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The JSON View package is a set of 3 viewers available in the following flavors:

1) A standalone viewer - JsonView.exe

2) A plugin for Fiddler 2 ( - FiddlerJsonViewer.dll
3) A visualizer for Viusal Studio 2005 - JsonVisualizer.dll
The viewer supports plugins to allow you to customize the way JSON objects are d
isplayed. Sample plugins
are provided within the source.
The archive contains the following directories:
- To use the standalone viewer, run JsonView.exe from \JsonView
- To use the Fiddler2 plugin, copy the files from the \Fiddler directory to fidd
ler's \Inspectors
directory and add the following to the <runtime> section of the
<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<probing privatePath="Inspectors" />
- To use the Visual Studio Visualizer, copy the JsonVisualizer.dll to the Visual
Studio Visualizers
directory (usually under \My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Visualizers) and cop
y the following files
to the IDE directory of Visual Studio (Where devenv.exe is located - <Visual S
- JsonViewer.dll
- JsonViewer.dll.config
- Newtonsoft.Json.dll

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