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This pa~p2intelltionally lett bJank.




I From the Director


OurM'ission - Vision - Core Values

Our Core Functions

Our Organization



Safety Security Protection

I Methodology


6 7 8-9

10 - 14 10


12 13 14





When I first arrived in e!arly 2006, the Department of Motor V[el1idles llIadla demons tr ated record OIf settilllgi priorities, charting i tafutu re djr ac'tlorr. and SllIGCeSSTU Illy i mph:l!menHllIg changles to anh ance DMV services, tach noloqv, and operations . Today tlllings leH[e no difIererat .. We havre once ag,ain eorrctudad our eruural pi a III III in Igi ses.slons. and what ylOIU have' before you is DMV's 2010 Strutaqic PLan ..

Throughout oWJIr Sf at e, we corrtirtue lo e!Xp[erlllmlCe timE!! efillects of a sl~owed E!!conomy. Illi Iaot, this yEmr it causod l!IS to pau se and e s.k the qllJl8!s~iolll, "Is this the right time to englage in our annual s1rra.t[egiG pllalnnilng IJIf0ces.s?" WB qutckl y real iz[ed tha t s~r'B.te!gic planrunq pr ovidas an implortalllttool to vislon, to nlen , and to adapt as Ille'ed[edl to our levier-changing anvtronrnerrt . Th~8 yea rly [e·Uort a lso serve's to rl8view our accornnhshrnents and affirlm our sarccesaes.. Illn this era of "dloilllg more with less ." there is no dou ht that 1ll0W, rnor e the n ever .• we need a thouqhtful and comnr ehenssva Stlra1teglic Plan.

This year, we !m ad e SOlme signilTicant chunges that. II would Ilite! to share with YOIJL f~rst. we! revised our Mission. I ihIavS! always fe!lli!: that our Mission Statement :s.ltllOlIIld be clear and concise, so we shor terred the lMiiss.ion to:

To ~H~rve the p1ubllic by [plrovidiin'9 QuaUty Ilicelllls;illllg and moto« veil! icle-.IIell.ated s,elrvic,es ...

fuleHev[e we! havre it! We have kapt it strnpja and to the point. iBut more lrnport antl v, we have a. atatemerrtthet lad lows 8lVelrY0nlie to urrderaterrd wlllam: iDMV strives to accomplish I9vel"yday_

Wea Iso took a look at our Core! Val uea: the pr i nci piles u ndar which DIMV performs and tlllam: reflect how our emplloyee!s conduet thernsefvas lin rnv visiislto office!s around tlhte! St at.e and to iheadlquar1ter units., II. continue ~o be by our amp 10yl9(:~s' lovel of com rnjtmerrt to pu bl ie s.ervic e. IDesp ~te tod ay's challe ngi Illg economic circumstances, our emplovens under s.tand land value their role as the "f,aCB of sil:late government." 11111 recognition of our emplloy[se!s' dediic,ati on to providing quality DMV services, w[e addled the foillowing to our Core! Values:

ComrnUlllelllt ito serve the public ..

We also took some 'tirne to reflact on the' opporturuttes and challenqeathat D MV faces 1]0tl1 rodav and in thefutu re .. One strateg ic iasue identified dlirilllg this procaas was.f he importance of mainlIflining a strong DIMiV workforce throujjh sue cesaion plannin'gl, emp~loyee r ecruitmentrre ten tion inlitia.tiv[es,

and o ngoling tral n ing and develop mant. In lf8'cog n ition of the important role thet BMV e!lmployees p~lay in achievinq OUi mission, wle creatad a lI1e!\N Goal focuisad on one of our most impcrtant a.ssets-Ol!llr amplovee.s. This. llIew "Wo r kill 0 rc e" Go Bill is aa f'ol II 0 W S =

Stn:l!lllIgthielll and su pport the professionalism and skill of our workforce

The of our environment also aerved rto vahdate OlLU' e'xis:ting Goals. OtH Goals win ccritinue to drive ell our strategic eff erts and are diisclJss:ed in fu rUIJelr dlelIa i I in 'th is Strategic PllalilL

Our Goats have led UlS1t1O i rruplernerut h Ulnd nedls of Ie 11 ihl a ncernont s ssnco I started as Dineeitor. Goitllllgfoifward, tlhimlgs ,ane goingl to Iglet 8!ven more exclihng_ Saveral strah~'glic plioj'ectsth,at we am barked 011 ,[) cOllllp~ljle of ye!,ars back a re starting to raaliz e some real lJe'nefits:

• This: year ,the 0 MlV willi rmplemant s'tat e-of-the-nrt driver ~ ice!ns.e!J

id emrllHication c a rei! iss lIII a nee tech no loqies that stl"e!ngthelll the security of parsortal data and keep C,allifornia driver ~ilcens.e!s arrd iderrt ification cards amongst the 1m o st s acure ilill th]l8 natto n.

