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I T K 7 J E J S O U U I R T NM S AK , L- U S 2L M 0T O 1R M 0A

M K - U L M T O R D A E R S A O T U O R R C : E D

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& Occult Imagery (VIDEO) management team
APRIL 26 , 20 11 · 12:41 PM ↓ Jump to Comments

Air Jordan (His Airness) MK-Ultra? You

Make The Call (VIDEO)
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Jo rda n ring s; Ma so nic "sun fing e r"

inthe kno w7 Channe l

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IT KEK7 MK Pro g ’mg In Culture
IT KEK7 Ce rtifie d Mo narch Slave s
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Air Jordan (His Airnes s ) MK-Ultra?
ITKEK7 Certified MK’s: Michael James Jordan You Make The Call (VIDEO )
New York City GMT Power Centers &
“At Guard, 6’6″ From North Carolina…” O ccult Imagery (VIDEO )
Bob Hope & U.S.O . Monarch Slave
“Jordan…Ohhh, A Spec-Tac-Ular Move!”
Troupe: O ver 40yrs of MK-Ultra
Pimpin (VIDEO )
Disclaimer: Moderator readily admits to extreme Hero (He-ru) worship of His MK-Ultra Monarch Prog’mg Modes ID:
Airness from the North Carolina vs. Georgetown NCAA Championship , to his “I Gotta See It”

selection by the Chicago Bulls, to his 1st slam dunk at Chicago Stadium, to Palin/O bama 2012: More MK O z -
Dis ney Mas s Hypnos is (VIDEO )
storybook ending “Final Shot” vs the Jaz z in NBA Finals – screaming at the
Es oteric Kitten Intel in NH DCYF Baby
television screen, imagining I was executing those blurring base-line spins
Cheyenne Cas e: O ath Keepers
finishing w/vicious slams, draining those buz z er beaters. Yes “sometimes I “Hiding In Plain Sight”
dreamed, that he is me” and definitely wanted “to be like Mike…” His bio on (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO )
National Basketball Association (NBA) website states: Animal Skins : BETA Sex Kitten
Prog’mg Reinforcement (VIDEO )
“By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time…”
Es oteric Kitten’s Hollywood MK
I’ve been procrastinating with this post because…well, the man is so likable and Deception #26: Triggers w/ITK7
Commentary (VIDEO )
as an ex-mediocre shooting guard, I’ve always been in awe of his physical
Es oteric Kitten’s Hollywood MK
conditioning, uncanny skills, decision making, creativity and mental focus (ability
Deception Pres enters :w/ ITK7
to dissociate) on the court… Commentary (VIDEO )

De-programming parallels cycles of addiction, as such the hardest step is BP Eco-Terror & O ccultis m: Tyranny
By Fools (VIDEO )
the first step — detachment…
BP Eco-Terror & Des truction of Gulf
Coas tal Region O nly Beginning!
Blueprints, Patterns & Formulas 50yrs of MK-Ultra BETA Sex Slaves
Decoding Mind Controlled Slaves is a murky business, but always involves
identifying the MK Coding & Triggers. Monarch Mind Control Slaves exist in
tightly controlled environments having very specific aspects. There will ALWAYS
Select Month
be Prog’mrs/Handlers, Occult-Masonic Themes, Black Mass (red/black/white)
Color Coding, Oz-Disney Themes, Familial Abuse (chiefly sexual and other
forms) & Occultism (Numerology) and tragically ALL these are present…
ITK7 Journal 2011

Anatomy of Sarah L. Palin

Global Mgt. Team Q uotes

ITK7 Journal 2010

Jes uits , SMO M Knights & RCC

MK-Ultra Program Guide

MK-Ultra Source Docs

(6 ) NBA Cha mpio nship ring s

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& Players ) Geopolitical

ITKEK7 Certified Monarch Slaves

online catalog of 100′s of celebs
imprinted w/ MK-Ultra Prog’mg

ITKEK7 MK Prog'mg In Culture online

catalog of major MK-Ultra Monarch
bla c k ma ss mo tif; bull no strils de sig n (=2 sixe s) Prog’mg Modes

Alaskan Bloggers
Immoral Minority (IM) BANNED &


Shannyn Moore
The Mudflats

Alex Jones Zionis t Shill expos ed as
controlled oppos ition

Number 23 (2X3)=(6); upon return after MLB stint he wore no. 45 (4+5) =9 (upside Coalition O n Political As s as s ins

down 6) accomplishing (2) three-peats (2X3=6) for total of (6) NBA Championships Es oteric Kitten Hollywood O ccult
Practices & Monarch Prog.
Es oteric Kitten blog Monarch
Programming in Pop Culture

