider an
additional person to lead out. See Harvard Step Test instruction
sheet for details.

Use people to administer this test who enjoy exercising.
We have found that if you are using several steps (or one long step) that it actually works better to
test people simultaneously. For each person you test, have one staff checking their resting pulse.
When everyone is ready to begin the step test, demonstrate the appropriate rhythm used by
stepping up and down the step a few times. At a command everybody starts. Using a wall clock with
a second hand, or metronome, or playing recorded music that has a beep for each step up and
down, using one of these methods is very helpful to keeping everyone stepping at the appropriate 151
pace. If one staff person standing in front of those being tested will also do
the stepping with them part of the time, it also helps keep everyone
coordinated throughout the test. At the end of the three minutes the staff
should be ready to immediately take each participants pulse (support their
arm with one of your hands while you take their pulse) and record it. Then
seat the participants and measure their recovery pulse after five minutes.
You should end up with three pulse readings to record: Resting pulse, 3
minute exercise pulse, and 5 minute recovering pulse.
There are certain medical conditions where the administration of the Step
Test in a Health Expo setting is not recommended in. They include the
• Angina pectoris (intermittent chest pain)
• Previous history of heart attack
• Cardiac arrhythmia (abnormal rhythm of the heart)
• Previous history of stroke
• Heart failure
• Asthma
• Exercise induced epilepsy
• Pacemaker
• Using heart or blood pressure medications
We recommend that the person doing the exercise screening should inform
each participant of the above precautions and have them read and sign the
Harvard Step Test Medical Advisory form stating that they do not suffer from
any of those conditions, before they undergo testing.
Write the results on the Personal Health Record form and return it to them. Hand out the literature
on Exercise.


Peak Flow Meter; Spirometer if available.
The Peak Flow test is used to measure the resistance offered by
airways to air being pushed out of the lungs. Spirometry is a much
more complete test of lung function if the equipment were available.

Number of volunteers: 1-2

One person with a peak flow meter can administer the test; for a
busy expo use two persons and two meters. See Peak Flow Meter
Use instruction sheet for details on how to administer this screening

Write the results on their Personal Health Record form and return it to the
person. Hand out the literature about Air.


Activity: 152
Anti-Stress Massage

Number of volunteers: 6-12

In a full size expo 8 women and 4 men will be needed each
night. In a smaller Expo, try using 4 women and 2 men.
Each massage takes 6-10 minutes, and this is by far one of
the most popular booths.

• Sign their Personal Health Record form to indicate they have received a massage.
• Hand out the literature on Rest.
• Encourage people to come back the following nights for more massage. As you get to know
them, many will be willing to accept your invitation to attend some other meetings.
• This is the booth that needs the most training. There is a minimum of 2-3 training sessions
necessary to teach the routine. Additional practice is recommended.
• A very important part when doing massage is the feedback from the recipient. Some people
like a very gentle touch, while others enjoy strong and deep strokes. When doing the
training, stress the importance about communicating with the person receiving the
• Since massage involves very intimate body contact, we recommend men massaging men
and women massaging women. An additional person should assign the visitors to the next
available helper.

An Extra Table - For the Plus arrangement

(Note: In the Basic Arrangement this screening activity is
done at the Temperance Station.)

Computer Health-age Appraisal
This simple test is based on data from the Alameda County
Longevity Study, which related some lifestyle habits with
longevity. It is a good icebreaker and creates opportunities
for counseling.
The Discover Your Health Age computer program comes with 10 different language options and
the potential to add others. All forms needed are included on the CD that you may duplicate freely.
This program is included with the HER Health Expo Starter Kit or may be ordered separately;
price is $39. Order by calling 423 290-3737; or write; see
Your Coronary Risk (Optional)
This test informs the users about their risk of developing coronary artery disease, based on some
lifestyle factors and heredity. Participants at “high” or “moderate” risk are more open to counseling
about their lifestyle. (This computer screening program may be ordered from Lifelong Health,
current price is $175. Phone 503 656-557-9545; 800 862-4395; or

Number of volunteers: 2-6

1-3 computer operators
1-2 helpers for filling out the forms

Comments: 153
This is one of the most important stations for obtaining the names of the participants as well as
being one of the most popular screening tests at the Expo.