• We will also roll-out a s'tate-of -tha-ett wab portel solemon that oUers addli1tiiolflall onlrna anpltcattcns , veriHes l!ISl81i identity,. end atreemltnes till 8 0 III ~l in8 play mile nt p r (])C es s.

• Our Inf orm at ion Tl8tclhno!ogy Moch:HlllIizatiorJ proqr arn eorrtlraues to ach ieve sig n rfrcant imp:le!Im'ent,a.tiorJ milestones _ Th is proqra m will rapjace DIMV'soilg'8d and outdated Ilegacy SyStBImS wliith bl"oad~ly su nportad lriduatrv at andard tech nuloq ies, hal pi ng to redMce

rnai nte nance and oper ationa I costs and T,aClintatl8 e e srer i mpll'ementation of hus.mass procaas im provernents _

It lis sabsfying ito have b8!Em involved wliil:h so m anv lrnpr overnenta lin how Wl8 SBlfve our cus tomers.. The 2.010 Strategic Plan ~lays: out our s:lratBgies for Iu tu Fie Bnlha ncemerrts to ou r [prodiucts. and services and ackniQw~ledg8!s thilt our on'gloi ng success rel ies on our strong and! d ediic,atedi workfor ce _

George' Valverde, Director

Ca~lifolfnia Department of Motor Vehiclels




IOIUlr Mission::

To serve the public by providing quaillity licensinq and motor velh icl e-related se rvi ces II

IOUlr Vision::

Ca.liiforniia IDIMV:

A recoqnized and trusted leader in public service.

• Honesty and ~ntegrity

• Commitment to serve the public

• ReslPect and consideration forr each other I our customers, andl the environment

• Accuracy and qualitv in ,a II III our products and





Driver IUcense and ldentifieation Card Programl

We test and issue licenses to qualified drivers, provide identification services to the public, and verify the identity of all l!ic,el1lsed drivers and identification card holders,

Vehic~e Ti1:ling and Relg'is1:ration IProgram

We iasue titles and r,egmst,er alii automobiles, motorcvcles. trailers, vessels, and commercial vehicles used for both interstate and intrastate commerce. We also issue disebled pierson placards and persenalized license plates. Revenue collected from this program is then disbursed to other state and lccal ag',encie,s.

Driver S,afety Progra'm

We promote tratfic satetv by monitoriing the drivingl performance of licensed drivers. Furthermore, w,e evaluate hiigh-risk drivers for driving cornoetenev and take corrective actions against the driiving pr~vi~e,gle of dlriv,ers who demonstrate safety risks.

Licensinq the IMlotorVehicle Indus1:ry

We provide consumer protection through the lieensinq and regullation of occupations and businesses related 'to. the manufacture, transport sale, and disposal of vehicles, inclu:ding: vehicle maautacturers, dealers. rle'gistratiol1 services salespersons, transporters; and dismantlers. In addition, we requlate alii occupations and businesses related to driiviing and! tratfic schools.






Adlm~li1istll'atiive S,erv~,ces D'~viision pII'OV~delS: cora services essential to the day-to-day op1eralIions of the! department. The divisimll is: resplonsmbl~e for directing

the complete scope of edrnintstrative functions and emplovee services including: blJdgeiltary and flislCal~ manag:emen1t; contracts development and procnrernarrt pll"OOeSSHS;illacilitli1es msnaqernerjt;

hurnen resources manaqernerrt and labor relations; and davalopmant and delivmy of training programs.

Comlmuni~catiion iP'r(l"g,rams !D~visiion

is l!1espons~bl!e for DMV's fivle Teh;~phone Service' Centers who respond annually

to over 19 milllioll eustomer calla. The' division de!v8!lops precedures, menaels, handbooks, and other publjeanons for use by employees, industry partners. andthe pnblic. They manage and maintain il:ihIe departrnerrt'a IEllIg[[[islhi and Spanish laIllQlu, I[nternet sites, and ernnlovee web site; and act as the liaison with courts, law enforcement. and Ig:oVlemment ,agenclles _

Executiv,e' 'O'ffi,ce [provides ,guidanoe, le'ade'lfship •. advice, and support to the Directorate and tile department's nine dtvisicns. The !lExectwtivle Offtcesmclude:

Audrts o fill ice'. Equel Employment Opporb.mity Office, L,eglislative Office. Office of the Chief lnferrnaticn OiHioer, Office of PlUJIlJIHc Affairs. and Office of Strategic Plannin'gl and Ol"ganiz,ationa[~ Development.

