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12 A Yes. I was on Massachusetts Avenue, and I had no means of transportation at the time. I was waiting for a bus or for a cab to come by, and I decided to try hitching the eight blocks to get down there. This gentleman over here picked me up. Q You say. "this gentleman over here." Could you point him out? A The man sitting right there. @ on the end of the table? ~ Ae Yes. MR. WINE: Let the record show that the witnes has identified the defendant. @HB WITNESS: Okay. So he picked me up, and he asked me whether I had hitched very often. I.said, no, I had never hitched before. He asked me to fasten my seat belt, which I did because he had his fastened and there was a Fasten Seat Belt sign on the dashboard. I told him where I wanted to get off, and he stopped the car, and I started to get out of the car, and he pulled a gun on me and then proceeded to handcuff me behind my back and then drive off down Mass Avenue. igiga 8 I figured I had to try something, so I tried rolling the window down with my foot and tried screaming at the corner of There weré people standing on the corner, but apparently nobody heard me; we were in traffic, and it frightened him. And he put his hand across my face, and I bit him; and then he pulled a gun on me again. And I figured, well, this is it, I'd better be quiet. I started asking him questions, like, why do you want to do this, I'd never -- Q Why did you want to do what? A He had said to me: "I'm going to rape you." And I said,"Well, why do you want to do this?" Hesaid, "I've never done it before," You know, I just tried to talk him out of it, saying things like; let's go someplace and have a cup of| coffee and talk about it. I don't want to do this. I haven't done anything to you, You can let me out now, IT won't turn you in. I also said to him, "I'm not afraid of you. I don't want you to hurt me, but I'm not} afraid of you." He just kept saying, “Well, you can ask me any questions you want. You can talk as long as you wa he Renate Gee wen ee Be SG oke ls Saale aR rn ae 14194 “ I'm going to do it anyhow." He kept telling me that I wouldn't be able to prosecute and he wouldn't get into any trouble because henew the law, He said he wasn't going to leave any marks on me, so 1f I did go to the police they wouldn't, you know, be able to say that’he had beaten me or anything .@ Now, the car that you got into, do you recall what that car looked like? A. Ab first I thought 1t was a Valiant, put it was a Dodge Dart, It was a 196%, blue -~ I identifiea the year and I identified the color of the car and the interior. Q Well, after you had been traveling for some time, what happened, if anything 4 Well, be kept driving ded key? Og ining trying to talk him out of it, I figured I wasn't going to let him see me get upset. I refused to cry. I figured this is what he wanted. So I didn't cry; I just kept talking to him, He had me blindfolded. It was a nice day outside and I knew the leaves were changing. I figured he was taking me into the country and if he was taking me to a farmhouse, he must apprecia the country, . So I started saying, "Well, it must be 414194 15 really beautiful out here, the colors. The leaves must be changing." He agreed with me. I just kept trying to divert the subject, you know, trying to make him forget about it, and finally we got close to where the house was. He made me put my head down on his lap so, I guess, the neighbors didn't see. He said, "Th@elspeople that !live around us; you're just going to have to put your head down." And the whole time I was blindfolded. Then he stopped the oe endyiee occims ance the house, He allowed me to use the bathroom, a Can you tell me when you first went to that house were you able to observe anything? A. Well, on the way there the corner of the masking tape ~- he had used clear adhesive tape on my eyes -- the corner of it came up, and I could see a Little bit. Like, I saw part of the road. I also saw, when he first took me into the house, I saw the concrete -- there was a little concrete walkway, and then I remember stepping up and we walked into the back porch and I saw a table. And then we walked into the kitchen, and I saw the oven, thé stove in the kitchen, which was yellow, and I remember seeing the brick wall. JUL 8 1975 414194 16 And then he took me upstairs, and I walked up wooden steps with a handrail there, And I went ‘to the bathroom, and I remember the bathroom was -~ the door opened outwards instead of inwards. He took me back downstairs into the bedroom, and he made me undress. And then he chained me to the bed; he handcuffed my left arm to the bed. And then he walked away and got chains and chained my leg to the bed after that, = Q@ | What happened, in sequence now, please? And I said to him, “Will you take me back now? He said, "I want to have lunch first. Would you like lunch?” I said, "No, thank you. I'm not very hungry." And he gave me a glass of tea to drink because I was feeling rather sick. Q Is it fair to say this was not one of your better days? A. No, it was not. He made lunch, and then he told me I could get dressed and he took me out to the car. I guess one of [iy 14194 his billy goats got loose. He handcuffed me and un- handcuffed me again a number of times, and he allowed ne| to get in the car. I believe he trusted me enough to handeuff me in front of me instead of my hands behind | ny back. He trusted me to put my hands in front of me, And the cat jumped in the car; the cat jumped back out again, Then he made -- he started driving, and he made me put my head down on his, lap again, and he started to drive back towards Washington, towards Georgetown, because I kept impressing upon him that I would lose my job, and I had to get back. Like, you know, I was going to lose my job, I wouldn't be able to work'my way through school and stuff. @ Did you ever again see this house that youtve described? No, I.dian't, e Q Did you see pictures of the house? A, I did see pictures of the house. Q@ Are you aware as to what county this house was located in? A. - Pauguier County, because there was a sticker on the car that said"Faugquier County." @ Was he abusive to you other than the acts that he did? Did he beat you or slap you? He did slap me one time when we were riding down Massachusetts Avenue. When I rolled down the window, he pushed my head over and knocked my glasses off my face. He had his hand trying to cover my mouth and I bit him, I bit his hand, He told me that I drew blood later, He said that I had bit him so hard that I penetrated the skin. Did he at any time get upset? A At that time he got very upset, and he pulled the gun on me again, And later in the ride back, he Said he had never come s0 close to killing anyone -- to shooting anyone as he did at that time. Q@ Which was the time in Washington, D. Cc. on Massachusetts Avenue? A Yes. MR. SMITH: Thank you. That's all I have, THE COURT: You may step down, 2d

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