Have one or two tables set up near the computer table where people can sit down to fill out the
Questionnaire form. These tables should be staffed with carefully chosen individuals who are good
at meeting the public. Their job is to be sure that the Questionnaire form is completely filled out,
including the lower section which asks them what other health programs they might be interested
in, and it asks for their name and contact information. You will get the best results from a health
expo if you have a health seminar or cooking class scheduled to follow the expo with a week or two.
This is the perfect opportunity to offer to pre-register them for the seminar or class.

One or two individuals familiar with computers and typing are using one or two computers and
printers. Very quickly they enter into the computer program the data from the Questionnaire form
and then print out the results on the special Results form that the computer operators have.

One or two individuals can give back the Results form and briefly explain what the numbers mean.
Then refer the attendees to the Counselors nearby for more detailed health advice.

Important: Be sure to keep the Questionnaire forms after processing them on the computer. They
will receive the Results page, but you will want to keep the Questionnaire page on file since it
contains their contact information and what seminars they would be interested in attending in the
future. You will get the best results from a health expo if you have a health seminar or cooking class
scheduled to follow the expo within a week or two. While you are still visiting with them you can
refer to some of the health topics they may have checked on their Questionnaire form indicating an
interest in certain seminars; tell them about your next seminar or class and invite them to pre-
register. This is a very important step and requires having one or two of your best people-friendly
staff at this station to be sure this is done tactfully and kindly.

Health Counseling and Literature

Number of volunteers: 2-4

The number of health counselors will depend upon the
size of the health expo. Since good counseling takes time
and this is an excellent opportunity to get in close contact
with people, have sufficient counselors available to serve
every visitor of the Expo.

Individuals attending the health expo should be referred to
the health-counseling booth upon completion of the various
health screenings. In addition to interpreting each person’s
health age report, the counselors should review the Personal
Health Record, summarize their results, and speak about any
areas where the individual may be at risk (high blood
pressure, weight, etc.).
In many cases people are quite interested to know what they can do to lower their risk of disease
and experience better health. This is especially true after the screenings have helped them to see
their need. Often individuals will confess their struggles with particular habits (weight, smoking, 154
etc.). Health counselors should watch for appropriate opportunities to remind people that we have
a loving Heavenly Father who cares for them and desires to strengthen and help them make the
necessary changes. This is a good time to give out literature (health, and in some cases spiritual), to
invite them to specific seminars (cooking schools, weight management, stress, etc.), and even to
pray with them, asking God to bless and help them in their specific areas of need.
The counselors should be health professional (doctors, nurses, nutritionists or lifestyle educators)
or lay people with good lifestyle and health knowledge. They should be instructed about the general
counsels to give, to ensure that they agree with our principles. They should be friendly people and
sensitive to discern people’s spiritual needs. It would be good if a medical professional with good
lifestyle knowledge were present in the counseling booth, so that other counselors can refer to him
cases of high coronary risk or other difficult conditions.
Sign their Personal Health Record form and return it to the participant congratulating them on
completely the screening. If the expo is continuing for several evenings, invite them to return for
any retesting they desire and for another massage; our goal is to make friends and invite them to
the seminars or evangelistic meetings.
Hand out the literature on Trust.

Other Possible Activities

• Children’s Program: Parents like to enjoy the Expo while the children are taken care of in a
well-prepared program. Activities can include singing, stories, coloring, simple games, and
some basic instructions on the eight laws of health. The program can be done during the
Expo, as well as during the lectures/sermons.
• Vegetarian Food Samples: Much of the prejudice against switching to a more plant-based
diet can be removed by providing tasty samples of vegetarian cooking. If possible, provide
them also with the recipes you display.
• Herbal tea garden: Use such teas as Chamomile, Peppermint, Stinging Nettle etc. One could
even have a Hot Carob drink and Cereal Coffee available.
• Book table: Try to ask a local colporteur to display his collection of health books and
• Other Resources: Have some free magazines, brochures or other material available. Flyers
and business cards of Adventist institutions, vegetarian restaurants and doctors in harmony
with Health Expo principles should be available. 155
Equipment and Volunteers
The Basic Program