Fii,elld Operations Division. is the

puhlic face! of stata Iglov,emment with

169 offices providing services to Olver

3.2 million people ennueltv. Fie[ld office emplovees prooaas applications for driver licenses, identificetion cards and vehide regl,istrations, isslllIe several veriotios of hcense fJl~]ates and other indicia,. and often offer slJecia~ 88!rV~Ces to local cornmurntv glfOUpiS_

lnforrnation Systems Diiv~siion enab~!es the department to conduct its intemal ope:mtions: and lJIirovlide services to its customers through UTle ILIse' oftechnoloqv. Time d~vision supports all dapertrnental hardware and software, includingl DMV's robust databases, and te!epillone and data. svsterns. They also ensure [)[MV systems: connectivitvfor business partners, law enforcement, and gov8lfn me nita I entities.

Inve'sti'gations Diviisiorll is the regl!ll,atlOlrY and law enfomement branch om DMlV_. As authorized, Investigations amplovaes conduct complex cnrninal, admilrnistrative, end civill iiillvestlilgations involvilllg the motor velhic~le illicilustl"Y, identity then ,f i naneia lfraud, docu rnent ccunterteitinq, ernplovoe rrnsconduct; fraud end theft, and security violatiollls_

Leglal Affairs Dhiis~on represersts OMV in all! Admimstrative Law and! Government Law cases. Tille division performs inhouse counsel service's which include ~:egal research, advice on policy and procedures, contract review, and lieison with the! Attorney General's oUice OIn civill cases wlllich true department is a partv. They arcalso msponsible for the departmerrt's regu~labolill ofthe automotive indusby and representing the depertrnerrt 011 ampiovaa actions ap!J,saled ito the Stam Parsonnel Board.

Licensing 'Op,e'r,atiol1s Div'ision edmjrnsters Califomia's Driver Ucens:ingl, Oecupanonal 'Uoensing, and Dnvar Safeilty proqrams. The division lis responsible

for: issuing driver iicenses, identiticetion cards, cornmercsel licensles, and regu~l;alillig financial responsil::iJiilmty req]lIill"e:mellllts; reI£lUl'lat~ng and mOlllitoring of motor vehicle deal!er.ships and fraffic safutv education bassmesses and ills: emplovees; and! identHyingandi conitlroilling the drivingl privilege om hi.gih-r,islks, drivers. ln addition, they davalop andevaluate delmonsitlfait[on proqrams. conduct traffic safety mseafch, and! are Ifl9sp1onsible for ~nteraglelllcy programs such as the verification of lega~1 preserrcestatus, ve:lfiification of social security number r and tile! Organ Donor Program ..


Motolr ICan~e'r Diivision is the haison and primary service provider to the truckinq industry. The division administers, both state land fe:dera~ programs:

that impact motor earner opelflations throughout !North America .. Their customer basel is comprised oif more than 84,O()O illlteillillltmstate' motor earners operating approximate~y l_B mi:Jliolli vehicles. They pallffi:llIer with the Califernla Highway Patrol to ensurethe sefa and Isff~cien1L operation ot truckinq on Celitornia'a llIi,glhwBlYs.

,R,egliistration 'O'pe:ratiions Division

is lIesplonsiblle for OMV's ope r,atliolll all procedures and po~licies goveming vehicle reglis1trEdion and i1:itl!ing. The registration of vehicles includes not olllly a.lItomi(]Jbi~les and trucks, burt motercvcles. trailers, vessets. and spe:cia~1 equjpmenilt such as vel'liic:les used in construction and those operated on h:iglllwlay .. Tille divis~olll provides: lmportent state and IOCHII revlenllilewhi:lle lensm~ngl vehicle owns!" eomphanee wilil:ltJi Celifornie's clean air and liabriliity insurance rHq]lliIi rernents.



Enbence services to' our internetend external customers ..

One! of DMV's core values ~s a comm itment to serve the public.We serve a customer base that is as diverse as the State of Califomia. Our customers re~y on us to offer quall~ty prcductaand efficient services ill order to meet their individual styles and needs, This aliso holds true, for the service WfiJ provide within our organization. Whe1ther delivsrinq services to internal or external customers, w,e continue to focus on building new tools and capabilities, making our processes easier. and directly asking our customers how W'9 can best serve them.