INCO G MAN: Sick of all the BS…

expos ing Zionis t cons piracy

InSearchof BlackAs s as s ins

Labvirus .com blog global mgt. team

MK Culture

O ccult Media Deception analys is of

Its G o tta Be The Sho e s MK Culture
Ps eudo-O ccult Media MK-Ultra
Monarch Programming

Public Vigil great info MK-Ultra

Prog’mg Pop Culture

Snippits & Slappits

The Propaganda Project Goebbels
Propaganda Principles

The RR Black Nobility, MK-Ultra,


truths eeker2473 anti-NWO

Webs ter Tarpley blogs pot Tarpley


Word Pres s .com

BP/Rothschild Eco-
Black O ps in Gulf Region Gulf region
under s iege

Gulf Dis as ter Health Cris is Map daily

je rse y (2X3)=(6 ); ha nds 1+5 =(6 ); (3+3) c ha mpio nships =(6 ) -- (6 6 6 reports of health is s ues
) in fro nt o f the who le wo rld --Bla c k Ma ss mo tif o f c o urse http://www.ifitwas
s uperimpos es BP dis as ter footprint
NIKE “Frozen Moment” commercial on your town
Military Bans CNN Anders on Cooper
Phil Jackson “Coach” MK Prog’mr/Handler banned

NO AA Natl. O ceanic Atmos pheric

As s oc
Prudhoe Bay O il Dis as ter

Texas City Refinery

USGS U.S. Geological Survey

Wackenhut Media Ban In Effect

Fas cis t State Unveiled

Global Management
Abridge d from Wiki: Born in De e r Lodge Montana; Pare nts , Charle s and Elis abe th
FunkJacks on, we re As s e mblie s of God minis te rs . Eliz abe th came from a long line of 13 Ruling Bloodlines 13 Ruling
Me nnonite s be fore conve rs ion to As s e mblie s of God. In churche s that the y s e rve d, his Dynas tic Bloodlines

fathe r ge ne rally pre ache d on S unday mornings and his mothe r on S unday e ve nings A-Albionic Res earch GMT res earch
with his fathe r be came a minis te rial s upe rvis or. Phil, his two brothe rs , and his half- forum
s is te r gre w up in a re mote are a of Montana in an aus te re e nvironme nt — no dancing or Alex Cons tantine Anti-Fas cis t
te le vis ion allowe d. Jacks on didn’t s e e his firs t movie until a S e nior in High S chool, Encyclopedia
we nt to a dance for the firs t time in colle ge . Growing up, he as s ume d he would be come Amer Friends Patriot Network Total
a minis te r… Mind Control Slave (text)
Architecture of Modern Political
Power Geopolitical Structure

Bank For Intl. Settlements (BIS) global

currency clearing hous e

Brown Bros . Harriman (BBH) GMT

inves tment bank; funded Third Reich
Carlyle Group GMT larges t defens e
contractor; s tock holding co

Chatam Hous e (RIIA) global gov’t

MK’d Je a nie Buss (da ug hte r o f L.A. La ke rs O wne r Je rry s taffing agency
Buss) wife o f Phil Ja c kso n Chris tian Wildernes s Blogs pot
Clinton Global Initiative GMT Steering

cons piracy archive expans ive s ite re:

global demonic cabal

Cons piracy Archive Dr. Henry Makow

Cons piraz z i Pop Culture cons piracy

theory links

Educate Yours elf Illuminati

Schemes /Fritz Springmeier

Firs t Light Forum expos ing Zionis t

cons piracy
Foreign Affairs mag official
publication of CFR

Foreign Affairs magaz ine official CFR


FourWinds great collection of

pos tings , varied topics
Fred K. Pars ons NWO with great
MK’d Je a nie Buss; z e bra print BETA Se x Kitte n vis uals
ide ntifie r & trig g e r; To to do g (=O z -Do ro thy
Freemas onry Watch Mas onic
Pro g ’mg )
info/s ecrets

Goldman Sachs GMT inves tment

Dean Smith Coach (MK Prog’mr/Handler) North Carolina Tarheels
bank; underwriters 90% Hollywood

Henry 1,000 Thank You’s


IMDb internet movie databas e (MK


Ins titute for Study of Globaliz ation &

Covert Politics geopolitical s tudies

Intl. Monetary Fnd (IMF) GMT global

loans harking agency

Jews Not Zionis ts z ionis m is NO T

judais m (crucial dis tinction)
Judicial-Inc O rg expos ing Zionis t
cons piracy

Labvirus .com blog global mgt. team

memeorandum hot political topics

Jo rda n @ No rth Ca ro lina w/ MK Pro g mr/Ha ndle r De a n Smith Modern His tory Project