Activity Personnel Equipment & Forms Furniture

Entrance 2-3 greeters Personal Health Record forms Table

Nutrition 2-3 persons with 1-2 body fat scales 2 chairs

scales and Height Height Chart 1 literature table
Measurement of chart (conversion Alcohol wipes to clean the scales or paper
percentage body chart feet to inches) towels/alcohol
fat, weight, and Replacement batteries
Waste basket
height 2 rugs (if there is only bare floor to step
Handout on Body-Fat, Literature on
Sunshine 2-3 persons taking 2-3 blood pressure cuffs 4-6 chairs
1-2 medium size
BP Handout on BP, Literature on Sunshine tables
Blood Pressure

Water 1 person Bottled water and disposable cups 2 chairs

demonstrating Equipment for demonstrating treatments 1 table
Hydrotherapy 1 person “patient” Hydro handout, Literature on Water
1 person handing out
2 steps 9”Hx14”Wx24”L or one long step
Exercise 2-4 persons for 4 chairs
two persons 9”Hx14”Wx38”W 1 table
Step Test Stop watches or wall clock with second
Literature on Exercise
Air 1-2 persons 1-2 peak flow meters 2 chairs
Disposable mouthpieces 1-2 tables
Peak Flow Literature on benefits of Air
6-12 chairs
Rest 6-12 persons trained, Alcohol & paper towels without
about 1/3 of them Literature on Rest arms
Chair Massage 2 tables: 30”x8
males; 2/3 females feet
2 computer 1-2 tables 30”x8
Temperance operators 2-4 computers feet
1-2 small tables
1-2 helpers to fill out 2-4 printers with
Computer 4-8 chairs for
the forms Extension cords filling
Health Age Questionnaire and Results
Health Age and 1-2 who refer people forms out forms
Coronary Risk Questionnaire and Results
to the health forms
Your Coronary counseling booth Pencils or pens
Risk (optional) Spare printer ink
Literature on Temperance
Trust 2-4 health counselors Variety of literature, and Trust handout 2-8 chairs
with health and 2 small tables for
Counseling 156
spiritual talents literature

The Plus Program

Activity Personnel Equipment & Forms Furniture

Entrance 2-3 greeters Personal Health Record forms Table

Temperance 2-3 persons with 1-2 body fat scales (Replacement batteries) 2 chairs
1 literature
scales and Height Height Chart table
Measurement of chart (conversion Alcohol wipes to clean the scales
percentage body chart feet to inches) Waste basket
fat, weight, and 2 rugs (if there is only bare floor to step on)
Handout on Body-Fat, Literature on

Nutrition 2-6 well trained Glucose and Cholesterol testers 4-8 chairs
nurses, doctors or lab Glucose strips, Cholesterol strips 1-2 tables
Glucose and/or technicians Calibrating strips
Cholesterol (If you offer this Disposable lancets
screening service for free you Cotton & Alcohol
will need more like 6- Biohazard waste boxes, Disposable gloves
8 staff.) Literature on Nutrition
2-3 persons taking
Sunshine BP 2-3 blood pressure cuffs 4-6 chairs
1-2 medium
Handout on BP, Literature on Sunshine size tables
Blood Pressure
Water 1 person Bottled water and disposable cups 2 chairs
demonstrating Equipment for demonstrating treatments 1 table
Hydrotherapy 1 person “patient” Hydro handout, Literature on Water
1 person handing out
Exercise 2-4 persons 2 steps 9”Hx14”Wx24”L or one long step 4 chairs
for two persons 9”Hx14”Wx38”W 1 table
Step Test Stop watches or wall clock with second
hand Literature on Exercise
Air 1-2 persons 1-2 peak flow meters 2 chairs
Disposable mouthpieces 1-2 tables
Peak Flow Literature on benefits of Air
6-12 chairs
Rest 6-12 persons trained, Alcohol & paper towels without
about 1/3 of them Literature on Rest arms
Chair Massage 2 tables:
males; 2/3 females 30”x8 feet
2 computer 1-2 tables
(Use extra table) operators 2-4 computers 30”x8 feet
1-2 small
1-2 helpers to fill out 2-4 printers tables with
Computer 4-8 chairs for
the forms Extension cords filling out
Health Age Questionnaire and Results
Health Age and 1-2 who refer people forms forms
Coronary Risk Questionnaire and Results
Your Coronary to the health forms 157
counseling booth Pencils or pens
Risk (optional) Spare printer ink

