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Booking Form

Facility Booked (please tick): Blue Lounge H3 BBQ

Date of event:______________

Start time:_________________

End time: _________________

This event is open to (invited guests only/Jacobs community/everybody):


Expected number of guests: ___________________

Host of the Event: ___________________________

Contact Information:
 Email______________________________
 Telephone no._______________________
 Room no.___________________________

With my signature I certify that I have read and that I agree to the terms and conditions that apply
for the use of the facility as they are stated in the respective facility Policy:

Date and Signature of host:_____________________________________

Approval of booking:__________________________________________

Date and Signature on behalf of the FC:___________________________

This section is only for the Facilities Committee members to fill out

Facilities Deposit received on: Deposit returned on: Facility state:


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