Murder By Injection — Eus tace

De an Edwards S mith (born Fe bruary 28, 1931) is a re tire d Ame rican he ad coach of Mullins treatis e on Medical Monopoly
me n’s colle ge bas ke tball. Originally from Emporia, Kans as , S mith has be e n calle d a (Rockefeller)
“coaching le ge nd” by the Bas ke tball Hall of Fame . S mith is be s t known for his Naz i Propaganda by Jos eph
s ucce s s ful 36-ye ar coaching te nure at the Unive rs ity of North Carolina at Chape l Hill . Goebbels 1933-45
S mith coache d from 1961 to 1997 and re tire d as the NCAA Divis ion I me n’s bas ke tball NSA (Natl. Sec. Agency) MK-Ultra
re cord-holde r for victorie s (879), a re cord which was s urpas s e d by Bob Knight in 2007 Nerve Center
and Mike Krz yz e ws ki in 2010. S mith has the 9th highe s t winning pe rce ntage of any NWO quotes
me n’s colle ge bas ke tball coach (77.6%). [1] During his te nure as he ad coach of North
O ne lis ting of evil orgs
Carolina, the te am won two national title s and appe are d in 11 Final Fours . [2]
empowering GMT
Re ade rs s hould be aware diabolical MK (Mind Kontrolle ) Ultra Monarch S lave
O ne World Scam
Program is large ly conducte d on military ins tallations (chie fly Air Force & Naval
Bas e s ) Unive rs itie s & Hos pitals . North Carolina is home to Fort Bragg (one the large s t Patroits Q ues tion911

military ins tallations in the world, home of S pe cial Ops Training Ce nte rs among othe r PDF 9-11 Synthetic Terroris m Made In
e lite force s e .g. 82nd Airborne & De lta Force s . The umbre lla of National S e curity USA — Webs ter G. Tarpley
(NS A) apparatus cove rs a wide re gion in this s tate … PDF Examination of O bama Hidden
North Carolina Military Bases: Hypnos is In Speeches Dr. Milton
Erics on Techniques
Arsenio Hall Interview 1990 PDF Information Age Ps ychological
O perations (PSYO PS) — Cmdr.
Part 1 of 2 Randall G. Bowdis h, USN

PDF Murder By Injection: The Story of

Part 2 of 2 (MK Prog’mg Triggers) The Medical Cons piracy Agains t
America Eus tace Mullins
PDF NAFTA Super-Corridors :
Security & Pros perity Partners hip

PDF None Dare Call It A Cons piracy –

Gary Allen

PDF Rebuilding America's Defens es :

Strategy, Forces & Res ources For A
New Century document lays
groundwork for unres trained empire
PDF Rockefeller Philanthropies

PDF Secret Societies – Nes ta Webs ter

PDF Secrets of The Federal Res erve –

Eus tace Mullins

PDF The Grand Ches s board:

American Primacy And Its
Geos trategic Imperatives – Zbigniew
(4:57) Do you have any RITUALS that you do?
Brz ez ins ki

(5:09) I wear em’ all the time, I gotta em’ on now… PDF The O rder of Skull & Bones —
Kris Milligan

And what do they do for you in like an interview situation? PDF The Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion

(5:19) It’s just a sense of HOME, North Carolina, the university (Prog’mg PDF The Rockefeller Files — Gary
Center), what it meant to me; it gave me an opportunity to be here, to be a
PDF The World O rder – Eus tace
lot of places [eh]… it unites me with HOME…and the memory of HOME, Mullins expos e of GMT
I wear them all the time…” PDF Tragedy And Hope: A His tory of
The World In O ur Time Carroll
Q uigley
(3) distinct references to Oz-Programming: home, home, home…
PopCulturePas tor NWO /MK-Ultra

Protocols of Zion Zionis t O ne World

“just click your heels three times and think of home” – a reference to a
Rulers hip Plot & End Game
mannerism of sadistic Naz i MK Prog’mr Yosef Mengele. Mind Kontrolle
Real Jew News expos es global
Suvivors (Victims) testify that during Prog’mg sessions he would methodically Zionis t network
click his boots together while administering electroshock. No accident this found Red Ice Creations
its way into the script of #1 Hollywood MK Prog’mg film The Wiz ard of Oz … Rome Reports Vatican propaganda