Trust 2-4 health counselors Literature on Trust 2-8 chairs

2 small tables
with health and Any other variety of appropriate literature for
Counseling spiritual talents literature

Health Panels
The HER health panels are produced by Health Education Resources and come in three sizes:
• Regular – 3’wide x 4’high (91 cm x 122 cm)

• Medium - 4.5’wide x 6’ high (137cm x 182 cm)

• Large - 62” high x 8’ wide (157 cm x 244 cm)

Mounting the Expo Panels

The regular size panels 3’ x 4’ can be mounted on attractive lightweight aluminum frames available
from HER, shown below, and are quick and easy to fold and store when not in use. Panels can also
be mounted with Velcro onto ¾” PVC white plastic pipe (schedule 40-thick walled), available in
north America at building supply centers (Lowes, Home Depot) . Information for the amount of pipe
and connectors and instructions for cutting the pipes is available from HER.

For the Medium and Large sets of panels use 2” PVC white plastic pipe. Make the frames wider than
the panels by an average of 6” total all around. Metal grommets are embedded on the outer edges of
the panels and these are mounted onto the frames using clothesline rope or soft woven nylon rope.

Other frame systems could be made out of aluminum pipe or “foam board”. When using “foam
board” there are special connecting hinges and protective edges available. Putting two boards in a
little angle would make a self-standing frame.

Hall Size
The number of people expected to visit the Expo influences the size of the hall. For a medium size
Health Expo, with 500 people visiting in 4 days, the minimum floor space needed is 30 feet by 50
feet for the health screening stations. If you are planning a health lecture in conjunction with the
expo, an adjoining auditorium with at least 100 seats would also be needed. 158
The cost of a Health Expo will depend largely on:
• Panels, screening supplies, literature, advertising and hall
• Number of people expected to visit the Expo

There are two types of equipment:
• Reusable equipment – HER health panels, frames for panels, tables, chairs, medical
instruments used at each health screening station (glucose and cholesterol machines, peak
flow meters, scales, blood pressure cuffs and stethoscopes, steps, hydrotherapy equipment,
stopwatches, smoking prevention equipment, computers and printers).
• Disposable, one-use-only materials, literature and forms – all materials used in clinical
testing (gloves, test strips, alcohol swabs, lancets, biohazard waste boxes and peak flow
disposable mouthpieces).

All the reusable equipment can be purchased for approximately $850. This amount includes a set of
regular size H.E.R. health panels, PVC frames, 2 body fat scales, 2 peak flow meters, 2 steps, 2
stopwatches, 2 blood pressure cuffs and 2 stethoscopes. It does not include computers, printers,
chairs and tables. To add 2 cholesterol testing machines (Roche), 2 glucose testing machines would
be an additional $500.

The all one-use -only materials cost approximately $3.50 per person visiting the Expo. This
includes: cholesterol and glucose strips, 1 pair of latex, non-sterile disposable gloves, 1 lancet,
alcohol swabs, cotton wool, disposable mouth piece, disposable cup, water, forms and literature.

The most expensive item is the cholesterol testing strip. If your budget does not allow offering that
for free, consider having a minimal charge for the blood tests. People are normally happy to pay for
that. Another option would be to have a donation box on that booth. Many people realize there is a
cost involved and are happy to donate something towards that.

Advertising is usually expensive. It is important to determine what methods bring the best results
in that area and choose the best ones within the budget. Handbills usually attract many. Posters are
also effective for display in store windows and other public places.
Most TV and Radio stations and newspapers will do free public service announcements but you
must plan four weeks ahead. Some sample ads are provided in the next few pages. It is important to
contact newspapers, radio and TV stations and ask them to promote the program. Present it always
as a service to the community, by non-paid volunteers, and emphasize the non-profit characteristics
of the event.

