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1. Greeting, meeting, introducing people

2. Numbers
- “Good morning, teacher!” (“Bună dimineaţa,
doamna profesoară!”)
- “Good morning, children!” (“Bună
dimineaţa, copii!”)
- “What’s your name?” (“Care este numele
- “My name is…” (“Numele meu este…..”)
- “Where are you from?” (“De unde eşti?”)
- “Where do you live?” (“Unde locuieşti?”)
- “I’m from……” (Sunt din…)
- “I live in…….” (Locuiesc în……)
- “How old are you?” (Câţi ani ai?)
- “I’m…. years old!” (Am … ani.)
- “Nice to meet you!” (Încântat de cunoştinţă!)
- “Good bye!” (La revedere!)
Game: dialog
Poem: “Good morning, dear teacher!
Good morning, how are you?
We are very happy
To say hello to you!”
Game: Stand up! (Ridică-te!)
Hands up! (Mâinile sus!)
Hands down! (Mâinile jos!)
Clap your hands! (Aplaudă!)
Stamp your feet! (Loveşte picioarele!)
Game – in the circle, we throw a toy from one
to the other and say our name and age.
2. Numbers
Game: with playing card we play a kind of
3. Revision – dialog

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