Secret Societies
Disney Connection
Snippits & Slappits
S pace Jam S TARRING Bugs Bunny (Prog’mg Rabbit) Sullivan Cromwell s ee “Devil’s
Advocate” s tarring Al Pacino

Terroris m & The Illuminati

The Cons piracy Zone excellent MK-

Ultra, NWO , Illuminati info
The Forbidden Knowledge Henry
Kis s inger War Crimes

The Indus try Expos expos es

occult, NWO in Hip Hop

The Propaganda Project Goebbels

Propaganda Principles

The Watcher Files 13 Bloodline

Families lis ting

Third World Traveler CIA info

Trance-formation Cathy O ’Brien

Trilateral Cmms n GMT s teering

truths eeker2473 anti-NWO

All Se e ing Eye s (Eye o f Ho rus); re le a se da te (11) Vatican As s as s ins Eric Jon Phelps
(1+5)=6 Webs ter Tarpley blogs pot Tarpley
Notice placement of STARS names here; they have EQUAL billing — the names are exactly level
World Net Daily geopolitical info
w/each other because how can the Monarch Slave be above The Programmer?

Chatam Hous e (RIIA) global gov’t
s taffing agency


Foreign Affairs mag official

publication of CFR

Guns & Ammo 2nd Amendment Rights

Modern His tory Project

open congres s congres s bill tracker

Perverted Jus tice chronicles PEDO


Project For O ld American Century

Source Watch
B lurring the line s be twe e n fantas y and re ality ; MK Pro g ’mg rabbit #1; dis s o ciative s piraling o n Jo rdan’s U.S. Gov't Patent O ffice
s hirt; lo cke rs (=co mpartme ntaliz atio n and ALT ERS); and o f co urs e it’s a Dis ne y Pro ductio n — Wo rld’s #1
Want To Know Info
Pro duce r o f Mind Co ntro l Pro g ’mg fo r childre n…

Military Connection:

IT & Science
Firefox 3.6 Windows FREE

Firefox 4.0b8 Mac FREE


VeriChip microchipped MK’s

Was hington Technology gov’t

contractors & partners

Jesuits, SMOM
Jesuits, SMOM
Knights & RCC
Fred K. Pars ons NWO with great
Ma ste r Sg t. Ja me s R. Jo rda n, Jr. USA;
vis uals
po inting to the bra in w/Ma so nic "sun
fing e r" Keys O f This Blood Malachi Martin
former Jes uit Preis t 1958-1964

Familial Sexual Abuse O ne lis ting of evil orgs

empowering GMT
In My Family’s S hadow – De loris E. Jordan PDF 50 Years In The Church of Rome
— Charles Chiniquy

PDF Jes uit Wars

PDF Lucifer's Lodge: Satanic

Apologetics and Church Abus e
PDF Secret His tory of The Jes uits

PDF The Mas ters Carpet (Mas onry &

Baal Wors hip Identical) links Mas onry
to Catholicis m & Satans im
Ritua l se xua l a buse
within Jo rda n fa mily PDF The Pries t, The Woman & The
Confes s ional Charles Chiniquy
expos es corrupting influence of
Michael Jordan’s sister (Deloris Jordan) makes shocking claims of losing her
Auricular Confes s ion
virginity (rape) to her father James R. Jordan, Sr. which continued for a
PDF The Templars Bigges t Secret &
period of 8yrs. She also states her mother was in denial regarding the abuse and The Vatican — Mark Amaru Pinkham
treated her coldly and subjected her to emotional abuse resulting in depression, and article for Atlantis Ris ing Magaz ine

also claims mistreatment by brother Michael. These events are consistent within the PDF Vatican As s as s ins Eric Jon
familial structure of multi-generational Monarch families…
The Two Babylons Alexander His lop
treatis e on Paganis m roots of RCC
Excerpt: “Ending eight years after it first began and five years after losing my
Vatican As s as s ins Eric Jon Phelps
virginity to my father, it scares me to think how much longer the abuse would have
went on had I not spit out the dreadful truth to my mother during one of our many
heated disagreements. Disagreements that were sometimes anything but pleasant and Military
often featured no indication of love between the two of us…”
FAS 1s t s top for all things military
Janes Defens e Weekly official DoD
“So as she ranted and raved about how no slutty daughter of hers better get pregnant
and bring any bastard children into her house. I finally heard myself saying: “If I am
PDF Information Age Ps ychological
so much of a slut, why don’t you keep your husband out of my bed?” O perations (PSYO PS) — Cmdr.
Randall G. Bowdis h, USN
“When I finally found the courage to let my father’s deeds tumble from my lips, I did
Pentagon Channel s treaming live
not know what to expect, but I never in a million years would have guessed that my
Soldier of Fortune MK’d Delta’s &
mother would turn on me. Her words of betrayals did far more damage to me than my Mercenaries
father’s deeds. They spoke volumes to the fact that she really did not care about me,
which my father obviously knew. It is because she was so expressive with her dislike for
MK Control Devices
me that probably made my father know he could get away with violating me…”
Protect Me Firs t s tun guns /cattle prods
“My father confessed his actions on the same day that I disclosed them to my mother. VeriChip microchipped MK’s
And on that frightful day of admission, I watched my mother, looking for a sign, any
sign that she cared about me…”
MK-Ultra Monarch
Mind Control
A-Albionic Res earch GMT res earch