Hall Location
Most cities and towns have a municipal town hall, centrally located and at affordable price; but
often must be reserved months in advance. It is important to present the project as a community
service and this may greatly reduce costs or at no cost. A public building or school is always a better
alternative that using our own church facility, many people are reluctant to come to a church
location. 159
Sponsors and Government Authorities
There are a few important facts to be considered when dealing with sponsors and government:
1. Governments around the world are becoming increasingly active in fighting risk factors of the
most common diseases. It is important to get acquainted with the major health policies in the
country. These will most likely include preventive health programs.
2. Companies that manufacture materials used at Health Expos are sometimes looking for
opportunities to improve their image and sales. This may be used to the Health Expo advantage
if materials are provided at low or no cost.
3. Voluntary work that benefits communities is usually well perceived by most governments.
4. Most governments and non-Adventist owned companies have unwritten policies that will
prevent them from working with religious groups, or profit making organizations, lest they be
seen as favoring specific groups or companies.
5. In some places there is much prejudice against Seventh-day Adventists.
For these and other reasons, it may be advisable to work under an organization that is neutral (non-
religious to the public while still holding the values of the Seventh–day Adventist Church) and not-
for-profit. At times it may be necessary to create such an organization, a time consuming but
necessary process.

There are organizations within the Seventh-day Adventist Church that meet the criteria mentioned
above. The International Temperance Association is one example of such an organization.

We suggest that a project proposal be presented to the local municipality. This proposal should be
preceded by a meeting with the mayor or health representative where a brief description of the
project should be given within the context of the government’s health policies. The proposal should
state that it will be a community project, involving volunteers – health professionals and
non/medical helpers and that it needs everyone’s participation for it to be successful. A request can
then be made for their help (hall, equipment, advertising etc). A similar approach can be used with
companies that manufacture or sell materials for the Expo.

It is important not to compromise on “principle” if requests for advertising medications or other

products are put as conditions for help. This has happened in the past. It was easily resolved when
the organizers stated that the program’s objectives was to promote a healthy lifestyle rather than
specific products and that it would be beneficial to the company if the sponsor’s name rather than
the product was associated with the Expo.

If outside funding is given, more care should be taken not to use the Health Expos for religious
purposes i.e. speaking openly about religious issues or church related matters. Government
authorities will sooner or later become aware of the Adventist connection but if all is done with
respect and neutrality, they are not likely to complain. Most have indeed praised and offered
support for further programs.

This approach calls for a greater effort in establishing contact with the visitors so that they can be
invited for future programs such as nutrition, family and stress seminars. These follow-up
programs will be better suited for more spiritual conversations with those interested.

Sample Newspaper and Radio Release for the Health Expo
Date…. 160
Contact: Charles Cleveland – 423 290-3737

Get a Free Massage

A free massage is just one of twelve free services being offered at the Chattanooga Health Expo.
Some of the services featured at the March 19-21 Health Expo include screening for blood pressure,
skin cancer, lung capacity, body-fat analysis, and computerized health-age appraisals.

Health experts from Southern Adventist University and Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital will
be on hand to help participants know more than just what’s wrong; they’ll show participants
practical and simple solutions to preventing and reversing health problems.

The Chattanooga Health Expo is free and will run March 19-21 at the Chattanooga Convention
Center, 1 First Street, downtown. Plan to attend at any of the following times: Sunday March 19
from noon to 6 p.m. and Monday and Tuesday evenings from 5 to 7 p.m. No appointment is
necessary. For more information call 423 290-3737.

Sample Newspaper Release for an Health Expo and Seminar

Date ……


Contact: John Smith – (706) 820-1493, cell: (423) 580-2716

So What’s A Health Expo??

