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Name : ________________________________ Class :_________

Instruction: Section A, answer on the column provided in page 10,

Section B, answer on the question paper. Total (40 marks)

Section A (20 marks)

This section consists of 20 questions. Each question is followed by four options A, B, C and D.
Choose one correct answer for each question. Answer all the questions.

1 A group of students plans to conduct an experiment to study the needs of plants in carrying
out photosynthesis. Which of the following will be the first step to be carried out?
A Identifying variables
B Making a hypothesis
C Identifying the problem
D Determining apparatus and materials used

2 The following information shows some steps used in carrying out a scientific investigation.

Arrange the steps above in the correct sequence.


3 An experiment is conducted by Ahmad and Rosman. They show different attitudes when
conducting the experiment.

Which of the following noble values is shown by Ahmad but not Rosman?
A Flexible
B Diligent
C Daring to try
D Responsible

4 Which of the following systems can control and regulate body coordination?
A The nervous system and the digestive system
B The nervous system and the endocrine system
C The blood circulatory system and the endocrine system
D The digestive system and the endocrine system

5 Which of the following is true about involuntary actions?

A The actions are controlled by cerebrum.
B The actions are carried out automatically.
C The impulses are transmitted from the brain to the effector.
D The somatic nervous system is involved.

6 Which of the following are involved in the human endocrine system?

I Pituitary glands
II Ovary
III Kidney
A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III

7 The following diagram shows the human nervous system.

What are represented by X and Y?

8 The following diagram shows the structure of a neurone.

Which of the following represents X, Y and Z?

9 Which of the following statements is true about neurones?

A Neurones are only found in the brain.
B The function of neurones is to receive impulses only.
C A neurone is the basic unit of the peripheral nervous system.
D There are three types of neurones which include sensory neurones, relay neurones
and motor neurones.

10 The following information is related to part X of the brain.

What is part X?
A Cerebrum
B Cerebellum
C Medulla oblongata
D Cranium

11 Which of the following endocrine glands will be affected if a person consumed a lack of
iodine in his diet?
A Adrenal gland
B Thyroid gland
C Testis
D Pancreas

12 The following diagram shows a type of neurone.

The neurone carries an impulse from the

A central nervous system to the receptor
B receptor to the central nervous system
C effector to the central nervous system
D central nervous system to the effector

13 The following diagram shows the structure of human nervous system.

What is the function of P?

A Controls the reflex actions
B Controls all activities of the body
C Controls all voluntary actions
D Controls all involuntary actions

14 Which of the following is the function of the dendrite?

A It carries impulses out of the cell body.
B It receives impulses from other neurones.
C It acts as an insulator on axon.
D It controls all activities of the neurone.

15 The following information shows some characteristics of cell X in the nervous system.

What is cell X?
A Sensory neurone
B Motor neurone
C Relay neurone
D Synapse

16 The following diagram shows the movement of impulse from the receptor to the effector.

Which of the following would be P and Q?

A Nerve Spinal cord
B Skin Muscle
C Gland Eye
D Skin Neurone

17 The following diagram shows the structure of the human endocrine system.

Which of the following endocrine glands X, Y and Z is correctly matched to its hormone
A Adrenaline Thyroxine Glucagon
B Thyroxine Insulin Thyroxine
C Adrenaline Thyroxine Insulin
D Thyroxine Adrenaline Insulin

18 The following information shows the functions of a hormone secreted by gland P.

What is gland P?
A Adrenal gland
B Pituitary gland
C Thyroid gland
D Pancreas

19 The following diagram shows the structure of the human endocrine system.

What will happen to a person if less hormones are secreted by gland X?

A Reduces the level of glucose
B Causes stunted growth
C Decreases the metabolic rate
D Increases the reabsorption of water by kidney

20 The following diagram shows a human brain.

What will happen to a person if part S is injured?

A He becomes blind.
B He cannot hear.
C He loses his sense of smell.

D Certain parts of his body become paralysed

Section B
[20 marks]
Answer all the questions in this section.

1 The following diagram shows an experiment to study the rate of solubility of sugar in water.

(a) Based on the diagram above, what is your observation about the solubility of sugar?

[1 mark]
(b) State the variables in this experiment.
(i) Manipulated variable

[1 mark]
(ii) Responding variable

[1 mark]
(c) What is the hypothesis of this experiment?

[1 mark]
(d) Predict the solubility of sugar if ice cubes are added?

[1 mark]

2 The following diagram shows a reflex arc of a reflex action.

(a) Name the parts labelled X and Y.

(i) X: _________________________________________________________

(ii) Y: _________________________________________________________
[2 marks]
(b) Why is X important in the reflex action above?

[1 mark]
(c) Give an example of a reflex action.

[1 mark]

3 The following diagram shows the structure of the brain.

(a) Name the structure labelled P, Q and R.




[3 marks]
(b) Which structure provides protection to the brain?

[1 mark]
(c) Name one function of the structure labelled R.

[1 mark]

(d) Which structure of the brain had been affected when a person’s movement

[1 mark]

4 The following diagram shows a male endocrine system.

(a) (i) What is gland X?

[1 mark]
(ii) Name one hormone secreted by gland X.


[1 mark]
(b) (i) Name gland Y.

[1 mark]
(ii) State one condition if a person undergoes the removal of gland Y.

[1 mark]
(c) Where does hormones produced by glands X and Y secreted into?


[1 mark]


Answers for Section A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Prepared by, Checked by, Approved by,

_____________________ ____________________ _________________

(Mr. Wong Weng Hong) (Miss Fujy Zain Haider) (Mr. Lai Kok Chew)
Science Teacher Ketua Panitia Sains Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran


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