Be Wis e As Serpents Fritz

Springmeier’s book

Candy Jones : Hypnos is & Mind

De lo ris Jo rda n's pa re nts Control MK’d 1940′s model

Educate Yours elf Illuminati

“The memory of my father whispering in my ear during the wee hours of the night Schemes /Fritz Springmeier
about the beauty of my body has played over and over in my head for many years. Es oteric Kitten Hollywood O ccult
And as if that has not been incapacitating enough by itself, having to comprehend the Practices & Monarch Prog.

fact that more often than not, he had just gotten out of the bed he shared with my Es oteric Kitten blog Monarch
Programming in Pop Culture
mother to find his way to my bedroom has just added to the realization of the painful
IMDb internet movie databas e (MK

InSearchof BlackAs s as s ins

T he bo o k was publis he d in 20 0 1 and is no lo ng e r available in print. If Jo rdan had a co ld the wo rld
kne w, but ho w many o f y o u have e ve r he ard this ? MK Culture
No O ne Has To Die Tomorrow mk-
ultra, occult
also from Deloris F. Jordan “From Pain To Purpose” O ccult Media Deception analys is of
MK Culture

PDF Bloodlines O f The Illuminati

PDF Deeper Ins ights into the Illuminati


PDF Dis s ociation A Norman

Res pons e To Trauma — Mary Laura
Englis h
PDF Illuminati Formula Us ed To
Create An Undetectable Total Illuminati
Mind Controlled Slave Cis co Wheeler
& Fritz Springmeier

PDF MK-Ultra Declas s ified Docs U.S.

Senate Hearing 1977

PDF Project Monarch: Naz i Mind

Control — Ron Patton

Deloris F. Jordan website PDF Tranceformation of America –

Cathy O 'Brien

Excerpts on these sites… Pers ons Agains t Ritual Abus e Torture

Jeanne Sars on & Linda MacDonald,MEd, BScN, RN

PopCulturePas tor NWO /MK-Ultra E2% 80% 99s-sister-accuses-father- PopCulturePas expos ing
of-rape/ occult s ymbolis m

Ps eudo-O ccult Media MK-Ultra Monarch Programming

Ritual Abus e, Ritual Crime & Healing

We wish Deloris well in her recovery… Info For Survivors , Therapis ts &
O thers
Boule Society (more here)
Thanks For The Memories – Brice
Taylor purchas e @ Amaz
Taylor purchas e @ Amaz
The Cons piracy Zone excellent MK-
Ultra, NWO , Illuminati info

The Watcher Files 13 Bloodline

Families lis ting

Trance-formation Cathy O ’Brien


VeriChip microchipped MK’s

Vigilant Citiz en MK-Ultra Res ource

memeorandum hot political topics

Want To Know Info

Jo rda n’s Bo ule So c ie ty Bro s.(L-R) Spike Le e & Ahma d Ra sha d; he a lo ng w/te a mma te Sc o ttie
Pippe n a re a lso Princ e Ha ll Ma so ns…
(PDF) Deadly Deception: A
GMT Corporate Asset Freemas on's 33 Degree Initiation —
Jim Shaw details s atanic initiation rite

Michael James Jordan owned by NIKE Corporation, Phillip Knight CEO who fully (PDF) Morals & Dogma — Albert
Pike Father of Freemas onry
supports and profits enormously from child labor…
12 Mas onic Signs of Recognition
commonly us ed Mas onic s igns in
commonly us ed Mas onic s igns in

Cremation of Care

Cutting Edge

Freemas onry Watch Mas onic

info/s ecrets

Mas onic Grips , &Hands igns (other)