(Name of Town). Health Expos have become quite a popular community event. People are
able to receive free health screenings, tests and information on everything from diabetes to weight
management. But, what’s a person supposed to do with all the info that they find out about their
Just ask the volunteers of the (name of organization) organizers of the Atlanta Health
Expo, scheduled for June 28-July 2 at the GA Tech Robert Ferst Center for the Arts. The Atlanta
Health Expo is like a health fair, only better. It is staffed by medical and non- medical volunteers
who don’t just tell you what’s wrong, they show you how to practically do simple things to prevent
disease and reverse it if you already have it.
The Atlanta Health Expo will feature screenings for blood pressure, lung capacity, body-fat
analysis, cholesterol, glucose (if you are going to include these blood tests), Harvard step test,
Alameda County computerized health-age appraisals and free anti-stress massages.
Each evening, after the health screenings and advice, Dr …. MD will lecture on How to
Conquer the Cancer Dragon, Overcoming Stress and Depression and Can Animal Diseases Affect
The Atlanta Health Expo promises to be one of the best learning opportunities for the
summer. And, it’s a great way to take charge of your health! All screenings and lectures are free.
They will take place at the GA Tech Robert Ferst Center for the Arts on June 28-July 2. Health
screenings are from 6:00-7:30. Lectures begin at 7:30. 161



Contact: Charles Cleveland – 423 290-3737

Get a Free Massage

A free massage is just one of twelve free services being offered at the Chattanooga Health Expo.
Some of the services featured at the four locations holding the March 19-21 Health Expo include
screening for blood pressure, skin cancer, lung capacity, body-fat analysis, computerized health-age
appraisals, and a free anti-stress massage.

Health experts from Southern Adventist University and Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital will
be on hand to help participants know more than just what’s wrong; they’ll show participants
practical and simple solutions to preventing and reversing health problems.

The Chattanooga Health Expo is free and will run March 19-21 at four locations:

Chattanooga 1st Church near the Hamilton Place Mall, County Life Vegetarian Restaurant

downtown on Market Street, at the Orchard Park Seventh-day Adventist Church, and St. Elmo at the
South Chattanooga Recreation Center. All locations will be open Sunday March 19 from noon to 6
p.m. and Monday and Tuesday evenings from 5 to 7 p.m. No appointment is needed. For more
information call 423 290-3737.

Sample Radio Press Release


Contact: John Smith - 423-580-2716 OR 706-820-1493
Mary Snyder - 404-299-0188 OR 770-484-1577

Lifestyle Really Does Make a Difference in Chronic

(Name of town). Perhaps you suffer from diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, obesity, 162
stress, cancer or addictions. Maybe you have just been told by your physician that if you take
charge of your health by changing your lifestyle, he/she won’t have to increase your meds or
perform surgery. Well, we would like show you how to successfully make those changes and really
take control of your health at the Atlanta Health Expo!!
The Atlanta Health Expo is like a health fair, only better. It is staffed by medical and non-
medical volunteers who don’t just tell you what’s wrong, they show you how to practically do
simple things to prevent disease and reverse it if you already have it.
The Atlanta Health Expo will feature FREE screenings for blood pressure, lung capacity,
body-fat analysis, glucose, cholesterol (if your are going to offer these), Harvard step test, Alameda
County computerized health age appraisal, and free anti-stress massages.
Each evening following the health screenings, expert medical advice will be given by health
professionals. Dr …., MD will lecture on How to Conquer the Cancer Dragon, Overcoming Stress and
Depression and Can Animal Diseases Affect You?
The Atlanta Health Expo promises to one of the best learning opportunities of the YEAR and
DATE summer season. And, it’s a great way to take charge of your health! 163
Sample Posters and Handbills 164
Training at Your Location
We can sometimes arrange to bring a small team of 2-3 persons to your location to train your
church. We would need an invitation from your church board, and their commitment to cover basic
travel expenses (usually mileage round trip), local housing and a minimum of $250 honorarium.

Typically we can fully train your church members to run the expo with a weekend training session.
Generally we start with a health mission story during Sabbath school, preach the sermon on how
the medical missionary methods of Jesus have opened doors for us around the world. Following a
fellowship dinner there would be an afternoon training session of two hours. Sunday morning the
training continues for three hours and concludes the training by lunch time. The church would now
be equipped to conduct their own test (while their teachers are still present) that Sunday afternoon.
The church members could be invited and encouraged to bring neighbors and friends.

For more information write Charles or Phoebe Cleveland, Health Education Resources, 5340 Layton
Lane, Apison, TN 37302; or by email: or phone 423 290- 3737; 423
421-4193; 423 236-5600. Our website is: where you can see all our
products. 165

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