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DESCRIPTION also be terminated by eminent domain pro-

A conservation easement is a deed restriction
landowners voluntarily place on their property RETAINED RIGHTS
to protect resources such as productive agricul-
tural land, ground and surface water, wildlife After granting an agricultural conservation
habitat, historic sites or scenic views. They are easement, landowners retain title to their prop-
used by landowners (“grantors”) to authorize erty and can still restrict public access, farm,
a qualified conservation organization or public use the land as collateral for a loan or sell
agency (“grantee”) to monitor and enforce the their property. Land subject to an easement
restrictions set forth in the agreement. remains on the local tax rolls. Landowners
Conservation easements are flexible documents continue to be eligible for state and federal
tailored to each property and the needs of farm programs.
individual landowners. They may cover an
FACT entire parcel or portions of a property. The
landowner usually works with the prospective

grantee to decide which activities should be Landowners can sell or donate an agricultural
SHEET limited to protect specific resources.
Agricultural conservation easements are
conservation easement to a qualified conserva-
tion organization or government body. In
designed to keep land available for farming. either case, it is important to determine the
value of the easement to establish a price or to
AGRICULTURAL Restrictions calculate tax benefits that may be available
under federal and state law. The value of an
In general, agricultural conservation easements agricultural conservation easement is generally
limit subdivision, non-farm development and the fair market value of the property minus its
CONSERVATION other uses that are inconsistent with commer- restricted value, as determined by a qualified
cial agriculture. Some easements allow lots to appraiser. In general, more restrictive agree-
be reserved for family members. Typically, ments and intense development pressure result
EASEMENTS these lots must be small—one to two acres is in higher easement values.
common—and located on the least productive
soils. Agricultural conservation easements TAX BENEFITS
often permit commercial development related
to the farm operation and the construction of Grantors can receive several tax advantages.
farm buildings. Most do not restrict farming Donated agricultural conservation easements
practices, although some grantees ask that meet Internal Revenue Code section 170
landowners to implement soil and water con- (h) criteria are treated as charitable gifts. Term
servation plans. Landowners who receive fed- easements do not qualify. Donors can deduct
eral funds for farm easements must implement an amount equal to up to 30 percent of their
conservation plans developed by the USDA adjusted gross income in the year of the gift.
Natural Resources Conservation Service. Corporations are limited to a 10-percent
deduction. Easement donations in excess of the
TERM OF THE RESTRICTIONS annual limit can be applied toward federal
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE income taxes for the next five years, subject to
Herrick Mill, One Short Street Most agricultural conservation easements are the same stipulations. Most state income tax
Northampton, MA 01060 permanent. Term easements impose restric- laws provide similar benefits.
Tel: (413) 586-4593 tions for a specified number of years.
Fax: (413) 586-9332 Regardless of the duration of the easement, the Some state tax codes direct local tax assessors
Web: agreement is legally binding on future to consider the restrictions imposed by a con-
landowners for the agreed-upon time period. servation easement. This provision generally
NATIONAL OFFICE An agricultural conservation easement can be lowers property taxes on restricted parcels if
1200 18th Street, NW, Suite 800 modified or terminated by a court of law if the the land is not already enrolled in a differential
Washington, DC 20036 land or the neighborhood changes and the assessment program. Differential assessment
Tel: (202) 331-7300 conservation objectives of the easement programs direct local tax assessors to assess
Fax: (202) 659-8339 become impossible to achieve. Easements may land at its value for agriculture or forestry,
The Farmland Information Center is a public/private partnership between American Farmland Trust and the USDA
November 2001 Natural Resources Conservation Service that provides technical information about farmland protection.

rather than its “highest and best” use, which is enforce the terms of easements. Some also pur-
generally for residential, commercial or indus- chase conservation easements.
trial development.
The donation or sale of an agricultural conser-
vation easement usually reduces the value of · Conservation easements permanently protect
land for estate tax purposes. To the extent that important farmland while keeping the land
the restricted value is lower than fair market in private ownership and on local tax rolls.
AGRICULTURAL value, the estate will be subject to a lower tax.
In some cases, an easement can reduce the · Conservation easements are flexible, and can
value of an estate below the level that is tax- be tailored to meet the needs of individual
able, effectively eliminating any estate tax lia- farmers and ranchers and unique properties.
bility. However, as exemption levels increase,
there may be less incentive from an estate tax · Conservation easements can provide farmers
perspective. with several tax benefits including income,
EASEMENTS estate and property tax reductions.
Recent changes to federal estate tax law, enact-
ed as part of the Economic Growth and Tax · By reducing nonfarm development land val-
Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, expanded an ues, conservation easements help farmers and
For additional information on ranchers transfer their operations to the next
agricultural conservation ease-
estate tax incentive for landowners to grant
conservation easements. The new law removes generation.
ments and farmland protection,
the Farmland Information geographic limitations for donated conserva-
Center offers publications, an tion easements eligible for estate tax benefits DRAWBACKS
on-line library and technical under Section 2031(c) of the tax code.
assistance. To order AFT publi- Executors can elect to exclude 40 percent of · While conservation easements can prevent
cations, call (800) 370-4879. the value of land subject to a donated qualified development of agricultural land, they do not
The farmland information ensure that the land will continue to be
conservation easement from the taxable estate.
library is a searchable database
This exclusion will be $500,000 in 2002 and farmed.
of literature, abstracts, statutes,
maps, legislative updates and thereafter. The full benefit offered by the new
other useful resources. It can be law is available for easements that reduce the · Agricultural conservation easements must be
reached at fair market value of a property by at least 30 carefully drafted to ensure that the terms For additional percent. Smaller deductions are available for allow farmers and ranchers to adapt and
assistance on specific topics, easements that reduce property value by less expand their operations and farming prac-
call the technical assistance ser- than 30 percent. tices to adjust to changing economic condi-
vice at (413) 586-4593. tions.
· Donating an easement is not always a finan-
Every state has a law pertaining to conserva- cially viable option for landowners.
tion easements. The National Conference of
Commissioners on Uniform State Laws adopt- · Monitoring and enforcing conservation ease-
ed the Uniform Conservation Easement Act in ments requires a serious commitment on the
1981. The Act served as a model for state legis- part of the easement holder.
lation allowing qualified public agencies and
private conservation organizations to accept, · Subsequent landowners are not always inter-
acquire and hold less-than-fee simple interests ested in upholding easement terms.
in land for the purposes of conservation and
preservation. Since the Uniform Conservation · Conservation easements do not offer protec-
Easement Act was approved, 21 states have tion from eminent domain. If land under
adopted conservation easement enabling laws easement is taken through eminent domain,
based on this model and 23 states have drafted both the landowner and the easement holder
and enacted their own enabling laws. must be compensated.
Accepting donated conservation easements is
one of the major activities of land trusts. Land
trusts exist in all 50 states. They monitor and

American Farmland Trust works to stop the loss of productive farmland and to promote farming practices that lead to a healthy

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