ITK7GMT 4s hared File Sharing

Mas ter Mas on Handbook

No O ne Has To Die Tomorrow mk-

ultra, occult
occult theocracy very rare treatis e

O ne lis ting of evil orgs

empowering GMT

PDF 50 Years In The Church of Rome

— Charles Chiniquy

PDF Duncans Mas onic Ritual &


PDF Is is Unveiled Vol 1: Mas ter Key

To Mys teries of Ancient & Modern
Science and Theology H.P. Blavats ky

PDF Is is Unveiled Vol 2: Mas ter Key to

NIKE billio n do lla r Air Jo rda n e nte rprise fro m c hild la bo r pro fits
Mys teries of Ancient & Modern
Science & Theology H.P. Blavats ky

PDF Lucifer's Lodge: Satanic

Apologetics and Church Abus e

PDF Mas onic O ccult Numerology

PDF Mas ter Mas on Handbook

PDF Mas ter’s Carpet: Mas onry & Baal

Wors hip Identical – Edmund Ronayne
Nike Annual Re ports s how profitability of child labor (Human Rights violations ), though PDF The Mas ters Carpet (Mas onry &
Nike is ce rtainly not the only U.S . corporation to e ngage in this form of mode rn-day Baal Wors hip Identical) links Mas onry
to Catholicis m & Satans im
s lave ry. Millions of kids only re al e xpe rie nce w/s ports on the profe s s ional le ve l is to Catholicis m & Satans im
through me rchandis ing — rare ly will the y have a s e at in a major are na be caus e the PDF The Secret Doctrine: Synthes is of
firs t 5 rows of EVERY are na (s tadium) is owne d by GMT corporations … Science, Religion & Philos ophy

Bloomberg Business Week PDF The Secret Doctrine; Synthes is

of Science, Religion & Philos ophy –
Doll Programming, PsyOps (Mind Control) For Masses H.P. Blavats ky

Red Ice Creations

“Be Like Mike” iconic Gatorade commercial Satan: Prince of This World

Secret Societies

Snippits & Slappits

The Indus try Expos expos es

occult, NWO in Hip Hop

The RR Black Nobility, MK-Ultra,


Palin Propaganda
C4P primary Palin Propaganda blog
Motivation Truth Adrienne Ros s

Team Sarah Fdr. Jane Abram/Marjorie

Dannenfels er

Unified Intel Agencies

Sometimes I dream C.I.A. Crooks , Incompetents ,
That he is me As s holes

You’ve got to see that’s how I dream to be DIA Defens e Intel Agency

I dream I move, I dream I groove KGB Komitet Gos udars tvennoy

Bez opas nos ti
Like Mike
If I could Be Like Mike
Mos s ad
Like Mike
NSA (Natl. Sec. Agency) MK-Ultra
Oh, if I could Be Like Mike
Oh, if I could Be Like Mike
Nerve Center
Be Like Mike, Be Like Mike
O NI O ffice of Naval Intel
Again I try
US Army Intel
Just need to fly
For just one day if I could
Be that way YouTube Channel
I dream I move Es oteric Kitten Hollywood O ccult
Practices & Monarch Prog.
I dream I groove
Frequency Fence reptillian s hape-
Like Mike
s hifting analys is
If I could Be Like Mike
From Babel To Ireland NWO , Illuminati
I wanna be, I wanna be info
Like Mike intheknow7 Expos ing Global
Oh, if I could Be Like Mike Management Team

Lylyth TV great collection of NWO

MK “triggering” word “Dream” appears (6) times in song causing people not to info
want to “be like” Mike, but actually be Michael Jordan (assume an ALTER) … Matrix O f Exis tence NWO compilation
expos e
14,641 Gatorade Bottles For Mike Pop Culture Pas tor occult s ymbolis m
in culture
* * *
Rome Reports Vatican propaganda
ITKEK7 Certified MK’s: Michael James Jordan
The Forerunner777 Illuminati Hip Hop
& New Age Agenda
Monarch Slave (BETA) Sex Kitten User/Abuser
April 2011
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
« Mar

FEMA Camps
H.R. 2647 National Defens e Authoriz ation
Act For Fis cal Year 2010 Bas ically foreign
troops fr Aus tralia, Canada, Mexico, UK
brought to U.S. us e GPS coordinates to help
impos e martial law “in the event of a
terroris t incident” in U.S. -- locate/arres t
domes tic terroris ts (as defined by Attorney

