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KOTA IN CIRCUIT COURT EVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT File No: .ROT-444 STATE OF SOUTH COUNTY OF PENNINGTON vs NATHAN lICHASINGHORS: Gelerdany Respondent To: {OLE MHENDRICKSON CHASINGHORSE Secretary ofthe Department of Social Services, DCS File: 229755102 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: “That on March 24,2008, John Fechan, referee, duly fed his Repartin the above-nited action including finings of fact, conclusions ofiaw and a recommendation. A copy of seid report is attached hereto and incorporated herein by Feference, YOU WILL FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that unless you fle a written objection tothe referee's report the circuit court ‘may, without further notice, enter is order adopting the referee's report and recommendation, you have an objection tothe referee's report, you must fle your objection in writing withthe Clerk of Courts. Your objection must be fled within ten (10) days from the date this report was served. I elther party files an objection, the glher party shal have an adctonal te 8) days rom the date of sence of he cbiection fo fie adaional objections. ‘tr ling your obection, the cect cour wilh a dale forearing onthe referees repr and wil give you notice the time and place ofthe hearing. No new evidence will be received ai this hearing because it will be based solely on the rocotd ot he hearing before the eieree “After he hearing, the creut cour may adopt he releree's recommendation eject i or remand the matter fo the referee for furiner hearing, ‘A transcript ofthe hearing before the referee may be obtained by contacting the referee and making arrangements for payment ofthe costs of preparing the vanaaipt Your request or avansongl shouldbe mada malate adsoated tothe referee. Your request should be made no more than ten (10) days from tne date of maling as shown on the Certticate of sen the referee will by prepared unless you fie an objection to the feferee's report and request a transcript of the nearing from the referee. The failure fo provide the circuit court with @ transeript may result in the dlsmissal of any objections, Dated at Rapid City, South Dakota, on the 24 day of May coflickioof Service The undersigned hereby cei that a rue and core copy of the following documents: TINSTIGE OF ENTRY Of REFEREES REPORT 2REFEREE'S REPORT were served by frst class United States mail, postage prepaid, upon the following individuals: Lary Hernan Neue Henpiccson DiMsion oF Griuo Suppor P10. Box 2440, Rapio Crry SD 57709-2440 Nara MM Cnsncuonse DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Division oF Grito SuPPoRT ATTENTION: TEODIE ADAMSKI 700 Governor's DRIVE Prenne, SO57501 On the 24 day of March, 2008, Ton een Reteree Nets of En of Rees Rept \ICOLEINMENDRICKSON y NATHANINICHASINGHORSE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA IN CIRCUIT COURT COUNTY OF PENNINGTON SEVENTH JUDIC File No: RO7-444 CIRCUIT NICOLE IBHENDRICKSON r | REPO! WITH FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW NATHANIICHASINGHORSE, | DefendanvRespondent I IV-D Action No. 229755102F Date prior onder of suppor | December 20, Filing date DCS February 14, 2008, Amount of existing order__| SMM 00. Filing Date Clerk February 21,2008 Past due support Unknown Date R 5, 200 | Food Stamps/TANF 1d by eoferce Febru Date Notice to panies semt_| February 26,20 nount requested March 12,2008 unt recommended sty ed [oy 1.2008 : Yes by telephone Non-Custodial Parent: Nathan J Chasinghorse No Larry Herman, OCSE Yes isa suppor obligation CHILDREN FOR WHOM SUPPORT IS REQUIRED: The following are the child(ren for whom of the partes Name Age Date of Binh i _—s 1 CUSTODIAN OF MINOR CHILDREN: The person having primary physiel custody ofthe child is: Nicole L. Hendrickson | Custodial Paseo’ Information Non Custodial Paseat's Informat c ole Ml iene shan MM Chasingh Lo. i i | 3: tio: Lc: Enploye: ES | Employer: unavailable as “ Page 1 of (CHANGE IN CIRCUMSTANCES: ‘Sumit hse ased the addition of childcare showing has been mad: 7.6.13. Modification of Prior Orders of Support: Al orders fr suppor entered and in effect prior to July 1 with this chapter without requiring a showing ofa change incicumsances rom te entry of por -- Objections 74-22. Modification of child support - Hearing before onto modifistion without hearing: Ifthe suppor or ive jurisdition over the suppor order in accordance with chapt uirements of §25-9B-611 or § 25-98-613 are satisfied, an ob prescribed by th 58 oF de (1) The order may be mod date of the order; or (2) The order may be m years ofthe date of the order. 2 -- Referees ie of cour, in this state and this state maintains coatinuin IB. oF fhe suppor ord -d igor, an obigee or the ild support. For any support orde “4 upon showing a substantial change in circumstances if hep fied without showing any tered oF modified after July 1,199 ton is fle within thre years ofthe ange in circumstances ifthe petition i filed after th HEALTHDENTAL INSURANCE: Title 19 and/or Medicaid provides medical services forthe child HEALTH INSURANCE INFORMATION os ave heath anzasce salable fr depen smooust 5_a8 Ps, — Plane atach fe tis page a copy of aay bealthnvuranes or dental nsurane cards that provide coverage othe child(ren}. Iti the finding ofthe referee that include health insurance forthe child(ren) inthe child support order is practical based upon allofthe facts and cireumstanes in this case. All medical costs not covered by health insuran as follows: Custodial Parent Nicolelff Hendrickson - 76 % and the Non-Custodial Par to bedivided between the partes Nathan ll Chasinghorse SDCL § 25-7-6.16 Insurance — Computation of Costs -- Apportioned Between Parents The coun may enter an order for health and dental insurance coverage. Medical insurance shall be provided fr the benefit of the ‘minor child whenever practical, The eos ofthe insurance atibutable othe be determined by dividing the out-of-pocket cost ofthe insurance to the parent bythe number of individuals insured thers i information is provided att ‘fearing regarding the atual additional costs forthe childs share ofthe insurance, that gute shall be used. The cost so computed ‘Shall be apportioned between the parents onthe basis a neome or income imputed as provided in §§25-7-6.1102S-7-6.17, inclusive Tene parent pays the entire amount, that parent shall ether be reimbursed by the other parent for that parents portion ofthe payment cor shall receive a credit ageinst his other support obligation, whichever is appropriate. Any additional, reasonable medical cost optometre, dental or orthodontic counseling or other healthcare costs foreach minor child which exceed two hunde Fifty dollars in any year and are not covered by insurance, shall be apportioned bs iin proportion to the support ‘obligation of each parent, HISTORY: Source: SL. 1988, ch 220, § 16; 1997, ch er and Cones oe Page 2 of 12

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