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1. yesterday = ieri
2. Today = azi
3. Tomorrow= maine
4. To day after tomorrow = poimaine
5. Week =saptamana
6. Month= luna
7. To begin-begon-begin= a incepe
8. Lately=in ultimul timp
9. Late =tarziu
10. To enjoij = a se bucura de
11. A lot = mult
12. To mix = a se amesteca
13. Pleasant =placut
14. To look = a privi\a arata
15. eg=example given
16. To look ok = a arata bine
17. Look over there=priveste acolo
18. Which= care
19. Who= cine
20. Almost=aproape
21. Not quite =nu chiar
22. Sad= trist
23. Mood =dispozitie
24. To be in a good mood= a fi bine dispus
25. To matters= a conta
26. To catch= a prinde
27. To say= a spune
28. To cut = a taia
29. To come= a veni
30. To your place= la tine
31. To wont= a vrea

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