MJ w/ MKd Yve tte Prie to @Pre side nts Cup Fina l

General Eric Holder) taken to military
Ro und ins tallations , held in detention in FEMA
concentration camp-s tyle facilities ...USA!
THIS BILL IS LAW as of 01/06/2010
H.R. 645: National Emergency Centers
Es tablis hment Act Budgeted $180M by Sen.
Robert Byrd, Chmn Appropriations Cmmte
(Sen. Byrd identified by MK-Ultra s urvivor
Cathy O ’Brien as her
mas ter/handler/torturer) Not later than 1 yr
after enactment of Act, Secy of Homeland
Sec (Vaderland in German), acting jointly w/
Secy of Defens e (Chief War Monger) s hall
s ubmit to Congres s report containing ea.
des ignated s ite-- (A) finaliz ed info detailing
trans fer of control of the s ite (B) finaliz ed
cooperative agreement for es tablis hment of
national emergency center at s ite
See FEMA camp locations
MKd Yve tte Prie to & MK'd Elin No rde g re n (Tig e r v=Vxd_hs iZ1Ak
Wo o ds e x-Ha ndle r)

Re po rte dly Jo rdan is “ he lping he r to re - e s tablis h he r cre dit” with purchas e o f this Miami ho me (re ad Topics of Interest
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Deprogramming for
352,254 has begun!
Jo rda n & Yve tte Prie to @ Ha ll o f Fa me Induc tio n

MK’d Mariah Care y

MKd Ma ria h Ca re y Chic a g o Bulls (23)

Jo rda n
MKd Ma ria h Ca re y Bull (23) Jo rda n; sho e s in Air
Jo rda n mo tif
MKd Ma ria h Ca re y Bulls (23) Jo rda n mo tif; no te
Air Jo rda n de sig n o f he e ls
Wiz a rd (pra c titio ne r o f Bla c k Arts)
MKd Ma ria h Ca re y Wiz a rds (23) Jo rda n mo tif
MKd Ma ria h Ca re y Jo rda n tribute
OK…sporting a huge diamond Monarch Butterfly ring on her right hand, while standing in a
pentagram within a circle which is Black Mass (red/black) Color Coded and dripping in diamonds,
singing about Hero (He-ru) worship; Marionette (Doll) Prog’mg for the masses! Could they be any
more obvious? The s e Occult-lade n s e ts (s tage s ) are S atanic Rituals be ing e nacte d…
Jo rda n w/ MKd buddy Eldric k "To nt" Tig e r Wo o ds

IT KEK7 Ce rtifie d MK’s : T ig e r Wo o ds & Elin No rde g re n

fore ns ic re s e arch from MindControlAs s as s ins on Eldrick “Tont” Tige r Woods
Jo rda n w/MKd Mic ha e l Ja c kso n (no w de c e a se d)

GMT likes to showcase MK’s in pairings and groups reinforcing Marionette (Doll) Prog’mg and
also as a brazen display of their ability to deceive the masses. Michael Jackson’s vids were always
Occult laden and the pattern holds true here — see what you can decode other than Jordan’s Black
Mass (red/black) motif and Jackson’s Monarch (orange/black/white) Color Coding…

stills from JAM video…

ITKEK7 Ce rtifie d Monarch S lave s : Michae l Jacks on

* * *

The Artistry of Michael Jordan: compiled by Hoopsencyclopedia (Best Jordan

comps on the web)
Part 1

Double team, triple team or the whole team; left hand, right hand, inside, outside,
home, away, healthy or sick — it just didn’t matter, he performed like a MACHINE
on auto-pilot…

Part 2
Jordan’s Best Moves: compiled by Hanamichi
Balthus (excellent Jordan fan Channel)

Favorite Ball Fake “Where Did He Go?”

Favorite Block 38-yrs old; chase-down block/steal/rebound in one play!

“I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a more beautiful combination of mind, body and
spirit” – Bill Clinton (MK User/Abuser)

Jo rda n & Bilde rbe rg e r MK

Use r/Abuse r Clinto n

Bill Clinton’s Occult Numerology Comments on Jordan’s Comeback

listen as he throws out those sixes…(6+1)=7…then another (6+1)=7 and (1) So it’s
(7+7+1)=15, which is (1+5) = (6) blatant Occult Numerology Shout Out from Bilderberger
Slick Willie — male 1/2 of BILLARY…

Phil Jackson commenting on Michael Jordan’s Hall of Fame Selection

Classic Intro to Michael Jordan’s final game vs. 1976rs
Classic Intro to Michael Jordan’s final game vs. 1976rs

Last game April 16, 2003
Emotional Hall of Fame Speech
ITKEK7 Certified MK’s: Michael James Jordan

* * *


National Basketball Association

NBA Encyclopedia “By Acclamation Michael Jordan Greatest Basketball Player Of

All Time” G.O.A.T.

