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Political Spectrum Survey

Initial Reaction: Which do you associate yourself with the most: A. Republican or B. Democrat (circle one)

Directions: Read each question and circle the number that most accurately reflects your feelings.
Choose a side, record your score, and circle where you fall on the spectrum__________________
1. The U.S. should not have such strict laws protecting the environment
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
2. The U.S. government should ban same sex marriage.
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
3. Minorities and women should not be hired more in jobs even if it is making up for discrimination in history,
the best applicant should get the job
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
4. Voluntary prayer and scripture reading should not be allowed in public schools.
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
5. The U.S. government should not pay the cost of abortions for women on welfare (if too poor to afford it).
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
6. The U.S. government should not restrict the ownership of handguns.
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
7. The U.S. should try to overthrow unfriendly governments (such as that of Iraq) anywhere in the world.
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
8. The U.S. should continue to have the strongest military in the world and should tax more to do so.
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
9. The U.S. should encourage further development of nuclear energy and oil drilling in national parks.
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
10. The U.S. should reduce spending on social welfare programs like food stamps, Medicare, and early education.
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
11. The U.S. should be required to operate on a balanced budget regardless of circumstances
(not spend more than it takes in).
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
12. The size of government at all levels must be reduced (there is too much government influence in our lives).
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
13. There should be a federal law outlawing abortions.
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
14. The U.S. should pass tougher laws to punish criminals.
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
15. Capital punishment should be used in all states (death penalty).
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
16. States should be allowed to set their own speed limits.
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
17. The U.S. government should not place so many safety regulations on industries/businesses.
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
18. The U.S. government should build more prisons and spend less on anti-poverty programs.
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
19. The U.S. government should not allow gay people to serve in the military.
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
20. The U.S. government should arrest and deport all illegal immigrants
1=strongly disagree 2=somewhat disagree 4=somewhat agree 5=strongly agree
TOTAL SCORE:___________

20-35 36-50 51-59 60-84 85-100


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