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Pengajar : Ari Sukmawibowo

 Web Engineering
 Web Engineering (Definisi dan contoh)
 Memulai Proyek Aplikasi Web
 Analisa Aplikasi Web
 Rancangan / Design Aplikasi Web
 Pengujian / Testing Aplikasi Web

 Manajemen Proyek Perangkat Lunak

 Manajemen Proyek (Project Management)
 Metrics Proses dan Proyek
 Estimasi
 Penjadwalan Proyek
 Manajemen Resiko
 Manajemen Kualitas
 Manajemen Perubahan
Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 2
What is Web???
Sekumpulan documents yang berada di dalam Internet server
yg menggunakan HTTP protokol dan dpt di akses secara
mudah dengan sebuah klik.

Pertama kali ditemukan oleh Tim Berners Lee ketika sedang

menjadi peneliti di CERN.

Web Engineering:
Beberapa prinsip, konsep dan metode dari RPL dapat di
aplikasikan pada pengembangan Web tapi tidak semua.

Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 2

Aplikasi web:
Sebuah aplikasi di dalam server (server side) yang menggunakan
standard HTTP dan dapat berinteraksi menggunakan browser.

Dalam membuat sebuah aplikasi web yg perlu dilakukan

adalah pengembangan dan memberlakukan standard yg ada
pada Web (

Teknologi yang digunakan dalam membuat aplikasi web :

HTML,XML, CSS, JavaScript, dll

Contoh Aplikasi Web?

Flight Reservation, news, social media, industry (warehouse

Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 2

 Lower Cost ???
 Information is accessible anywhere in the world, 24 / 7.
 Always up-to-date
 Web based documentation eliminates costly and wasteful
distribution of printed materials
 Public users can be given responsibility to maintain their own
details online, saving costly staff time.
 Employees or agents located at different locations, on the
road or even abroad, all have direct access to current
 Online assessments allow easy collection & management of

Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 2

 Slower, as run over the internet
 Interfaces not as sophisticated
 Can take longer to develop as they are more
complex, have to work on different browsers, and
different versions of browsers.
 Security risks

Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 2

WebApp Categories:
•Informational —read-only content -- simple navigation and links
•Download —a user downloads information from the appropriate server
•Customizable —the user customizes content to specific needs
•Interaction —communication among a community of users occurs via chatroom,
bulletin boards, or instant messaging
•user input —forms-based input is the primary mechanism for communicating
•transaction-oriented —the user makes a request (e.g., places an order) that is
fulfilled by the WebApp
•service-oriented —the application provides a service to the user, e.g., assists
the user in determining a mortgage payment
•Portal —the application channels the user to other Web content or services
outside the domain of the portal application
•database access —the user queries a large database and extracts information
•data warehousing —the user queries a collection of large databases and
extracts information
acce p t an ce t e s t
cu s t o m e r u s e
cu s t o m e r e valu at io n co d in g
co m p o n e n t t e s t
•Customer Communication Re le as e
s of t wa r e inc r e m e nt
Business analysis & formulation
Pemberian tugas dan time re fact o rin g
Design (rancangan)
•Construction d e s ig n m o d e l
Implementasi cont e nt
•Deployment an alys is m o d e l archit e ct ure
navigat ion
cont e nt
Siap diluncurkan ke user b u s in e s s an alys is it e rat ion int e rf ace
fo rm u lat io n f un ct ion
it e rat io n p lan conf igurat ion

Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 2

WebE—Basic Questions
 How important is a Web site home page?

 What is the most effective page layout (e.g., menu on top, on the

right or left?) and does it vary depending upon the type of

WebApp being developed?
 Which media options have the most impact?

 How much work can we expect a user to do when he or she is

looking for information?

 How important are navigational aids when WebApps are complex?

 How complex can forms input be before it becomes irritating for

the user? How can forms input be expedited?

 How important are search capabilities?

 Will the WebApp be designed in a manner that makes it

accessible to those who have physical or other disabilities?

 Susan Weinshenk

Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 2

WebE—Best Practices
 Take the time to understand the business needs and product objectives,

even if the details of the WebApp are vague.

 Describe how users will interact with the WebApp using a scenario-based

use case diagram sudah mendiskripsikan dgn baik aktor2 yg akan berinteraksi
 Develop a project plan, even it its very brief.
 Spend some time modeling what it is that you’re going to build.
gunakan notasi UML dan sequence diagram utk memberikan pandangan tentang
Aplikasi web
 Review the models for consistency and quality.
 Use tools and technology that enable you to construct the system with as
many reusable components as possible.
 Don’t rely on early users to debug the WebApp—design comprehensive
tests and execute them before releasing the system.
lakukan pengujian  luncurkan !!!


Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 2


Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 2

Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 2
Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 2

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