Triple Post Offense

USA Today “Lab Mistakes Revive Questions About Murder of Jordan’s Father”

Larry Jordan Dunking

How Creating Michael Jordan Almost Ruined Basketball

I Wanna Be Like Mike Lyrics

Be Well & Stay Vigilant

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Filed under MK-Ultra Monarch Programming , 7 Comments

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7 Responses to Air Jordan (His Airness)

MK-Ultra? You Make The Call (VIDEO)

May 9, 2011 at 5:06 AM

Brilliant work again ITK.

Yay I can post on your site again without waiting 20 minutes for the page to
load (and then crash my browser).

I also was not aware of Jordans family history re sexual abuse. As you say the
signs are always there for all to see but how many want to block out the
possibility that everything they see on TV is carefully co-ordinated HOAX and
fully controlled by EVIL?

Some who aware of NWO and the wider conspiracy STILL dont want to accept
implications of MK and the llike coz its just….too fantastic? Too out there?

Question only needs to be asked IS IT POSSIBLE?? If answer is YES then they

MUST be doing it as scripture states.

(Jeremiah 17:9) The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked:
who can know it?

ABOVE ALL THINGS! Animal mineral or vegetable…nothing tops the human

heart for wickedness and deceit. If they can do it (and it has been proved
without any doubt they can) then they WILL utiliz e it.

And there is far worse to come. With the steady move of the Church into the
areas of eastern arts to open up the pineal gland, the snare is closing for
MASSIVE deception in the end times. Add to this the weakening of the
populations through POISENING of all kinds (Chemtrails, modified foods etc)
and we have a recipe for a ‘second coming’ (Aliens OR Jesus) deception to end
all deceptions.

Stay grounded in the Word of God people. Nothing can touch you if you stay
close to Him.

Excellent work again ITK. I get the updates thru mail but havn’t been
commenting as I said the page tends to crash my comp when it gets loaded up
like your last post. Our fault for bunging loads of video in there I

Regards and keep up the great work.

In Christ. Strangelove.

P.S. Part 04 on my doco series on the satanic Noahide laws here:

(I’ll just post the address you can paste it into your browser bar so it doesnt
clunk up yer page ITK ok?)

0 0 Rate This


May 9, 2011 at 7:53 AM

“the heart is deceitful, who can know it”

When you’re not “anchored” you’ll be tossed to and fro by every whim and

Tx…didn’t realiz e pg loads were that bad — running FF (IE is a disaster)

and its fine, Flinstone era WordPress editing functions are aggravating…I
don’t mind pg being “clunked up” w/good Intel Eventually I’ll Disqus for
comment management (collective groan for un-kept promises)

Be Well & Stay Vigilant
0 0 Rate This


April 29, 2011 at 3:56 PM

I didn’t know that Jordan’s father was military; and about the systematic trauma
sexual abuse of his sister. Take a good look at the new “Queen of the
Illuminati”, Mo’nique. She was also a victim of MK ULTRA systematic trauma
sexual abuse as a child. I was also surprised that Tyler Perry admitted on the
Oprah Show to systematic (scientific) trauma sexual abuse as a child in a formal
hospital setting. I speculated that he had been MPD’s at Tulane University.
Wendy Williams (Wendy Williams’ Show-BET) is also beginning to flash more
and more illuminati hand signs. She identifies with “Wonder Woman!” They’re all
related. Also, Sirhan Sirhan has put MK ULTRA mind control programming, Girl
with the Polka Dot Dress, back on the headlines this morning. Thanks for the
leads and good quality of your work. It encourages me to keep at it. It gets a
little lonely out here at times.

Thanks so much, Princeray


1 0 Rate This


April 29, 2011 at 4:25 PM

The more I dig, the deeper it gets! It’s really unsettling to discover that so
many of your heroes (idols) are not even “real” people, but human robots
following a script, like behavioral software…

Wendy Williams folder coming up soon…Tx!

“Thanks for the leads and good quality of your work. It encourages me to keep
at it. It gets a little lonely out here at times…”
Right Back At Cha

2 0 Rate This


April 28, 2011 at 5:13 PM

Nice once again.

2 0 Rate This


April 28, 2011 at 11:14 PM

Thank You Dear…

0 0 Rate This


April 26, 2011 at 8:48 PM
As one of the most celebrated, marketed, adored and yes…worshiped athletes
of our time, GMT successfully engineered yet another Marionette (Doll)
Prog’md Puppet Show on a global scale. Whenever they expose themselves,
they provide examples of how far Monarch Prog’mg has come, and the degree
to which its almost undetectable, but for the clues they ALWAYS leave —
blueprints and patterns will always be visible because it’s a FORMULA…

“…if it were possible, it would deceive even the very elect…”

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