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Title - Sequencing can be Comical 

By - Cynthia Balderas 
Primary Subject - Language Arts 
Grade Level - 3-5 

Concept / Topic To Teach:

Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills Reading Standards:
Objective 1: The student will demonstrate a basic understanding of culturally
diverse written texts.
3.9 Reading Comprehension. The student uses a variety of strategies to
comprehend selections read aloud and selections read independently.
The student is expected to:
C) retell [or act out the order of] important events in stories (K-3)
General Goal(s):
Students will gain familiarity with retelling a story in the correct order.
Specific Objectives:

 The student will be able to rearrange a story by placing the events in the correct
 They will also be able to create a comic strip with the correct order of events.

Required Materials:

 Comic strip
 Computer
 Internet
 Photo Story 3
 Chart paper
 Markers

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):

 To introduce sequencing, the teacher will use Photo Story to narrate the events
of the morning.
 Example: "At six-thirty my alarm clock rang and I woke up. I went to the
restroom to wash my face and brush my teeth..."

Step-By-Step Procedures:
1. As a class, the students will discuss and the teacher will write down all the
events seen in the photo story on the chart paper using a drawn timeline. The
teacher will write them in the order in which they happened. The teacher will
tell the students that knowing the sequence of events in a story helps one
understand the story better. 
2. The teacher will tell the students that by putting all the events in a certain order,
they are sequencing. The teacher will make them understand that it is necessary
for some events to happen before others. For example, the teacher first has to
put on socks and then shoes and not the other way around.
3. Then students will receive a cut up comic strip obtained
from With partners, they are to arrange the frames in the
correct order and retell the story to each other.

Plan For Independent Practice:

 Students will brainstorm what they did that morning as they got ready for
school and then plan a photo story.
 Assuming that they have used the program before, they will create their photo
story and share it with a friend.
 Then they will make sequence of events timeline for a partner’s photo story.

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):

 Students give other real life examples of things that can be sequenced.
 Example: Cleaning their room.

Assessment Based On Objectives:

Students will read a short story to the teacher and then they will orally retell the
story in order
Adaptations (For Students With Learning Disabilities):

 For dyslexic students, the teacher will use a comic strip with no or few words.
 Students will then be paired up with a partner when creating their photo story.

Extensions (For Gifted Students):

 Students will create their own comic strip using the

 They can also draw their own comic strip in a comic strip template.

Possible Connections To Other Subjects:

 Social Studies: the students can utilize the timeline to narrate the life of a
famous person such as Martin Luther King. 
 Art: students illustrate their own comic strip.

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