1 ,. Research and assess the needs of our diverse, customers.

2,. Enhance and promote' effective organizational co m mu nication.

3,. En hance and promote' effective extern a I customer communication.

4,.Allign DMV products, services, and resources with current and evolving customer needs.


Strengthen' and supoort the orotessionetism and skill of our workforce.

Understandiingl that "emplovees make the difference," IDMV is committed tofurther developing the protessionaliarn and skill of our workforce .. In order to sustain this qoal, w,e wiU pursue employeefocused initiatives that enhance both individual and organizational capabilities. W'8!willll further invest lin our smplovees by providing them with the, traininq, toolsvend resources necessary to eHective!ly serve oUlir customers ..


1. lrnprove methods that foster collaborative and open cornrnunication among the workforce.

2. Continuously research and assess the diverse needs of our workforce.

3. Enhance our workforce environment.

4. Enhance our workforce capabilities to meet current and evolving business needs and dernoqraphics ..

5. Create an infrastructure to support an effective workforce.

B. Mlodernize our recruitment and selection processes to maximize the effectiveness of our workforce.




Enbence traffic' safety throuqh internal oroorems and pertnershios.

Traffic Saflety ~11 Cafjfornia relies on partnerships with other safetyrelated government agencies to make our roadways safer. Nowhe!rei is this more apparent than throuqh our active participation in California's Strategic IH ighway Safetv Plan where D MV ta kes the Ilead 0111 implementinq 29 specific safety plans lin various traffic safety challenqe areas. These areas include reducing impaired driving, ensurinq drivers are competent, and tarqeting crashes

involving younger and older drivers.


11,. Expand traffic safety related projects and programs. 2,. Ensure drivers are qualified and competent to use the roadways.

3,. Educate the public to promote traffic safety through proven methods and innovative, approaches.

4,. Evaluate and provide evidence-based information

on. the effectiveness of traffic safety related actions to stakeh old ers ,.

5, Improve the quality, completeness, timeliness, and uniformity of safety data and the sharing among federal, state, and local agencies and stakeholders. 6 .. Plan for and assess the safety impllications of innovative modes of transportation.


Strengthen validity, securitv, end protectionot personal iniorme tion.

Every day r thousands of customers provide !..IS with detailed information about themselves in order to reqistar a vehicle, receive a driver license, or complete other IDMV transactions. At DMV, we have a demonstrated history of implernentinq safegluards within our svsterns and processes that provide the hiqhest levels of protection of our customers' personal information. We contiinually seek to arnplov new proven fraud prevention methods ill order to enhance the securitvand privacy of personal information.


1. Promote information security and privacy awareness. 2.. Ensure accurate submission and timely processing of departmental actions.

3,. Ensure consistent enforcement of DMV information security policies.

4. Identify and integrate best practices to mitigate fraud and protect personal information under DIMV authority .

5. Establish accurate and secure identitv rnanaqement to facilitate authentication and authonzation.

6. Strengthen and enhance, the processes used to release or exchange DMV inforrnatlon ..




We want consumers to f,eell confident when patronizinq vehiclerelated businesaes. As a reglulatolr and licensor of various vehiclerelated businesses. DMV protects the public whan thev purchase a vehiclefrom a dealership, send a chiild to drivingl school, orattend a traffic violator school. We investigate consumer complaints arnd iif necessarv, take action aqainst these types of lbusiinesses.W,e aliso protect aqainst identity theft, financial fraud, and/or document counterfeiting.


1. Enhance inspection, investigation, and review p rocesses.

2. Develop new and improved trend analysis and enforcement tactics.

3. Enhance case manaqernent and resolution processes.

4. Identify and i nteq rate' best practices that impact consumer protection as they relate to licensing I motor vehicle-related services" and enforcement practices.

5. Promote public awareness of riqhts. responsibilities. and consumer protection. services.

6. Improve, visibility and strengthen communication and partnerships with licensees and other stakeholders.



Performance Mana'gelmenlt Cycle

DMV utilizes a strateqic planning methodology modelled after the one endorsed by the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency .. We apply this methodology on an annual basis to ensure that the strateqic course we s,e'taccounts for the currant environment. Our annual cycle involveaall program areas with the major steps occurrinq as shown below:

'Esta blli sh Strateg le Directi.on January-February

f:inalli:ze Stralteg:ic Plan May-June

Establish IPerforluance Measures March-.April

Additionallv twe evaluate our pertorrnance and implement actions in support of our Strateqic Plan throuqhout the vear.



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