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182 The Countess of Albany. : 1861. Baekle's Civilization. 1883 for M. de Reumont’s work aint "René tile bnve becmaer sg ‘We are not aware that we can add at i % - wo gan aild any reflection’ that wl nat spontaneously ocour to the Iiajority of rulers. The untess’s life with all ts erocses ene pears Countess lif with alts erocss an lternations of fortune, ‘Ann. VIL. — History of Civilization in England. By Hexny erase Salat ee Trowas Bucwie Volume the Second. London: 1861. the ideal; and we nowhete fad that she sacrificed for a passion [= rust be confessed that Bir. Buckle is hot n writer who , work. gains upon us by a further acquaintance with h or a sentiment, any ono soli first volume, pmblished nearly five years ago, excited, and could command or retai comfort or advantage faney or imagination, delicae magination, delieaey or s : ome degree gratified, the curiosity of the public by a live) out by her last will) of making the French in some eee Sse’ Mpa gonederable dcplay of eadlng representative of the. royal: husband aod Personal by great hardihood of dogmatical specul ad by a lofey have been rejected with a shudder if suggested to hes. Vet FE eo seee ee use Te was received With e a sbudder if euggested to hes. Ye ion to ‘create the science of history.” It was received wi she hd as sic heat snd sul as ane Great Ge ase seiegree of interest due tather to tho apparent eourage and larger space in hi . She was the connecting link bility of the writer, whose name then first appeared in English nt which be had sctually arrived. of half a contury of cclchities, Si ae o of celebrities, She ed Alfie; sho literature, than to the res gontraled Rove; cho thvared Napoleons Sapna Many exvors of detail were pointed out,—a thing not to be fought a standing-point; she strengthened it bya rich in- Wondered at in a dicquisition which affected to embrace every reign elements, and she mingled minds on an ad- section of human knowledge, and to ‘ accomplish for the history felted fotiag’ of equality with tho very fret apnts of her Hof amen something eae or a al eens amogot Ginat hae been effected by ‘other inquirers for tho differen

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