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Liberty is BS

Outside the circus the largest of all land animals is used to clear land and carry huge timbers with its
trunk. Inside the circus this same animal is constrained with a stake driven into the ground attached to a
chain that holds the leg of this magnificent creature. The same animal exhibits two completely different
behaviors. How can this be?

The answer to this conundrum is explained by the elephant’s Belief System(BS). As a baby elephant it
was restrained by the stake, attached with a chain, and a cuff around its leg. No matter how hard it
pulled it could not break free. The cuff caused more pain the more it was pulled. Even when the little
animal got a running start, as the chains limit was reached, the pain increased and the leg iron cut into
its flesh. To break free was not possible and the attempts only resulted in more pain. Soon the little
elephant realized that if it stayed within the circle, limited by the chain, the pain went away and its leg
healed. Once this belief was firmly planted in the little creature’s mind it never again attempted to
break free. As an adult it doesn’t even try because it believes it only brings pain.

We underestimate the power of our thinking and our liberty or slavery is based on what we believe. Our
reality is a product of our thinking. “All men are created equal” is because all men think. This is the
foundation on which united states of America was created 235 years ago. Our liberty is stolen from us
by the masters of deceit using fear as a tool to rule the masses. Benjamin Franklin stated “He who
would exchange liberty for security deserves neither.” Think you are free and so you will be.

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