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The archipelago is a series of four neighboring group of islands located in the

western part of the Bird's Head (Vogelkoop) Papua Island. Administratively, this
cluster are under the Raja Ampat Islands, West Papua Province. The islands are
now a destination for divers who are interested in the beauty of underwater
scenery. Four islands are members named by the four largest islands, namely
Pulau smalldam, Misool Island, Salawati Island, and Island Batanta.

None of the other places on this planet with an area having the same number
of coral species as much as this ..

The origin of the name of Raja Ampat by local myth comes from a woman
who found seven eggs. Four grains of which hatch into four princes who
separated and each became the king who ruled in smalldam, Salawati Misool
Misool East and West. Meanwhile, three other eggs became a ghost, a
woman, and a stone.

Raja Ampat Islands waters according to various sources, is one of the 10 best
waters for diving sites around the world. In fact, it may also be recognized as
number one for the completeness of underwater flora and fauna at this time.

We can use the airline flights from Jakarta to Sorong via Manado during the
six hour flight. From Sorong-town big enough and good facilities for exploring
the full-Raja Ampat there are two choices, take a tour by boat or stay in the
resort pinisi Papua Diving.

most of the tourists who come to Raja Ampat currently are the divers, in fact
this location is attractive also for non-divers as well as tourists to have white
sand beaches are very beautiful, islands-nan stunning karst islands and
unique endemic flora-fauna such as red bird of paradise , paradise Wilson,
maleo smalldam, various parrots and parrot, possum smalldam, as well as
various types of orchids

The area's massive coral colonies along with relatively high sea surface
temperatures, also suggest that its reefs may be relatively resistant to threats like
coral bleaching and coral disease, which now jeopardize the survival of other coral
ecosystems around the world. The Raja Ampat islands are remote and relatively
undisturbed by humans.

Over 1,070 fish species, 537 coral species (a remarkable 96% of

all scleractinia recorded from Indonesia are likely to occur in these islands), and
699 mollusk species, the variety of marine life is staggering.[citation needed] Some
areas boast enormous schools of fish and regular sightings of sharks, such
as wobbegongs.

If indeed there is more money being confused on where you want, nothing
wrong with your trip to Raja Ampat. Because of all the sacrifices that you
remove the material, will be paid off with its natural beauty.

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