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Hear Me Out

Final - 04/03/2011
Shot No. Location Type Angle Movement Length Dialogue Graphics Music & Sound Effects Description of Action Actors Equipment

Mercedes Camera,
1 Close up High Static 3 secs None None Girl is sleeping Mercedes
bedroom Tripod, bed

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mercedes walks onto stage

In the future, Eye Melissa Diegetic sound of clapping and
2 Long shot Static 6 secs please welcome Mercedes and she smiles and waves Mercedes
school hall level Sacco cheering starts to fade out Camera, tripod,
Johnson at the crowd
make up, dress
and high heels

Mercedes Eye Diegetic sound of alarm clock Mercedes hand hits the Camera, tripod,
3 Close up Pan right 5 secs None Sophie Ross Mercedes
bedroom level noise clock alarm clock,

Mercedes gets up, rubs her

Merecedes Medium Melissa Diegetic sound of shuffling as
4 High Static 4 secs Yawns eyes and removes the Mercedes
bedroom shot Severn Mercedes wakes up Camera, tripod,
duvet covers
bed, pyjamas

Paris Eye Knocking on the door and

5 Long shot Static 4 secs None Tracy Ross Diegetic sound of knocking Paris' mum
bedroom level slightly opens it Camera, tripod,

Paris Over the Tracking Paris' mum walks towards

6 High 5 secs Paris, wake up Puja Gohil None Paris' mum, Paris
bedroom shoulder forward Paris who is sleeping Camera, tripod,

Paris Medium Bhavisha

7 Low Static 4 secs Yawns None Paris gets up and stretches Paris
bedroom close up Thakore Camera, tripod,
bed, pyjamas

Both girls looking in mirrors,

Director of Camera, tripod,
Eye Diegetic sound of Mercedes Mercedes brushing her
8 Bathrooms Mid shot Static 4 secs None Photography Mercedes, Paris mascara,
level brushing her teeth teeth and Paris applying her
Puja Gohil toothbrush,
casual clothing

Outside of
Eye Music by Both girls close the front
9 both girls Long shot Static 4 secs None Diegetic sound of door closing Paris, Mercedes
level Umma Gohil doors
houses Camera, tripod,
Costume Camera,
Outside of Eye Designer Diegetic sound of footsteps, Mercedes is walking along tracksuit,
10 Long shot tracking 4 secs None Mercedes
street level Melissa ambient sound the street trainers,
Sacco hooped earings
Graphics by
Camera, tripod,
Outside of Eye Puja Gohil, Diegetic sound of high heels Paris is walking along the
11 Long shot Static 4 secs None Paris handbag, high
street level Melissa footsteps, ambient sound street
heels, fur coat,
Editing by
Train Eye Melissa Girls are standing waiting Paris, Mercedes,
12 Long shot Static 5 secs None Ambient sound Camera, tripod,
platform level Sacco, Puja for train to approach public people
MP3 player,
iPod touch
Directed by
The train approaches as
Train Medium Eye Puja Gohil, Diegetic sound of train Paris, Mercedes,
13 Static 7 secs None girls get ready to get into
platform shot level Melissa approaching public people
the train
Camera, tripod

Train Medium Eye Mercedes steps into the Paris, Mercedes,

14 Handheld 4 secs None Ambient sound
platform shot level carriage followed by Paris public people

Train Medium Eye Mercedes standing up and Paris, Mercedes,

15 Pan right 3 secs None Diegetic sound of train moving
carriage shot level Paris sitting down public people
Camera, tripod
Paris walks towards the
door standing next to
Train Eye Tracking Diegetic sound of train beginning
16 Long shot 6 secs None Mercedes. They both Paris, Mercedes
carriage level forward to stop
glance at each other and
get off Camera, tripod

Front of Extreme Eye

17 Static 2 secs None Ambient sound None None
school long shot level
Camera, tripod

Front of Eye Mercedes walking towards

18 Long shot Static 4 secs None Diegetic sound of footsteps Mercedes
school level the building
Camera, tripod
Inside the
Medium Eye Mercedes is signing her
19 building, Static 3 secs None None Mercedes
close up level name on the paper
Camera, tripod
Medium Eye Mercedes walking along the
20 Hallway behind 4 secs None Diegetic sound of footsteps Mercedes
shot level hallway and sits down
character Camera, tripod

Paris: Why did you keep

Paris walks towards
looking at me on the train?
Mercedes looking down on
It's like you're jealous that Paris, Mercedes,
Medium her. Mercedes gives her a
21 Hallway Low Tilt upwards 8 secs I'm going to get the part. None assisstant, random
shot dirty look and her names
Mercedes: Piss off. person auditioning
gets called. Mercedes gets
Women: Mercedes
up and walks to the audition
Johnson Camera, tripod,
Eye Mercedes walks towards
22 Main hall Long shot Static 4 secs None Diegetic sound of footsteps Mercedes
level audition
Camera, tripod
Eye Hi, just begin in your own Two judges sitting on the
23 Main hall close up Static 4 secs None Two judges
level time table
shot Camera, tripod
Romeo Romeo, Where art Mercedes performing her
Diegetic sound of breathing
Point of Eye thou Romeo? Deny thy monologue then stops
24 Main hall Static 8 secs heavily, non-diegetic music of Mercedes
view shot level father and…and… (later suddenly as she gets
piano after 4 seconds
on) I can't do this! nervous. Camera, tripod
Diegetic sound of footsteps
Medium Eye Mercedes runs out of the
25 Main hall Pan left 2 secs None running, non-diegetic music of Mercedes
shot level audition room.
piano Camera, tripod
Diegetic sound of cubicle door
Medium Eye Mercedes runs into one of
26 Toilets Pan left 3 secs None slamming shut, non-diegetic music Mercedes
shot level the cubicles
of piano Camera, tripod

Diegetic sound of Mercedes

Mercedes sitting on toilet lid
27 Toilets Long shot High Static 3 secs None breathing heavily because shes Mercedes
all scrunched up
angry, non-diegetic music of piano
Camera, tripod
Diegetic sound of Paris knocking
Eye into the cubicle wall next to
28 Toilets Close up Static 4 secs Are you okay? Paris is in the next cubicle Paris
level Mercedes, non-diegetic music of
Camera, tripod
Mercedes comes out of the
Diegetic sound of Mercedes
cubicle, scrunches the
Medium Eye footsteps coming out and
29 Toilets Static 4 secs None paper and throws it on the Mercedes
close up level scrunching the auditions paper,
floor. She then walks out Camera, tripod,
non-diegetic music of piano
fast. paper
Title 'Hear Paris comes out and picks
Medium Eye Me Out' up the scrunched paper Camera, tripod,
30 Toilets Tilt downwards 5 secs None Non-diegetic music of piano Paris
shot level shown on and opens it with the title scrunched up
paper 'Hear Me Out' paper

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