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‘We begin with Eq. (6.93) =) aivid(a - 23). Note that this is the bound current; the free current is given by 37, jree @tvd(e— ,) and the total current J is given by the sum. Letting the coordinate of A) We fixed point be (0) and the coordinate of the charge bet) relative I, to wa(t). Averaging this expression, we get Eq. (6.94): 4) yee nekr antes) = f efile 21.) wy =YVaw [evnerne 2! - 2, -2in) ‘os = Toate + om) f asa! ble - 2-25) ~ eu) &s = Dales + va) fea! —2,) ro where we used a = &q + Bin and vj) = Up + Vin because we're treating independent charge distributions (molecules) at every #,. Taylor expanding the test function fe — aa) following the formula (to second order) fo ) S(e)a = F(a) + f(a)(a - a) +(e a)? with « = mtGegeten, a = a — ay, we have Kar Gin(@,1)) = Yai (vin + Pn) [F(@ — a) io 2 + pL Collelageag lee] The averaging operation commutes with differentiation in the previous equa- tion, so we can factor out the derivatives ‘We begin with Eq. (6.93) = Yl avid(a - 23). Note that this is the bound current; the free current is given by 30, jree @tv5(e— ;) and the total current J is given by the sum. Letting the coordinate of A) xed point be (0) and the coordinate of the charge bet) relative LL, to w,(t). Averaging this expression, we get Eq. (6.94): 4) A nile Girlz.) = f Px f(@)jnle — 2,4) Wy = Daw. f Px se ila—2' — 2-25) ‘os = Seale + om) f aa! ble - 2-25) — 2) ‘es =Yialen + valfle—a"— 2) si where we used @) = tq + ain and v; = Yq + Vin because we're treating independent charge distributions (molecules) at every #,. Taylor expanding the test function f(a —a,) following the formula (to second order) £o ) S(e)a = F(a) + f'(a)(a- a) +(e a)? with « = mAtGgeten,a = a — ay, we have Kar Gn(@s1)) = S70 (vin + Pn) [F(@ — a) ra +7 Lobel (win) 3 f(w ~ a) ] The averaging operation commutes with differentiation in the previous equa- tion, so we can factor out the derivatives ww Slorideck on £ Gnle,t)) = [s0 (Win + Up) = vYe« (Win +n) in fo ie @ +4DT ee Bagh (tin + Wo) + (Bin)al tin) , J (a ~ &,). io ‘os Our goal is to simplify this expression by evaluating a few derivatives and making the separation among molecular coordinates at, and particle coordinates @;, We split: up the first term in (1) and add the averaged free current daw? sh SR ha orth Gee thet : (Sante a) + ai (Win + % 0) le — + De avd — *) ‘Free io ‘we -(r gud(a ~ 2) + Li aeabl (aw — &n) YVavind(e -x,) +r? Fable — =) to ioe -(gee-nrteseen) (Bae) I(x, o+2 ° Pie, = —— oE(x,t)] where we used the definition py = Dia) 4iin 80 that Lowe =O akan = gm 8) w oS Peet) ~ 8 - De.) ake.) @ I(a,t) u jvid(w — ai) +) givnd(w — =) (5) Free ‘The other a of the second term in (1) then becomes q Yo4 ml (x Bas Fan aif (a — a) a= (Saghare + Dagarst a *0) 6 Using the definition of p, again, we now have the expression for (j(x,t)) in the form of Eq. (6.96); the second order term transforms similarly to the last: (il) = Sola) + 5 [Dalest)~coBal 2.0) + Dearne) fe ZS lmatvas - o)stealate -20) ply % Br \% did itn. ye (Sie@pston ora 5 Bago, Ja] (ae — an : ae Rearranging Eq. (6.99) to get B in terms of H, we have 1 y 7g Ba Healt) + Mal,t) + ( (Pu X Vn )adle rp ®) De Z LLQdslvah ble - =) we ‘Then 1 a a Fall * Bla= Leoorgeg FeO) + Lemaey L,(@,t) Dap (= Lepa(es)s Puls) le — =) 2D (fr (Qos), ~ (yale) Ce = =) : oy Dapdex \*- (9) Using the second equation of Eq. (6.70) Av x B- ot = Glew) (10) we can join together (7) and (9). Removing similar components, all we have left is a OB. a Deoogg, Fe) — 0 GF = Sale, t) + 5 [Dale,t) - aBale.t)) (11) Removing the $2 terms and moving D to the opposite side, we have WeosrgegBhlet)~ Fates) = lola) (2) Long, or the more farniliar Vx He,t) —20(@,1) = Je.) (13) a8 desired,

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