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“MICROBES AT WORK”!/genegregorio


A. Soil Requirements

1. The best soil for cacao is deep, fertile, clay loam and porous that is well-aerated
and with good drainage.

2. The soil must have a pH 6.0 to 7.1. In case the pH is 5 or below, soil being
acidic, add 2 to 2.5 tons of lime per hectare to increase pH by 1 count.

B. Seedbed Preparation

1. In preparing seeds for planting, the pulp adhering to the seeds must be removed
by rolling on dry earth or fine sand then washing with water. The seeds must
be sown right away since they don’t have a dormancy period and easily lose
their viability. To hasten germination carefully remove skin or testa.

2. Seeds can be germinated in boxes, plastic bags, seedbeds or any appropriate

receptacles. For potting soil use a mixture on a 50:50 basis of fine soil and
organic fertilizer.

3. After the seeds are planted construct a shade that would allow for only 25% of
sunlight to pass through the growing seedlings.

4. Provide between 900 to 1300 seedlings per hectare depending on planting

distances, 3m x 4m or 2.5m x 3m, respectively.

C. Nursery Maintenance

1. When seedlings are about one month old start spraying them with a mixture of
foliar fertilizer at the rate of 0.67% and urea (46-0-0) at the rate of 1% in
solution and do this once a month until seedlings are 6 months old i.e. when
they are ready for transplanting.

2. Minimize pests and diseases with good sunlight and sanitation. In case of
outbreak spray the recommended kind and dosage of crop protection
chemicals. For fungal diseases copper-based fungicides are normally used.
“MICROBES AT WORK”!/genegregorio

3. Before transplanting carefully remove the shade to accustom the plants to

direct sunlight. Increase sunlight to 25% penetration 6 weeks before
transplanting and do it gradually until total shade is removed 2 weeks before

D. Plantation Establishment

1. Cut the grass on the proposed plantation site, either manually or mechanically.
Herbicides are also effective for this purpose although care must be observe for
their application.

2. Prepare the field thoroughly by plowing and harrowing alternately. This will
also ensure weed eradication.

3. Dig holes (40 x 40 x 40 cm) to provide adequate room for root development.
On each hole put a mixture of ½ kg of organic fertilizer and 50g of Complete
(14-14-14) inorganic fertilizer. Cover with a 2.5 cm of soil then place the
seedling carefully, then fill-up hole with a remaining top soil which was
removed. As a rule transplant seedlings with matured leaves.

4. Note: Shade trees must be planted at least 6 months before transplanting the
cacao seedlings to protect them from direct sunlight. The distance is usually 1
meter from where the cacao seedling will be planted.

5. Practice pruning as the tree grows to allow for better sunlight penetration. This
will also encourage good fruitification and excellent pod size.

E. Fertilization

1. During the first year apply a mixture of 20 to 30g of urea (46-0-0) and 50 to 75g
of complete (14-14-14) inorganic fertilizers and 400 to 500g of organic fertilizer
in a band around the base of every tree about 20 to 30 cm and gradually further
away from the base to the drip line of lateral branches once every 4 months.
Cover fertilizer mixture with fine soil to avoid losses.

2. Spray foliar fertilizer at the rate of 0.67% mixed with 1 % solution of urea (46-
0-0) bimonthly or once in 2 months. This concentration is attained by mixing 1
“MICROBES AT WORK”!/genegregorio

liter of the foliar fertilizer and 160g of urea in 16 liters of water (one knapsack

3. During the second year apply a mixture of 150 to 200g of Complete (14-14-14)
inorganic fertilizer and 800 to 1000g of organic fertilizer applied in the same
manner as in Step E-1 once every 4 months.

4. Spray foliar fertilizer on the foliage at the rate of 0.67% mixed with muriate of
potash (0-0-60) at the rate of 1% in solution once every quarter.

5. During the third and subsequent years apply a mixture of 300 to 400g of each of
Complete (14-14-14) and muriate of potash (0-0-60) and 1 to 1.5 kg of organic
fertilizer applied in a ring 50 to 75 cm from the base up to the drip line once
every 4 month.

6. Spray the trees with a mixture of foliar fertilizer and muriate of potash (0-0-60)
as in Step E-4.

7. If necessary, spray the trees with the recommended insecticides and fungicides
following manufacturer’s instructions.

F. Harvesting

1. Cacao trees start bearing fruits at 3 to 4 years after transplanting. The flowers
or blossoms develop into mature fruits or pods within 4 to 5 months depending
on the elevation and temperature in the locality.

2. The change in the color of the pods is a guide to the stage of maturity. The red
fruit varieties change to yellowish-orange while the white or light fruited
varieties change from green to yellow upon maturity.

3. Another practical way of determining ripeness is by tapping the pod, a hollow

sound indicates the seeds have already separated from the inner walls and are
therefore ripe.

4. The seeds are extracted from the pulp and allowed to dry partially and ferment,
then wash and finally sun-dried. Mechanical dryers are sometime used to finish
“MICROBES AT WORK”!/genegregorio

the drying operation to effect more uniform drying. The processed seeds are
safe to store when the moisture content is 14% or lower. It is advisable not to
over dry the seeds as this will affect the final weight.

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