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51, Surveillance and Capture ginal Pubieation Inferoaton Society 1(2}:101-227. Aps-Dane 1986, Surveillance and Capture Two Models of Privacy Philip E. Agre 1 Introduction ‘dees about privacy are. among other things. cultural shenomena. The ate shaped theough historical experienc, they condition pereeptione of newly arising phenomena, and they are reproduced or transformed inl of the same complicated ways 28 ther element of culture. Culeral ideas bout privacy ate particularly significant right now, given che rapid emergence af nave technologies and new policy issues around privacy In this paper I propose to contrast 89 cultural models of privacy: “His survellnce model” eunenaly dominant in the publi discourse of ot eas the Engl peaking ‘voi isbut upon vu metsphors and dorives from isto esparianes of secret police suvellance ‘es amine eration, heptane moka rmanieted i information principally nee practices of imologsts ible upon guste sis protxype the dalberate of industrial wor acces tain snetaphovs and seovgan 2: them in vel ine ‘These two models ae not mutually exclusive By emphasizing the contrasts between them, [hope to make tevident their contingent nature, Pivacy issues tale different forms in diferent institutional settings and historial periods, and nasingle model suffices to fully characterize all ‘ofthe forms that privacy iesues can take Section 2 motsee thie soy by iscsi et of “renting technologies for tacking people and mater: tls Consideration of thas technolo within siting concer of privacy revel certain previously tfocazed dents, most partieuady the earganeation of city to accommodate the sacking pros ‘theNEWMEDIAREADER. Sexton’ tales up this observation more formally by Introducing and defining the survellance model nd the copture model of pevacy issues ‘Section 4 scusses the captare model in more pth ‘eating tt deeply ingrained sspects of pried Compating 2 a professional practice. It intrduces the Concept of grammar of action” and provide eral ‘examples It thon describes an idealized five stage {yee for the developmen of capture systems and teflects on etan computersupporied cooperate ‘worksytemsin this ight Section Sdeserbes some trade-off isharnt in the concep of eapeure and consequent in the very Gesign of computer systems as they ae currently sunderstocd Section 6 intoduces the general question of cpoate 382 social phenomenon insisting that capture be ‘Stuiedagsns the background ofthe ager inatitational dynamin which tis embedded Section. ecomomy of captors starting with a dscssion of the fersaprovinona analysis ofthe palitiel rae of information technology i vedciog economic Section 8 concludes by returning to the comparison between te gurvellance and aptate model and assessing some ofthe possible fares to which they point 2 Tracking “This reexamination of privacy was originally motivated by the emergence of new technologies forthe tracking of ‘people, autormbiles, packages. materials, and so fort. In the Tetive badge’ project a Olivet (Want eal 1992) and Xerox + Geiser 1993) fr example, employees wear on ther doing a black plasticvetangle called “badge” that wses infrared Tighe to indicate its loeation to deviees mounted on wall and calings which in turn are connected toa database Several txperiments have exploced various ues of the badges for example to determine a colleague location inthe building ot to automata ect given individuals calls tothe pose closese telephone. This esearch hasbeen viewed at 2 sep toward "ubiqucous computing” in which computational machinery is dsebuted throughout the physical environment (eg. Gold 1983). Fo example, several groupe (Elrod eral 1998, Mil ee al 1982) ate creating smart buildings” in which climate controls ave integrated with netnorked digital systems, ‘Active badges may be the best known tracking technology, but hey are hardly unique. Other tracking schemes invelve radio-frequency bercons installed on materials in ‘manufacturing and distribution (Fales 1992, Sabet 1993), And the trade press bas reported on numerous implementations of tracking systems: “UPS uresbarcodes anda curtomizd detronic

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